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KATO, Mariko. "Molam Phifa in Northeast Thailand." Southeast Asia: History and Culture, no. 28 (1999): 104–30.

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Sapary, Fina Elziana, I. Nyoman Rai, and I. Nyoman Sunarta. "ECOTOURISM MANAGEMENT STRATEGY TO SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION IN MOKWAM AREA, MANOKWARI REGENCY, WEST PAPUA." ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science) 11, no. 2 (November 30, 2017): 156.

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Mokwam Area is one of the ecotourism objects in Warmare District, Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province. Whilst, it has a wide variety of endemic flora and fauna, ecotourism of Mokwam is also rich in herbs used by indigenous Mokwam known as Arfak tribe. The aim of this study were: 1) to identify the potential of ecotourism in Mokwam Area, 2) to better understanding constraints in ecotourism management supporting environmental preservation in Mokwam Area, and 3) to determine the ecotourism management strategies in favor of Mokwam environmental preservation. Data collection techniques of this research were observation, interview and documentation. The collected data was analysed by using qualitative descriptive and SWOT analysis. The SWOT is used to frame ecotourism management strategy by identifying internal and external factors. The results shows that the ecotourim potential of Mokwam area is a beautiful natural scenery, as well as biodiversity of flora and fauna. The potential attracted endemic faunas of Mokwam ecotourism is a variety of Birds of Paradise (Burung Cenderawasih) which are Cenderawasih Raja (Western Parotia), Cenderawasih Bela Rotan (Magnificent Bird of Paradise), Cenderawasih Ekor Panjang (Arfak Astrapia), Cenderawasih Buff-tailed sicklebill, Cenderawasih Long-tailed paradigala, Cenderawasih Black Sicklebill, as well as Namdurpolos Clever Bird (Vogelkop Bowerbird). Several considerable constraints in managing Mokwam ecotourism considering the environmental conservation is shifting cultivation method implementing by Arfak tribe. This method would potentially exterminate the forest as a habitat of the endemic flora and fauna if there is an increase in population, hot mix road access to Mokwam areas has still not been available and lack of cooperation between villages in Mokwam Area. The strategies based conservation concept in managing Mokwam ecotourism are promoting Mokwam potential ecotourim to the outside audiences; preserving the local wisdom of igya ser hanjob in order to protect the forests which are the habitat of endemic flora and fauna; improving road access to Mokwam Area; conducting comparative studies to similar tourism objects; establishing effective cooperation with other available tourism objects around Mokwam Area; empowering Arfak community about ecotourism management so that the community competitiveness towards other ecotourism areas could potentially be realised. Keywords: Ecotourism, biodiversity of flora and fauna, management strategy, local wisdom
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Krajnc, Ana. "Bi bil moj mentor? Naučiti se moram..." Andragoška spoznanja 18, no. 2 (May 7, 2012): 5.

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Meutia, Yuliasri Ramadhani, Nobel Christian Siregar, Fitri Hasanah, Nami Lestari, and Helmi Helmi. "Pengaruh Waktu Fermentasi dan Pengadukan pada Fermentor Tank Lini Proses Mokaf 4.0 terhadap Karakteristik Reologi Mokaf yang Dihasilkan." Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian 38, no. 2 (December 31, 2021): 169.

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Smith, N. "Classic Project: Moka Express Coffee Maker." Engineering & Technology 13, no. 3 (April 1, 2018): 92–93.

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Binder, P.-M., and Clara B. Scheidle. "The Moka pot: thoughts and experiments." Physics Education 55, no. 6 (October 13, 2020): 065024.

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Olga Puspa Novilini and Riza Hernawati. "Opini Member Mengenai Personal Selling Sales Moka Pos dalam Memasarkan Produk." Jurnal Riset Public Relations 1, no. 1 (July 6, 2021): 1–7.

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Abstract. Large companies application cash Moka POS is one of business competitors in the online. Moka POS system is the point of sales. The point of sales arranged to present information business. If a cafe, then output is menu and price. The output of cash application was sent digitally through sms to customers cellular phones. Moka POS through personal selling post, sell their products use of the executive marketers sales which aims to affect consumer to purchase. On Moka POS sometimes frequent mistake by sales or communication on the application cashier online itself. To the Moka POS give to briefing sales. However sales was not able to practice so they cannot give satisfaction for their customers, this can be seen in figure a customer complaint. The purpose of research to know a member opinion about salesmanship sales, negotiating, marketing sales relationship Moka POS heading in markets better for you products. A method of descriptive with the sampling method of who used in research is the total sampling. The sample collection as many as 95 visitors. Based on the research done, shows that a member opinion about salesmanship sales, negotiating, relationship marketing Moka POS heading in markets better for you products sales could be said to be good because any product Moka POS offer will be able to understand, the manner of serving salesmanship sales, negotiating, relationship marketing to consumer good so consumers business operators become a member of the application of these Moka POS. Abstrak. Perusahaan besar aplikasi kasir online yaitu Moka POS adalah salah satu pesaing bisnis dalam bidang online. Moka POS merupakan aplikasi sistem Point of Sales. Sistem Point of Sales diatur agar dapat menyajikan informasi usaha. Apabila pada sebuah kafe, maka output-nya adalah daftar menu dan harga. Output dari aplikasi kasir tersebut dikirimkan secara digital melalui SMS ke ponsel pelanggan. Moka POS melalui personal selling, memasarkan produknya menggunakan tenaga pemasar yaitu Sales Executive yang bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi konsumen agar melakukan pembelian. Pada Moka POS terkadang juga sering terjadi kesalahan komunikasi oleh sales ataupun pada aplikasi kasir online itu sendiri. Untuk meminimalis keluhan-keluhan tersebut, Moka POS memberikan pembekalan kepada sales. Namun ternyata sales tersebut belum mampu mempraktekannya sehingga mereka tidak dapat memberikan kepuasan bagi pelanggannya, hal ini dapat dilihat pada gambar keluhan pelanggan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui opini member mengenai salesmanship sales, negotiating, relationship marketing sales Moka POS dalam memasarkan produk. Metode deskriptif dengan sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah total sampling. Pengambilan sampel sebanyak 95 orang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa opini member mengenai salesmanship sales, negotiating, relationship marketing sales Moka POS dalam memasarkan produk bisa dikatakan baik karena setiap produk Moka POS yang di tawarkan dapat di mengerti, cara melayani salesmanship sales, negotiating, relationship marketing terhadap konsumen baik sehingga konsumen pelaku usaha menjadi member dari aplikasi Moka POS tersebut.
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Shahram. "The Role of Molam in Solving Social Problems." Journal of Social Sciences 6, no. 3 (March 1, 2010): 365–68.

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Gray, V. R. "The chemical properties and composition of Mokau coal." New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 29, no. 4 (October 1986): 447–61.

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den Besten, Hans. "Yiddish Mokum + X Toponyms in Bargoens, Partially Contextualized." Zutot 6, no. 1 (2009): 141–47.

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van de Riet, R. P. "MOKUM: An object-oriented active knowledge base system." Data & Knowledge Engineering 4, no. 1 (July 1989): 21–42.

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Fiza, Mehreen, Hakeem Ullah, Saeed Islam, Qayum Shah, Farkhanda Inayat Chohan, and Mustafa Bin Mamat. "Modifications of the Multistep Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method to Some Nonlinear KdV-Equations." European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 11, no. 2 (April 27, 2018): 537–52.

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In this article we have introduced the mathematical theory of multistep optimal homotopy asymptotic method (MOHAM). The proposed method is implemented to different models having system of partial differential equations (PDEs). The results obtained by proposed method are compared with Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) and closed form solutions. The comparisons of these results show that MOHAM is simpler in applicability, effective, explicit, control the convergence through optimal constants, involve less computational work. The MOHAM is independent of the assumption of initial conditions and small parameters like Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM), HAM, Variational Iteration Method (VIM), Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) and Perturbation Method (PM).
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Cuillandre, J. C., Y. Mellier, J. P. Dupin, P. Tilloles, R. Murowinski, D. Crampton, R. Wooff, and G. A. Luppino. "Wide-Field CCD Imaging at CFHT: The MOCAM Example." Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 108 (December 1996): 1120.

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Da Silva Alexandre Kawakami, Roselma Marcele, Rosemeiry Capriata de Souza Azevedo, Annelita Almeida Oliveira Reiners, Natália Araújo de Almeida, Idilaine De Fátima Lima, and Luciane Cegati de Souza. "Experiências de solidão entre os idosos que moram sós." Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), no. 57 (October 21, 2020): 3729–38.

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Objetivo: compreender as experiências de solidão entre os idosos que moram sós. Método: estudo exploratório de abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido na zona urbana de Cuiabá-MT. Trinta e cinco idosos participaram deste estudo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semi estruturada, escala de Lawton e Brody e o Índex de Katz, analisados pela técnica de análise temática. Resultados: envelhecer e viver em sociedade são processos naturais para idosos, envelhecer com autonomia e independência é desafiador. Morar só é uma condição nova vivenciada por eles, mas, a solidão não é própria da sua natureza. A construção dessa realidade revelou um sentimento de solidão que os ataca em diferentes intensidades a depender da fragilidade dos relacionamentos e do vínculo social. Conclusão: entende-se que a sociabilidade permite a integração dos idosos com outras pessoas, e que é importante a rede de apoio social e familiar que os ajudam nessa experiência de morar só.
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Silva, Leidelene Oliveira da, and Virgínia Maria Mendes Oliveira Coronago. "Etnografia de Idosos que moram sozinhos: desafios e possibilidades." Id on Line REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA 10, no. 32 (November 22, 2016): 3.

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O envelhecimento é um processo que todo indivíduo experimenta em algum momento de sua existência e pode ser conceituada como uma fase da vida onde o ser humano enfrenta diversas dificuldades, principalmente nas atividades rotineiras, pois a senescência traz vulnerabilidade, além da constante dependência dos outros. De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde - OMS, a população acima e 60 anos aumentará nas próximas décadas, pois seus estudos apontam que no ano de 2025 haverá mais 800 milhões de pessoas com idade superior a 65 anos em todo o mundo (NUNES, et al., 2009). Assim analisamos a importância de conhecer as reais condições de vida da pessoa idosa e como estas, enfrentam os desafios comuns a esse fase da existência. O estudo delimita como objetivo geral avaliar o perfil de idosos que moram sozinhos. Será realizado com pessoas idosas participantes do Projeto Vida Ativa. Iniciaremos identificando o perfil sócio/cultural/demográfico da população estudada; analisar a qualidade de vida dos participantes do estudo e investigar os motivos que os levaram a residirem sozinhos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, baseada nos pressupostos etnográficos, que inclui a observação participante, entrevistas semi-estrutradas e elaboração de diário de campo. As informações serão obtidas, a princípio no Centro de Cultura Camilo de Jesus Lima, lócus de desenvolvimento do projeto e posteriormente nas residências dos idosos selecionados. Para análise das informações obtidas utilizaremos a metodologia interpretativa sugerida pelo antropólogo Clifford Geertz (1997).
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Smaldone, Silvia, Friedrich Laub, Cindy Else, Cecilia Dragomir, and Francesco Ramirez. "Identification of MoKA, a Novel F-Box Protein That Modulates Krüppel-Like Transcription Factor 7 Activity." Molecular and Cellular Biology 24, no. 3 (February 1, 2004): 1058–69.

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ABSTRACT KLF7, a member of the Krüppel-like transcription factor family, is believed to regulate neurogenesis and cell cycle progression. Here, a yeast two-hybrid screen for KLF7 cofactors in the developing nervous system identified a novel 140-kDa protein named MoKA, for modulator of KLF7 activity. Interaction between MoKA and KLF7 was confirmed by the in vitro glutathione S-transferase pull-down assay and by coimmunoprecipitation of the proteins overexpressed in mammalian cells. Functional assays documented that MoKA is a KLF7 coactivator, and in situ hybridizations identified the developing nervous system and the adult testes as two sites of MoKA and Klf7 coexpression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated KLF7 binding to the p21WAF1/Cip1 gene while transient transfection assays documented KLF7 stimulation of the p21WAF1/Cip1 proximal promoter. Additional tests revealed that distinct structural motifs of MoKA direct interaction with KLF7 and shuttling between the nucleus and cytoplasm of asynchronously cycling cells. Altogether, our results strongly suggest that MoKA and KLF7 interact functionally to regulate gene expression during cell differentiation and identify the cell cycle regulator p21WAF1/Cip1 as one of the targeted genes.
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Kimura, Yoshio, Hiromi Nakano, Hideaki Terasaka, and Kaoru Takegawa. "Myxococcus xanthus mokA Encodes a Histidine Kinase-Response Regulator Hybrid Sensor Required for Development and Osmotic Tolerance." Journal of Bacteriology 183, no. 4 (February 15, 2001): 1140–46.

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ABSTRACT A gene, mokA, encoding a protein with similarities to histidine kinase-response regulator hybrid sensor, was cloned from aMyxococcus xanthus genomic library. The predictedmokA gene product was found to contain three domains: an amino-terminal input domain, a central transmitter domain, and a carboxy-terminal receiver domain. mokA mutants placed under starvation conditions exhibited reduced sporulation. Mutation ofmokA also caused marked growth retardation at high osmolarity. These results indicated that M. xanthus MokA is likely a transmembrane sensor that is required for development and osmotic tolerance. The putative function of MokA is similar to that of the hybrid histidine kinase, DokA, of the eukaryotic slime moldDictyostelium discoideum.
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Henley, Richard W., and Hans Plum. "Chemistry of Geothermal Fluids Discharged from Exploration Wells at Mokai/New Zealand." Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 136, no. 1 (December 1, 1985): 235–51.

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Giocoli, Carlo, Massimo Meneghetti, Matthias Bartelmann, Lauro Moscardini, and Michele Boldrin. "moka: a new tool for strong lensing studies." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 421, no. 4 (March 1, 2012): 3343–55.

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Gianino, Concetto. "Experimental analysis of the Italian coffee pot “moka”." American Journal of Physics 75, no. 1 (January 2007): 43–47.

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Aruchunan, Elayaraja, Jackel Vui Lung Chew, Mohana Sundaram Muthuvalu, Andang Sunarto, and Jumat Sulaiman. "A Newton-Modified Weighted Arithmetic Mean Solution of Nonlinear Porous Medium Type Equations." Symmetry 13, no. 8 (August 17, 2021): 1511.

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The mathematical theory behind the porous medium type equation is well developed and produces many applications to the real world. The research and development of the fractional nonlinear porous medium models also progressed significantly in recent years. An efficient numerical method to solve porous medium models needs to be investigated so that the symmetry of the designed method can be extended to future fractional porous medium models. This paper contributes a new numerical method called Newton-Modified Weighted Arithmetic Mean (Newton-MOWAM). The solution of the porous medium type equation is approximated by using a finite difference method. Then, the Newton method is applied as a linearization approach to solving the system of nonlinear equations. As the system to be solved is large, high computational complexity is regulated by the MOWAM iterative method. Newton-MOWAM is formulated technically based on the matrix structure of the system. Some initial-boundary value problems with a different type of nonlinear diffusion term are presented. As a result, the Newton-MOWAM showed a significant improvement in the computation efficiency compared to the developed standard Weighted Arithmetic Mean iterative method. The analysis of efficiency, measured by the reduced number of iterations and computation time, is reported along with the convergence analysis.
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Kuhnen, Ariane, and Scheila Machado da Silveira. "Como crianças percebem, idealizam e realizam o lugar onde moram." Psicologia USP 19, no. 3 (September 2008): 295–316.

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Este trabalho apresenta resultados de dois projetos, um de pesquisa e outro de extensão universitária, que se co-relacionam. Objetivaram conhecer os contextos de apropriação espaço-temporal de lugar e a implicação para a formação de seres cidadãos. Os sujeitos são crianças moradoras de uma região periférica de Florianópolis, em Santa Catarina. Utilizaram-se nos dois projetos métodos variados de investigação e intervenção. Entre eles, imersão em campo, observação livre e participante, entrevistas, passeios dirigidos, atividades lúdicas, desenhos e fotografias. Os recursos metodológicos comprovadamente demonstraram ser um importante modo de apreensão da realidade, já que alcançaram percepções e significações dos sujeitos. As fontes teóricas que fundamentaram a intervenção e a análise foram primordialmente originárias da Psicologia Ambiental. Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente. Os resultados demonstram que esses sujeitos têm identidade com a sua comunidade, porém, em relação aos outros lugares da cidade, verificou-se o fenômeno de “guetificação” e, conseqüentemente, desconhecem a cidade além dos limites de seu bairro. Viu-se como essa limitação dos e nos espaços da cidade reflete-se na constituição de sujeitos-cidadãos.
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Schuler, Johannes, and Harald Kächele. "Modelling on-farm costs of soil conservation policies with MODAM." Environmental Science & Policy 6, no. 1 (February 2003): 51–55.

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Kuratova, A. K., A. S. Miroshnichenko, S. V. Zharikov, N. Manset, S. A. Khokhlov, A. Raj, A. V. Kusakin, et al. "SPECTROSCOPIC MONITORING OF THE B[E] OBJECTS FSCMA AND MOCAM." Odessa Astronomical Publications 32 (October 30, 2019): 63–65.

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Alita, Debby, Setiawansyah Setiawansyah, and Ade Dwi Putra. "C45 Algorithm for Motorcycle Sales Prediction On CV Mokas Rawajitu." JURNAL SISFOTEK GLOBAL 11, no. 2 (September 30, 2021): 127.

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CV Mokas Rawajitu is a company that sells various types of used motorbikes both in cash and on credit. In sales, the problem that occurs is the frequent occurrence of ups and downs in motorcycle sales due to the mismatch of the available motorcycle variants with consumer interests so that motorcycle sales often do not reach the target. The role of data mining is needed to analyze consumer purchasing patterns at CV Mokas Rawajitu which can produce information, namely knowing what types of motorbikes most in-demand by consumers are and which are most in-demand in the market by predicting using the C4.5 algorithm based on the sales transaction data they have. from previous periods. The study used a dataset of motorcycle sales at CV Mokas Rawajitu from 2017-2019 with a total data volume of 1,411 data. The attributes used are the motorbike category, the motorbike brand, the motorbike price, and the year of production. The tools used in this research are Rapid Miner. The results of the application of the C4.5 Algorithm can be used as a prediction of sales at CV Mokas Rawajitu because the results of the accuracy of testing data and models using 9-Fold Cross Validation reach a value of 87.95% where the 9th fold reaches the highest accuracy value with a Sensitivity level of 97, 15%, 69.05% Specificity, 86.57% Precision, 12.05% Error (Error Rate) and 30.95% False Positive Rate.
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Biazar, Jafar, and Roya Montazeri. "Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic and Multistage Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Methods for Solving System of Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind." Journal of Applied Mathematics 2019 (January 3, 2019): 1–17.

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In this paper, optimal homotopy asymptotic method (OHAM) and its implementation on subinterval, called multistage optimal homotopy asymptotic method (MOHAM), are presented for solving linear and nonlinear systems of Volterra integral equations of the second kind. To illustrate these approaches two examples are presented. The results confirm the efficiency and ability of these methods for such equations. The results will be compared to find out which method is more accurate. Advantages of applying MOHAM are also illustrated.
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Bobková, Alica, Silvia Jakabová, Ľubomír Belej, Lukáš Jurčaga, Jozef Čapla, Marek Bobko, and Alžbeta Demianová. "Analysis of caffeine and chlorogenic acids content regarding the preparation method of coffee beverage." International Journal of Food Engineering 17, no. 5 (January 13, 2021): 403–10.

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Abstract This research was focused on the evaluation of selected parameters of coffee quality, regarding the beverage preparation method, using high-performance liquid chromatography. Samples of Coffea arabica from South America were analyzed. For the preparation of the final beverage were used filtration and moka methods. All samples roasted at medium dark roasting level Full City ++, contained less than 5% of moisture. The values of pH and dry matter content did not show a significant difference. The lowest content of chlorogenic acid reached value (1.41 g·100 g−1) prepared from filtration and 1.49 g·100 g−1 prepared from moka method. The highest content of chlorogenic acid ranged from 2.94 g. 100 g−1 filtration method and 3.36 g. 100 g−1 moka. Similarly, caffeine content, showed lower values using the filtration method. Values ranged from 1.37 to 1.57% (filtration) and from 1.54 to 1.78% (moka). However, PCA didn’t show a significant difference.
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Saldaña Hernández, Karen Annet, Yesenia Hernández Velázquez, Eduardo López Domínguez, Cora Beatriz Excelente Toledo, and María Auxilio Medina Nieto. "MOAM: A methodology for developing mobile learning objects (MLOs)." Computer Applications in Engineering Education 26, no. 1 (July 27, 2017): 17–28.

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Pickles, Anthony J. "‘BomBombedKwin’: How Two Card Games ModelKula,Moka, and Goroka." Oceania 84, no. 3 (November 2014): 272–88.

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Bairampalli, Siddanth N., Federico Ustolin, Domenico Ciuonzo, and Pierluigi Salvo Rossi. "Digital Moka: Small-Scale Condition Monitoring in Process Engineering." IEEE Sensors Letters 5, no. 3 (March 2021): 1–4.

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UÇAR, Meltem. "MODERN MİMARLIK MİRASI OLARAK KERVANSARAY MOKAMPLARI VE KIZKALESİ MOKAMP KORUMA YAKLAŞIMI." Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Kültür Envanteri Dergisi, no. 21 (September 17, 2020): 35–54.

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UÇAR, Meltem. "MODERN MİMARLIK MİRASI OLARAK KERVANSARAY MOKAMPLARI VE KIZKALESİ MOKAMP KORUMA YAKLAŞIMI." Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Kültür Envanteri Dergisi, no. 21 (September 17, 2020): 35–54.

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Biazar, Jafar, and Saghi Safaei. "Applications of OHAM and MOHAM for Fractional Seventh-Order SKI Equations." Journal of Applied Mathematics 2021 (December 31, 2021): 1–8.

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In this article, a comparative study between optimal homotopy asymptotic method and multistage optimal homotopy asymptotic method is presented. These methods will be applied to obtain an approximate solution to the seventh-order Sawada-Kotera Ito equation. The results of optimal homotopy asymptotic method are compared with those of multistage optimal homotopy asymptotic method as well as with the exact solutions. The multistage optimal homotopy asymptotic method relies on optimal homotopy asymptotic method to obtain an analytic approximate solution. It actually applies optimal homotopy asymptotic method in each subinterval, and we show that it achieves better results than optimal homotopy asymptotic method over a large interval; this is one of the advantages of this method that can be used for long intervals and leads to more accurate results. As far as the authors are aware that multistage optimal homotopy asymptotic method has not been yet used to solve fractional partial differential equations of high order, we have shown that this method can be used to solve these problems. The convergence of the method is also addressed. The fractional derivatives are described in the Caputo sense.
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Silva, MARIA CLEUNICE FANTINATI da. "A DOR NO MUNDO PANDÊMICO." Revista AlembrA 2, no. 5 (January 13, 2021): 04–06.

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Skarka, Wojciech. "Application of MOKA methodology in generative model creation using CATIA." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 20, no. 5 (August 2007): 677–90.

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Ormaza Zapata, Angela Maria, Félix Octavio Díaz Arango, and Benjamín Alberto Rojano. "The effect of pressure filtration coffee preparation methods (Coffea arabica L. var. Castillo) on antioxidant content and activity, and beverage acceptance." DYNA 86, no. 209 (April 1, 2019): 261–70.

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The majority of pressure filtration methods for coffee preparation constitute acceptable alternatives for the obtention of coffee with bitter notes and body. In this study, antioxidant metabolite retention, antioxidant activity, and cup profiles were determined for coffee beverages prepared using five methods of pressure filtration. The methods which registered the highest antioxidant retention rates were Espresso, Moka, and Staresso. The highest hydroxycinnamic acid content was obtained with the Staresso, Espresso, and Moka methods, in descending order. Antioxidant capacity was proportional to antioxidant compound retention, with the ORAC method, in the beverages prepared, but not with the ABTS methodology. The Presso method had the lowest antioxidant retention rate. The beverage prepared with the Aeropress method obtained the lowest amount of antioxidant metabolites. In the five preparations evaluated, the most prominent hydroxycinnamic acid was chlorogenic acid. It is recommended that coffee prepared with the Espresso or Moka methods be consumed.
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Adenle, Yusuf A., Edwin H. W. Chan, Yi Sun, and C. K. Chau. "Modifiable Campus-Wide Appraisal Model (MOCAM) for Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions." Sustainability 12, no. 17 (August 22, 2020): 6821.

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Institutions of higher education across the globe have commenced the appraisal of their sustainability performance via the utilization of various existing campus sustainability assessment tools. A comprehensive review of these existing tools reveals insufficient utilization of weighting methods and theoretical approaches that allow for the monitoring, review, and enhancement of the appraisal process and tools. Social media and spatial-based indicators usage are also deficient in the existing tools. This paper addresses these research gaps and develops a Modifiable Campus-wide Appraisal Model (MOCAM) for a comprehensive spatial-based information and assessment framework for policymakers, local authorities, and campus planners in countries with unknown campus sustainability status. In this model, the specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) approach was utilized to identify environmental-dimension indicators with campus-wide and spatial-based attributes. The Twitter social media platform, Elastic stack, and Python Library were used for the extraction and analysis of local stakeholders’ user-generated content for the identification of localized indicators. The analytic hierarchy process was used for the determination and analysis of the attribute level of importance and weights. The model also broadens the application of symbolic interactionism by translating it from the predominant field of social science to sustainable campus appraisal.
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Cavalcante, Claudiane Monsores de Sá, Maria Cláudia da Veiga Soares Carvalho, Francisco Romão Ferreira, and Shirley Donizete Prado. "Sentidos da alimentação fora do lar para homens idosos que moram sozinhos." Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia 18, no. 3 (September 2015): 611–20.

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Resumo Este artigo objetivou analisar o universo de significação da alimentação fora do lar de um grupo de homens idosos, articulando elementos de disciplinas da Saúde e das Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Os homens moravam sozinhos e eram frequentadores do Programa de Extensão Grupo Renascer, da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A partir de observações diretas, entrevistas informais e entrevistas em profundidade e utilizando-se da Análise do Discurso, partindo de uma perspectiva de mosaico cultural, analisou-se esse espaço social da alimentação fora do lar como promotor de diferentes estilos de interação e coesão social para esse grupo. Verificou-se que aposentadoria, viuvez e saída dos filhos de casa estão relacionadas às mudanças nas práticas alimentares do grupo. E que, além do desinteresse em preparar as refeições, havia uma busca por ambientes mais propícios a novas relações sociais. O comer fora de casa assume um sentido de socialização como representando uma inclusão no mundo globalizado. Frequentar praças de alimentação, especialmente quando se está sem companhia, se mostrou mais interessante para os idosos do que despender tempo na cozinha para o preparo de uma refeição que não seria compartilhada. Tanto comer fora quanto comprar comida fora para comer em casa motivaram novos tipos de relacionamentos sociais nessa população.
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Valeriano, Marta Maria. "Trabalhadoras domésticas que moram no local de trabalho: trabalho, trajetórias e migração." Áskesis - Revista des discentes do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da UFSCar 8, no. 2 (August 24, 2020): 194–213.

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O artigo analisa o trabalho, as trajetórias e os processos migratórios de trabalhadoras domésticas que moram nas residências em que trabalham. Trata-se de um estudo de caso na cidade de Goiânia-GO. Com trajetórias marcadas pela pobreza e o trabalho doméstico infantil, as trabalhadoras, em maioria jovens, negras e migrantes, encontraram na migração uma oportunidade de acesso a melhores condições de trabalho e aumento de renda. A moradia na casa dos patrões pessoaliza a relação de trabalho, fazendo com que as subjetividades interfiram na efetivação dos direitos conquistados pelas trabalhadoras domésticas. A efetivação desses direitos é fundamental para que se possa romper com o ciclo de desigualdades que as levaram ao trabalho doméstico remunerado.
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Kirkman, J. H., and R. C. Wallace. "Palygorskite in the Regolith from the Mokau District, North Island, New Zealand." Clay Minerals 29, no. 2 (June 1994): 265–72.

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AbstractCorrugated mats of palygorskite occurring in regolith overlying a fissured limestone were examined by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and electron optical techniques after heating at 50°C intervals to 700°C. Palygorskite ‘anhydride’ formed at 400°C and sillimanite formed at 500°C. The palygorskite is believed to have formed in joints in limestone of Upper Oligocene age (Duntroonian) prior to uplift and subsequent weathering. It is highly crystalline, and appears not to have altered or weathered since precipitation.
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Bradbury, Katherine, Felicity Bishop, George Lewith, Lucy Yardley, Janine Leach, Lisa Roberts, Hugh MacPherson, Borislav Dimitrov, Susan Eardley, and Maddy Greville-Harris. "Non-specific Mechanisms in Orthodox and CAM management of back pain (MOCAM)." European Journal of Integrative Medicine 7, no. 6 (December 2015): 682–83.

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Oliveira, Andiara Schmidt, Eloá Maria dos Santos Chiquetti, and Heloisa dos Santos. "Caracterização do desenvolvimento motor de lactentes de mães adolescentes." Fisioterapia e Pesquisa 20, no. 4 (December 2013): 349–54.

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Este estudo objetivou caracterizar o desenvolvimento motor e as oportunidades ambientais de lactentes de mães adolescentes, bem como comparar o desenvolvimento motor dos lactentes que moram com as avós com o desenvolvimento dos que moram apenas com os pais. Participaram do estudo 17 lactentes de mães adolescentes. Os instrumentos utilizados foram um questionário contendo informações sobre o lactente e a mãe, o Affordance in the Home Environment for Motor Development - Infant Scale (AHEMD-IS) e a Escala Motora Infantil de Alberta (Alberta Infant Motor Scale - AIMS). Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva, pelo testes de Pearson e U de Mann-Whitney, considerando-se estatisticamente significativos valores de p<0,05. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos lactentes filhos de mães adolescentes (58,82%) apresentou um desenvolvimento motor normal, sendo que, na comparação entre os grupos, observou-se diferença significativa de desempenho motor das crianças que moram com avós. Em relação às oportunidades ambientais analisadas por meio do AHEMD-IS, todas as residências apresentaram baixa oportunidade para o desenvolvimento motor. Em conclusão, apesar de a maioria das crianças apresentarem normalidade no desenvolvimento motor, é importante enfatizar que o desenvolvimento tem influências multifatoriais, resultando de fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos. Um acompanhamento longitudinal de filhos de mães adolescentes se faz necessário para entendermos o desfecho do desenvolvimento motor destes.
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Ahoren, Alfa. "STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT OF ECOTOURISM IN NATURAL RESERVATION AREA ARFAK IN MOKWAM VILLAGE AND SURROUNDING." Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism 3, no. 1 (December 30, 2017): 1.

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Ecotourism as a form of responsible tour to natural areas conducted with the aim to conserve the environment also preserve the life and the welfare of the local population. This research was conducted in the conservation area of the mountains of Arfak inside at Mokwam, Kwaw and Syou village, Warmare district, Manokwari Regency, has the purposes to know the ecotourism potential, Mokwam society’s attitude towards the ecotourism development and its strategy in conservation areas in Arfak mountains at Mokwam village and its surrounding. The advantage is to expand the development of ecotourism atCAPAarea, can be used as consideration in ecotourism development and also as an alternative to protect the environment and the culture of local population towards the exploitation in order to remain sustainable. The research method use qualitative methods. This method was used to get the data or qualitative description aboutCAPAarea. The data analysis technique use descriptive-qualitative and the analysis of SWOT. The results of this research are potential tourism attractions, accommodations, facilities, accessibility and additional services. The attitude of the local people inCAPAarea now is in the phase of euphoria which is they are supporting the development of ecotourism. The strategies that can be done through the programs such as: product development planning of ecotourism, structuring the organization and the management ofCAPAarea, do marketing of ecotourism product.
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Pokojski, Jerzy, and Łukasz Woźnicki. "Concept of Product Complexity Modeling in the Development of a Machine Shaft." Management and Production Engineering Review 8, no. 2 (June 1, 2017): 91–98.

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AbstractIn the paper product and design process modeling on the basis of speed reducer is presented. The paper proposes to build the product and process models and parallel to that carry out the project activities as these models reflect the detailed structure of the projects.The most important feature of the proposed approach is its possibility to model only important parts of the models and to keep track of the development of their chronological paths. The approach may be treated as a partial CPM/MOKA model or as network-integrated CPM/MOKA models.
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Magdalena Sipayung, Evasaria, Cut Fiarni, and Wawan. "Evaluasi Penggunaan Aplikasi Point of Sale Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model pada UMKM." Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi 9, no. 1 (February 5, 2020): 18–24.

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Aplikasi Point of Sales (POS) pada UMKM digunakan sebagai tools untuk membuat data penjualan. La Fresa Farm merupakan salah satu UMKM yang menggunakan aplikasi POS Intuit QuickBooks Enterprise 2015. Selama aplikasi ini diterapkan, pengguna membutuhkan waktu interaksi yang cukup lama. Melihat permasalahan tersebut, dibutuhkan tools untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan aplikasi. Pada makalah ini, model evaluasi yang digunakan adalah Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). TAM menggambarkan variabel ease of use dan usefulness sebagai variabel pengukur pertama yang memengaruhi variabel lainnya hingga variabel actual to use. Variabel ease of use menjelaskan kemudahan dari sisi waktuinteraksi dan model yang mengukur waktu interaksi ini adalah Keystroke Level Model (KLM). Variabel usefulness menjelaskan kegunaan aplikasi dari sisi penyediaan informasi yang memberikan attention pada pengguna dan diukur dengan model kognitif. Pada makalah ini, terdapat variabel tambahan selainmodel TAM, yaitu self-efficacy, timeliness, dan complexity. Pengujian dilakukan pada aplikasi POS Intuit QuickBooks Enterprise 2015, Moka, Pawon, dan Olsera. Hasil pengujian KLM menunjukkan waktu tercepat yaitu 89,8 detik dan hasil evaluasi TAM pada Moka menunjukkan hasil respons variabel actual to use memiliki respons positif sehingga minat pengguna menggunakan Moka cukup tinggi.
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Arnaud, Jean, and Sarah Bouchenak. "MOKA, modélisation et planification de capacité pour les systèmes multi-étagés." Techniques et sciences informatiques 30, no. 5 (May 28, 2011): 591–616.

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Utharak, Namchai, Decha Karnjanang, and Wichaya Yoshida. "An Investigation and Guidelines for Development Molam Rueang To Klon in Northeast Thailand." Journal of Social Sciences 5, no. 4 (April 1, 2009): 408–10.

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Rouanet, Sergio Paulo. "É a cidade que habita os homens ou são eles que moram nela?" Revista USP, no. 15 (November 30, 1992): 48.

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Corrêa, Silvia Adriana Lima. "Onde moram os precarizados: a interlocução entre precarização do trabalho e estigma territorial." Novos Rumos Sociológicos 6, no. 9 (August 31, 2018): 292.

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Este estudo empreendido numa localidade estigmatizada da periferia de Manaus, discute os critérios de distinção e as escalas hierárquicas de classificação internas estabelecidas por seus moradores, utilizados como estratégias de fuga da desclassificação social, em que a relação que desenvolvem com o trabalho é determinante. A figuração "trabalhador" aparece como elemento de distinção e não de unidade, dinâmica que reforça a marginalização da grande maioria inapta ao mercado formal de trabalho e, por implicação, o estigma territorial de "lugar perigoso" que afeta seu local de moradia.
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Nagy, H., R. Chapurlat, E. Sornay-Rendu, S. Boutroy, and P. Szulc. "Family resemblance of bone turnover rate in mothers and daughters—the MODAM study." Osteoporosis International 26, no. 3 (December 19, 2014): 921–30.

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