Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Modèles de navigation'
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Rougier, Nicolas P. "Modèles de mémoires pour la navigation autonome." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2000. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00602997.
Full textRougier, Nicolas. "Modèles de mémoires pour la navigation autonome." Nancy 1, 2000. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01746477v2.
Full textWe propose a method for autonomous agent navigation problem grounded on a connectionist architecture inspired by neurobiological data concerning cortex and hippocampus. Our approach is grounded on distinction between memories : cerebral cortex is believed to be implied within declarative memory, allowing explicit memorization of facts and events. Our works concerns modeling of these memories in the framework of autonomous behavior. The study of these different memories underlines the importance of this procedural/declarative dichotomy in cognitive tasks while autonomous navigation study underlines the topological cognitive map notion as well as the necessity of having at disposal ad hoc memory systems. Our modeling work is separated in two parts. Available data concerning human cortex allow us to model a procedural memory for the construction of links between places of a simulated environment allowing a goal-guided search as well as the possibility of reaching anytime any known place in the environment. Furthermore, available data concerning hippocampus allow us to model a declarative memory system. The architecture of the model as well as the original mechanisms implied make this system able to handle both simulated and real-world data. This model finally allows to characterize and memorize the different places of a given environment
Delort, Jean-Yves. "Modèles de navigation sur le Web basés sur le contenu." Paris 6, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA066396.
Full textVan, Zwynsvoorde Dominique. "Construction incrémentale de modèles topologiques pour la navigation d'un robot mobile." Toulouse 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000TOU30173.
Full textContet, Jean-Michel. "Modèles multi-agents réactifs pour la navigation multi-véhicules : spécification formelle et vérification." Phd thesis, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00472415.
Full textBorges, Geovany Araujo. "Cartographie de l'environnement et localisation robuste pour la navigation de robots mobiles." Montpellier 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002MON20034.
Full textAccot, Johnny. "Les tâches trajectorielles en interaction homme-machine : cas des tâches de navigation." Toulouse 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001TOU10053.
Full textThis thesis addresses the formal modeling of trajectory-based tasks and contributes to the constitution of a scientific ground for human-computer interaction research and practice. We first propose a mathematical definition of trajectory-based tasks and concentrate on a particular case of such tasks : those implying a steering movement, or steering tasks. Proceeding from theoretical reasoning on the basis of Fitt's law, we succeed in stating a formal and generic model : the steering law, declined in three flavors ( integral, local and statistical )
Rondé-Oustau, Isabelle. "Coût et productivité de la navigation aérienne en France." Toulouse 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001TOU10018.
Full textThis doctoral thesis comes with the scope of researches in economy of air traffic control. In a context of airspace congestion it is necessary to understand and analyse economic environment of air navigation services. A cost frontier estimation allowing this analyse realsation is applied to the French case
Al, Assaad Hiba. "Apport des modèles numériques d'élévation pour l'enrichissement des cartes de navigation par fusion multi-capteurs." Thesis, Littoral, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020DUNK0558.
Full textTe work presented in this thesis concerns the study of a multi-sensor fusion method for the estimation of 3-D localization and the attitude of a land vehicle. We have developed and validated, in a real situation, a centralized fusion method based on state modeling from GNSS/INS measurements delivered by the ublox EVK-M8U sensor. The measurement system is also completed by OSM digital road maps and elevation data from the ASTER/World 30 digital models. Some measurements are modeled by equations with strong non-linearities which we have chosen to process by particle filtering. The cartographic data are taken into account statistically from the metric of Mahalanobis. In addition, we have developed a new method for managing digital elevation models (DEM), known as the "Fenêtre Glissante Adjacente" (FGA) method, in order to limit the impact of the artifacts that are found in this data. During the DEM management step, we implemented geometric approaches (TIN, FGA) which make the altitude correction more robust and favors an increase in performance in estimating the inclination parameter of the segments of the digital road maps
Duménil, Aurélien. "Fusion d'images et de modèles pour le guidage d'interventions endovasculaires." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015REN1S034/document.
Full textThis thesis deals with computer-assisted surgery in the context of endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm. The complexity of this procedure and the ongoing development of endovascular devices pose challenges such as the selection of the most appropriate stent-grafts for the patient anatomy and the precise location of endovascular tools during surgery. The aim of this thesis is to provide clinicians with decision support for the planning and the performance of the procedure. The proposed approach consists in matching preoperative and intraoperative image data and in combining them with tool-tissue interaction models in order to improve the positioning of stent-grafts in deformable vascular structures. We consider a solution for positioning stent-grafts interactively in the preoperative vascular structure to verify the adequacy of the selected stent-grafts with the patient anatomy. The method is based on a geometrical or simplified mechanical model of the stent graft placed in a rigid vascular structure. We propose an original solution for simulating tool-tissue interactions in order to anticipate vascular deformations caused by the insertion of stiff tools before stent-graft deployment. Augmented reality guidance for endovascular interventions is addressed through 3D/2D registration. A versatile method is proposed for the matching of the CT-scan and preoperative models with intraoperative images. The evaluation of these methods and the results obtained on patient data have shown the compatibility of the proposed approach with the clinical workflow
Grasse, Régis. "Aide à la navigation pour les personnes handicapées : reconnaissance de trajets." Thesis, Metz, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007METZ040S/document.
Full textThe work presented in this thesis concerns navigation assistance for a smart wheelchair. We propose a new approach based on this behaviour based structure, aiming at assisting the user in a global way. The intelligent system relies on a modelisation of the most frequently used routes and assists the user when navigating by suggesting the next movement when the route has been recognised. The user will not have to change the direction, thus sparing him/her an action. This work is included in the VAHM project that use commercial electric wheelchair which is enhanced by several sensors and a calculator. The VAHM project is using a multi-agent control system. Different behaviours (direction following, wall following, obstacle avoidance ...) are designed react to the environment. At first, we tried to modelize and recognize behaviour sequences with HMM. This method showed its limits to generalize the recognition of unlearned trajectories. Then we used M-HMM (by adding sensor’s data) to achieve recognition. However, our tests show that the recognition is better by using only sensor’s data. These observations have conducted us to use only sensor’s data for the recognition. The CONDENSATION algorithm had been tested to perform recognition from sensor's data. This system earn numerous advantages including that it doesn’t need a complex model since only one reference trajectory is necessary to perform the recognition. Then these trajectory models have been put into a Bayesian network to facilitate transitions between models in order to recognize a long trajectory. The last part of this thesis presents recognition’s results in real conditions on the VAHM 3 wheelchair prototype
Dufournaud, Yves. "Navigation aérienne et guidage terminal à partir de données bidimensionnelles." Grenoble INPG, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001INPG0040.
Full textEraydin, Ersin. "Domaine de validité des équations de la dynamique du vol : découplage." Toulouse, ENSAE, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994ESAE0003.
Full textChenu, E. "Optimisation polyédrique de terrain 3D pour une navigation interactive en temps réel." Aix-Marseille 3, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998AIX30039.
Full textAcosta-Tamayo, Oscar Dario. "De la navigation exploratoire virtuelle à la planification d'interventions endovasculaires." Rennes 1, 2004. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00007555v2.
Full textManaoui, Francis Olivier. "Étude et simulation d'algorithmes de navigation pour robots mobiles autonomes sur terrain inégal." Montpellier 2, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988MON20242.
Full textJaillot, Vincent. "3D, temporal and documented cities : formalization, visualization and navigation." Thesis, Lyon, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LYSE2026.
Full textThe study and understanding of cities evolution is an important societal issue, particularly for improving the quality of life in an increasingly dense city. Digital technology and in particular 3D city models can be part of the answer. Their manipulation is however sometimes complex due to their thematic, geometric, topological dimensions and hierarchical structure.In this thesis, we focus on the integration of the temporal dimension and in the enrichment with multimedia documents of these 3D models of the city, in an objective of visualization and navigation on the web. Moreover, we take a particular interest in interoperability (based on standards), reusability (with a shared software architecture and open source components) and reproducibility (to make our experiments durable).Our first contribution is a formalization of the temporal dimension of cities for interactive navigation and visualization on the web. For this, we propose a conceptual model of existing standards for the visualization of cities on the web, which we extend with a formalization of the temporal dimension. We also propose a logical model and a technical specification of these proposals.Our second contribution allows the integration of multimedia documents into city models for spatial, temporal and thematic visualization and navigation on the web. We propose a conceptual model for the integration of heterogeneous and multidimensional geospatial data. We then use it for the integration of multimedia documents and 3D city models.Finally, this thesis took place in a multidisciplinary context via the Fab-Pat project of the LabEx IMU, which focuses on cultural heritage sharing and shaping. In this framework, a contribution combining social sciences and computer science has allowed the design of DHAL, a methodology for the comparative analysis of devices for sharing heritage via digital technology. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à l'intégration de la dimension temporelle et à l'enrichissement avec des documents multimédia de ces modèles 3D de la ville, dans un objectif de visualisation et de navigation sur le web. Nous portons un intérêt particulier à l'intéropérabilité (en s'appuyant sur des standards), à la réutilisabilité (avec une architecture logicielle partagée et des composants open source) et à la reproductibilité (permettant de rendre nos expérimentations pérennes).Notre première contribution est une formalisation de la dimension temporelle des villes pour une navigation et visualisation interactive sur le web. Pour cela, nous proposons un modèle conceptuel des standards existants pour la visualisation de villes sur le web, que nous étendons avec une formalisation de la dimension temporelle. Nous proposons également un modèle logique et une spécification technique de ces propositions.Notre deuxième contribution permet d'intégrer des documents multimédias aux modèles de villes pour une visualisation et une navigation spatiale, temporelle et thématique sur le web. Nous proposons un modèle conceptuel pour l'intégration de données géospatiales hétérogènes et multidimensions. Nous l'utilisons ensuite pour l'intégration de documents multimédias et de modèles 3D de villes.Enfin, cette thèse s'est déroulée dans un contexte pluridisciplinaire via le projet Fab-Pat, du LabEx IMU, qui s'intéresse au partage de la fabrique du patrimoine. Dans ce cadre, une contribution mêlant sciences sociales et informatique a permis de concevoir DHAL, une méthodologie pour l’analyse comparative de dispositifs pour le partage du patrimoine via le numérique
Alba, Winckler Marco Antonio. "StateWebCharts : une notation formelle pour la modélisation de la navigation des applications Web." Toulouse 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOU10026.
Full textIn spite of the apparent facility of build Web pages given by current visual environments, the development over the World Wide Web is complex due to many factors such as the evolving nature of applications, the multidisciplinary nature of development team, the competitive points of views for the application and complexity of user requirements, and the unrealistic and narrow schedules for the development. To deal with such as complexity, modelling support is essential. Currently modelling methods provide little support to describe in complete and unambiguous manner navigation in web applications even though navigation is considered as a critical element. The present work proposes a formal description technique namely StateWebCharts (SWC), which extends StateCharts models to model the navigation of Web applications and a design environment supporting the edition and simulation of models described in the formalism
Fulgenzi, Chiara. "Navigation autonome en environnement dynamique utilisant des modèles probabilistes de perception et de prédiction du risque de collision." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009INPG0078.
Full textIn this document we address the problem of autonomous navigation in dynamic unknown environ- ments. The key of the problem is to guarantee safety for all the agents moving in the space (people, vehicles and the robot itself) while moving toward a predefined goal. In contrast with static or controlled environments, high dynamic environments present many difficult issues: the detection and tracking of moving obstacles, the prediction of the future state of the world and the on-line motion planning and navigation. We moved our research starting from the fact that the decision about motion must take into account the limits of sensor perception, the velocity and future trajectory of the moving obstacles and that it must be related with the on-line updating of the world perception. Our approach is based on the use of probabilistic frameworks to represent the uncertainty about the static environment and the dynamic obstacles and we have developed decision methods that take explicitly into account such information for the autonomous navigation task. At first we focused our attention on reactive approaches. The developed approach is based on the integration between a probabilistic extension of the Velocity Obstacle framework within a dynamic occupancy grid (Bayesian Occupancy Filter). The dynamic occupancy grid gives a probabilistic and explicit representation of the perception limits and of the model error and noise while the Probabilistic Velocity Obstacles compute a probability of collision in time. The probability of collision and hence the choice of the next control, take into account limited sensor range, occlusions, obstacles shape and velocity estimation errors. Simulation results show the robot adapting its behaviour to different conditions of perception, avoiding static and moving obstacles and moving toward the goal. In the second part of the document we move toward more complex strategies, integrating a Partial Motion Planning algorithm with probabilistic representation of the environment and collision risk prediction. We propose a novel probabilistic extension of the well known Rapidly-exploring Random Trees framework and we integrate this search algorithm into a partial planning anytime approach, updating on-line the decisions of the robot with the last observations. We consider at first the case of a short-term prediction based on a classic Multi-Target-Tracking algorithm. Secondly, we consider the case of a longer term prediction based on a priori known typical patterns. We compare two kinds of patterns representation: the Hidden Markov Model representation and the continuous Gaussian Processes representation. The search and planning algorithm is adapted to these different kinds prediction and simulation results for navigation among multiple moving obstacles are shown
Fulgenzi, Chiara. "Navigation autonome en environnement dynamique utilisant des modèles probabilistes de perception et de prédiction du risque de collision." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00398055.
Full textDollé, Laurent. "Contribution d'un modèle computationnel de sélection de stratégies de navigation aux hypothèses relatives à l'apprentissage spatial." Phd thesis, Paris 6, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA066407.
Full textGrasse, Régis. "Aide à la navigation pour les personnes handicapées : reconnaissance de trajets." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Metz, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007METZ040S.
Full textThe work presented in this thesis concerns navigation assistance for a smart wheelchair. We propose a new approach based on this behaviour based structure, aiming at assisting the user in a global way. The intelligent system relies on a modelisation of the most frequently used routes and assists the user when navigating by suggesting the next movement when the route has been recognised. The user will not have to change the direction, thus sparing him/her an action. This work is included in the VAHM project that use commercial electric wheelchair which is enhanced by several sensors and a calculator. The VAHM project is using a multi-agent control system. Different behaviours (direction following, wall following, obstacle avoidance ...) are designed react to the environment. At first, we tried to modelize and recognize behaviour sequences with HMM. This method showed its limits to generalize the recognition of unlearned trajectories. Then we used M-HMM (by adding sensor’s data) to achieve recognition. However, our tests show that the recognition is better by using only sensor’s data. These observations have conducted us to use only sensor’s data for the recognition. The CONDENSATION algorithm had been tested to perform recognition from sensor's data. This system earn numerous advantages including that it doesn’t need a complex model since only one reference trajectory is necessary to perform the recognition. Then these trajectory models have been put into a Bayesian network to facilitate transitions between models in order to recognize a long trajectory. The last part of this thesis presents recognition’s results in real conditions on the VAHM 3 wheelchair prototype
Schmitt, Julien. "Évaluation des fonctions cognitives par la navigation : étude de souris modèles de la maladie d'Alzheimer et facteur de risque." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUS456.
Full textThe experimental work consisted in developing a behavioural protocol to evaluate both memory and executive function using navigation tasks (Starmaze and Y-maze) in order to test different mouse models related to Alzheimer's disease. As a first step, a Starmaze protocol and the creation of scores adapted to the evaluation of desired cognitive functions were developed. In a second step, three mouse models were tested with the protocol developed: a model of the familial form of Alzheimer's disease (APPPS1) at 14 months and a risk factor model of the sporadic form of Alzheimer's disease (APOE4) at 6 and 14 months by comparing them to control mice of the same age. The effect of normal aging on the cognitive functions assessed was also evaluated by comparing the navigation behaviours of control mice (C57BL/6) at 6 and 14 months. The results show that normal aging does not lead to cognitive deficit at 14 months, while 14-month-old APPPS1 mice have memory and executive deficits. ApoE4 mice do not show memory deficits at 6 and 14 months but have a similar flexibility deficit at 6 months as observed in elderly control mice, suggesting that the risk factor ApoE4 could be a model of early aging. My work has validated the use of navigation tests to jointly assess memory and executive function, opening up clinical applications for this type of test in Alzheimer's disease screening
Emmanuel, Thierry. "Planification robuste et navigation de robots mobiles tout terrain." Montpellier 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995MON20136.
Full textSircoulomb, Vincent. "Étude des concepts de filtrage robuste aux méconnaissances de modèles et aux pertes de mesures. Application aux systèmes de navigation." Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008INPL093N/document.
Full textTo solve the problem of estimating the state of a system, it is necessary to have at one's disposal a model governing the dynamic of the state variables and to measure directly or indirectly all or a part of these variables. The work presented in this thesis deals with the estimation issue in the presence of model uncertainties and sensor losses. The first part of this work represents the synthesis of a state estimation device for nonlinear systems. It consists in selecting a state estimator and properly tuning it. Then, thanks to a criterion introduced for the occasion, it consists in algorithmically designing a hardware redundancy aiming at compensating for some sensor losses. The second part of this work deals with the conception of a sub-model compensating for some model uncertainties. This sub-model, designed by using the Allan variance, is usable by a Kalman filter. This work has been used to take into account some gyroscopical drifts in a GPS-INS integrated navigation based on a constrained Kalman filter. The results obtained, coming from experiments on two plane trajectories, showed a safe and robust behaviour of the proposed method
Sircoulomb, Vincent. "Étude des concepts de filtrage robuste aux méconnaissances de modèles et aux pertes de mesures. Application aux systèmes de navigation." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008INPL093N.
Full textTo solve the problem of estimating the state of a system, it is necessary to have at one's disposal a model governing the dynamic of the state variables and to measure directly or indirectly all or a part of these variables. The work presented in this thesis deals with the estimation issue in the presence of model uncertainties and sensor losses. The first part of this work represents the synthesis of a state estimation device for nonlinear systems. It consists in selecting a state estimator and properly tuning it. Then, thanks to a criterion introduced for the occasion, it consists in algorithmically designing a hardware redundancy aiming at compensating for some sensor losses. The second part of this work deals with the conception of a sub-model compensating for some model uncertainties. This sub-model, designed by using the Allan variance, is usable by a Kalman filter. This work has been used to take into account some gyroscopical drifts in a GPS-INS integrated navigation based on a constrained Kalman filter. The results obtained, coming from experiments on two plane trajectories, showed a safe and robust behaviour of the proposed method
Yu, Chunlei. "Contribution to evidential models for perception grids : application to intelligent vehicle navigation." Thesis, Compiègne, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016COMP2293.
Full textFor intelligent vehicle applications, a perception system is a key component to characterize in real-time a model of the driving environment at the surrounding of the vehicle. When modeling the environment, obstacle information is the first feature that has to be managed since collisions can be fatal for the other road users or for the passengers on-board the considered vehicle. Characterization of occupation space is therefore crucial but not sufficient for autonomous vehicles since the control system needs to find the navigable space for safe trajectory planning. Indeed, in order to run on public roads with other users, the vehicle needs to follow the traffic rules which are, for instance, described by markings painted on the carriageway. In this work, we focus on an ego-centered grid-based approach to model the environment. The objective is to include in a unified world model obstacle information with semantic road rules. To model obstacle information, occupancy is handled by interpreting the information of different sensors into the values of the cells. To model the semantic of the navigable space, we propose to introduce the notion of lane grids which consist in integrating semantic lane information into the cells of the grid. The combination of these two levels of information gives a refined environment model. When interpreting sensor data into obstacle information, uncertainty inevitably arises from ignorance and errors. Ignorance is due to the perception of new areas and errors come from noisy measurements and imprecise pose estimation. In this research, the belief function theory is adopted to deal with uncertainties and we propose evidential models for different kind of sensors like lidars and cameras. Lane grids contain semantic lane information coming from lane marking information for instance. To this end, we propose to use a prior map which contains detailed road information including road orientation and lane markings. This information is extracted from the map by using a pose estimate provided by a localization system. In the proposed model, we integrate lane information into the grids by taking into account the uncertainty of the estimated pose. The proposed algorithms have been implemented and tested on real data acquired on public roads. We have developed algorithms in Matlab and C++ using the PACPUS software framework developed at the laboratory
Debèse, Nathalie. "Recalage de la navigation par apprentissage sur les données bathymètriques." Compiègne, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992COMPD538.
Full textBonnin, Geoffray. "Vers des systèmes de recommandation robustes pour la navigation Web : inspiration de la modélisation statistique du langage." Phd thesis, Université Nancy II, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00581331.
Full textHanon, David. "Modèle décisionnel orienté comportement fondé sur le vote : Application à la navigation d'agents autonomes en environnement simulé." Phd thesis, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00135931.
Full textLegrand, Fabrice. "Modèles de boucle de poursuite de signaux à spectre étale et méthode d'amélioration de la précision des mesures brutes." Toulouse, INPT, 2002. http://ethesis.inp-toulouse.fr/archive/00000641/.
Full textAttar, Batoul. "Modélisation réaliste en conditions extrêmes des servovalves électrohydrauliques utilisées pour le guidage et la navigation aéronautique et spatiale." Toulouse, INSA, 2008. http://eprint.insa-toulouse.fr/archive/00000184/.
Full textThe electro-hydraulic actuators are widely used in the flight controls (like as a position control). They include an electro-hydraulic servovalve that is a power amplifier between the electrical and the hydraulic one. The simulation of the servovalve is an important step in the cycle of virtual prototyping in order to reproduce its behaviour whatever the work’s conditions. For this purpose, this work is divided into three parts: The first concerns the development of the model for the hydraulic fluid whose the physical properties change as a function of temperature and pressure. The methodology of developing the model using provided data by the standards was presented. The second concerns the development of an advanced model to reproduce the characteristic of the hydraulic stage of the servovalve (2nd one). It is particularly important to study the characteristics that affect the performance as the pressure gain, the flow rate gain and the leakage. A realistic lumped parameters approach was associated with an original model that covering all modes of operation (positive or negative opening, laminar or turbulent flow). The last item deals with the external model of the dynamics of servovalve. It provides a model that reproduces the effect of the supply pressure, the amplitude of the input signal on the dynamic performance of the servovalve. The models are identified and validated for an aeronautic servovalve and a similar industrial servovalve
Chebly, Alia. "Trajectory planning and tracking for autonomous vehicles navigation." Thesis, Compiègne, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017COMP2392/document.
Full textIn this thesis, the trajectory planning and the control of autonomous vehicles are addressed. As a first step, a multi-body modeling technique is used to develop a four wheeled vehicle planar model. This technique considers the vehicle as a robot consisting of articulated bodies. The geometric description of the vehicle system is derived using the modified Denavit Hartenberg parameterization and then the dynamic model of the vehicle is computed by applying a recursive method used in robotics, namely Newton-Euler based Algorithm. The validation of the developed vehicle model was then conducted using an automotive simulator developed by Oktal, the Scaner-Studio simulator. The developed vehicle model is then used to derive coupled control laws for the lateral and the longitudinal vehicle dynamics. Two coupled controllers are proposed in this thesis: In the first controller, the control is designed using Lyapunov control techniques while in the second one an Immersion and Invariance approach is used. Both of the controllers aim to ensure a robust tracking of the reference trajectory and the desired speed while taking into account the strong coupling between the lateral and the longitudinal vehicle dynamics. In fact, the coupled controller is a key step for the vehicle safety handling, especially in coupled maneuvers such as lane-change maneuvers, obstacle avoidance maneuvers and combined maneuvers in critical driving situations. The developed controllers were validated in simulation under Matlab/Simulink using experimental data. Subsequently, an experimental validation of the proposed controllers was conducted using a robotized vehicle (Renault-ZOE) present in the Heudiasyc laboratory within the Equipex Robotex project. Concerning the trajectory planning, a local planning method based on the clothoid tentacles method is developed. Moreover, a maneuver planning strategy focusing on the overtaking maneuver is developed to improve and complete the local planning approach. The local and the maneuver planners are then combined in order to establish a complete navigation strategy. This strategy is then validated using the developed robotics vehicle model and the Lyapunov based controller under Matlab/Simulink
Kerhascoët, Hugo. "De la mesure du vent au pilotage automatique d'un voilier : modélisation, optimisation & application du traitement du signal prédictif." Thesis, Lorient, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORIS433.
Full textThis thesis is part of NKE Marine’s attempts to improve the quality of apparent and real wind measurementsprovided by its navigation unit. These improvements are expected to benefit both users and improve autopilot performance. The first part describes the specific context of wind measurement on a sailboat, and the inherent issues. This study identified two knotty scientific problems: on-board wind measurements recorded by the sensor (linked to its design and response model) and how the wind triangle is reconstructed. The first objective of this thesis is therefore to propose a new methodology for the design of the wind vane that can match the sensor’s profile with the boat’s characteristics and its route planning. Improvements to this aerial sensor make it possible, on the one hand, to divide the response time by two (via the optimization of the shape of the sensors) and, on the other hand, to provide a useful signal that is twelve times more sensitive (via the application of predictive signal processing techniques that take account of sensor dynamics). Next, previous work on the problem of reconstructing three-dimensional true wind is described in detail. This part begins with a presentation of the relevant standards and definitions of metrics, before examining some solutions that can take account of perturbations in apparent and true wind in the lower layer of the atmosphere. The following part examines current methods for reconstructing true wind. This analysis highlights the fact that these corrections are not applied in the correct frames. To overcome these problems, we propose a new approach to the reconstruction of the true wind, which implements the corrections described above. This manuscript ends with a presentation of the contribution to auto piloting. Specifically, it takes the form of a new concept, termed Super Mode, which can be overlaid onto classical modes of piloting. The aim is to improve safety in gusty conditions (Gust mode), and performance when surfing (Surf mode). The value of this innovation has been proven by competition victories; it has received an innovation award, and Surf mode is the subject of a patent application. The pilot is now able to glide like a human surfer. The final contribution to the autopilot concerns the integration of a new type of sensor: electronic telltales. Finally, this manuscript contributes to our overall understanding of the problems and nuances that must be taken into account when developing or using a navigation unit and an autopilot. The work highlights the close correlation between the various sensors and the data calculated by the navigation unit. Significant improvements to the accuracy of both elements can be obtained when the concept of predictive filtering is extended and appliedto the navigation unit as a whole
Nogueira, Sergio. "Localisation de mobiles par construction de modèles en 3D en utilisant la stéréovision." Phd thesis, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00596948.
Full textLamarche, Fabrice. "Humanoïdes virtuels, réaction et cognition : une architecture pour leur autonomie." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00432175.
Full textRafflin, catherine. "Conception d'un système de programmation et de commande de robots mobiles par apprentissage." Montpellier 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995MON20093.
Full textSaif, Osamah. "Reactive navigation of a fleet of drones in interaction." Thesis, Compiègne, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016COMP2269/document.
Full textNowadays, applications of autonomous quadrotors are increasing rapidly. Surveillance and security of industrial sites, geographical zones for agriculture for example are some popular applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Nowadays, researchers and scientists focus on the deployment of multi-UAVs for the inspection and the surveillance of large areas. The objective of this thesis is to design algorithms and techniques to perform a real-time distributed/decentralized multi-UAVs flight formation control, from a system of systems perspective. Firstly, we reviewed recent works of the literature about flight formation control and the control of quadrotors. We presented a brief introduction about systems of systems, their definition and characteristics. Then, we introduced the flight formation control with its most used structures in the literature, some existing works dealing with flocking. Finally, we presented the most used modeling methodologies for quadrotors and some control approaches that are used to stabilize quadrotors. Secondly, we used the behavioral-based control structure to achieve a multiple UAV flocking. We conceived a behavior intending to address the control design towards a successful achievement of the flocking task without fragmentation. The proposed behavior treats the flocking problem from a global perspective, that is, we included a tendency of separated UAVs to form a flock.System of systems challenges motivated us to look for flocking and consensus algorithms introduced in the literature that could be helpful to answer to these challenges. This led us to propose four flocking control laws aiming at being compatible with the nonlinear model of quadrotors and at being implemented on experimental platforms. The control laws were run aboard each quadrotor in the flock. By running the control law, each quadrotor interacts with its neighbors to ensure a collision-free flocking. Finally, we validated our proposed control laws by simulations and real-time experiments. For the simulation, we used a PC-based simulator of flock of multiple quadrotors which was developed at Heudiasyc laboratory. For experiments, we implemented our control laws on ArDrone2 quadrotors evolved in an indoor environment equipped with an Optitrack motion capture system
Fleury, Cédric. "Modèles de conception pour la collaboration distante en environnements virtuels distribués : de l'architecture aux métaphores." Phd thesis, INSA de Rennes, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00765338.
Full textMeza, Fernandez Sandra. "Enseigner et apprendre en ligne : vers un modèle de la navigation sur des sites Web de formation universitaire." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00974481.
Full textTagne, Fokam Gilles. "Commande et planification de trajectoires pour la navigation de véhicules autonomes." Thesis, Compiègne, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014COMP2004/document.
Full textMy research focuses on trajectory planning and control of autonomous vehicles. This work is a part of an extremely ambitious project launched by the Heudiasyc laboratory about autonomous driving at high speed (longitudinal speed greater to 5m/s ~= 18 km/h). With regard to the control of autonomous vehicles at high speed, a lateral controler using higher-order sliding mode control is proposed. Given the implicit similarity between the sliding mode and the principle of immersion and invariance, two controllers using the principle of immersion and invariance have been subsequently proposed in order to improve the performance with respect to the sliding mode. The development of these new controllers shows very strong robust stability which leads us to study the intrinsic properties of the system. A study of the passivity properties of the system is also crried out, showing some interesting characteristics of the system. Hence, a robust passivity-based controller has been developed. Regarding the navigation, we have developed two navigation algorithms based on the tentacles method. Subsequently, a feasibility study of trajectory generation strategies for high speed driving is conducted. The outcome of the simulation proved that the algorithms gave out good results with respect to the expected ogjectives of obstacle avoidance and global reference path following. Control and motion planning algorithms developed were validated offline by simulation with real data. They have been also tested on a realistic simulator
Moras, Julien. "Grilles de perception évidentielles pour la navigation robotique en milieu urbain." Phd thesis, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00866300.
Full textVanhulle, Dorian. "Le bateau pré- et protodynastique dans l'iconographie et l'archéologie égyptiennes. Pour une étude analytique et sémiologique de la navigation au 4e millénaire avant J.-C." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/239890.
Full textDoctorat en Histoire, histoire de l'art et archéologie
Melingui, Achille. "Modeling and control of a class of mobile omnidrive : Continuum manipulator robots, case of study Robotino XT." Thesis, Lille 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LIL10072/document.
Full textThis dissertation addresses the modeling and the control of a class of Continuum manipulators, namely the Robotino XT. It consists of a bionic continuum manipulator mounted on an omnidirectional mobile platform named Robotino. Thus, we first propose a hybrid intelligent controller based on Type-2 Fuzzy Logic (type-2 FL) and Artificial Potential Function (APF) concepts for the mobile platform navigation. Then, an adaptive neural network controller is proposed for the manipulator part. The latter includes two sub-controllers. The first one, associated with the arm kinematics, and based on Distal Supervised Learning (DSL) scheme, deals with stationary behaviors of the manipulator; while the second, associated with the arm kinetics, and based on adaptive control, is applied to the non stationary behaviors. Finally, the two controllers are coordinated by a neural network system to control the Robotino XT. The performance of each controller is assessed by conducting real-time experiments
Lutz, Jean-Christophe. "Development of novel tools based on patient-specific models for guidance and education in orthognathic surgery." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017STRAD017/document.
Full textIn our routine practice of orthognathic surgery, we face the limitations of conventional planning and simulation tools, and the lack of convenient intraoperative assistance. If computer science has provided satisfactory solutions for planning, yet simulation and navigation appear improvable. The aim of our research was to provide novel tools to improve these issues. Therefore, we first developed a semi-automated segmentation pipeline allowing accurate and timeefficient patient-specific 3D modeling. We then conceived 1mm-accurate facial soft tissue simulation software based on a mechanical massspring model. Finally, we developed a real-time navigation system based on minimally-invasive electromagnetic tracking, featuring a novel user-friendly interface. Evaluation showed that our software reduced time and accuracy discrepancy between operators. Along with educational purposes, such a system benefited especially trainees. Surgeons emphasized system relevance in the treatment of both, complex and common deformities. Such developments establish a software suite that could provide significant improvement for patient optimal care
Douguet, Ronan. "Optimisation de la mesure et de l'interprétation des performances dans le cadre de la course au large." Lorient, 2014. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01130476.
Full textToday, lot of parameters are analysed in real-time or in post-processing in order to optimize the boat performances. Therefore, more and more sensors and digital systems are used on sailboats. One of the most important parameter to analyze is the wind since this is the engine of sailing boats. However, the wind measurement is not accurate because it is disturbed by several phenomena. Currently, these errors are corrected by a navigation processor ; this system allows to merge data provided by multiple sensors to compute and correct the wind. Unfortunately, some corrections used by navigation processor are empirical. In this work, we propose a wind computation algorithm and a new method to establish the boat drift caused by the wind, the leeway. Initially, a model based on boat displacements is tested on simulation dataset in order to estimate the leeway. The results show the need to add a sensor to measure this drift. Then, we propose and compare several models coupled to this sensor to estimate the leeway. The results highlight the interest of these models to improve the accuracy and the reliability of the leeway measurement. In the second step, we have developed an open navigation processor to implement our wind computation algorithm. In this way, we can use any sensor and implement any algorithm ; we are no longer limited by current systems. During the final year, we tested and validated this prototype during the preparation of the C-Class catamaran for the Little America’s Cup
Tsatcha, Dieudonné. "Contribution à l'extraction et à la représentation des connaissances de l'environnement maritime : proposition d'une architecture dédiée aux applications de navigation." Thesis, Brest, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BRES0118/document.
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Castillo-García, Pedro. "Modélisation et commande d'un mini hélicoptère à quatre rotors." Compiègne, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004COMP1497.
Full textMerino, Laso Pedro. "Détection de dysfonctionements et d'actes malveillants basée sur des modèles de qualité de données multi-capteurs." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017IMTA0056/document.
Full textNaval systems represent a strategic infrastructure for international commerce and military activity. Their protection is thus an issue of major importance. Naval systems are increasingly computerized in order to perform an optimal and secure navigation. To attain this objective, on board vessel sensor systems provide navigation information to be monitored and controlled from distant computers. Because of their importance and computerization, naval systems have become a target for hackers. Maritime vessels also work in a harsh and uncertain operational environments that produce failures. Navigation decision-making based on wrongly understood anomalies can be potentially catastrophic.Due to the particular characteristics of naval systems, the existing detection methodologies can't be applied. We propose quality evaluation and analysis as an alternative. The novelty of quality applications on cyber-physical systems shows the need for a general methodology, which is conceived and examined in this dissertation, to evaluate the quality of generated data streams. Identified quality elements allow introducing an original approach to detect malicious acts and failures. It consists of two processing stages: first an evaluation of quality; followed by the determination of agreement limits, compliant with normal states to identify and categorize anomalies. The study cases of 13 scenarios for a simulator training platform of fuel tanks and 11 scenarios for two aerial drones illustrate the interest and relevance of the obtained results
Nguyen, Dinh-Van. "Réseaux de capteurs sans-fil pour la cartographie à l'intérieur et la localisation précise servant la navigation à basse vitesse dans les villes intelligentes." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEM029/document.
Full textWith the increasing demand for urban space, more and more multistory carparks are needed. Although these carparks help to utilize urban space more efficient, they also introduce a new problem. Reports suggest approximately 70 million hours of parking slot searching each year, equivalently 700 million euros loss for France alone. In addition, carparks uses are exceeding their original purposes. Demanding features such as electric charger, online booking of parking spaces, dynamic guidance or mobile payment etc. turn a carpark into a competitive smart environment. One solution to this problem is to develop an autonomous navigation system for intelligent vehicles in the carpark situation. The thesis will identify one of these sub-tasks namely localization in GPS-denied environments. This thesis will present a novel method to solve the indicated problem while keeping the system follows four criteria: availability, scalability, universality and accuracy. There are two main steps: (1) a solution to replicate the GPS behaviour for the GPS-denied environment, and (2) a framework that allows the fusion of GPS-like systems with other localization methods to achieve a high localization accuracy. First, a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting localization system is employed. An approach using an ensemble neural network on a hybrid Wi-Fi fingerprinting database is proposed in this thesis. Experiments in a year-long duration show that this system is capable of localizing vehicles with 2.25m of mean error in the global coordinate frame (WGS84). Second, a complete localization solution must be a fusion of multiple techniques. This allows global as well as local levels of localization to function together. At the same time, having redundancy in the system boosts accuracy and reliability. In this thesis, a flexible fusion framework for multiple localization sensors is proposed. This fusion framework will not only deal with the GPS-denied environment but could be potentially used in the GPS-aided environment and provide a smooth transition between the two areas. To accomplish this demanding task, a Gaussian Mixture Model Particle Filter is developed. While the motion model of this particle filter incorporates data from the IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) or laser-SLAM, the correction model is a Gaussian mixture model of multiple observations obtained from the Wi-Fi fingerprinting localization system. With two intelligent vehicles (a Cybercar and a Citroen C1 car), 64 experiments were carried out to validate the framework. A mean localization error of 0.5m is achieved in a global coordinate frame. Compare to other solutions with 0.2m of mean localization error in local coordinate frames; this proposed solution has advantages in terms of scalability, availability and universality as well