Academic literature on the topic 'Modernité africaine'
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Journal articles on the topic "Modernité africaine"
Kadima-Nzugi, Mukala. "Alioune Diop, Présence Africaine et la modernité africaine." Présence Africaine 181-182, no. 1 (2010): 169.
Full textBisanswa, Justin. "La fiction africaine de la modernité et ses problématiques." Présence Africaine 190, no. 2 (2014): 155.
Full textKane, Cheikh Hamidou. "Économie et Culture africaine, rapports entre tradition et modernité." Présence Africaine 179-180, no. 1 (2009): 23.
Full textTaoua, Phyllis. "Présentation. Le rendez-vous d’Ousmane Sembène avec la modernité africaine." Études littéraires africaines, no. 30 (2010): 6.
Full textLavou-Zoungbo, Victorien, and Jean-Godefroy Bidima. "Parole(s), Espaces Publics de Discussion: Oralités politiques en devenir." Oralidad-es 4 (August 22, 2020): 1–11.
Full textRubio, Frédéric. "Lutte avec frappe, lutte africaine, lutte olympique : entre tradition et modernité." Corps N° 16, no. 1 (2018): 201.
Full textChouala, Yves Alexandre. "Éthique et politique internationale africaine du XXIe siècle." Articles hors thème 25, no. 2-3 (June 13, 2007): 183–217.
Full textBiaya, Tshikala K. "Le pouvoir ethnique. Concept, lieux d'énonciation et pratiques contre l'État dans la modernité africaine." Anthropologie et Sociétés 22, no. 1 (September 10, 2003): 105–35.
Full textEkpo, Denis, and Marie Emmanuelle Chassaing. "Festac 77 et projet de modernité africaine : des méfaits d'un nationalisme culturel excessif." Africultures 73, no. 2 (2008): 26.
Full textAka-Evy, Jean-Luc. "Alioune Diop et la naissance de la modernité africaine au temps de la Mondialisation." Présence Africaine 181-182, no. 1 (2010): 345.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Modernité africaine"
N'Guessan, Serge-Marie. "Modernité et africanité dans l'habitat précaire à Abidjan, une contribution à la formalisation de la modernité aménagiste africaine." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.
Full textNgowet, Luc. "Les fondements théoriques de la modernité politique africaine : essai de phénoménologie politique." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
Full textAny consideration of African political thought cannot disregard the issue of its recovering by Africanist discourse. The hegemony of this discourse is partly at the origin of our reflection on the theoretical foundations of modernity in Africa, that seeks to lay the foundations for a long-term research agenda on African political thought. Beyond a contention with the Africanist discourse, my thesis is also motivated by a more fundamental objective that presupposes and seeks to demonstrate that African thought has always played a vital role in the construction of the political modernity of Africa. I will analyse the contours and content of the theoretical foundations of that african political modernity through a methodology and a principle of reason that will bear witness to those foudations with conviction and lucidity. My doctoral dissertation therefore has two main objectives. First, it seeks to develop a critique of Africanist reason that will lead to an interpretation of endogenous discourses on politics in Africa, through a method of investigation called political phenomenology. Such a phenomenological understanding of politics as an instrument that can elucidate African modernity in Africa will be based on a critical interpretation of major african political texts written in both French and English. Secondly, my thesis aims at developing a philosophizing history of African political thought, providing a precise understanding of its concepts and issues. In sum, this dissertation would have achieved its objective if it read as a philosophical meta-narrative on African modernity, the specificity of which I shall define
Tesla, Chloé. "L'expérience de la modernité dans «Shaba deux».«Les carnets de Mère Marie-Gertrude» de V.Y. Mudimbe." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011.
Full textBoizette, Pierre. "Décolonisation des subjectivités et renaissance africaine : critique et réforme de la modernité chez Scholastique Mukasonga, Ngugi wa Thiong’o et Valentin-Yves Mudimbe." Thesis, Paris 10, 2019.
Full textThe institutionalization of postcolonial studies and the recent development of decolonial studies have highlighted the recognition that intellectuals from former colonized territories enjoy today. Among them, Ngugi wa Thiong'o and Valentin-Yves Mudimbe are respected figures whose writings, both theoretical and fictional, seek to resolve the crises generated by the colonial experience. Aware that this did not end with the wave of independence, they kept alive in their works the utopian desire, that of conceiving a new world where relations between peoples and individuals would be renegotiated, despite the disappointments of the postcolonial regimes. However, the 1994 genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda could well have symbolized the failure of their epistemic detachment efforts with Western modernity. This consisted in the repetition, on the African continent, of a crime similar to the one that had pushed many intellectuals to want to break with the order of which the Shoah was the consequence. On the contrary, Scholastique Mukasonga's texts bear witness to the repetition of the imperative formulated by Ngugi wa Thiong'o and Valentin-Yves Mudimbe, namely the need to achieve a decolonization of subjectivities to initiate an African renaissance. The study of each of their trajectories aims to show the complementarity of these two processes in their works which, separately, open the way to multiple possible futures for humanity
Tshikoji, Mbumba Sylvain. "La quête du bonheur partagé à travers la triade éthique africaine Luba-Kasaî." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017.
Full textFor sometime, most intellectuals have agreed that the African philosophical debate has evolved around three tendencies. The first propensity has been that the promotion of traditions and local cultures is the unique and sole venue that would yield the development as well as the happiness of nations. Such a bias has proven to be dogmatic as it is rooted in the belief that people need to be self-reliant. The second proclivity claims that there is no rationale in the idea of relying solely on African traditions, when it is possible to evolve into a synergic symbiosis that includes both modern science and technology. The latter is also quite dogmatic, as it invalidates any shape or form of African rationality. The third current attempts to propitiate traditions and modernism, while putting forward the exhilaration of African customs, and being cognizant of the need to maintain openness and integration of the betterment that a contemporary society might infuse. In this respect, traditions and modernism must symphonize and assimilate their values in order to sustain their essence. However, when applying the sniff test, this debate has remained fruitless; these theories have eluded the question of addressing the existence of African nations, which, from our stand point, remains one of shared happiness. These predilections should have utilized concrete examples from African customs, in order to enhance a coherent philosophy that would propel the development and the happiness of nations. A more practical approach is proposed and illustrated in these writings, which bring forth an ethical rationale of the shared happiness we find among the People of Luba heritage, despite its socio-political implications. Within the ethnic Luba-Kasai, the human goal of everyday living is happiness. Far from being individually centered, the search for a shared happiness is the concern of the entire society (family, clan or village), extending through institutional and symbolic mediation. This perception of happiness runs the social organization, allowing the contribution from as well as the participation of each individual, to the management of the city and the commonwealth. This requires the integration of social and political structures that would advance everyone's rights, dignity and liberty. We therefore insist that the oncoming realization of African happiness does not rest uniquely on an occidental conversion model. It will become a reality when we coalesce western contemporary systems, African traditional values, openness, integration that would lead to reciprocal and mutual enrichment. It is only within such premises, starting within the Luba-Kasaï tribes, that each African nation, each African culture, will find the missing ethical and philosophical links to a more harmonious societal organization.
Ghadhi, Ahmed Mohamed. "La longue marche de l'Afrique vers l'intégration, le développement et la modernité politique." Paris 5, 2006.
Full textThis thesis recalls, in a first part, the principal stages of the economic and political evolution of the African continent from independences to the birth of the African Union in 2002. It emphasizes the major causes of the marginalisation of Africa, poverty and the misery which it knows since long decades. It charges the responsibility for it first to the choice which was made at the accession of the majority of the African States to international sovereignty, privileging the construction of the State Nation on that of a minimum of unit which was to succeed, in the long run, in the United States of Africa. An option rejected by the Conférence constitutive of the OAU in Addis Ababa in spite of the plea made in its favour by the Ghanaian president of the time, Kwame Nkrumah. The minimalist compromise adopted in Addis Ababa, gave rise to an organization, the OAU, judicious to gather the Africans and to organize between them a real solidarity around joint projects in order to give to the people of the continent a direction to their destiny and to lead them towards economic and social progress. However the African State Nation is today a failure, it is in bankruptcy, ineffective and inefficient. Decade after decade, the African continent was marginalized to represent today only less than 2% from the world GDP and 1% of the international trade in spite of its immense resources. With the turning of last century, the African political leaders seemed to have become aware of the principal responsibility which fell to them to find the solutions that it was necessary to leave the crisis and to engage a true economic development, social and policy for the continent. The second part of the thesis analyses the new initiatives taken by the Africans at the dawn of 21st century (African Union and NEPAD), as strategies of rupture devoting the entry of the continent in political modernity, making it possible to leave the endemic crisis and to benefit best from the process of globalisation. The African union has an economic project , the New partnership for the development of Africa (NEPAD)
Megne, M'Ella Oscar. "Esthétique et Théorie de l'Obscène dans la modernité littéraire négro-africaine : les cas de Places des fêtes et de Hermina de Sami Tchak." Thesis, Paris 3, 2014.
Full textIf we accept the idea that unlike modern novel, contemporary novel does not absolutely seek to recreate the human figure, but rather thinks of it as a « trans-individual » image of the human being, then the taking into account of the Obscene in the « Negro-African » literature's context of these last 30 years makes sense. The ludicrous break with the linearity and the use of language as cathartic effect enable to express differently a future which is more and more beyond our control.We are trying to understand the upsurge of the Obscene in the new african fiction writings as a contemporary symptom and a new approach on the part of tthe authors of the fourth generation, to truly comandeer the sense of the word « individual » in the « Negro-African » context.If, according to the Petit Larousse dictionary, the Obscene is « what offends openly the modesty through sexual representations », it has deep ethical consequences in a « Negro-African » context where strong cultural taboos on sexual initmacy productions exist. We will try to explain at what cost the Obscene can set itself up as an element of literarity or as a theory able to sustain the subject practising it. However, is a community still possible beyond the disruption of the ethical values caused by a possible aesthetic of the Obscene ?
Carlier, Omar. "Socialisation politique et acculturation à la modernité : le cas du nationalisme algérien : de l'Etoile Nord -Africaine au Front de Libération nationale, 1926-1954." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1994.
Full textThis work brings together thirty-two texts in four volumes (II-V) in a thesis devoted to the social history of Algerian radical nationalism (ENA-PPA, 1926-1954). These texts are preceded by a volume summarizing the main issues and methodology, in particular the continual navigation between the construction of the object and the production of source material. The texts show how and under what conditions an unprecedented political idea, the nation (Watan) mobilized by a new political actor, the party (Hibz) can be simultaneously articulated and acquired, mobilized and incorporated by attributing a new social value, personified in the people (Cha'ab), to an old model of parity between brothers. The ensemble of texts combines monograph and biography, investigative research and conceptual essays. It multiplies the units and levels of analysis, proceeding from case to type, associating small and large dimensions, regional and local individual and serial. By systematically confronting written (archives, press) and oral (1200 interviews with 700 witnesses) sources, the work focusses as closely as possible on the local group and developes a comprehensive but critical relation of interaction between the observer and the observed in order to render the social construction of reality that much more intelligible
Toure, Thierno Dia. "Modernité et postmodernité francophones dans les écritures de violence : le cas de Rachid Boudjedra et de Sony Labou Tansi." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2010.
Full textThe modernity and postmodernity of the francophone African novel, mainly confined to the level of diegesis, do not so much form two opposing aesthetics as take part in “textual cooperation.” The task of rewriting the former by the latter extends and renews the literary project of the francophone African novel. As a result, its literary modernity goes beyond a certain determinism to become part of a textual dynamics and indeed, a dynamiting. Taken in terms of its “insularity,” the text establishes an overdetermined literariness through, if not a logic of violence, at least a principle of subversion, which can be explained by a “problematic relationship to language” and a desire “to create its own place from which to speak.” This leads to a structural aesthetic that fosters an elaborate, dominant formalism whose modern impact, in terms of renewal and inventiveness, is more fully contained in the signifier than it is embodied in the signified. This is how literary postmodernity denotes that through which the francophone African novel diverts the temptation of formal fetishism. It decentres its aesthetic concern towards the task of reconstructing narratives, placing more emphasis on the themes, accounts and other stories of violence. Among the characteristic narrative practices of this writing of the tragic are heterogeneity, hybridization, dissemination and “language play” (banalization, irony, playfulness and unreal effect). As a result, such writing proceeds not from a representation of the crisis or a crisis of representation, but from an “enactment of crisis,” an aesthetic site that opens up the creative potential of postmodern poetic art. Fundamentally, going beyond writings of violence, literary modernity and postmodernity are the result of a shift in perspective related to the deployment (or redeployment) of subjectivity in the francophone African novel. And the value of this literary subjectivity consists in setting out two narrative cartographies, modern and postmodern, through which francophone literatures—Maghribi and Negro-African—stake out a path of access to Weiliteratur
Mbollé, Henriette. "Paroles, cinémas et modernités : une approche socio-politique et sémio-narratologique de la modernité au cinéma : le cinéma durassien du vide et le cinéma africain francophone." Nancy 2, 1998.
Full textModernity in cinema in the sixties and the seventies, defined as a political speech in cinema on national and world scale, has been reduced to the only crisis of foundations. Such a conception neglects research of foundations in this cinematographically modernity specially met in the third world, and gives substance to the actual thesis of "return of the fiction". In this work, we favor diversity and decentration, in order to show the impossibility to decree the end of this cinematographically modern movement, thus its stakes and consequences have been at the same time explicit and subtle, similar and opposed, international and fundamentally local. We adopt a decentration of interpretation, studying this modernity not only as crisis of foundations, but also as research of these foundations ; a decentration of method, that is not only socio-political but also semio-narrative; finally a decentration of films corpus, analyzing in a chiasmatical approach, two "modern" cinemas radically different: the movies of M. Duras defined by the crisis of certitudes, the vacuous, and the French-speaking African cinema researching the fullness of authentic African cultural identity. Words as action ("la parole-action") and as narration ("la parole-recit") have a great place in these two "modern" cinemas. We study them in relation with the socio-political reality (1rst part),with the otherness and the utopia (2nd part), with the problem of reception (3rd part),with the question of narration (4th part), with the concept of movement as a great concept around the notion of modernity (5th part). Beyond films socio-political and semio- narrative analysis, this work is also a reflexing about anthropology of modernity in cinema
Books on the topic "Modernité africaine"
Elungu, Alphonse Elungu Pene. Modernité africaine: Critique de la modernité. République Démocratique du Congo]: Éditions Antenne sud, 2013.
Find full textKouvouama, Abel. Modernité africaine: Les figures du politique et du religieux. Paris: Editions Paari, 2001.
Find full textKouvouama, Abel. Modernité africaine: Les figures du politique et du religieux. Paris: Paari, 2001.
Find full textCopans, Jean. La longue marche de la modernité africaine: Savoirs, intellectuels, démocratie. 2nd ed. Paris: Editions Karthala, 1998.
Find full textDiscours sur l'afro-modernité: Pour une herméneutique de la pensée africaine. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2013.
Find full textOralité, traditions et modernité en Afrique au XXIe siècle. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2019.
Find full textAbomo-Maurin, Marie-Rose. La femme dans la littérature orale africaine: Persistance des clichés ou perception de la modernité ? Paris: L'Harmattan, 2015.
Find full textLes pygmées face à une modernité économique et religieuse importée: Les enjeux de l'inscription du christianisme dans une culture africaine de frappe écologique. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2013.
Find full textOsha, Sanya. African Postcolonial Modernity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Modernité africaine"
Picton, John. "Modernism and Modernity in African Art." In A Companion to Modern African Art, 311–29. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Full textOsha, Sanya. "African Sexualities I." In African Postcolonial Modernity, 153–79. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014.
Full textOsha, Sanya. "African Sexualities II." In African Postcolonial Modernity, 181–99. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014.
Full textNicholls, Peter. "African American Modernism." In Modernisms, 219–45. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2009.
Full textNicholls, Peter. "African American Modernism." In Modernisms, 219–45. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2009.
Full textIkuenobe, Polycarp. "African Tradition and Modernity." In Routledge Handbook of African Political Philosophy, 68–81. London: Routledge, 2023.
Full textOsha, Sanya. "Conclusion Yearnings of Modernity." In African Postcolonial Modernity, 201–8. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014.
Full textOsha, Sanya. "The Polis: From Greece to an African Athens." In African Postcolonial Modernity, 1–15. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014.
Full textOsha, Sanya. "The Order/Other of Political Culture." In African Postcolonial Modernity, 17–36. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014.
Full textOsha, Sanya. "Urbanscapes." In African Postcolonial Modernity, 37–69. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Modernité africaine"
Matsanga Mackossot, Ginette Flore. "Education Africaine: entre tradition et modernité." In XVI Congreso Nacional Educación Comparada Tenerife. Universidad de La Laguna. Servicio de Publicaciones, 2018.
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