Journal articles on the topic 'Mixed-integer quadratic program'
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Gondzio, Jacek, and E. Alper Yıldırım. "Global solutions of nonconvex standard quadratic programs via mixed integer linear programming reformulations." Journal of Global Optimization 81, no. 2 (April 20, 2021): 293–321.
Full textKimura, Keiji, Hayato Waki, and Masaya Yasuda. "Application of mixed integer quadratic program to shortest vector problems." JSIAM Letters 9 (2017): 65–68.
Full textChen, Zhiping, and Zongben Xu. "Continuity and Stability of a Quadratic Mixed-Integer Stochastic Program." Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 30, no. 5-6 (June 30, 2009): 462–77.
Full textZhao, Yingfeng, and Sanyang Liu. "Global optimization algorithm for mixed integer quadratically constrained quadratic program." Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 319 (August 2017): 159–69.
Full textFeitelberg, Jacob, Amitabh Basu, and Tamás Budavári. "Fast Globally Optimal Catalog Matching using MIQCP." Astronomical Journal 166, no. 4 (September 27, 2023): 174.
Full textCvokic, Dimitrije. "A leader-follower single allocation hub location problem under fixed markups." Filomat 34, no. 8 (2020): 2463–84.
Full textPopkov, Alexander S. "Optimal program control in the class of quadratic splines for linear systems." Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Applied Mathematics. Computer Science. Control Processes 16, no. 4 (2020): 462–70.
Full textSadeghian, Omid, Arash Moradzadeh, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Mehdi Abapour, and Fausto Pedro Garcia Marquez. "Generation Units Maintenance in Combined Heat and Power Integrated Systems Using the Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming Approach." Energies 13, no. 11 (June 3, 2020): 2840.
Full textYaakob, Shamshul Bahar, Mohd Zamri Hasan, and Amran Ahmed. "Structural Learning of Boltzmann Machine and its Application." Applied Mechanics and Materials 785 (August 2015): 63–67.
Full textSterle, Arnold, Christian A. Hans, and Jörg Raisch. "Model predictive control of wakes for wind farm power tracking." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2767, no. 3 (June 1, 2024): 032005.
Full textMelton, Kerry, and Sandeep Parepally. "Domiciling Truck Drivers More Strategically in a Transportation Network." International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering 2, no. 1 (January 2014): 41–56.
Full textZhu, Qian, Xiaoning Zhu, Pan Shang, and Lingyun Meng. "Analytical Approximation-Based Approach for Passenger Flow Control Strategy in Oversaturated Urban Rail Transit Systems." Journal of Advanced Transportation 2023 (June 23, 2023): 1–21.
Full textChen, Jun, Zheng Chang, Wenlong Guo, and Xijuan Guo. "Resource Allocation and Computation Offloading for Wireless Powered Mobile Edge Computing." Sensors 22, no. 16 (August 11, 2022): 6002.
Full textWeissteiner, Jakob, and Sven Seuken. "Deep Learning—Powered Iterative Combinatorial Auctions." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34, no. 02 (April 3, 2020): 2284–93.
Full textLin, Ming-Hua, Jung-Fa Tsai, Yi-Chung Hu, and Tzu-Hsuan Su. "Optimal Allocation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing." Symmetry 10, no. 12 (December 15, 2018): 756.
Full textYuan, Yuan, Ping Yan, and Liqiang Zhao. "Continuous Time Formulation and Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithm for the Gate Assignment Problem." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 (August 25, 2020): 1–11.
Full textTheodorakatos, Nikolaos P., Rohit Babu, and Angelos P. Moschoudis. "An Incomplete Observability-Constrained PMU Allocation Problem by Using Mathematical and Evolutionary Algorithms." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2701, no. 1 (February 1, 2024): 012013.
Full textBadenbroek, Riley, and Etienne de Klerk. "An Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method to Determine Complete Positivity of a Matrix." INFORMS Journal on Computing 34, no. 2 (March 2022): 1115–25.
Full textde Weert, Yoran, and Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis. "A COVID-19 Public Transport Frequency Setting Model That Includes Short-Turning Options." Future Transportation 1, no. 1 (March 29, 2021): 3–20.
Full textGolmohamadi, Hessam, and Amin Asadi. "Integration of Joint Power-Heat Flexibility of Oil Refinery Industries to Uncertain Energy Markets." Energies 13, no. 18 (September 17, 2020): 4874.
Full textAgner, Raphael, Peter Gruber, and Beat Wellig. "Model Predictive Control of Heat Pumps with Thermal Energy Storages in Industrial Processes." Energies 17, no. 19 (September 26, 2024): 4823.
Full textWindmann, Stefan, Oliver Niggemann, and Heiko Stichweh. "Computation of energy efficient driving speeds in conveying systems." at - Automatisierungstechnik 66, no. 4 (April 25, 2018): 308–19.
Full textLieberman, Edward B., Jinil Chang, and Elena Shenk Prassas. "Formulation of Real-Time Control Policy for Oversaturated Arterials." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1727, no. 1 (January 2000): 77–88.
Full textGriffin, Robert J., and Alexander Leonessa. "Model Predictive Control for Stable Walking Using the Divergent Component of Motion with Footstep Location and Yaw Adaptation." International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 16, no. 05 (October 2019): 1950025.
Full textBilal, Ghassan A., Mohammed K. Al-Saadi, Ghaidaa A. Al-Sultany, and Wisam Abed Kattea Al-Maliki. "Optimal Operation of CCHP Smart Distribution Grid with Integration of Renewable Energy." Applied Sciences 15, no. 3 (January 29, 2025): 1407.
Full textNewby, Eric, and M. Montaz Ali. "Transformation-Based Preprocessing for Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programs." Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 168, no. 3 (September 25, 2015): 1039–45.
Full textZiyatdinov, N. N., I. I. Emelyanov, A. A. Ryzhova, and P. S. Chernakov. "Algorithm and software for the optimal technological design of a system of simple distillation columns." Fine Chemical Technologies 16, no. 5 (November 28, 2021): 379–89.
Full textFernandez-Gonzalez, Enrique, Brian Williams, and Erez Karpas. "ScottyActivity: Mixed Discrete-Continuous Planning with Convex Optimization." Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 62 (July 27, 2018): 579–664.
Full textSu, Lijie, Lixin Tang, David E. Bernal, and Ignacio E. Grossmann. "Improved quadratic cuts for convex mixed-integer nonlinear programs." Computers & Chemical Engineering 109 (January 2018): 77–95.
Full textBemporad, Alberto. "Solving Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programs via Nonnegative Least Squares." IFAC-PapersOnLine 48, no. 23 (2015): 73–79.
Full textHan, Youpan, and Zhiping Chen. "Continuity of parametric mixed-integer quadratic programs and its application to stability analysis of two-stage quadratic stochastic programs with mixed-integer recourse." Optimization 64, no. 9 (April 25, 2014): 1983–97.
Full textZheng, Xiaojin, Xiaoling Sun, Duan Li, and Xueting Cui. "Lagrangian decomposition and mixed-integer quadratic programming reformulations for probabilistically constrained quadratic programs." European Journal of Operational Research 221, no. 1 (August 2012): 38–48.
Full textNowak, Ivo. "Lagrangian decomposition of block-separable mixed-integer all-quadratic programs." Mathematical Programming 102, no. 2 (February 6, 2004): 295–312.
Full textChen, Zhiping, and Youpan Han. "Quantitative stability of mixed-integer two-stage quadratic stochastic programs." Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 75, no. 2 (January 11, 2012): 149–63.
Full textRagsdale, Cliff, and Antonie Stam. "A note on solving quadratic programs using mixed-integer programming." Computers & Operations Research 16, no. 4 (January 1989): 393–95.
Full textHijazi, Hassan, Carleton Coffrin, and Pascal Van Hentenryck. "Convex quadratic relaxations for mixed-integer nonlinear programs in power systems." Mathematical Programming Computation 9, no. 3 (October 15, 2016): 321–67.
Full textLazimy, Rafael. "Improved algorithm for mixed-integer quadratic programs and a computational study." Mathematical Programming 32, no. 1 (May 1985): 100–113.
Full textNewby, Eric, and M. M. Ali. "A Note on Convex Reformulation Schemes for Mixed Integer Quadratic Programs." Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 160, no. 2 (May 24, 2013): 457–69.
Full textNewby, Eric, and M. M. Ali. "Linear transformation based solution methods for non-convex mixed integer quadratic programs." Optimization Letters 11, no. 5 (December 26, 2015): 967–81.
Full textBillionnet, Alain, Sourour Elloumi, and Amélie Lambert. "A Branch and Bound algorithm for general mixed-integer quadratic programs based on quadratic convex relaxation." Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 28, no. 2 (November 14, 2012): 376–99.
Full textNohra, Carlos J., Arvind U. Raghunathan, and Nikolaos Sahinidis. "Spectral Relaxations and Branching Strategies for Global Optimization of Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programs." SIAM Journal on Optimization 31, no. 1 (January 2021): 142–71.
Full textMehmanchi, Erfan, Andrés Gómez, and Oleg A. Prokopyev. "Fractional 0–1 programs: links between mixed-integer linear and conic quadratic formulations." Journal of Global Optimization 75, no. 2 (September 6, 2019): 273–339.
Full textLetchford, Adam N., and Daniel J. Grainger. "A note on representations of linear inequalities in non-convex mixed-integer quadratic programs." Operations Research Letters 45, no. 6 (November 2017): 631–34.
Full textVielma, Juan Pablo, Shabbir Ahmed, and George L. Nemhauser. "A Lifted Linear Programming Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Mixed-Integer Conic Quadratic Programs." INFORMS Journal on Computing 20, no. 3 (August 2008): 438–50.
Full textChen, Zhi-ping, and You-pan Han. "Continuity of the optimal value function and optimal solutions of parametric mixed-integer quadratic programs." Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities 25, no. 4 (December 2010): 391–99.
Full textBestuzheva, Ksenia, Hassan Hijazi, and Carleton Coffrin. "Convex Relaxations for Quadratic On/Off Constraints and Applications to Optimal Transmission Switching." INFORMS Journal on Computing 32, no. 3 (July 2020): 682–96.
Full textMisener, Ruth, and Christodoulos A. Floudas. "Global optimization of mixed-integer quadratically-constrained quadratic programs (MIQCQP) through piecewise-linear and edge-concave relaxations." Mathematical Programming 136, no. 1 (May 24, 2012): 155–82.
Full textMisener, Ruth, James B. Smadbeck, and Christodoulos A. Floudas. "Dynamically generated cutting planes for mixed-integer quadratically constrained quadratic programs and their incorporation into GloMIQO 2." Optimization Methods and Software 30, no. 1 (May 21, 2014): 215–49.
Full textNespoli, Lorenzo, Nina Wiedemann, Esra Suel, Yanan Xin, Martin Raubal, and Vasco Medici. "National-scale bi-directional EV fleet control for ancillary service provision." Energy Informatics 6, S1 (October 19, 2023).
Full textGrübel, Julia, Richard Krug, Martin Schmidt, and Winnifried Wollner. "A Successive Linear Relaxation Method for MINLPs with Multivariate Lipschitz Continuous Nonlinearities." Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, July 23, 2023.
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