Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Montaigne'
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Silva, Nelson Maria Brechó da [UNESP]. "A amizade em Montaigne." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/91789.
Full textCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente trabalho pretende situar a amizade e sua descrição em Montaigne, que evoca a figura de seu amigo La Boétie. A partir dessa célebre amizade que foi rompida com a morte de La Boétie, segue-se uma análise do conceito de amizade nos Essais de Montaigne e de suas principais fontes. Resta ao autor apenas escrever incessantemente para garantir a presença de si mesmo e do amigo. A interpretação do texto permitirá reflexões sobre o sentido maior da amizade à luz da imagem da escrita, da pintura, do amor e da fraternidade
This research has a target to show the friendship and her description in Montaigne, inspired by his friend La Boetie. From this famous friendship, which was disrupted by the death of La Boetie, follows a study of the concept of friendship on Montaigne’s Essais and his main sources. Remain for actor only to write incessantly for to guarantee the present myself and of friend. The interpretation of the text allows reflections about friendship according to the image of the writing, painting, love and fraternity
Conceição, Gilmar Henrique da. "Montaigne e a política." Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana, 2010. http://tede.unioeste.br:8080/tede/handle/tede/2112.
Full textCommonly, human nature is considered unknown for Montaigne once we are all impregnated and bypassed customs, but poses different problems Montaigne inquiring about the possibility of political actions that enable a company to remain in balance and be improved, in spite of evil present in human nature perceived inconsistency of reason, and parties in conflict. Note that considers possible to improve the state of imperfection of man, but better does not mean eliminate the imperfection. Montaigne considers herself fully and visibly facing out, born to society and friendship (III, 3, p. 55) and broods primarily about state affairs and the world: "[...] haul me to the matters State and the universe best pleased when I'm alone "(III, 3, 56). He rejects the idealization of society, the best policy is one that exists. But, we highlight two jobs that makes the word politics: the first as "obligation to the public good", the second as "the practice of governments." Anyway, consider that living out of politics is to live outside of humanity and did not neglect public duties. Indeed, in Montaigne does not find the word with an unambiguous policy. In view of Montaigne is not possible absolute judgments in politics only because we share and we can not be located entirely outside of any particular perceptive condition to examine whether, on the one hand, the things themselves, and the other the way they present themselves in each one of those circumstances. The argument considers the act of "taking sides" involves, in itself, a presumption of knowledge, then he invites us to observe that this same assumption is present despite our view oscillates between the conflicting views that the ever, we hold as if they had, in general, a strength greater than they can reveal if considered over time. From this we can see that he discusses the political certainties given the insecure nature of the intellectual faculty, who frequently receives false things, hence the need for "moderation" and "dialogue" between the parties. So there is a questionable character in all parties. Unlike the certainty of "I just know that I know nothing" and "I think therefore I am ', Montaigne takes on the motto of Pyrrhus (" Que sais-je? ") which expresses most clearly mark the position of our author.
Comumente, a natureza humana é considerada desconhecida para Montaigne uma vez que estamos todos impregnados e contornados pelos costumes, porém Montaigne coloca diferentes problemas indagando sobre a possibilidade de ações políticas que permitam a uma sociedade manter-se em equilíbrio e ser melhorada, apesar da maldade presente na natureza humana percebida, da inconsistência da razão, e dos partidos em conflito. Observe-se que considera possível melhorar o estado de imperfeição do homem, mas melhorar não significa eliminar a imperfeição. Montaigne se considera uma pessoa inteiramente e visivelmente voltada para fora, nascida para a sociedade e a amizade (III, 3, p. 55) e medita principalmente acerca dos negócios do Estado e do mundo: [...] lanço-me aos assuntos de Estado e ao universo de melhor grado quando estou sozinho (III, 3, 56). Ele recusa a idealização da sociedade; a melhor política é a que existe. Mas, podemos destacar dois empregos que faz da palavra política: o primeiro como obrigação ao bem público , o segundo como prática dos governos . De qualquer forma, considera que viver fora da política é viver fora da humanidade e não se omite das funções públicas. Na realidade, em Montaigne não encontramos a palavra política com um sentido unívoco. Na perspectiva de Montaigne não é possível julgamentos absolutos em política porque somente vemos partes e não podemos nos situar absolutamente fora de alguma circunstância perceptiva determinada para examinar independentemente, de um lado, as próprias coisas e, de outro, a maneira como se apresentam em cada uma dessas circunstâncias. O argumento considera como o ato de tomar partido envolve, por si mesmo, uma presunção de conhecimento; em seguida, ele nos convida a observar que essa mesma presunção se faz presente a despeito de nosso juízo oscilar entre opiniões contraditórias a que, a cada vez, nos agarramos como se tivessem, de modo geral, uma solidez maior do que elas podem revelar se consideradas no decorrer do tempo. Disso podemos perceber que ele problematiza as certezas políticas dado o caráter inseguro da faculdade intelectual, que recebe freqüentemente coisas falsas, daí a necessidade da moderação e do diálogo entre os partidos. Portanto, há um caráter duvidoso em todos os partidos. Diferente das certezas do eu só sei que nada sei e do penso, logo existo , Montaigne toma para si a divisa de Pirro ( Que sais-je? ) cuja interrogação expressa com mais clareza o posicionamento de nosso autor.
Silva, Nelson Maria Brechó da. "A amizade em Montaigne /." Marília : [s.n.], 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/91789.
Full textBanca: Lígia Fraga Silveira
Banca: Ivonil Parraz
Resumo: O presente trabalho pretende situar a amizade e sua descrição em Montaigne, que evoca a figura de seu amigo La Boétie. A partir dessa célebre amizade que foi rompida com a morte de La Boétie, segue-se uma análise do conceito de amizade nos Essais de Montaigne e de suas principais fontes. Resta ao autor apenas escrever incessantemente para garantir a presença de si mesmo e do amigo. A interpretação do texto permitirá reflexões sobre o sentido maior da amizade à luz da imagem da escrita, da pintura, do amor e da fraternidade
Abstract: This research has a target to show the friendship and her description in Montaigne, inspired by his friend La Boetie. From this famous friendship, which was disrupted by the death of La Boetie, follows a study of the concept of friendship on Montaigne's Essais and his main sources. Remain for actor only to write incessantly for to guarantee the present myself and of friend. The interpretation of the text allows reflections about friendship according to the image of the writing, painting, love and fraternity
Knop, Déborah. "La cryptique chez Montaigne." Thesis, Grenoble, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012GRENL024/document.
Full text“A sauts et à gambades”: from this expression in the Essays, critics often came to the conclusion of a rambling speech. Our work shows that this is not the case in many chapters, by referring to the “cryptical method” in the writings of Ramus (Dialectique, 1555) and Canaye (L'Organe, 1589) and to the rhetorical concept of ductus or progression of speech in which the dux-writer circumvents his reader's opposition or hostility, or repugnantia. The first part, which is based on major rhetorical theories, including those of Quintilian translated by Gedoyn (1718), defines the notions of propositum, oratio, sermo, contentio, digressio, delectare and repugnantia ; and, in the field of dialectics, syllogism and proof. It provides a means of digging out the deep structure of arguments. The second part defines the notion of insinuatio and its counterpart in dialectics, the “method of prudence”, on which Ramus gives detailed precepts. These give us many tools for the purpose of literary text analysis. We look into the notion of dissimulatio in rhetorics, including the dissimulatio artis, specific to Socrates – Socrates is an important figure for Montaigne. The last part outlines various forms of ductus in the Essays, so as to lure the reader and lead him on the path to moral progress. This goal requires the rhetoric to be finely attuned to what the reader is averse to, or what he is passionate about. The whole closely resembles the ancient method of spiritual exercise, which involved some familiarity between the writer and the reader, a concurrent and symmetric introspection from the master and his disciple
Compain, Jean-Marie. "La personnalité de Montaigne." Paris 4, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA040185.
Full textThis doctoral thesis is a psychological and biographical study of Michel de Montaigne. Historical documents (such as testaments, letters, diary: Journal de voyage) are used, but also the essays' self-portrait examined critically. Montaigne's personality (physical constitution, mind, social behavior and life interior) is examined, essentially from a new viewpoint, psychological and psychoanalytical
Compain, Jean-Marie. "La Personnalité de Montaigne." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb375967980.
Full textStatius, Pierre. "La sagesse de Montaigne." Lille 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994LIL30027.
Full textMontaigne's writing, thanks to its obious disorder, seems to escape any attempt at com:prehenoine it philosophically '(ano systematically). In opposition to that false evidence, and sanctified by history, ne wphold the opinion that montaigne's work, which is philosophical through and through, gives birth to a new way to philosophize - a sceptical wriming mannerwhose thematical axes are reality and joy - associated in that way i in a text which remains difficult to penetrate and enigmatic, those axes contribute to creating the texture of montaigne's wisdom, a paradoxical wisdom, a wisdom based on no parmuciar doctrine
Kolarova, Vassiléna. "Montaigne et le phénomène interartistique." Paris, EHESS, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010EHES0115.
Full textThe thesis examines the works of Michel de Montaigne focusing the research on his famous "Essays" and "The Diary of Montaigne's Travels". The author of the thesis manifests the existence of the "interartistic phenomenon" in the historical context of the Renaissance and its evolution from ancient philosophy (Horace -Ut pictura poesis, Philostrate -ekphrasis) through Renaissance thought (Leonardo da Vinci's Paragone ("comparison of the arts")) to modern ideas whereas the research is done from a theoretical point of view. The "interartistic phenomenon" expresses the relation arising between arts at the time of an aesthetic perception of a work of art. The aim of the research is to study the work of Montaigne as a work of art in first place. The varieties of the "interartistic phenomenon" which exist in the work of Montaigne are analyzed in light of the artistic vocabulary he is using to qualify his work. The author of the thesis takes notice of the interartistic conception in the work of Montaigne revealed by the convergence of nature and art, particularly in the diary of Montaigne's travels
SYLLA, NDIAYE AWA. "La rochefoucauld successeur de montaigne." Paris 4, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA040234.
Full textMontaigne had a significant and preponderant influence on la rochefoucauld. Even though through other writings he had improved his knowledge of montaigne's work, there is, in the classic moralist's work, a source which is directly derived from the "essais". But particularly in the omitted or not published maxims, we can recognize montaigne's decisive influence. In fact, montaigne's presence in la rochefoucauld's work is permanent and essential. La rochefoucauld appropriated montaigne's favourite rethoric methods, the very style of montaigne. La rochefoucauld's talent was to bring that style to a successfull conclusion ; the specific style of the "maximes" is his own personal property
Gittler, Bernard. "Rousseau et l'héritage de Montaigne." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ENSL1013.
Full textThe aim of this study is to analyze the role of Montaigne’s legacy in Rousseau’s philosophy.First, evidences and views of Rousseau’s reading of Montaigne have been examined in his published works and in his manuscripts. Editions in which Rousseau was reading Montaigne have also been identified.Then, mediations between Rousseau and Montaigne’s reception have been reviewed. Rousseau reads the Essais with the 18th century points of view. He relies on 17th century authors who judge Montaigne. Therefore, thanks to this philosophical tradition who deals with Montaigne, links between Montaigne and Rousseau are analysed.The implicit and explicit references to Montaigne in Rousseau’s work are triangulated. Rousseau quotes Montaigne to deal with Diderot, – translator of Shaftesbury, to defend natural religion as early as in his First Discourse on the Sciences and Arts.Rousseau has a political reading of the Essais. He denounces all kind of domination, and criticizes Montesquieu’s apology of luxury. The political reading of Montaigne increases in the second Discourse : the possessive individualism destroys the social link.Rousseau underlines the La Boétie’s principles in the Essais, which show the political depravation of society. The social link does not demand to follow moral rules against citizen’s interests. Humanity has to pursue a universal interest, which establishes a relationship between each human being and the whole humanity.Montaigne has a central position to understand the dialogues between Rousseau and Barbeyrac, Mandeville, and Locke. Rousseau refers to Montaigne when he defends his moral and politic fundamental principles
Kiewitz, Gesine. "Die Entdeckung der Körperlichkeit in den "Essais" Michel de Montaignes : "moy, qui me voy et qui me recherche jusques aux entrailles ..." /." Hamburg : Kovač, 2006. http://www.verlagdrkovac.de/3-8300-2604-8.htm.
Full textMorador, Natanailtom de Santana. "Michel de Montaigne : conversações sobre educação." Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2017. https://repositorio.ufscar.br/handle/ufscar/9071.
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Cette recherche a conduit a une réflexion sur la question de l'éducation dans les Essais de Michel de Montaigne. Ensuit, dans le premier moment, nous avons cherché à comprendre les caractéristiques qui ont marqué l'écriture d´Essais, à savoir, la forme essayistique, une fois que la forme et le contenu sont associés quand nous parlons des textes montaigniens. De cette façon pars de cette particularité de l'écriture, nous avons sélectionné les chapitres dans lesquels le sujet est plus présent et aprés ce choix, nous avons cherché à comprendre les lectures que Montaigne a faite des penseurs gréco-romains, ainsi que l'influence qu'ils s´ont exercé sur l'essayiste, en plus, l´inflexions que Montaigne a opéré sur le thème de l'éducation. On pourrait affirmer que Montaigne, à plusieurs égards se distancie de ses prédécesseurs et au lieu de faire une proposition d´une éducation dans la conception universel, il propose un processus de formation très particulière, qu'il prend en compte les individualités de chaque sujet et prend comme référence ses propres expériences formatrices. Ainsi, Montaigne propose une éducation qui prend le monde comme un livre et qui il se produit de nombreuses différentes façons: avec le précepteur, avec des livres, à travers les voyages et le « commerce des hommes», à savoir, la «conversation ». Montaigne transmetre un nouveau signifié au terme conversation, qui étais pris généralement en considération, par les traités italiens, comme un art de parler bien, et le donne un sens formative que il s´approche de ce que Cicéron entendait par conversatio. De cette façon, Montaigne comprend la formation comme un processus continu et la «conversation» - conference - serait le moyen par lequel les âmes s´exerceraient et les hommes formeraient ses jugements pour vivre et mourir bien, et donc c´est une des étapes les plus significatifs de ce processus.Cependant, Montaigne va bien au-delà de ces questions pour développer une critique aux collèges de leur temps et l'éducation par rapport à des méthodes répétitives et les châtiments corporels au détriment de la défense d’une formation qui fait l’instruction doucement et que compte tenu de la singularité de chaque enfant, ce qu'Il rend que, leurs idées d'éducation, sont encore courant.
A presente pesquisa buscou investigar a temática da educação nos Ensaios de Michel de Montaigne. Para tanto, num primeiro momento, buscou-se entender as características que marcam a escrita dos Ensaios, ou seja, a forma ensaística, já que forma e conteúdo estão associados quando falamos dos textos montaignianos. Partindo dessa peculiaridade da escrita, selecionamos os capítulos nos quais o tema se faz mais presente e, a partir dessa escolha, buscamos compreender as leituras que Montaigne fez dos pensadores greco-romanos, bem como as influências que estes exerceram sobre o ensaísta, além de investigarmos as inflexões que Montaigne operou com relação ao tema da educação. Poder-se-ia afirmar que Montaigne, em diversos aspectos, se distancia de seus antecessores e ao invés de propor uma educação numa acepção universal, propõe um processo formativo muito particular, que leva em consideração as individualidades de cada sujeito e toma como referência suas próprias experiências formativas. Com isso, Montaigne propõe uma educação que toma o mundo como livro e se dá das mais diversas maneiras: com o preceptor, com os livros, por meio das viagens e no “comércio dos homens”, ou seja, pela “conversação”. Assim, Montaigne ressignifica o termo conversação, que comumente era tomado como uma arte de falar bem pelos tratados italianos, e atribui-lhe um sentido formativo que se aproxima daquilo que Cícero entendia por conversatio. Desse modo, Montaigne entende a formação como um processo constante, e a “conversação” – conference – seria o meio pelo qual as almas se exercitariam, e os homens formariam os seus juízos para viverem e morrerem bem, sendo, portanto, uma das etapas mais significativas desse processo. No entanto, Montaigne vai muito além dessas questões, ao desenvolver uma crítica aos colégios de seu tempo e à educação baseada em métodos repetitivos e em castigos corporais, em detrimento da defesa de uma formação que instrui docemente e que considera a singularidade de cada infante, e isto faz que as suas ideias sobre educação sejam tão atuais.
Orione, Eduino José de Macêdo. "A meditação da morte em Montaigne." Universidade de São Paulo, 2012. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8133/tde-14092012-114446/.
Full textThis thesis investigates, basically, the essay Que philosopher cest apprendre a mourir, by the French philosopher Michel de Montaigne. This is a text which is a good example of how the philosopher rejects the metaphysical tradition in which the problem of death has always been thought (from the Greek thinkers to Medieval theologians). We show that the originality of this essay lies in the fact of Montaigne in advising us to follow the nature (which, in his thoughts, it confuses with the usual), and thus, it gets away not only from the Christian Dogmatics, but also from the Hellenistic moral teachings.
Grivel, Joseph. "A raisonnable distance : lecture de Montaigne." Lyon 3, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990LYO31002.
Full textThe life of michel de montaigne, nobleman and author, opens with the formal break of a premature retirement. The ancient precepts, both stoical and epicurian, of a voluntarily circumspective intention are to be observed in this withdrawal into oneself. This approach especially confines the possessions of body and soul, which montaigne sees in the original terms of a marriage without hierarchy placed under the administration of judgment. Within the limits of this dominated, restricted domain, ancient philosophers traditionally threaten that any breach of confines results in changes of fortune and transports of passions. The guarantee of the self is thus paid at the price of a permanent tension that strives to reduce all designs to the self. In this over-tense attitude, montaigne's retirement refuses self-acknowledgement. It integrates a cautions distancing defined by the genteel codes of the times, which allow for close engagement in the exercise of the martial virtues. Moreover, it is surprised at the both ambitious and certain adventure of gun artillery and ocean navigation, which were the new arts of a mechanized appropriation of the distance. With montaigne, the philosopher's too rigid restraint is able to come to terms with the dominated emergence from the self, which is like alcibiades happily giving a lesson in adaptability to seneca
Foglia, Marc. "La formation du jugement chez Montaigne." Paris 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA010620.
Full textBrahami, Frédéric. "Anthropologie sceptique : montaigne, bayle et hume." Paris 10, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA100112.
Full textThe purpose of this work is to define a theoretical field spanning the works of montaigne, of bayle and hume. These three thinkers make up a sceptic tradition in which the principles and concepts that are brought forward allow and require the constitution of an anthropology. The first part, whose subject is + the emergence of belief ;, aims at legitimating this tradition by making a distinction between modern scepticism and ancient scepticism. This distinction comes from theology, and more precisely from the theoretical difficulties linked to the notion of god. The scepticism which montaigne gave rise to, and which bayle and hume continued, puts forward belief as a psychological reality that is irreducible to opinion, to knowledge and to faith. The second part analyses + the work of belief ;. The strength of belief is the result of the fact that the mind is not considered by montaigne, bayle and hume as a container whose ideas make up the contents. It is a network of forces in which representations are first and foremost affects. The fundamental contribution of montaigne, bayle and hume to the theory of knowledge consists of this quasi-identification of the representations with the affects, which heralds the dismissal of reason as a principle. This criticism of reason leads to the naturalization of man which is the fundamental condition for an anthropology to emerge, and even this naturalization requires the constitution of an anthropology
Katzarov, Georgy. "Deuil et divertissement (autobiographies de Montaigne)." Paris, EHESS, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000EHES0088.
Full textAntunes, Danielle. "Da educação das crianças em Montaigne." Florianópolis, 2012. http://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/100828.
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Os "Ensaios" de Michel de Montaigne, escritos no século XVI, ainda nos inspiram, quer por sua forma, quer por seu conteúdo: e por tal razão, o presente estudo busca investigar as interfaces de seu estilo e ideias com a Educação. Abordaremos principalmente o capítulo XXVI do Livro I, o ensaio "Da educação das crianças", contudo, considerando a obra como um todo. Montaigne preocupa-se com a formação humana, e além de entregar-se ao conhecimento e formação de si, perceptível em toda sua obra, escreve um ensaio especial sobre como formar um ser humano, um jovem que chega ao mundo. Como se dá esta formação é o que iremos analisar ao longo desta dissertação, criando um movimento orgânico que parte da vida do autor, passando por sua forma de escrita, a seguir por suas ideias pedagógicas, para desembocar em possibilidades e perspectivas para pensar algumas das muitas contribuições do filósofo para a Educação. Enfocaremos na crença de Montaigne quanto ao potencial formativo de uma educação bem conduzida e na possibilidade de bem formar um ser humano para que este possa tornar-se mais sábio e melhor. Destacaremos a importância que o autor atribui à experiência, inclusive a filosófica, para a formação intelectual, moral e corporal, e o lugar essencial que a Natureza ocupa na educação, como mestre formador e orientador principal.
The "Essays" by Michel de Montaigne, written in XVIth century, still inspire us, both for their style and for their content. For this reason, this study investigates the interfaces of both Montaigne`s style and his ideas around the field of Education. We will discuss mainly the chapter XXVI of Book I, the essay "Of the education of children," considering it in the context of the work as a whole. Montaigne is concerned with human development, and beyond his devotion to self-knowledge and self-development, noticeable throughout his work, he writes an essay about how to shape a human being, a young person arriving into the world. How this education happens is what we will analyze throughout this dissertation. We will move organically from the start of the author's life, to his style of writing, to his pedagogic ideas, in order to see how they lead to possibilities and perspectives for the field of education. We focus on Montaigne`s belief about the potential of a well-conducted education and the possibility of developing a good human being so that it can become wiser and better. We will highlight the importance the author attaches to experience: corporeal, moral and intellectual, including the philosophical, as well as the essential place that Nature holds in education as a principal formative teacher.
Chappé, Raphaël. "Montaigne, Spinoza, Feuerbach : l’homme en question." Paris 10, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA100164.
Full textI take as my starting point Althusser’s theoretical anti-humanism (directed in particular against Feuerbach) and more recent analyses on alienation, a notion that was precisely contested by Althusser insofar as it refers to humanism understood as the recognition of a subject that is self-determining. In order to shed light on what is at stake in this tension, I examine the positions of three philosophers who differentiate themselves from this “humanist” paradigm that has held a dominant position in the modern era: Montaigne, Spinoza, Feuerbach. I seek to establish that they form a historico-philosophical line and that there are historical pathways and important analogies between them. The very way they distinguish themselves respectively from doctrines of human “dignity,” from Descartes’ “real distinction,” and from the different varieties of subjectivity in German idealism entitles me to draw the comparison. These converging positions are always built on the background of a separation between philosophy and theology and are made up of both an anti-humanist perspective and a concern for constituting a natural anthropology. If man remains at the center of their discourses, they are not dealing any more with “humanist” subjectivity. Naturalizing man contributes each time to depriving him of his traditional prerogatives and to making room for conceiving what alienation amounts to. I reach the conclusion that these authors, who have put passions and sensibility in the core of man, satisfy two apparently contradictory requirements: the anti-humanist test, and the required elaboration of a concept of alienation to which they belong from a proto-historical point of view
Latour, Bruno. "Portée purgative des "Essais" de Montaigne." Poitiers, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002POIT5002.
Full textDrakontaeidis, Filippos D. "Problèmes de traduction en grec moderne : les philosophes de l'Antiquité grecque dans les "Essais" de Michel de Montaigne /." Villeneuve-d'Ascq : Presses universitaires du septentrion, 2001. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb372243404.
Full textSweatt, Catherine Parker. "Une Éthique de La Modestie dans Les Essais de Montaigne (Towards a Modest Ethics in Montaigne's Essays)." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2012. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/scripps_theses/91.
Full textBoucher, Francois-Emmanuel. "Montaigne et l'hermeneutique des guerres de religion." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape11/PQDD_0006/MQ43837.pdf.
Full textBoucher, François-Emmanuël. "Montaigne et l'herméneutique des guerres de religion." Thesis, McGill University, 1997. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=28248.
Full textThe first one that extends over the first two chapters analyzes the way by which the religious wars of the era have found their justification in God. In the first chapter, we try to analyze the discursive vector of the divine ire whereas in the second chapter, we investigate the relationship between the tide of a battle and the elect sign that is supposed to give to the winner.
The second problem, that deals with various attempts of pacification, forms the third chapter of this paper. It focuses on the efforts undertaken by some "well intentioned" jurists to end "fratricidal" wars by royal by-laws (edits) whose unfortunate results are to stir up hatred among different ideological factions.
The fourth chapter is a reflection on some criticism stated by XVI century thinkers who perceived actual wars as lacking religious foundation, and even as a carnage where nobody really knew why the fighting was going on.
Finally, we put forward some hypotheses on the specificity of the Essais in the sociodiscursive context of this age.
Fontaine, Guylaine. "De la "fantaisie" humaine : Montaigne et l'imagination." Thesis, McGill University, 1993. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=68090.
Full textHel-Bongo, Olga. "La rêverie dans les Essais de Montaigne." Thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2007/24222/24222.pdf.
Full textZanelato, Henrique. "Ceticismo e Montaigne: uma apologia dos costumes." Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, 2018. http://tede.unioeste.br/handle/tede/3937.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
The following research deals with the investigation of one of the most important questions concerning skeptical doctrine: the possibility of conciliation between the teaching pronounced in school and practical life. By refusing all dogmatic doctrines, due to the skeptical conclusion that they invalidate each other, since each supposes to have reached a truth that opposes the other, the skepticism prescribes the epoché, or suspension of judgment. In this sense, the skeptics take effort, then, to construct a discourse of opposition to all other schools, showing the fragility of each and every position in any subject. Due to the residual indecision after the suspension of the judgment, skeptics are accused of not being able to act because the epoché prevents them from making any decision, however simple it may be. However, skeptics make some recommendations on this, deviating the suspension from this scope and suggesting a maintenance of the common customs of the people to which they belong. We seek to understand, therefore, how these two apparently paradoxical aspects of the skeptical doctrine harmonize: at one side, the consequences of a corrosive discourse, always willing to highlight the present contradictions between the dogmatic affirmations; on the other, the advice of admitting and preserving their own customs and laws, even knowing them to be relative and incomplete. For that, this research covers a series of elements, ranging from the early skeptics, Greeks and Romans, to the Renaissance, Montaigne in particular, as well as a study on the main authors who raised criticisms focused on this specific problem.
A pesquisa a seguir trata da investigação de uma das mais importantes questões referentes à doutrina cética: a possibilidade ou não de conciliação entre o ensinamento proferido pela escola e a vida prática. Por recusar todas as doutrinas chamadas dogmáticas, devido à conclusão cética de que elas se invalidam entre si, já que cada uma supõe ter alcançado uma verdade que opõe a de outra, o ceticismo prescreve a epoché, ou suspensão do juízo. Nesse sentido, os céticos se esforçaram, então, em construir um discurso de oposição a todas as outras escolas, mostrando a fragilidade de toda e qualquer posição, em qualquer assunto. Devido à indecisão restante após a suspensão do juízo, os céticos são acusados de não poderem agir porque a epoché os impede de tomar qualquer decisão, por mais simples que seja. No entanto, os céticos fazem algumas recomendações quanto a isso, afastando a suspensão desse âmbito e sugerindo a manutenção dos costumes comuns do povo ao qual pertencem. Buscamos compreender, portanto, como se harmonizam esses dois aspectos aparentemente paradoxais, próprios à doutrina cética: por um lado, as consequências de um discurso corrosivo, sempre disposto a destacar as contradições presentes entre as afirmações dogmáticas; por outro, o conselho de admitir e conservar os próprios costumes e leis, mesmo sabendo-os relativos e incompletos. Para isso, a pesquisa abrange uma série de elementos, que vai desde os primeiros céticos, gregos e romanos, até os renascentistas, Montaigne em especial, bem como um estudo sobre os principais autores que levantaram críticas focadas nesse problema específico.
Beaudoin, Stéphane. "La mort dans les Essais de Montaigne." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/42707.
Full textDuhamel, Jérémie. "La vertu du citoyen : Machiavel, Montaigne, Hobbes." Paris, EHESS, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012EHES0063.
Full textThis dissertation examines the meaning of the reference to the virtue of the citizen in the political thought of Machiavelli, Montaigne and Hobbes. In the work of these three authors, we find an array of discourses on virtue that vacillate between the critiques of its classical representations and calls to redefine it in relation with new requirements. Through a comparative approach, this study aims to show that those variations constitute a fundamental rhetorical device for delineating a new mode of justification for virtues that combines two related principles. On the one hand, this new approach no longer rests on an ontological hierarchy of ends, but instead on a representation of a sovereign evil that takes different forms: political domination for Machiavelli, cruelty and tyranny for Montaigne, and civil war for Hobbes. Thus, the civic virtues are no longer encouraged as an expression of the good life, but as an essential instrument for protecting the common good from those vices. On the other hand, these three discourses seek to articulate a conception of virtue with a new representation of equality based on the idea of a common vulnerability. This dissertation advocates that, at the wake of the Machiavellian turn, diverse and often conflicting attempts to present a new concept of virtue began to appear, which valued the ordinary attributes of individuals with an emphasis on peace, justice and civility
Tsakas, Aurelie. "Les Essais de Montaigne : un "exercice spirituel" ?" Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0727.
Full textThe concept of spiritual exercise, proposed by Hadot, refers to practices born in ancient Greece and prolonged in Christian meditations. Opposed to theoretical philosophy, they pursue the ambition of learning to act better and to know oneself. The thesis proposes an overview of this tradition which is associated with examining precise texts of various periods, in order to put into perspective the Montaigne Essays which reclaim this tradition by pursuing the project of defining an art of living. At the end of the sixteenth century, the trust that the ancients brought to reason is no longer applicable : can we still consider mastering ourselves or even knowing ourself ? The Christians believe this is possible, by having recourse to divine grace. The exercises that Montaigne proposes are strictly human and ordinary. Taking the example of an idealized figure of Socrates, also associated with that of the Indian cannibal, the author of the Essays intends to promote a more « naïve » and « primitive » relationship to oneself. It requires to do self-work that only naturalized exercises can achieve. The impulses of fantasy participate in the process in the same way as the work of reason, whereas the latter acquires the right to dream. He does not give up the idea of setting himself up as a master of himself, taking up the Stoic method of transforming the inevitable into a choice. At the moment when the Counter-Reformation requires repentance, spiritual exercises allow Montaigne to discover and assume what he is. And when Neo-Stoic treatises look for tranquillitas animi, he assumes the role of agitator, proposing exercises that maintain movement, conceived as vital impetus
Hél-Bongo, Olga. "La rêverie dans les Essais de Montaigne." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/18762.
Full textKrier, Isabelle. "Différence des sexes et scepticisme chez Montaigne." Besançon, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BESA1016.
Full textThis study is indebted to recent works about gender, object of thought which is still not well-known in France. Why Montaigne ? Is his discourse on women a simple reflexion on the mentalities of the Renaissance or does it constitute an heterodoxy ? The difference of sexes acquires in the Essays a singular philosophical content. This originality cannot be understood if a deep link between these themes and modern scepticism is not taken into account. Montaigne approaches this problem as a part of the criticism of power. He questions the preconceived ideas. He writes a satire of the traditional authoritarian family. The change is considerable. It consists mainly on defending the freedom of the subject. For the sceptic, imagination plays a considerable role, in the light of the appartenance to a gender. Denouncing the power of scholars, Montaigne offers a new pedagogy which does not exclude females. The criticism of despotism leads to an economy of transmission and sharing. The Inquisition trials against the witches show abuses of reason and of politics. Montaigne opposes to them clemency. Generosity characterizes the sceptical ethics. It has the effect of liberating the marriage of hypocritical conventions. It is found in erotics as a form of respect of alterity. Are we capable today of hearing this urge to freedom without reducing it ?
Maierhofer, Martina. "Zur Genealogie des Imaginären : Montaigne, Pascal, Rousseau /." Tübingen : G. Narr, 2003. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39260245q.
Full textToti, Carolina Natale. "A condição humana em Montaigne e Camus." Universidade Estadual de Londriona. Centro de Letras e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, 2011. http://www.bibliotecadigital.uel.br/document/?code=vtls000162628.
Full textIn this paper we address the Essays of Montaigne and the trilogy of the absurd Albert Camus: The Stranger (novel), Caligula (drama) and The Myth of Sisyphus (test). We resume the themes and style characteristic of the essay genre, as it was conceived by Montaigne. We try to see how Camus incorporates both the test as in romance and drama, movement montaigneano fundamental test: a certain notion of the human condition that eventually become images, or a thought for images that portray our condition. Verified as Camus inherits the perspective and the way the French moralist tradition begun by Montaigne
Toti, Carolina Natale. "Melancolia e gênio nos Ensaios de Montaigne." Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Centro de Letras e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, 2016. http://www.bibliotecadigital.uel.br/document/?code=vtls000206101.
Full textThe present dissertation analyzes the Essays of Montaigne in order to clarify the meaning of melancholy and genius notions. For this purpose, the research seeks to understand how the essayist considers these conceptions, the function of the melancholic humor in the book genesis, the melancholy expression in the text, and the relation between the attempt to know thyself and the seek for an ideal writing. It is noticed that the issues relating to the melancholy and genius notions revolve around the fight against the death drive.
Pedroso, Sandra Pires de Toledo. "Ensaios de Montaigne: o \'Jugement\' e sua forma." Universidade de São Paulo, 2009. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8133/tde-05022010-163813/.
Full textMontaignes Essays still present challenges to the interpretation. In an attempt to approach them, we focus on how Montaigne constructs his considerations and on the objective implications of sense of the form essay, trying to find at this level the form of his own jugement in act. Thus, three essays are selected for analysis: \"By various means you get the same end\" (I, 1), \"The inconstancy of our actions\" (II, 1) and \"The lame\" (III, 11). In the analysis of the first essay we focus on the pronounced presence of examples and the curious dissonances between these and the context in which they are inserted, which allow us to characterize some aspects of the relationship between author and reader, as well as the position required from the latter; in the second, we take on account the sinuous construction of the text and the dissimulated incorporation of portions of Seneca as references that allow to understand the meaning of Montaigne criticism of the traditional forms of character evaluation; in the third, finally, the discussion of the relationship between the prologue and the specific object, and between continuities and discontinuities in the text, allow us to show how Montaigne incorporates in his procedure his critical conceptions about human knowledge. The results of these analyses, along with their possible consequences for the rest of the Essays, are discussed in the conclusion.
Arrowsmith, Doug. "Techniques of self-mastery, Montaigne, Shakespeare and Freud." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/NQ66341.pdf.
Full textQuerubini, Edson. "Escrita instruída e Licença nos Ensaios de Montaigne." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8133/tde-29062016-113702/.
Full textThis thesis investigates Montaignes Essays and the persuasive and verisimilar rhetorical effects that they manage to achieve, rather than consider them as true descriptions of the matters they discuss and the statements they entail. Thus, close attention is paid to Montaignes intention to create belief (fidem facere) rather than to state the truth. Accordingly, this thesis sets out to identify this authors discourse as one that is fully aware of the technical instruments of rhetorical persuasion. Likewise, the veracity of the authors self-portrayal is not ignored, but it is understood as one of the fundamental elements at which the essayists efforts to produce verisimilitude predominate. Therefore, this research intends to show that what one reads in Montaignes Essays are the multiple operations of a mind that compose the manner of a persona that was built to persuade the reader that it coincides spontaneously, truthfully and successfully with the author.
Ferreira, Florivaldo Floriano. "A crítica da razão em Michel de Montaigne." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/7368.
Full textO trabalho que se segue é uma leitura e comentário do capítulo “Apologie de Raymond Sebond”, Livro II, 12, de Michel de Montaigne. Trata-se de apresentar a crítica da razão abordada pelo autor. Com o pretexto de defender as ideias de Sebond, que em sua obra Teologia naturalis, de quem tinha traduzido do latim para o francês, que encontrava os fundamentos da fé na razão e punha o homem no primeiro nível da criação, o ensaísta apresenta de facto um pensamento muito pessoal. Recusa-se a dar valor à razão e põe o homem no mesmo nível dos animais. Vai sustentar a tese de que a razão não tem um valor de absoluta superioridade, conturbando desta forma, toda a tradição filosófica que depositava toda a confiança na razão, sobretudo como instrumento do conhecimento. Esta dissertação é desenvolvida em quatro etapas. A primeira, abordará brevemente a concepção antropológica que subjaz na “Apologie”; em segundo lugar, pretende-se perceber com maior clarividência os motivos que levaram o autor a criticar a razão que é instrumentalizada na tarefa de justificação das chamadas verdades religiosas; em terceiro lugar, trata-se da crítica da ciência que é abordada no ensaio, onde o autor quer derrubar a tola vaidade e sacudir os fundamentos sobre os quais se constroem as falsas ideias produzidas pela ciência; na quarta e última etapa, pretende-se abordar a tese da impossibilidade de se formular, a partir da razão, um conjunto de normas, regras e leis com validade objectiva a qualquer grupo humano.
Litwin, Christophe. "Généalogies de l'amour de soi : Montaigne, Pascal, Rousseau." Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011EHES0059.
Full textMy dissertation is an inquiry into the passion of self-love and the quarrel on its Interpretation that emerges after the Renaissance: for both the Augustinians and the Humanists, self-love is regarded as a specifically human kind of dissoluteness. The first however interpret it as the original corruption of charity to which mankind cannot remedy without God’s supernatural grace and the gift of faith; the second, influenced by their reading of Aristotle, Plato and Cicero, tend on the contrary to regard self-love less as the corruption of clarity, than as a depraved modification of the natural love every living has for itself. I address the anthropological, moral, political, aesthetical and theological implications of this quarrel through the works of Montaigne, Pascal and Rousseau
Peytavin, Sophie. "Montaigne, Les Essais : critique de la raison rhétorique." Paris 4, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA040254.
Full textMontaigne, in his Essays as read in light of their particular context rather than in a classically Cartesian way, identifies the rhetorical frameworks peculiar to Renaissance thought and distances himself from them. This criticism, however, is only one of both sides of his philosophical work. Indeed, he develops an original method of inquisition in an immanent way, arriving at concepts which will occasionally irrigate classical and Cartesian philosophy. His approach can nevertheless also be read as a proper model for thought, surprisingly echoing contemporary epistemological posture
Lee, Seon-Hee. "Histoire et histoires dans les Essais de Montaigne." Paris 10, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA100074.
Full textIn the Essays, Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) reports a considerable number of stories taken from his readings, his own experiments or those taken from the people around him. The first part of this study answers the question about the types of these. The second part is mainly devoted to the examination of their sources. The last part insists on the way Montaigne appropriates the accounts of others in his text. We first see the formal aspects of them. Then we tackle the study of the fitting of the stories because we find rather particular cases like reporting a very long story, or giving the same one several times, or aligning a series of stories. Lastly, we try to define the roles the stories play in the text. We present three possibilities: they are used to illustrate one idea, they intervene as a precept or they launch or start again the reflection. Our work finishes thus on confirming the close relationship between the stories and the reflection or the opinions of Montaigne
Guerrier, Olivier. ""Fantaisie" et fiction dans les "Essais" de Montaigne." Aix-Marseille 1, 2000. https://acces.bibliotheque-diderot.fr/login?url=https://www.classiques-garnier.com/numerique-bases/index.php?module=App&action=FrameMain&colname=ColGarnier&filename=OgrMS01.
Full textRoger-Vasselin, Bruno. "Montaigne et l'art de sourire à la Renaissance." Saint-Genouph : Nizet, 2003. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39050880b.
Full textRoger-Vasselin, Bruno. "L'ironie et l'humour chez montaigne dans les essais." Paris 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA030036.
Full textThe object of this thesis is to demonstrate why Montaigne’ s conscience of his personal, social and literary uniqueness leads him to an attitude which combines irony and humour as a special means of distance throughout the Essais. Distanciation is to be understood as a means by which to penetrate the reality, to master its elements and difficulties, to render it more human while transposing it on a playful and ludicrous scale. All aspects of laughter share this distance which does not exclude the self implication of the user. This self implication is somewhat immunised by the power of laughter which untangles agressions on blunts the spurs of this reality. Ironic distance is called distanciation, humoristic distance understatement. The first part of this thesis deals with the various literary, social and ethical models upon which Montaigne situates himself and takes his distances. The second and third parts are focused on irony as a source of truth and humour as an element of health, neither truth nor health being incompatible. Both attitudes comprise three tendancies each which are successivly studied : irony is expressed through satire, scepticism and distanciation, humour through charge, mirth and politeness
Sellevold, Kirsti. "J'ayme ces mots... expressions linguistiques de doute dans les Essais de Montaigne /." Paris : H. Champion, 2004. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39250913t.
Full textGuerrier, Olivier. "Quand les poètes feignent fantasie et fiction dans les Essais de Montaigne /." Paris : H. Champion, 2002. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb389481780.
Full textSiqueira, Ariosvaldo Kiister. "Morte e razão na dita "fase estoica" de Montaigne." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFPR, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1884/26409.
Full textSILVA, Giselia Rodrigues Dias da. "O indianismo revisitado: A expedição Montaigne, de Antonio Callado." Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011. http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2395.
Full textSince the Literature Training and Information until the contemporary literature, the Indian, under the most diverse shapes and shades, is always revisited by the Brazilian literary works. In this study, we observed how the novel A expedição Montaigne (1982), by Antonio Callado, incorporates in its narrative economy, the issue of indigenous peoples. This attempt to understand the approach of the Indian in a specific novel opened space for wider discussion. We seek, then, to understand what facets are coated the representation of the Indian in contemporary Brazilian novel, here understood as that novel produced from the second half of the twentieth century, supported mainly by reflections of Walnice Nogueira Galvão, who find themselves in a systematic test of the 1970, whose Indianism revisited" we took borrowed. Moreover, we discuss how the other novels, by Antonio Callado, produced during the same period, also deal with the issue of indigenous and, in parallel, pressing issues in a very specific moment in Brazilian history: the military dictatorship. To this end, we guided by our discussions in some studies critical of the singularities of the socio-historical, political and cultural Brazilian context of the second half of the twentieth century. As is the case of Tania Pellegrini, Regina Dalcastagné, Walnice Nogueira Galvão, and in the readings of novelist by Antonio Callado, whose main authors are Ligia Chiappini Moraes Leite, Alcmeno Bastos e Rejane Rocha. Thus, in an attempt to tie the threads, we finally reflect on how the narratological resources are mobilized in A expedição Montaigne to enable both a reassessment of the incongruities of the dictatorial regime that is already ending, as well as the historical and ideological contradictions that shape the representation of Indians in Brazilian novel.
Da Literatura de Formação e Informação até a contemporaneidade, o índio, sob as mais diversas formas e matizes, sempre é revisitado pelas obras literárias brasileiras. Nesse estudo, averiguamos o modo como o romance A expedição Montaigne (1982), de Antonio Callado, incorpora tematicamente em sua economia narrativa a questão do indígena. Essa tentativa de se compreender a abordagem do índio em um romance específico abriu espaço para reflexões mais amplas. Buscamos, então, entender de que facetas se revestiu a representação do índio no romance brasileiro contemporâneo, aqui entendido como aquele produzido a partir da segunda metade do século XX, amparados, principalmente, pelas reflexões de Walnice Nogueira Galvão, que se acham sistematizadas em um ensaio da década de 1970, de quem tomamos emprestado o termo indianismo revisitado . Além disso, discutimos o modo como os demais romances de Callado produzidos nesse mesmo período, também lidam com a temática do indígena e, paralelamente, com as questões prementes a um momento muito específico da história brasileira: a ditadura militar. Para tanto, pautamos nossas discussões nos estudos de alguns críticos a respeito das singularidades do contexto sócio-histórico, político e cultural brasileiro da segunda metade do século XX, como é o caso de Tânia Pellegrini, Regina Dalcastagné e Walnice Nogueira Galvão; bem como pelas leituras já realizadas sobre a obra romanesca de Antonio Callado, cujos principais estudiosos são Ligia Chiappini Moraes Leite, Alcmeno Bastos e Rejane Rocha. Assim, numa tentativa de articular as partes e obter um resultado significativo para o trabalho, buscamos finalmente refletir sobre como os recursos narratológicos são mobilizados em A expedição Montaigne, a fim de possibilitar tanto uma reavaliação das incongruências e dos efeitos nefastos do regime ditatorial que já estava se findando, quanto das contradições históricas e ideológicas que moldam a representação do indígena no romance brasileiro.
Scoralick, Andre. "Experiência e moralidade no último dos Ensaios de Montaigne." Universidade de São Paulo, 2008. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8133/tde-28112008-172044/.
Full textThe present study aims at introducing Michel de Montaignes ethical reflexion, as exposed in his Essays. It is, more specifically, an analysis of the chapter On experience, the essay with wich the author finishes his work, and presents, as in a will, the essential topics of his moral orientation. We seek to understand the fundaments of his refusal of all normative ethics, and the project of elaborating a moral fit to the singularity of agents and the circumstances of action. To do so, we undertake the reconstruction of the authors criticism to the arts that intend to regulate human conducts jurisprudence and medicine , and to the Stoic moral. We also try to clarify the experience of oneself, from which Montaigne derives a moral that reconciles pleasure and virtue, and the agent with himself.