Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Modèle de Petit Monde'
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Habib, Dayane. "Diffusion de l'hélium-3 hyperpolarisé dans le tissu pulmonaire : évaluation par différentes techniques IRM." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00435916.
Full textBillaud, Yann. "Modélisation hybride stochastique-déterministe des incendies de forêts." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AIX10100/document.
Full textMost of the area burned by forest fires is attributable to the few fires that escape initial attack to become large. As a consequence large-scale fires produce a large amount of green-house gases and particles which contribute to the global warming. Heterogeneous conditions of weather, fuel, and topography are generally encountered during the propagation of large fires. This shapes irregular contours and fractal post-fire patterns, as revealed by satellite maps. Among existing wildfire spread models, stochastic models seem to be good candidates for studying the erratic behavior of large fires, due to the above-mentioned heterogeneous conditions. The model we developed is a variant of the so-called small-world network model. Flame radiation and fuel piloted ignition are taken into account in a deterministic way at the macroscopic scale. The radiative interaction domain of a burning cell is determined from Monte Carlo simulation using the solid flame model. Some cases are studied, ranging from relatively simple to more complex geometries like an irregular flame fronts or an ethanol pool fire. Then, a numerical model is developed to investigate the piloted ignition of litters composed of maritime pine needles. A genetic algorithm is used to locate a set of model parameters that provide optimal agreement between the model predictions and the experimental data in terms of ignition time and mass loss. The model results had shown the importance of char surface oxidation for heat fluxes close to the critical flux for ignition. Finally, the small-world network model was used to simulate fire patterns in heterogeneous landscapes. Model validation was achieved to an acceptable degree in terms of contours, burned area and fractal properties, through comparison of results with data from a small controlled bushfire experiment and a historical Mediterranean fire. Therefore, it has been proven to be a powerful tool in the sizing of fortifications as fuel break areas at the wildland urban interface or in the understanding of atypical behavior in particular configurations (talweg, slope breaking, etc.). It has also been used for the optimization of an in-situ sensor network whose purpose is to detect precociously and to locate precisely small fires, preventing them from spreading and burning out of control. Our objective was to determine the minimum number and placement of sensors deployed in the forest
Gutleben, Christian. ""Un tout petit monde" : le roman universitaire anglais, 1954-1994 /." Strasbourg : Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 1996. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb36178300k.
Full textHamamousse, Nadjet. "Caractérisation des propriétés physiques des matériaux impliqués dans l'accélération des feux de forêt." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021AIXM0621.
Full textEvery year, fires devastate millions of hectares of wildland and cause serious impacts on natural, economical, and human resources. Firefighters highlighted that some forest fires behave differently; they are called flashover. These fires are characterized by a sudden acceleration. Those fires are called flashover. Such phenomenon was observed in September 2000 in Palasca where two young firefighters passed away, four were seriously injured and about 5 hectares burned in few minutes. This thesis is devoted to the characterization of the physical properties of materials that can contribute to the sudden and unpredictable acceleration of fires. First, the Small World network model was validated on a historical fire. The sensitivity analysis of the model allows identifying the most important parameters that affect the fire spread. Since the flammability depends on the fuel moisture content and the flammable volatile organic compounds, these two parameters were characterized experimentally
Sauvan, E. "Petit périple aux confins du modèle standard avec HERA." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de la Méditerranée - Aix-Marseille II, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00439880.
Full textLebhar, Emmanuelle. "Algorithmes de routage et modèles aléatoires pour les graphes petits mondes." Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011646.
Full textMarchal, Hervé. "Le petit monde des gardiens-concierges : un métier au coeur de la vie HLM /." Paris ; Budapest ; Kinshasa [etc.] : l'Harmattan, 2006. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40138071q.
Full textBibliogr. p. 215-224.
Chan, Frederik. "Étude et développement d'un modèle aéroélastique d'un petit véhicule de lancement spatial." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/29233/29233.pdf.
Full textChan, Frédérik. "Étude et développement d'un modèle aéroélastique d'un petit véhicule de lancement spatial." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/23773.
Full textMfouapon, Alassa. "Conception et estimation d'un modèle DSGE pour la prévision macroéconomique : un petit modèle d'économie ouverte pour le Cameroun." Thesis, Paris 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA020076/document.
Full textThis thesis aims at analyzing the macroeconomic dynamics of the Cameroonian economy. It begins with a quantitative analysis of the business cycle in Cameroon, based on annual macroeconomic data, especially gathered for this purpose. This preliminary inquiry highlights a number of features that can be accounted for in a new-keynesian modelling framework. A dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model of the new-keynesian family is thus constructed as a mean of describing the salient feautures of the Cameroonian economy. It has the traditional blocks of new-keynesian DSGE models (Sticky prices and wages, adjustment costs, etc). But it also accounts for a number of characteristics of the Cameroonian economy that are shown to be influential in the dynamics of the cameroonian economy (e.g. oil revenues or primary goods exports). The model is then estimated and evaluated, based on a Bayesian approach. Its forecasting performance is also assessed through comparison to the performances of a random walk model, a vector autoregressive (VAR) model and a Bayesian VAR (BVAR) model. It turns out that, at least for short horizons, the DSGE model shows the highest perfromance. As to macroeconomic fluctuations, the estimated model suggests that commodity price shocks generate an output expansion, an increase in employment and a fall in inflation. In addition, oil price shocks have a direct impact on marginal costs which increase and provoke a rising in inflation while output and employment tend to fall. Foreign shoks and domestic supply shocks account for a large share of output and investment fluctuations. The evolution of output over the whole sample is dominated by commodity price shocks and oil price shocks as one would expect
Riot, Elen. "Le Petit Monde du cube : Une analyse ethnographique d’un centre d’art numérique dans son environnement." Jouy-en Josas, HEC, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009EHEC0008.
Full textToday, digital technologies and ICT are one of the most promising field of growth in the world economy. Their diffusion and technological convergence affect artistic activities and cultural industries as well as every day practices. In a strategic analysis, one may wonder what is the value creation and what balance of power exists between stakeholders, to explain why some benefit more than others of these innovations in the field of content creation. One may also like to determine what are the most “creative” organizations and what one means by “creative”. Based on a three year long field study in Le Cube, a digital art centre based in Issy-les-Moulineaux, near Paris, this dissertation attempts to answer this question. In that place, content creators, artists, technicians, entrepreneurs, man- agers and simple users of all ages are welcome to share ideas and learn from each others in a “small world”. All kinds of projects result from these activities with social, economic and cultural orientations. We attempt to describe and analyses the political strategy of this structure in its own “small world” supported by many actors in this turbulent field. However, creation and the “creativity value” cannot be instrumented and become part of a strategy directed towards leading figures to face technological waves and political games. The danger of promoting a “creative industries” model would be to see it as a liberation from traditions and institutions whereas it also comes with a lot of constraints and it also implies difficult choices. With our “creative small world”, we wish to depict important value changes in a specific time and space. We alternate conceptual analysis, description and interpretation in the ethnographic tradition. The “creative small world” wh&ich we describe seems to be faced with a dilemma, despite its obvious success. It must promote the technological tool as both democratic and global and adapt its discourse to dominant players. It does so by suggesting that ICT offer a convergence between economic, social and cultural issues and by modelling its projects in reference to prestigious explorers such as the Quattrocento, the East Indian Companies, the Bauhaus and the Media Lab. This ambition may not reflect the real action of le Cube, an action which legitimates its public funding: its socio- cultural mediation. This useful action points to a general lack of skills in most computer users. Creativity should come as a result of competencies not as a substitute and Le Cube might open the way with its political strategy
Nguyen, Anh-Dung. "Contributions to modeling, structural analysis, and routing performance in dynamic networks." Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2013. http://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/9725/1/nguyen.pdf.
Full textOllinger, Sandrine. "Le raisonnement analogique en lexicographie, son informatisation et son application au Réseau Lexical du Français." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LORR0330/document.
Full textContemporary lexicography provide ressources offering many opportunities for natural language processing tasks. Thus, the French Lexical Network, presently under development, is a graph of lexical units connected by a rich set of lexical relations. This PhD thesis lays the groundwork for an exploration of this ressource by analogical reasonning. It begins with a selective overview of formalisation and computerisation for study of lexicon, wich defines the principle of exploration : the nodes are similar to objects, which have some attributes and edges represent relations. A reflection is conducted on the nature of this constituents and the relations between them. It takes into account the time axis and the topology of the network. Then two sets of exploratory experiments are conducted. The first one shows that the resource formalisation makes it possible to detect automatically analogies consistent with intuition, that several kind of analogical explorations are possible and that the approach allows to check the consistency of the resource and to bring out lexical rules. The second one is focused around the concept of lexical derivation configurations. It shows how grouping of analogous subgraphs reveals recurrent connections. The progress status of the resource doesn't enable us to obtain successfully completed rules and models, but results are nontheless encouraging. Analogy can already be considered as a guide to ensure the quality of lexical resources. It also allows for the acquisition of knowledge about its organisation. Such knowledge can be used to identify linguitic phenomena and to design instruments to support lexicographic activity
Lavigne, Benjamin. "Le petit surhomme des jeux vidéo et la gamification du monde : sublimation de l'endoctrinement par l'interactivité ludique." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LORR0142.
Full textBased on Nietzsche's philosophy and contemporary theory of game design we'll see the video game player as a superman : the video games as an easy way of emancipation, the superman for all. Then we explain the link between the superman of video games and the transhumanism, the cybernetics superman : the easiest pathway to become a superman. Faced with the increasing need to quantify, rationalize, regulate and govern the World, mankind found itself bound to archive an incommensurable amount of information. The resulting databases and their subsequent establishment of the World as a colossal dataset is made possible by ubiquitous computing powers. Various data types can be quantified, collected, stored and analyzed, might they be so at an individual level or at a larger population scale; e.g. academic and professional evaluation, political and social polls, or even the global economy. We will see that humans have grown fond of playing an indexing game of the World via the revolution of smartphones as a way to control it
Olejnik, Anton Nikolaevič. "Un petit monde dans la prison, la criminalité organisée et la société russes aujourd'hui : des doubles monstrueux." Paris, EHESS, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000EHES0095.
Full textKahn, Mathias. "Transistor bipolaire à hétérojonction GaInAs/InP pour circuits ultra-rapides : structure, fabrication et catactérisation." Paris 11, 2004. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00006792.
Full textThe developpement of optical networks in the last decade has made possible the strong increase in worlwide telecomunications. Processing of high-bitrates signals (above 40 gb/s) at fiber input and output requires numerical circuits working very high frequencies, and thus based on vary fast electronics devices with cutoff frequencies of 150 ghz or more. Iii-v semiconctor materials have remarkable physical properties, making inp base hbt one of the fastest transitor available at this time. This device allows design of circuits working at the very high frequencies required in optical communications applications. Fabrication of gainas/inp hbt involves a large number of design and processing steps (epitaxial growth, cleanroom processing, caracterisation,), and requiers understanding of various physical effects determining the device behavior. In this work, we study the main physical effects involved in hbt behavior, and we carry out optimisation of the device
Talandier, Magali. "Un nouveau modèle de développement hors métropolisation : le cas du monde rural français." Phd thesis, Université Paris XII Val de Marne, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00841931.
Full textFrancou, Thierry. "Développement et validation d'un modèle de perforation de cibles multiplaques par un projectile de petit calibre." Poitiers, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997POIT2270.
Full textPerrin-Saminadayar, Éric. "Éducation, culture et société à Athènes : les acteurs de la vie culturelle athénienne, 229-88 : un tout petit monde /." Paris : de Boccard, 2007. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb412215736.
Full textBibliogr. p. 653-665. Notes bibliogr. Index.
LECHOWSKI, MATTHIEU. "Test du modèle du Petit Higgs dans ATLAS au LHC. Simulation de la numérisation du calorimètre électromagnétique." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00010253.
Full textBen, Ameur Faïçal. "La détermination des taux de change dans le cadre d'un petit pays : modèle théoriques et implications politiques." Nice, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990NICE0006.
Full textLechowski, Matthieu. "Test du modèle du petit Higgs dans ATLAS au LHC : simulation de la numérisation du calorimètre électromagnétique." Paris 11, 2005. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00010253.
Full textLHC is a proton-proton collider with an energy of 14 TeV in the center of mass, which will start in 2007 at CERN. Two of its experiments, ATLAS, and CMS, will search and study in particular the Higgs boson, Supersymmetry and other new Physics. This thesis was about two aspects of the ATLAS experiment. On one hand the simulation of the liquid Argon electromagnetic calorimeter, with the emulation of the electronic chain in charge of the digitization of the signal and also the evaluation of the electronic noise and the pile-up noise (coming from minimum bias events of elastic collisions at LHC). These two points have been validated by the analysis of the data taken during testbeams in 2002 and 2004. On the other hand, a physics study concerning the Little Higgs model. This recent model solves the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model, in introducing new heavy particles to cancel quadratic divergences arising in the calculation of the Higgs boson mass. These new particles, with a mass about the TeV, are one heavy quark top, heavy gauge bosons Z', W' and A', and a heavy Higgs bosons triplet. The physics study dealt with the characteristic decays of the model, Z' in Z+H and W in W+H, with a Higgs mass either at 120 GeV decaying in two photons or at 200 GeV decaying in ZZ or WW. Results show that in both cases, for 300fb-1 (3 years at high luminosity), an observation of the signal at 5 sigma for Z' et W' masses less than 2 TeV is possible, covering a large part of the parameter space
Polomack, Adrienne. "Évolution du monde rural en Haute Guinée : approche et modèle analytique : du global au local." Paris 10, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA100190.
Full textBravard, Alice. "La persistance du modèle aristocratique : mode de vie et sociabilité du grand monde parisien (1900-1939)." Paris 1, 2008. http://books.openedition.org/pur/117792.
Full textDesclés, Julien. "Phaeodactylum tricornutum : un nouveau modèle de diatomée pour l'étude du rôle du silicium dans le monde vivant ?" Paris 6, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA066070.
Full textCharlier, Jean-Baptiste. "Fonctionnement et modélisation hydrologique d'un petit bassin versant cultivé en milieu volcanique tropical." Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00279097.
Full textL'objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser le fonctionnement hydrologique d'un petit bassin versant volcanique en climat tropical, dans un contexte cultivé principalement en banane. Le site d'étude est le bassin de Féfé (17,8 ha), sur l'île de la Basse-Terre en Guadeloupe, qui a été instrumenté entre 2003 et 2006. Deux approches complémentaires ont été utilisées.
Premièrement, l'approche expérimentale combinant géologie, hydrologie, hydrogéologie et traçage (pesticide) a permis de caractériser la structure, le bilan et les processus hydrologiques d'un petit bassin versant. Un schéma de fonctionnement global a été établi avec comme caractéristiques principales des flux hydriques élevés (pluie annuelle > 4 000 mm), une importante recharge des nappes (60 % de la pluie efficace annuelle), et une prédominance du ruissellement hortonien. Un modèle global à réservoirs basé sur ce schéma conceptuel a permis de reproduire correctement les flux de surface et souterrains. Ces études nous ont permis d'identifier les principaux mécanismes de contamination des sols et des eaux de surface et de nappes par un nématicide utilisé en bananeraies (le cadusafos).
Deuxièmement, l'approche de modélisation à l'aide du modèle distribué MHYDAS, a permis de rendre compte de l'incidence de l'occupation du sol et du réseau de fossés sur la genèse des crues. Cette approche intègre les spécificités du milieu cultivé tropical que sont la redistribution de la pluie par la plante (stemflow du bananier) et les échanges nappe-fossé. L'application du modèle aux échelles de la parcelle, du sous-bassin et du bassin versant, a permis de mieux caractériser les variabilités spatiale et temporelle des processus hydrologiques.
Ces deux approches constituent une voie pertinente pour évaluer l'impact environnemental des épandages agricoles, caractériser les changements d'échelle, et tester l'impact de l'occupation du sol.
Nodjiadjim, Virginie. "Transistor bipolaire à double hétérojonction submicronique InP/InGaAs pour circuits numériques ou mixtes ultra-rapides." Thesis, Lille 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009LIL10028/document.
Full textThis thesis is about the performance optimization of InP/InGaAs Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (DHBT) with sub-micrometer dimensions. The development of an analytical model taking into account the specific features of the device in terms of geometry and process is first reported. This model, backed by results from S parameters measurements, is used to define a device geometry leading to high cut-off frequencies; it also helps identifying the main directions for further performance improvement. Several epi-layer structures for the base-collector junction are then investigated, aiming at improving the HBT transport properties and at pushing toward higher current densities the onset of Kirk effect. Since HBTs are operating at current densities as high as 800 kA/cm2 and beyond, they are sensitive to self-heating; this feature results in reduced frequency performance and faster characteristics degradation. This is why the impact of temperature on transistor performance is analyzed and ways to limit HBTs self-heating phenomena and to improve their reliability are indicated. This work allowed the validation of an HBT process characterized by cut-off frequencies in the 250-300 GHz range for both fT and fmax, together with a breakdown voltage of about 5 V. Such HBTs have been used in the fabrication of ICs for 100 Gbit/s transmission applications
Babataheri, Avin. "Cils artificiels : modèle physique pour la propulsion ciliée." Phd thesis, Paris 6, 2009. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00566532.
Full textBoulain, Nicolas. "Effet des facteurs climatiques et anthropiques dans l'évolution récente des écosystèmes tropicaux : modélisation spatialisée du bilan hydrique d'un petit bassin versant sahélien." Paris 6, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA066016.
Full textAttard, Jean-Pierre. "Religion, sainteté et pouvoir en Provence angevine, première maison d'Anjou, modèle et miroir du monde angevin (1246-1382)." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM3028/document.
Full textBy his marriage withe the heress of Provence, Charles d'Anjou, brother of Louis IX, arrives at the head of the County of Provence.It is unpopular withs his subjects. He must defeat an army revolt of the mains cities and part of the nobility. After his success, the Agevins use an ideological weapon: ths bealong to a sacred race and they govern a sacred land. They base this of the Church. They are good sons of Church. In the end, peace is esthablished permanently in the County of Provence
Fouchez, D. "Le vide de l'infiniment petit à l'infiniment grand : un point de vue expérimental." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de la Méditerranée - Aix-Marseille II, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00481621.
Full textKhayoussef-Gassib, Jihane. "Le genre dans le monde du conseil en technologies de l'information : le modèle du métier et les pratiques professionnelles." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017SACLE001/document.
Full textDiversity Information Technology (IT) jobs seems to face real challenges: the idea of masculinity of IT, the discomfort felt by women working in IT and the inequalities between men and women in terms of career development remain persistent despite of all efforts deployed within the organizations committed to implementing diversity in their workforce, and despite of the studies and theories developed on women under-representation in Information Technology sector.Hence, our research addresses the following questions: how to explain female under- representation in IT jobs in general and IT consulting sector in particular, and how to explain the persistent idea that these jobs carry a male character? In particular, we are studying in this thesis the IT consulting sector in order to explore the gender phenomena in the daily exercise of this profession.The main objective of this research is first to facilitate a better understanding of the situation of women and men in this profession, and to identify the mechanisms behind the persistence of the socio-gendered roles and Gender/IT stereotypes.Based on the theory of structuration, this research redirects the perspective towards the study of daily interactions between the professionals in two organizations committed to gender diversity (in France and the United Arab Emirates) to analyze the experience of women and men in this profession, and identify the mechanisms related to socio-gendered roles and Gender/IT stereotypes. The theory of structuration of Giddens (1984), which has been redesigned to fit the organizational context of a company, offers a relevant analytical framework to link the actions and interactions of the consultants to the characteristics of the structure in which they evolve, and explain the mechanisms that ensure the stability or the evolution of this structure. The methodological approach adopted has been the exploratory qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews and participant observation.Eventually, the results of this research, clarify the visions expressed by IT consultants regarding access to the IT consulting profession, regarding the integration within it, the interaction between the different parties in the profession, the balance between private and professional life and the interpretation of certain notions such appearance, professionalism, competence, and performance in a male or female manner. These results will have both theoretical and practical applications: the main contribution of this research is to bring a new understanding of the idea that IT consulting jobs carry a male character. This research can also give a methodological tool to lead other studies in areas with a male or female character in spites of efforts to open them. Finally the managerial contribution of this study is to improve the diversity management actions in favor of a better a rebalancing between men and women in IT jobs
Haj, Houssain Samer. "Dosis : un serveur OSI pour l'ouverture des systèmes distribués au monde extérieur." Grenoble INPG, 1988. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00328632/.
Full textKovacsik, Hélène. "Etude des propriétés mécaniques de la paroi artérielle après mise en place d'un stent sur un modèle animal d'artère de petit calibre." Montpellier 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001MON1T016.
Full textChambon-Dubreuil, Estelle. "Conception d'un modèle de dynamique de population d'un petit ligneux dominant pâturé (Cytisus scoparius) pour la gestion de l'embroussaillement des zones pastorales." Pau, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PAUU3019.
Full textThe decline of agriculture has hastened the invasion of small shrubs in marginal areas, lowering the value of forage and of biodiversity. European environmental policies have then encouraged farmers to preserve biodiversity and to use pastoral practices allowing the management of inherited value areas, but current recommendations are inadequate for practical use. With this aim, the objective of my PhD was to design a model of the interactions between the eating habits of sheep and the population dynamics of invading shrub species (Cytisus scoparius). To link these processes up, my model is grounded on: the creation of demographical categories specified by their eating habits, the demographical spatialization determining the accessibility of the resource, the influence of herbaceous resource upon eating habits. The demographical data stemmed from experiments carried out on broom moors over a sheep farm, as well as the knowledge of eating habits and of pastoral practices. My model shows the importance of spatialization in the demographical strategy, the diversity of impacts of grazing according to consummated organs, and the role of grazing plans on population dynamics. This PhD underlines the interest of pluridisciplinary reasoning between ecology and biotechnical sciences to answer the aim of controlling shrub encroachment by grazing
Mansuy, Mathieu. "Aide au tolérancement tridimensionnel : modèle des domaines." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00734713.
Full textMunier, Stéphane. "Contributions à l'étude de la chromodynamique quantique perturbative appliquée à la diffusion profondément inélastique à petit x." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2000. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00002344.
Full textOn retrouve dans ce cadre les équations d'évolution des partons en impulsion transverse (équation DGLAP), et longitudinale (équation BFKL). Cette dernière se présente ici sous la forme du modèle des dipôles de couleur. On transpose dans ce formalisme l'ensemble des calculs nécessaires à nos recherches personnelles, portant sur le développement et les applications du modèle des dipôles.
Ce modèle est ajusté aux données expérimentales d'HERA pour les fonctions de structure inclusives, qui sont reliées aux sections efficaces d'interaction électron-proton. La contribution à celles-ci de la production de particules charmées est prédite, en bon accord avec l'expérience. D'autre part, l'importance phénoménologique de certaines composantes sous-dominantes de l'équation BFKL (de spin conforme non nul), qui apparaissent comme solutions des équations d'évolution, est démontrée: on compare leur effet à celui du poméron mou de Donnachie-Landshoff.
On montre sur des observables particulières l'équivalence entre la formulation hamiltonienne et une formulation covariante de la QCD, et on l'applique à la détermination de la densité effective de dipôles primordiaux à l'origine d'un jet vers l'avant qui se matérialise quelquefois dans l'état final d'une réaction de diffusion profondément inélastique ou d'une diffusion de protons.
Enfin, le processus de diffraction dure, plus exclusif, est considéré dans l'approche BFKL. Sur le plan phénoménologique, une étude des données des expériences d'HERA dans le cadre du modèle des dipôles est présentée. Sur le plan théorique, le calcul des composantes de spin conforme non nul de l'équation BFKL pour la production diffractive de photons est effectué.
Comerlato, Juliana. "Contributions au développement de modèles petit animal et cellulaire pour les études de pathogenèse des morbillivirus." Thesis, Montpellier, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016MONTT070.
Full textMorbillivirus genus, a non-segmented negative single-strand RNA (ssRNA) group of viruses, belongs to the Paramyxoviridae family and is currently composed of seven species responsible to highly contagious diseases. Morbillivirus infections cause significant mortality in humans, small ruminants, carnivores and in some marine mammals. The available vaccines against morbillivirus infections require usually 7-10 days to induce a protective immunity. After Rinderpest, the first animal disease successfully eradicated, peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is the next target for global eradication by 2030.The current vaccine based on the Nigeria 75/1 is fit for purpose for the eradication campaign. However, some improvements can be envisaged to increase efficacy, shorten the time to complete the eradication and reduce costs. For instance, the introduction of a positive/negative marker in the vaccine could allow the Discrimination between Infected and Vaccinated Animals (DIVA strategy), thus enabling the real-time parallel monitoring of infection and vaccination, and rapid elimination of infected animals. Another improvement could be the modification of the current vaccine by reverse genetics to insert a cassette expressing interfering RNA targeting virulent strains of PPR. This therapeutic vaccine would be useful in emergency situations to control the infection over the delay necessary for the acquisition of an efficient vaccine protection. In order to develop and test these new vaccine tools, there is a need for new cell or small animal models to limit experiments with farm animals. In this work, we contributed in the development of in vitro and in vivo murine models to study morbillivirus pathogenesis. The present document is divided in three main chapters: “Identification of a cell model to PPRV pathogenesis studies”; “Construction of a full-length cDNA clone of PPRV with a luciferase reporter gene” and “In vivo evaluation of small interfering RNA (siRNA) against morbilliviruses”. In the first chapter the mouse cell line 10T1/2 was challenged with attenuated and wild type PPRV strains using different conditions of goat SLAM expression and type I IFN response. The results showed a restricted permissiveness of 10T1/2 to wild type PPRV, which was independent of goat SLAM receptor and type I IFN response. The second chapter aimed to develop a recombinant PPRV expressing luciferase through reverse genetics methodology. Various strategies to assembling the PPRV genome were established reaching up to the full-length cDNA PPRV-luciferase construction. However, the rescue could not be achieved and the reasons for that are discussed. The last chapter encompassed the evaluation of siRNA as a prophylactic tool against another luciferase recombinant morbillivirus, the measles virus. In vitro and in vivo studies were performed with the recombinant MV (rMV-luc). Whereas in cell lines siRNA showed 100% of antiviral activity against rMV-luc, the validation in vivo, using a human CD46 transgenic mouse model susceptible to measles, failed. In conclusion, this work provides advancements in the development of tools for the study of the pathogenesis of PPRV and other morbilliviruses
Martinez, Alvarez Ignacio. "Les nanomatériaux comme porteurs des polluants organiques persistants : évaluation des risques pour l'environnement aquatique basée sur l’étude d’un petit invertébré et d’un poisson modèle." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020BORD0332.
Full textPresence and effects of micro- (< 5mm) and nanomaterials (<100 nm, NM) in the environment are a current issue of concern. Aquatic ecosystems with high pollution pressure already present a cocktail of chemicals, where micro- and NMs can act as sponges for these pollutants due to their high surface to volume ratio and hydrophobic surface. This phenomenon can alter the bioavailability of the pollutants present in the aquatic ecosystem, especially for hydrophobic compounds and, therefore, modulate their toxicity to aquatic organisms. Therefore, in the present Thesis the following objectives were established: (1) To assess the potential bioavailability and toxicity of polystyrene nanoplastics (NPs), and of microplastics (MPs) alone and with sorbed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to brine shrimp larvae and zebrafish; (2) To determine sorption capacity of PAHs to MPs and graphene oxide NMs (GNMs); (3) To assess the potential bioavailability and toxicity of GNMs alone and with sorbed PAHs to zebrafish.Exposure to pristine MPs did not cause any significant impact on brine shrimp larvae and zebrafish embryo survival, while some treatments containing elevated concentrations (mg/L) of MPs with sorbed benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) and B(a)P alone resulted in acute toxicity. In addition, both sizes of MPs were successful vectors of B(a)P to brine shrimp and zebrafish embryos. Results indicated that small MPs (0.5 µm) showed higher maximum sorption capacity for B(a)P than larger MPs (4.5 µm). In the case of a complex and environmentally relevant PAH mixture, as that formed in the water accommodated fraction (WAF) of a crude oil, a relatively limited sorption to 4.5 µm MPs, driven by the hydrophobicity and initial concentration of each PAH, was observed. In adult zebrafish, MPs did not act as PAH vehicle after 21-day exposure to MPs with sorbed PAHs. Only fish exposed to MPs for 21 days presented changes in the transcription level of biotransformation metabolism-related gene cyp1a in the liver, along with a significant increase in the prevalence of liver vacuolisation. 21 days of exposure to NPs, but not to MPs, caused oxidative stress in adult zebrafish. Ingestion of NPs was observed in the developing organisms (brine shrimp and zebrafish). In embryos, fluorescent NPs were specially localised in the eyes, yolk sac and tail, showing their capacity to translocate and spread into the embryo body.For GNMs, graphene oxide (GO) showed a higher sorption capacity for B(a)P than MPs. For the PAH mixture of the WAF, sorption to GO was also higher than to MPs. In embryos exposed to different GNMs alone and with PAHs, no significant mortality was recorded for any treatment. Nevertheless, malformation rate increased significantly in embryos exposed to the highest concentrations (5 or 10 mg/L) of GO, reduced GO alone and with sorbed B(a)P. According to chemical analysis of adult fish tissues, bioavailability of PAH sorbed to GO for fish was lower than in the case of PAHs alone. Only biochemical responses and genes related to biotransformation metabolism were altered in the liver of fish exposed to B(a)P for 3 days. Transcription level of genes related to oxidative stress were not altered. On the contrary, the gills of fish exposed to GO with sorbed B(a)P and to B(a)P for 3 days and co-exposed to GO and WAF for 21 days showed significantly higher oxidative stress than control fish. A common neurotoxic effect was caused in all fish treated for 21 days. Finally, adult fish exposed to GO presented GO ingestion and liver vacuolisation, but absence of GO translocation to the adult tissue was reported. The present work shows evidences of the capacity of MPs with sorbed PAHs to cause sublethal effects (1) and to carry PAHs (2) in brine shrimp and zebrafish. Finally, GO was greater carrier of PAHs to zebrafish than MPs (3) due to its higher sorption capacity (2), exerting oxidative stress and neurotoxicity as the main sublethal effects in adult zebrafish
La presencia y los efectos de micro- (<5 mm) y nanomateriales (100 nm, NM) en el medio ambiente es un tema de preocupación actual. En sistemas acuáticos que presentan un coctel de químicos debido a la alta presión de la contaminación, los micro- y NMs pueden actuar como esponjas para los contaminantes debido a su alto ratio superficie/volumen y a la hidrofobicidad de su superficie. Este fenómeno puede alterar la biodisponibilidad de los contaminantes presentes en los ecosistemas acuáticos, especialmente para los compuestos hidrófobos, y seguidamente, modular su toxicidad para los organismos acuáticos. Por ello, en la presente tesis los siguientes objetivos fueron establecidos: (1) Evaluar la biodisponibilidad y la toxicidad potencial de nanoplásticos de poliestireno (NPs), y de microplásticos (MPs) solos o con hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos ad/absorbidos (HAPs) para la larva de Artemia y el pez cebra; (2) Determinar la capacidad de ad/absorción de HAPs por los MPs y los NMs de óxido de grafeno (GNMs); (3) Evaluar la biodisponibilidad y toxicidad de GNMs solos o con HAPs ad/absorbidos para el pez cebra.La exposición a MPs prístinos no causó ningún impacto significativo en la supervivencia de la larva de Artemia o del embrión de pez cebra, mientras que algunos tratamientos que contenían elevadas concentraciones (mg/L) de MPs con benzo(a)pireno (B(a)P) ad/absorbido y B(a)P sólo resultaron en toxicidad aguda. Además, ambos tamaños de MPs fueron exitosos vectores de B(a)P en larvas de Artemia y embriones de pez cebra. Los resultados indicaron que los MPs pequeños (0.5 μm) mostraron una mayor capacidad máxima de ad/absorción de B(a)P que los MPs grandes (4.5 μm MPs). Para una mezcla compleja y medioambientalmente relevante de HAPs, como es la formada en la fracción acomodada al agua (WAF) de un petróleo crudo, se observó una ad/absorción limitada relativamente a 4.5 μm MPs y que dependió de la hidrofobicidad y la concentración inicial de cada HAP. En adultos de pez cebra, los MPs no actuaron como vehículos de HAP después de 21 días de exposición a MPs con HAPs ad/absorbidos. Solo aquellos peces expuestos a MPs durante 21 días presentaron cambios en los niveles de transcripción del gen cyp1a relacionado con el metabolismo de biotransformación en el hígado, junto con un aumento significativo de la prevalencia de la vacuolización del hígado. 21 días de exposición a NPs, pero no a MPs, causó un estrés oxidativo en los adultos de pez cebra. La ingestión de NPs se observó en los organismos en desarrollo (Artemia y pez cebra). En embriones, los NPs fluorescentes se localizaron específicamente en los ojos, saco vitelino y cola, mostrando la capacidad de los mismos para ser internalizados y repartidos en el interior del cuerpo del embrión.Para los GNMs, el óxido de grafeno (GO) presentó una mayor capacidad de ad/absorción de B(a)P que los MPs. Para la mezcla de HAPs del WAF, la ad/absorcíon a GO fue de nuevo mayor que para los MPs. Para los embriones expuestos a diferentes GNMs solos y con HAPs no se obtuvo una mortalidad significativa. Aun así, el ratio de malformaciones aumento significativamente en embriones expuestos a las concentraciones más altas (5 o 10 mg/L) de GO, GO reducido solo o con B(a)P ad/absorbido. De acuerdo con los ensayos químicos en el tejido de pez adulto, la biodisponibilidad de HAP ad/absorbidos a GO para peces fue menor que en los peces expuestos a HAPs solos. Solo se vieron alteradas las respuestas bioquímicas y los genes relacionados con el metabolismo de biotransformación en hígado de pez expuesto a B(a)P durante 3 días. [...]
Kim, Kil-Won. "L'organisation subsociale d'Amaurobius ferox : modèle pour l'étude des phénomènes sociaux chez les araignées." Nancy 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998NAN10154.
Full textMajoul, Amira. "Transmission du cycle économique des Etats Unis au reste du monde : le cas des pays émergents." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LYO22002/document.
Full textThe issue of international transmission cycles has considerably received attention due to the increasing economic and financial globalization. Our thesis is in line with the literature dedicated to this question. More specifically, we focusour attention on the analysis of the transmission cycle of the United States to emerging countries. It consists of three chapters. The first one, based on a new econometric approach in terms of Global VAR model, aims to study the effect of shocks from the U.S. to emerging countries. The main resultconfirms the idea that the United States plays an important role in the transmission of economic cycles given their weight in the world economy. The second chapter proposes to study the financial transmission of the United States by focusing on the subprime crisis on these countries. The estimation of time varyingtransitionprobability (TVTP) Markov switchingmodel indicates that the persistence of financial stress, the tightening of the conditions of the credit and the increase of the risk of Banking solvency constitute the major determinants of the financial transmission. The US stock market volatility is the key factor transmission channel for all the studied countries. The third chapter is devoted to investigate whether emerging countries are able to adopt countercyclical fiscal policies to mitigate the impact from outside. Using the threshold model with smooth transition panel ( the PSTR model ), this chapter confirms that fiscal policy in emerging countries is procyclicalin the slowdown periodand also when public debt exceeds the critical threshold. Therefore, a strong fiscal position is fundamental to ensure macroeconomic stability
Zurfluh, Anselm. "Analyse ethno-historique d'un "isolat" démographique et socio-culturel du monde alpin alémanique : Uri / Suisse : cohérence et dynamique d'un modèle culturel traditionnel." Nice, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991NICE2017.
Full textEthno-historical analysis, diachronical (X-XX century), traditional alpine, mountain society (Uri Switzerland). Society which resists with a certain success against "modernity". This is possible because of the particular mental and ideological structuration that remains "archaie". This conservatisme is successful thanks to different historical and anthropological facts : 1) fectonical isolation ; 2) diversificated economy (agro-pastoralism, mercenaty-service, transportation over the St. Gothard-Pass, accomodation) ; 3) strong homoganic, endogamic, traditional family system ; 4) strong political and social community-behaviour ; 5) strong cultural pattern (pre-capitalist, catholic, magical "Wettanschauung"). The different chapters treat following problems from an ideological standpoint : 1) space time perception ; 2) demography 3) economy 4) political and religious pattern, life-style ; 5) a cultural pattern, based on theoretical and ideological analysis. Conclusion : this society treats all sectors of life in fonction of a "transcendental" and "absolute reference" which gives a stable and atemporal frame to individual behaviour
Baboi, Loredana Maria. "Méthodologie pour l'IRM abdominale du petit animal à champ magnétique élevé : application à la caractérisation de lésions hépatiques sur un modèle murin de tumeurs endocrines." Lyon 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008LYO10033.
Full textAt the moment, the information about the natural history of the hepatic lesions caused by the endocrine tumors is still limited. The experimental model of endocrine tumors with liver dissemination is available. Non-invasive small animal magnetic resonance imaging is of particular interest for the hepatic examination of lesions. In this context, our objective consisted in the evaluation of the detection level and characterization of the liver lesions for an athymic nude-mouse model. An adapted MRI protocol has been developed, based on the T2-weighted sequences and original cardio-respiratory gating strategies. These sequences have been specifically developed and validated along a longitudinal study performed at high magnetic field. Protocol was further improved with the development of additional methods to strongly reduce the acquisition time without contrast losses as well as acquired synchronized T1-weighted image independently of the respiratory period. Finally, an original gating device based on optical fiber has been validated for liver imaging
Quiroga, Espitia Lenny Maritza. "Isomérisation du lactose en lactulose en solution modèle de lactose et dans du perméat de lactosérum par électro-activation supportée par échange ionique sur résine." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26958.
Full textThe isomerization of lactose to lactulose in alkaline conditions was carried out electrochemically using an electro-activation reactor in combination with three types of anion-exchange polystyrene resins, namely Lewatit VPOC 1065 weak acid, Lewatit MP-64 medium acid, and Lewatit Monoplus M500 strong acid. The operational parameters evaluated in this study have been adjusted to three blocks to optimize the system: first block: a) ratio lactose- 5% (w /v): anionexchange resin (1:0.5, 1:1 and 1:2), b) electric field intensity of 50 mA, 100 mA, and 200 mA, and c) resin type; second block: a) electric field intensity of 300 mA, 450 mA, and 550 mA, b) flow rate (25 ml / min, 50 ml / min, and 100 ml / min); and c) area of the membrane adjacent to the cathode compartment (0.78 cm2,7.06 cm2, and 18.1 cm2); and third block: distance between the membrane and the electrode (3.1 cm, 5.6 cm, and 9 cm). The same experimental model was used with whey permeat at a concentration of 7% (w/v). Obtained results revealed that the best yield was obtained after 30 minutes of electro-activation using a typical solution based on 20.1% of lactose-5% under a current intensity of 550 mA, a flow rate of 25 ml / min, a membrane area of 7.06 cm2, and a distance of 9 cm between the membrane and the electrode. The use of whey permeate-7% resulted in 8.34% of lactulose under a current intensity of 200 mA, a flow rate of 120 ml / min, a membrane area of 18.1 cm2, and a distance of 9 cm in the cathodic compartment. The analysis of variance indicated a significant catalytic effect on the resin type since the strong acid resin allowed obtaining the highest yields of the isomerization reaction by electro-activation. The overall electrical resistance of the electro-activation system depends on the current intensity. The final product was of high purity since it contains only few traces of galactose (< 4%).
Vincent, Claire. "Le petit monde du développement porté par les migrants : une sociologie de la reconnaissance des « associations de migrants » dans les arènes françaises de la coopération au développement (1981-2014)." Thesis, Paris 10, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA100052.
Full textDrawing on interviews, archives and ethnographic studies in Lyon, Lille, Paris and in Benin, this work studies the recognition process of organisations self-identified or assigned as migrant since 1981. First, it retraces the steps of the building, expressing and hearing of a request for recognition and participation in French cooperation arenas. Then it examines how an alliance of public officers and activists take charge of what is considered as a new public problem. A new frame promoting the ‘Migrant-led Development’ is elaborated in 2002. It if composed of a new recognition grammar, new public programmes, the invention of a new institutional category – the Migrant Organisations for International Solidarity ‘OSIM’ – and collectives dedicated to their representation. After that, the struggling process for the institutionalisation of this new frame is considered. It faces strong global, national and local heteronomous forces and tries to negotiate its autonomy and its stability through decentralisation and adoption of global technical and apolitical development norms. Finally, this work studies the conditions for participation parity for migrant associations into translocal arenas. Deconstructing the political, activistic and academic commonplace of ‘local’ and ‘community’ action for migrant associations, this work explores the unequal and ethnicised relations in cooperation for development arenas and reveals a ‘small world’ characterised by an ambiguous and almost invisible recognition order
Toufik, Bennouas. "Modélisation de parcours du Web et calcul de communautés par émergence." Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00137084.
Full textLa première partie fait une analyse des grand réseaux d'interactions et introduit un nouveau modèle de crawls du Web. Elle commence par définir les propriétés communes des réseaux d'interactions, puis donne quelques modèles graphes aléatoires générant des graphes semblables aux réseaux d'interactions. Pour finir, elle propose un nouveau modèle de crawls aléatoires.
La second partie propose deux modèles de calcul de communautés par émergence dans le graphe du Web. Après un rappel sur les mesures d'importances, PageRank et HITS est présenté le modèle gravitationnel dans lequel les nœuds d'un réseau sont mobile et interagissent entre eux grâce aux liens entre eux. Les communautés émergent rapidement au bout de quelques itérations. Le second modèle est une amélioration du premier, les nœuds du réseau sont dotés d'un objectif qui consiste à atteindre sa communautés.
Espagne, Etienne. "Trois essais d’économie sur les politiques climatiques dans un monde post-Kyoto." Paris, EHESS, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EHES0066.
Full textThis thesis deals with three complementary economic approaches of the climate challenge. First, a critical analysis of integrated assessment models is carried out using the RESPONSE model. It concludes to their relative usefulness as a transparency tool for reasonings and hypotheses of the negociating parties in the climate diplomacy. A methodology to compare modelization structures is then proposed and tested. Finally the economic conditions for not trespassing the 2°C threshold are put into light, inside a cost-benefit framework, as well as their implications for the diplomatic agenda. Second, we analyze some obstacles and driving forces of a real economy in its interaction with the climate constraint. Three levels of viscosity of an economy are highlighted, having sufficiently different properties to justify a different analytical treatment. On the institutional level, we lower the importance of the pure time preference in the Stern/Nordhau controversy. On the infrastructure level, we show that the introduction of climate uncertainty can justify precautionary investment in the long-term sector and also define some properties of an infrastructure relevant to the climate question. On the technical change side, we build a critic of the AABH model and present some elements of an alternative research program on the subject of its redirection. Third, we introduce money in this description of a real economy, or more precisely the financial sector. We describe and modelize an innovative tool for the energy transition respecting the constraints highlighted in the two preceding parts
Duquenne, Frédéric. "Un tout petit monde : les notables de la ville de Douai du règne de Philippe II à la conquête française (milieu du XVIe siècle-1667) : pouvoir, réseaux et reproduction sociale." Lille 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LIL30023.
Full textIn 1562, Philippe II decided to found a new university in Douai. This foundation registered in the wake of the Counter-Reformation. It durably transformed the town, which had trouble occupying its large fortified area. The political and religious conflict of the 16th century didn't really affect Douai, which appeared as a city faithful to the Catholic Church and to the king of Spain until the French conquest (1667). The Magistrate who manged the city was a large échevinage typical of the Low Countries. Its originality lied in its appointment that mixed cooptation and election and didn't give full influence to the sovereign on the local elites. The analysis of its composition and the reconstruction of the networks of kinship showed that the men running the city formed a small world of notables who were well connected. But, in a city in which the population fluctuated between ten and fifteen thousand inhabitants, the upper class of the society wasn't numerous enough to take up all the places of the magistrate and had to open up to shoopkeepers and craftsmen. Conflicts within the elite regularly broke out, but they rarely sank into violence. During ther Dutch revolt, as Douai was going through its greatest political crisis, the confrontation was contained thanks to a sense of solidarity within the elite
Kang, Seungwoo. "La place de la bioénergie dans un monde sobre en carbone : Analyse prospective et développement de la filière biomasse dans le modèle TIAM-FR." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PSLEM081/document.
Full textWith growing concerns about the environment, countries are increasing efforts to reduce their fossil fuel dependency, the major source of greenhouse gas emissions, by replacing them with clean energy sources including bioenergy. In this context induced by the Paris’ Agreement and climate change mitigation targets, the bioenergy is being highlighted in the pathway to the decarbonization of our society. The work of this thesis concentrates on the perspectives of bioenergy development aiming to analyze the evolution of bioenergy production in view of policies, global exchange of biomass resources and the sustainable utilization of bioenergy in the long term in a context of decarbonization of societies. In terms of analysis, this thesis focuses also on the better implementation of bioenergy chain in our global energy system optimization model, TIAM-FR. This manuscript is structured in four chapters. The first chapter presents the actual position of bioenergy, bioenergy development strategy as well as the way how they are integrated into our modeling approach. The second chapter is dedicated to present the developments effectuated for the bioenergy chain in the model TIAM-FR. The third chapter shows our work regarding the evaluation of biomass resources potentials. Lastly, the role of bioenergy in the climate change mitigation context has been discussed at a global scale and by a focus on four Asian countries, China, India, Japan and South Korea
Bouhana, Emmanuel. "Analyse du comportement petit signal du transistor MOS : contribution à une nouvelle approche d'extraction et de modélisation pour des applications RF." Phd thesis, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00333413.
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