Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Monte-Carlo numerical simulation'
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Lloyd, Jennifer A. "Numerical methods for Monte Carlo device simulation." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/12766.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 51-53).
by Jennifer Anne Lloyd.
Furrer, Marc. "Numerical Accuracy of Least Squares Monte Carlo." St. Gallen, 2008. http://www.biblio.unisg.ch/org/biblio/edoc.nsf/wwwDisplayIdentifier/01650217002/$FILE/01650217002.pdf.
Full textSrinivasan, Raghuram. "Monte Carlo Alternate Approaches to Statistical Performance Estimation in VLSI Circuits." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1396531763.
Full textPeter, Felix. "A quantitative comparison of numerical option pricing techniques." St. Gallen, 2008. http://www.biblio.unisg.ch/org/biblio/edoc.nsf/wwwDisplayIdentifier/01592823001/$FILE/01592823001.pdf.
Full textCreffield, Charles Edward. "The application of numerical techniques to models of strongly correlated electrons." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.266066.
Full textFakhereddine, Rana. "Méthodes de Monte Carlo stratifiées pour l'intégration numérique et la simulation numériques." Thesis, Grenoble, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013GRENM047/document.
Full textMonte Carlo (MC) methods are numerical methods using random numbers to solve on computers problems from applied sciences and techniques. One estimates a quantity by repeated evaluations using N values ; the error of the method is approximated through the variance of the estimator. In the present work, we analyze variance reduction methods and we test their efficiency for numerical integration and for solving differential or integral equations. First, we present stratified MC methods and Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) technique. Among stratification strategies, we focus on the simple approach (MCS) : the unit hypercube Is := [0; 1)s is divided into N subcubes having the same measure, and one random point is chosen in each subcube. We analyze the variance of the method for the problem of numerical quadrature. The case of the evaluation of the measure of a subset of Is is particularly detailed. The variance of the MCS method may be bounded by O(1=N1+1=s). The results of numerical experiments in dimensions 2,3, and 4 show that the upper bounds are tight. We next propose an hybrid method between MCS and LHS, that has properties of both approaches, with one random point in each subcube and such that the projections of the points on each coordinate axis are also evenly distributed : one projection in each of the N subintervals that uniformly divide the unit interval I := [0; 1). We call this technique Sudoku Sampling (SS). Conducting the same analysis as before, we show that the variance of the SS method is bounded by O(1=N1+1=s) ; the order of the bound is validated through the results of numerical experiments in dimensions 2,3, and 4. Next, we present an approach of the random walk method using the variance reduction techniques previously analyzed. We propose an algorithm for solving the diffusion equation with a constant or spatially-varying diffusion coefficient. One uses particles, that are sampled from the initial distribution ; they are subject to a Gaussian move in each time step. The particles are renumbered according to their positions in every step and the random numbers which give the displacements are replaced by the stratified points used above. The improvement brought by this technique is evaluated in numerical experiments. An analogous approach is finally used for numerically solving the coagulation equation ; this equation models the evolution of the sizes of particles that may agglomerate. The particles are first sampled from the initial size distribution. A time step is fixed and, in every step and for each particle, a coalescence partner is chosen and a random number decides if coalescence occurs. If the particles are ordered in every time step by increasing sizes an if the random numbers are replaced by statified points, a variance reduction is observed, when compared to the results of usual MC algorithm
Haber, René. "Numerical methods for density of states calculations." [S.l. : s.n.], 2008.
Find full textZhang, Yan. "Weakly first-order phase transitions : [epsilon] expansion vs. numerical simulation /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/9715.
Full textNghiem, Thi Thu Trang. "Numerical study of electro-thermal effects in silicon devices." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00827633.
Full textBurgos, Sylvestre Jean-Baptiste Louis. "The computation of Greeks with multilevel Monte Carlo." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:6453a93b-9daf-4bfe-8c77-9cd6802f77dd.
Full textMateu, armengol Jan. "Étude numérique des effets du couplage du rayonnement thermique aux jets turbulents libres de vapeur d'eau." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLC052/document.
Full textRadiation plays an important role in a broad range of thermal engineering applications comprising turbulent flows. The growing need for accurate and reliable numerical simulations to support the design stages of such applications is the main motivation of this thesis.Of special interest in this work are the free-shear flows and the fundamental understanding of how radiation can modify their fluid dynamics and heat trans- port as well as how their turbulence fluctuations can alter radiative transfer. The goal of this thesis is to provide high-fidelity data of turbulent free jets coupled with thermal radiation in order to develop and validate free-shear turbulent models accounting for coupling interactions. To this end, turbulent free jets are described by direct numerical simulations (DNS) coupled to a reciprocal Monte- Carlo method to solve the radiative transfer equation. The spectral dependency of the radiative properties is accounted for with an accurate Correlated-k (ck) method. The numerical study is carried out with state-of-the-art fidelity to be as representative as possible of an actual jet in a participating medium. The simulation is optimized in terms of processing time taking advantage of an acceleration method called Acoustic Speed Reduction and by injecting artificial turbulence to enhance inlet boundaries.Two direct simulations of heated jets coupled with thermal radiation are carried out. On the one hand, a heated jet with moderate radiation is simulated. The analysis of its high-fidelity coupled DNS data has allow to derive a new scaling law for the decay of the temperature profile. This scaling accounts for the effects of modified density due to moderate radiation. Moreover, it allows for distinguishing whether thermal radiation modifies the nature of heat transfer mechanisms in the jet developed region or not. On the other hand, a strongly heated free jet is computed in order to quantify the effects of radiation on mean temperature and velocity fields as well as on second order moments.Besides the coupled DNS data, a RANS solver for variable-density flows coupled with thermal radiation has been implemented during the course of this thesis. The goal is to directly quantify the accuracy of the existing turbulent models, and to identify key parameters for further modeling of coupling interactions
Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki. "Simulation study of energetic particle physics in perturbed helical plasmas." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/215531.
Full textNanson, III Richard A. "Navier/Stokes/Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Modeling of Small Cold Gas Thruster Nozzle and Plume Flows." Digital WPI, 2002. https://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/etd-theses/254.
Full textFischer, Bernd. "Modélisation d'interfaces par simulations numériques : des polymères en solutions à la troposphère." Thesis, Besançon, 2012. http://indexation.univ-fcomte.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/e7097b7d-070a-46b8-8034-1b1d5d455974.
Full textThis work aims to demonstrate the ability of numerical simulations to mode] solid · and liquid interfaces. In the work on the solid interfaces, the GCMC method was used to sin:rnlatc the ads011Jtion isotherrn of acetaldehyde on ice under the conditions of the ·upper tropospherc and the molecular dynamics method was usecl to characterize the adsorption of difünctionalized organic compounds on ice, aiming at interpreting experimental results. Part of this work was devotcd to the simulation of the phase diagrarn (p, T) of organic aerosols (oxalic acid and malonic) in tropospberic conditions to study the ability of aerosols to act as condensation nuclei for icc particlcs. The work: on liquid interfaces concerned firstly the competitive adsorption of polymcrs and surfactants at the water surface. It is based on a very precise desc1iption, by mnncrical simulation, of the structure émd dynamics cif the surface of the considered systems. The second pari of the work on liquid interfaces bas focused on the characterization of ion transfer across a liquid/liquid interface through the calculations of the free energy variations of the system during the transfo·. To obtain a rigorous desc1iptio11 of the details of the corresponding processes, a specific method was developed in this thesis to calculate the free energy profile while taking into account tbe dynamics of the interface
Liu, Xin. "Numerical modeling and simulation of selective laser sintering in polymer powder bed." Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSEI012/document.
Full textMany industrial and academic interests concerning the additive manufacturing processes are developed in the last decades. As one of the most promising technique of additive manufacturing, the Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) has been valued by both industry and academic. However, it remains that several phenomena are still not well understood in order to properly model the process and propose quality improvement of parts made. The goal of this Ph.D. project is to develop a framework of numerical simulation in order to model the SLS process in polymer powder bed, meanwhile understanding multiple physical phenomena occurring during the process and studying the influence of process parameters on the quality of final product. In contrast to traditional approach, based on the equivalent homogeneous material in numerical modeling of partial differential equations derived from conservation laws, we propose a global model to simulate powder-based additive manufacturing by using the Discrete Element method (DEM). It consists in a coupling between four different physical models: radiative heat transfer, discrete heat conduction, sintering and granular dynamics models. Firstly, the submodel of radiative heat transfer concerns the interaction between the laser beam and powder bed. Several phenomena are considered, including the reflection, transmission, absorption and scattering. Besides, a modified Monte Carlo ray-tracing method is developed in order to study the influence of scattering on the distribution of the deposited laser energy inside the powder bed Furthermore, the submodel of discrete heat conduction describes the inter-particles heat diffusion. Moreover, the sintering submodel concerns the phenomena of coalescence and air diffusion. It describes the melting kinetics of grains, driven by surface tension and the release of entrapped gases inside powder bed. Finally, the granular dynamics submodel concerns the motions and contacts between particles when depositing a new layer of powders. The coupling between these submodels leads to propose a global numerical framework, validated by comparing the results to both simulated and experimental ones from literatures. A parametric study is then proposed for model validation and process analysis. The Influence of different material and process parameters on the evolution of temperature, relative density and materials structure and characteristics are investigated. The results exhibit accurate modeling of the complex phenomena occurring during the SLS process, and the work constitute a great potential in modeling and optimization of additive processes
Joly, Julie. "Simulation de l'interaction entre les ions du plasma et l'onde à fréquence cyclotronique ionique avec les codes EVE et SPOT." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019AIXM0423.
Full textThermonuclear fusion is the clean energy of the stars and the most favourable solution tothe energy transition. The principle of fusion is to gather light nuclei that release a high level ofenergy (five times more than the fission reaction used in nuclear power plants to date). The fusionreaction occurs naturally in stars like the Sun, so it is important to imitate the temperature anddensity conditions of the Sun on Earth. For this purpose we use a machine similar to a donutcalled Tokamak. My work in this field has consisted in improving the modelling methods of theheating systems of these Tokamaks in order to increase the fusion reactions by creating a workflowcombining several codes called self-coherent modelling
De, Ponte Candice Natasha. "Pricing barrier options with numerical methods / Candice Natasha de Ponte." Thesis, North-West University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/8672.
Full textThesis (MSc (Applied Mathematics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
Paillet, Adrien. "Étude par simulation Monte Carlo de l'imagerie TEP corps entier ultra rapide dans un contexte clinique réaliste." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPAST157.
Full textPositron Emission Tomography (PET) is a functional imaging modality for diagnosis and therapeutic follow-up in oncology. Improving image quality, in terms of contrast and resolution, therefore remains a priority objective. This could be achieved by increasing the sensitivity of imagers with Total-body systems, for example, or by improving the Coincidence Time Resolution (CTR) to increase the signal-to-noise ratio in the reconstructed image. However, developing such systems is costly, time-consuming, and sometimes even technologically unfeasible to date, hence the importance of Monte Carlo simulations in advancing this work and numerically testing avenues and hypotheses for improvement.In this thesis, we have conducted a realistic numerical simulation for a whole-body scanner with a one-meter axial field of view and a CTR of 100 ps and less. It should be noted that the best CTR achieved with a PET scanner for clinical use currently exceeds 200 ps, while CTRs below 100 ps have only been obtained on test benches. Therefore, this work aims to use simulations to study the coupling effects between increasing the axial field of view of PET cameras and increasing CTR performance in a clinical oncology context. Simulations are carried out using the GATE platform and Geant4.The first part of this thesis consists of simulating and validating General Electric's SIGNA clinical PET/MRI camera. It has an axial field of view of 25 cm and a CTR of 390 ps. The model is validated following the NEMA protocol with experimental data on sensitivity, spatial resolution, CTR, coincidence count rates and quantitative indices in the contrast level of reconstructed images.Further work generalizes the 25 cm SIGNA PET model to a 1 m whole-body axial field of view. An anthropomorphic XCAT phantom is used to simulate a ¹⁸F-FDG clinical examination in oncology. Four heterogeneous tumours are integrated into the model: three in the liver (two hyperactive and one hypoactive) and one in the lung. Different hypotheses are tested on CTRs (390 ps and 100 ps), acquisition times (300 s for standard duration, 180 s and 60 s), and decreases in the quantity of tracer injected (standard dose divided by 10 and by 100). Qualitative and quantitative analyses, compared with the state-of-the-art SIGNA GE PET scanner, are carried out to assess performance. The results show that the 100 ps CTR gives the best results regarding image contrast and fidelity to reality. Moreover, image quality with CTR 100 ps and a dose/10 remains visually interpretable, which is particularly encouraging for reducing injected doses in clinical PET applications.The prospective study explores the benefits of a CTR of less than 100 ps. This work focuses on a compromise between crystal thickness and, therefore, sensitivity and temporal resolution (impacted by the photon propagation time in the detector crystal). A study was carried out on two crystal thicknesses (5 mm and 11 mm) and, therefore, two CTRs (25 ps and 50 ps, respectively).The results indicate that with current technology, it is preferable to maintain a slightly higher CTR (100 ps) rather than aiming for CTRs below 100 ps with smaller crystals, as the loss of sensitivity is not compensated by the CTR improvement in clinical images.To improve image quality, it is, therefore, essential to continue working on reducing CTR while increasing intrinsic detection sensitivity. Another approach could be integrating the measurement of interaction depth to reduce its influence on temporal resolution
Haber, René. "Numerical methods for density of states calculations." Master's thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2008. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-200801991.
Full textCoulibaly, Ibrahim. "Contributions à l'analyse numérique des méthodes quasi-Monte Carlo." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1997. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00004933.
Full textÅberg, K. Magnus. "Variance Reduction in Analytical Chemistry : New Numerical Methods in Chemometrics and Molecular Simulation." Doctoral thesis, Stockholm University, Department of Analytical Chemistry, 2004. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-283.
Full textThis thesis is based on five papers addressing variance reduction in different ways. The papers have in common that they all present new numerical methods.
Paper I investigates quantitative structure-retention relationships from an image processing perspective, using an artificial neural network to preprocess three-dimensional structural descriptions of the studied steroid molecules.
Paper II presents a new method for computing free energies. Free energy is the quantity that determines chemical equilibria and partition coefficients. The proposed method may be used for estimating, e.g., chromatographic retention without performing experiments.
Two papers (III and IV) deal with correcting deviations from bilinearity by so-called peak alignment. Bilinearity is a theoretical assumption about the distribution of instrumental data that is often violated by measured data. Deviations from bilinearity lead to increased variance, both in the data and in inferences from the data, unless invariance to the deviations is built into the model, e.g., by the use of the method proposed in paper III and extended in paper IV.
Paper V addresses a generic problem in classification; namely, how to measure the goodness of different data representations, so that the best classifier may be constructed.
Variance reduction is one of the pillars on which analytical chemistry rests. This thesis considers two aspects on variance reduction: before and after experiments are performed. Before experimenting, theoretical predictions of experimental outcomes may be used to direct which experiments to perform, and how to perform them (papers I and II). After experiments are performed, the variance of inferences from the measured data are affected by the method of data analysis (papers III-V).
Masters, Nathan Daniel. "Efficient Numerical Techniques for Multiscale Modeling of Thermally Driven Gas Flows with Application to Thermal Sensing Atomic Force Microscopy." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/11574.
Full textThomas, Nicolas. "Stochastic numerical methods for Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes : applications in Neuroscience." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUS385.
Full textIn this thesis, motivated by applications in Neuroscience, we study efficient Monte Carlo (MC) and Multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) methods based on the thinning for piecewise deterministic (Markov) processes (PDMP or PDP) that we apply to stochastic conductance-based models. On the one hand, when the deterministic motion of the PDMP is explicitly known we end up with an exact simulation. On the other hand, when the deterministic motion is not explicit, we establish strong estimates and a weak error expansion for the numerical scheme that we introduce. The thinning method is fundamental in this thesis. Beside the fact that it is intuitive, we use it both numerically (to simulate trajectories of PDMP/PDP) and theoretically (to construct the jump times and establish error estimates for PDMP/PDP)
Stoltz, Gabriel. "Simulation moléculaire : Problèmes dynamiques et hors d'équilibre." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris-Est, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00709965.
Full textPoncet, Romain. "Méthodes numériques pour la simulation d'équations aux dérivées partielles stochastiques non-linéaires en condensation de Bose-Einstein." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017SACLX069/document.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the numerical study of two stochastic models arising in Bose-Einstein condensation physics. They constitute two generalisations of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation. This deterministic partial differential equation model the wave function dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in an external confining potential. The first chapter contains a simple presentation of the Bose-Einstein condensation phenomenon and of the experimental methods used to construct such systems.The first model considered enables to model the fluctuations of the confining potential intensity, and takes the form of a stochastic partial differential equation. In practice, these fluctuations lead to heating of the condensate and possibly to its collapse. In the second chapter we propose to build a numerical scheme to solve this model. It is based on a spectral space discretisation and a Crank-Nicolson discretisation in space. We show that the proposed scheme converges strongly at order at least one in probability. We also present numerical simulations to illustrate this result. The third chapter is devoted to the numerical and theoretical study of the dynamics of a stationary solution (for the deterministic equation) of vortex type. We study the influence of random disturbances of the confining potential on the solution. We show that the disturbed solution conserves the symmetries of the stationary solution for times up to at least the square of the inverse of the fluctuations intensity. These results are illustrated with numerical simulations based on a Monte-Carlo method suited to rare events estimation.The second model can be used to model the effects of the temperature on the dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate. In the case of finite temperature, the Bose-Einstein condensation is not complete and the condensate interacts with the non-condensed particles. These interactions are interesting to understand the dynamics of the phase transition and analyse the phenomena of symmetry breaking associated, like the spontaneous nucleation of vortices We have studied in the fourth and the fifth chapters some questions linked to the long time simulation of this model solutions. The fourth chapter is devoted to the construction of an unbiased sampling method of measures known up to a multiplicative constant. The distinctive feature of this Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo algorithm is that it enables to perform an unbiased non-reversible sampling based on an overdamped Langevin equation. It constitutes a generalization of the Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm (MALA). The fifth chapter is devoted to the numerical study of metastable dynamics linked to the nucleation of vortices in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates. A numerical integrator and a suited Monte-Carlo methods for the simulation of metastable dynamics are proposed. This Monte-Carlo method is based on the Adaptive Multilevel Splitting (AMS) algorithm
Turkedjiev, Plamen. "Numerical methods for backward stochastic differential equations of quadratic and locally Lipschitz type." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.18452/16784.
Full textThe focus of the thesis is to develop efficient numerical schemes for quadratic and locally Lipschitz decoupled forward-backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs). The terminal conditions satisfy weak regularity conditions. Although BSDEs have valuable applications in the theory of financial mathematics, stochastic control and partial differential equations, few efficient numerical schemes are available. Three algorithms based on Monte Carlo simulation are developed. Starting from a discrete time scheme, least-square regression is used to approximate conditional expectation. One benefit of these schemes is that they require as an input only the simulations of an explanatory process X and a Brownian motion W. Due to the use of distribution-free tools, one requires only very weak conditions on the explanatory process X, meaning that these methods can be applied to very general probability spaces. Explicit upper bounds for the error are obtained. The algorithms are then calibrated systematically based on the upper bounds of the error and the complexity is computed. Using a time-local truncation of the BSDE driver, the quadratic BSDE is reduced to a locally Lipschitz BSDE, and it is shown that the complexity of the algorithms for the locally Lipschitz BSDE is the same as that of the algorithm of a uniformly Lipschitz BSDE. It is also shown that these algorithms are competitive compared to other available algorithms for uniformly Lipschitz BSDEs.
Bykov, A. (Alexander). "Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of laser light propagation in strongly scattering media with structural and dynamic inhomogeneities." Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, 2010. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789514261558.
Full textFougere, N., K. Altwegg, J. J. Berthelier, A. Bieler, D. Bockelée-Morvan, U. Calmonte, F. Capaccioni, et al. "Three-dimensional direct simulation Monte-Carlo modeling of the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko observed by the VIRTIS and ROSINA instruments on board Rosetta." EDP SCIENCES S A, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/614711.
Full textSprungk, Björn. "Numerical Methods for Bayesian Inference in Hilbert Spaces." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2018. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-qucosa-226748.
Full textBayessche Inferenz besteht daraus, vorhandenes a-priori Wissen über unsichere Parameter in mathematischen Modellen mit neuen Beobachtungen messbarer Modellgrößen zusammenzuführen. In dieser Dissertation beschäftigen wir uns mit Modellen, die durch partielle Differentialgleichungen beschrieben sind. Die unbekannten Parameter sind dabei Koeffizientenfunktionen, die aus einem unendlich dimensionalen Funktionenraum kommen. Das Resultat der Bayesschen Inferenz ist dann eine wohldefinierte a-posteriori Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung auf diesem Funktionenraum, welche das aktualisierte Wissen über den unsicheren Koeffizienten beschreibt. Für Entscheidungsverfahren oder Postprocessing ist es oft notwendig die a-posteriori Verteilung zu simulieren oder bzgl. dieser zu integrieren. Dies verlangt nach numerischen Verfahren, welche sich zur Simulation in unendlich dimensionalen Räumen eignen. In dieser Arbeit betrachten wir Kalmanfiltertechniken, die auf Ensembles oder polynomiellen Chaosentwicklungen basieren, sowie Markowketten-Monte-Carlo-Methoden. Wir analysieren die erwähnte Kalmanfilter, indem wir deren Konvergenz zeigen und ihre Anwendbarkeit im Kontext Bayesscher Inferenz diskutieren. Weiterhin entwickeln und studieren wir einen verbesserten dimensionsunabhängigen Metropolis-Hastings-Algorithmus. Hierbei weisen wir geometrische Ergodizität mit Hilfe eines neuen Resultates zum Vergleich der Spektrallücken von Markowketten nach. Zusätzlich beobachten und analysieren wir die Robustheit der neuen Methode bzgl. eines fallenden Beobachtungsfehlers. Diese Robustheit ist eine weitere wünschenswerte Eigenschaft numerischer Methoden für Bayessche Inferenz. Den Abschluss der Arbeit bildet die Anwendung der diskutierten Methoden auf ein reales Grundwasserproblem, was insbesondere den Bayesschen Zugang zur Unsicherheitsquantifizierung in der Praxis illustriert
Full textKondov, Ivan Stelyianov. "Numerical studies of electron transfer in systems with dissipation." Doctoral thesis, [S.l. : s.n.], 2003. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=968782280.
Full textMohammadhosseini, Ali. "A search for optimal structure of carbon-based porous adsorbents for hydrogen storage : numerical modeling approach." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM4736.
Full textThe main goal of research presented in this thesis has been a search for optimal carbon-based porous structure capable to achieve the hydrogen storage capacity defined by US Department of Energy (DOE) for mobile applications at room temperature by adsorption at medium-level pressures below 120 bars. The hydrogen is assumed to be stored in a tank filled with adsorbents to be used in transport application, mainly fuel-cell driven vehicles. The known carbon-based adsorbents have low storage capacity. Therefore in this work, I have defined the basic parameters which are responsible for the capacity deficiency of such materials. Special attention has been paid to local pore geometry of adsorbents. I have investigated the pore local structure of carbon-based adsorbents and I present the basis of design and hydrogen adsorption capacity in three-dimensional architecture of new carbon frameworks, a promising class of potential hydrogen storage materials that have not been studied so far. Apart from maximizing the density of hydrogen taken up by this family of structures, I have aimed at characterization of this new category of adsorbents. This is hoped to lead to a guidance how their physical properties can be designed, or `tuned', to optimize their storage properties, and the obtained results seem to achieve this aim and thus provide a good basis for future research
Polikarpov, Alexey. "Numerical simulation of rarefied gas flows based on the kinetic approach." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AIX10088.
Full textThis work is devoted to the development of the numerical resolution of the kinetic model equations such as BGK, S-model, ES-model by the discrete velocity method. The different approximations of the Boltzmann equation are presented
Revel, Adrien. "Modélisation des plasmas magnétisés. Application à l'injection de neutres pour ITER et au magnétron en régime impulsionnel haute puissance." Thesis, Paris 11, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA112083/document.
Full textA plasma is defined as a partially or completely ionized gas. Even though, they are very present in the visible universe, natural plasmas are rare on Earth. However, they are a major interest for industries and research institutes (surface treatment, spatial propulsion). Nevertheless, the understanding of plasma behavior is complicated because of the numerous physical fields involved. Moreover, theses plasmas can be magnetized, i.e., a magnetic field, external or induced, affects significantly the particle trajectories: r/L<1 where r is the Larmor radius and L the typical length of the system. This thesis is focused on the plasma modeling in two device: the accelerator of the ITER's neutral beam injector (NBI) and the magnetron in DC or HiPIMS regime. The feasibility of nuclear fusion on Earth is subject of numerous research around the world. Because of the energy necessary to get over the Coulomb barrier, the plasma must be confined. For ITER, the confinement is achieved by intense magnetic fields. However, to reach the required conditions of nuclear fusion reactions, especially in temperature, a high energy (1MeV) neutral beam injector is needed. The particle acceleration is a critical part in the creation of the neutral beam and it represents a technical challenge which is studied in this thesis work. The magnetron is an industrial process for creating thin film by physical sputtering. The ions created by a plasma discharge tear the atoms out of the cathode which are then deposited on the anode. The magnetic field created by permanent magnets trap the electrons near the cathode improving the process efficiency. The plasma behavior inside the magnetron is studied in direct and pulsed current as well as the appearance of self-organized structures in rotation around the magnetron axis. To study these devices, several program of numerical simulation have been developed. The Particle-In-Cell methode has been chosen because it takes into account, self-consistently, the space charge of the particules. Several techniques (null collision technique, Monte Carlo Collision, a posteriori Monte Carlo) and improvement (Non uniform mesh, third order charge projection) have been developed and implemented. Moreover, an original method, Pseudo 3D, allowing a three dimensional study of the magnetron, has been used with success. Finally, these programs have been parallelized to reduce the computation time
Sprungk, Björn. "Numerical Methods for Bayesian Inference in Hilbert Spaces." Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2017. https://monarch.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A20754.
Full textBayessche Inferenz besteht daraus, vorhandenes a-priori Wissen über unsichere Parameter in mathematischen Modellen mit neuen Beobachtungen messbarer Modellgrößen zusammenzuführen. In dieser Dissertation beschäftigen wir uns mit Modellen, die durch partielle Differentialgleichungen beschrieben sind. Die unbekannten Parameter sind dabei Koeffizientenfunktionen, die aus einem unendlich dimensionalen Funktionenraum kommen. Das Resultat der Bayesschen Inferenz ist dann eine wohldefinierte a-posteriori Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung auf diesem Funktionenraum, welche das aktualisierte Wissen über den unsicheren Koeffizienten beschreibt. Für Entscheidungsverfahren oder Postprocessing ist es oft notwendig die a-posteriori Verteilung zu simulieren oder bzgl. dieser zu integrieren. Dies verlangt nach numerischen Verfahren, welche sich zur Simulation in unendlich dimensionalen Räumen eignen. In dieser Arbeit betrachten wir Kalmanfiltertechniken, die auf Ensembles oder polynomiellen Chaosentwicklungen basieren, sowie Markowketten-Monte-Carlo-Methoden. Wir analysieren die erwähnte Kalmanfilter, indem wir deren Konvergenz zeigen und ihre Anwendbarkeit im Kontext Bayesscher Inferenz diskutieren. Weiterhin entwickeln und studieren wir einen verbesserten dimensionsunabhängigen Metropolis-Hastings-Algorithmus. Hierbei weisen wir geometrische Ergodizität mit Hilfe eines neuen Resultates zum Vergleich der Spektrallücken von Markowketten nach. Zusätzlich beobachten und analysieren wir die Robustheit der neuen Methode bzgl. eines fallenden Beobachtungsfehlers. Diese Robustheit ist eine weitere wünschenswerte Eigenschaft numerischer Methoden für Bayessche Inferenz. Den Abschluss der Arbeit bildet die Anwendung der diskutierten Methoden auf ein reales Grundwasserproblem, was insbesondere den Bayesschen Zugang zur Unsicherheitsquantifizierung in der Praxis illustriert.
Ferré, Giménez Ricardo. "Etude de nanoparticules magnétiques par simulation numérique." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995GRE10224.
Full textWysoczanski, Dariusz. "Diffusion multiple de la lumière : application à l'orientation de fibres dans des matériaux composites." Rouen, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996ROUES044.
Full textGhazisaeidi, Amirhossein. "Advanced Numerical Techniques for Design and Optimization of Optical Links Employing Nonlinear Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/27541/27541.pdf.
Full textFruchard, Nicolas. "L'allumage dans les moteurs à essence. Une modélisation et des applications." Rouen, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995ROUES053.
Full textLundberg, Johan. "On the Search for High-Energy Neutrinos : Analysis of data from AMANDA-II." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-8906.
Full textA search for a diffuse flux of cosmic neutrinos with energies in excess of 1014 eV was performed using two years of AMANDA-II data, collected in 2003 and 2004. A 20% evenly distributed sub-sample of experimental data was used to verify the detector description and the analysis cuts. A very good agreement between this 20% sample and the background simulations was observed. The analysis was optimised for discovery, to a relatively low price in limit setting power. The background estimate for the livetime of the examined 80% sample is 0.035 ± 68% events with an additional 41% systematical uncertainty.
The total neutrino flux needed for a 5σ discovery to be made with 50% probability was estimated to 3.4 ∙ 10-7 E-2 GeV s-1 sr-1 cm-2 equally distributed over the three flavours, taking statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background expectation and the signal efficiency into account. No experimental events survived the final discriminator cut. Hence, no ultra-high energy neutrino candidates were found in the examined sample. A 90% upper limit is placed on the total ultra-high energy neutrino flux at 2.8 ∙ 10-7 E-2 GeV s-1 sr-1 cm-2, taking both systematical and statistical uncertainties into account. The energy range in which 90% of the simulated E-2 signal is contained is 2.94 ∙ 1014 eV to 1.54 ∙ 1018 eV (central interval), assuming an equal distribution over the neutrino flavours at the Earth. The final acceptance is distributed as 48% electron neutrinos, 27% muon neutrinos, and 25% tau neutrinos.
A set of models for the production of neutrinos in active galactic nuclei that predict spectra deviating from E-2 was excluded.
Wyant, Timothy Joseph. "Numerical study of error propagation in Monte Carlo depletion simulations." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/44809.
Full textPit, Fabienne. "Modélisation du mélange pour la simulation d'écoulements réactifs turbulents : essais de modèles eulériens lagrangiens." Rouen, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993ROUE5020.
Full textSayed, Fatima. "Hollow Magnetic Nanoparticles : experimental and numerical studies." Thesis, Le Mans, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LEMA1021/document.
Full textThis thesis concerns the study of structural and magnetic properties of hollow magnetic nanoparticles (HMNPs), shell and shell/shell. These HMNPs present enhanced surface effects resulting from the presence of both inner and outer surface layers. The experimental investigation combining magne-tic measurements and 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometry of such HMNPs has revealed a complex spin magnetic structure. Small HMNPs with ultrathin thickness show highly disordered magnetic structure and the corresponding in-field hyperfine structure can be described by means of 2 speromagnetic antiferromagnetically coupled, in addition to the significant exchange bias phenomenon. The in-field Mössbauer study of the effect of size and thickness of HMNPs shows that the spin disorder is strongly correlated to the surface to volume ratio. Those experimental magnetic behaviors were confirmed using Monte Carlo simulation. Indeed, after improving the numeric model, it is concluded that surface anisotropy Ks has a dominant role in the magnetic behavior of HMNPs and the value of critical Ks necessary to obtain radial (spike) configuration decreases as the size of HMNPs increases, keeping the same thickness. The numeric study for different sizes and shell thicknesses allows the effect of these parameters on the spin structure of HMNPs to be followed. Then, the experi-mental study extended to shell/shell HMNPs indicates that the spin disorder is enhanced in HMNPs with antiferromagnetic shell (NiO) in addition to larger exchange bias field. From those results, one can try to deduce the effect of spin disorder on the exchange bias phenomena in such system
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Full textMa, Ping-nang. "Numerical exact simulations of actual-size bosonic optical lattice systems." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2009. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B42841197.
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Full textStorey, Marianne. "Effect of disorder on the melting phase transition." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.322000.
Full textFinke, Justin David. "Monte Carlo/Fokker-Planck simulations of Accretion Phenomena and Optical Spectra of BL Lacertae Objects." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2007. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1181833339.
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