Academic literature on the topic 'Modèle simplifié de section efficaces'
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Journal articles on the topic "Modèle simplifié de section efficaces"
Rousseau, Nadia, Geneviève Bergeron, and Raymond Vienneau. "L’inclusion scolaire pour gérer la diversité: des aspects théoriques aux pratiques dites efficaces." Swiss Journal of Educational Research 35, no. 1 (September 26, 2018): 71–90.
Full textClowes, Ron M. "Logan Medallist 5. Geophysics and Geology: An Essential Combination Illustrated by LITHOPROBE Interpretations–Part 2, Exploration Examples." Geoscience Canada 44, no. 4 (December 19, 2017): 135–80.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Modèle simplifié de section efficaces"
Li, Changqiao. "b-tagging calibration and observation of Higgs boson decays to a pair of bottom quarks with the atlas detector." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018.
Full textThis thesis firstly describes a measurement of the b-jet tagging efficiency with a tag-and-probe method using data recorded by the ATLAS detector in 2015 and 2016. The efficiency measurement method, the object selection, the event and probe jet selection, the evaluation of the statistical and systematic uncertainties, and the final results are discussed. The b-tagging efficiencies have been measured as a function of the jet transverse momentum, pseudorapidity and of the average number of pile-up collisions. The efficiencies measured in data have been compared to those predicted from simulation, and simulation-to-data efficiency scale factors have been determined. The efficiency scale factors are close to unity, with total uncertainty ranging between 2% and 12%. The second part of this thesis focuses on the search for the decays of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson to bottom quarks in the associated production mode with vector bosons. Two measurements have been performed and are described here: the first one is based on of 13 TeV pp collisions recorded by ATLAS during the LHC Run-2 until 2016; the second one includes the additional of 13 TeV pp collisions recorded in 2017. For the study based on of data, the object reconstruction, event selection and classification, the techniques to discriminate the signal from the background, the main background and their modelling, the signal properties and the interpretation of results are discussed. For the study based on data, the main difference from the previous study are highlighted. Both results provide a strong evidence of the process, with statistical significances of 3.5 and 4.9 standard deviations, respectively. The signal strength, defined as the ratio between the measured cross section times branching ratio and the SM prediction, is measured with the 2015–2017 dataset to be , indicating good agreement with the SM. The combination of the results based on of 13 TeV collisions with the results of the same analysis performed on data collected at lower (7 and 8 TeV) centre-of-mass energies in 2011 and 2012, and witht those of the searches of decays in other Higgs boson production modes (vector-boson fusion, associated production with a top-quark pair) have led to the observation of the decay with a significance of 5.4 standard deviations, and to a measurement of the signal strength . A combination of the results of the results based on of 13 TeV collisions with the results of searches for the same production mode on the same amount of data in the diphoton and ZZ∗ → 4l Higgs boson final states has led to the observation of VH production with a significance of 5.3 standard deviations, and to a measurement of the signal strength , in good agreement with the SM
Kessedjian, Grégoire. "Mesures de sections efficaces d'actinides mineurs d'intérêts pour la transmutation." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2008.
Full textKessedjian, Grégoire. "Mesures de sections efficaces d'actinides mineurs d'intérêt pour la transmutation." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2008.
Full textThe existing reactors produce two kinds of nuclear waste : the fission products and heavy nuclei beyond uranium called minor actinides (Americium and Curium isotopes). Two options are considered: storage in deep geological site and/or transmutation by fast neutron induced fission. These studies involve many neutron data. Unfortunately, these data bases have still many shortcomings to achieve reliable results. The aim of these measurements is to update nuclear data and complement them. We have measured the fission cross section of 243Am (7370y) in reference to the (n,p) elastic scattering to provide new data in a range of fast neutrons (1 - 8 MeV). A statistical model has been developed to describe the reaction 243Am(n,f). Moreover, the cross sections from the following reactions have been be extracted from these calculations: inelastic scattering 243Am(n,n’) and radiative capture 243Am(n,?) cross sections. The direct measurements of neutron cross sections are often a challenge considering the short half-lives of minor actinides. To overcome this problem, a surrogate method using transfer reactions has been used to study few isotopes of curium. The reactions 243Am(3He, d)244cm, 243Am(3He, t)243cm and 243Am(3He, alpha)242Am allowed to measure the fission probabilities of 243,244Cm and 242Am. The fission cross sections of 242,243Cm(162,9d, 28,5y) and 241Am(431y) have been obtained by multiplying these fission probabilities by the calculated compound nuclear neutron cross section relative to each channel. For each measurement, an accurate assessment of the errors was realized through variance-covariance studies. For measurements of the reaction 243Am(n,f), the analysis of error correlations allowed to interpret the scope of these measures within the existing measurements
Tamagno, Pierre. "De la phénoménologie à la microscopie, une nouvelle approche pour l’évaluation des sections efficaces de fission." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015.
Full textThe work presented here aims to improve models used in the fission crosssectionevaluation. The results give insights for a significant breakthrough in this fieldand yielded large extensions of the evaluation code CONRAD. Partial cross sections areinherently strongly correlated together as of the competition of the related reactions mustyield the total cross section. Therefore improving fission cross section benefits to all partialcross sections. A sound framework for the simulation of competitive reactions hadto be settled in order to further investigate on the fission reaction; this was implementedusing the TALYS reference code as guideline. After ensuring consistency and consistencyof the framework, focus was made on fission. Perspective resulting from the useof macroscopic-microscopic models such as the FRDM and FRLDM were analyzed; thesemodels have been implemented and validated on experimental data and benchmarks. Tocomply with evaluation requirements in terms of computation time, several specific numericalmethods have been used and parts of the program were written to run on GPU.These macroscopic-microscopic models yield potential energy surfaces that can be used toextract a one-dimensional fission barrier. This latter can then be used to obtained fissiontransmission coefficients that can be used in a Hauser-Feshbach model. This method hasbeen finally tested for the calculation of the average fission cross section for 239Pu(n,f)
Grosjean, Cédric. "Mesure de la section efficace de fission induite par neutrons rapides des noyaux 232Th / 233U dans le cadre des cycles de combustiblesinnovants." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2005.
Full textLi, Shu. "Mesure de la production W+W− dans les collisions proton-proton à $\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV avec le détecteur ATLAS au LHC." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012.
Full textThis thesis presents a measurement of the SM WW production cross section and the determination of the corresponding limits on anomalous triple gauge boson couplings (aTGCs), using the 2011 4.7 fb⁻¹ pp collisions data at 7 TeV collected in 2011. The measurement allows for a stringent test of the non-Abelian SU(2) X U(1) SM electroweak sector and probes new physics that could manifest itself through aTGCs that may alter the observed production cross section or kinematic distributions. This measurement also provides a good understanding of the irreducible background in searches for the Higgs boson through the H → W⁺W⁻ decay channel.This thesis work has laid a solid foundation for further measurements of the WW production with the ∼25 fb⁻¹ integrated luminosity 8 TeV recorded data expected by the end of 2012, which will further improve the precision and yield more stringent limits on the aTGCs
Ducasse, Quentin. "Etude de la méthode de substitution à partir de la mesure simultanée des probabilités de fission et d'émission gamma des actinides 236U, 238U, 237Np et 238Np." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015.
Full textNeutron-induced cross sections of short-lived nuclei are important in various fields such as fundamental physics, astrophysics or nuclear energy. However, these cross sections are often extremely difficult to measure due to high radioactivity of the targets involved. The surrogate-reaction method is an indirect way to determine neutron-induced cross sections of short-lived nuclei. In order to study the validity of the method, we have measured for the very first time in a surrogate-reaction experiment simultaneously fission and gamma-decay probabilities for the actinides 236U, 238U, 237Np and 238Np. This is challenging because one has to remove the gamma rays emitted by the fission fragments. The measurement was performed at the Oslocyclotron.Our results show that for a given excitation energy, our gamma-decay probabilities are several times higher than neutron-induced probabilities, which can be attributed to differences in spin distribution between the two types of reactions. On the other hand, our fission probabilities are in good agreement with neutron-induced data. Statistical-model calculations applied with standardparameters cannot reproduce the weak spin sensibility to variations of the angular momentum observed for the fission probabilities. However, it is possible to reproduce the experimental observations by considering a stronger increase of the moment of inertia of the fissionning nucleus with deformation. Further theoretical efforts are needed to improve the understanding of our results
Theroine, Camille. "Etude de la réaction de capture neutronique radiative pour le noyau instable du ¹⁷³Lu par méthode directe et par réaction de substitution." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2013.
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