Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Modèles espace-état'
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Šinkūnienė, Kristina. "Tax culture assessment model." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2010. http://vddb.laba.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2009~D_20100202_163021-12066.
Full textPasaulyje vykstantys ekonominės krizės procesai, jos padariniai, įtakojantys visą valstybės gyvenimą, taip pat ir mokesčių sistemą, verčia kalbėti apie jų įtaką mokesčių kultūros pokyčiams. Siekiant pagrįsti mokesčių kultūros tyrimų svarbą, darbe pateikta mokesčių ir kultūros sąryšių bei mokesčių sistemos analizė (filosofiniu, socialiniu – kultūriniu, teologiniu aspektais). Disertacijoje pateikta sisteminė mokesčių kultūros sampratos ir jos formavimosi prielaidų analizė, patikslinta mokesčių kultūros samprata, pagrįsti mokesčių kultūrą sąlygojantys veiksniai. Mokesčių kultūros vertinimo prielaidos patikrintos, įvertinus mokesčių kultūrą sąlygojančių veiksnių atsispindėjimą makroekonominiuose rodikliuose ir atlikus Lietuvos mokesčių mokėtojų nuomonės tyrimą mokesčių kultūros sampratos tikrinimui ir ją sąlygojančių svarbiausių veiksnių nustatymui. Suformuotas sisteminis mokesčių kultūros vertinimo modelis apima mokesčių kultūrą sąlygojančių veiksnių tikslinimą ir sisteminimą, svarbiausių veiksnių nustatymą ir išskyrimą, rodiklių įvertinančių šiuos veiksnius parinkimą ir pagrindimą, mokesčių kultūros vertinimo matematinio modelio formavimą ir jo tikrinimą bei universalaus mokesčių kultūros vertinimo modelio pagrindimą. Modelis atspindi mokesčių kultūros kaip požiūrio ir elgsenos sintezės vertinimą. Sudarytu ir empiriškai ES šalių pavyzdžiu patikrintu modeliu gali naudotis bet kurios šalies su apmokestinimu susiję dalyviai ar jų grupės ir ypač politikai, mokesčių administratoriai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Lei, U. Ian. "Building an e-government acceptance model, based on TAM, incorporating trust in e-commerce." Thesis, University of Macau, 2007. http://umaclib3.umac.mo/record=b1637055.
Full textWang, Xuyang. "Factors Influence Citizen Adoption for Government E-Tax Service." Thesis, Örebro universitet, Handelshögskolan vid Örebro Universitet, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-22959.
Full textPerez, Sebastian, Jorge Cabrera, Jose Rodriguez, and Carlos Raymundo. "E-Government Adoption Model Extended with Public Value in Peru." Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/656351.
Full textCurrently, due to the existing potential regarding technology in the provision of services, the Peruvian government has developed solutions for its inhabitants. A survey conducted by the United Nations in 2016 endorses this fact, showing a high rate of technological development with respect to e-government. However, the same publication showed the low rate of citizen participation about it. These results show how, although there are many government technological services, these do not focus on the citizen or in their active participation, but mainly on technological development. In the present study, an adoption model is proposed, extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) incorporating public value, specifically environmental sustainability, as an external variable. The validation of the proposal was made through a validated survey with experts in the environmental field and applied to citizens of the Peruvian capital. Our results show that environmental sustainability is a factor that positively affects the adoption of e-government in Peru and that should be considered by the authorities as an enhancer of citizen participation about it.
Flores, Liubov Alexandrovna. "Algoritmos Paralelos de Reconstrucción de Imágenes TAC sobre Arquitecturas Heterogéneas." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/59424.
Full text[ES] En medicina, el diagnóstico basado en imágenes de tomografía axial computerizada (TAC) es fundamental para la determinación de anormalidades a través de diferentes valores de atenuación de la energía de rayos-X, las cuales, frecuentemente, son difíciles de ser distinguidas por los radiólogos. Se han desarrollado diferentes técnicas de reconstrucción de imagen. En este trabajo analizamos y comparamos métodos analíticos e iterativos para resolver de forma eficiente el problema de reconstrucción. Hoy, en la práctica, el proceso de reconstrucción de imagen se basa en algoritmos analíticos entre los cuales, el algoritmo de retroproyección filtrada 'filtered backprojection' (FBP) es el más conocido. Este algoritmo se usa para implementar la Transformada de Radon inversa que es una herramienta matemática cuya utilización principal en Ingeniería Biomédica es la reconstrucción de imágenes TAC. Desde el comienzo del desarrollo de escáneres ha sido importante reducir el tiempo de escaneo, mejorar la calidad de imagen y reducir el tiempo de reconstrucción. La tecnología de hoy ofrece potentes sistemas con varios procesadores y núcleos que posibilitan reducir el tiempo invertido en la reconstrucción de imágenes. En este trabajo se analiza el algoritmo FBP basado en la Transformada de Radon inversa y su relación con la Transformada de Fourier con el objetivo de optimizar su cálculo aprovechando al máximo los recursos del sistema. Este algoritmo se basa en proyecciones paralelas y se destaca por su simplicidad y robustez, y permite extender los resultados a una variedad de situaciones. En muchas aplicaciones el conjunto de proyecciones necesarias para la reconstrucción puede ser incompleto por razones físicas. Entonces, la única posibilidad es realizar una reconstrucción aproximada. En estas condiciones, las imágenes reconstruidas por los algoritmos analíticos en dos o tres dimensiones son de baja calidad y con muchos artefactos. Los métodos iterativos son más adecuados para la reconstrucción de imágenes cuando se dispone de un menor número de proyecciones en condiciones más ruidosas. Su uso puede ser importante para el funcionamiento en escáneres portátiles en condiciones de urgencia en cualquier lugar. Sin embargo, en la práctica, estos métodos son menos usados por su alto coste computacional. En este trabajo presentamos el estudio y diversas implementaciones paralelas que permiten bajar el coste computacional de tales métodos iterativos como SART, MLEM y LSQR. Los métodos iterativos se han convertido en un tópico de gran interés para muchos vendedores de sistemas de TAC clínicos por su capacidad de resolver el problema de reconstrucción con un número limitado de proyecciones. Esto proporciona la posibilidad de reducir la dosis radiactiva en los pacientes durante el proceso de adquisición de datos. Al mismo tiempo, en la reconstrucción aparecen artefactos no deseados. Para resolver el problema en forma efectiva y eficiente, hemos adaptado el método LSQR con el método de filtrado 'Soft Threshold Filtering' y el algoritmo de aceleración 'Fast Iterative Shrinkage-thresholding Algorithm' para TAC. La eficiencia y fiabilidad del método nombrado LSQR-STF-FISTA se presenta en este trabajo. Los métodos de reconstrucción de imágenes se analizan mediante la reconstrucción a partir de proyecciones simuladas y reales, comparando la calidad de imagen reconstruida con el objetivo de obtener conclusiones respecto a los métodos usados. Basándose en este estudio, concluimos que los métodos iterativos son capaces de reconstruir imágenes con el conjunto limitado de proyecciones con un bajo coste computacional.
[CAT] En medicina, el diagnòstic basat en imatges de tomografia axial compueritzada (TAC) és fonamental per a la determinació d'anormalitats a través de diferents valors d'atenuació de l'energia de rajos-X, les quals, freqüentment,són difícils de ser distingides pels radiòlegs. S'han desenvolupat diferents tècniques de reconstrucció d'imatge. En aquest treball analitzem i comparem mètodes analítics i iteratius per a resoldre el problema de reconstrucció. Avui, en la pràctica, el procés de reconstrucció d'imatge es basa en algorismes analítics entre els quals, l'algorisme de retroproyección filtrada 'filtered backprojection' (FBP) és el més conegut. Aquest algorisme s'usa per a implementar la Transformada de Radon inversa que és una eina matemàtica la utilització principal de la qual en Enginyeria Biomèdica és la reconstrucció d'imatges TAC. Des del començament del desenvolupament dels lectors òptics ha sigut important reduir el temps d'escanege, millorar la qualitat d'imatge i reduir el temps de reconstrucció. La tecnologia d'avui ofereix potents sistemes amb diversos processadors i nuclis que possibiliten reduir el temps invertit en la reconstrucció d'imatges. En aquest treball s'analitza l'algorisme FBP basat en la Transformada de Radon inversa i la seua relació amb la Transformada de Fourier amb l'objectiu d'optimitzar el seu càlcul aprofitant al màxim els recursos del sistema. Aquest algorisme es basa en projeccions paral·leles i es destaca per la seua simplicitat i robustesa, i permet estendre els resultats a una varietat de situacions. En moltes aplicacions el conjunt de projeccions necessàries per a la reconstrucció pot ser incomplet per raons físiques. Llavors, l'única possibilitat és realitzar una reconstrucció aproximada. En aquestes condicions, les imatges reconstruïdes pels algorismes analítics en dues o tres dimensions són de baixa qualitat i amb molts artefactes. Els mètodes iteratius són més adequats per a la reconstrucció d'imatges quan es disposa d'un menor nombre de projeccions en condicions més sorolloses. El seu ús pot ser important per al funcionament en escáneres portàtils en condicions d'urgència en qualsevol lloc. No obstant açò, en la pràctica, aquests mètodes són menys usats pel seu alt cost computacional. En aquest treball presentem l'estudi i diverses implementacions paral·leles que permeten baixar el cost computacional de tals mètodes iteratius com SART, MLEM i LSQR. Els mètodes iteratius s'han convertit en un tòpic de gran interès per a molts venedors de sistemes de TAC clínics per la seua capacitat de resoldre el problema de reconstrucció amb un nombre limitat de projeccions. Açò proporciona la possibilitat de reduir la dosi radioactiva en els pacients durant el procés d'adquisició de dades. Al mateix temps, en la reconstrucció apareixen artefactes no desitjats. Per a resoldre el problema en forma efectiva i eficient, hem adaptat el mètode LSQR amb el mètode de filtrat 'Soft Threshold Filtering' i l'algorisme d'acceleració 'Fast Iterative Shrinkage-thresholding Algorithm' per a TAC. L'eficiència i fiabilitat del mètode nomenat LSQR-STF-FISTA es presenta en aquest treball. Els mètodes de reconstrucció d'imatges s'analitzen mitjançant la reconstrucció a partir de projeccions simulades i reals, comparant la qualitat d'imatge reconstruïda amb l'objectiu d'obtenir conclusions respecte als mètodes usats. Basant-se en aquest estudi, concloem que els mètodes iteratius són capaços de reconstruir imatges amb el conjunt limitat de projeccions amb un baix cost computacional.
Flores, LA. (2015). Algoritmos Paralelos de Reconstrucción de Imágenes TAC sobre Arquitecturas Heterogéneas [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59424
Meli, Peggy. "PERSPECTIVES OF HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT FACULTY USE OF AN E-LEARNING LABORATORY AND TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE." Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2008. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/4173.
Full textPh.D.
Department of Educational Research, Technology and Leadership
Education PhD
Pérez, Chacón Sebastián Ramón, Vilchez Jose Luis Rodriguez, Berrios Jorge Antonio Cabrera, Ibañez Carlos Arturo Raymundo, and David Santos Mauricio. "Increasing e-government adoption by emphasizing environmental sustainability: an extended case study in Peru." Emerald Group Holdings Ltd, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/655952.
Full textMitka, Darius. "Roboto valdymo sistema." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2004. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2004~D_20040621_172148-76217.
Full textLisauskas, Saulius. "Tiesiaeigių asinchroninių variklių nesimetrinių režimų tyrimas." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2007. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2006~D_20070111_133146-95920.
Full textLanigan, Lisa Gooding. "Effects of Two Cancer Genes, HTLV-1 Tax and E-Cadherin, on Cancer Development and Progression." The Ohio State University, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1339177362.
Full textDeGennaro, Alfred Joseph. "Application of Multiple Intelligence Theory to an e-Learning Technology Acceptance Model." Cleveland State University / OhioLINK, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=csu1273053153.
Full textGünther, Franziska. "Zur studentischen Nutzung von E-Learning- und Social Web-Anwendungen im universitären Kontext – eine explorative Analyse." Master's thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2018. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-235060.
Full textGuardia, Mabel Simone de Ara?jo Bezerra. "Fatores condicionantes da utiliza??o da Internet na compra de servi?os de viagens e turismo: estudo com turistas brasileiros em visita ? Natal-RN." Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2006. http://repositorio.ufrn.br:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/15096.
Full textIn today s global society, companies have become even more competitive with the abundance of information that prospective clients have available to them. This way the tourist services has appropriate the distribution using electronics ways as information for doing acquirement services. This work, shows the adopted provision of on-line tourist services does have suited apportionment for factors and buy decisions. The method used is a survey applied to the tourists, at international airport Augusto Severo, no matter why the visit reason to Natal city, at all, they were 210 people, being the chief variables evaluated the tourist perception of facility, utility, benefits, amenity and pleasure from the Internet s use, under the terms at the tourists experiences from the WEB about to acquisitions and researches. The results acquaint that the younger tourists or less experts tourists, in visit to Natal, demonstrated greater bias to the Internet s use than the other people. By the way women have a larger representation as a consumer from the WEB and finally, people along greater study tends to adopt. The work s contribution provides greater knowledge for the tourism executives about how might use the Internet, as well as bring forward a scene propitious for the on-line diffuseness service
A sociedade vive atualmente uma competitividade constante entre as empresas, uma vez que os clientes disp?em cada vez mais de informa??es para fazer aquisi??o de servi?os. Desta forma a presta??o de servi?os tur?sticos tem adequado sua distribui??o por meio eletr?nico. Este estudo descreve o perfil de ado??o da Internet, assim como fatores que afetam a decis?o de compra de servi?os tur?sticos on line. A metodologia utilizada foi um survey aplicado junto aos turistas, no aeroporto Augusto Severo, independente do motivo da visita ? cidade do Natal-RN, totalizando 210 entrevistados, sendo as principais vari?veis analisadas a percep??o do turista quanto a facilidade, utilidade, divers?o e benef?cios do uso da Internet, com base nas experi?ncias dos turistas e ado??o da rede para compras e pesquisas. Os resultados revelaram que os turistas, que visitam Natal, mais jovens com menos experi?ncia, demonstraram maior propens?o quanto ao uso da Internet do que o restante, a mulher por sua vez tem uma maior representa??o como consumidora da rede e as pessoas com maior grau de instru??o t?m maior tend?ncia a adotar. A contribui??o desse estudo ? a de propiciar um maior conhecimento para os executivos de turismo sobre como podem utilizar a Internet, bem como apresentar um cen?rio prop?cio para a difus?o de servi?os on line
Costa, Neto Jos? Luiz. "O "modo de estar" Guarani : Miguel de Artiguaye, pol?tica fragment?ria e volatilidade do "ser"." Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, 2008. http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/2274.
Full textO presente estudo problematiza inicialmente uma conhecida refer?ncia do padre Antonio Ruiz de Montoya. Na obra Conquista espiritual, o referido inaciano aborda o sil?ncio jesu?tico frente ? poligamia guarani no decorrer do primeiro bi?nio de instala??o das redu??es no Rio da Prata. Tal fragmento tem sido utilizado para corroborar a tese de que os mission?rios perceberam na poligamia guarani o maior obst?culo ? catequese dos ind?genas. N?o obstante, alvitra-se neste estudo que, do ponto de vista jesu?tico, a poligamia era um mal menor quando comparada ?s demais pr?ticas guarani. Em seguida, h? uma reorienta??o da pesquisa. Descrevese, ent?o, a trajet?ria do cacique Miguel de Artiguaye para, em seguida, problematizar o contato entre os Guarani e os inacianos. Ver-se-? que conceitos como identidade, resist?ncia e submiss?o s?o insuficientes para a interpreta??o das rela??es estabelecidas entre o cacique e os padres. Ao contr?rio, prop?e-se que Artiguaye tentara incluir os inacianos em suas formas relacionais pr?-contato. N?o obstante, diante da proposta identit?ria crist?, Artiguaye teve de reavaliar os significados da chegada dos catequizadores ao Rio da Prata e a possibilidade de aliar-se e inimizar-se com eles
Smith, Jo. "THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL PRESENCE ON TEACHER TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE, CONTINUANCE INTENTION, AND PERFORMANCE IN AN ONLINE TEACHER PROF." Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2006. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/3665.
Full textPh.D.
Department of Educational Research, Technology and Leadership
Education: Ph.D.
Orire, Endurance. "The techno-economics of bitumen recovery from oil and tar sands as a complement to oil exploration in Nigeria / E. Orire." Thesis, North-West University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/5704.
Full textThesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
Lima, Júnior Geraldo Coelho. "Conexões táteis : sensorialidade no design de moda no segmento do vestuário masculino." Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, 2008. http://sitios.anhembi.br/tedesimplificado/handle/TEDE/1549.
Full textCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Esta pesquisa se propõe a estudar as relações entre a pele e a roupa a partir do desenvolvimento de coleções de design de moda no segmento do vestuário. Ao abordar as etapas do processo projetual pretende-se investigar os momentos em que a percepção tátil pode representar a coadjuvação como fator auxiliar na elaboração de um produto de moda, ou seja, a peça de roupa. Faz-se objeto deste estudo a observação das etapas do projeto, desde a escolha das matérias-primas que compõem a cartela de tecidos até a finalização da coleção. As relações de contato entre tecido e pele ou ainda entre roupa e corpo são examinadas como componentes na elaboração de um projeto. Sensibilidade e percepção são características humanas, mas únicas para cada sujeito. Investigar esta interação entre o produto do design de moda e os sentidos, com enfoque sobre o sentido do tato, é o objetivo desta pesquisa.
Antila, Adam, and Christian Ek. "Faktorer som påverkar olika betalsätt online : En jämförelsestudie mellan faktura, kort och flera alternativ vid handel online." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-24366.
Full textThe rapid development of E-commerce over the past decade has opened up new opportunities for both businesses and consumers, and this has changed the payment methods. In line with the technological development that has taken place, consumers' intentions and perceptions have also changed and factors such as usability, ease of use, trust and risk are strongly linked to online purchasing behavior. The two most common payment methods for Swedish e-commerce consumers today are bank cards / credit cards and invoices. The purpose of this study was to examine the intention and perception of payment methods, cards and invoice of Swedish consumers, as well as situations with more payment options when shopping online. To our aid, the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) has been used together with Pavlous (2003) e-commerce model to see if the factors they found also affected Swedish consumers. A questionnaire was developed focusing on three parts, 1) bank card / credit card, 2) invoice and 3) several payment methods. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS and the results showed that the factor that had the greatest impact was usability. For the payment methods bank card / credit card and when several options were listed, the analysis showed that the risk factor did not affect the intention to use the payment methods. Invoice was the payment method that was perceived as least risky among the respondents. The result also showed that although bank cards / credit cards have a higher risk, most people are inclined to use the payment method in the next purchase, as opposed to invoice, which had a lower risk which can be explained by bank card / credit card being the most used payment method in Sweden.
Hoang, Quang. "Fast driftställe enligt OECD:s modellavtal i ljuset av elektronisk handel." Thesis, Jönköping University, JIBS, Commercial Law, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-12468.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the concept of permanent establishment, as defined in Article 5 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital, is applicable to electronic commerce and if so whether the current definition is able to appropriately deal with the challenges of electronic commerce.
In 2003, the OECD added a new section to the Commentary on the Model Tax Convention on Article 5. The new section is a clarification on the application of the permanent establishment definition in electronic commerce.
The current definition of permanent establishment in the Model Tax Convention relies on the physical presence of a foreign corporation as the threshold for source taxation. While the current definition, prima facie, might be applicable on electronic commerce, the highly mobile nature of electronic commerce might affect the current revenue distribution equilibrium between states.
Wahlberg, Arvid. "The Effects of National Culture Values on Consumer Acceptance of E-commerce : The Swedish Case." Thesis, KTH, Industriell ekonomi och organisation (Inst.), 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-163222.
Full textAudu, Janet. "Technology Adoption in Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC): An Empirical Study Investigating Factors that Influence Online Shopping Adoption." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/37349.
Full textAlkhwaldi, Albeeer F. A. H. "Jordanian Citizen-Centric Cloud Services Acceptance Model in an e-Government Context: Security Antecedents for Using Cloud Services." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10454/18241.
Full textAlboqami, Hassan Abdullah. "Investigating the factors affecting customers' trust and acceptance of online banking : the case of Saudi Arabia." Thesis, Brunel University, 2018. http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/handle/2438/17127.
Full textMachado, Petruska de Araujo. "Adoção e uso de tecnologia : uma análise entre as características de inovação tecnológica e o comportamento dos docentes em torno do uso do Moodle." Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 2011. http://tede.biblioteca.ufpb.br:8080/handle/tede/3771.
Full textCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
In this study, the research model based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) (DAVIS et al., 1989) and innovation diffusion theory (IDT) (ROGERS, 2003) was used to analyze the relation between the characteristics of innovation and teacher s behavior in the process of adoption and use of Moodle in the undergraduate courses at distance. Survey was applied with 162 teachers at distance of Universidade Federal da Paraíba Virtual, issue focusing on the perceived characteristics of innovation, attitude and intention about the use of Moodle. Multivariate statistical techniques were performed: 1) content-vality to analyze the complete structure of scale for relevance and representativeness of items and to verify which items refer to construct in question; 2) exploratory factory analysis to know the structure of interrelationship of the original variables of IDT; 3) confirmatory factor analysis to guarantee conceptual validity for the pattern observed; 4) coefficient alpha to verify the homogeneity of set of items; 5) ANOVA to verify the likely differences between the groups of respondents; and 6) multiple regression analysis to analyze the relation between constructs. Results showed that not all factors of IDT had effect on attitude and intention. Only three constructs had significant effect on attitude and/or intention: relative advantage+compatibility for work style (β = 0,792), visibility (β = 0,166) and result demonstrability (β = 0,152). Moreover, teachers had a positive attitude in relation to use of Moodle and a positive intention in relation to use in the future. It was not possible to confirm all the relation of TAM, probably this verification was been compromised for some problems in the measurement process, thus, the only unsupported relationship of TAM was the effect of complexity on attitude. An academic contribution was that although some constructs of IDT did not show effect on the constructs of TAM, the model provided evidence of appropriated application of constructs of TAM with IDT to measure attitude and intention of use of Moodle. A management contribution was the understanding and prediction the teacher s behavior in relation to adoption and use process of Moodle, being possible to verify the effectiveness of innovative project of distance learning in the UFPB Virtual.
Nesse estudo, o modelo de pesquisa baseado no modelo de aceitação da tecnologia (Technology Acceptance Model - TAM) (DAVIS et al., 1989) e na teoria da difusão da inovação (Innovation Diffusion Theory - IDT) (ROGERS, 2003) foi usado para analisar a relação entre as características de inovação e o comportamento dos docentes no processo de adoção e de uso do Moodle em cursos de graduação a distância. Foi utilizada uma estratégia de levantamento (survey) aplicado a 162 docentes a distância da Universidade Federal da Paraíba Virtual, focando questão sobre as características percebidas de inovação, atitude e intenção em torno do uso do Moodle. Foram realizadas técnicas estatísticas multivariadas: 1) validação de translação para analisar a estrutura completa das escalas em relação à pertinência e representatividade dos itens e a verificação de que os itens propostos remetem ao construto em questão; 2) análise fatorial exploratória para conhecer a estrutura das inter-relações das variáveis originais da IDT; 3) análise fatorial confirmatória para garantir a validade conceitual para os padrões observados; 4) alpha de Cronbach para verificar a homogeneidade do conjunto de itens das escalas; 5) ANOVA para verificar as possíveis diferenças entre os grupos de respondentes; e 6) análise de regressão múltipla para analisar a relação entre os construtos. Os resultados revelaram que nem todos os fatores da IDT tiveram efeito sobre atitude e intenção. Apenas três construtos apresentaram efeito significativo sobre a atitude e/ou intenção: avanço relativo+compatibilidade por estilo de trabalho (β = 0,792), visibilidade (β = 0,166) e demonstrabilidade de resultado (β = 0,152). Além disso, os docentes tiveram uma atitude positiva em relação ao uso do Moodle bem como uma intenção positiva em relação ao seu uso futuro. Não foi possível confirmar todos os relacionamentos do TAM, provavelmente essa verificação foi comprometida por alguns problemas no processo de mensuração das escalas, sendo assim, o único relacionamento do TAM não suportado foi o efeito de complexidade sobre atitude. Uma contribuição acadêmica foi que apesar de alguns construtos da IDT não terem apresentado efeito sobre os construtos do TAM, o modelo forneceu evidência de aplicação apropriada dos construtos do TAM com os da IDT para medir a atitude e intenção de uso do Moodle. Uma contribuição gerencial foi a compreensão e previsão do comportamento dos docentes EaD em relação ao processo de adoção e uso do Moodle, possibilitando verificar a efetividade do projeto inovador de EaD na UFPB Virtual.
Vlk, Tomáš. "Vliv mezinárodního daňového plánování na hospodaření firmy." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2009. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-222400.
Full textGrapenson, Anna, and Josefin Vestman. "Digitala plånböcker : En studie om acceptansen av de digitala plånbokstjänsterna Apple Pay och Samsung Pay." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informatik och media, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-386516.
Full textWe are moving towards an increasingly cash-free society, where mobile payments are the most frequently used payment method after card payment. Today there is a wide selection of different mobile payment services on the market. This study will focus on acceptance of digital wallets, which are payment service applications that can be used online as well as in physical stores. More specifically, we will examine the digital wallets Apple Pay and Samsung Pay, which are newly launched on the Swedish market. With the new Payment Service Directive (PSD2) initiated by the EU, more companies are expected to provide payment services based on the bank's APIs to use the customer's account information. This potential change in the financial market, where companies instead of banks manage customer account information and financial services, raises questions about customers' perceived trust and risk. The purpose of this study was to investigate which factors influenced users' acceptance and intent to use digital wallets. These factors are based on the E-commerce acceptance model, which was based on the established model Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and literature on the factors risk and trust. The data which the results were based upon were obtained from electronic surveys. The results indicated that the factors perceived usefulness and trust had the strongest impact on respondents' intention to use the digital wallets. The result and sample were also discussed based on the theory Diffusion of Innovations to contextualize the study.
Seguí, Mas Diana María. "El uso de la gamificación en la enseñanza del emprendimiento: actitud e intención de uso por parte del profesorado universitario." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/172236.
Full text[CA] En els últims anys, a les universitats no se'ls demanda únicament que actuen com a centres d'ensenyament i investigació, sinó que contribuïsquen al desenvolupament econòmic i social dels territoris en els quals estan implantades. Una de les maneres en les quals les universitats poden contribuir a aquest desenvolupament és mitjançant la transferència de coneixement d'investigació aplicada, que contribuïsca a la generació de riquesa i llocs de treball. Una altra és incrementar l'ocupabilitat dels seus egressats, facilitant la seua incorporació al sistema productiu. En aquest sentit, la universitat pot jugar un paper rellevant facilitant una formació que potencie i desenvolupe el sentit de la iniciativa i l'emprenedoria dels seus estudiants, considerat una de les habilitats fonamentals demandades en el segle XXI. Així mateix, la formació en l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants passa per l'ús de metodologies docents que siguen innovadores i motivadores i, per tant, capaces de fer front als reptes als quals s'enfronta l'educació superior actual. En aquest sentit, en els últims anys, s'ha assenyalat la capacitat de la gamificació com a eina d'instrucció altament motivadora i eficaç. Els estudis actuals assenyalen així mateix les possibilitats de l'ús de la gamificació per a desenvolupar la competència emprenedora entre els estudiants universitaris. No obstant això, el professorat és un element clau en la implantació de les metodologies i aproximacions pedagògiques emprades a l'aula. Per aquest motiu, l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és analitzar les actituds i intenció d'ús de la gamificació, per part del professorat universitari, com a metodologia docent dirigida a desenvolupar la competència emprenedora dels estudiants universitaris. Amb aquest objectiu es planteja un disseny exploratori de tall quantitatiu orientat a conéixer l'actitud i intenció d'ús del professorat universitari cap a la ludificació com a metodologia docent amb la qual desenvolupar la competència emprenedora dels estudiants universitaris. Amb aquest objectiu es desenvolupa, i valguda, un model predictiu que inclou tant variables personals (edat, gènere,) com a moduladores (clima laboral) explicatives de l'actitud i intenció d'ús del professorat universitari. Els resultats suggereixen que l'actitud enfront de l'ús resulta explicada fonamentalment per la utilitat percebuda, i en menor mesura pel clima laboral, l'edat i el gènere. D'altra banda, la intenció d'ús s'explica bàsicament per la utilitat percebuda i l'edat, i en menor grau per l'actitud, el clima laboral i el gènere.
[EN] In recent years, universities are not only required to perform as teaching and research centers, but also to be part of the economic and social development of the territories in which they are located. To do so, universities can contribute in many ways, like transfering applied research knowledge that helps in the generation of wealth and jobs or by increasing the employability of their graduates by facilitating their incorporation into the productive system. In this sense, the university as an institution can play a relevant role by providing training that enhances and develops the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship of its students, considered one of the fundamental skills demanded in the 21st century. Likewise, training students in entrepreneurship requires the use of teaching methodologies that are both innovative and motivating and, therefore, capable of meeting the challenges faced by today's higher education. In this sense, in recent years, the capacity of gamification as a highly motivating and effective instructional tool has been pointed out. Current studies also focus on the possibilities of using gamification to develop entrepreneurial competence among university students. Taking this into account and considering that teachers are still a key element in the implementation of the methodologies and pedagogical approaches used in the classroom, the main objective of this thesis is to analyze the attitudes and intention to use gamification, by university teachers, as a teaching methodology aimed at developing the entrepreneurial competence of university students. With this objective, an exploratory design of quantitative cut is proposed, oriented to know the attitude and intention of use of university professors towards gamification as a teaching methodology, to develop the entrepreneurial competence of university students. Having this objective in mind, a predictive model is developed -and validated- that includes both personal variables (age, gender) and modulating variables (work environment) that explain the attitude and intention of university professors towards the use of gamification as a teaching methodology to develop the entrepreneurial competence of university students. The results suggest that attitude towards the use of gamification is explained mainly by perceived usefulness, and to a lesser extent by work environment, age and gender. On the other hand, intention to use is basically explained by perceived usefulness and age, and to a lesser extent by attitude, work environment and gender.
Seguí Mas, DM. (2021). El uso de la gamificación en la enseñanza del emprendimiento: actitud e intención de uso por parte del profesorado universitario [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172236
Alkis, Nurcan. "Identifying Factors That Affect Students." Master's thesis, METU, 2010. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12612341/index.pdf.
Full textperceptions of computerized assessment for learning. This study additionally aims to help effective use of computers in assessment activities by guiding the teachers or educational organization by interpreting the factors that affect students&rsquo
attitudes toward computer use in examinations. Quantitative research design has been used in this study. When choosing the participants, nonprobability sampling strategy was used due to its convenience. A total number 332 student of Middle East Technical University participated in the study. The data has been analyzed via Confirmatory Factor Analysis and interpreted by Structural Equation Modeling. The data loaded under 5 constructs: Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Intention, Computer Attitude and Anxiety. By identifying the relations between these constructs, a structural model was created to determine the intention of students&rsquo
towards computerized assessment. The findings of this study have revealed that &ldquo
perceived usefulness&rdquo
is the most important determinant in students&rsquo
willingness to use computerized assessment. Additionally, if students have anxiety resulted from computer use, this affect their easiness perceptions negatively. Computer attitude is another factor that affects students&rsquo
perceptions of easiness and their anxiety. Finally it is concluded that students&rsquo
computer attitudes and anxiety affect their behaviors toward computerized assessment.
Nascimento, Rodrigo Araujo do. "Fatores relevantes na adoção e difusão de televisores conectados no Brasil: um estudo exploratório." reponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10438/8779.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2011-11-25T18:01:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação RNascimento_08082011_rev67_Reduzido1.pdf: 2534408 bytes, checksum: a7782d7a921ecb5420ebfea130643146 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2011-11-25T18:02:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação RNascimento_08082011_rev67_Reduzido1.pdf: 2534408 bytes, checksum: a7782d7a921ecb5420ebfea130643146 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-11-25T18:03:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação RNascimento_08082011_rev67_Reduzido1.pdf: 2534408 bytes, checksum: a7782d7a921ecb5420ebfea130643146 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011
This study aims to raise the relevant factors - both positively and negatively - to the adoption and diffusion of connected televisions in Brazil. The goal is to develop and test a meta-model, generated from existing models in the literature such as the 'TAM' (Technology Acceptance Model), Davis (1989) and diffusion of innovations 'DOI' (Diffusion of Innovations), Rogers (1995), together with the possibilities brought by this new connected television technology.
Este estudo objetiva levantar os fatores relevantes – tanto positiva quanto negativamente - para a adoção e difusão dos televisores conectados no país. O objetivo é desenvolver e testar um metamodelo, gerado a partir de modelos já existentes na literatura, como o 'TAM' (Technology Acceptance Model), de Davis (1989) e difusão de inovações 'DOI' (Diffusion of Innovations), de Rogers (1995), em conjunto com as possibilidades trazidas pela nova tecnologia dos televisores conectados.
Silva, Maria Sueli Ribeiro da [UNESP]. "A língua kaingáng da aldeia paulista Icatu: uma descrição funcional." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/100118.
Full textOs índios Kaingáng do Oeste Paulista, após o processo de pacificação, foram levados a viver em aldeias, demarcadas pelo Governo e administradas pelo SPI – Serviço de Proteção ao índio (hoje FUNAI). A primeira aldeia que surgiu desse processo foi a de Icatu, localizada a 8 km da cidade Braúna, no Oeste Paulista. Os professores Kaingáng de Icatu atualmente demonstram a preocupação com o ensino da língua, já que, segundo eles, a fala e a escrita do Kaingáng do Sul não correspondem com a do Kaingáng de São Paulo e que há diferenças entre as duas variedades. Para verificar se as observações dos Kaingáng paulistas têm fundamento, propusemo-nos em descrever o dialeto Kaingáng paulista da aldeia Icatu, comparando-o com o dialeto Kaingáng do Sul. A hipótese é a de que a divergência entre as duas variedades do Kaingáng se deve ao contato do Kaingáng de Icatu com a língua terena, também falada nessa aldeia, e, principalmente, com o português, atualmente a primeira língua. Para tanto, investigamos a ordenação e as categorias Tempo, Modo e Aspecto (TAM), diferenciando aspectos morfossintáticos mais visíveis entre as duas variedades. Para averiguarmos a ordenação e a categorização do TAM no Kaingáng do Sul, utilizamos os trabalhos de Wiesemann (1967, 1971, 2002), D´Angelis (2004, 2005) e Gonçalves (2007, 2009a, 2009b, 2010a, 2010b). E, para mostramos os aspectos relacionados à sintaxe do Kaingáng paulista, embasamo-nos em Cavalcanti (1987), D´Angelis e Silva (2000), D´Angelis (2002a, 2002b, 2006a, 2006b, 2008a, 2008b). O corpus analisado compõe-se de sentenças e narrativas produzidas por professores Kaingáng da aldeia paulista de Icatu, com a ajuda de uma das falantes mais velhas. Ao compararmos o dialeto paulista de Icatu com o do Sul, notamos que, apesar de sua obsolescência e sua ortografia distanciada da ortografia do dialeto do Sul, a morfossintaxe...
The Kaingáng Indians from the western region of the State of São Paulo, after undergoing a pacification process, were taken to live in villages lined off by the government and managed by the Indian Protection Service [SPI - Serviço de Proteção ao Índio] (currently, FUNAI). Located 8 km away from the city of Braúna, in western São Paulo State, Icatu is the first village built out of this process. Currently, Kaingáng teachers from Icatu show concern about teaching the language, since, according to them, the spoken and written aspects of the Kaingáng from the South do not correspond to those of the Kaingáng from São Paulo. They also claim that there are differences between these two varieties. In order to verify that those claims about the Kaingáng from São Paulo are accurate, we endeavored in describing the Kaingáng dialect from São Paulo State, specifically from Icatu, comparing it to the Kaingáng dialect from the South. Our hypothesis suggests that the differences between both varieties of the Kaingáng are explained by the contact of the Kaingáng people from Icatu with the Terena language, also spoken in this village, and, mainly, with the Portuguese language, currently their first language. So, we investigated both the order and the Time, Mode and Aspect categories [TAM - Tempo, Modo, Aspecto], differentiating the most visible morphosyntactic aspects between the two varieties. In order to verify the order and the TAM categories in the Kaingáng from the South, we used written materials from Wiesemann (1967, 1971, 2002), D´Angelis (2004, 2005) and Gonçalves (2007, 2009a, 2009b, 2010a, 2010b). Also, in order to show the syntax-related aspects of the Kaingáng from São Paulo, we based our study on Cavalcanti (1987), D´Angelis e Silva (2000), D´Angelis (2002a, 2002b, 2006a, 2006b, 2008a, 2008b). The analyzed corpus is comprised of sentences and narratives put together... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Silva, Maria Sueli Ribeiro da. "A língua kaingáng da aldeia paulista Icatu : uma descrição funcional /." São José do Rio Preto : [s.n.], 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/100118.
Full textBanca: Aryon Dall'Igna Rodrigues
Banca: Wilmar da Rocha D'Angelis
Banca: Cristina Martins Fargetti
Banca: Niminon Suzel Pinheiro
Resumo: Os índios Kaingáng do Oeste Paulista, após o processo de pacificação, foram levados a viver em aldeias, demarcadas pelo Governo e administradas pelo SPI - Serviço de Proteção ao índio (hoje FUNAI). A primeira aldeia que surgiu desse processo foi a de Icatu, localizada a 8 km da cidade Braúna, no Oeste Paulista. Os professores Kaingáng de Icatu atualmente demonstram a preocupação com o ensino da língua, já que, segundo eles, a fala e a escrita do Kaingáng do Sul não correspondem com a do Kaingáng de São Paulo e que há diferenças entre as duas variedades. Para verificar se as observações dos Kaingáng paulistas têm fundamento, propusemo-nos em descrever o dialeto Kaingáng paulista da aldeia Icatu, comparando-o com o dialeto Kaingáng do Sul. A hipótese é a de que a divergência entre as duas variedades do Kaingáng se deve ao contato do Kaingáng de Icatu com a língua terena, também falada nessa aldeia, e, principalmente, com o português, atualmente a primeira língua. Para tanto, investigamos a ordenação e as categorias Tempo, Modo e Aspecto (TAM), diferenciando aspectos morfossintáticos mais visíveis entre as duas variedades. Para averiguarmos a ordenação e a categorização do TAM no Kaingáng do Sul, utilizamos os trabalhos de Wiesemann (1967, 1971, 2002), D'Angelis (2004, 2005) e Gonçalves (2007, 2009a, 2009b, 2010a, 2010b). E, para mostramos os aspectos relacionados à sintaxe do Kaingáng paulista, embasamo-nos em Cavalcanti (1987), D'Angelis e Silva (2000), D'Angelis (2002a, 2002b, 2006a, 2006b, 2008a, 2008b). O corpus analisado compõe-se de sentenças e narrativas produzidas por professores Kaingáng da aldeia paulista de Icatu, com a ajuda de uma das falantes mais velhas. Ao compararmos o dialeto paulista de Icatu com o do Sul, notamos que, apesar de sua obsolescência e sua ortografia distanciada da ortografia do dialeto do Sul, a morfossintaxe... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: The Kaingáng Indians from the western region of the State of São Paulo, after undergoing a pacification process, were taken to live in villages lined off by the government and managed by the Indian Protection Service [SPI - Serviço de Proteção ao Índio] (currently, FUNAI). Located 8 km away from the city of Braúna, in western São Paulo State, Icatu is the first village built out of this process. Currently, Kaingáng teachers from Icatu show concern about teaching the language, since, according to them, the spoken and written aspects of the Kaingáng from the South do not correspond to those of the Kaingáng from São Paulo. They also claim that there are differences between these two varieties. In order to verify that those claims about the Kaingáng from São Paulo are accurate, we endeavored in describing the Kaingáng dialect from São Paulo State, specifically from Icatu, comparing it to the Kaingáng dialect from the South. Our hypothesis suggests that the differences between both varieties of the Kaingáng are explained by the contact of the Kaingáng people from Icatu with the Terena language, also spoken in this village, and, mainly, with the Portuguese language, currently their first language. So, we investigated both the order and the Time, Mode and Aspect categories [TAM - Tempo, Modo, Aspecto], differentiating the most visible morphosyntactic aspects between the two varieties. In order to verify the order and the TAM categories in the Kaingáng from the South, we used written materials from Wiesemann (1967, 1971, 2002), D'Angelis (2004, 2005) and Gonçalves (2007, 2009a, 2009b, 2010a, 2010b). Also, in order to show the syntax-related aspects of the Kaingáng from São Paulo, we based our study on Cavalcanti (1987), D'Angelis e Silva (2000), D'Angelis (2002a, 2002b, 2006a, 2006b, 2008a, 2008b). The analyzed corpus is comprised of sentences and narratives put together... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Henriques, Hugo Daniel Ferreira Leite. "O conceito e a tributação do Estabelecimento Estável em Portugal." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/11345.
Full textO presente estudo analisa o conceito de Estabelecimento Estável (EE) previsto nas Convenções para evitar a Dupla Tributação (CDT) já celebradas por Portugal, comparando-o com o conceito estabelecido no Modelo de Convenção da OCDE (MCOCDE, 2011) e com o direito interno. Numa primeira fase avaliam-se as recentes recomendações da OCDE para melhorar a interpretação e aplicação do conceito de EE. Posteriormente procede-se à identificação das diferenças existentes entre o direito interno e o MCOCDE (2011). Finaliza-se confrontando os diferentes conceitos, identificando-se as diferenças que podem ser problemáticas para a interpretação e aplicação do conceito de EE em Portugal e aquelas que se podem traduzir em oportunidades de gestão fiscal para grupos empresariais não residentes que queiram atuar em Portugal sem EE. O estudo mostra que existem diversas recomendações da OCDE que devem ser integradas nos comentários do MCOCDE para facilitar a interpretação e aplicação do conceito de EE. Conclui-se existir um conceito de EE mais alargado no direito interno do que no MCOCDE (2011), penalizador para um residente em país com o qual Portugal não celebrou CDT. Os resultados evidenciam que o conceito estabelecido em algumas das CDTs revelam características que podem ser aproveitadas em termos de gestão fiscal, permitindo que uma entidade não residente, que seja residente em país com o qual Portugal celebrou CDT, não seja obrigada a possuir um EE em Portugal para aqui exercer determinada atividade empresarial.
The present study investigates the Permanent Establishment (PE) concept envisaged in the Double Taxation Treaties (DTT) already signed by Portugal, comparing with the concept established in the OECD Model Convention (OECDMC, 2011) and with internal law. In a first stage are evaluated the recent OECD recommendations to improve the interpretation and application of the PE concept. Afterwards we compare the existing differences between internal law and OECDMC (2011). We finalize by confronting the different concepts and by identifying the differences that may be problematic to the interpretation and application of the PE concept in Portugal and those that could arise as tax management opportunities for non-resident corporate groups of companies which intend to develop business activities in Portugal without a PE being deemed to exist. The study shows that there are several OECD recommendations that must be integrated in the OECDMC comments in order to ease the interpretation and application of the PE concept. We conclude that exist a wider PE concept in the internal law than in MCOCDE (2011), which penalizes a resident in a country with which Portugal has not entered into a DTT. The results show that the concept established in some DDTs has characteristic?s that can be exploited in terms of fiscal management, allowing a non-resident, which is resident in a country with which Portugal has concluded a DTT, not being obliged to have a PE in Portugal in order to undertake a certain business activity.
Osman, Negla, and Thomas Köhler. "Does community matter? Social and cultural influences on acceptance and use of collaborative educational technologies." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2013. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-126210.
Full textOliveira, Idelm?rcia Dantas de. "Uma perspectiva de extens?o do modelo de aceita??o de tecnologia para explicar o uso de linguagens de desenvolvimento WEB: pesquisa com desenvolvedores Pyton e Java." Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2007. http://repositorio.ufrn.br:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/14872.
Full textThe spread of the Web boosted the dissemination of Information Systems (IS) based on the Web. In order to support the implementation of these systems, several technologies came up or evolved with this purpose, namely the programming languages. The Technology Acceptance Model TAM (Davis, 1986) was conceived aiming to evaluate the acceptance/use of information technologies by their users. A lot of studies and many applications have used the TAM, however, in the literature it was not found a mention of the use of such model related to the use of programming languages. This study aims to investigate which factors influence the use of programming languages on the development of Web systems by their developers, applying an extension of the TAM, proposed in this work. To do so, a research was done with Web developers in two Yahoo groups: java-br and python-brasil, where 26 Java questionnaires and 39 Python questionnaires were fully answered. The questionnaire had general questions and questions which measured intrinsic and extrinsic factors of the programming languages, the perceived usefulness, the perceived ease of use, the attitude toward the using and the programming language use. Most of the respondents were men, graduate, between 20 and 30 years old, working in the southeast and south regions. The research was descriptive in the sense of its objectives. Statistical tools, descriptive statistics, main components and linear regression analysis were used for the data analysis. The foremost research results were: Java and Python have machine independence, extensibility, generality and reliability; Java and Python are more used by corporations and international organizations than supported by the government or educational institutions; there are more Java programmers than Python programmers; the perceived usefulness is influenced by the perceived ease of use; the generality and the extensibility are intrinsic factors of programming languages which influence the perceived ease of use; the perceived ease of use influences the attitude toward the using of the programming language
A difus?o da Web impulsionou a dissemina??o de Sistemas de Informa??o (SI) baseados na Web. Para apoiar a implementa??o desses sistemas, diversas tecnologias surgiram ou evolu?ram com este prop?sito, dentre elas as linguagens de programa??o. O Modelo de Aceita??o de Tecnologia - TAM (Davis, 1986) foi concebido com o intuito de avaliar a aceita??o/uso de tecnologias da informa??o por seus usu?rios. V?rios estudos e aplica??es diversas t?m utilizado o TAM, no entanto, n?o foi encontrada na literatura men??o a utiliza??o de tal modelo com rela??o ao uso de linguagens de programa??o. Este estudo objetiva investigar que fatores influenciam o uso de linguagens de programa??o utilizadas no desenvolvimento de sistemas Web por parte de seus desenvolvedores, utilizando uma extens?o do TAM, proposta neste estudo. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa com desenvolvedores Web pertencentes a dois grupos do Yahoo: java-br e python-brasil, no qual foram respondidos, na ?ntegra, 26 question?rios Java e 39 Python. O question?rio tinha quest?es de car?ter geral e quest?es que mediam os fatores intr?nsecos e extr?nsecos das linguagens de programa??o, a utilidade percebida, a facilidade de uso percebida, a atitude sobre o uso e o uso da linguagem de programa??o. A maioria dos respondentes eram homens, com n?vel superior, idade entre 20 e 30 anos, atuando nas regi?es sudeste e sul. Do ponto de vista de seus objetivos, a pesquisa foi descritiva. Em rela??o ? forma de abordagem, quantitativa. Para a an?lise de dados foram utilizadas ferramentas estat?sticas, estat?stica descritiva, componentes principais e an?lise de regress?o linear m?ltipla. Os principais resultados da pesquisa foram: Java e Python possuem independ?ncia de m?quina, extensibilidade, generalidade e confian?a; Java e Python s?o mais utilizadas por corpora??es e organiza??es internacionais do que apoiadas pelo governo ou institui??es de ensino; h? mais programadores Java do que Python; a utilidade percebida ? influenciada pela facilidade de uso percebida; a generalidade e a extensibilidade s?o fatores intr?nsecos as linguagens de programa??o que influenciam a facilidade de uso percebida; a facilidade de uso percebida influencia a atitude em rela??o ao uso da linguagem de programa??o
Garcia, Regina Vitoria Soares. "A tributação do ISS na sociedade da informação." Universidade de São Paulo, 2013. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/2/2133/tde-05122016-134023/.
Full textThis study aims to analyze and identify disturbances that appear on the material and spatial criteria of incidence matrix-rule model of the Service Tax, arising from structural change resulting from the incorporation of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) in electronic trade transactions. The telematic resources not only deprived the business transactions of physical contact between the individuals involved, but relativized conditions of time and space inherent in all legal facts. Therefore, we sought to examine simultaneously, in a similar way, the issue of taxation of electronic commerce in the Brazilian States, through the International Tax Law, and the reality experienced by Municipalities in the law regarding the taxation of services affected by the same technological innovations. Thus, the study was guided by the definition of connecting factors, revealed in concepts such as permanent establishment and establishment rendering to delimit the jurisdiction imposing on legal facts inherent to electronic transactions. The study begins with the definition of legal and tax issues relating to electronic commerce, establishing its concept and analyzing its specific types and characteristics, studying the legal regime of digital assets, object of direct e-commerce transactions. Still in the preliminary study, we address aspects of the Brazilian Federation, defining the reality of Municipalities and analyzing their role in the Brazilian Federation, devising the composition of their own incomes and effective participation and potential tax revenue. This analysis is concomitant to that of grant of jurisdiction imposing in Brazil, and in comparative law, ending by revisiting the themes of partition within the competence of taxes on consumption and the dichotomy type-concept. Finally, after a preliminary analysis of these issues and based on an adequate theoretical support, we studied the specific Services Tax and the new reality in the provision of services arising from the restructuring of the companies, the redistribution of work steps, and the relativization of physical presence in trade relations, analyzing the changes in the concepts of service and establishment rendering in the definition of the powers of Municipalities. At the end, we will be investigating the possibility of applying the solutions used in the international law and doctrine proposals for the concretion of the concept of permanent establishmet, applied to that of establishment rendering under domestic law, in particular the configuration of data servers and websites like setting. In conclusion, after the proposal of setting criteria for material and spatial transactions in e-commerce, we dedicate a brief study of the practical application of the proposed mechanisms to some services that were modified by the incorporation of virtual media.
Kern, Alexander Günter. "Blockchain technology : a technology acceptance model (TAM) analysis." Master's thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/25478.
Full textAtualmente o Blockchain, ou “protocolo de segurança” é uma tecnologia inovadora que garante a partilha de valor online sem intermédio de terceiros. Por outras palavras, a tecnologia garante uma rede descentralizada e segura, assegurada pela criptografia e outros mecanismos consensuais, criando uma alternativa à confiança em bancos e outros players que atuem sob a economia partilhada. O estudo em causa tenta avaliar o atual “Nível de Conhecimento” na sociedade relativamente à tecnologia, considerado como um ponto fundamental para revelar todo o seu potencial socioeconómico. O mesmo, é baseado numa versão modificada do modelo Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), proposto por Davis (1989), que procura definir relações entre variáveis previamente definidas como: ‘Facilidade de Utilização Percebida’, ‘Utilidade Percebida’ e ‘Risco Percebido’ que preveem a intenção de uso do Blockchain. Isto é, afirmarse- á que um sistema é aceite caso seja visto como seguro, conveniente e útil. Um questionário relativo ao tópico foi partilhado entre uma amostra por conveniência, composta por jovens estudantes e profissionais. Os resultados revelam que cerca de dois terços dos indivíduos que compõem a amostra não estão cientes do tópico em causa. Identificou-se que a variável ‘Risco Percebido’ é aquela que significativamente melhor determina a intenção de uso, sendo que, a análise de regressão revelou relações significativas entre todas as variáveis utilizadas. Implicações académicas e de gestão foram formuladas após a análise dos resultados. Contudo, devido à natureza da TAM e à amostra por conveniência as conclusões gerais sobre a percepção da sociedade relativamente ao Blockchain são limitadas.
Liu, Yen-Chang, and 劉晏彰. "E-commerce of TAM Model—a study of seafood." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/12835234543744696428.
Full text國立中山大學
With the technological development and popularity of the Internet user, online shopping for the consumer is becoming a part of everyday life and with a fast-growing trend. The reason why such a booming of online shopping is nothing more than a convenient search parity, Internet prices are concessions, saving time for shopping and delivery to a destination as the comsumer pointed or easy to pick up. Those factors are driving consumers to engage in this activity. Therefore, by the rapid development of online shopping, this study is going to investigate the acceptance of online shopping on seafood products. This topic is based on technology acceptance model(TAM), with perspectives of Word of Mouth(WOM), Brand and Safety and with some modified measures. Also sinking of the question items of the relevant literature research to establish the research model. 246 valided samples were collected by stratified random sampling. On the results of this study, the study concluded that (1) In the two dimensions of "perceived ease of use and usefulness" and "security" of the research model, which are in high-strength with consumer attitudes significantly, but not enough to affects consumer real actions. (2) In this study, the relationship of the various dimensions of "attitude" is generally not significant or low correlation significant. On behalf of this study assumes that the "word of mouth", "brand", "perceived ease of use and usefulness" and "security" for the "attitude" of seafood products online shopping is not the most important indicators. The most important factor may be the product itself which affected by the attitude of consumers.
Ying-Jun, Chen, and 陳盈君. "Applying TAM Model to Study the Impacts of E-learning Platform Quality on Learning Effects." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/30972559203685147086.
Full text國立屏東科技大學
Education for professional courses in enterprise, schools and individuals that are needed. Therefore, a digital curriculum to connect to the internet is become a learning development direction and focus of the point. Therefore, this study refer in Davis (1986) developed the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM); explore e-learning platform of system quality, service quality, and information quality on perception with attitude toward using, behavioral intention are use to affect the learning. E-learning platform has been integrated into schools in nowadays, how it is learning for maximum effect on student in digital learning platform. Finally study results show that only significant of part with support for the student perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, still can be improvement on system quality and service quality. E-learning platform has a positive significant impact on perception ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitudes toward using, behavioral intention to use, and learning outcome. In other words, system developers should strive to improve e-learning platform for raise system quality and service quality, also allow both of students and e-learning have a comfortable interaction.
Kim, Dang Van, and 鄧文金. "Assessing E-commerce in the Commercial Banks in Nam Dinh, Viet Nam – Adopting TAM Model." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/60866277530645257084.
Full text樹德科技大學
As Vietnam is booming and the society is opening up, E-commerce has been putting its first footstep in this rising economy. The past decade has seen Internet and E-commerce starting to positively tune into Vietnamese daily life. However, to really give the economy an upsurge, it is essential that the banking sector be reformed toward an E-age. E-banking could be the next step to do for the economy to really transform and productivity boosted. Like any other emerging economy, Vietnam has motivators and hindrance for such a platform to be implemented widely. In this research, we seek to find out what factors influences Banks’ choice to adopt E-banking in Nam Dinh province. The research follows the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The research findings show that the perception of usefulness is the most important factor that determines whether or not banks would adopt E-banking. Following perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use would also positively influence banks’ decision in further involvement with a new technology. These findings have induced numerous implications for policy makers, management and software developers.
Chen, Szu-Yu, and 陳思佑. "The Adoption Intention of E-insurance Apps for IPAD-A Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Perspective." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/57570168420393906427.
Full text國立臺北大學
The world is moving towards using less paper and electronic records, especially financial records. Sooner or later, people can get and maintain their insurance policies in electronic form on IPADs. As a result, the efficiency and transparency of operation is increased and the cost of issuing and maintaining insurance policies will be reduced. The main purpose of this survey was to investigate the factors affecting the adoption of e-insurance apps for IPAD. This research developed an analytical model and a survey questionnaire to collect data. The study adopted the Technology Accepted Model (TAM) to explore the possible factors that affect the use of IPAD apps. The results showed that the Computing Self-Efficacy is positively related to perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness were positively related to the intention of use. Perceived ease of use showed full mediation effect on the relationship between Computing Self-Efficacy and the intention of use. Perceived usefulness showed partial mediation effect on the relationship between Computing Self-Efficacy and the intention of use.
Chang, Chun-Hao, and 張鈞豪. "Integrating TAM and IS Success Model to Examine the Adoption of E-learning in the Corporate Context." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/77195921321459535573.
Full textHUANG, ZI-YAO, and 黃姿搖. "Using TAM Model to Explore the Impact of New Media for E-learning on Students’ Academic Achievement." Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/3sbc8t.
Full text南臺科技大學
As the development of technology, internet has been quite widespread. Thus, more and more people use smart phone. According to the investigation by Institute for Information Industry, the Internet population in Taiwan had exceeded 11 million in late May, 2017, the Internet penetration rate is 48%, and the number of people who surf the Internet by smart phone is over 80%. Therefore, the improvement of technology and Internet change our life so we can surf the Internet in anywhere and anytime. Because of technology progress, students who use E-Learning promote their learning efficiency and outcomes. Since 2016, STUST has combined the social media and new platform-Flip E-learning to import new media in function and interface. Teachers can upload teaching materials in advance so that students can preview at home and improve learning efficiency. By doing questionnaire to investigate and using technology acceptance model (TAM) to find out students use Flip E-Learning to improve academic achievement. The outcome shows immediacy, globalization, technological convergence, and demassification of new media can positively affect perceived usefulness to enhance effectiveness and intention. Interactivity which affects perceived ease of use is non-significant, and it is only significantly effective to perceived usefulness.
Gaspar, Miguel José Fernandes Martins. "TAP : facing the low-cost competition." Master's thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/18440.
Full textChen, Li-Ya, and 陳麗雅. "Effect of e-learning Applied on the Performance of Implementing ERP System Based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/98551311536478959395.
Full text國立高雄第一科技大學
Many researches and literature review “the key to success of implementing ERP system”. To sum up their conclusions, training through training plays an important role in the duration. Yet, few observe how the effect from training to do with system implementing. Therefore, this study based on TAM and TTF model investigates how it affects the performance from project members by using e-learning as training tool. This study discovers the following there points through questionnaire survey to testify the hypothesis from those who had used e-learning while implementing ERP system located in middle and southern part of Taiwan. (1)Task-Technology Fit (TTF) of e-learning program results in positive effect of Perceived Usefulness(PU) & Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), which also impact the implementing positively. (2)Influence of Perceived Usefulness(PU) & Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) received by e-learning leads positive effect of users'' attitude of application adopting. (3)Attitude of adoption highly affects behavior of adoption. Likewise the attitude and behavior of adoption both affect positively the performance of implementing. This study testifies when e-learning fit for assignment demands as well as easy-use motivate users keep coming back. When users are willing to often use application as training tool, enterprises tends to reach the aim of cost-control and promote the performance of implementing.
Diao, BO-JU, and 刁伯駒. "Discussing the Consumers’ Usage Intention of the e-Invoice for Government-Operated Enterprises by the Extended TAM Model." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/63459356963241000795.
Full text東吳大學
E-invoicing system has been implemented since 2010. It was the pioneer for the offline at first. The purpose of e-invoice is to achieve the goal of saving paper, creating e-business elements, reducing operating costs, and further enhancing the international competitiveness. E-invoice has been used in physical and virtual stores for years in the private enterprise. However, it was first introduced into the Government-Operated Enterprises in January 2016, which enforces Tap-Water, Taipower, gas and telecommunications to adopt e-invoice. It results in producing more than six hundred million invoices a year in Taiwan. Therefore, this study regards the Technology Acceptance Model as the main framework, and incorporates the dimensions of “relative advantage”, “complexity” and “trust”, “perceived risk” from the innovation diffusion theory to construct a completed model. Then, we discuss the dimensions of consumers’ usage intention, acceptance and satisfaction of the e-invoice for Government-Operated Enterprises. We collected 306 questionnaires, which 291 are effective in our empirical study and tested our model by the structural equation model (SEM). The empirical results showed that “relative advantage” had a positive effect on “perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use”; “complexity” had a negative effect on “perceived ease of use”; “trust” had a positive effect on “attitude towards use”; “perceived risk” had a negative effect on “attitude towards use”; “perceived ease of use” had a positive effect on “perceived usefulness” and “attitude towards use”; “perceived usefulness” had a positive effect on “attitude towards use”; “attitude towards use” had a positive effect on “intention to use”. The results will help the government understand consumers’ intention to use the e-invoice for Government-Operated Enterprises and considerations for implementation of e-invoice policy, and the research basis of earlier provided regarding subsequent research.
Windasari, Nila Armelia, and Nila Armelia Windasari. "Examining the Success Factor and Sustainable Development of E-learning: An Empirical Study of Combining DMIS and TAM Model." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/fjr343.
Full text亞洲大學
E-learning nowadays is facing high level of adoption and speed up growth on market. The supplier has to provide a high quality and reliable E-learning systems that become master issues on long distance education. Evaluating an E-learning system using single proxy constructor is not enough. Because of the problems occur are acceptance discontinuance anomaly phenomenon and diverse environment. This study aims to examine success factors and sustainable development of E-learning. The scope of research is focused on educational purpose not including corporate training program. While the research objectors is lock onto E-learning system such as virtual classroom, E-learning application, and E-learning provided by universities respect to students as end-users. Online data collection is utilized and the survey targets are students who have experienced using E-learning. The process through literature review and content construction create the validity of article, using cornbach alpha to test the reliability of questionnaires, and utilizes Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) to examine the hypotheses using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Eight of ten hypotheses are accepted implies that service quality, information quality, and system quality on E-learning have to be developed based on the focus on helping the learner achieve better performance which enabling the users intention to keep continue using it. The findings contribute to enrich system providers and instructors perspective as well as practical implication in developing successful E-learning system.
Liu, Fu-Min, and 柳富閔. "Exploring the Effects of E-Learning on Military Technical and Vocational Training–from the Prospective of Revised TAM Model." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/2egry8.
Full text國立高雄第一科技大學
The study aims to explore the willingness of Navy workforce to persistently use the Naval E-Learning Platform (NELP) to improve their domain knowledge and work efficiency. Based on the theory of Technology Acceptance Model 2(TAM2), a hypothetical research model is proposed to implement the research intentions and ideas. In the proposed model, the antecedents of willingness to use NEPL are perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, which are in turns affected by factors of subjective norm, job relevance, and information quality. To empirical test the proposed model, the study follows the conventional research guidelines including random sampling and well-developed questionnaire to verify the research intentions. A number of 200 questionnaires was distributed to a random sample composed by the Navy workforce in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and the responses of the random selected samples was 172. The analytical results of this research show that the factor of subjective norm has no direct impacts to factor of willingness to use persistently and to factor of perceived usefulness. However, the factors of job relevance and information quality have direct impacts to the willingness of Navy workforce to persistently use the NELP. The study also found that the persistent use of NEPL by the Navy workforce would increase their work efficiency.
Lin, Ching-Wen, and 林靖文. "A Study of E-Service Technology at National Tai-Chung Library Based on Technology Readiness and Technology Acceptance Model." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/23059263266744019725.
Full text國立臺灣大學
The study used Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Technology Readiness (TR) to explore user’s attitude and willingness to use digital service technology in the public library. The study used questionnaire investigation. Questionnaires were distributed to those who had used the technology service in National Taichung Library Digital Experience Area. After data collection and coding, performed exploratory factor analysis to test construct validity and performed confirmatory factor analysis to verify theory is consistent with model or not. Following structure equation modeling to verify causal relation supposition in the study. And then, hierarchical regression analysis was adopted to explore moderating effect between factors. Finally, K-Means cluster analysis was applied to group users by TR. The Results showed that (1) Technology Acceptance Model can predict the public library user’s attitude and willingness to use digital service technology. (2) Optimism and innovation have moderating effect between factors of adopting digital technology and attitude toward using digital service technology. Discomfort and insecurity doesn’t have any moderating effect between factors of adopting digital technology and attitude toward using digital technology. (3) According to TR, National Taichung Library users could be separated to five types, they are explorers, pioneers, skeptics, paranoids, and laggards. (4) The high to low intention to use the digital technology for these five types users were: explorers > pioneers > paranoids > laggards > skeptics. Based on the results, six suggestions were raised as follows. (1) Continue to promote the digital service technology. (2) Plan the appropriate space for digital service technology area. (3) Apply high stability digital services technology. (4) Design user-friendly interface for digital services technology. (5) Provide user manual for digital services technology. (6) Prodive different service strategy to different user groups.
LYHEANG, NGO, and 吳帝賢. "Examining the Intention of E-Learning of Cambodia Employee by Extending Value--Based Adoption Model (VAM), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Self-Determination Theory (SDT)." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/h4m7xv.
Full text南華大學
Due to Cambodian tends to start to learn on the internet, this research aims to study the interrelationship between each research construct by using technology innovation, Technology Adoption Model (TAM), Value-based Adoption Model (VAM) and Self-Determination Theory (SDT) to determine the behavioral intention of the user in e-learning with subjective norm and perceived risk as the moderation effect. This study is conducted by using the quantitative method of surveying the questionnaire through the social application and e-mail with a total of 369 respondents who get employed in Cambodia. The results found that there is a relationship between the three theories that mentioned which had moderated affect by the subjective norm and perceived risk. It suggests the users need to be aware of the essential of studying on e-learning to adapt with the modern era while the developer of website and application should consider about the reliable system, accurate knowledge, and convenience way to attract the more user to use theirs.
Huang, Jui-Chan, and 黃瑞展. "The Relationship among Environmental Characteristic, Innovation Decision,E-Service Quality and Repurchase Intention - An Integrated Perspective of IDT General Model and TAM." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/7b9drp.
Full text國立高雄應用科技大學
The Relationship among Environmental Characteristic, Innovation Decision, E-Service Quality and Repurchase Intention - An Integrated Perspective of IDT General Model and TAM. Student:Jui-Chan Huang Advisors : Dr. Ming-Hung Shu,Dr. Po-Sheng Ko Institute of Mechanical Engineering National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences Abstract With the time change, service industry is massively developed and acts a significant role in modern economic structure. Taiwan’s service industry has also led economic development. “How does education industry (i.e. the so-called cramming school) obtain outstanding reputation by providing customer the best service quality and learning environment”. As a result, reinforcing the upgrade of service quality will be the key to success of corporate sustainable development (Chin-Ting Chen, 2004).In summary, the purposes of this paper are as follows:1. Explore/Discuss the organization-level correlation under IDT general model, including the factors like technology innovative characteristic, organizational systematic characteristic, environment opening characteristic, innovation adoption policy and teaching quality.2. On the basis of UTAUT for individual level, explore/discuss the correlation among, learning satisfaction and repurchase intention. 3. After the integration of ID and TAM, explore/discuss the bottom-up concept/approach among teaching quality, learning satisfaction and repurchase intention. Results of empirical analysis: it first conducts statistics analysis on valid questionnaires via SPSS and SEM tools. Then, the research analysis is presented at the end. Key Words:Innovation Decision, E-Service Quality, Repurchase Intention, IDT, TAM.