Academic literature on the topic 'Missions italiennes'
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Journal articles on the topic "Missions italiennes"
Palidda, Salvatore. "Missions militaires italiennes à l’étranger : la prolifération des hybrides." Cultures & conflits, no. 67 (November 15, 2007): 113–29.
Full textTeulieres, Laure. "Le "pelerinage des emigres". Itineraires de devotion et missions catholiques italiennes dans la France du Sud-Ouest." Le Mouvement social, no. 209 (October 2004): 53.
Full textTuriano, Annalaura. "Une mission catholique en mutation." Social Sciences and Missions 32, no. 3-4 (November 12, 2019): 393–419.
Full textChamoux, Par F. "La Cyrénaïque, des origines à 321 a.C., d'après les fouilles et les travaux récents." Libyan Studies 20 (January 1989): 63–70.
Full textGrandhomme, Jean-Noël. "La Roumanie en guerre et la mission militaire Italienne (1916-1918)." Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains 224, no. 4 (2006): 15.
Full textVéLez, Karin. "“A sign that we are related to you”: The Transatlantic Gifts of the Hurons of the Jesuit Mission of Lorette, 1650–1750." French Colonial History 12 (May 1, 2011): 31–44.
Full textVélez, Karin, and Hélène Paré. "Les voyages outre-mer d’un nom : de Loreto en Italie à la Jeune-Lorette au Canada." Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 64, no. 3-4 (August 15, 2013): 119–44.
Full textLander, Mario Villarroel. "75e anniversaire de la Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Roug." Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge 76, no. 808 (August 1994): 347–50.
Full textBock, Ingrid. "Spalato Romana – Die Mission der Königlichen Akademie Italiens nach Split (29. Sept.–3. Okt. 1941 – XIX)." Römische Historische Mitteilungen 50 (2009): 557–626.
Full textde Maigret, Alessandro, and Christian Julien Robin. "Le temple de Nakrah à Yathill (aujourd'hui Barāqish), Yémen. Résultats des deux premières campagnes de fouilles de la mission italienne." Comptes-rendus des séances de l année - Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres 137, no. 2 (1993): 427–96.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Missions italiennes"
Durante, da Sessano Carmelo. "Guglielmo Massaja : O.F.M. Cap., vicario apostolico dei Galla, cardinale di Santa Romana Chiesa : saggio storico-critico secondo documenti inediti : Roma 1946 /." Sessano del Molise : Ed. serena senectus, 1998.
Full textGhedini, Giacomo. "I "moretti" : schiavitù e missioni tra Africa ed Europa (1824-1947)." Thesis, Université Paris Cité, 2021.
Full textThe aim of this doctoral thesis is to reconstruct the historical phenomenon of the "moretti". They were generally girls and boys of sub-Saharan origin rescued from slavery by Catholic missionaries during the Nineteenth century. Once in Europe, they were often educated to become missionaries, to be later sent back to Africa to continue the christianization of the continent. In the first part of my work, I will attempt to outline the historical context, highlighting the references to the macro-themes of slavery and missions. Hence, I will also analyse the main stages of its development from its institutional dimension. I have decided to date the beginning of the phenomenon in 1824 when missionary Anne-Marie Javouhey brought some Senegalese children to France. Although it had already been in decline for several decades, I have chosen to consider 1947 as an ending point: this is when Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese slave girl turned nun and canonised after death, died. In the third and final part of the thesis I will present some biographical portraits of "moretti", in order to illustrate the wide case history of lives and events that make up to such a unitary but diversified phenomenon. An elaborate iconographic appendix closes the work. This research aims to bring to light a history that has so far been almost neglected, focusing not only on the trajectories of European missionaries, but especially on those of the "moretti". By doing so, it will fit into that field of studies that tries to rethink the history of missions abandoning a strictly Eurocentric approach. This research also wants to emphasize that "moretti" were not simply victims of a system which only classified them as second-rate roles, but rather individuals with their own agency, who directly contributed to shaping the mission itself
L'obiettivo di questa tesi dottorale è ricostruire il fenomeno storico dei "moretti", bambine e bambini d'origine subsahariana riscattati dalla schiavitù da missionari cattolici principalmente nel diciannovesimo secolo ed educati in Europa, spesso con lo scopo di rimandarli in Africa come missionari a loro volta. La prima parte cercherà di tratteggiare il contesto storico, in particolare in riferimento ai macrotemi della schiavitù e delle missioni. Seguirà l'analisi delle principali fasi di sviluppo del fenomeno, a partire anche dalla sua dimensione istituzionale. Si è optato per datarne l'inizio nel 1824, con l'azione della missionaria Anne-Marie Javouhey, che portò alcuni bambini senegalesi in Francia; la data scelta per la fine, invece, benché esso fosse in declino già da tempo, è il 1947, anno di morte di Giuseppina Bakhita, una bambina schiava sudanese divenuta suora e la più nota tra le "morette". Nella terza ed ultima parte della tesi si presenteranno alcuni ritratti biografici di "moretti", al fine di illustrare esemplarmente l'ampia casistica di vite e vicende che danno corpo a un fenomeno unitario ma diversificato. Chiude l'elaborato un'appendice iconografica. La ricerca vuole riportare alla luce una storia rimasta finora pressoché sommersa, focalizzando non solo le traiettorie dei missionari europei, ma specialmente quelle dei "moretti" e, così facendo, inserirsi nella corrente di studi volta a ripensare la storia delle missioni in chiave non più esclusivamente eurocentrica. I "moretti", infatti, non furono solo vittime di una serie di processi volti a relegarli ad un ruolo di secondo piano, ma individui dotati di una loro agency, che contribuirono a plasmare la missione stessa
Avarello, Vito. "L’oeuvre italienne de Matteo Ricci : anatomie d’une rencontre chinoise." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 1, 2011.
Full textThis thesis aims at studying the question of the encounter in Matteo Ricci’s Italian work, starting from a biographical reading of Lettere and of Della entrata della Compagnia di Giesù e Christianità nella Cina.This study supplements the figure of the Sino-Christian writer with that of Matteo Ricci as the author of an Italian work that is worthy of interest both from the point of view of civilisation and of literature. My approach relies on a reading of his writings as an anatomy of his encounter with the Celestial Empire and as a biography of a literary travel, the set of texts being apprehended as a literary phenomenology of the encounter.Reflecting on the concept of alterity allows one to analyse Ricci’s texts as the biography of a particular look on China and Chinese people — a vision which, from a Humanist and Christian interpretation, promotes the tangible encounter with a distant Other, born by desire. Throughout his missionary and literary work, Matteo Ricci constructs a new hermeneutics of the Chinese world that breaks away from the imagology produced by medieval Europe.The final section of the analysis envisages Ricci’s writing as the biography of a discourse, as putting forward a religious interpretation and an aesthetics of the encounter. Being faithful to the Christian tradition, he however redefines the relationships between the Western world and pagan otherness by promoting a new language — inculturation. From a literary point of view, his writing proposes a singular stylistic approach, one that mingles aesthetic diversity and historiography which gestures towards the epic and Christian apologetics
Zheng, Yikan. "Entre la terreur et l’espoir : la construction de l’image du Mongol aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018.
Full textThe appearance of Mongol images in Italian paintings is a particular and marginal phenomenon in the late 13th and 14th centuries. My thesis examines and analyses how artists represent this new image of the Other, so foreign and so unthinkable, and considers the formation and transformation of images in different contexts. The Mongol image inscribed in a transcultural history corresponds to the period of the Pax Mongolica between 1250 and 1350. After the Mongol conquest, the Mongol Empire built a period of peace in the vast territory of the Eurasia. The Mongolian authority made a great effort to facilitate the trade routes, and built a network of roads that allowed merchants, ambassadors and missionaries to circulate easily between Europe and Asia. From this moment, the Mongol image, as an image of otherness, penetrates into evangelical narrations in an anachronistic way, such as the Adoration of the Magi, the Crucifixion, Pentecost and the Resurrection. The role of Mongol is not univocally negative. It changes according to the moments and contexts: they were represented as Gog and Magog at the end of time; as soldier dividing the tunic of Christ; as spectator and witness watching the crucifixion or martyrdom scenes; as oriental kings worshiping the newborn Christ-child. All of this constitute, to some extent, an oscillating image that creates a tension between terror and hope. My thesis aims to consider the complexity of the context in the representation of the Mongol image and to demonstrate how, in this process, the image gives, in turn, a visibility of the mentalities of the end of the Middle Ages
Books on the topic "Missions italiennes"
1799-1885, Bourget Ignace, ed. Circulaire au clergé: Le mandement ci-joint est une nouvelle protestation contre l'invasion du reste des États pontificaux par l'Armée italienne .. [S.l: s.n., 1986.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Missions italiennes"
"Convertire l’anime. Die Rolle der Musik in der inneren Mission Italiens." In Barocke Bekehrungen, 195–236. transcript-Verlag, 2013.
Full textOver, Berthold. "Convertire l’anime. Die Rolle der Musik in der inneren Mission Italiens." In Barocke Bekehrungen, 195–236. transcript Verlag, 2013.
Full textBragantini, Irene, Giulio Lucarini, Andrea Manzo, and Rosanna Pirelli. "La Mission archéologique italienne dans le désert Oriental : premiers résultats des prospections dans le wâdi Gasus." In Le désert oriental d'Égypte durant la période gréco-romaine : bilans archéologiques. Collège de France, 2018.
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