Academic literature on the topic 'Modélisation inverse des vêtements'
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Journal articles on the topic "Modélisation inverse des vêtements"
Koussens, David. "L’État français et l’expression des convictions religieuses." Articles 29, no. 3 (May 31, 2011): 39–60.
Full textChabadec, Olivier, Jean-Louis Coulomb, Jean-Paul Bongiraud, and Gilles Cauffet. "Modélisation de tôles ferromagnétiques en problème inverse." Revue internationale de génie électrique 4, no. 1-2 (June 30, 2001): 19–39.
Full textBocquet, Marc. "Modélisation inverse des sources de pollution atmosphérique accidentelle : progrès récents." Pollution atmosphérique, NS 2 (September 1, 2010): 151–60.
Full textTOTO, EL ARBI, LAHCEN ZOUHRI, and ABDELLATIF JGOUNNI. "Modélisation directe et inverse de l'écoulement souterrain dans les milieux poreux." Hydrological Sciences Journal 54, no. 2 (April 2009): 327–37.
Full textImrani, Abdelhakim El, Hassan Zine El Abidine, Gérard Poupeau, Mohammed Limouri, and Abderahmane Essaîd. "Modélisation inverse des histoires thermiques par traces de fission dans l'apatite." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science 327, no. 3 (August 1998): 161–66.
Full textFawaz, A., H. El Ghoche, Y. Kazan, Y. Malecot, M. Boulon, and E. Flavigny. "Analyse inverse et modélisation d’essais pressiométriques réalisés sur un sol de Beyrouth." Revue Française de Géotechnique, no. 112 (2005): 43–48.
Full textXu, Yazhen, and Rémi E. Lebrun. "Modélisation de nanofiltration/osmose inverse en tenant compte du facteur de séparations minimale et maximale." Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 77, no. 3 (June 1999): 503–7.
Full textBlanchet, Didier. "Croissances économique et démographique dans les pays en développement : indépendance ou interdépendance ?" Population Vol. 40, no. 1 (January 1, 1985): 29–45.
Full textKouassi, Kouamé Auguste, William Francis Kouassi, Oi Mangoua Jules Mangoua, Philippe Ackerer, Gountôh Aristide Douagui, and Issiaka Savané. "Estimation par approche inverse d'un champ de transmissivité sur l'ensemble de l'aquifère du Continental Terminal (CT) d'Abidjan." Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 384 (November 16, 2021): 49–56.
Full textAndrieux, P., M. Voltz, and A. Durbec. "Fonctionnement hydrologique d'un interfluve sédimentaire de la plaine côtière ancienne de Guyane Française." Revue des sciences de l'eau 9, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 51–74.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Modélisation inverse des vêtements"
Yu, Boyang. "High-quality recovery of garment models and sewing patterns from 3D clothed human data." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.
Full textRecovering high-quality garment models from 3D clothed human shapes can enhance the interpretability of real garments and their digital reproduction, benefiting applications like VR and virtual try-ons. This thesis tackles the challenge of reconstructing garment geometry by estimating an animatable replica and its 2D pattern. Using a differentiable cloth simulator, we optimize the simulated garment to match the target shape while preserving key properties like symmetry. Our inverse garment design pipeline aligns with industry-standard modeling and simulation processes, adjusting 2D patterns and material properties to refine geometry and enable reanimation. Additionally, we introduce a deformation-based optimization method that refines mesh geometry to capture fine-grained details, improving fit and supporting non-rigid registration. Experiments on real and synthetic data demonstrate that our methods surpass state-of-the-art techniques in garment model quality and pattern accuracy
Derbel, Houda. "Modélisation dynamique des transferts de chaleur et d'humidité à travers le vêtement : couplage avec deux modèles de thermorégulation humaine." Toulouse 3, 1990.
Full textCharfi, Hatem. "Amélioration de la Modélisation et de la Simulation des Vêtements en 3D." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2006.
Full textNous nous plaçons dans le cadre de la représentation d'un tissu en chaîne et trame par un système "masses-ressorts" soumis aux lois de la dynamique. Nous proposons un modèle non linéaire hystérétique du cisaillement d'un tissu qui est avantageux en temps de calcul car il se base sur des ressorts linéiques et qui reproduit fidèlement le comportement mécanique mesuré par les machines de Kawabata. Les fonctions de transfert des ressorts ont été déterminés pour que le modèle de tissu numérique reproduise les courbes de Kawabata du tissu réel, quand le tissu virtuel est soumis aux mêmes contraintes que le tissu réel dans les machines de Kawabata.
Nous proposons aussi un schéma expérimental utilisant un système de capture de mouvement (MOCAP) permettant de mesurer la cinématique d'un tissu en mouvement. La dynamique du tissu est calculée à partir des données expérimentales ce qui a permis de déterminer les paramètres de la dissipation visqueuse utilisés dans la loi de la mécanique.
Enfin, nous avons pu valider notre modèle mécanique du tissu muni des paramètres trouvés avec la mise en place d'une technique de reconstruction 3D de la forme d'un tissu à partir de photographies, en se basant sur l'algorithme de calibration POSIT et sur un algorithme de reconstruction 3D par stéréovision. Nous pouvons ainsi comparer le drapé réel d'un tissu avec celui obtenu grâce à notre simulateur.
Serwatka, Agnieszka. "Contribution à la modélisation et à la simulation de vêtements sur mannequin adaptatif." Thesis, Lille 1, 2008.
Full textThis work is part of a reorganization of the chain of c10thing for the textile c10thing sector. The main objective is to develop a new concept of creating c10thing to reduce time and costs of product development. Among other things, recent international campaigns surveying advise working with 3D virtual models respecting the morphologies of the human body to minimize the losses caused unsold clothes. Also, we propose an original concept of creating virtual clothing 3D on an adaptive mannequin morphotype. The first chapter sets the state of the art of the subject in different areas representative of the study, i.e.: anthropometry, biometrics and its means of measurement, design virtual clothing strongly oriented virtual trying-on. The second chapter is devoted ta modelling the human body by the realization and development of an adaptive mannequin morphotype. The third chapter provides a model of 3D virtual clothing associated with the model presented in previous chapter. A parametric ease model is integrated upstream from modelling to control the weil fitting and c10thing drape. An orientation of the application process ta a mass customized market led to highly précised ease parameters adjustment with the help of tools of image treatment. The last chapter represents our contribution to the extension of the dynamic model c10thes by setting up a model of non-linear fa bric who's the parameters value is calculated by genetic algorithms with a suitable methodology for the process to identify
Bruyelle, Jérémie. "Modélisation inverse de l'écoulement en milieux poreux fracturés." Rennes 1, 2010.
Full textThe characterization of fractured reservoirs involves : (i) the design of geological models integrating statistical and/or deterministic fracture properties ; (ii) the validation of flow simulation models by calibrating with dynamic field data, e. G. Well tests. The IFP approach to perform this characterization is based on the realization of discrete fracture networks (DFN), based on geological models, on which the flow can be simulated. This approach allows a direct interpretation of the hydraulic behavior of the reservoir from its geology. The calibration of simulated data with measured values can characterize fracture sets properties associated with DFN. This thesis proposes to facilitate the calibration phase in developing a methodology and inversion tools suited. This « inverse simulator » automatically provides estimates of density, length, conductivity, and aperture parameters of different fracture sets from well test data
Pétron, Gabrielle. "Modélisation inverse des émissions du monoxyde de carbone." Paris 6, 2003.
Full textMolina, Carpio Luis. "Modélisation inverse des flux de CO2 en Amazonie." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017.
Full textA better knowledge of the seasonal and inter-annual variations of the Amazon carbon cycle is critical to understand the influence of this terrestrial ecosystem on climate change. Atmospheric inverse modeling is a powerful tool to estimate these variations by extracting the information on the spatio-temporal patterns of surface CO2 fluxes contained in observations of atmospheric CO2. However, the confidence in the Amazon flux estimates obtained from global inversion frameworks is low, given the scarcity of observations in this region.In this context, I started by analyzing in detail the Amazon net ecosystem exchange (NEE) inferred with two global inversions over the period 2002 — 2010. Both inversions assimilated data from the global observation network outside Amazonia, and one of them also assimilated data from four stations in Amazonia that had not been used in previous inversion efforts. I demonstrated that in a global inversion the observations from sites distant from Amazonia, as well as local observations, controlled the NEE inferred through the inversion. The inferred fluxes revealed large-scale structures likely not consistent with the actual NEE in Amazonia. This analysis confirmed the lack of observation sites in Amazonia to provide reliable flux estimates, and exposed the limitations of global frameworks, using low-resolution models to quantify regional fluxes. This limitations justified developing a regional approach.Then I evaluated the benefit of the regional atmospheric model BRAMS, relative to the global forecast system ECMWF, when both models provided the meteorological fields to drive the atmospheric transport model CHIMERE to simulate CO2 transport in tropical South America at high resolution (~35 km). I simulated the CO2 distribution with both transport models―CHIMERE-BRAMS and CHIMERE-ECMWF. I evaluated the model simulations with aircraft measurements in vertical profiles, analyzing the concentrations associated to the individual measurements, but also with horizontal gradients along wind direction between pairs of sites at different altitudes, or vertically integrated. Both transport models simulated the CO2 observations with similar performance, but I found a strong impact of the uncertainty in the transport models. Both individual measurements and horizontal gradients were most sensitive to NEE, but also to biomass burning CO2 emissions (EFIRE) in the dry season. I found that horizontal gradients were more suitable for inversions than individual measurements, since the former were less sensitive fluxes outside South America and further decreased the impact of the transport model uncertainty in altitude.Finally, I developed two analytical regional inversion systems for tropical South America, driven with CHIMERE-BRAMS and CHIMERE-ECMWF, and made inversions with four observation vectors: individual concentration measurements and horizontal gradients at five vertical levels, close to the surface, or horizontal gradients vertically integrated. I found a strong dependency of the inverted regional and sub-regional NEE and EFIRE emissions budgets on both the transport model and the observation vector. Inversions with gradients yielded a better separation of NEE and EFIRE signals. However, the large uncertainties in the inverted fluxes, did not yield high confidence in the estimates. Therefore, even though my study did not improve the knowledge of seasonal and year-to-year variations of the NEE in Amazonia, it demonstrated need of further efforts to improve transport modeling in the region and the inverse modeling strategy, at least through a careful definition of the observation vector that accounts for the characteristics of the available data, and the limitations of the current transport models
Molina, Carpio Luis. "Modélisation inverse des flux de CO2 en Amazonie." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017.
Full textA better knowledge of the seasonal and inter-annual variations of the Amazon carbon cycle is critical to understand the influence of this terrestrial ecosystem on climate change. Atmospheric inverse modeling is a powerful tool to estimate these variations by extracting the information on the spatio-temporal patterns of surface CO2 fluxes contained in observations of atmospheric CO2. However, the confidence in the Amazon flux estimates obtained from global inversion frameworks is low, given the scarcity of observations in this region.In this context, I started by analyzing in detail the Amazon net ecosystem exchange (NEE) inferred with two global inversions over the period 2002 — 2010. Both inversions assimilated data from the global observation network outside Amazonia, and one of them also assimilated data from four stations in Amazonia that had not been used in previous inversion efforts. I demonstrated that in a global inversion the observations from sites distant from Amazonia, as well as local observations, controlled the NEE inferred through the inversion. The inferred fluxes revealed large-scale structures likely not consistent with the actual NEE in Amazonia. This analysis confirmed the lack of observation sites in Amazonia to provide reliable flux estimates, and exposed the limitations of global frameworks, using low-resolution models to quantify regional fluxes. This limitations justified developing a regional approach.Then I evaluated the benefit of the regional atmospheric model BRAMS, relative to the global forecast system ECMWF, when both models provided the meteorological fields to drive the atmospheric transport model CHIMERE to simulate CO2 transport in tropical South America at high resolution (~35 km). I simulated the CO2 distribution with both transport models―CHIMERE-BRAMS and CHIMERE-ECMWF. I evaluated the model simulations with aircraft measurements in vertical profiles, analyzing the concentrations associated to the individual measurements, but also with horizontal gradients along wind direction between pairs of sites at different altitudes, or vertically integrated. Both transport models simulated the CO2 observations with similar performance, but I found a strong impact of the uncertainty in the transport models. Both individual measurements and horizontal gradients were most sensitive to NEE, but also to biomass burning CO2 emissions (EFIRE) in the dry season. I found that horizontal gradients were more suitable for inversions than individual measurements, since the former were less sensitive fluxes outside South America and further decreased the impact of the transport model uncertainty in altitude.Finally, I developed two analytical regional inversion systems for tropical South America, driven with CHIMERE-BRAMS and CHIMERE-ECMWF, and made inversions with four observation vectors: individual concentration measurements and horizontal gradients at five vertical levels, close to the surface, or horizontal gradients vertically integrated. I found a strong dependency of the inverted regional and sub-regional NEE and EFIRE emissions budgets on both the transport model and the observation vector. Inversions with gradients yielded a better separation of NEE and EFIRE signals. However, the large uncertainties in the inverted fluxes, did not yield high confidence in the estimates. Therefore, even though my study did not improve the knowledge of seasonal and year-to-year variations of the NEE in Amazonia, it demonstrated need of further efforts to improve transport modeling in the region and the inverse modeling strategy, at least through a careful definition of the observation vector that accounts for the characteristics of the available data, and the limitations of the current transport models
Calizaya, Hinojosa Jorge. "Approche pour la modélisation de systèmes manufacturiers cellulaires dans l'industrie de confection de vêtements." Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2008.
Full textEl, Houari Karim. "Modélisation et imagerie électrocardiographiques." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2018.
Full textThe estimation of solutions of the inverse problem of Electrocardiography (ECG) represents a major interest in the diagnosis and catheter-based therapy of cardiac arrhythmia. The latter consists in non-invasively providing 3D images of the spatial distribution of cardiac electrical activity based on anatomical and electrocardiographic data. On the one hand, this problem is challenging due to its ill-posed nature. On the other hand, validation of proposed methods on clinical data remains very limited. Another way to proceed is by evaluating these methods performance on data simulated by a cardiac electrical model. For this application, existing models are either too complex or do not produce realistic cardiac patterns. As a first step, we designed a low-resolution heart-torso model that generates realistic cardiac mappings and ECGs in healthy and pathological cases. This model is built upon a simplified heart torso geometry and implements the monodomain formalism by using the Finite Element Method (FEM). Parameters were identified using an evolutionary approach and their influence were analyzed by a screening method. In a second step, a new approach for solving the inverse problem was proposed and compared to classical methods in healthy and pathological cases. This method uses a spatio-temporal a priori on the cardiac electrical activity and the discrepancy principle for finding an adequate regularization parameter
Book chapters on the topic "Modélisation inverse des vêtements"
MENUT, Laurent. "Assimilation de données, modélisation inverse et prévision." In Modélisation de la pollution atmosphérique régionale, 179–92. ISTE Group, 2024.
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