Journal articles on the topic 'MONTE-CARLO TRACK STRUCTURE'
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Toburen, Larry H. "Challenges in Monte Carlo track structure modelling." International Journal of Radiation Biology 88, no. 1-2 (May 19, 2011): 2–9.
Full textDouglass, Michael, Scott Penfold, and Eva Bezak. "Preliminary Investigation of Microdosimetric Track Structure Physics Models in Geant4-DNA and RITRACKS." Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2015 (2015): 1–8.
Full textEndo, S., E. Yoshida, H. Nikjoo, S. Uehara, M. Hoshi, M. Ishikawa, and K. Shizuma. "A Monte Carlo track structure code for low energy protons." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 194, no. 2 (August 2002): 123–31.
Full textPater, Piotr, Jan Seuntjens, Issam El Naqa, and Mario A. Bernal. "On the consistency of Monte Carlo track structure DNA damage simulations." Medical Physics 41, no. 12 (November 18, 2014): 121708.
Full textDíaz-Díaz, Jorge A., Eugenio Torres-García, Rigoberto Oros-Pantoja, Liliana Aranda Lara, and Patricia Vieyra-Reyes. "New track-structure Monte Carlo code for 4D ionizing photon transport." Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 173, no. 7-8 (June 28, 2018): 567–77.
Full textPasciak, A. S., and J. R. Ford. "High-speed evaluation of track-structure Monte Carlo electron transport simulations." Physics in Medicine and Biology 53, no. 19 (September 9, 2008): 5539–53.
Full textEmfietzoglou, D., A. Akkerman, and J. Barak. "New Monte Carlo calculations of charged particle track-structure in silicon." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 51, no. 5 (October 2004): 2872–79.
Full textNikjoo, H., P. O'Neill, M. Terrissol, and D. T. Goodhead. "Quantitative modelling of DNA damage using Monte Carlo track structure method." Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 38, no. 1 (May 12, 1999): 31–38.
Full textSattinger, D., and Y. S. Horowitz. "Track structure calculations in LiF:Mg,Ti: A Monte Carlo study of the ‘track escape’ parameter." Radiation Measurements 43, no. 2-6 (February 2008): 185–89.
Full textUehara, Shuzo, and Hooshang Nikjoo. "Monte Carlo Track Structure Code for Low-Energy Alpha-Particles in Water." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106, no. 42 (October 2002): 11051–63.
Full textQuiroga, L. M., and E. Schnieder. "Monte Carlo simulation of railway track geometry deterioration and restoration." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability 226, no. 3 (December 1, 2011): 274–82.
Full textPodwórna, M. "Modelling Of Random Vertical Irregularities Of Railway Tracks." International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 20, no. 3 (August 1, 2015): 647–55.
Full textChampion, Christophe, Mouhamad Elbast, Ting-Di Wu, and Nicole Colas-Linhart. "Thyroid cell irradiation by radioiodines: a new Monte Carlo electron track-structure code." Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 50, spe (September 2007): 135–44.
Full textHilgers, G., M. U. Bug, E. Gargioni, and H. Rabus. "Comparison of measured and Monte Carlo simulated track structure parameters in nanometric volumes." Radiation Protection Dosimetry 161, no. 1-4 (November 13, 2013): 441–44.
Full textUehara, Shuzo, Hooshang Nikjoo, and Dudley T. Goodhead. "Comparison and Assessment of Electron Cross Sections for Monte Carlo Track Structure Codes." Radiation Research 152, no. 2 (August 1999): 202.
Full textVandoorne, Rick, and Petrus J. Gräbe. "Stochastic rail life cycle cost maintenance modelling using Monte Carlo simulation." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 232, no. 4 (June 13, 2017): 1240–51.
Full textLiamsuwan, T., S. Uehara, and H. Nikjoo. "Microdosimetry of the full slowing down of protons using Monte Carlo track structure simulations." Radiation Protection Dosimetry 166, no. 1-4 (April 22, 2015): 29–33.
Full textTajik-Mansoury, M. A., H. Rajabi, and H. Mozdarani. "A comparison between track-structure, condensed-history Monte Carlo simulations and MIRD cellularS-values." Physics in Medicine and Biology 62, no. 5 (February 9, 2017): N90—N106.
Full textChampion, C., A. L'Hoir, M. F. Politis, A. Chetioui, B. Fayard, and A. Touati. "Monte-Carlo simulation of ion track structure in water: ionization clusters and biological effectiveness." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 146, no. 1-4 (December 1998): 533–40.
Full textUehara, S., L. H. Toburen, and H. Nikjoo. "Development of a Monte Carlo track structure code for low-energy protons in water." International Journal of Radiation Biology 77, no. 2 (January 2001): 139–54.
Full textChampion, C., and C. Le Loirec. "Positron follow-up in liquid water: I. A new Monte Carlo track-structure code." Physics in Medicine and Biology 51, no. 7 (March 7, 2006): 1707–23.
Full textBatmunkh, Munkhbaatar, Lkhagvaa Bayarchimeg, Aleksandr N. Bugay, and Oidov Lkhagva. "Monte Carlo track structure simulation in studies of biological effects induced by accelerated charged particles in the central nervous system." EPJ Web of Conferences 204 (2019): 04008.
Full textFrancis, Z., S. Incerti, R. Capra, B. Mascialino, G. Montarou, V. Stepan, and C. Villagrasa. "Molecular scale track structure simulations in liquid water using the Geant4-DNA Monte-Carlo processes." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 69, no. 1 (January 2011): 220–26.
Full textNikjoo, H., D. E. Charlton, and D. T. Goodhead. "Monte Carlo track structure studies of energy deposition and calculation of initial DSB and RBE." Advances in Space Research 14, no. 10 (October 1994): 161–80.
Full textChampion, Christophe. "Moving from organ dose to microdosimetry: contribution of the Monte Carlo simulations." Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 48, spe2 (October 2005): 191–99.
Full textBatmunkh, Munkhbaatar, Alexander Bugay, Lkhagvaa Bayarchimeg, and Oidov Lkhagva. "Radiation Damage to Nervous System: Designing Optimal Models for Realistic Neuron Morphology in Hippocampus." EPJ Web of Conferences 173 (2018): 05004.
Full textWang, Xiu Fang, Jin Ye Peng, Bin Chen, and Wei Qi. "Tracking Algorithm Design and Comparison of High Speed High Maneuvering Target." Applied Mechanics and Materials 713-715 (January 2015): 2053–57.
Full textNikjoo, Hooshang, Dimitris Emfietzoglou, Ritsuko Watanabe, and Shuzo Uehara. "Can Monte Carlo track structure codes reveal reaction mechanism in DNA damage and improve radiation therapy?" Radiation Physics and Chemistry 77, no. 10-12 (October 2008): 1270–79.
Full textWatanabe, Ritsuko, Shirin Rahmanian, and Hooshang Nikjoo. "Spectrum of Radiation-Induced Clustered Non-DSB Damage – A Monte Carlo Track Structure Modeling and Calculations." Radiation Research 183, no. 5 (May 2015): 525–40.
Full textEmfietzoglou, Dimitris, George Papamichael, and Hooshang Nikjoo. "Monte Carlo Electron Track Structure Calculations in Liquid Water Using a New Model Dielectric Response Function." Radiation Research 188, no. 3 (September 2017): 355–68.
Full textZhao, X. F., and S. X. Huang. "Using particle filter to track horizontal variations of atmospheric duct structure from radar sea clutter." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 5, no. 4 (August 23, 2012): 6059–82.
Full textZhao, X. F., S. X. Huang, and D. X. Wang. "Using particle filter to track horizontal variations of atmospheric duct structure from radar sea clutter." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5, no. 11 (November 26, 2012): 2859–66.
Full textLazarakis, P., M. U. Bug, E. Gargioni, S. Guatelli, H. Rabus, and A. B. Rosenfeld. "Comparison of nanodosimetric parameters of track structure calculated by the Monte Carlo codes Geant4-DNA and PTra." Physics in Medicine and Biology 57, no. 5 (February 14, 2012): 1231–50.
Full textBug, M. U., E. Gargioni, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, H. Rabus, R. Schulte, and A. B. Rosenfeld. "Effect of a magnetic field on the track structure of low-energy electrons: a Monte Carlo study." European Physical Journal D 60, no. 1 (May 26, 2010): 85–92.
Full textHu, Ankang, Wanyi Zhou, Zhen Wu, Hui Zhang, Junli Li, and Rui Qiu. "Modeling of DNA Damage Repair and Cell Response in Relation to p53 System Exposed to Ionizing Radiation." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, no. 19 (September 26, 2022): 11323.
Full textAli, Yasmine, Caterina Monini, Etienne Russeil, Jean Michel Létang, Etienne Testa, Lydia Maigne, and Michael Beuve. "Estimate of the Biological Dose in Hadrontherapy Using GATE." Cancers 14, no. 7 (March 25, 2022): 1667.
Full textDerksen, Larissa, Tabea Pfuhl, Rita Engenhart-Cabillic, Klemens Zink, and Kilian-Simon Baumann. "Investigating the feasibility of TOPAS-nBio for Monte Carlo track structure simulations by adapting GEANT4-DNA examples application." Physics in Medicine & Biology 66, no. 17 (August 31, 2021): 175023.
Full textBug, M. U., H. Rabus, and A. B. Rosenfeld. "Electron emission from amorphous solid water after proton impact: Benchmarking PTra and Geant4 track structure Monte Carlo simulations." Radiation Physics and Chemistry 81, no. 12 (December 2012): 1804–12.
Full textThibaut, Yann, Nicolas Tang, Hoang Ngoc Tran, Aurélie Vaurijoux, Carmen Villagrasa, Sébastien Incerti, and Yann Perrot. "Nanodosimetric Calculations of Radiation-Induced DNA Damage in a New Nucleus Geometrical Model Based on the Isochore Theory." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, no. 7 (March 29, 2022): 3770.
Full textRymzhanov, R. A. "ELECTRON KINETICS OF YTTRIUM IRON GARNET AFTER SWIFT HEAVY ION IMPACT." Eurasian Physical Technical Journal 19, no. 3 (41) (September 22, 2022): 23–28.
Full textRucinski, Antoni, Anna Biernacka, and Reinhard Schulte. "Applications of nanodosimetry in particle therapy planning and beyond." Physics in Medicine & Biology 66, no. 24 (December 10, 2021): 24TR01.
Full textUehara, S., H. Nikjoo, and D. T. Goodhead. "Cross-sections for water vapour for the Monte Carlo electron track structure code from 10 eV to the MeV region." Physics in Medicine and Biology 38, no. 12 (December 1, 1993): 1841–58.
Full textMatsuya, Yusuke, Takeshi Kai, Yuji Yoshii, Yoshie Yachi, Shingo Naijo, Hiroyuki Date, and Tatsuhiko Sato. "Modeling of yield estimation for DNA strand breaks based on Monte Carlo simulations of electron track structure in liquid water." Journal of Applied Physics 126, no. 12 (September 28, 2019): 124701.
Full textLucido, J., I. Popescu, and V. Moiseenko. "SU-E-T-81: Comparison of Microdosimetric Quantities Calculated Using the Track Structure Monte Carlo Algorithms Geant4-DNA and NOREC." Medical Physics 41, no. 6Part12 (May 29, 2014): 240.
Full textBoscolo, Daria, Michael Krämer, Martina C. Fuss, Marco Durante, and Emanuele Scifoni. "Impact of Target Oxygenation on the Chemical Track Evolution of Ion and Electron Radiation." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, no. 2 (January 9, 2020): 424.
Full textThompson, Shannon J., Aoife Rooney, Kevin M. Prise, and Stephen J. McMahon. "Evaluating Iodine-125 DNA Damage Benchmarks of Monte Carlo DNA Damage Models." Cancers 14, no. 3 (January 18, 2022): 463.
Full textVan der Ven, A., J. C. Thomas, B. Puchala, and A. R. Natarajan. "First-Principles Statistical Mechanics of Multicomponent Crystals." Annual Review of Materials Research 48, no. 1 (July 2018): 27–55.
Full textHannachi, Essia, M. I. Sayyed, Suhairul Hashim, Karem Mahmoud, and Yassine Slimani. "Theoretical Examination of the Radiation Protecting Properties of CaTiO3 Material Sintered at Different Temperatures." Crystals 13, no. 1 (January 10, 2023): 120.
Full textCarrasco-Hernández, J., J. Ramos-Méndez, B. Faddegon, A. R. Jalilian, M. Moranchel, and M. A. Ávila-Rodríguez. "Monte Carlo track-structure for the radionuclide Copper-64: characterization of S-values, nanodosimetry and quantification of direct damage to DNA." Physics in Medicine & Biology 65, no. 15 (July 27, 2020): 155005.
Full textLee, B., and C. Wang. "WE-H-BRA-08: A Monte Carlo Cell Nucleus Model for Assessing Cell Survival Probability Based On Particle Track Structure Analysis." Medical Physics 43, no. 6Part43 (June 2016): 3844.
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