Academic literature on the topic 'Montaigne'
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Journal articles on the topic "Montaigne"
Watson, Stephen H. "Montaigne’s of Cruelty and the Emergence of Hermeneutic and Intercultural Modernity: Three Rival Readings." Journal of Chinese Philosophy 42, no. 1-2 (March 3, 2015): 62–85.
Full textHamlin, William M. "Florio's Montaigne and the Tyranny of “Custome”: Appropriation, Ideology, and Early English Readership of theEssayes*." Renaissance Quarterly 63, no. 2 (2010): 491–544.
Full textRayskina, V. A. "Pedagogical Dominant of Renaissance Reflective Discourse: Michel Montaigne’s Concept of Developmental Teaching and Education." Nauchnyi dialog 11, no. 10 (January 5, 2023): 104–20.
Full textHodge, Kyle S. "The Conservatism of the Counterreformation in Montaigne’s “Apology for Raymond Sebond”." Journal of Early Modern Studies 10, no. 2 (2021): 9–33.
Full textBiosca i Bas, Antoni. "Michel de Montaigne, traductor de griego. Sobre dos citas griegas y la traducción latina de Conrad Gessner." Çédille, no. 20 (2021): 237–52.
Full textRigolot, François. "Curiosity, Contingency, and Cultural Diversity: Montaigne's Readings at the Vatican Library*." Renaissance Quarterly 64, no. 3 (2011): 847–74.
Full textBogdanovski, Masan. "Montaigne's revival of pyrrhonism." Theoria, Beograd 51, no. 4 (2008): 59–71.
Full textKrupecka, Iwona. "Jak się filozofuje z siodła? Przypadek Michela de Montaigne’a." Zoophilologica, no. 6 (December 29, 2020): 63–76.
Full textConnolly, Shannon R. "Equity and Amerindians in Montaigne’s “Des cannibales” (1, 31)." Renaissance and Reformation 43, no. 3 (December 21, 2020): 195–228.
Full textHamrick, Will iam S. "Reading Merleau-Ponty Reading Montaigne." Chiasmi International 22 (2020): 369–83.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Montaigne"
Silva, Nelson Maria Brechó da [UNESP]. "A amizade em Montaigne." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2010.
Full textCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente trabalho pretende situar a amizade e sua descrição em Montaigne, que evoca a figura de seu amigo La Boétie. A partir dessa célebre amizade que foi rompida com a morte de La Boétie, segue-se uma análise do conceito de amizade nos Essais de Montaigne e de suas principais fontes. Resta ao autor apenas escrever incessantemente para garantir a presença de si mesmo e do amigo. A interpretação do texto permitirá reflexões sobre o sentido maior da amizade à luz da imagem da escrita, da pintura, do amor e da fraternidade
This research has a target to show the friendship and her description in Montaigne, inspired by his friend La Boetie. From this famous friendship, which was disrupted by the death of La Boetie, follows a study of the concept of friendship on Montaigne’s Essais and his main sources. Remain for actor only to write incessantly for to guarantee the present myself and of friend. The interpretation of the text allows reflections about friendship according to the image of the writing, painting, love and fraternity
Conceição, Gilmar Henrique da. "Montaigne e a política." Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana, 2010.
Full textCommonly, human nature is considered unknown for Montaigne once we are all impregnated and bypassed customs, but poses different problems Montaigne inquiring about the possibility of political actions that enable a company to remain in balance and be improved, in spite of evil present in human nature perceived inconsistency of reason, and parties in conflict. Note that considers possible to improve the state of imperfection of man, but better does not mean eliminate the imperfection. Montaigne considers herself fully and visibly facing out, born to society and friendship (III, 3, p. 55) and broods primarily about state affairs and the world: "[...] haul me to the matters State and the universe best pleased when I'm alone "(III, 3, 56). He rejects the idealization of society, the best policy is one that exists. But, we highlight two jobs that makes the word politics: the first as "obligation to the public good", the second as "the practice of governments." Anyway, consider that living out of politics is to live outside of humanity and did not neglect public duties. Indeed, in Montaigne does not find the word with an unambiguous policy. In view of Montaigne is not possible absolute judgments in politics only because we share and we can not be located entirely outside of any particular perceptive condition to examine whether, on the one hand, the things themselves, and the other the way they present themselves in each one of those circumstances. The argument considers the act of "taking sides" involves, in itself, a presumption of knowledge, then he invites us to observe that this same assumption is present despite our view oscillates between the conflicting views that the ever, we hold as if they had, in general, a strength greater than they can reveal if considered over time. From this we can see that he discusses the political certainties given the insecure nature of the intellectual faculty, who frequently receives false things, hence the need for "moderation" and "dialogue" between the parties. So there is a questionable character in all parties. Unlike the certainty of "I just know that I know nothing" and "I think therefore I am ', Montaigne takes on the motto of Pyrrhus (" Que sais-je? ") which expresses most clearly mark the position of our author.
Comumente, a natureza humana é considerada desconhecida para Montaigne uma vez que estamos todos impregnados e contornados pelos costumes, porém Montaigne coloca diferentes problemas indagando sobre a possibilidade de ações políticas que permitam a uma sociedade manter-se em equilíbrio e ser melhorada, apesar da maldade presente na natureza humana percebida, da inconsistência da razão, e dos partidos em conflito. Observe-se que considera possível melhorar o estado de imperfeição do homem, mas melhorar não significa eliminar a imperfeição. Montaigne se considera uma pessoa inteiramente e visivelmente voltada para fora, nascida para a sociedade e a amizade (III, 3, p. 55) e medita principalmente acerca dos negócios do Estado e do mundo: [...] lanço-me aos assuntos de Estado e ao universo de melhor grado quando estou sozinho (III, 3, 56). Ele recusa a idealização da sociedade; a melhor política é a que existe. Mas, podemos destacar dois empregos que faz da palavra política: o primeiro como obrigação ao bem público , o segundo como prática dos governos . De qualquer forma, considera que viver fora da política é viver fora da humanidade e não se omite das funções públicas. Na realidade, em Montaigne não encontramos a palavra política com um sentido unívoco. Na perspectiva de Montaigne não é possível julgamentos absolutos em política porque somente vemos partes e não podemos nos situar absolutamente fora de alguma circunstância perceptiva determinada para examinar independentemente, de um lado, as próprias coisas e, de outro, a maneira como se apresentam em cada uma dessas circunstâncias. O argumento considera como o ato de tomar partido envolve, por si mesmo, uma presunção de conhecimento; em seguida, ele nos convida a observar que essa mesma presunção se faz presente a despeito de nosso juízo oscilar entre opiniões contraditórias a que, a cada vez, nos agarramos como se tivessem, de modo geral, uma solidez maior do que elas podem revelar se consideradas no decorrer do tempo. Disso podemos perceber que ele problematiza as certezas políticas dado o caráter inseguro da faculdade intelectual, que recebe freqüentemente coisas falsas, daí a necessidade da moderação e do diálogo entre os partidos. Portanto, há um caráter duvidoso em todos os partidos. Diferente das certezas do eu só sei que nada sei e do penso, logo existo , Montaigne toma para si a divisa de Pirro ( Que sais-je? ) cuja interrogação expressa com mais clareza o posicionamento de nosso autor.
Silva, Nelson Maria Brechó da. "A amizade em Montaigne /." Marília : [s.n.], 2010.
Full textBanca: Lígia Fraga Silveira
Banca: Ivonil Parraz
Resumo: O presente trabalho pretende situar a amizade e sua descrição em Montaigne, que evoca a figura de seu amigo La Boétie. A partir dessa célebre amizade que foi rompida com a morte de La Boétie, segue-se uma análise do conceito de amizade nos Essais de Montaigne e de suas principais fontes. Resta ao autor apenas escrever incessantemente para garantir a presença de si mesmo e do amigo. A interpretação do texto permitirá reflexões sobre o sentido maior da amizade à luz da imagem da escrita, da pintura, do amor e da fraternidade
Abstract: This research has a target to show the friendship and her description in Montaigne, inspired by his friend La Boetie. From this famous friendship, which was disrupted by the death of La Boetie, follows a study of the concept of friendship on Montaigne's Essais and his main sources. Remain for actor only to write incessantly for to guarantee the present myself and of friend. The interpretation of the text allows reflections about friendship according to the image of the writing, painting, love and fraternity
Knop, Déborah. "La cryptique chez Montaigne." Thesis, Grenoble, 2012.
Full text“A sauts et à gambades”: from this expression in the Essays, critics often came to the conclusion of a rambling speech. Our work shows that this is not the case in many chapters, by referring to the “cryptical method” in the writings of Ramus (Dialectique, 1555) and Canaye (L'Organe, 1589) and to the rhetorical concept of ductus or progression of speech in which the dux-writer circumvents his reader's opposition or hostility, or repugnantia. The first part, which is based on major rhetorical theories, including those of Quintilian translated by Gedoyn (1718), defines the notions of propositum, oratio, sermo, contentio, digressio, delectare and repugnantia ; and, in the field of dialectics, syllogism and proof. It provides a means of digging out the deep structure of arguments. The second part defines the notion of insinuatio and its counterpart in dialectics, the “method of prudence”, on which Ramus gives detailed precepts. These give us many tools for the purpose of literary text analysis. We look into the notion of dissimulatio in rhetorics, including the dissimulatio artis, specific to Socrates – Socrates is an important figure for Montaigne. The last part outlines various forms of ductus in the Essays, so as to lure the reader and lead him on the path to moral progress. This goal requires the rhetoric to be finely attuned to what the reader is averse to, or what he is passionate about. The whole closely resembles the ancient method of spiritual exercise, which involved some familiarity between the writer and the reader, a concurrent and symmetric introspection from the master and his disciple
Compain, Jean-Marie. "La personnalité de Montaigne." Paris 4, 1986.
Full textThis doctoral thesis is a psychological and biographical study of Michel de Montaigne. Historical documents (such as testaments, letters, diary: Journal de voyage) are used, but also the essays' self-portrait examined critically. Montaigne's personality (physical constitution, mind, social behavior and life interior) is examined, essentially from a new viewpoint, psychological and psychoanalytical
Compain, Jean-Marie. "La Personnalité de Montaigne." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1987.
Full textStatius, Pierre. "La sagesse de Montaigne." Lille 3, 1994.
Full textMontaigne's writing, thanks to its obious disorder, seems to escape any attempt at com:prehenoine it philosophically '(ano systematically). In opposition to that false evidence, and sanctified by history, ne wphold the opinion that montaigne's work, which is philosophical through and through, gives birth to a new way to philosophize - a sceptical wriming mannerwhose thematical axes are reality and joy - associated in that way i in a text which remains difficult to penetrate and enigmatic, those axes contribute to creating the texture of montaigne's wisdom, a paradoxical wisdom, a wisdom based on no parmuciar doctrine
Kolarova, Vassiléna. "Montaigne et le phénomène interartistique." Paris, EHESS, 2010.
Full textThe thesis examines the works of Michel de Montaigne focusing the research on his famous "Essays" and "The Diary of Montaigne's Travels". The author of the thesis manifests the existence of the "interartistic phenomenon" in the historical context of the Renaissance and its evolution from ancient philosophy (Horace -Ut pictura poesis, Philostrate -ekphrasis) through Renaissance thought (Leonardo da Vinci's Paragone ("comparison of the arts")) to modern ideas whereas the research is done from a theoretical point of view. The "interartistic phenomenon" expresses the relation arising between arts at the time of an aesthetic perception of a work of art. The aim of the research is to study the work of Montaigne as a work of art in first place. The varieties of the "interartistic phenomenon" which exist in the work of Montaigne are analyzed in light of the artistic vocabulary he is using to qualify his work. The author of the thesis takes notice of the interartistic conception in the work of Montaigne revealed by the convergence of nature and art, particularly in the diary of Montaigne's travels
SYLLA, NDIAYE AWA. "La rochefoucauld successeur de montaigne." Paris 4, 1986.
Full textMontaigne had a significant and preponderant influence on la rochefoucauld. Even though through other writings he had improved his knowledge of montaigne's work, there is, in the classic moralist's work, a source which is directly derived from the "essais". But particularly in the omitted or not published maxims, we can recognize montaigne's decisive influence. In fact, montaigne's presence in la rochefoucauld's work is permanent and essential. La rochefoucauld appropriated montaigne's favourite rethoric methods, the very style of montaigne. La rochefoucauld's talent was to bring that style to a successfull conclusion ; the specific style of the "maximes" is his own personal property
Gittler, Bernard. "Rousseau et l'héritage de Montaigne." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2015.
Full textThe aim of this study is to analyze the role of Montaigne’s legacy in Rousseau’s philosophy.First, evidences and views of Rousseau’s reading of Montaigne have been examined in his published works and in his manuscripts. Editions in which Rousseau was reading Montaigne have also been identified.Then, mediations between Rousseau and Montaigne’s reception have been reviewed. Rousseau reads the Essais with the 18th century points of view. He relies on 17th century authors who judge Montaigne. Therefore, thanks to this philosophical tradition who deals with Montaigne, links between Montaigne and Rousseau are analysed.The implicit and explicit references to Montaigne in Rousseau’s work are triangulated. Rousseau quotes Montaigne to deal with Diderot, – translator of Shaftesbury, to defend natural religion as early as in his First Discourse on the Sciences and Arts.Rousseau has a political reading of the Essais. He denounces all kind of domination, and criticizes Montesquieu’s apology of luxury. The political reading of Montaigne increases in the second Discourse : the possessive individualism destroys the social link.Rousseau underlines the La Boétie’s principles in the Essais, which show the political depravation of society. The social link does not demand to follow moral rules against citizen’s interests. Humanity has to pursue a universal interest, which establishes a relationship between each human being and the whole humanity.Montaigne has a central position to understand the dialogues between Rousseau and Barbeyrac, Mandeville, and Locke. Rousseau refers to Montaigne when he defends his moral and politic fundamental principles
Books on the topic "Montaigne"
1971-, Zalloua Zahi Anbra, ed. Montaigne after theory, theory after Montaigne. Seattle: University of Washington Press, in association with Whitman College, 2009.
Find full textAulotte, Robert. Montaigne, "Essais". Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1988.
Find full textAulotte, Robert. Montaigne: "Essais". 3rd ed. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Montaigne"
Herrmann, Douglas J., and Roger Chaffin. "Montaigne." In Recent Research in Psychology, 161–63. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1988.
Full textEngle, Lars. "Introduction: Montaigne and Shakespeare as Thought-Experiment." In Shakespeare and Montaigne, 28–58. Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
Full textChenoweth, Katie. "Derrida at Montaigne." In Deconstructing the Death Penalty, 101–18. Fordham University Press, 2018.
Full textHamlin, William M. "1. Writing oneself." In Montaigne: A Very Short Introduction, 1–14. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full textPlatt, Peter G. "Custom, Otherness, and the Fictions of Mastery: ‘Of the Caniballes’ and The Tempest." In Shakespeare's Essays, 129–53. Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
Full textMiura, Cassie M. "Cavell’s Tragic Scepticism and the Comedy of the Cuckold: Othello and Montaigne Revisited." In Shakespeare and Montaigne, 166–79. Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
Full text"Montaigne." In Figuren der Souveränität, 239–75. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2009.
Full textO’Brien, John. "Montaigne." In The Cambridge History of French Thought, 73–82. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Full textKenny, Neil. "Montaigne." In Death and Tenses, 231–50. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Full text"Montaigne:." In Encontrarse y comprender. La búsqueda de sentido, 165–67. Dykinson, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Montaigne"
Bischoff, Liouba. "Nicolas Bouvier, lecteur de Montaigne." In Usages de Nicolas Bouvier. Fabula, 2017.
Full textSILVA, Antoniel Alves Da. "Montaigne: um pensador da morte em conformidade com o Cristianismo?" In I Semana Nacional de Teologia, Filosofia e Estudos de Religião I Colóquio Filosófico: Filosofia e Religião. Recife, Brasil: Even3, 2019.
Full textDemonet, Marie-Luce. "« Moi qui suis Roi de la matière que je traite » : la définition de soi dans le Livre III des Essais." In Montaigne. Le livre III des Essais. Fabula, 2017.
Full textKnop, Déborah, and Raphaël Cappellen. "Introduction." In Montaigne. Le livre III des Essais. Fabula, 2017.
Full textThomine, Marie-Claire. "Le goût de la langue : Remarques sur l’usage des mots concrets dans le chapitre « De ménager sa volonté »." In Montaigne. Le livre III des Essais. Fabula, 2017.
Full textMollier, Thomas. "« J’aimerais mieux poindre que lasser » : le philosopher montanien et ses manifestations esthétiques. Variation sur un thème barthésien." In Montaigne. Le livre III des Essais. Fabula, 2017.
Full textMenini, Romain, and Déborah Knop. "L’art du provignement dans le troisième livre des Essais." In Montaigne. Le livre III des Essais. Fabula, 2017.
Full textDesan, Philippe. "Montaigne règle ses comptes : le caractère politique du troisième livre des Essais." In Montaigne. Le livre III des Essais. Fabula, 2017.
Full textLiaroutzos, Chantal. "La loi et la règle dans le chapitre « De l’expérience »." In Montaigne. Le livre III des Essais. Fabula, 2017.
Full textBalsamo, Jean. "Montaigne auteur. Conscience littéraire et pratiques éditoriales dans le livre III des Essais." In Montaigne. Le livre III des Essais. Fabula, 2017.
Full textReports on the topic "Montaigne"
TOTROVA, Z. H. THE TOPIC OF OBJECTIVITY OF KNOWLEDGE AS A SOCIOCULTURAL PROBLEM. Science and Innovation Center Publishing House, April 2022.
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