Books on the topic 'Modern'
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Jozefčiaková, Silvia. Moderné náboženstvo: Modern religion. Bratislava: Ústav pre vzt'ahy štátu a cirkví, 2005.
Find full text(Berlin), Starship, and Chelsea Art Museum (New York, N. Y.), eds. Modern modern. Berlin: STARSHIP, 2009.
Find full textDemazet, Bertrand. Le marketing moderne =: Modern Marketing. Paris: Éditions Communications Actives, 1987.
Find full textRiemann, Wolfgang. Modern Türk öyküleri: Moderne türkische Erzählungen. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2004.
Find full textHenríquez, Raúl. Génesis del arte contemporáneo: Arquitectura y corrientes estilísticas en el arte moderno. México, D.F: Editorial Trillas, 2000.
Find full textProvotorova, M. V. Modern arkhitektura: Modern architecture. 2nd ed. Saratov: Poligraficheskai︠a︡ studii︠a︡ Chara, 2008.
Find full textMalaika, Baba. Modern Swahili, modern English. 2nd ed. Arusha, Tanzania: Training Centre for Development Co-operation, 1994.
Find full textLeabhart, Thomas. Modern and Post-Modern Mime. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1989.
Full textMauro, Raf. Modern monologues for modern kids. Rancho Mirage, CA: Dramaline Publications, 1994.
Find full textBruyninckx, Walter. Modern jazz: Modern big band. [Mechelen, Belgium: 60 Years of Recorded Jazz Team, 1986.
Find full textRothenaicher, Raphaela, and Melida Steinke. Modern wohnen: Möbeldesign und Wohnkultur der Moderne. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2016.
Find full textPérez, Miguel von Hafe. (Ainda) o desconforto moderno: (Still) modern discomfort. Lisboa, Portugal: Museu Coleção Berardo, 2019.
Find full textKarttunen, Ulla. Ulla Karttunen: A modern mystic = moderni mystikko. Joensuu: Joensuu Art Museum, 2011.
Find full textGarcía, Hintze Laura, ed. Barcelona: Arquitectura moderna 1929-1979 = modern architecture. Barcelona: Polı́grafa, 2006.
Find full textLynne, Kolar-Thompson, ed. Moderne im Kontext: Modern architecture & urban context. Berlin: Archimappublishers, 2014.
Find full textMartinez, M. Ortuno. Linguistica Moderna/Modern Linguistics. Aims Intl Books Corp, 1991.
Find full textHassel, Anthony, and Jeremy Harwookl. Arquitectura moderna/ Modern architecture. Edilupa Ediciones Sl, 2014.
Find full textElliott, David, Leif Wigh, Teresa Hahr, Carl-Fredrik Harleman, Nina Ohman, and Henrkik Orrje. Moderna Museet/Modern Museum. Philip Wilson Publishers, 1998.
Find full textHassel, Anthony, and Jeremy Harwookl. Arquitectura moderna/ Modern architecture. Edilupa Ediciones Sl, 2014.
Find full textDie moderne Seele/ The Modern Soul: The Modern Soul. Saarbrücken, Germany: Calambac Verlag, 2016.
Find full textWesthuizen, G. van der, and A. du Toit. Modern Basic Mathematics (Mathematics: Modern Basic Mathematics / Moderne Basiese Wiskunde). Maskew Miller Longman Pty.Ltd ,South Africa, 1995.
Find full textWesthuizen, V. D., and Gert Ansie du Toit. Modern Basic Mathematics (Mathematics: Modern Basic Mathematics / Moderne Basiese Wiskunde). Maskew Miller Longman Pty.Ltd ,South Africa, 1995.
Find full textToit, Ansie du, and Gert van der Westhiuzen. Modern Basic Mathematics (Mathematics: Modern Basic Mathematics / Moderne Basiese Wiskunde). Maskew Miller Longman Pty.Ltd ,South Africa, 1995.
Find full textHerausse, Francois. El Kamasutra Moderno/ Modern Kamasutra. Martinez Roca S a Ediciones, 2006.
Find full textLe marketing moderne =: Modern marketing. Paris: Editions Communications Actives, 1987.
Find full textLiteratura hebrea moderna/ Modern Hebrew Literature. Fondo De Cultura Economica USA, 2012.
Find full textJurancic, Janko. Modern SerbocroatianSlovene Dictionary SrpskohrvatskoSlovenski Moderni Slovar. French & European Pubns, 1985.
Find full textSexuality Information and Education Coun. Guia Sexual Moderna / Modern Sexual Guide. Gedisa Editorial, 2000.
Find full textKunze, Christina. Moderne ungarische Erzählungen / Modern magyar novellak. Dtv, 1999.
Find full textBennassar, B., M. B. Bennassar, F. Lebrun, and M. Denis. Historia Moderna/ Modern History (Textos/ Texts). Akal Ediciones, 2005.
Find full textCook-Henesy, Charlotte Anwen. Moderna: An Exploration of Modern Motherhood. Blurb, 2015.
Find full textBraham, William W. Modern Color/Modern Architecture. Routledge, 2019.
Full textVial, Theodore. Modern Religion, Modern Race. Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2020.
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