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Canada, Atomic Energy of. Mortality Among Long-Term Chalk River Employees. S.l: s.n, 1986.

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Farissi, Inass El. Décisions financières de long terme. Paris: Economica, 2011.

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Katus, Kalev. Long-term mortality trend in the Baltic countries. Tallinn: Estonian Interuniversity Population Research Centre, 2000.

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Glachant, Jérôme. Investissements et investisseurs de long terme: Rapport. Paris: Documentation Française, 2010.

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Almond, Douglas. How did schooling laws improve long-term health and lower mortality? Chicago, Ill.]: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 2006.

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Gestion financière à long terme: Investissements et financement. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2007.

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Walque, Damien de. The long-term legacy of the Khmer Rouge period in Cambodia. [Washington, D.C: World Bank, 2004.

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Costa, Dora L. Scarring and mortality selection among Civil War POWS: A long-term mortality, morbidity and socioeconomic follow-up. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010.

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Bootsma, A. Tendances climatiques à long terme pour l'agriculture à Ottawa (Ontario). Ottawa: Centre de recherches sur les terres et les ressources biologiques, 1995.

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Paniccià, Renato. Short- and long-term determinants of cardiovascular mortality: An econometric assessment of the working age population in Russia, 1965-95. Helsinki: World Institute for Development Economics Research, 1997.

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santé, Ontario Ministère de la. Les partenariats dans les soins de longue durée: Un nouveau moyen de planifier, d'administrer et d'offrir des services et du soutien communautaire : directives d'établissement des organismes de services polyvalents. Toronto, Ont: Ministère de la santé, 1993.

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Ontario. Horizon 2025: Une évaluation des perspectives à long terme de l'Ontario. Ottawa, Ont: Ministère des finance, 2005.

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Détruire la Palestine: Les plans à long terme des faucons israéliens. Montréal: Éditions Écosociété, 2003.

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Cook, Philip J. Are alcohol excise taxes good for us?: Short and long-term effects on mortality rates. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005.

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Caselli, Graziella. Long-term trends in European mortality: English translation of a paper presented at the European Population Conference, Paris, 21-25 October 1991. London: HMSO, 1994.

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Hervo-Akendengue, Corentin. Gabon: Les droits de l'homme : une stratégie à long terme, 1992-2002. [Libreville]: Ministère des affaires étrangères, de la coopération et de la francophonie, 2002.

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Schultz, Mark. Changing forest structure and composition in Glacier Bay National Park long-term Spruce Beetle mortality plots. Anchorage, AK (3301 C Street, Suite 522, Anchorage, 99503): USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, State and Private Forestry, 2001.

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Cornia, Giovanni Andrea. Health status and health policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: A long-term perspective. Helsinki: UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research, (UNU/WIDER), 1997.

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John, Robert. The NICOA report: Health and long-term care for Indian elders. Washington, D.C: National Indian Policy Center, 1996.

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Comolet, Arnaud. Prospective à long terme de la déprise agricole et environnement: Document de synthèse. Paris: Institut pour une politique européenne de l'environnement, 1989.

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Brais, Suzanne. Impacts des opérations forestières sur la productivité à long terme des écosystèmes forestiers. [Québec]: Unité de recherche et de développement forestiers de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, 1994.

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(Canada), Comité fédéral-provincial-territorial des hauts fonctionnaires (aînés) pour les ministres responsables des aînés. Soins de longue durée à l'intention des aînés: Des modèles innovateurs des meilleures pratiques. Ottawa, Ont: Santé Canada, 1999.

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Costa, Dora L. Unequal at birth: A long-term comparison of income and birth weight. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1997.

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Berger, Louise. Soins gériatriques: Problèmes complexes et interventions autonomes. Montréal, Qué: Études vivantes, 1991.

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Fillion, Jean-François. L' endettement du Canada et ses effets sur les taux d'intérêt réels de long terme. Ottawa: Bank of Canada, 1996.

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Corak, Miles. Décès et divorce: Les conséquences à long terme de la perte parentale chez les adolescents. Ottawa, Ont: Direction des études analytiques, Statistique Canada, 1999.

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Keho, Yaya. Analyse retrospective de lʼequite sociale et esquisse dʼimages a long terme de la societe ivoirienne. [Abidjan, Cote dʼIvoire]: CAPEC, 2009.

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Québec cherche Québécois pour relation à long terme et plus: Comprendre les enjeux de l'immigration. Montréal (Québec): Stanké, 2013.

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Fanokhyar, Forough. An epidemiological study of inflammatory bowel disease: Incidence, mortality, short-term and long-term prognosis in three centres in England during the years 1977-1993. Wolverhampton: University of Wolverhampton, 1996.

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Charlotte, Eliopoulos, and Mathieu Pierrette, eds. Guide de planification des soins infirmiers, soins prolongés. Montréal, Qué: Lidec, 1991.

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Canada. Office national de l'énergie. Enquête sur la délivrance de licences d'exportation à long terme de la production des sables bitumineux. Calgary, Alta: Office national de l'énergie, 1993.

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Collion, Marie-Hélène J. Une démarche de conception d'un programme à long terme: Avec établissement des priorités et affectation desressources humaines. La Haye: Service International pour la Recherche Agricole Nationale, 1991.

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L'industrie comme moteur de croissance économique à Madagascar: Identification d'une relation de long terme et de causalité. 2nd ed. Antananarivo: CREAM, 2014.

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Canada. Agriculture et agroalimentaire Canada. Programme d'approvisionnement en eau Canada-Manitoba: Assurer l'accès à long terme à de l'eau de bonne qualité. [Ottawa: Agriculture et agroalimentaire Canada], 2004.

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Laboratoire de lutte contre la maladie (Canada). Guide de prévention des infections pour les établissements de soins prolongés. Ottawa, Ont: Ministère de la santé nationale et du bien-être social, 1994.

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Naess, Halvor. Long-term prognosis. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Knowledge of prognosis is important for patients in the prime of life in order to make informed decisions about treatment, choice of education, and profession. Median first-year mortality after first-ever cerebral infarction among young adults is about 4% while median annual average mortality after the first year is about 1.7%. Likewise, median first-year recurrence rate of cerebral infarction is 2% and thereafter 1.5% per year. Risk factors for recurrent cerebral infarction include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, symptomatic atherosclerosis, and smoking. Recurrent cerebral infarction and mortality are associated with increasing number of traditional risk factors. About 10% of patients develop post-stroke seizures within 6 years of the acute stroke. Almost 90% of patients report good functional outcome (modified Rankin Scale score ≤2) on long-term follow-up, but up to 30–50% of patients do not resume employment. Many patients have cognitive impairment. Fatigue and depression are also common on long-term follow-up.
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Mulder, Barbara, Berton Bouma, and Michiel Winter. Long-term outcomes. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Due to tremendous improvements in corrective surgery, and medical therapy, survival of patients with congenital heart disease has improved dramatically over the past decades, with an estimated 95% of such patients in the Western world currently reaching adulthood. Nonetheless, patients with congenital heart disease have decreased long-term outcomes in terms of morbidity and mortality compared to their healthy counterparts.
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Herring, Scott, and Lee Wallace, eds. Long Term. Duke University Press, 2021.

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The contributors to Long Term use the tension between the popular embrace and legalization of same-sex marriage and the queer critique of homonormativity as an opportunity to examine the myriad forms of queer commitments and their durational aspect. They consider commitment in all its guises, particularly relationships beyond and aside from monogamous partnering. These include chosen and involuntary long-term commitments to families, friends, pets, and coworkers; to the care of others and care of self; and to financial, psychiatric, and carceral institutions. Whether considering the enduring challenges of chronic illnesses and disability, including HIV and chronic fatigue syndrome; theorizing the queer family as a scene of racialized commitment; or relating the grief and loss that comes with caring for pets, the contributors demonstrate that attending to the long term offers a fuller understanding of queer engagements with intimacy, mortality, change, dependence, and care. Contributors. Lisa Adkins, Maryanne Dever, Carla Freccero, Elizabeth Freeman, Scott Herring, Annamarie Jagose, Amy Jamgochian, E. Patrick Johnson, Jaya Keaney, Heather Love, Sally R. Munt, Kane Race, Amy Villarejo, Lee Wallace
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Décisions financières à long terme. Smg, 1995.

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Cancers: Pronostics à long terme. Paris: Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, 2005.

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Eber. Les relations de long terme banque-entreprise. Vuibert, 1999.

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Laulanié, Jean-François de. Les placements de l'épargne à long terme. Economica, 2002.

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Laulanié, Jean-François de. Les placements de l'épargne à long terme. ECONOMICA, 2003.

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Hochman, Michael E. Long-Term Impact of Bariatric Surgery. Edited by Danny Sherwinter. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter provides a summary of a landmark study in abdominal surgery. Does bariatric surgery in obese individuals reduce mortality? Starting with that question, it describes the basics of the study, including funding, year study began, year study was published, study location, who was studied, who was excluded, how many patients, study design, study intervention, follow-up, endpoints, results, and criticism and limitations. The chapter briefly reviews other relevant studies and information, gives a summary and discusses implications, and concludes with a relevant clinical case involving possible bariatric surgery, including gastric banding, vertical banded gastroplasty, or gastric bypass, for an obese man who has not had success with dieting.
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Long Term Trends in European Mortality (Studies on Medical & Population Subjects). Stationery Office Books, 1994.

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Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants. Statement and Report on Long-term Effects of Particles on Mortality. Stationery Office Books, 2002.

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Baldwin, Matthew, and Hannah Wunsch. Mortality after Critical Illness. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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Many critically ill patients now survive what were previously fatal illnesses, but long-term mortality after critical illness remains high. While study populations vary by country, age, intervention, or specific diagnosis, investigations demonstrate that the majority of additional deaths occur in the first 6 to 12 months after hospital discharge. Patients with diagnoses of cancer, respiratory failure, and neurological disorders leading to the need for intensive care have the highest long-term mortality, while those with trauma and cardiovascular diseases have much lower long-term mortality. Use of mechanical ventilation, older age, and a need for care in a facility after the acute hospitalization are associated with particularly high 1-year mortality among survivors of critical illnesses. Due to challenges of follow-up, less is known about causes of delayed mortality following critical illness. Longitudinal studies of survivors of pneumonia, stroke, and patients who require prolonged mechanical ventilation suggest that most debilitated survivors die from recurrent infections and sepsis. Potential biologic mechanisms for increased risk of death after a critical illness include sepsis-induced immunoparalysis, intensive care unit-acquired weakness, neuroendocrine changes, poor nutrition, and genetic variance. Studies are needed to fully understand how the severity of the acute critical illness interacts with comorbid disease, pre-illness disability, and pre-existing and acquired frailty to affect long-term mortality. Such studies will be fundamental to improve targeting of rehabilitative, therapeutic, and palliative interventions to improve both survival and quality of life after critical illness.
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Les valeurs des européens. les tendances de long terme. Futuribles Revue, 2002.

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Audouin, Ludmila, Xavier Colin, Bruno Fayolle, and Emmanuel Richaud. Polymères en Ambiance Nucléaire: Comportement à  Long Terme. EDP Sciences, 2021.

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Kahn, Jeremy M. The Role of Long-Term Ventilator Hospitals. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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Long-term ventilator facilities play an increasingly important role in the care of chronically critically ill patients in the recovery phase of their acute illness. These hospitals can take several forms, depending on the country and health system, including �step-down� units within acute care hospitals and dedicated centres that specialize in weaning patients from prolonged mechanical ventilation. These hospitals may improve outcomes through increased clinical experience at applying protocolized weaning approaches and specialized, multidisciplinary, rehabilitation-focused care; they may also worsen outcomes by fragmenting the episode of acute care across multiple hospitals, leading to communication delays and hardship for families. Long-term ventilator facilities may also have important �spillover effects�, in that they free ICU beds in acute care hospitals to be filled with greater numbers of acute critically ill patients. Current evidence suggests that mortality of chronically critically ill patients is equivalent between acute care hospitals and specialized weaning centres; however, mechanical ventilation may be longer and cost of care higher in patients who remain in acute care hospitals. Given the rising incidence of prolonged mechanical ventilation and capacity constraints on acute care ICUs, long-term ventilator hospitals are likely to serve a key function in critical illness recovery.
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