Academic literature on the topic 'Missionnaires – 19e siècle'
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Journal articles on the topic "Missionnaires – 19e siècle"
Peelman, Achiel. "Les Missionnaires oblats et les cultures amérindiennes au 19e siècle." Articles 62 (December 23, 2011): 31–47.
Full textMorrison, Hugh. "'But We are Concerned with a Greater Imperium': The New Zealand Protestant Missionary Movement and the British Empire, 1870-1930." Social Sciences and Missions 21, no. 1 (2008): 97–127.
Full textBateman, Fiona. "Defining the Heathen in Ireland and Africa: Two Similar Discourses a Century Apart." Social Sciences and Missions 21, no. 1 (2008): 73–96.
Full textClair, Muriel. "Entre vision et audition." Anthropologie et Sociétés 30, no. 3 (April 17, 2007): 71–92.
Full textŽupanov, Iñes G. "Le Repli du Religieux: Les missionnaires jésuites du 17e siècle entre la théologie chrétienne et une éthique païenne." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 51, no. 6 (December 1996): 1201–23.
Full textO'Brien, Anne. "Creating the Aboriginal Pauper: Missionary Ideas in Early 19th Century Australia." Social Sciences and Missions 21, no. 1 (2008): 6–30.
Full textMaldavsky, Aliocha. "Financiar la cristiandad hispanoamericana. Inversiones laicas en las instituciones religiosas en los Andes (s. XVI y XVII)." Vínculos de Historia. Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no. 8 (June 20, 2019): 114.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Missionnaires – 19e siècle"
Russo, Maurizio. "L'Orient des missionnaires : action missionnaire et perception de l'Orient chrétien chez les missionnaires catholiques en Arménie et Mésopotamie sous le pontificat de Léon XIII." Nancy 2, 2002.
Full textElected Pope in 1878, Leon XIII fully embodied in the demands for change which were then shaking the Catholic Church. Well-known as the Pope of the encyclical Rerum Novarum, he devoted much thought to the relations with the Oriental Christian world, seeking to reform the relationship between Rome and the Oriental Churches, all the while respecting the latter's traditions and patriarchal privileges. Within such a context, the missionary could become the primary conduit of the reforming ideas of the Supreme Pontiff, who attached great significance to the missionary efforts in Orient. But very often this desire for change collided with the force of inertia generated by parts of the Catholic Church (Such as its hierarchy, its missionaries, etc. ). Even the Society of Jesus, though strongly supported in Orient by Leon XIII himself, showed open hostility to the most progressive projects of the Vatican (examples of which being the adoption of the Oriental ritual or submission to Oriental hierarchy)
Engels-Sissia, Marie-Aude. "Les missionnaires anglaises en Afrique de l'ouest au dix-neuvième siècle." Paris 12, 1993.
Full textAt th beginning of the industrial revolution, europeans expect to find a new market in africa. In order to keep the road to india safe and to remain economically powerful, england gets involved in the struggle for west africa. From that time onwards,english missionaries try to settle in the english colonies, but because of the unhealthy environment, the death rate is high. However, the church missionary society and the wesleyan methodist missionary society succeed in settling in some places. Until 1887, only benevolent women go to west africa. The missionary societies do not support them, although they have been used to charitism since their childhood and are ready to take responsabilities. From 1887 onwards, the societies send women, not as missionaries, but as a help for the missionary men. There, they attend to simultaneaous tasks and prove how enduring and efficient they are. Yet, the leaders of the societies hardly ever mention their contribution in west africa before the twentieth century
Kim, Eun-Young. "Le discours des missionnaires français en Corée (1831-1886) : correspondances et relations." Paris, EHESS, 2008.
Full textThe distant mission generates writings which are mostly represented by correspondence. Between 1831, the erection year of the apostolic vicariate of Korea entrusted to the Société des Missions-Étrangères de Paris, and 1886, the conclusion year of the first treaty between Korea and France, the French missionaries in Korea used to write in an almost uninterrupted rhythm, letters or accounts which reflect their way of life. Thus this situation gave rise to so many particular types of text which are travel account, edifying story and narration of martyrdom. It is these three types of missionary's writings that the Ph. D. Dissertation analyses in a rhetoric approach. From these analyses, the study tries to answer the following question what is a missionary's text in the 19th century? In this sense, the dissertation intends to be line with religious history without aiming at writing a history of the Catholic Church of Korea or a history of French Catholic missions
Song, Soon-Hee. "Étude des relations entre la Corée et la France dans le domaine du catholicisme au 19ème siècle (1831-1904)." Paris 4, 1986.
Full textTo resume: Catholicism appeared in Korea without any direct contact with western missionaries. The church, born spontaneously, then asked Rome to send priests. In 1831, Gregory XVI created the diocese of Korea, independent of the diocese of Peking, and entrusted it to missions-étrangères de Paris, and the French missionaries entered into the country. Thus, they established the first historical contact between the two countries before the setting up of official diplomatic relations. But clashes arose between Korean society, the guardian of tradition, and the missionaries who were against the current of these traditions. As a result there were several persecutions. The French government protested to the Korean government. This marked the beginning of relations between the two governments. In following this history of the origins of the Catholic Church in Korea, and the problems which arose from it, we are seeking to discover what place the Catholic Church had in the relations between the two countries. We are limiting our research to the period 1831, date of the foundation of the diocese of Korea, to 1904, date of the treatise relating to the missions between the two governments
Delisle, Philippe. "Renouveau missionnaire et société esclavagiste : la Martinique : 1815-1848." Lyon 3, 1995.
Full textThe clergy of martinique,disorganised by revolution,was restored from 1815 on new foundations. But priests were recruited in french dioceses without any missionary spirit. They confined themselves to prudent religious administration. There was a marked rupture at the end of the 1830's. The government tried to moralize slaves to prepare them for abolition. Some priests were enthusiastic,but they had to face the opposition of whites. The most remarkable initiatives came from brothers of ploermel and sisters of saint-joseph de cluny,who established a network of evangelization. The study of religious life shows that blacks wanted to reproduce the behaviour of settlers. Towards the clergy,they adopted the same spirit of independance. Moreover,the influence of africa lead to syncretism
Yi, Jong Hi. "Les apports du christianisme en Corée (les fondements extra-religieux de l'implantation des missionnaires français en Corée au XIXè siècle)." Paris 7, 2003.
Full textThis thesis is about the setting up and the spreading of catholicism in 18th and 19th century in Korea. It demonstrates the strong impact of the Western religion. It also brings to the fore the numerous links existing between confucianism and christianism. The author explains how the decay of the political and the religious spheres in Korea permitted the elites appeal for the Western religion which was an atypical phenomenon in the Far East. The author also demonstrates how missionaries took advantage of this context using the thirst for social and scientific progress
Villerbu, Tangi. "Espace et nation : constructions françaises du récit de l'Ouest américain au XIXe siècle." Paris, EHESS, 2004.
Full textDuring a long 19th century, many Frenchmen narrated what happened in the American West. Travellers was looking for evidence of the birth of an American nation. Tourists visited the national(ist) parks, industrialized natural spaces. Others wanted to settle : migrants, narrated their failures and successes, missionaries could imitate Jesus Christ and die working for their faith. Fenimore Cooper's novels were read by everybody, but few scientists tried to know the West more seriously. Many failed to imagine the West could have been important to understand the American identity, but on the contrary some believed the nation born in the West. Nevertheless, most of the Frenchmen knew the West by what they could read in popular literature or see in the Wild West Shows. The American nation born in France, as it born in the United States or any other country. And the narrative of the West is in the heart of that process. It's the story of a region which had to become "normal", "American". The others have no right to live in the western memory. A counter-narrative existed, in mass culture or catholic writings, but it couldn't resist at the end of the 19th century. The West had to be "American", but it was created by the North, and not by the South, and only colonial trade bound it to the nation. The American nation born through the western story as a conquering, democratic and mainly nation created by settlers and cow-boys. Nevertheless, at the end of the 19th century, this herois West seems to disappear; the story seems to end. It is impossible to narrate the future West, so the "frontier" appear to narrate its glorious past
Ferlay, Christine. "Les Pères Blancs et les "Anglais" au Buganda de 1879 à 1929." Paris 1, 2007.
Full textEzeh, Mary-Noëlle Ethel. "La reconnaissance de la dignité de la femme dans la rencontre de la société Igbo du Nigéria avec le christianisme : de 1885 à 1965." Paris 4, 2002.
Full textThis study analyses and elucidates how the crucial question of the recognition and the respect of human dignity arose in the course of the encounter of the Western and Christian world with an African igbo society, with particular interest on how this problematic took a new development with regards to the dignity of women. The analysis begins with the historical and social conditions in which both the missionaries and the people of Igbo became conscience of the problem. For all the partners concerned, the dynamism of this encounter has meant a growing awareness in the understanding of the crucial question of women's dignity. The Igbo people firmly defended their traditional right of an organised and a collective participation of women in the running of social institutions, while opening up to the principle of the respect of each woman as a person. .
Perucci, Gonzalez Cristián. "Moderniser les lonkos et « traditionaliser » les leaders : la participation anglicane au destin politique mapuche, Gulumapu (1838-1935)." Paris, EHESS, 2016.
Full textThe first Mapuche political organizations with representative vocation appear, in its origins, closely linked to the Anglican missionaries and their activities. This fact is not accidental, but it is the result of the interlaced Mapuche-Anglican relationship since the arrival of the first missionary in 1838. The aim of this thesis is to understand how, in their integration into the Mapuche political plot, the Anglican project evolved from a general interest in the fate of "pagan" people in the "last end of the world", to become a privileged resistance agent against the Chilean oppression. Or from another perspective, seeing the different circumstances experienced by the Mapuche society in the nineteenth century -autonomy, war, occupation- our objective is to understand the causes that explain the Mapuche approach and assimilation of the Anglican proposal. Our study is divided into two parts. First we explore how, in the Anglicans circles, the Mapuches became an object to evangelize, and the way in which the first missionary attempts materialized. Although these missionary efforts had little effect on the political and religious reality of the Mapuche, for the Anglican it meant the development of a practical knowledge of the local reality, and an inspiration for new missionaries. From 1894, a new missionary project was structured on these experiences, which the second part of this work consists of. Focusing on religion, education and health, an important part of the Mapuche population adhered to this proposal, which contributed to better decipher the historical situation, and urged a new era in the Mapuche policy