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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Moldavian S.S.R'

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Cadiot, Frédéric. "La sante en u. R. S. S. Et en russie." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1997.

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La sante en u. R. S. S. Et en russie traite de differents problemes concernant de pres ou de loin la sante des personnes. La periode va de la revolution d'octobre (avec quelques rappels historiques a l'ete 1996. Les domaines abordes concernent les problemes d'organisation des systemes russes et sovietiques, les difficultes rencontrees lors de la transition du mode de financement des caisses d'assurance maladie. Le cas de la structure du systeme de sante militaire en temps de paix et de guerre est aborde dans le cadre de l'organisation. L'aspect sante recouvre tous les domaines entrant directement en contact avec les maladies qui exercent une influence sur la sante. Le chapitre montre la perception particuliere de certaines maladies (courantes en occident) et l'impact qu'elles peuvent avoir en russie. Les services particuliers ou specialites sont abordees dans ce cadre ainsi que la psychiatrie ou le sida. Dans la derniere partie est examinee l'influence des facteurs ecologiques (nucleaire et autre) ainsi que l'aspect assez particulier de la guerre nucleaire biologique et chimique
Health in the ussr and in russia deals with different problems which regard to this matter, closer or at a larger scale, the health of the inhabitants of these countries. The period of time goes by the october revolution, with few historical calling to mind, to the summer 1996. Fields tackled are such as organisation problems, russian and soviet systems, difficulties due to the transition of the department of health insurance financing methods. The case of the structure of the military health system in peacetime and wartime is dealt with in the organisation part. The aspect of health covers all the fields dealing directly with diseases influencing the health. The chapter shows the particular perception of some diseases (usually found in western countries) and the effect they can have in russia. The particular institutions and specialized services are tackled in this scope, so as psychiatry and aids. The influence of ecological factors (nuclear and other) and the special aspect of nuclear, biological and chemical war are inspected in the last part
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Wilcox, Donna Carol. "R. S. Peters's concept of education." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Westover, Daniel. "R. S. Thomas: A Stylistic Biography." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2011.

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Daniel Westover traces Thomas's poetic development over six decades, demonstrating how the complex interior of the poet manifests itself in the continually shifting style of his poems.
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Ševc, Jan. "Studené asfaltové směsi s R-materiálem." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016.

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The thesis is focused on the use of R-material into cold asphalt mixtures. It deals with cold recycling and with input materials for this technology. It verifies properties of R-material and residues of bituminous binder. It also verifies properties of designed cold asphalt mixtures by the probative controls (indirect tensile strenght and water resistance). Furthermore is focused on the experimental measurement of selected mixtures to ensure more characteristics. The amount of homogenity of R-material, quantity and quality of residues bituminous binder is essential for positive results.
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Toman, Petr. "Tepelné čerpadlo s chladivem R 290." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2019.

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This diploma thesis deals with design of air-water heat pump which uses natural refrigerant, propane. In the thesis there are mentioned various types of devices using the source of low-potential heat for heating. The main part of the thesis is the design of the heat pump cooling circuit. In this section, individual components are designed, the calculation and comparison of the heating factor for different operating parameters is performed. Finally, the construction of the coolant circuit and the air exchanger is designed.
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Žaludová, Šárka Bc. "Finanční analýza Šperk, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2006.

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Zhodnocení finančního zdraví firmy a možností budoucí existence na základě vybraných analýz (tj. horizontální a vertikální analýza, poměrové ukazatele, soustava poměrových ukazatelů DuPont). Následuje sestavení krátkodobého finančního plánu.
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Hauser, Vladimír. "Ocenění podniku Firma, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2006.

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Dvořáček, Martin. "Ocenění společnosti GCE, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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Pernicová, Šárka. "Finanční analýza Šperk, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2006.

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Zhodnocení finančního zdraví firmy a možností budoucí existence na základě vybraných analýz (tj. horizontální a vertikální analýza, poměrové ukazatele, soustava poměrových ukazatelů DuPont). Následuje sestavení krátkodobého finančního plánu.
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Gergelyová, Jana. "Ocenenie spoločnosti SYNER, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.

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The subject of this thesis is to analyze the financial health of the company Syner, and determine the market value of the company based on publicly available information. The value of the company should provide important information for owners, whether access to the proposed takeover of foreign investors or reject the offer. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the processes and methodology of valuation, then in the practical part is introduction of company, financial and strategic analysis and valuation of the company itself.
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Depretto, Jean-Paul. "Les ouvriers en U. R. S. S. (1928-1940) : profils d'une classe." Paris 1, 1992.

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La politique d'industrialisation forcée menée en U. R. S. S. Dans les années trente a provoqué une brusque transformation des structures sociales : en quatre ans (1928-1932), le nombre d'ouvriers d'usine est passe de trois à six millions. Cette thèse s'attache à la description de ces bouleversements : elle s'appuie sur l'analyse détaillée de deux recensements syndicaux de 1929 et 1932 33. Le premier chapitre montre qu'en 1929, la vieille classe ouvrière russe n'avait nullement disparu, contrairement aux affirmations de nombreux historiens. Le second chapitre étudie la croissance de la main-d’œuvre industrielle dans les années trente : il met en évidence le rôle du travail force sur les grands chantiers. Dans les chapitres iii et iv, nous examinons les caractéristiques régionales de la classe ouvrière, en prenant cinq exemples : industrie cotonnière de Moscou, sidérurgie de l’Oural, industrie des métaux de Leningrad, charbonnages du Donbass, bassin de Ku neck. Cette enquête fait apparaitre d'étonnantes continuités au niveau régional : le grand tournant n'a pas aboli les héritages du passe. Enfin, le dernier chapitre tente de définir les relations complexes entre les ouvriers soviétiques et le pouvoir bolchevique
The policy of forced industrialization of Bolshevik leaders in the nineteen thirties provoked a sudden change of the social structures: during the first five-year plan (1928-1932), the number of industrial workers grew from three to six millions people. This ph. D. Seeks to describe these upheavals: it relies on a thorough analysis of two trade-union censuses (1929 and 1932 33). The first chapter shows that in 1929 the Old Russian working class has not disappeared at all, contrary to the opinion of many historians. The second chapter studies the growth of the industrial workforce in the nineteen thirties: it insists on the importance of forced labor on the great building sites. In chapter’s iii and IV, I examine the regional features of the working class, on the basis of five examples: cotton industry of Moscow, ferrous metallurgy of the Urals, metal industry of Leningrad, coal mines of the Donbass, kuakas. From this investigation, it appears that there are astonishing permanence’s on a regional level: the great turning point did not destroy the heritage of the past. Finally, the last chapter tries to define the complex relations between soviet workers and Bolshevik power
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Hania, Francis. "Transfert de techniques occidentales et perestroika de l'économie de l'U. R. S. S." Paris 1, 1991.

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L'importation par l'urss d'equipements, machines et materiels occidentaux favoriset-elle l'assainissement, la restructuration et la modernisation de son economie? font l'objet d'un examen particulier les points suivants : - perceptions et conceptions sovietiques de l'importation de techniques etrangeres; - critique des embargos technologiques et du cocom. -politique d'importation de techniques occidentales : analyse des statistiques sovietiques 1975-1989. - etude de cas: le role des techniques etrangeres importees dans le secteur du materiel medical en urss. - le mecanisme d'importation d'equipents occidentaux: lenteur et inefflicacite -les priorites du developpement technologique de l'urss d'ici a l'an 2000: opportunite de cooperation pour les entreprises occidentales. Le mecanisme de fonctionnelent de l'economie exige une totale transformation. L'obsolescence et le delabrement de l'industrie entravent considerablement l'effet de stimulation nque l'on pourrait attendre de l'importation de techniques modernes. La conversion d'une grande partie de l'industrie de defense, l'ouverture de l'economie aux investissements etrangers et l'accroissement des relations industrielles et commerciales avec les pays les plus avances favoriseraient l'instauration d'un mecanisme economique nouveau dans lequel l'economie marchande prendrait une part croissance
Does soviet import of western machinery and equipement help the modernisation and restructuring of its economy? particular attention is paid to the following points : - soviet perception about the import of foreign technology criticism of technological embargoes and the cocom ; - importation policy of western technology: study of soviet statistics : 1975 - 1989; - case study : the role of imported foreign technology in the soviet medical equipment sector ; - the import process of western equipment : slow and inefficient ; - the technological development priorities of the ussr to the year 2000: cooperation opportunities for western firms. The soviet economic mecanism needs a deep "perestroika". The decay of the obsolescent industry substantially hampers the stimulating effect which can be expected from the import of modern technology: the conversion of the defense industry, the opening of the economy to foreign investments and the development of industrial and commercial links wsith the most advanced countries would promote the establishing of a new economic mecanism in which the market economy would take a bigger share
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Thiercelin-Panais, Jean-Marc. "L. S. Catégorie d'un espace R-modéré." Lille 1, 1997.

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A partir de l'algebre des cochaines singulieres de l'espace x a coefficients dans un anneau principal r, nous definissons les invariants mcat(x;r) et acat(x;r) en generalisant les definitions donnees par s. Halperin et j. M. Lemaire. Lorsque l'homologie de l'espace des lacets sur r est r-libre, l'espace x admet un modele minimal decomposable commutatif qui joue le role du modele de sullivan lorsque r = q. En mimant les definitions rationnelles nous introduisons les invariants m#ccat et a#ccat. Nous demontrons alors que pour un cw complexe r-modere, au sens de d. Anick, tel que l'homologie de l'espace des lacets sur r et la cohomologie de l'espace x sur r soient r-libres, nous avons m#ccat(x;r) = a#ccat(x;r). Puis a partir de la demonstration rationnelle, nous etablissons que m#ccat(xxs#n;r) = a#ccat(x;r) + 1. Lorsque r est un corps de caracteristique plus grande que la dimension de x, comme l'ont montre s. Halperin et j. M. Lemaire, nous avons m#ccatx = mcatx et a#ccatx acatx. Il en resulte dans ces conditions que mcat(x;r) = acat (x;r) ce qui constitue une generalisation du resultat obtenu par k. Hess dans le cas rationnel. De plus nous avons aussi acat(x x s#n;r) = acat(x;r) + 1 ce qui signifie que acat (-;r) verifie la conjecture de ganea.
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Oberreiterová, Dana. "Podnikatelský záměr - Help one, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2008.

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The aim of this work is to invent a business plan for beginning company HELP ONE, s. r. o., which offers complete services to the people who have been damaged by a car crash. On the other hand, this work also shows all possible problems that can appear from the middle position between insurance company and ordinary people and eventually to find a suitable investor.
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Michulková, Aneta. "Marketingová komunikace firmy XY, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2012.

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This thesis helps to understand the problems of marketing communication in business-to-business market. The main intention is to show the theoretical background on the example of real company called XY, s. r. o. The author tried to get familiar with the current company marketing communications and applied the theoretical knowledge, especially in the proposals to improve this communication.
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Nečasová, Šárka. "Ocenění společnosti s r. o. Exterier Beton." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013.

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Goal of this Diploma thesis is determination of the value of Exterier Beton, s.r.o. company on the methods based of discounted cash flow. Theoretical part is focused on primary definitions, definition of value and the reasons why to carry out of valuation. There are also mentioned parts of valuation method and specification process during valuation in diploma thesis. The practical part deals with the characteristics of the company, strategic analysis, evaluation of the financial health of the company, setting up of financial plan and application of selected methods of valuation.
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Koubek, Lukáš. "Investiční projekt společnosti XY s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2017.

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This thesis focuses on the comprehensive evaluation of the investment project for housing construction in Brno. In the paper I will first focus on the economic evaluation of the project and will define the conditions of the project for its acceptability and feasibility. Next, I will focus on the possibilities of the project sale and the associated risk analysis. The last section focuses on a separate proposal of promotional ways and a way of financing for the end customer.
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Bambulová, Lucie. "Protismykové vlastnosti asfaltových vrstev s R - materiálem." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2018.

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The diploma thesis deals with the problems of pavement surface skid resistence of wearing course of asphalt mixtures with R-material. Specifically, it is a mixture of type ACO 11 (asphalt concrete for wearing layers). In the theoretical part of the thesis there are dismantled the problems of Antiskid properties of the road surface and recycling of R-material. The practical part is dedicated to the design and laboratory production of the asphalt mixture ACO 11 without admixture of R-material and with content of 38 % R-material. In addition, the results of the measurement of friction coefficient after smoothed for these bitumen mixtures are shown in the work. The aim of the thesis was to determine the influence of the increased content of R-material on the anti-skid properties of the road surface as it is planned to update the standard ČSN EN 13108-1, which will allow the use of up to 40 % R-material into the mixtures of type ACO 11.
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Biško, Martin. "Finanční analýza Silon, spol. s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007.

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Diplomová práce hodnotí finanční zdraví společnosti Silon, s. r. o. na základě vybraných ukazatelů. Metodická část obsahuje popis použitých ukazatelů. Další části se zabývají charakteristikou podniku a následně i odvětví chemického průmyslu. Hlavní část je věnována samotné finanční analýze. Na základě zjištěných skutečností je provedena SWOT analýza a nastíněna možná cesta ke zlepšení slabých stránek.
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Důbrava, Martin. "Ocenění podniku MOSS plus s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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Ocenění podniku působícího v oboru nákladní kamionové dopravy a komplexních logistických služeb prostřednictvím výnosové metody DCF ve variantě FCFF se zohledněním leasingového financování při výpočtu WACC.
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Vaněk, Jakub. "Ocenění mezinárodní společnosti HILTI s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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The aim of this thesis is to determine the value of the company Hilti, Ltd. and carry out its valuation for a potential investor. The resulting's valuation is designed for the broadest investment community. The thesis consists of two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part acquaint the reader with the basic theoretical framework for valuation and the basic concepts and it is explained to select the method of discounting free cash flow for the owners and creditors as of the methods for the valuation. The practical part is, after a brief presentation given to strategic analysis, financial analysis and the establishment of a financial plan. The financial plan was drawn up for the period 2007-2010. Essential pillar for the valuation is the determination of discount rates. That is taken in detail in the next step, and we set it using a weighted average cost of capital. The cost of equity, we have identified using the CAPM. Followed by the actual valuation and the final statement of the value of the company Hilti, Ltd.
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Šindlerová, Veronika. "Hodnota firmy Modos spol. s r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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The aim of this thesis is to find out the financial gain of the integrated system of management quality, human safety and environment by the valuation of the company. My thesis includes the evaluation of the efficiency of integrated system of management quality, human safety and environment and after that there is included the valuation of the company in two versions. The first version reflects the real situation, the company has implemented the integrated system of management quality, human safety and environment. The second version reflects the hypothetical situation, in this settings the company wouldn't have the integrated system. The difference between these two valuation is the financial gain of this system.
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Holá, Lucie. "Podnikatelský plán CHI Czech s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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The graduation thesis is engaged in the description of CHI Czech s. r. o. which operates on the Czech coffee market under the name Coffeeheaven. The thesis consists of the theoretical part which was made according to literature mentioned in the 5th part. The practical part was made according to the documents received from the company and it is also based on the personal research. In this document you will find information about the establishment of the company, the main facts about its key employees and the founder of Coffeeheaven, analysis of the company surroundings, financial analysis, financial plan for the next year, information about the production and operating. The analysis of risks contains possible factors of risk and the opportunities. The main goal of this thesis was to sum up all information about the company and to offer possible solution.
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Tužová, Julie. "Podnikatelský plán - CA Seniornacestach, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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Vilhanová, Vanda. "Aplikace R/S analýzy na finančních trzích." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007.

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The aim of this graduation thesis is the descriptiton of R/S analysis and it's aplication on chosen time series of share prices and exchange rates. Some main models of financial time series will be mentioned in the second chapter. There will described basic linear models of stationary and non stationary time series and models of volatility. Then we will focus on the main theme of this thesis, R/S analysis. The algorithm of R/S analysis and the interpretation of the Hurst exponent will be described in the forth chapter. In the fifth chapter, the R/S analysis will by applied on real data sets. There will be two data sest of share prices of Telefónica O2 and Philip Morris and two data sets of exchange rates CZK/EUR and CZK/USD. The results will be interpreted and compared.
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Vrátný, Karel. "Finanční analýza firmy TopolWater, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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Subject of the final thesis is financial analysis of TopolWater, s.r.o. Thesis is divided onto theoretical and practical part. There are applied banruptcy models and model which review health of partiular company.
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Vaněčková, Karolína. "Právní postavení společníka v s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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The diploma thesis describes the position of partner (member) in the limited liability company in the Czech Republic. First of all I analyzed the basic characteristics of the limited liability company including the historical development. Then I focused on its partners (members), I described who can become a partner, how and under what circumstances. Special attention was paid to the capital contribution and the business share. The most important part of the diploma thesis focuses on the legal aspects of partner's rights and obligations. I pointed out the advantages of being a partner (such as not being liable for the company's debts) as well as disadvantages. Various ways of leaving the company are briefly covered in the last chapter.
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Trochtová, Gabriela. "Podnikatelský plán AEROBIC CENTRUM, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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Cílem diplomové práce bylo poznání problematiky malého a středního podnikání tak, aby podala informační studii o založení firmy, vytvoření podnikatelského plánu a jeho struktury jako systematického přístupu při rozhodování o založení nové firmy v podmínkách České republiky. Praktická část diplomové práce představila sestavení podnikatelského plánu firmy AEROBIC CENTRUM, s. r. o..
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Pavlíček, Tomáš. "Ekonomická analýza společnosti Actherm, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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The objective of the thesis is to evaluate the efficiency using contemporary methods of economical analysis. The preamble includes brief history of the company, description of the technical aspect of rising the profit and value added by prosecution of the power plant. In analytical part I evaluate the company using analytical indicators quantified from financial statements. I describe the indicator itself and comment results and eventually propose improvements. At the end I apply comparative methods using data from statements of competitors in the sector.
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Pončíková, Martina. "Ocenění cestovní kanceláře Expecta, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.

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The goal of the thesis "Evaluation of the travel agency Expecta, s.r.o." is to determine the investment value of the company for the purpose of the future sale. Firstly the strategic analysis is applied, on which basis the future turnovers are estimated. Afterwards the company is analyzed from the financial point of view. The classical methods (ex. Horizontal and vertical analyses of the financial statements) and also analysis of EVA along with the diagnostic system of financial indicators "INFA" are used. The information arising from both analysisses serve as a basis for the construction of a planned profit and loss statement and a planned balance sheet. In the last part of this thesis the investment value of the firm is calculated by using a yield method based on the indicator EVA.
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Klicperová, Lucie. "Ocenění podniku Cayman Pharma, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.

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The goal of this master thesis is to perform valuation of the company Cayman Pharma s. r. o. and examine company's future on the date of evaluation August 29, 2012. The theoretical part of the thesis is based on specialized literature written mainly by professionals who work for the University of Economics, Prague. The theory describes in a logical order all necessary methods for company valuation -- strategic and financial analysis and a list of different methods of company valuation. In the second part of the thesis the theory is applied on the relevant environment of Cayman Pharma s. r. o. and on the specific values acquired from publicly known sources. Finally the company is valuated based on an estimation of the financial plan of Cayman Pharma s. r. o. using the methods of discounted free cash flows.
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Gruberová, Michaela. "Ocenění podniku GASTRO Vaizová s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012.

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The main aim of this diploma thesis is to appraise market and also invesment value of company GASTRO Vaizová s.r.o. as of 31st December, 2011 and especially to compare methodology used to find out these two basis of value. Business value was estimated according to DCF Entity method and market comparison method in this case. This thesis consists of strategic analysis, financial analysis, analysis and prediction of generators of value. On the basis of the generators of value the complete financial plan has been set up. Then, finally, the company value was appraised using DCF Entity and market comparison method. In the last chapter, major differences in methodology related to both value basis defined above and used during appraisal are discused.
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Polách, Petr. "Stanovení hodnoty firmy Adelita, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.

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The aim of this thesis is to determine market value of company Adelita, s.r.o. to January 1st 2015 for management of the company for potential sale of part of or whole company. Theoretical part will present methodologies for company valuation, practical part then financial and strategic analysis followed by creation of financial plan and valuation by method of discounted cash flow.
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Mikolášová, Kateřina. "Stanovení hodnoty firmy Emco, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.

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The aim of this diploma thesis is to determine the value of the company Emco, s.r.o. to the 31st December 2014. The work consists of a theoretical part, which explains the basic concepts, describes the procedures and single methods of the valuation of the company, and a practical part consisting of application of the knowledge mentioned in the theoretical part for the determination of the value of the company Emco. In the practical part, the company is introduced. Strategic and financial analyses follow. Afterwards, a forecast for sales and other value generators is performed. The conclusion introduces a financial plan which may serve as a basis for creating the valuation using the DCF entity method.
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Fiedlerová, Tereza. "Personální marketing Hewlett-Packard, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012.

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The topic of the thesis "Human resources marketing in Hewlett-Packard, s.r.o." is the analysis of practical use of human resources marketing in the company and a perception of company's brand between students/recent graduastes and a proposal for improvements in particular areas of human resources management. The theoretical part deals with particular personnel activities in the company. The practical part focuses on the analysis of the situation in human resources marketing in the Hewlett-Packard, s.r.o. In the conclusion are some recommendations and proposals to solve the discovered problems and imperfections.
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Ceglédyová, Viktória. "Finančná analýza spoločnosti RSNET s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015.

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The subject of this thesis is a financial analysis of the company RSNET Ltd. for the period of 2011 to 2015 and a subsequent comparison of its results with selected companies of the telecommunication market. The theoretical part is devoted to the characterization of financial analysis itself, its users, sources of information and methods. The practical part includes the description of the selected company and a subsequent application of theoretical knowledge on its financial statements. The second half of the practical part is focused on the comparison of the results obtained by the company with the other two companies. The aim of the conclusion will be to evaluate the results and acquired findings.
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Filouš, Michal. "Ocenění společnosti NOVOKOV, spol. s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015.

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The diploma thesis focuses on valuation of the company NOVOKOV, spol. s r.o. The purpose of the valuation is determination of the companys market value. The valuation is performed on the basis of the revenue analysis. The discounted cash flow for owner and creditor is applied, DCF Entity. The diploma thesis begins with the presentation of the company and continuous with the financial analysis, the strategic analysis, determination of the necessary and the unnecessary assets, the prognosis of the value drivers and the financial plan. The final chapter is dedicated to the valuation itself, including determination of the weighted average cost of capital.
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Wang, Zhi Yuan. "Total synthesis of methyl 8(S)-, 9(S)-, 11(S)- and 12(S)- hydroxyeicosatetraenoates & of oligosaccharides from Haemophilus influenzae type B." Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=75423.

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A general approach to the asymmetric syntheses of HETEs in both enantiomeric forms was developed. The syntheses of 8(S)-, 9(S)-, 11(S)- and 12(S)-HETE methyl esters, starting from D-arabinose, were accomplished.
A practical approach to the solution synthesis of fragments from Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polymer was established, which opens a route to the development of a new vaccine against meningitis. The major aspects of this approach, stereocontrolled glycosidation, selective protection and deprotection, and efficient phosphorylation were detailed. The normal solution syntheses of the mono-, di- and tetrasaccharides were accomplished.
A new class of spacer for the linkage of the oligosaccharide with a protein was introduced. The spacer and the spacer-linked tetrasaccharide were prepared.
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Gilks, Sara. "Crystallization of chiral molecules from emulsions : DL-threonine, R,S-2-chloromandelic acid and R,S-clopidogrel hydrogen sulphate." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2014.

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The objective of this project is to explore the potential for enantiomer separation by preferential crystallization using tailor-made emulsions. Preferential crystallization is widely used as a means of separating pure enantiomers from racemic solutions. This is usually assisted by the addition of seed crystals of one enantiomer for which crystallization yields a conglomerate rather than a racemic compound. Three racemic materials, DL-threonine (stable conglomerate), R,S-2-chloromandelic acid (racemic compound with the occurrence of a metastable conglomerate) and R,S-clopidogrel hydrogen sulphate (stable racemic compound) were chosen based on their different racemic properties to both develop and test the limitations of an emulsion crystallization process. Since threonine is reported to form only a stable conglomerate it seemed an ideal material to use for the development of an emulsion crystallization process. Indeed this was successful with enantiomer enrichments of up to 88 % of the D-enantiomer being achievable. 2-Chloromandelic acid is reported to crystallize as a stable racemic compound but with both metastable (polymorphic) compound and conglomerate known. An investigation into solution crystallization was performed as a means of preparing the metastable conglomerate and also to explore the possibility of developing an emulsion crystallization process in this system. Crystallization of 2-chloromandelic acid yielded both stable and metastable racemic compounds and the metastable conglomerate. Solubility data of the pure enantiomer, stable racemic compound and metastable conglomerate have been determined in acetonitrile and a robust drown-out method developed for consistent preparation of the conglomerate in diethyl ether. In situ UV-Vis spectroscopy studies revealed that in a stirred slurry, the metastable conglomerate converts to the stable racemic compound in approximately 10 minutes at 15 °C. This time scale defined the subsequent process of preferential crystallization from a seeded, tailor-made, non-aqueous emulsion which was successful in providing a route to a product with significant chiral enrichment of the R-enantiomer. R,S-Clopidogrel hydrogen sulphate is a stable compound forming system, which has been reported in patents to form six different polymorphs. The possibility of conglomerate formation is not known. During the course of this work, attempts were made to preferentially crystallize one enantiomer from an already enriched racemic solution. This was unsuccessful, largely due to the fact that the pure enantiomer was found to be more soluble that the enriched starting material. No evidence of a conglomerate was found, but an amorphous form and four crystalline forms of S-clopidogrel hydrogen sulphate (S-I, S-II, S-III and S-IV) have been crystallized from various solvents via different crystallization conditions. Forms III and IV are believed to be present as hydrates which are not currently reported in the literature. The amorphous form and crystalline polymorphs have been characterized using DSC, pXRD and FTIR, of which data for the latter technique is lacking in the literature. Overall this thesis demonstrates the development of both aqueous and non-aqueous emulsion crystallisation processes for enantiomer separations, highlighting the importance of the phase behaviour of the solute as a major determinant for success.
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Kučerová, Marcela. "Funkční zkoušky na směsích zkušebního úseku s asfaltovým betonem s vysokým obsahem R-materiálu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2018.

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The diploma thesis is focused on the testing of asphalt mixtures of asphalt concrete containing reclaimed asphalt and laying of the test section. The theoretical part deals with the use of reclaimed asphalt in hot asphalt mixtures, namely the specifics of rejuvenating agents, aging and asphalt mixture. Further more information on the functional properties of asphalt mixtures and the influence of reclaimed asphalt on them is given. The practical part describes testing of mixtures of ACO 11+ and ACO 11+ with 50% reclaimed asphalt and tests on asphalt binders. In order to compare the proposed mixtures, the low thermal properties of ČSN EN 12697-46 and the stiffness modules according to ČSN EN 12697-26. In the last part of the diploma thesis the results of the measured values were compared with each other in order to determine of asfphalt recovery. From the overall test results, it can be seen that the effect of the rejuvenating agent was positive. However, the desired degree of rejuvenation has not been achieved after production.
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Kyselová, Markéta. "Problematika řízení nákladů a výnosů ve firmě J. S. K. Partner, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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V práci jsou analyzovány jednotlivé nákladové položky, jsou vyhodnoceny jednotlivé ukazatele nákladovosti, zhodnocení řízení nákladů a výnosů. Firma J. S. K. Partner, s. r. o. podniká v různých oborech podnikání. Firma sídlí v Kamenici nad Lipou. Nejprve jsem charakterizovala jednotlivé nákladové položky za roky 2002 až 2006. Výsledkem byl základní pohled na ekonomickou situaci firmy. Pro detailnější analýzu nákladů jsem provedla analýzu ukazatelů nákladovosti.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Kyselová, Markéta Bc. "Problematika řízení nákladů a výnosů ve firmě J. S. K. Partner, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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V práci jsou analyzovány jednotlivé nákladové položky, jsou vyhodnoceny jednotlivé ukazatele nákladovosti, zhodnocení řízení nákladů a výnosů. Firma J. S. K. Partner, s. r. o. podniká v různých oborech podnikání. Firma sídlí v Kamenici nad Lipou. Nejprve jsem charakterizovala jednotlivé nákladové položky za roky 2002 až 2006. Výsledkem byl základní pohled na ekonomickou situaci firmy. Pro detailnější analýzu nákladů jsem provedla analýzu ukazatelů nákladovosti.
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Roudnická, Markéta. "Finanční analýza společnosti United Parcel Service Czech Republic, s. r. o. a srovnání s konkurenty." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015.

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This thesis is focused on the financial analysis of United Parcel Service Czech Republic, s. r. o. during the period from 2010 to 2014 and the subsequent comparison of its results with selected comparable companies. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part the methods of the financial analysis are defined and the optimal values of each financial indicator are determined. In the second part the company is introduced and the specific values of the described indicators are calculated as well as there is an intercompany comparison realized. The conclusion of this thesis is dedicated to an accurate description of the current situation of the company in the context of both optimal values and values which are usually achieved by comparable companies.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Gamba, Douglas. "Síntese enantiosseletiva da (S)-(-)-3-isopropenil-cicloexanona, (S)-(+)-5-isopropenilcicloexen-2-ona e (R)-(-)-isocarvona a partir do monoterpeno (S)-(-)-perilaldeído." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2008.

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A partir do monoterpeno (S)-(-)-perilaldeído (145) desenvolveu-se a preparação enantiosseletiva da (R)-(-)-isocarvona (4), da (S)-(+)-5-isopropenilcicloexen-2-ona (5) e da (S)-(-)-3-isopropenillcicloexanona (6). Estes compostos são blocos de construção importantes na preparação de produtos naturais e não-naturais biologicamente ativos. O álcool alílico terciário (S)-144 foi obtido após três etapas reacionais em 85% de rendimento global, sem a purificação dos intermediários sintéticos. Em seguida, este álcool foi submetido a uma oxidação utilizando PCC, fornecendo o epoxiálcool 148 e a epoxicetona 142a, em uma proporção de 2 : 1, respectivamente. O rearranjo de Payne do epoxiálcool 148 para seu regioisômero 157 foi investigado utilizando diferentes condições básicas, onde se verificou que a utilização de t-BuOK/ t-BuOH favorece o equilíbrio para 157 em relação à 148 em uma proporção de 2,2 : 1. A oxidação do epoxiálcool 157 levou à formação da epoxicetona diastereoisomérica 142b. A etapa chave da síntese corresponde à fragmentação das epoxicetonas 142a e 142b, utilizando excesso de tiofenóxido de sódio, fornecendo a (S)-3-isopropenilcicloexanona (6) em 90% de rendimento. A sulfenilação de (S)-6 produziu uma mistura diastereoisomérica de sulfetos 159, a qual foi convertida em seu respectivo sulfóxido 165 após oxidação. A eliminação térmica do grupo fenil sulfóxido de 165 levou à obtenção da (S)-5-isopropenilcicloexen-2-ona (5) em 93 % de rendimento. A alquilação desta enona conduziu à formação de uma mistura de álcoois 166, que foi submetida à reação de transposição alílica oxidativa para a obtenção da (R)-isocarvona (4).
This work describes the enantioselective preparation of (S)-3-(isopropenyl)cyclohexanone (6), (S)-5-(isopropenyl)cyclohex-2-enone (5) and (R)-3-methyl-5-(isopropenyl)cyclohex-2-enone (isocarvone) (4) from (S)-(-)-perillaldehyde (145). These compounds are useful as building blocks or intermediates for the synthesis of biological active natural and non-natural products. Allylic alcohol (S)-144 was obtained in three steps, without purification of the intermediates, in 85 % overall yield, starting from (S)-145. This alcohol was then subjected to PCC oxidation to afford the epoxialcohol 148 and the epoxiketone 142a in a ratio of 2 : 1. The Payne rearrangement of 148 to 157 was investigated under different basic conditions. The use of t-BuOK/ t-BuOH favors 157 over 148 in a ratio of 2,2 : 1, respectively. The Swern oxidation of 157 afforded the diastereoisomeric epoxiketone 142b. The key step for the synthesis is the fragmentation of 142a and/or 142b using excess of sodium tiophenoxide to afford (S)-6 in 90 % yield. The sulfenilation of (S)-6 produced a diastereoisomeric mixture of sulfides 159 which were converted into respective sulfoxides 165. The thermal elimination of the phenylsulfoxide group of 165 gave the (S)-5 in 93 % yield. The alkylation of (S)-5 lead to the formation of alcohols 166 which were subjected to the oxidative allylic transposition to afford (R)-4.
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Yi, Hye Yon. "Turing instabilities in a S-I-R model /." Online version of thesis, 2008.

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Campbell, Bruce Donald. "Experimental tests of C-S-R strategy theory." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 1988.

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Kyselová, Lucie. "Finanční analýza podniku BMS - SAND, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2016.

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The aim of this diploma thesis is to identify and analyse the financial situation of the selected company BMS SAND, s. r. o. through financial analysis and to propose measures for its future performance. The aim of the theoretical part is a description of problematic of a financial analysis and typologies of companies. The significant part of this thesis contains brief characteristics of the company BMS SAND, s. r. o. Subsequently, a horizontal analysis of assets and liabilities and profit and loss statement was applied. Then a vertical analysis of assets and liabilities has been done and an analysis of difference indicators, which includes the calculation of the net working capital. Financial analysis proceeds to the analysis of ratio indicators. There were also comprehensive evaluation indexes applied, using creditworthy and bankruptcy models. Based on the results of the financial analysis, it can be concluded that the enterprise BMS SAND, s. r. o. has not significant economic problems. A focus on the management of short-term debt in relation to the creditworthiness of customers, the optimal volume reduction of current assets, which are tied up, to make these resources gain greater benefits and a detailed analysis of the types of costs in order to determine their share creating sales opportunities and more effective management of these costs can be advised.
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Valenzuela, Aravena Pamela. "Indumentariia protectora para recolectores de R S D." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2006.

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En una ciudad como Santiago, la recolección de basura se transforma en un asunto de vital importancia dada la gran cantidad de desechos que se generan día a día. Según nuestra regulación sanitaria, (Código Sanitario, Título preliminar, Párrafo III Art. 11) esta actividad está en manos de los Municipios y son ellos los encargados de la recolección domiciliaria, transferencia y posterior disposición de los desperdicios en los vertederos. Actualmente existen diversas empresas que se especializan en la recolección de RSD (Residuos Sólidos Domiciliarios). Según el Código Sanitario Vigente, la aplicación de las normas relacionadas con esta actividad corresponde al Servicio Nacional de Salud. Este organismo se basa en el concepto de Higiene Industrial, que no tiene como objetivo lograr que los trabajadores se vean libres de enfermedades ocupacionales causadas por las sustancias que manipulan o elaboran, por lo equipos, máquinas o herramientas que utilizan o por las condiciones ambientales en que se desempeñan. Dentro de los múltiples servicios que la vida urbana requiere, la recolección de basura es una de las menos agradables de realizar, es por esto que los trabajadores de ésta área son vistos de manera despectiva por la ciudadanía. El contacto con los desperdicios de la ciudad relaciona a estos trabajadores con la suciedad y el mal olor. La basura se transforma en el referente para visualizar la actividad y los trabajadores.
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Mucha, Bohumír. "Asfaltové směsi s použitím vyššího množství R-materiálu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2014.

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At the beginning of the Master’s thesis the asphalt mixture of the type asphalt concrete and its basic properties are described. The main point of this work is to compare the functional properties of asphalt mixtures with the addition of higher amount of RAP and various rejuvenators used in the experimental section. From individual samples of asphalt mixtures taken during the laying, the control tests were carried out and the process of permanent deformation with the wheel tracking test was monitored. After that, using functional tests the properties of asphalt mixtures with conventional modified and unmodified asphalt bitumen enriched with the addition of declaring similar properties were compared.
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Acuna, Subia Luis Carlos. "Vlastnosti asfaltových směsí typu SMA s R-materiálem." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2018.

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The aim of the diploma thesis is to verify and compare the properties of bituminous stone mastic asphalt, namely SMA 11S with modified PMB 45 / 80-55 asphalt binder or 50/70 road bitumen binder with rubber granulate. Comparison of properties is performed using functional tests. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the familiarization with the use of the SMA mixture, the selected concepts concerning recycling of non-leveled roads are described and described. Attention is paid especially to the recycling of roads in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on hot recycling on the incinerator, which allows increased dosing of Reclaimed Asphalt into asphalt mixtures. In the practical part, the results of the functional tests of the SMA 11S mixture, which have been taken from the test section, are processed and evaluated.
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