Academic literature on the topic 'Morphometric maps'

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Journal articles on the topic "Morphometric maps"


Vasylenko, Anna. "Morphometric analysis of the relief of the Povcha Upland." Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, no. 54 (November 26, 2020): 12–23.

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The interest in the Povcha Upland is not accidental. There has been almost no specialized research and the existing stock information does not reflect the real situation of modern relief; there is a need for more detailed research. Morphometric analysis of the relief is one of the most effective methods for its study. The use of GIS technologies and digital elevation models makes it possible to create thematic maps of the most essential morphometric relief indicators. Methods of digital elevation modelling were used during morphometric relief analysis. It allowed us to characterise this area by quantitative and qualitative indicators of relief. The key morphometric indicators of the relief of Povcha Upland are highlighted. A series of morphometric maps was made using ArcMap. Based on the digital elevation model of SRTM using GIS, the complex morphometric assessment of the Povcha upland territory is executed. Maps of hypsometry, slopes, aspect ratio, range relief and drainage density are constructed. Key words: Povcha Upland, digital elevation model, morphometry, hypsometry, slope, aspect, horizontal dismemberment of a relief, vertical dismemberment of a relief, GIS.
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Petrova, T. M. "MORPHOMETRIC MAPS OF GLACIAL SURFACE TOPOGRAPHY." Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing 22, no. 1 (January 1985): 63–71.

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Bermes, Andrii. "Morphometric relief features of Kremenets Mountains." Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, no. 49 (December 30, 2015): 3–13.

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Geomorphological structure and morphometric features of Kremenets Mountains are determined. The differences in geomorphic structure, morphometric parameters of individual sections of the study area are highlighted. The opportunity of the modelling of morphometric parameters using GIS technologies is considered. Certain regularities in the distribution of morphometric parameters on investigated area are revealed. Morphometric data processing and the construction of a series of morphometric maps using GIS-analysis and spatial modelling for Kremenets Mountains are done. A number of basic morphometric maps of the territory of Kremenets Mountains are constructed, namely horizontal and vertical partitioning of the territory, steepness of slopes and slope exposure. Based on the constructed maps certain regularities of geomorphological features of the territory of Kremenets Mountains, morphological features of the relief components are detected. The value of morphometric parameters could be used in complex morphogenetic analysis of the area of study. Key words: Kremenets Mountains, morphometric analysis, morphometric parameters, watershed, relict hills, GIS (geographic information systems), digital elevation models, horizontal partitioning, vertical partitioning, slopes, slope exposure.
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Marchak, A. "The methods morphometric analysis’ of basinal systems’ within mountain territories using GIS (case study of the Chornogora’s part of Prut’s basin)." Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography 2, no. 40 (December 12, 2012): 68–90.

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In the article is given the methods of fulfillment consecutive stages of the relief morphometric analysis of basinal systems' within mountain territories using software package ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 (case study of the Chornogora's part of Prut's basin). The results of fulfillment this algorithm is developed digital elevation model, range of analytical and synthetic morphometric maps and hypsographical profiles, circular charts, bar diagrams, plots and tables of relief's various morphometric parameters as well as apportionment for their further complex morphogenetical analysis. Key words: morphometric analysis of the relief, geoinformation systems, geoinformation data base, digital elevation models, morphometric parameters of the relief, analytical and synthetic morphometric maps.
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Sri Sulastriningsih, Helena, JC Kumaat, and Murnisulistyaningsih. "Analysis of Morphometric Changes in Tondano Lake Based on Bathymetric Maps." E3S Web of Conferences 328 (2021): 08018.

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This study aims to analyze changes in the morphometry of the lake bottom in a period of ten years, namely from 2006 to 2016. The analysis of morphometric changes is carried out by comparing two bathymetric maps from the mapping in 2006 and 2016. The morphometric aspects studied include the water surface area stated in km2, the volume of water (in m3) and the depth of the lake (in m). The results showed that within 10 years the surface of the lake water has decreased by 1.03 km2, while the total volume of lake water has increased by 10.41 m3. The average depth of the lake in a period of 10 years has barely changed significantly, only silting of about 0.01 meters. Judging from the contour pattern, it shows that there is a tendency for siltation to move not only towards the south but also towards the east. That means more sediment contributions come from the western region. The rain catchment area on the west side of the lake has a larger area when compared to the east side (Eris District). The sediment potential is greater from this area.
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Kozyreva, E. A., A. A. Rybchenko, and S. Demberel. "Morphometric analysis for flood flow formation feature identification (on example of Ulaanbaatar agglomeration)." Earth sciences and subsoil use 44, no. 4 (December 28, 2021): 458–70.

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Water flows with significant flow rate feature a high destructive force and can lead to catastrophic consequences. Fluvial processes caused by uneven distribution of rain precipitation over the area pose risks to the developed inland foothill territories. The purpose of this study is to carry out a quantitative morphometric analysis of the territory in order to identify the formation features of flood flows. The analysis and ranking of catchment basins are performed using a basin approach. On the basis of SRTM images and the use of stock cartographic material in the GIS program the authors have built specialized electronic maps that allow to obtain quantitative parameters reflecting the morphometry of the basins under analysis including basin geometry, drainage network and terrain relief. On example of the Ulaanbaatar agglomeration territory it is shown how initial morphometric parameters of basins and watercourses (length, width, area, perimeter, erosion dissection, drainage network density, terrain relief coefficient, Melton coefficient, etc.) form the features of flood flow. For developed territories, the initial data on the catchment basin morphometry constitute the basis for compilation of specialized maps to be used in planning and construction. The combination of morphometric indicators on the territory of the Ulaanbaatar agglomeration indicates that there is possibility of large flood formation and development of dangerous mudstone flows in some catchment basins.
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Mukaliyev, Zh К., and N. Е. Zhenysova. "Morphometric analysis of the relief in the assessment of soil erosion." BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Chemistry. Geography. Ecology Series 136, no. 3 (2021): 88–97.

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Morphometric analysis of the relief is one of the most effective methods of its study. The main sources of information for digital terrain modeling are large-scale topographic maps, materials of field instrumental surveys, as well as data from remote sensing of the Earth. The use of GIS technologies and digital terrain models makes it possible to create thematic maps of the most important morphometric relief indicators. There was carried out a morphometric analysis of the M&A relief using the digital relief model Alos Polsar Dem 12.5m, based on which derived models have constructed a hypsometric map, maps of slope angles, and slope exposures.
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MORIWAKI, Hiromu, and Tsuyoshi HATTANJI. "Morphometric analysis of landslides based on landslide maps." Landslides 39, no. 2 (2002): 244–52.

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Measurements of the shape or geometry of any natural form, including those of plants, animals, and relief features, are referred to as morphometry. Morphometry is the accurate measurement of landforms. One of the crucial requirements for effective management and planning of water resources within the watershed is an understanding of the behavior of the surface drainage network. In order to comprehend and interpret the dynamics of the watersheds drainage system and to understand the drainage network features, morphometric study of a watershed is a vital stage in watershed development and management. Watershed characterization includes morphometry as a key component. Aspects that are dimensional, aerial, and relief are typically present for the conservation of surface and ground water, watershed development and management strategies are crucial. Applying mathematical equations and statical measures to data from topographic maps and satellite images, morphometric attributes reflect a measurement of the earths surface and are processed in accordance with the principles of quantitative analysis. A study of drainage morphometry and its impact on the hydrology of the Mathugad watershed, Grahwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand (India) has been made. Total basin covers 77.12 sq km area. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data and on 1:50000 scale and Survey of India Toposheet as reference were utilized to create slope maps, aspect grids, and digital elevation models (DEMs) for the thorough investigation. Geographic information systems (GIS) were employed to assess the linear, areal, and relief aspects of the morphometric parameters. Numerous morphometric features of the Mathugad watershed have been intended by applying GIS techniques and using SRTM data. The research shows that the rainfall has a moderate to large impact on how stream segments develop in the basin area thrusting and faultings controlling influence is primarily responsible for the basins elongated structure. Relief ratio indicates that the discharge capability of these watersheds is very high and the groundwater potential is meager. Dendritic drainage pattern in the area shows that the area consists of homogeneous rock material which is structurally undisturbed. Form factor and circulatory ratio statics indicates basin shape is elongated the results clearly indicate relations among various morphometric attributes of the basin and help to understand their role in sculpturing the surface of the region. These studies are very useful for planning rainwater harvesting and watershed management.
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Çadraku, Hazir S. "Analyzing of Morphometric Parameters and Designing of Thematic Maps Using Raster Geoprocessing Tool." Civil Engineering Journal 8, no. 9 (September 1, 2022): 1835–45.

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GIS techniques, digital elevation models (DEM), raster geoprocessing tools, and software such as ArcMap are a quick and simultaneous solution for the assessment, measurement, and analysis of morphometric parameters of river basins. This paper aims to show the use of the Digital Elevation Model and the ArcGIS program for the analysis of morphometric parameters and the construction of a set of thematic maps needed for spatial planning, water resources management, and similar purposes. Through these techniques, 18 morphometric parameters were determined and analyzed in the study area, which is located in the central part of the Republic of Kosovo and covers an area of 38 km2, and 15 thematic maps were constructed. The altitude of the area varies from 544 m to 1019 m, the slope from <5% to > 24%, with a total number of stream segments of 601 and a drainage density of 5.02 km/km2. The analysis of morphometric parameters presents an important indicator regarding the space and other elements of the river basin. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-09-06 Full Text: PDF
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Morphometric maps"


Augoyard, Mathilde. "Covariation des tissus osseux et dentaires chez les humains modernes et tendances évolutives dans la lignée humaine." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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L’os cortical et la dentine sont deux tissus biologiques ayant des similarités dans leur architecture génétique, leur structure, leur composition et leur développement embryonnaire, qui ne sont pas partagées avec l'émail. Plusieurs observations permettent de suggérer l’existence d’un développement post-natal coordonné des deux tissus chez les hominines. Par exemple, les Néandertaliens présentent des volumes d'os cortical plus élevés dans leur squelette infra-crânien et une dentine plus robuste par rapport aux humains modernes, tandis que les volumes absolus d’émail sont similaires entre les deux taxons. L’étude des spécimens immatures néandertaliens montre que cette robustesse de l’os et de la dentine est déjà présente aux premiers stades du développement. Dans cette thèse, nous avons cherché à comprendre si les affinités structurelles et développementales entre l’os cortical et la dentine pouvaient induire un développement post-natal coordonné de ces deux tissus chez les humains modernes. Pour ce faire, nous avons mesuré la variation conjointe des volumes d’os cortical et de dentine dans un échantillon d’humains modernes, composé de 12 individus immatures et de 70 adultes. A partir d’acquisitions microtomographiques des os du bras, de l’avant-bras et de la denture antérieure maxillaire, nous avons mené une approche méthodologique combinant la quantification des volumes d'os cortical et de dentine avec l'analyse de leur distribution topographique. Nous mettons en évidence une désynchronisation entre le développement de l’os cortical et de la dentine pendant la croissance des individus immatures, se traduisant par une absence de covariation des volumes de tissus chez ces derniers. Une forte covariation os-dentine est observée chez les adultes, suggérant que le développement post-natal de ces deux tissus pourrait être influencé par des facteurs communs, une fois la maturation osseuse et dentaire achevée. Cette thèse montre notamment que le milieu hormonal joue un rôle prédominant dans le développement post-natal de ces tissus, tandis que l’histoire biomécanique du squelette semble avoir un impact plus limité sur leur développement. Une analyse préliminaire de la covariation os-dentine a été menée sur des individus chimériques de Paranthropus, d’Australopithecus et néandertaliens. La plupart des individus montrent une déviation par rapport à la relation os-dentine des humains modernes, caractérisée par des volumes de dentine plus élevés dans les taxons fossiles et des volumes d'os cortical similaires à ceux des humains modernes. Un ralentissement de la croissance et du développement a été décrit chez Homo sapiens par rapport aux hominines fossiles, pouvant expliquer la singularité de ce taxon dans cette relation os-dentine. Ce travail doctoral apporte une contribution originale à l’étude des volumes et de la distribution des tissus osseux et dentaires dans divers taxons hominines et offre une réflexion sur l’impact des facteurs génétiques, environnementaux et évolutifs agissant sur leur développement
Cortical bone and dentine are two biological tissues sharing a common genetic origin, overall structure, composition, and embryological development, distinct from those of enamel. Various observations suggest the possibility of coordinated postnatal development of these two tissues in hominins. For example, Neandertals display higher cortical bone volumes in their infra-cranial skeleton and greater dentine robustness compared to modern humans, while absolute enamel volumes are similar between the two taxa. Studies of immature Neandertal specimens indicate that their cortical bone and dentine robustness may be present from early developmental stages. In this doctoral research, we aimed to understand whether the structural and developmental affinities between cortical bone and dentine could lead to coordinated postnatal development of these tissues in modern humans. To this end, we measured the coordinated variation of cortical bone and dentine volumes in a sample of modern humans, comprising 12 immature individuals and 70 adults. Using microtomographic acquisitions of the arm, forearm bones, and anterior dentition, we conducted a methodological approach combining the quantification of cortical bone and dentine volumes with the analysis of their topographic distribution. Our results highlight a developmental desynchronization between cortical bone and dentine during the growth of immature individuals, leading to weak covariation between their cortical bone and dentine volumes. The bone-dentine covariation signal is stronger in adults, suggesting that common factors may influence postnatal development of these tissues once skeletal and dental maturation is achieved. This research highlights the predominant role of the hormonal milieu in the postnatal development of these tissues, while the biomechanical history of the skeleton appears to have a more limited impact. A preliminary analysis of bone-dentine covariation was conducted on chimeric individuals of Paranthropus, Australopithecus, and Neandertals. Most of these individuals deviate from the modern human bone-dentine relationship, characterized by higher dentine volumes in fossil taxa and cortical bone volumes similar to those of modern humans. A slowdown in growth and development has been described in Homo sapiens compared to fossil hominins, which may explain the unique bone-dentine relationship seen in this taxon. This doctoral thesis provides an original contribution to the study of bone and dental tissue volumes and distribution in various fossil and extant hominin taxa, offering insights into the impact of genetic, environmental, and evolutionary factors acting on their development
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Bouquety, Axel. "Etude morphométrique de la cryosphère ancienne de Mars : implications paléo-climatiques." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.

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Le climat primitif martien fascine la recherche martienne. Identifier avec le plus de précision possible les conditions primitives martiennes permettrait de contraindre les différents états de l’eau au cours de l’histoire martienne. Aujourd’hui deux hypothèses font débat, la première est celle d’un climat chaud et humide régnant à la surface de Mars à la fin du Noachien/début Héspérien. La deuxième, à l’inverse, semble indiquer que le climat aurait été froid et englacé sur les plus hautes altitudes martiennes. Néanmoins, cette deuxième hypothèse est souvent contestée, car contrairement à la présence de marqueur d’eau liquide à la surface de Mars, aucune morphologie de surface attestant d’un climat froid n’avait été identifiée. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons étudié de manière morphométrique les structures et morphologies à la surface de Terra Sabaea, qui constitue 1% de la superficie totale de la planète. Ces structures constituent des héritages morphologiques des activités climatiques passées. Afin de caractériser au mieux l’origine érosive de ces structures, nous avons créé une nouvelle méthode d’analyse morphométrique à partir de différentes méthodes terrestres et martiennes. Cette nouvelle méthode permet d’extraire plus de 20 données exploitables par vallée. Il a donc été question de mesurer un maximum de vallée afin d’établir une base de données que nous avons comparée avec des bases de données de morphologies terrestres et martiennes. Grâce à cette analyse, il a été possible de mettre en évidence, la présence d’un paysage glaciaire dans la région de Terra Sabaea. Ce paysage est composé de (1) vallées glaciaires liées avec (2) des cirques glaciaires. La source de cette glace semble être (3) des calottes de plateaux locales à des altitudes > 3500 m. Nous avons donc démontré pour la première fois la présence de morphologies glaciaires attestant d’un climat froid il y a 3.6 Ga. Néanmoins, la présence de telles morphologies n’indique pas que l’ensemble de Terra Sabaea était englacé. L’analyse morphométrique a démontré la présence de morphologie fluviatile géographiquement proche des morphologies glaciaires et souvent à la même altitude, entre 1500 et 3500 m. Cette observation nous a permis de mettre en évidence (4) que la pente était un facteur qui influençait sur l’état de l’eau. En effet, pour une même altitude, les morphologies fluviatiles sont situées sur les pentes douces (< 3°) alors que les morphologies glaciaires sont situées sur les remparts internes des cratères d’impacts présentant une forte pente (> 10°). Cependant (5) l’altitude semble également être un facteur déterminant puisque l’on ne retrouve pas de morphologie glaciaire à des altitudes < 1500 m. L’analyse des terrains de Terra Sabaea a également mis en évidence (6) qu’il existait un lien génétique entre les morphologies glaciaires de hautes altitudes et les vallées fluviatiles plus bas. En effet, il est possible de suivre une vallée qui prend sa source sur les hauts plateaux englacés en amont, jusqu’en aval où elle rejoint des morphologies témoignant d’une activité fluviatile. Cette continuité dans les morphologies glaciaires et fluviatiles permet (7) de mieux définir l’origine des vallées ramifiées, et notamment l’origine de Naktong vallis, et il semblerait que la fonte des glaces a joué un rôle dans leurs formations. De plus, cette continuité morphologique permet de supposer qu’il existait (8) un cycle de l’eau similaire à la Terre dans la région de Terra Sabaea il y a 3.6 Ga
The primitive Martian climate fascinates Martian research. Identifying Martian primitive conditions as accurately as possible would make it possible to constrain the different states of water during Martian history. Today two hypotheses are debated, the first is that of a hot and humid climate prevailing on the surface of Mars at the end of the Noachian / early Hesperian. The second, on the contrary, seems to indicate that the climate was cold and glacial on the highest Martian altitudes. Nevertheless, this second hypothesis is often disputed, because unlike the presence of liquid water marker on the surface of Mars, no surface morphology attesting to a cold climate had been identified. In this thesis, we studied morphometrically structures and morphologies on the surface of Terra Sabaea, which constitutes 1% of the total surface of the planet. These structures constitute morphological legacies of past climatic activities. In order to better characterize the erosive origin of these structures, we have created a new method of morphometric analysis from different terrestrial and Martian methods. This new method makes it possible to extract more than 20 exploitable data per valley. It was therefore a question of measuring a valley maximum in order to establish a database that we compared with databases of terrestrial and Martian morphologies. Thanks to this analysis, it has been possible to highlight the presence of an ice landscape in the Terra Sabaea region. This landscape is composed of (1) glacial valleys linked or not with (2) glacial cirques. The source of this ice appears to be (3) local plateau caps at altitudes> 3500 m. We thus demonstrated for the first time the presence of glacial morphologies attesting to a cold climate there are 3.6 Ga. Nevertheless, the presence of such morphologies does not indicate that the whole of Terra Sabaea was glaciated. Morphometric analysis has demonstrated the presence of fluvial morphology geographically close to glacial morphologies and often at the same altitude, between 1500 and 3500 m. This observation allowed us to highlight (4) that the slope was a factor influencing the state of the water. Indeed, for the same altitude, fluvial morphologies are located on gentle slopes (<3 °) while glacial morphologies are located on the inner walls of impact craters with a steep slope (> 10 °). However (5) altitude also seems to be a determining factor since we do not find glacial morphology at altitudes <1500 m. Terra Sabaea land analysis also revealed (6) that there is a genetic link between high altitude glacial morphologies and lower river valleys. Indeed, it is possible to follow a valley that has its source on the highlands glaciers upstream, downstream where it joins morphologies testifying to a fluviatile activity. This continuity in glacial and fluvial morphologies makes it possible (7) to better define the origin of branched valleys, and in particular the origin of Naktong vallis, and it seems that melting ice has played a role in their formations. Moreover, this morphological continuity makes it possible to suppose that there existed (8) a cycle of water similar to the Earth in the region of Terra Sabaea there is 3.6 Ga
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Jordan, Marie-Odile. "Mise en place du systeme racinaire du mais : definition et caracterisation au champ et en conditions controlees des parametres descriptifs du systeme racinaire, construction de l'organigramme d'un modele cinetique." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1986.

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Une analyse bibliographique montre que si l'architecture des parties aeriennes est bien connue chez le mais, il n'en est pas de meme du systeme racinaire. Nous avons donc entrepris un travail de synthese a ce sujet. Dans la premiere partie de cette etude, les parametres descriptifs de la structure racinaire sont definis. Leur evolution au cours du cycle est ensuite caracterisee en conditions habituelles de culture, et, en rhizotrons. Quatre categories de racines primaires ont pu etre mises en evidence
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Lindgren, Dan. "Form and Function of Coastal Areas." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Luft-, vatten och landskapslära, 2011.

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Coastal waters have high biological productivity and provide goods and services with a high monetary value. Coasts are used by many different stakeholders and are often densely populated. These factors put coastal ecosystems under heavy environmental pressure and place high demands on politicians and coastal managers, who need suitable tools to facilitate decision-making. Geographic information systems and predictive mass balance models are two such tools, and the form of coastal areas (morphometry) is an important component of both tools in coastal management. In this thesis it was shown that the form and function of coastal areas are interrelated in a number of ways. Morphometric parameters can be used to identify coastal areas that are more sensitive to pollution, or that potentially have higher ecological value; and morphometric analysis is an essential part of mass balance modeling. New ways of using morphometry for estimation of benthic production potential were presented and tested. It was shown that there are great differences in benthic production potential among Swedish coastal areas and regions. Different morphometric descriptors of openness were developed and tested; these can be used in habitat mapping or for prediction of sediment bottom types. Significant correlation was found between the morphometric properties of coastal areas, the proportion of accumulation bottom areas and the critical depth. Statistical models for prediction of accumulation bottom areas and critical depth were also obtained using multiple regression. Large differences were found in empirical values of bottom dynamic conditions from two different sources. Algorithms from a well tested mass balance model were adapted for modeling salt in the Baltic Sea. This enabled calculation of water exchange between five basins on a monthly time scale, which can be of use in future modeling studies. The study included morphometric analysis for structuring the model and for calculation of input data.
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Rivollier, Séverine. "Analyse d’image geometrique et morphometrique par diagrammes de forme et voisinages adaptatifs generaux." Thesis, Saint-Etienne, EMSE, 2010.

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Les fonctionnelles de Minkowski définissent des mesures topologiques et géométriques d'ensembles, insuffisantes pour la caractérisation, des ensembles différents pouvant avoir les mêmes fonctionnelles. D'autres fonctionnelles de forme, géométriques et morphométriques, sont donc utilisées. Un diagramme de forme, défini grâce à deux fonctionnelles morphométriques, donne une représentation permettant d'étudier les formes d'ensembles. En analyse d'image, ces fonctionnelles et diagrammes sont souvent limités aux images binaires et déterminés de manière globale et mono-échelle. Les Voisinages Adaptatifs Généraux (VAG) simultanément adaptatifs avec les échelles d'analyse, structures spatiales et intensités des images, permettent de pallier ces limites. Une analyse locale, adaptative et multi-échelle des images à tons de gris est proposée sous forme de cartographies des fonctionnelles de forme à VAG.Les VAG, définis en tout point du support spatial d'une image à tons de gris, sont homogènes par rapport à un critère d'analyse représenté dans un modèle vectoriel, suivant une tolérance d'homogénéité. Les fonctionnelles de forme calculées pour chaque VAG de l'image définissent les cartographies des fonctionnelles de forme à VAG. Les histogrammes et diagrammes de ces cartographies donnent des distributions statistiques des formes des structures locales de l'image contrairement aux histogrammes classiques qui donnent une distribution globale des intensités de l'image. L'impact de la variation des critères axiomatiques des VAG est analysé à travers ces cartographies, histogrammes et diagrammes. Des cartographies multi-échelles sont construites, définissant des fonctions de forme à VAG
Minkowski functionals define set topological and geometrical measurements, insufficient for the characterization, because different sets may have the same functionals. Thus, other shape functionals, geometrical and morphometrical are used. A shape diagram, defined thanks to two morphometrical functionals, provides a representation allowing the study of set shapes. In quantitative image analysis, these functionals and diagrams are often limited to binary images and achieved in a global and monoscale way. The General Adaptive Neighborhoods (GANs) simultaneously adaptive with the analyzing scales, the spatial structures and the image intensities, enable to overcome these limitations. The GAN-based Minkowski functionals are introduced, which allow a gray-tone image analysis to be realized in a local, adaptive and multiscale way.The GANs, defined around each point of the spatial support of a gray-tone image, are homogeneous with respect to an analyzing criterion function represented in an algebraic model, according to an homogeneity tolerance. The shape functionals computed on the GAN of each point of the spatial support of the image, define the so-called GAN-based shape maps. The map histograms and diagrams provide statistical distributions of the shape of the gray-tone image local structures, contrary to the classical histogram that provides a global distribution of image intensities. The impact of axiomatic criteria variations is analyzed through these maps, histograms and diagrams. Thus, multiscale maps are built, defining GAN-based shape functions
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Gao, Tingran. "Hypoelliptic Diffusion Maps and Their Applications in Automated Geometric Morphometrics." Diss., 2015.

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We introduce Hypoelliptic Diffusion Maps (HDM), a novel semi-supervised machine learning framework for the analysis of collections of anatomical surfaces. Triangular meshes obtained from discretizing these surfaces are high-dimensional, noisy, and unorganized, which makes it difficult to consistently extract robust geometric features for the whole collection. Traditionally, biologists put equal numbers of ``landmarks'' on each mesh, and study the ``shape space'' with this fixed number of landmarks to understand patterns of shape variation in the collection of surfaces; we propose here a correspondence-based, landmark-free approach that automates this process while maintaining morphological interpretability. Our methodology avoids explicit feature extraction and is thus related to the kernel methods, but the equivalent notion of ``kernel function'' takes value in pairwise correspondences between triangular meshes in the collection. Under the assumption that the data set is sampled from a fibre bundle, we show that the new graph Laplacian defined in the HDM framework is the discrete counterpart of a class of hypoelliptic partial differential operators.

This thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 1 is the introduction; Chapter 2 describes the correspondences between anatomical surfaces used in this research; Chapter 3 and 4 discuss the HDM framework in detail; Chapter 5 illustrates some interesting applications of this framework in geometric morphometrics.

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LOVATO, Christian. "Three-dimensional body scanning: methods and applications for anthropometry." Doctoral thesis, 2013.

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In questa tesi descriviamo i metodi informatici e gli esperimenti eseguiti per l’applicazione della tecnologia whole body 3D scanner in supporto dell’antropometria. I body scanner restituiscono in uscita una nuvola di punti, solitamente trasformata in mesh triangolare mediante l’uso di algoritmi specifici per supportare la visualizzazione 3D della superficie e l’estrazione di misure e landmarks antropometrici significativi. L’antropometria digitale è già stata utilizzata con successo in vari studi per valutare importanti parametri medici. L’analisi antropometrica digitale è solitamente eseguita utilizzando soluzioni software fornite dai costruttori che sono chiuse e specifiche per il prodotto, che richiedono attenzione nell’acquisizione e dei forti limiti sulla posa assunta dal soggetto. Questo può portare a dei problemi nella comparazione di dati acquisiti in diversi luoghi, nella realizzazione di studi multicentrici su larga scala e nell’applicazione di metodi avanzati di shape analysis sui modelli acquisiti. L’obiettivo del nostro lavoro è di superare questi problemi selezionando e personalizzando strumenti di processing geometrico capaci di creare un sistema aperto ed indipendente dallo strumento per l’analisi di dati da body scanner. Abbiamo inoltre sviluppato e validato dei metodi per estrarre automaticamente dei punti caratteristici, segmenti corporei e misure significative che possono essere utilizzate nella ricerca antropometrica e metabolica. Nello specifico, presentiamo tre esperimenti. Nel primo, utilizzando uno specifico software per l’antropometria digitale, abbiamo valutato la performance dello scanner Breuckmann BodySCAN nelle misure antropometriche. I soggetti degli esperimenti sono 12 giovani adulti che sono stati sottoposti procedure di antropometria manuale e digitale tridimensionale (25 misurazioni) indossando abbigliamento intimo attillato. Le misure duplicate effettuate da un’antropometrista esperto mostrano una correlazione r=0.975-0.999; la loro media è significativamente (secondo il test t di Student) diversa su 4 delle 25 misure. Le misure digitali effettuate in duplicato da un antropometrista esperto e da due antropometristi non esperti, mostrano indici di correlazione individuali r che variano nel range 0.975-0.999 e medie che che erano significativamente diverse in una misurazione su 25. La maggior parte delle misure effettuate dall’antropometrista esperto, manuali e digitali, mostrano una correlazione significativa (coefficiente di correlazione intra-classe che variano nell’intervallo 0.855-0.995, p<0.0001). Concludiamo che lo scanner Breuckmann BodySCAN è uno strumento affidabile ed efficace per le misure antropometriche. In un secondo esperimento, compariamo alcune caratteristiche geometriche facilmente misurabili ottenute dalle scansioni di femmine obese (BMI>30) con i parametri di composizione corporea (misurata con una DXA) dei soggetti stessi, per investigare quali misure dei descrittori di forma correlavano meglio con il grasso del torso e corporeo. I risultati ottenuti mostrano che alcuni dei parametri geometrici testati presentano una elevata correlazione, mentre altri non correlano fortemente con il grasso corporeo. Questi risultati supportano il ruolo dell’antropometria digitale nell’indagine sulle caratteristiche fisiche rilevanti per la salute, ed incoraggiano la realizzazione di ulteriori studi che analizzino la relazione tra descrittori di forma e composizione corporea. Infine, presentiamo un nuovo metodo per caratterizzare le superfici tridimensionali mediante il calcolo di una funzione chiamata “Area projection transform”, la quale misura la possibilità dei punti dello spazio 3D di essere il centro di simmetria radiale della forma a predeterminati raggi. La trasformata può essere usata per rilevare e caratterizzare in maniera robusta i regioni salienti (approssimativamente parti sferiche e cilindriche) ed è, quindi, adatta ad applicazioni come la detection di caratteristiche anatomiche. In particolare, mostriamo che è possibile costruire grafi che uniscono questi punti seguendo i valori massimali della MAPT (Radial Simmetry Graphs) e che questi grafi possono essere usati per estrarre rilevanti proprietà della forma o definire corrispondenze puntuali robuste nei confronti di problematiche quali parti mancanti, rumore topologico e deformazioni articolate. Concludiamo che le potenziali applicazioni della tecnologia della scansione tridimensionale applicata all’antropometria sono innumerevoli, limitate solo dall’abilità della conoscienza scientifica di connettere il fenomeno biologico con le appropriate descrizioni matematiche/geometriche.
In this thesis we describe the developed computer method and experiments performed in order to apply whole body 3D scanner technology in support to anthropometry. The output of whole body scanners is a cloud of points, usually transformed in a triangulated mesh through the use of specific algorithms in order to support the 3D visualization of the surface and the extraction of meaningful anthropometric landmarks and measurements. Digital anthropometry has been already used in various studies to assess important health-related parameters. Digital anthropometric analysis is usually performed using device-specific and closed software solutions provided by scanner manufacturers, and requires often a careful acquisition, with strong constraints on subject pose. This may create problems in comparing data acquired in different places and performing large-scale multi-centric studies as well as in applying advanced shape analysis tools on the captured models. The aim of our work is to overcome these problems by selecting and customizing geometrical processing tools able to create an open and device-independent method for the analysis of body scanner data. We also developed and validated methods to extract automatically feature points, body segments and relevant measurements that can be used in anthropometric and metabolic research. In particular we present three experiments. In the first, using specific digital anthropometry software, we evaluated the Breuckmann BodySCAN for performance in anthropometric measurement. Subjects of the experiment were 12 young adults underwent both manual and 3D digital anthropometry (25 measurements) wearing close-fitting underwear. Duplicated manual measurement taken by one experienced anthropometrist showed correlation r 0.975-0.999; their means were significantly different in four out of 25 measurements by Student’s t test. Duplicate digital measurements taken by one experienced anthropometrist and two naïve anthropometrists showed individual correlation coefficients r ranging 0.975-0.999 and means were significantly different in one out of 25 measurements. Most measurements taken by the experienced anthropometrist in the manual and digital mode showed significant correlation (intraclass correlation coefficient ranging 0.855-0.995, p<0.0001). We conclude that the Breuckmann BodyScan is reliable and effective tool for digital anthropometry. In a second experiment, we compare easily detectable geometrical features obtained from 3D scans of female obese (BMI > 30) subjects with body composition (measured with a DXA device) of the same subjects, in order to investigate which measurements on shape descriptors better correlate with torso and body fat. The results obtained show that some of the tested geometrical parameters have a relevant correlation, while other ones do not strongly correlate with body fat. These results support the role of digital anthropometry in investigating health-related physical characteristics and encourage the realization of further studies analyzing the relationships between shape descriptors and body composition. Finally, we present a novel method to characterize 3D surfaces through the computation of a function called Area Projection Transform, measuring the likelihood of points in the 3D space to be center of radial symmetry at selected scales (radii). The transform can be used to detect and characterize robustly salient regions (approximately spherical and cylindrical parts) and it is, therefore, suitable for applications like anatomical features detection. In particular, we show that it is possible to build graphs joining these points following maximal values of the MAPT (Radial Symmetry Graphs) and that these graphs can be used to extract relevant shape properties or to establish point correspondences on models robustly against holes, topological noise and articulated deformations. It is concluded that whole body scanning technology application to anthropometry are potentially countless, limited only by the ability of science to connect the biological phenomenon with the appropriate mathematical/geometrical descriptions.
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Books on the topic "Morphometric maps"


Kendra, Will. Morphometry of Lake Chelan. Olympia, WA: Water Quality Investigations Section, Washington State Dept. of Ecology, 1987.

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Reimold, Wolf Uwe, and Christian Koeberl, eds. Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI. Geological Society of America, 2021.

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This volume represents the proceedings of the homonymous international conference on all aspects of impact cratering and planetary science, which was held in October 2019 in Brasília, Brazil. This volume contains a sizable suite of contributions dealing with regional impact records (Australia, Sweden), impact craters and impactites, early Archean impacts and geophysical characteristics of impact structures, shock metamorphic investigations, post-impact hydrothermalism, and structural geology and morphometry of impact structures—on Earth and Mars. These contributions are authored by many of the foremost impact cratering researchers. Many contributions report results from state-of-the-art investigations, for example, several that are based on electron backscatter diffraction studies, and deal with new potential chronometers and shock barometers (e.g., apatite). Established impact cratering workers and newcomers to this field will both appreciate this multifaceted, multidisciplinary collection of impact cratering studies.
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Book chapters on the topic "Morphometric maps"


Lee, Loong Chuen, Nur Fatin Syuhada Binti Roslee, and Hukil Sino. "Evaluating Morphometric Feature Variability of Handwritten Numerals Among Malaysian Malays Using Self-organizing Maps." In Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, 387–94. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Chinmayi, B. Y., and H. Ramesh. "Evaluation of Morphometric Parameters of Drainage Networks Derived from Topographic Maps and DEM Using Geographical Information System—A Study on Semi-Arid River Basin, India." In Springer Hydrogeology, 279–91. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Bookstein, Fred L. "Statistical Analysis of Brain Maps: Some Lessons from Morphometrics." In Spatial Statistics: Methodological Aspects and Applications, 263–82. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2001.

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Zollikofer, Christoph P. E., and Marcia S. Ponce de León. "Computer-assisted morphometry of hominoid fossils: the role of morphometric maps." In Hominoid Evolution and Climatic Change in Europe, 50–59. Cambridge University Press, 2001.

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Dileep Kumar Reddy, B., G. Sivanatha Reddy, B. L. Niranjan Reddy, and S. Jyothirmayee. "DELINATION AND MORPHOLOGY ANALYSIS OF WATERSHED CATCHMENT AREAS OF TUGGALI MANDAL, KURNOOL DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH BY USING TOPOSHEET." In Futuristic Trends in Construction Materials & Civil Engineering Volume 3 Book 3, 181–93. Iterative International Publishers, Selfypage Developers Pvt Ltd, 2024.

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Land and water resources are scarce in nations like India, where the strain from an expanding population is constant, making extensive use of them necessary. Watersheds must be properly identified and prioritised within a large drainage basin for suitable natural resource planning and management for sustainable development. It is not only uneconomical, but also difficult to delineate prospective zones for the adoption of conservation measures above the entire watershed. The practise of identifying the ridge border encircling a water body or runoff outlet is known as "watershed delineation" on a geographical area. Understanding of the fundamentals of topographical watershed delineation (based on contours and runoff outflow). watershed mapping and Geomorphology uses morphometry analysis to make quantitative measurements of the physical properties of landforms. It is done primarily to comprehend the composition, development, and processes of the landscape. It is possible to link the runoff features to the morphometric parameters by analysing the flow pattern in the basin. In this study, the investigation of the flow pattern and the morphometric elements of the streams and landforms of the Girigetla, Rampalli, and Chennampalli Villages drainage are both addressed. Topographic maps at a resolution of 1:50000 were used to locate and analyse watershed boundaries. The drainage basin has an area of 100.7 km2. The areal aspects of morphometry—stream frequency, drainage density, form factor, circularity ratio, and elongation ratio—as well as the linear aspects—stream length ratio, stream order, stream length, and bifurcation ratio—were calculated for the drainage basins. The decision-making authorities can utilise the findings to develop and put the practises for managing the watershed into action.
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"Biometrics and Brain Maps: The Promise of the Morphometric Synthesis: Fred L. Bookstein." In Neuroinformatics, 209–60. Psychology Press, 2013.

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Skrobala, Viktor, and Sofiya Marutyak. "PECULIARITIES OF THE TERRITORY OF THE CITY OF LVIV (UKRAINE) AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE HYDROLOGICAL REGIME AND EROSION PROCESSES." In European vector of development of the modern scientific researches. Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2021.

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The object of research is the territory of the city of Lviv (Ukraine). Lviv (geographical coordinates: 49N50, 24E00) is the largest city in Western Ukraine, with a population of over 720,000 inhabitants. The city is located in the western part of the Volyn-Podilska Upland, on the line of the Main European Ridge of the Baltic and Black Sea basins. Subject of research is relief parameters (maximum, average and minimum heights, vertical dismemberment and steepness of the surface) and land use characteristics (building intensity, phytocenotic cover). The purpose of research is to study the features of the territory of Lviv from the standpoint of influence on the hydrological regime and erosion processes. Methodology. Peculiarities of the territory of Lviv were studied by processing topographic maps using aerial photography materials and route surveys. Morphometric analysis of the relief was performed on topographic maps of scale 1: 10000 by dividing the map into elementary squares with an area of 0.25 km2. The research covers an area of 100.25 km2 (401 elementary squares). Within the elementary squares, the maximum, average and minimum heights of the territory, the depth of local erosion bases, the average surface steepness, the intensity and nature of construction, and the features of vegetation were determined. Results. The territory of Lviv is characterized by a variety of relief conditions and related nature of surface use. On the basis of morphometric maps of maximum and minimum heights, vertical dismemberment and steepness of the surface, we can distinguish the flat peripheral part of the city and the middle band of elevations. The asymmetry of the territory of Lviv in relation to the watershed causes various potential dangers of erosion processes and related unproductive moisture losses. The intensity of construction increases from the periphery to the center, with the exception of modern multi-storey buildings of the Sykhiv massif and industrial areas in the western part of the city. Low specific weight of waterproof coatings is characterized by the eastern and northern parts of the city with a complex relief. The largest amount of greenery is concentrated in the eastern part of the city (Vysokyi Zamok Park, Shevchenkivskyi grove, Pohulyanka Forest Park, Lychakiv), where surfaces with maximum relative heights predominate. The great variety of the underlying surface on the territory of Lviv causes different conditions for the formation of surface runoff and associated unproductive moisture consumption. The high potential danger of erosion processes is primarily noted by the structural-denudation level of Roztochia, which is characterized by the highest values of surface steepness. Complex relief conditions, intensive anthropogenic impact determine the need for anti-erosion organization of the city and measures aimed at optimizing hydrological processes. Scientific novelty. One of the criteria that characterizes the degree of landscape transformation within the city is the intensity of construction, which is determined by the proportion of watertight areas in the overall balance of the territory. Peculiarities of spatial arrangement of elementary plots with different intensity of construction in combination with relief parameters and land use scheme are determined. Practical significance. Knowing the parameters of the terrain and the peculiarities of land use, it is possible to determine the potential intensity of erosion processes in the territory of Lviv, to assess the level of anthropogenic changes in the hydrological regime.
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Pandey, Shachi, Parmanand Kumar, Vijender Pal Panwar, and Raman Nautiyal. "Prioritization of Soil Erosion-Susceptible Sub-Watersheds Using Multi-Criteria Decision Method in the Lesser Himalayas." In Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies, 74–91. IGI Global, 2022.

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Watersheds in the Lesser Himalayan region are highly susceptible to natural hazards, particularly those instigated by action and movement of water, such as soil erosion, flood, and mass movements of lands. Hilly watersheds with diversified land use and fragile ecosystems are responsible for accelerating soil erosion. Soil erosion is one of the most implicit hazards as it degrades water and soil quality in a watershed. The study prioritizes the soil erosion-susceptible zones in the Tons river watershed (India) in the Lesser Himalayan region. The interrelationships and role of morphometry, soil quality, slope, and land use together as four components in soil erosion are studied. Remote sensing data and multi-criteria decision method (MCDM) framework has been used to estimate soil erosion susceptibility of sub-watersheds. Results showed that morphometric parameters like elongation ratio and slope of sub-watersheds play a major role in determining the state of erosion.
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Harrison, I. J. "Interface areas in small fish." In Miniature Vertebrates The Implications of Small Body Size, 15–46. Oxford University PressOxford, 1996.

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Abstract Morphometric relationships between selected body tissues and body mass are analysed for small gobies (Teleostei: Gobiodei). These species show large body surface areas relative to mass, which might be advantageous for facultative cutaneous respiration but potentially disadvantageous for osmoregulation and locomotion. Large body surface areas per unit mass and correlated drag forces could account for ‘transient’ modes of swimming in small fish. Some species show large mass-specific development of gill area and, in this respect, are thought to be paedomorphic. Gill development in miniature teleosts must be constrained ultimately by pharyngobranchial space and a compromise must be reached between gills and skin in respiratory and osmoregulatory roles.
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Rizzo, Vincenzo, Richard Armstrong, Hong Hua, Nicola Cantasano, Tommaso Nicolò, and Giorgio Bianciardi. "Life on Mars: Clues, Evidence or Proof?" In Solar Planets and Exoplanets [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2021.

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The search for life on Mars is one of the main objectives of space missions. At “Pahrump Hills Field Site” (Gale Crater, Mojave target), inside the mudstones of the Murray lacustrine sequence, Curiosity rover found organic materials and lozenge shaped laths considered by NASA as pseudomorphic crystals. Besides it detected mineral assemblages suggesting both oxidizing (hematite) and reducing (magnetite) environments, as well as acidic (diagenetic and/or authigenic jarosite) and neutral (apatite) conditions, that might suggest bacterially mediated reactions. Our morphological and morphometrical investigations show that such diagenetic microstructures are unlikely to be lozenge shapes and, in addition to several converging features, they suggest the presence of remnants of complex algal-like biota, similar to terrestrial procaryotes and/or eukaryotes; possible microorganisms that, on the base of absolute dating criteria used by other scholars, lived on Mars about 2.12 +/−0.36 Ga ago.
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Conference papers on the topic "Morphometric maps"


WIECZOREK, M. "Comparing Qualitative Raster Maps." In Quality Production Improvement and System Safety. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.

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Abstract. Spatial diversity of the natural environment can be presented using raster qualitative data. They can be the result of collecting field data or be the result of stochastic modelling of a certain complexity of the environment. One example of such modelling is the determination of similar elements of relief forms on the basis of morphometric variables. The use of unsupervised methods for clustering raster data in modelling can produce different maps. It is necessary to assess the compatibility of the obtained maps in order to assess how significant the differences between them are. The article presents selected stochastic and deterministic methods for assessing the spatial distribution of data. Exemplary methods of measuring variability at the global and local level were discussed.
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Ceyhan, E., M. Hosakere, T. Nishino, J. Alexopoulos, R. D. Todd, K. N. Botteron, M. I. Miller, and J. T. Ratnanather. "Statistical Analysis of Morphometric Measures Based on Labeled Cortical Distance Maps." In 2007 5th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis. IEEE, 2007.

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Tamburadzhiev, Ilia. "REMOTE SENSING DATA ANALYSIS OF DEBRIS FLOWS IN DRAINAGE BASINS IN BULGARIA." In Book of Abstracts and Contributed Papers, 37. Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" SASA, 2024.

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The present study is focused on remote sensing data analysis of the factors for formation and development of debris flows in various mountain drainage basins in Bulgaria. The extent of susceptibility to the formation and development of debris flows in the range of selected mountain key sections of the drainage basins was investigated and a risk assessment was carried out. The relevance of the present study is related to the frequency of adverse hydro-climatic phenomena of natural and anthropogenic origin in the last decade in different parts of Bulgaria—Asparuhovo (2014), Karlovo (2022), Berkovitsa (2023), Tsarevo (2023), etc. Similar events cause lasting damage to infrastructure, economy, and public life, and sometimes lead to human casualties. The role of geological-geomorphological factors, water runoff, and land cover was studied. A morphometric analysis of the relief was carried out in order to obtain specific values of the morphometric characteristics of the drainage basins and the channel networks. To achieve the goal of the study, an analysis and synthesis of scientific literature on risk, hydro-climatic, and geomorphological phenomena in the studied drainage basins was carried out. GIS methods were used to calculate morphometric indicators/parameters (such as area, perimeter, length and width of the drainage basin, hypsometric integral, Melton ratio, total length of the river network (km), total number of tributaries (N), circularity ratio, bifurcation ratio, density of the river network (km/km2), frequency of streams (count/km2), etc.) and for calculation of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Hydrological modeling was carried out in order to extract the channel networks. The channel networks were classified by stream ordering. GIS analysis is done on the basis of SRTM Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Landsat multispectral satellite images, topographic maps, geological map, etc. Mapping and risk assessment of debris flows has been carried out which is a first step in disaster risk reduction and management.
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Erunova, M., A. Kuznecova, A. Shpedt, and O. Yakubaylik. "GEOMORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF THE RELIEF OF AGRICULTURAL TERRITORIES BASED ON REMOTE SENSING DATA." In «PROBLEMS OF SOIL FERTILITY IN MODERN AGRICULTURE», 413–16. Krasnoyarsk Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture is a separate division of the Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS, 2024.

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The basis of geomorphometric analysis using Earth remote sensing (ERS) data is the analysis of digital model (DEM). Based on the FABDEM DEM, the territory of the experimental production farm of the Krasnoyarsk Territory was studied, a series of large-scale maps of key geomorphological relief indicators were built: steepness and exposure of slopes, curvature (planned and profile), terrain ruggedness index (TRI), LS coefficient, topographic wetness index (TWI), etc. A geomorphological analysis of the Mikhailovskoye farm was carried out, key morphometric parameters were obtained, which are stored in the form of a geospatial database of the farm. The results showed that the modern FABDEM DEM is suitable for obtaining information about the general topographical features of the terrain both at the farm level and at the level of individual agricultural fields. The use of DEM and ERS allows for a full-fledged collection and analysis of the relief of any agricultural area.
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Lake ecosystems are an integral part of biogeocenosis. Recently, urban lakes, which are among the main rapidly degrading systems in the nature-human complex, have been considered particularly relevant in relation to environmental protection. Yakutia is known for numerous lakes of different types of origin and basins. Lake Beloe is one of the oldest lakes in Yakutsk. Among the city's residents, it is one of the most recognizable recreational and natural ecosystems. Based on comprehensive monitoring studies, the spatiotemporal transformation of lakes under conditions of constant anthropogenic impact was determined. Morphometric materials and satellite maps and images were subjected to comparative analysis. As a result, a reduction in the total surface area of the lake was established, which led to changes in hydrological (water balance, external water exchange), hydrochemical (pH level, general hardness, mineralization) and biological (change in trophic status) indicators. Consequently, there is a degradation of the general state of the lake ecosystem. An analysis of the types of anthropogenic impact and their consequences was carried out. In total, all types of anthropogenic impact are observed, except for fishing. All these processes led to changes in the lake basin as a whole.
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Russo, Wanderley Camargo, Alcindo Pereira dos Santos Filho, Celso Rodrigues da Silveira Filho, Cláudio dos Santos Amaral, Maurício Martines Sales, Carlos Alberto Lauro Vargas, Patrícia de Araújo Romão, and Diego Tarley Ferreira Nascimento. "Susceptibility to Erosion of Pipeline Rights-of-Way in Tropical Soils: Case of a Brazilian Pipeline." In ASME 2013 International Pipeline Geotechnical Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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TRANSPETRO is responsible, among other activities, by operation and maintenance of pipelines throughout Brazil. Particularly in the Midwest region the company operates the OSBRA pipeline, which moves about 8.7 Mm3/years of fuel and covers approximately 1,000 km long, predominantly in tropical soils. Erosive processes are significant and constitute the main geotechnical occurrence in OSBRA pipelines rights-of-way. In order to identify the susceptibility to erosion of the area close to the pipelines were developed basic thematic maps, that overlaid will help in identifying homogeneous zones in terms of existing material susceptibility. The mapping is being accompanied by an extensive endeavor of field inspections along the pipeline rights-of-way, that comprised geotechnical investigations, verifying the conditions of use and soil management, the conservation status of existing drainage works and geotechnical characterization of soil samples of major geological formations, including erodibility tests. The methodology is being developed in ArcGIS frame, starting from the morphometric analysis and the use of Digital Elevation Models (DEM), aiming to understanding superficial flow conditions (acceleration and concentration) and consequent soil loss. The modeling results will be compared with historical occurrences erosive 15 (fifteen) years of pipeline operation, seeking for an adherence on various geological, topographical and meteorological tested. The methodology will improve further procedures for identifying potential erosions in tropical soils and will allow to anticipating preventive maintenance in the most susceptible locals the pipeline rights-of-way, suggesting mitigation measures best suited for each type of potential erosive mechanism.
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Alcántara Carrió, Javier, José Enrique Tent Manclús, Davide Bonomo, Ángela Fontán Bouzas, Luana Portz, and Rogério Manzolli. "High-resolution morphometric analysis of the rocky coast of the Prebetic System (southeast Iberian Peninsula)." In XII Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024.

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The rocky coast of the Prebetic System (southeast Iberian Peninsula) presents a marked tecto-structural control and by subaerial processes. The objective of this study is the morphometric characterization of this rocky coast. The analysis of the digital elevation model (2x2 m grid resolution) obtained from LIDAR, combined with the geological map, field work and review of previous studies, allows the identification and morphometric characterization of 271 geomorphological units, which mainly include stretches of high or medium cliffs, intercepted by numerous gullies (some of them hanging), stretches of low rocky coastline associated in many cases with Upper Pleistocene (5e) coastal deposits, and coastal plains of fluvial valleys, as well as some coastal lagoon, tombolo, islands, alluvial fan and a arheic basin. The high and medium cliffs show a smoothed profile in their upper section, evidencing the action of fluvial runoff and karstic erosion. The erosive action of waves is evidenced mainly in the formation of shore platforms, mapped and their minimum area determined from satellite images.
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Mamienko, Vadim, and Ingrida Chemerys. "EVALUATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF MICROWAVE RADIATION OF MICROWAVE OVENS ON WATER AS A SUBSTRATUM FOR PLANT GROWTH." In Conference for Junior Researchers „Science – Future of Lithuania“. VGTU Technika, 2016.

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To date, there is research carried out on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms, studies are conducted on substratums that were subjected to microwave radiation. This radiation comes from a common household appliance; however, the effect of this type of radiation on the vitality of organisms is poorly researched. The purpose of the current analysis is to identify the morphological changes in vegetative organs of the test objects using microwave-irradiated water as a substrate. The object of the study – the onion plant (Allium сера L.), which is perfect for objectifying environmental risks. The results showed that using the water warmed up in a microwave increased the level of oppression in the morphometric parameters. In particular, there was a clear trend of reduction of growth parameters of vegetative organs and decrease in their mass (in the test group compared to the the main one the length of the root and shoot of a plant are less than 20.5% and 27.5%, and the weight is 32.3% and 63.8% less, respectively). The correlation analysis showed that the root length is the most reliable morphometric indicator that reacts sensitively to changes in water quality caused by microwave irradiation (r = –0.9995).
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Kashirina, N. A. "Morphometric characteristics of fruits of cenopopulation of Cornus mas L. distributed in different zones of the Crimea." In CURRENT STATE, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRARIAN SCIENCE. Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea”, 2020.

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The article provides the reader with some data on the results of two-year studies of basic characteristics of fruits of Cornus mas L. cenopopulation distributed in different regions of the Crimean Peninsula. The most promising forms that are of interest for breeding and food purposes have been identified.
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Fokeeva, N. O., and O. V. Yakovleva. "Progression of a 2nd type diabetes mellitus model on mice with usage of a calorie diet." In VIII Vserossijskaja konferencija s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Mediko-fiziologicheskie problemy jekologii cheloveka». Publishing center of Ulyanovsk State University, 2021.

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Type 2 diabetes accounts for up to 90% of all diabetes cases. It is known that people with type 2 diabetes are often obese. Long-term complications also include problems with the cardiovascular, nervous and urinary systems. The model of type 2 diabetes mellitus based on a diet rich of fat and carbohydrates was used in the work. We observed a significant increase in the body weight of mice and sugar levels in their blood. Morphometric analysis of the pancreas showed an increase of its mass coefficient. Tactile sensitivity measurement showed an increase in its threshold. The developed model is quite suitable for analyzing the diabetes progression and its side effects on the body. Key words: diabetes mellitus type 2, obesity, pancreas, tactile sensitivity.
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Reports on the topic "Morphometric maps"


Map showing morphometry, bathymetry, and soft-sediment thickness of Plow Shop Pond and Grove Pond, Ayer, Massachusetts. US Geological Survey, 1999.

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