Academic literature on the topic 'Mobility of molecules'
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Journal articles on the topic "Mobility of molecules"
Russina, Margarita, Evout Kemner, and Ferenc Mezei. "Impact of the Confinement on the Intra-Cage Dynamics of Molecular Hydrogen in Clathrate Hydrates." Materials Science Forum 879 (November 2016): 1294–99.
Full textAlmeida, A. M., M. M. D. Ramos, and H. G. Correia. "Change mobility in conjugated polymer molecules." Computational Materials Science 27, no. 1-2 (March 2003): 128–32.
Full textBhardwaj, Bishwajeet, Takeshi Sugiyama, Naoko Namba, Takayuki Umakoshi, Takafumi Uemura, Tsuyoshi Sekitani, and Prabhat Verma. "Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Dinaphthothienothiophene (DNTT)." Materials 12, no. 4 (February 18, 2019): 615.
Full textCrawford, Jeremie J., Frannie Itzkow, Joanna MacLean, and Douglas B. Craig. "Conformational change in individual enzyme molecules." Biochemistry and Cell Biology 93, no. 6 (December 2015): 611–18.
Full textMecheri, S., M. Edidin, G. Dannecker, R. S. Mittler, and M. K. Hoffmann. "Immunogenic Ia-binding peptides immobilize the Ia molecule and facilitate its aggregation on the B cell membrane. Control by the M1s-1 gene." Journal of Immunology 144, no. 4 (February 15, 1990): 1361–68.
Full textJäger, Alexander, Jette Schwarz, Yamuna Kunhi Mouvenchery, Gabriele E. Schaumann, and Marko Bertmer. "Physical long-term regeneration dynamics of soil organic matter as followed by 1H solid-state NMR methods." Environmental Chemistry 13, no. 1 (2016): 50.
Full textLichtner, Frank. "Phloem mobility of crop protection products." Functional Plant Biology 27, no. 6 (2000): 609.
Full textJaqaman, Khuloud, James A. Galbraith, Michael W. Davidson, and Catherine G. Galbraith. "Changes in single-molecule integrin dynamics linked to local cellular behavior." Molecular Biology of the Cell 27, no. 10 (May 15, 2016): 1561–69.
Full textZadrapa, Petr, Jiri Malac, and Petr Konecny. "Filler and mobility of rubber matrix molecules." Polymer Bulletin 67, no. 5 (June 9, 2011): 927–36.
Full textGirlich, D., and H. D. Lüdemann. "Molecular Mobility of Sucrose in Aqueous Solution Studied by 13C NMR Relaxation." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 48, no. 5-6 (June 1, 1993): 407–13.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Mobility of molecules"
Lapthorn, Cristian Lewis. "The application of ion mobility mass spectrometry to molecules of pharmaceutical significance." Thesis, University of Greenwich, 2016.
Full textChen, Yun Jacobson Ken. "Studying lateral mobility of surface molecules on the plasma membrane using biophysical approaches." Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007.,964.
Full textTitle from electronic title page (viewed Dec. 18, 2007). "... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the Department of Biomedical Engineering." Discipline: Biomedical Engineering; Department/School: Medicine.
Khalifeh, Iman. "Determination of self association constant between bovine insulin molecules by capillary zone electrophoresis." Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2005.
Full textCapillary electrophoresis (CE) is an analytical technique that is very useful for investigating processes that modify the charge and mass of proteins and polypeptide pharmaceuticals. This report explores the ability of CE to determine the aggregation constant between insulin molecules. Bovine insulin is a polypeptide (Mw=5733, pI = 5.3) that has two α-amino groups (Gly and Phe) and one ε–amino group (Lys). Analysis of concentration dependence of electrophoretic mobility of insulin at different conditions yields the association constant for dimerization of insulin. The association constant estimates how tight the peptide molecules are associated. The association constant is a useful factor to evaluate the purity of a peptide or protein sample.
The association reaction of bovine insulin molecules was found to be favoured by temperature. The association constants were 7200 M -1, 8000 M -1, and 36000 M -1 at 15 oC, 25 oC and 35 oC, respectively. The interactions between the peptide molecules increase at higher temperature, resulting in stronger association. The association constant was estimated to be 3000 M -1in the presence of dioxane (5%, w/v %) at 25 oC. However, the interaction sites remain to be explored.
Bahra, Sukhvinder Singh. "Investigations into the mobility of cell-surface MHC molecules using an IgG-Oregon Green probe : a FRAP investigation." Thesis, University of Essex, 2002.
Full textPlatt, Sean P. "Interactions of the Naphthalene Radical Cation with Polar and Unsaturated Molecules in the Gas Phase." VCU Scholars Compass, 2016.
Full textPearcy, Adam C. "Non-covalent and covalent interactions between phenylacetylene and quinoline radical cations with polar and non-polar molecules in the gas phase." VCU Scholars Compass, 2019.
Full textTäuber, Daniela, Mario Heidernätsch, Michael Bauer, Günter Radons, Jörg Schuster, and Christian von Borczyskowski. "Single molecule tracking of the molecular mobility in thinning liquid films on thermally grown SiO 2." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2015.
Full textTäuber, Daniela, Mario Heidernätsch, Michael Bauer, Günter Radons, Jörg Schuster, and Christian von Borczyskowski. "Single molecule tracking of the molecular mobility in thinning liquid films on thermally grown SiO 2." Diffusion fundamentals 11 (2009) 107, S. 1-11, 2009.
Full textCarsí, Rosique Marta. "Molecular mobility. Structure-property relationship of polymeric materials." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016.
Full text[ES] En este trabajo se presenta un estudio de la influencia de la estructura química de los polímeros en su comportamiento térmico, mecánico y dieléctrico. Las técnicas experimentales empleadas para ello han sido la calorimetría diferencial de barrido, el análisis dinamo-mecánico y la espectroscopia dieléctrica. Adicionalmente, se han empleado otras técnicas como la difracción de rayos, con objeto de corroborar los resultados obtenidos por las primeras. En los Capítulos 1 y 2 se recoge la introducción y los objetivos, respectivamente. El Capítulo 3 presenta una breve descripción de las técnicas experimentales empleadas. En el Capítulo 4 se recogen los resultados obtenidos en el análisis comparativo de la respuesta a campos de perturbación eléctrica en un amplio rango de frecuencias y temperaturas para tres polimetacrilatos de bencilo con dos grupos dimetoxi en posiciones 2,5-, 2,3- y 3,4-. Los resultados obtenidos señalan el importante efecto de la posición de los grupos dimetoxi en el anillo aromático, sobre la dinámica molecular del polimetacrilato de bencilo. Los espectros obtenidos fueron muy complejos, por ello en orden a llevar a cabo un mejor análisis se emplearon métodos numéricos para la transformación tiempo-frecuencia que incluyeron el uso de técnicas de regularización paramétrica. Se ha estudiado el efecto que dicho cambio estructural ejerce tanto sobre los procesos de relajación secundaria como sobre el proceso de relajación α, relacionado con la transición vítrea. Así mismo, se ha analizado el efecto de la posición de los grupos dimetoxi en la formación de iii nanodominios en los que predominan las cadenas laterales, y su efecto en los procesos de conducción de los materiales analizados. En el Capítulo 5 se recoge el estudio de la conductividad de líquidos gomosos tomando como modelo el poli (metacrilato de 2,3-dimetoxibencilo), por su peculiar comportamiento. En este capítulo se ha realizado un análisis del principio de superposición tiempo-temperatura, empleando para ello diferentes variables relacionadas entre sí. En el Capítulo 6 se recoge el efecto de la presencia de entrecruzante en la movilidad molecular de polimetacrilatos que contienen residuos de éteres de alcoholes alifáticos. En este caso, se ha analizado el efecto de la presencia de entrecruzante tanto en los procesos de relajación secundarios, como en el proceso de relajación principal. También se llevó a cabo un análisis del efecto que la presencia de entrecruzante tiene sobre la creación de nanodominios gobernados por las cadenas laterales.
[CAT] En aquest treball es presenta un estudi de la influència de l'estructura química dels polímers en el seu comportament tèrmic, mecànic i dielèctric. Les tècniques experimentals utilitzades han sigut la calorimetria diferencial de rastreig, l'anàlisi dinamo-mecànic i l'espectroscòpia dielèctrica. Addicionalment, s'han empleat altres tècniques com la difracció de rajos X a fi de corroborar els resultats obtinguts per les primeres. En els Capítols 1 i 2 s'arreplega la introducció i els objectius, respectivament. Al Capítol 3 es presenta una breu descripció de les tècniques experimentals emprades. En el Capítol 4 es recull els resultats obtinguts en l'anàlisi comparativa de la resposta a camps de pertorbació elèctrica en un ampli rang de freqüències i temperatures de tres polimetacrilats de benzil amb dos grups metoxi en posicions 2,5-, 2,3- i 3,4-. Els resultats obtinguts assenyalen l'important efecte de la posició dels grups metoxi en l'anell aromàtic, sobre la dinàmica molecular del polimetacrilat de benzil. Els espectres obtinguts van ser molt complexos, per aquesta raó per a dur a terme un millor anàlisi es van emprar mètodes numèrics per a la transformació temps-freqüència que van incloure l'ús de tècniques de regularització paramètrica. S'ha estudiat l'efecte que el dit canvi estructural exerceix tant sobre els processos de relaxació secundària com sobre el procés de relaxació , relacionat amb la transició vítria. Així mateix, s'ha analitzat l'efecte de la posició dels grups metoxi en la formació de nanodominis en els que predominen les cadenes laterals, i el seu efecte en els processos de conducció dels materials analitzats. En el Capítol 5 s'arreplega l'estudi de la conductivitat de líquids gomosos prenent com a model el poli-(metacrilat de 2,3-dimetoxibencilo), pel seu peculiar comportament. En aquest capítol s'ha realitzat un anàlisi del principi de superposició temps-temperatura, emprant per a això diferents variables relacionades entre sí. En el Capítol 6 s'arreplega l'efecte de la presència d'entrecreuat en la mobilitat molecular de polimetacrilats que contenen residus d'èters d'alcohols alifàtics. En aquest cas, s'ha analitzat l'efecte de la presència d'entrecreuat tant en els processos de relaxació secundaris, com en el procés de relaxació principal. També es va dur a terme un anàlisi de l'efecte que la presència d'entrecreuat químic té sobre la creació de nanodominis governats per les cadenes laterals.
Carsí Rosique, M. (2015). Molecular mobility. Structure-property relationship of polymeric materials [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València.
Le, Quang Hien 1972. "Diversity and mobility of transposons in Arabidopsis thaliana." Thesis, McGill University, 2002. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=38497.
Full textBooks on the topic "Mobility of molecules"
Padhye, Nikhil. Molecular Mobility in Deforming Polymer Glasses. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textTokyo, Japan) JST-CREST International Symposium "Nanobio-Interfaces in Relation to Molecular Mobility" (2009. Nanobio-interfaces in relation to molecular mobility. Nomi, Ishikawa, Japan: JAIST Press, 2010.
Find full textH, Kausch H., ed. Intrinsic molecular mobility and toughness of polymers. Berlin: Springer, 2005.
Find full textKausch, Hans-Henning, ed. Intrinsic Molecular Mobility and Toughness of Polymers I. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2005.
Full textKausch, Hans-Henning, ed. Intrinsic Molecular Mobility and Toughness of Polymers II. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
Full textInternational Symposium on Molecular Order and Mobility in Polymer Systems (2nd 1996 St. Petersburg, Russia). Plenary and invited lectures presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Order and Mobility in Polymer Systems: Held in St. Petersburg, Russia 21-24 May 1996. Edited by Frenkel S. Ya and Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Macromolecular Compounds. Zug: Huthig & Wepf, 1997.
Find full textauthor, Sarich Marco 1985, ed. Metastability and Markov state models in molecular dynamics: Modeling, analysis, algorithmic approaches. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, 2013.
Find full textIntrinsic molecular mobility and toughness of polymers. Berlin: Springer, 2005.
Find full textGotlib, Yu Ya. Molecular Mobility and Order in Polymer Systems. John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
Find full textPadhye, Nikhil. Molecular Mobility in Deforming Glasses: Theories and Applications. Springer International Publishing AG, 2021.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Mobility of molecules"
Viehland, Larry A. "Kinetic Theory for Molecules." In Gaseous Ion Mobility, Diffusion, and Reaction, 233–53. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textViehland, Larry A. "Model Calculations for Molecules." In Gaseous Ion Mobility, Diffusion, and Reaction, 255–68. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textWang, Xuanbin. "High Mobility Group Box B1." In Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules, 2365–69. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textWang, Xuanbin. "High Mobility Group Box B1." In Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules, 1–5. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2016.
Full textPrummer, Michael, and Horst Vogel. "Mobility and Signaling of Single Receptor Proteins." In Single Molecules and Nanotechnology, 131–62. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Full textSimard, Jean, and Mehdi Ammi. "Haptic Communication Tools for Collaborative Deformation of Molecules." In Haptics: Perception, Devices, Mobility, and Communication, 517–27. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textKärger, Jörg, Christine M. Papadakis, and Frank Stallmach. "Structure–Mobility Relations of Molecular Diffusion in Interface Systems." In Molecules in Interaction with Surfaces and Interfaces, 127–62. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.
Full textDe Lara, E. Cohen, and R. Kahn. "Temperature Dependence of the Mobility of Molecules Sorbed in Type A Zeolites." In Guidelines for Mastering the Properties of Molecular Sieves, 169–82. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1990.
Full textAlberola-Ila, Jose, Lourdes Places, Jordi Vives, and Francisco Lozano. "Changes on the Electrophoretic Mobility of CD5 Molecules Induced by PKC-Mediated Phosphorylation." In Cellular Regulation by Protein Phosphorylation, 209–13. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991.
Full textLe Meste, M., A. Voilley, and B. Colas. "Influence of Water on the Mobility of Small Molecules Dispersed in a Polymeric System." In Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 123–38. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1991.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Mobility of molecules"
Shahbazi, Zahra, Horea T. Ilies¸, and Kazem Kazerounian. "Protein Molecules as Natural Nano Bio Devices: Mobility Analysis." In ASME 2010 First Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textShahbazi, Zahra, Horea T. Ilies¸, and Kazem Kazerounian. "On Hydrogen Bonds and Mobility of Protein Molecules." In ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2009.
Full textDemirtas, Ahmet, and Zahra Shahbazi. "An Optimized Kinematic Mobility Analysis of Protein Molecules." In ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.
Full textChen, Peng-Yu, Wei-Hui Chen, and Che-Wun Hong. "Nanofludic Analysis on Methanol Crossover of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells." In ASME 2008 First International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer. ASMEDC, 2008.
Full textTagaya, Yoichi, Yasunaga Mitsuya, Susumu Ogata, Hedong Zhang, and Kenji Fukuzawa. "Effects of Molecular Conformations and Functional Endgroups on Nanoscale Mobility of Lubricant Molecules on Magnetic Disks." In 2006 IEEE International Symposium on MicroNanoMechanical and Human Science. IEEE, 2006.
Full textOhara, T., and A. Majumdar. "Ratcheting Electrophoresis Microchip (REM) for Programmable Transport and Separation of Macromolecules." In ASME 2001 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.
Full textShahbazi, Zahra, Horea T. Ilies¸, and Kazem Kazerounian. "Kinematic Motion Constraints of the Protein Molecule Chains." In ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2011.
Full textBabkov, Lev M., E. S. Vedyaeva, I. I. Gnatyuk, Galina A. Puchkovska, S. V. Truhachev, and J. I. Kukielski. "Investigation of conformational mobility of 4-pentyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl by IR spectroscopy methods." In XV International School on Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals, edited by Galina A. Puchkovska and Sergey A. Kostyukevych. SPIE, 2002.
Full textHayakari, Kohei, Yuki Kanamori, and Yoshimichi Hagiwara. "Molecular Dynamics Analysis on the Interaction Among Water, Cations, Anions and Antifreeze Protein." In 2010 14th International Heat Transfer Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textKishore, Vipuil, Mousa Younesi, Stefi Panit, and Ozan Akkus. "Electrochemical Compaction of the Collagen: Effects on Matrix Mechanics and MSC Response." In ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.
Full textReports on the topic "Mobility of molecules"
Gao, H. Crosslinked, flexible, low-molecular-weight polyacrylamide gels for mobility control. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 1989.
Full textKline, R. The Dependence of Regioregular Poly(3-Hexylthiophene) Film Morphology and Field-Effect Mobility on Molecular Weight. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2004.
Full textEnick, Robert M. Final Research Performance Report - Small Molecular Associative Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Thickeners for Improved Mobility Control. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2017.
Full textRussell, David H. Developing Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry for Structural Characterization of Complex Molecular Systems, Final Report/Product Number: DOE_ER-15520-3. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2017.
Full textChefetz, Benny, and Jon Chorover. Sorption and Mobility of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Soils Irrigated with Treated Wastewater. United States Department of Agriculture, 2006.
Full textChefetz, Benny, and Jon Chorover. Sorption and Mobility of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Soils Irrigated with Treated Wastewater. United States Department of Agriculture, 2006.
Full textCantwell, K. Molecular Environmental Science: Speciation, Reactivity, and Mobility of Environmental Contaminants: An Assessment of Research Opportunities and the Need fo Synchrotron Radiation Facilities. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2018.
Full textChristopher, David A., and Avihai Danon. Plant Adaptation to Light Stress: Genetic Regulatory Mechanisms. United States Department of Agriculture, May 2004.
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