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Kecman, V. State-space models of lumped and distributed systems. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988.

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Ryner, J. Magnus. Capitalist restructuring, globalisation, and the third way: Lessons from the swedish model. London: Routledge, 2002.

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Tae Pukhan indojŏk chiwŏn e taehan INGO ŭi ch'amyŏ model: Singnyang punbae monit'ŏring ŭl chungsim ŭro. Kyŏnggi-do Sŏngnam-si: Sejong Yŏn'guso, 2011.

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Ninghardjanti, Patni. Pegembangan model penerimaan e-library melalui inovasi TAM dengan TPB untuk meningkatkan fungsi perpustakaan sekolah dan minat membaca siswa: Laporan penelitian tahun-I hibah bersaing. [Surakarta]: Universitas Sebelas Maret, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran, 2011.

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Barbera, Filippo, Roberto Paladini, and Marco Vedovato. Venice Original E-commerce dell’artigianato artistico e tradizionale veneziano. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2022.

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In the last few years, many researchers have highlighted the economic and cultural impact that crafts have on the development of territories, enhancing local identities and traditions. Various researches also point to the close relationship between trade (sometimes called ‘neighbourhood’ trade), crafts and historic centres, in terms of quality of life, and socio-economic and identity development of territories, showing their new centrality to processes of urban development and regeneration and the formation of social capital. It is evident how enterprise contributes to local development through social interactions based on negotiated and open collaborations between microenterprises, community and network. It was well argued how small business (commerce, crafts and neighbourhood stores) has always played an important role as a social garrison in sparsely populated areas, allowing cities and particularly urban centres to become more lively or livable, being able to give or take away quality from the city and the territory, attributing peculiarity, security and specificity to places or trivialising them in a homogenised landscape. Among the services of social utility recognised to the artisan workshop are: the guarantee of services useful to the livability of the place, the garrisoning of territories and the development of social relations, the promotion of local identity and its know-how, and the creation of employment opportunities through modest initial availability of capital. At the same time, the worsening recessionary dynamics that have occurred in the global economy over the past two decades and the disruptive digital transition have exposed such enterprises to increasing difficulties, disruptively accentuating the decline in competitiveness and propensity to innovate of a large proportion of craft SMEs, of which the socioeconomic literature does not see significant adaptations to the changed environment, such as reconfiguring the business model, adopting a totally new strategic plan adapting to the digital transition, generational transition, and adopting innovative organisational or system behaviours. This volume presents the Venice Original E-Commerce case – a project carried out by the Venice Metropolitan CNA thanks to the support of J.P. Morgan, the support of the Venice Rovigo Chamber of Commerce and the sponsorship of the City of Venice and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – as a reference project intervention to focus on a possible model of intervention to support culturally-valued artisan micro-enterprises, intervening on the process of strategic renewal and the conditions to foster generational turnover, understood as an opportunity to fill the gap on the digitisation of the artisan sector.
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Ceccucci, Piero, ed. Fiorenza mia…! Firenze e dintorni nella poesia portoghese d'oggi. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2009.

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In the Portuguese imagination Florence is justly considered the cradle of modern western civilisation. Seen and admired from the Renaissance on as the new Athens, for the Portuguese it has always represented not only a model of culture and civilisation to take as inspiration, but also and above all the locus amoenus of spiritual and intellectual harmony and balance, dreamed-of and unattainable, that floods and pervades the soul with a vague, nostalgic sentiment of admiration. Evidence of this, now as in the past, are the serried ranks of poets who for centuries have sung its praises and raised it to the rank of myth. This brief anthology proposes only a few of them, among the most renowned of recent generations. In a truly original way these poets have managed to convey to the hearts and minds of their compatriots their own stunned vision of the city, illustrating emotions that cannot fail to move even the Florentines and, in a broader sense, we Italians as a whole. Thus what is offered in these pages, in fine Italian translation, is this mesh of voices, an intimate and enthralling polyphony of city, poet and reader, unfurling in an evocative melody and proposing the legend of Florence in a new light – possibly more authentic and illuminating.
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Cavicchio, Federica, and Emanuela Magno Caldognetto, eds. Aspetti emotivi e relazionali nell'e-learning. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2008.

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This book investigates the role of emotions and multimodal communication in face-to-face teaching and in e-learning, and assesses the incidence of these not merely verbal components on the cognitive processes of the student. It also presents certain types of man-machine interface that utilise natural language in written, vocal and multimodal form; the latter implement a new metaphor of interaction with the computer that is more human-oriented. This is, therefore, a new and interdisciplinary theme of research that highlights the technical and theoretical complexity that e-learning specialists and scholars of multimodal communication and emotions address in order to devise new systems of human-computer communication that are more natural and more motivating for learning.
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lestari, L. Tri. Pengembangan model tata naskah elektronis (e-government) dalam penyidikan tindak pidana di Direktorat Reserse Kriminil, Kepolisian Daerah Jawa Timur: Laporan akhir penelitian hibah bersaing tahun II tahun anggaran 2011. Surabaya: Universitas Bhayangkara, 2011.

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Bagnoli, Carlo, and Eleonora Masiero. L’impresa significante fra tradizione e innovazione. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2021.

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This study explores the idea of a significant business, framing it through the key concepts that define it and illustrating it through a case study that narrates the evolution of a century-old company. Born as an intellectual response to the economic and financial crisis of 2008, the significant business is conceived as an entity capable of enduring over time through the creation of value and its distribution within the community in which it operates. The significant business should be also aware of its own identity and of the need to innovate itself over time considering the synergies and the collaborations that the territory offers, to continue to create wealth. This contribution is part of a series of works that, resulting from numerous action-research projects coordinated by Professor Carlo Bagnoli, have seen as protagonists the companies and their strategic innovation. The starting point of many of these projects is the Manifesto of the Significant Company (Bagnoli et al. 2015), which aims at imagining a business model able to explore and innovate the company to increase its competitiveness, and also to restore meaning to the company itself, through the definition of its own identity. Contributing to previous works, this book explores the idea of significant enterprise by adopting a business and a historical perspective. The first part of the book deals with the business perspective, to introduce the value model commonly used in action research studies undertaken by the spin-off Strategy Innovation of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, and to describe the specific model of a significant business. The second part of the book narrates the story of a centuries-long business, Barovier&Toso, exploring its evolutions. Focusing on the different perspectives that shaped the key concepts and narrating the path followed by a centenary company, this work hopes to shed further light on this fascinating theme together with the reader.
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Salvestrini, Francesco, Gian Maria Varanini, and Anna Zangarini, eds. La morte e i suoi riti in Italia tra Medioevo e prima Età moderna. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2008.

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Consciously repressed by the current dominating culture, in Italy and Europe in the late mediaeval and early modern age death was addressed with greater confidence and awareness, and sometimes even with serenity. The modes of dying and of conceiving death – and the varied and rich religious and civil rituals that accompanied it – reflected the values and the choices of rich and poor, of kings and peasants, merchants and soldiers, nobles and churchmen, men and women. Several decades after the major studies that opened the road to these strands of research in Italy too (Ariès, Tenenti), this book offers a series of penetrating and suggestive explorations of a fascinating and complex theme which no reader can consider extraneous.
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Burroni, Luigi, Fortunata Piselli, Francesco Ramella, and Carlo Trigilia, eds. Città metropolitane e politiche urbane. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2010.

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More than fifteen years after the introduction of direct election, the mayors are still the most popular politicians in Italy. The personal relationship set up with the citizens and the strengthening of the city councils has restored energy and stability to the action of the municipal administrations. Nevertheless, these institutional reforms, while important, have failed to guarantee good government. The effects of the mayoral reform are, in fact, considerably different from one city to another, and from one type of policy to another. What does this variety of results derive from? The book provides an answer to this question through an investigation of the decisional processes of around a hundred "local collective assets" in six large metropolitan cities. To explain the different outcomes – in addition to the "council effect", that is, the relevance of policy, and the "sector effect", the relevance of the different decisional milieus – the authors also underscore the role of the "governance effect", namely the different approaches to decision-making and building consensus on urban policies.
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Forgetta, Emanuela. La città e la casa Spazi urbani e domestici in Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Natalia Ginzburg, Elsa Morante e Mercè Rodoreda. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2022.

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This research work aims at the reconstruction of literary spaces created by four great female authors of the twentieth century. Analysed individually or from a comparative perspective, the texts solicit a reflection on the representation of space in literature produced by women. The focus of the investigation is the dynamic contrast that, at the moment of perception, is established between the ‘internal’, and therefore subjective, dimension and the ‘external’ dimension, regulated by the social context in which the subject moves. The work consists of three parts: the first part establishes the parameters within which the research is organised; the second part investigates the process of reappropriation of the city – a place of almost exclusive male prerogative – by the protagonists of the proposed novels and their “walking down the street” as a device of spatial organisation. In the third and last part, the female perception of the domestic space is analysed. A place of female confinement par excellence, it shows, even in literature, an ambivalent character, as an expression of abuse and affection at the same time. From the ‘spatial’ reinterpretation of the proposed works, therefore, both the intimate representation of space and the historical-social evaluation of the context in which the protagonists, and their own authors, move, emerge.
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Papini, Massimo, and Debora Tringali, eds. Il pupazzo di garza. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2004.

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Il libro è il risultato di un lavoro sulle esperienze delle malattie mortali dei bambini e sui loro risvolti psicologici ed etici condotto con giornate a carattere congressuale e seminari di approfondimento da parte di docenti e ricercatori appartenenti a discipline diverse della Medicina, della Psicologia, della Filosofia, delle Scienze Infermieristiche. Vi sono raccolti i contributi alle giornate congressuali e le relazioni dei ricercatori partecipanti ai seminari; in tal modo si è costruito un percorso ideale che, alternando riflessioni e testimonianze, porta a una nuova consapevolezza dell'assistenza sanitaria fondata sulla qualità del rapporto umano come prerequisito dell'atto sanitario.
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Varra, Lucia, ed. Le case per ferie: valori, funzioni e processi per un servizio differenziato e di qualità. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2012.

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The research aims to analyse the concept of the 'holiday home' in Italy, a phenomenon that is not very well known and not given sufficient visibility in the tourism sector. The objective is to grasp the role and the degree of response that the holiday homes can offer in order to consolidate a genuinely social and sustainable tourism, which is the specific feature of the Associazione di Promozione Sociale Santa Lucia. The holiday homes represent an efficacious response to the emerging motivations for travel and a new sensitivity towards social and sustainable tourism. The growing opportunities for this sector call for reflection on the mission and future positioning of the holiday homes within the tourist reception panorama, with the deriving choices relating to: the offer, consisting of values more than of services; the functions fulfilled, intimately bound up with the demands of the individual and the territory; the quality of the service, which is not generic but linked to the functions and can be measured in line with objective and subjective parameters. Strategic awareness, managerial capacity and elevated professionalism at all levels are the factors of legitimisation and success of this original reception formula.
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Spaliviero, Camilla. Educazione letteraria e didattica della letteratura. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2020.

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Literary education and language education are connected by a relationship of mutual exchange. On the one hand, without the mastery of appropriate language skills it is impossible to grasp the complexity of literary works. On the other, improving language competence is one of the multiple aims of literary education. Moreover, considering the current multicultural dimension of the Italian school system, teaching literature from an intercultural perspective provides an opportunity to foster the development of relational skills while discussing the meaning of the works. In this scenario, we explore the state of the art of literary education and the teaching of literature in Italy and we consider their implications with language education, intercultural education, and intercultural communication. Furthermore, we present both a model of literary and intercultural communicative competence and a hermeneutic and relational method, also aimed at improving language acquisition and promoting intercultural awareness. In our view, literary and intercultural communicative competence makes it possible to communicate effectively in events where the language is spoken in order to understand literary texts, to identify the original meanings, to discuss their significance from the students’ current perspective, and to formulate critical judgements. The aim of the volume is to offer content and methodological resources for the teaching of literature that can impact positively on the development of language and relational skills. Thus, we draw up some guidelines aimed at increasing students’ motivation for studying the works, fostering their active participation and allowing literature to preserve its educational function.
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Germanà, Maria Luisa, ed. Permanenze e innovazioni nell'architettura del MediterraneoMediterranean Architecture between Heritage and Innovation. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2011.

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Il volume offre numerosi spunti sul tema Permanenze e innovazioni nell'architettura del Mediterraneo, dimostrandone l'ampiezza di aspetti riconducibili alla Tecnologia dell'architettura, di cui si evidenzia la flessibilità dei confini disciplinari con riferimento ai diversi significati assumibili dal concetto di risorsa. Letta in continuità con le precedenti pubblicazioni Osdotta, questa consente di seguire quanto si va sviluppando nel terzo livello di formazione in un momento particolarmente critico per l'istituzione universitaria, continuando a porre l'accento sul nodo domanda/offerta di ricerca, nel confronto con altre istituzioni e con il mondo della produzione di settore, nell'attuale scenario dominato da trasformazioni sempre più rapide e incisive. La qualificazione dei corsi di dottorato, attraverso la riflessione sugli esiti immediati e a lungo termine, parallelamente alla precisazione dei contenuti identitari del settore disciplinare, restano le principali sfide da continuare ad affrontare. This publication provides considerable material for reflection on the subject of Mediterranean Architecture between Heritage and Innovation, demonstrating the wide range of aspects linked to Architectural Technology, in which one is struck by the flexibility of the disciplinary boundaries with regard to the various meanings that can be applied to the concept of resource. Taken together with the previous publications of Osdotta, this consents one to trace the developments in the third level of education at a particularly critical time for the university institution; the emphasis continues to be placed on the crucial issue of supply/demand of research; the situation is compared with other institutions and with the world of production in this sector, in a present-day scenario dominated by ever more rapid and incisive transformations. The main challenges left to be faced are to improve the quality of PhD courses, after due reflection on the immediate and long-term results, whilst defining more precisely the identitary contents of the disciplinary sector.
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Baldini, Gianni, and Monica Soldano, eds. Nascere e morire: quando decido io? Italia ed Europa a confronto. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2011.

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This book continues the collaboration between the department of BioLaw of the University of Florence and the non-profit association Madre Provetta, to contribute to a project of study and research that can build towards a common European law on Bioethics. In view of the professional activity in which they are engaged, the authors are among the leading experts in their respective fields on the issues addressed. Biotechnologies have rendered both birth and death more complex, which explains why the approach must be multidisciplinary. In effect, the research ranges from the medical and scientific sphere to the fields of law, sociology and philosophy and through to the institutional dimension. The leitmotif is the responsibility and self-determination of the individual: an anthology addressing issues concerning the beginning and the end of life. Particular focus is placed on the aspect of legal update in the light of recent case law, which is increasingly called upon, on the one hand to lend support to the legislator, and on the other to adapt national legislation to the rules and principles emerging from the supranational and European institutions.
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Ryner, J. Magnus. Capitalist Restructuring, Globalisation and the Third Way: Lessons from the Swedish Model. Taylor & Francis Group, 2002.

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Buffon, Marciano, and Ivan Luiz Steffens. Tributação e constituição: Por um modo de tributar hermeneuticamente adequado à principiologia constitucional brasileira. Brazil Publishing, 2020.

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The formal establishment of the Law and Democratic State by the 1988 Constitution introduces a paradigm shift with the commitment of a social nature to build a free, just and solidary society. In the tax field, this change suggests a targeted taxation to achieve these ends by the use of the redistributive function, with progressive taxation. However, despite the new institutional framework, the national taxation keeps regressive, and has promoted a redistribution of income in reverse. The study aims to address how taxation is being constructed and exercised, as well as its compliance with the paradigm of democratic rule of law. The analysis runs through the conceptual outlines of Law Democratic State, arising influence of the welfare state and Constitutionalism Contemporary post-war and the use of tax function in these state models. In the second phase, the study runs for the constitutional principles on tax matters, from the Hermeneutics of the Law Review, classified into two groups with a view to its relationship with the legal security and solidarity. Finally, it examines the composition of the tax burden and its discussion in the media, gathered with the possibility of greater transparency in taxation. It also analyzes the possibility of redistribution of the tax burden by applying the constitutional principles on taxes on income, wealth and consumption. The survey results indicate the need for structural modification of taxation in search of greater progressivity, given the current regressivity, which can be achieved by using the principle arsenal already provided by the Constitution.
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Carruth, Alexander, and Sophie Gibb. The Ontology of E. J. Lowe’s Substance Dualism. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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E. J. Lowe’s model of psychophysical causation offers a way of reconciling interactive substance dualism with the causal completeness principle by denying the homogeneity of the causal relata—more specifically, by invoking a distinction between ‘fact causation’ and ‘event causation’. According to Lowe, purely physical causation is event causation, whereas psychophysical causation involves fact causation, allowing the dualist to accept a version of causal completeness which holds that all physical events have only physical causes. But Lowe’s dualist model is only as plausible as the distinction between fact and event causation upon which it rests. In this chapter it is argued that a suitable distinction between fact and event causation is difficult to maintain within most common ontological systems. It is examined whether accepting the four-category ontology that Lowe defends can alleviate the problem, but it is argued that it is not clear that it can.
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Alberton, Elcio. Docência: Entusiasmo e Paixão. Brazil Publishing, 2020.

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Mystagogical education of the teaching staff in the contemporary civilizatory metamorphose deals with the deep transformations which the civilization passes through, considering the sociological, environmental, political, economic and technological aspects. It deals with human being in this complex relationship analyzing the possible consequences of this process and, in the same way, it points alternative to a right assimilation and the convenience in this new world that rises up result of the metamorphosical process. The main indication remains in comprehending the adoption of mystagogical attitude by the teaching staff and in the formation of the educators. When the subject is the education task intending to overcome its utilitaristic function and preparation for the transactional environment, it suggests that the education points supportive and mystical alternatives in the teaching / learning. It proposes the cultivation and the preparation of the integrator people which teaching condition gets over the technical and the professional perspective, being firstly mystagogos (mystic educators) i.e, people teaching more with their lives and examples than words and contents. The text suggests that the educator’s task is to value the relationship between ourselves, others, the world and the supernatural. The searching points that more than technically prepared teachers, the mystic takes in account the human dimension considering all the potentiallities of the human being to develop himself under professional, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social point of view.
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Nelson, William E. E Pluribus Unum. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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This book examines the role of the common law in the life and politics of Great Britain’s North American colonies from the founding of Virginia in 1607 to the outbreak of the American Revolution in 1775–76. The main theme of the book is that when the different colonies were initially founded, they followed very different law—typically not the common law of England. But over the course of the seventeenth century and first half of the eighteenth century, the colonies all received the common law, with the result that by the 1750s the common law constituted the foundation of every colony’s law and every colony’s political system. Some of the colonies adopted the common law because of pressure from the Crown to do so, but others turned to the common law because of socioeconomic pressures on the ground. During the more than century-long process of reception, the common law gradually changed, and thus, what was on the ground in 1776 was not identical to the common law of England. Rather, it was a body of rules that would constitute a foundation for an Americanized version of the common law.
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Silva, Maria Patrícia. Pesquisas sobre Currículos e Culturas: tensões, movimentos e criações. Brazil Publishing, 2020.

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The book Research on Curricula and Cultures: tensions, movements and creations, organized by Marlucy Alves Paraíso and Maria Patrícia Silva, it consists of 17 chapters, one of which is an interesting work by a Canadian scholar who investigates state anti-feminism. The other chapters bring results from 16 researches developed by researchers from the Study and Research Group on Curricula and Cultures (GECC), created and coordinated by Marlucy Alves Paraíso, which has researchers from several Brazilian universities and states. The articles in the book combine the post-critical perspectives used to investigate curricula and cultures in their different nuances, addressing silences, power relations, modes of subjectivation and the movements that prevent their fixity. The book brings research results that discuss the possibilities of creating possibilities at school and in other cultural spaces that also have curricula and develop pedagogies, such as: cyberspace, city, health care programs, teacher training programs, educational policies, etc. In addition, curricula are investigated with emphasis on different practices and aspects: childhood, art, music, dance, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, corporality, politics, with research that also innovates methodologically when operating with openings, experiments, do-it-yourself and compositions in different ways. to research curricula without rigidity, although with the necessary rigor in academic research. O livro reconhece de diferentes modos as possibilidades de conexões entre currículos e culturas, e mostra movimentos capazes de operar transgressões apostando em uma cultura porvir.
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Donato, Gerson. Pompa e circunstância. Brazil Publishing, 2020.

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The following work tries to disclose the obscure happening of 1926 in the city of São Paulo. Obscure because it vanished from the annals of History, but very argued by São Paulo’s newspapers and magazines of the period. There would be two presentations in Teatro Municipal which ended up, because of the success with the public, having two more performances with popular prices. The theatrical show had the purpose of raising funds to build a women’s school, from the Liga das Senhoras Católicas. To write the text the poet and writer Paulo Setúbal was invited, he never published this work and it is not even mentioned in his previous works published for decades by a São Paulo’s publisher. The cast consisted of amateur “actors”, members of São Paulo’s elite, carrying traditional family’s names from the city and some new ones, who had migrants’ surnames. The play is about a party that happens in Paço de São Cristóvão, where the guests talk to the birthday “girl”, the empress, and altogether remember the facts that led them to independence, while waiting for D. Pedro I’s arrival. What is intended from this praise? Glorify the empress? Glorify D. Pedro I’s role? And therefore, glorify the Empire? What was this republican elite intending?
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Meng, X. J. Hepatitis E virus. Oxford University Press, 2011.

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Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a small, non-enveloped, single-strand, positive-sense RNA virus of approximately 7.2 kb in size. HEV is classified in the family Hepeviridae consisting of four recognized major genotypes that infect humans and other animals. Genotypes 1 and 2 HEV are restricted to humans and often associated with large outbreaks and epidemics in developing countries with poor sanitation conditions, whereas genotypes 3 and 4 HEV infect humans, pigs and other animal species and are responsible for sporadic cases of hepatitis E in both developing and industrialized countries. The avian HEV associated with Hepatitis-Splenomegaly syndrome in chickens is genetically and antigenically related to mammalian HEV, and likely represents a new genus in the family. There exist three open reading frames in HEV genome: ORF1 encodes non-structural proteins, ORF2 encodes the capsid protein, and the ORF3 encodes a small phosphoprotein. ORF2 and ORF3 are translated from a single bicistronic mRNA, and overlap each other but neither overlaps ORF1. Due to the lack of an efficient cell culture system and a practical animal model for HEV, the mechanisms of HEV replication and pathogenesis are poorly understood. The recent identification and characterization of animal strains of HEV from pigs and chickens and the demonstrated ability of cross-species infection by these animal strains raise potential public health concerns for zoonotic HEV transmission. It has been shown that the genotypes 3 and 4 HEV strains from pigs can infect humans, and vice versa. Accumulating evidence indicated that hepatitis E is a zoonotic disease, and swine and perhaps other animal species are reservoirs for HEV. A vaccine against HEV is not yet available.
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Pištan, Čarna. Tra democrazia e autoritarismo. Bononia University Press, 2021.

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Il volume propone una ricostruzione in chiave sia sincronica che diacronica dei sistemi di giustizia costituzionale nei paesi dell’Europa centro-orientale e dell’area ex-sovietica, offrendo in tal modo una analisi sistematica della giurisdizione costituzionale in ventisette paesi diversi. L’indagine ripercorre lo sviluppo del concetto di controllo di costituzionalità nell’Europa dell’Est pre-socialista, la sua evoluzione durante la parentesi socialista e, quindi, la (ri)nascita della giustizia costituzionale nel più recente contesto di transizione democratica. Sulla base di tale esame, il libro individua i molteplici fattori che hanno plasmato le Corti costituzionali di terza generazione e determina le problematiche, i limiti attuali, nonché le finalità che persegue la giurisdizione costituzionale in paesi che solo di recente sono approdati alla democrazia, ovvero in paesi in cui il processo di democratizzazione ha riscontrato gravi limiti. L’accento è posto, in particolare, sull’emergere di una concezione particolarmente ampia e aperta di giustizia costituzionale nell’intera sfera ex-socialista, che ha finito per provocare una tendenza paradossale che vede nella crescita funzionale della giurisdizione costituzionale un fenomeno del costituzionalismo contemporaneo sia di derivazione liberale, sia di derivazione illiberale
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Kopera, Sebastian, Marta Najda-Janoszka, and Małgorzata Bednarczyk, eds. E-przedsiębiorczość. Zasady i praktyka. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2019.

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E-przedsiębiorczość. Zasady i praktyka stanowi odpowiedź na zmiany zachodzące we współczesnej rzeczywistości gospodarczej, wirtualizację rynków i organizacji, a także rozwój technologii informacyjnych i rzeczywistości cyfrowej. E-gospodarka oraz e-przedsiębiorczość znajdują się w fazie dynamicznego wzrostu i związanych z nim zmian, dotychczasowe sposoby działania dezaktualizują się, a nowe dopiero się wyłaniają. Pojawia się więc konieczność uzupełnienia istniejącej luki teoretycznej, tak aby przyszli przedsiębiorcy nowej, cyfrowej gospodarki mieli odpowiednie narzędzia radzenia sobie w nowej rzeczywistości. Taki jest właśnie cel niniejszej publikacji. Układ treści akcentuje największe wyzwania, z którymi muszą się zmierzyć e-przedsiębiorcy, działający na zasadach zarówno for profit, jak i non profit. Książka stanowi owoc wspólnej pracy Zespołu oraz Partnerów Instytutu Przedsiębiorczości Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. „Na rynku brakuje kompendium wiedzy, które w sposób przejrzysty, zrozumiały, a do tego rzetelny i wyczerpujący przekazywałoby studentom-przyszłym przedsiębiorcom wiedzę i podstawy kompetencyjne dotyczące szans, zagrożeń, wyzwań i zasad związanych z prowadzeniem działalności gospodarczej w Internecie. Tym bardziej z zadowoleniem należy przyjąć pracę […], która znakomicie wpisuje się w lukę poznawczą dotyczącą przedsiębiorczości i prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej w erze cyfryzacji. […] Tekst ma wysoką wartość merytoryczną – obok warstwy teoretycznej zaprezentowano przykłady oraz podsumowania. Może on stanowić podstawę dalszych dociekań i formułowania zamierzeń biznesowych przez słuchaczy studiów drugiego stopnia i studiów podyplomowych. Wreszcie może być źródłem rekomendacji dla praktyków gospodarczych w zakresie wyborów strategicznych co do e-przedsiębiorczości”. - Z recenzji prof. dra hab. Wojciecha Dyducha
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Clason, Christopher R., ed. E. T. A. Hoffman. Liverpool University Press, 2018.

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This collection of essays addresses a very broad range of Hoffmann’s most significant works, examining them through the lens of “transgression.” Transgression bears relevance to E. T. A. Hoffmann’s life and professions in 3 ways. First, his official career path was that of jurisprudence; he was active as a lawyer, a judge and eventually as one of the most important magistrates in Berlin. Second, his personal life was marked by numerous conflicts with political and social authorities. Seemingly no matter where he went, he experienced much chaos, grief and impoverishment in leading his always precarious existence. Third, his works explore characters and concepts beyond the boundaries of what was considered aesthetically acceptable. “Normal” bourgeois existence was often juxtaposed to the lives of criminals, sinners, and other deviants, both within the spaces of the known world as well as in supernatural realms. He, perhaps more than any other author of the German Romantic movement, regularly portrayed the dark side of existence in his works, including unconscious psychological phenomena, nightmares, somnambulism, vampirism, mesmerism, Doppelgänger, and other forms of transgressive behavior. It is the intention of this volume to provide a new look at Hoffmann’s very diverse body of work from numerous perspectives, stimulating interest in Hoffmann in English language audiences.
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Dantas, Ivo, Julienne Diniz Antão, Janini de Araújo Lôbo Silvestre, Gina Gouveia Pires de Castro, and Carina Barbosa Gouvêa. Constitucionalismo democrático e justiça constitucional. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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A semester before the publication of the work that the reader has in hands, the themes related to Democratic Constitutionalism and Constitutional Justice were the focus of the classroom of the discipline of the same name in the Postgraduate Program in Law of the Faculty of Law of the Recife (UFPE), Brazil, led by professor and doctor Ivo Dantas, a great name in Brazilian Constitutional Law. Comparisons between the institutes of our constitutional system and the foreign constitutional system, principles of the Constitution, Fundamental Rights, the Control of Constitutionality, the Separation of Powers, the Constitutional Interpretation, the compulsory nature of vaccination for COVID, among many other more than present themes in our daily lives, they are presented to the reader, directly from the classroom, in a clear, concise and updated way.
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Vītoliņa, Ieva. Research of the E-Inclusion Processes and Technological Solutions. RTU Press, 2021.

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The topic of the Doctoral Thesis is research of e-inclusion processes and technological solutions to predict it. The main research question is what technological solutions, using the factors characterizing the individual, allow to predict the degree of e inclusion of an individual in e learning environment in the digital skills acquisition course. The object of the research is the process of knowledge creation and transfer in the information system predicting the e-inclusion of an individual. The research aims to develop a model that predicts an individual's e inclusion in e learning environment.
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M¨uhlherr, Bernhard, Holger P. Petersson, and Richard M. Weiss. Quadratic Forms of Type E6, E7 and E8. Princeton University Press, 2017.

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This chapter presents various results about quadratic forms of type E⁶, E₇, and E₈. It first recalls the definition of a quadratic space Λ‎ = (K, L, q) of type Eℓ for ℓ = 6, 7 or 8. If D₁, D₂, and D₃ are division algebras, a quadratic form of type E⁶ can be characterized as the anisotropic sum of two quadratic forms, one similar to the norm of a quaternion division algebra D over K and the other similar to the norm of a separable quadratic extension E/K such that E is a subalgebra of D over K. Also, there exist fields of arbitrary characteristic over which there exist quadratic forms of type E⁶, E₇, and E₈. The chapter also considers a number of propositions regarding quadratic spaces, including anisotropic quadratic spaces, and proves some more special properties of quadratic forms of type E₅, E⁶, E₇, and E₈.
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Menezes, Alexandre Monteiro de. Horizontes: Pinturas e desenhos de Belo Horizonte. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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HORIZONTES is a tribute to the city Belo Horizonte. The drawings and paintings that make up this tribute were presented in individual and collective exhibitions in art galleries and cultural spaces in the capital of Minas Gerais. The peaces bring scenes from the daily life of the city, its mountains seen in the distance, as well as representing some of its buildings. The creative process begins with drawings and sketches developed on the spot, using graphite pencils, colored pencils, ballpoint pens, a pad of paper and a good shade to protect from the sun. The buildings are drafted on the spot on small sheets of paper, allowing you to choose the best viewing angles and seeking to experience the space, smell the scents, hear the sounds, perceive the warmth and life of each place. The drawings made in the place offer important and necessary information to help organize the perception and better understanding of the object in space. The observation drawing activity involved in this creative process is of great importance, as it is a conventional, personal and individual activity, involving the discovery of forms and their communication. The observation drawings developed at the site are more than just a passive container of the author's eye. They are a powerful medium that influence thinking just as they are influenced by the thinking of the designer. The result seems to represent, more and more, the will and the attempt to paint not only the visible world, but the memory, the history, the winds, the sounds, the smells, the city and the life, with all the symbolic aspect.
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Jerusalem y Stella, Ignacio. Requiem in E-flat Major (1760). Edited by Dianne Lehmann Goldman. A-R Editions, 2022.

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This volume presents the Requiem, including the Libera me responsory, that accompanied the celebration of the obsequies of King Ferdinand VI in Mexico, composed by Ignacio Jerusalem y Stella (1707–69). This work is the longest and most demanding composition of Jerusalem's career, and it is an impressive liturgical piece given the comprehensive array of compositional styles and instrumentation he employs. This particular piece, as well as Jerusalem's life and career as a whole, occupy the transitional phase between the baroque and classical styles better known as the galant style. In his Requiem, Jerusalem displays his ability to compose in every manner proper to the church during the mid-eighteenth century—homophony, imitation and fugue, baroque-style chord patterns, and classical instrumental and vocal passages. However, his upbringing near Naples in the early eighteenth century, his employment at the Neapolitan conservatory, and his time as a theater composer in Spain and Mexico made him most comfortable with those compositional aspects of the time that align more with the galant style.
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Pessanha, Eurize Caldas, and Fabiany de Cássia Tavares Silva. IMPLANTAÇÃO E EXPANSÃO REGIONAL DO ENSINO SECUNDÁRIO BRASILEIRO – VOLUME 1. editora OESTE, 2021.

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A iniciativa de trazer ao público esta coletânea de estudos sobre o desenvolvimento do ensino secundário em diferentes regiões do país é bastante oportuna [e] a reunião de resultados de pesquisas aqui disponibilizados é dada pelo jogo de escalas de observação que permeia os estudos que a compõem, tal como propôs jacques revel (1998). Desse modo, cada abordagem nos oferecerá um feixe de conhecimentos e dados particulares, em si, mas que se complementam e, articulados, nos ajudam a formar uma percepção, mais ampla e matizada desses processos
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Lolli, Alessandro. L'amministrazione attraverso strumenti economici. Bononia University Press, 2021.

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L’amministrazione nell’esercizio di funzioni pubbliche ricerca efficienza e risparmi non solo riorganizzando la propria azione, ovvero esternalizzando tali funzioni, e cioè sostituendo un soggetto privato a se stessa per parti limitate dell’azione amministrativa, la quale ultima spesso resta comunque oggettivamente disciplinata dal diritto amministrativo. Più di recente, l’amministrazione persegue obiettivi di risparmio ed efficienza attraverso i privati anche valorizzando in modo più sistematico e ampio strumenti propri della vita economica e dei mercati per il perseguimento di interessi pubblici, in sostituzione (parziale) degli strumenti amministrativi tradizionali. Anziché esternalizzare funzioni pubbliche, si internalizzano in tal modo interessi pubblici (e i costi relativi) nell’ambito dell’attività privata e degli strumenti diffusi sul mercato. Tali strumenti sono conformati comunque dal diritto amministrativo e dall’intervento dell’amministrazione, per garantirne la funzionalità rispetto agli interessi pubblici, ma non fino al punto da snaturarne le caratteristiche economiche e di mercato e la relativa disciplina, in parte significativa privatistica. Essi trovano equilibri compatibili con l’interesse pubblico in modo più veloce, più flessibile, più informato e soprattutto – come dimostrano le analisi economiche – con costi significativamente minori per l’amministrazione rispetto a strumenti di tipo tradizionale. Si tratta di strumenti come lo scambio di titoli nei mercati artificiali (per ridurre l’inquinamento, fissando valori complessivi ammessi di emissioni e dei titoli corrispondenti), il rilascio di brand ambientali utili anche in una logica di vendita dei prodotti che ottengono tali brand (per riqualificare ambientalmente i processi produttivi), la stipulazione di accordi unilaterali da parte delle imprese, in una logica economica di miglioramento dell’immagine dell’impresa per ottenere più credibilità sia con i consumatori che con l’amministrazione, evitando così talora un’etero-regolamentazione amministrativa (per riqualificare l’attività delle imprese attraverso un coinvolgimento propositivo delle medesime). Alessandro Lolli è straordinario di Diritto amministrativo nell’Università di Bologna. Ha svolto attività di ricerca, tra l’altro, con riferimento alla delimitazione della categoria degli atti amministrativi e all’ambito di applicazione della disciplina prevista per tale categoria; con riferimento ai limiti soggettivi del giudicato amministrativo; con riferimento a ulteriori tematiche di diritto amministrativo generale e di diritto dell’economia.
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A prática pedagógica no processo de alfabetização e letramento no ensino regular e multisseriado. Editora Acadêmica Periodicojs, 2021.

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This study addresses the issue of literacy and literacy in the early years of elementary school, considering the classes with regular and multi-grade education, starting from an analysis of pedagogical practices developed in the classroom, with relevant aspects such as: initial education and continuing of teachers, relating to the practices carried out in the school environment and at work with literacy and literacy. The objective was to analyze which factors influence the development of pedagogical practices from the perspective of literacy and literacy in the early years of elementary school in regular and multi-grade classes in the city of Pombal-PB. The methodology used starts from a descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative approach, characterized as a field research and having as research instruments structured questionnaires with open and closed questions, in an attempt to get as close to the reality of the object of study as possible analysis and reflection of the collected data and the contribution of some authors on the aborted theme. It was found with field research that several factors influence the development of pedagogical practice, such as: lack of teacher training programs that contribute to the relationship between theory and practice, more effective family participation in school and organization of teaching. meet the needs of the teaching and learning process with smaller classes not organized in multi-grade education. It is hoped that the present study can contribute to important discussions about pedagogical practices focused on the teacher's work and the process of literacy and literacy, with influence on the academic environments, the pedagogical practice of teachers and the different contexts that involve actions turned on the teaching and learning process.
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Mikuska, Márcia Inês Schabarum, Patrícia Ferreira Concato de Souza, and Sidney Lopes Sanchez Junior. ENSINO DA MATEMÁTICA ressignificando o ensinar e o aprender na Educação Infantil e anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Editora BAGAI, 2020.

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A matemática está presente no dia a dia das pessoas, desde o nascimento e em várias situações da vida cotidiana. Na escola, os saberes matemáticos são ensinados sistematicamente, organizados pelo currículo e mediado pelos professores, pelo livro didático, pelos recursos tecnológicos, pelas metodologias conhecidas pelos professores e pelas inúmeras interações que se fazem possíveis nos desafios diários da prática pedagógica. É preciso ressignificar o ensinar e o aprender Matemática na escola, para superar a ideia de um conhecimento elitista, complexo e sem aplicabilidade na vida cotidiana, associando as práticas cotidianas, de tal modo que a aprendizagem aconteça de forma efetiva, evitando-se, assim, possíveis dificuldades. Essa obra é um convite para mergulhar em águas mais profundas e ressignificar o fazer Matemática nos dias atuais.
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Molinari, Alessandra. Riflessioni sulle economie dei secoli X e XI. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Chris Wickham has recently turned his attention to the economic and social transformations of the central Middle Ages. In the same period relations between the Christian and Muslim worlds have been presented primarily in terms of holy war or raids, and hardly ever framed in economic terms. Archaeology can help to answer questions about exchange routes, systems of production and settlement patterns, and pottery provides a key element in reconstructing the complexity of pre-modern economic networks. In this paper I want to compare two case studies. I will first examine the role of Palermo in the internal economy of Sicily and beyond. Recent excavations have provided much new information on the Muslim and Christian periods in its history, and particularly on the city’s planned growth and development as a centre of pottery production and export in the tenth century. I will then turn to the archaeological evidence for Rome, which Chris has described as the most complex city between the tenth and twelfth centuries, both economically and socially, in the whole Italian peninsula. In fact, based on the material evidence, Rome was far less complex than Palermo, and unlike Milan, it failed to take off economically in the thirteenth century. Chris has suggested that the success of the latter city was due to its specialized products, local exchange system and connections with a hierarchy of smaller settlements in the locality. Whilst the archaeological evidence for Milan is much scarcer, these features can usefully be tested as a model against which to compare other cities. Comparing Rome and Palermo it is the Sicilian city that can be said to have had the more vibrant economy, with its exports to multiple rural centres some distance away. Whilst a recent conference has underlined the existence of specialized artisans serving Rome’s elite and its numerous pilgrims, unlike Palermo it did not base its economy on production and mercantile activities.
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Silva, Denise dos Santos Vasconcelos. Direito à educação: efetividade, justiciabilidade e protagonismo cidadão. Brazil Publishing, 2020.

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The present study discusses the role of the judiciary concerning the interpretation of the right to education, with emphasis on the educational constitutional principles, on the basic content of the right to education and on the problems faced by this right. Furthermore, the present study pursuits to bring the risks that the excessive judicialization of the education brings to the balance between powers and the natural order of administration itself and public policies management in which the executive and legislative as powers elected by the people, develop, approve and initiate such programmatic actions; the lack of technical capacity of the judiciary to manage such complex matters; and the absence of infinite public resources to look after all the rights and benefits contained in the constitutions of the democratic states. As the education is a right related to the human dignity, development and citizenship, this way it should be carried out with diligence: 1. by the public authorities, specially the judiciary that even though it has not been elected by the universal suffrage, will not be able to remain inert in cases of inefficiency of the executive and legislative, for this purpose, it will be necessary mechanisms that provide more legitimacy in the acting of the judge, avoiding an inappropriate misuse of powers; and 2. by all members of society, as doers of their citizen position in search of a more decent life, once that through education (for) democracy, rights connected to freedom and to personal development are also accomplished.
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Santos, Leonel Ribeiro dos. A Razão Bem Temperada: Do Princípio do Gosto em Filosofia e outros Ensaios Kantianos. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2022.

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A ideia que dá título e confere tonalidade a este volume é tomada do primeiro ensaio, no qual se apontam os vários aspetos da profunda transformação estética da Filosofia, levada a cabo na e pela filosofia de Kant. Destaca-se a importância da metáfora-princípio do Gosto como noção sobre a qual se constrói o discurso e o pensamento estético setecentista na sua expressão mais qualificada, mas também como princípio modelador do próprio pensamento filosófico em geral, que dá a este uma inconfundível feição estética, reconhecível na linguagem e no modo de entender a produção do pensamento e a natureza da própria Filosofia e da sua peculiar poética. Os quatro primeiros ensaios explicitam os efeitos dessa “viragem para a estética” tal como ela se deu na e pela filosofia de Kant. Um segundo grupo de ensaios desenvolve aspetos pouco visitados da filosofia moral e política kantiana. E os quatro últimos ensaios dão a ver a fecundidade da polémica filosófica, ora apresentando Kant enquanto intérprete e crítico de outros filósofos antigos ou contemporâneos, ora mostrando interpretações pouco conhecidas da própria filosofia kantiana, que têm alguma relação com outros ensaios que integram o volume.
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Furtado, Andréia Cristina, Janine Padilha Botton, Henrique Cesar Almeida, Denis Porfirio Viveros Rodas, and Itamar Pena Nieradka. Fundamentos de biodigestão anaeróbia: Conceitos e processos. Brazil Publishing, 2020.

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The correct destination and especially the reuse of waste generated by society is a matter of survival in the current scenario. An interesting fact is that a large part of these residues has organic origin and can be reused for energy generation. Therefore, processes that employ the conversion of these residues into renewable sources of energy, are increasingly necessary. In this sense, the present work aims to discuss the basic concepts and the main processes of obtaining energy by the biogas generated from the anaerobic decomposition of substrates of animal and/or vegetable origin. These processes are enhanced in countries such as Brazil, for example, where agribusiness has a prominent role in the economy, so that the supply of these substrates is not a problem and can be exploited for energy purposes. During the chapters, the main substrates used as biomass will be discussed; how the biogas production process takes place; whether there is automation in biodigestion systems; what is the use given to the stabilized material in the bioreactor; what are the processes of treatment and purification of the biogas generated and, within a more social theme, what is the importance of public policies, laws and state regulation throughout these processes.
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Vasconcelos Júnior, Francisco Clezion Franca, Sânkia Maria Lopes Aragão, and Yasmin Saboia Moreira. Condutas clínicas em atenção primária à saúde. Editora Amplla, 2021.

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A Liga de Medicina de Família e Comunidade de Sobral (LIMFACS), desde 2007, possibilita aos acadêmicos de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Ceará a experiência de atuar de forma mais íntima com a Atenção Primária à Saúde. O estágio extracurricular aos Centros de Saúde da Família da cidade de Sobral, no interior do Ceará, promove o compartilhamento de habilidades entre estudantes e profissionais, em que o foco na abordagem centrada na pessoa e atitudes mais humanistas são priorizadas no contato com a comunidade. A pluralidade de atuações do Médico de Família e Comunidade e o impacto de suas ações na vida dos usuários, que buscam no Sistema único de Saúde (SUS) a resolução dos seus problemas de saúde, instigaram a idealização desta obra. Tal livro foi elaborado com o intuito de abordar, de forma sintetizada e direcionada, as principais situações clínicas das diversas áreas médicas que costumam surgir na Atenção Básica. Desse modo, o leitor poderá encontrar assuntos relacionados à saúde da criança, da mulher, da gestante, do adulto e do idoso, além das queixas mais prevalentes e doenças dos mais diversos sistemas humanos. Em cada capítulo o leitor encontrará os principais conceitos sobre cada tema abordado, além de casos clínicos, questões de revisão e fluxogramas que descomplicam o aprendizado e a fixação dos conhecimentos. Portanto, esperamos que o leitor possa perceber esta obra como uma fonte didática e diversificada de conhecimento, aproximando-se da rotina dos médicos de família e comunidade e compreendendo a relevância de sua atuação. Agradecemos aos integrantes da Liga de Medicina de Família e Comunidade de Sobral (LIMFACS) e aos profissionais de alta intelectualidade que ofereceram suporte durante a realização desta obra.
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Soyinka, Wole. Gigantes em cena. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2020.

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Gigantes em Cena mostra um quadro estático no qual os “gigantes” do título, Kamini, Gunema, Kasko e Tuboum – representações levemente disfarçadas de Idi Amin Macias Nguema, Jean-Bedel Bokassa e Mobutu Sese Seko, respetivamente – se apresentam como constituintes dos produtos pós-coloniais das superpotências do ocidente. Kamini, por exemplo, é colocado no poder pelos britânicos, financiado pelos americanos, militarmente armado pelos soviéticos e, no final, abandonado por todos, quando os serviços de um ditador insano já não lhes é conveniente. Gigantes em Cena constitui, deste modo, uma fantasia surreal de justiça poética internacional em que os sistemas de apoio económico e político dos governos ocidentais respondem, a seu tempo e bel-prazer, de forma catastrófica, aos monstros que eles próprios criaram e sobre os quais, consequentemente, perderam o controlo.<br>Nesta peça, Soyinka consegue reunir num só local todos os infames ditadores de África. O Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas e dois delegados, da Rússia e dos Estados Unidos da América, constituem as outras personalidades que dão o caráter internacional a Gigantes em Cena. O pretexto para tal encontro é uma reunião das Nações Unidas. À medida que a peça se desenrola, assistimos ao papel que as superpotências desempenham na sustentação dos ditadores no poder e, simultaneamente, à verdadeira natureza destes ditadores africanos – as suas confusões, perversões sexuais, os conceitos errados que têm do poder e respetivas complexidades.
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Oakley, Jeremy E., and Helen E. Clough. Sensitivity analysis in microbial risk assessment: Vero-cytotoxigenic E. coli O157 in farm-pasteurized milk. Edited by Anthony O'Hagan and Mike West. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This article discusses the use of Bayesian methods for performing uncertainty analysis in complex computer models, focusing on a mechanistic model that has been applied in a risk assessment of contamination of farm-pasteurized milk with the bacterium Vero-cytotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC) O157. The VTEC model has uncertain input parameters, which makes outputs from the model used to inform the risk assessment also uncertain. The question that arises is how to reduce output uncertainty in the most efficient manner possible. The article first provides an overview of microbial risk assessment before analysing the frequency and consequences of food-borne outbreaks associated with VTEC O157. It then introduces the risk assessment model, along with model input distributions. Finally, it presents the results of a variance-based sensitivity analysis that was conducted to identify the most important uncertain model inputs.
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Migone, Andrea, and Michael Howlett. Charles E. Lindblom, “The Science of Muddling Through”. Edited by Martin Lodge, Edward C. Page, and Steven J. Balla. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter discusses “The Science of Muddling Through”, a 1959 paper by Charles E. Lindblom that has influenced several generations of thinking about public policy decision-making in complex situations such as government and bureaucracy. The focus of Lindblom’s paper is on incrementalism, which he originally developed in the early 1950s as a decision-making model. Incrementalism refers to the study of “muddling through” behavior on the part of actual administrators and executives and is also called the method of “successive limited comparison” or “marginal” analysis by Lindblom. This chapter examines the impact of “The Science of Muddling Through” on the development of incrementalism and decision-making studies in the policy sciences. It also considers the influence of incrementalism on budgeting and management and on “punctuated equilibrium” thinking about decision-making outcomes. It concludes with an analysis of criticisms against incrementalism.
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Sá, Susana Oliveira, Fábio Freitas, Paulo Alexandre Castro, Mercedes González Sanmamed, and António Pedro Costa. Investigação Qualitativa em Educação: Avanços e Desafios / Investigación Cualitativa en Educación: Avances y Desafíos. Ludomedia, 2020.

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A pandemia provocada pelo coronavírus Sars-Cov-2 é a primeira verdadeiramente mundial, atinge todos os continentes, géneros, etnias, faixas etárias, religiões, culturas. A COVID-19 provocou a eliminação de vidas humanas. Consequentemente, as informações e, mais ainda, a experiência direta de manifestações pandémicas, desencadeiam uma emoção de medo, que sendo exacerbada pelos media, pode produzir o colapso. Ora, neste caso, as crianças e adolescentes são um grupo muito suscetível à influência dos mass media. Num contexto conturbado, perturbados pela obrigação de afastamento da família mais alargada e das amigas/os de convívio diário, surgem questões: será que as crianças e jovens estarão psiquicamente predispostos para o ensino? E as/os suas/eus professoras/es conseguirão ensinar de modo eficaz? Apesar de profissionais, estes não são robôs, são seres humanos, também psiquicamente condicionados, tal como as/os suas/eus alunas/os. Investigadores da área da Educação têm este desafio para dar respostas a pais, encarregados de educação, professores e professoras e a todos os que, diretamente ligados à sala de aula, à avaliação ou, simplesmente, ao contexto escolar, delas necessitam para que se sintam mais seguros/as no silêncio das suas angústias e no equilíbrio da suas performance, no sentido de manter alguma ordem no seio do caos.
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Cachinho, Herculano, Teresa Barata-Salgueiro, and Pedro Guimarães, eds. Comércio, Consumo & Governança Urbana. Centro de Estudos Geográficos, 2020.

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Apesar das inúmeras investigações realizadas até ao momento nos mais distintos quadrantes disciplinares, ainda não há consenso na academia sobre o momento do advento da sociedade de consumo. Para tal desentendimento concorrem não só as distintas formas como o consumo é perspetivado, mas também o facto de a sociedade de consumo resultar de mudanças que paulatinamente afetaram um conjunto multifacetado de processos económicos, sociais e culturais (Miles & Miles, 2004), com expressões diferenciadas nos distintos contextos geográficos (Massey, 2005). No entanto, o mesmo não se poderá dizer sobre a importância crucial que o comércio e o consumo tiveram na organização da cidade moderna e pós-moderna, assim como sobre o modo como os espaços de comércio e consumo influenciaram o caráter da vida social, as práticas quotidianas, os comportamentos dos consumidores e os estilos de vida, em particular em meio urbano (Amendola, 2000; Bookman, 2018) [...] Este livro reúne os principais trabalhos apresentados na sexta edição do seminário internacional, organizado por um grupo de geógrafos do IGOT, Universidade de Lisboa (Lisboa, 12-16 de setembro, 2017), com a contribuição científica de colegas do Brasil, Espanha, Itália, Argentina, México, França e Portugal. Consagrada à problemática do Comércio, Consumo e as Novas Formas de Governança Urbana, esta edição do evento tinha subjacente os seguintes objetivos: (i) dar continuidade ao desenvolvimento da agenda internacional de investigação explorada nas edições anteriores, enriquecendo-a com novas abordagens e casos de estudo; (ii) discutir os desafios conceptuais e metodológicos colocados à investigação pelas mudanças das paisagens comerciais e de consumo na cidade contemporânea do Sul Global; (iii) debater com académicos e diferentes stakeholders, da esfera pública e privada, os problemas que hoje se colocam ao planeamento e gestão dos sistemas comerciais com vista à melhoria da sua resiliência e ao desenvolvimento sustentável das cidades [...]
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Querzola, Lea. Il processo minorile in dimensione europea. Bononia University Press, 2021.

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L’opera affronta il delicato tema della giustizia minorile alla luce della normativa dell’Unione europea che, tenuto anche conto delle mutate condizioni sociali ed antropologiche, suggerisce una rilettura dell’impostazione classica della materia. Punto centrale dell’argomentazione dell’autrice è la tesi che il minore non possa essere considerato l’oggetto della tutela bensì, piuttosto, parte attiva di ogni procedimento che lo riguarda; si indagano pertanto a tal fine, fra l’altro, il ruolo decisivo dell’ascolto del minore nel processo e le modalità attraverso cui egli possa essere rappresentato in modo autonomo nella sede giurisdizionale, non senza riflettere sulla struttura e sulla funzione dell’organo giudiziario che dovrebbe essere chiamato a governare la giustizia minorile. La conclusione, raggiunta all’esito dell’ampia considerazione di dottrina interna e straniera, sia di diritto processuale che di diritto sostanziale, unitamente ad alcune incursioni nel territorio della psicologia e della sociologia, delinea lo schema di un moderno processo minorile pienamente aperto alle esigenze del contraddittorio e della trasparenza.
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Zablonsky, Mariana Rupprecht. Nacionalismo somali: Nação e propaganda política durante o regime militar. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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In 1969 Somalia, a country located in the Horn of Africa, suffered a military coup led by Siad Barre, a general who had integrated the colonial police of Somaliland and Italian Somalia. In this book we analyzed nine posters of governmental propaganda that comprise the period between 1974 -1975. The objective of this work is to discuss the construction of nationalism in the Barre Era, seeking similarities and discontinuities in relation to civil government. We use a vast historiography drawing to the maximum of local authors and theorists of the African continent. Through interdisciplinarity we aim to build a rich theoretical debate integrating anthropology, political science and history. The research used the theoretical model of historiographical analysis of Carlo Guinzburg, based on the investigation of clues in imagery sources. Elements of the local context, such as the process of decolonization of the Horn of Africa and conflicts with Ethiopia, have been emphasized, linking them to the global conjuncture of ideological conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union in the so-called Cold War. The impacts of colonialism are one of the central themes of the dissertation, so we try to demonstrate that events that occurred during colonization were fundamental to the complex puzzle that became the African continent during the 1960s and 1970s. Somalia does not escape this political panorama and the research tries to demonstrate that the posters analyzed were produced by the military government with the intention of disseminating a certain model of political regime.
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Andrade, Lucas de Melo, Bárbara Poli Uliano Shinkawa, and Valeriê Cardoso Machado Inaba. Múltiplos diálogos, reflexões e práticas na Educação. Edufatecie, 2022.

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Escrever um livro científico não é algo simples. Os desafios colocados são diversos, pois não envolvem apenas a necessidade do rigor conceitual e o cuidado com as normas gramaticais e editoriais. O exercício da escrita é ainda mais complexo na medida em que acontece a partir dos contextos sociais, políticos e afetivos do escritor. Em relação a este livro — Múltiplos diálogos, reflexões e práticas na Educação —, é possível dizer que os desafios foram enfrentados de modo ainda mais enriquecedor, pois os artigos que o compõem, ao se constituírem como versões revisadas de alguns trabalhos de conclusão de curso, resultaram de debates realizados por professores e alunos da primeira turma da Especialização em Práticas Interdisciplinares no Contexto Escolar, curso oferecido pelo IFPR - Campus Paranavaí. Logo, agradecimentos precisam ser feitos àqueles que, em conjunto, percorreram um caminho no qual novas possibilidades educacionais puderam ser construídas. Considerando as inúmeras demandas de trabalho que se apresentam aos professores do Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico da Rede Federal, iniciamos agradecendo aos docentes que, sem poupar esforços, comprometeram-se com a oferta da especialização. Nosso muito obrigado, portanto, aos professores Angela Fontana Marques, Bárbara Poli Uliano Shinkawa, Ester Cristina Back Schulz, Felipe Augusto Moreira Bonifácio, Felipe Luiz Gomes Figueira, Gabriela Fujimori da Silva, Giovanna Caputo dos Anjos Almeida, Josimar Priori, Lucas de Melo Andrade, Marcelo Lopes Rosa, Rafael Petermann, Renato Rodrigues dos Santos, Taynara Alcântara Cangussú, Valeriê Cardoso Machado Inaba e Viviane Moretto da Silva Fuly. Agradecemos com carinho especial a todos os alunos que, durante longas noites de segundas e terças-feiras, abraçaram uma proposta pedagógica marcada pela necessidade de escuta e pelo compartilhamento de experiências. Muito obrigado por confiarem no curso e pela presença sempre comprometida. Agradecemos também à equipe gestora do IFPR - Campus Paranavaí, que na época de elaboração e oferta da especialização, era composta pelos professores José Barbosa Dias Júnior (Diretor Geral), Valeriê Cardoso Machado Inaba (Diretora de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão) e Viviane Moretto da Silva Fuly (Coordenadora de Ensino). Desde o processo de concepção do curso, tal gestão procurou motivar os envolvidos e dar suporte às dúvidas burocráticas que então surgiram. Em relação ao suporte burocrático, estendemos nossos agradecimentos aos servidores da Pró-Reitoria de Extensão, Pesquisa, Pós-Graduação e Inovação (Proeppi), em especial àqueles da Diretoria de Pós-Graduação (DPG). Agradecemos ainda aos demais servidores do Campus Paranavaí, trabalhando em diferentes setores, como biblioteca, secretaria, administração e seção pedagógica, esses profissionais contribuíram no sentido de disponibilizar recursos que permitissem a atuação de alunos, professores e coordenação. De modo amplo, agradecemos a todos que viabilizaram a realização de um curso que, por meio deste livro, reafirma a sua importância para a história do Instituto Federal do Paraná - Campus Paranavaí.
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