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Semi, Emanuela Trevisan. "Missioni, contro-missioni, apartheid. Il caso dei Falascia." La Ricerca Folklorica, no. 18 (October 1988): 49.

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Amsler, Nadine. "Going Native or Remaining Foreign?" Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken 97, no. 1 (December 20, 2017): 372–80.

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Riassunto Negli ultimi decenni la ricerca storica ha portato la propria attenzione sulle missioni cattoliche nell’Asia moderna in quanto laboratori di contatti culturali. Il passaggio da una visione eurocentrica ed espansionistica delle missioni a un quadro che metteva in risalto il ruolo di attori non europei e le specificita culturali dei cristianesimi sorti in area extraeuropea ha comportato una progressiva articolazione e specializzazione del discorso accademico sull’argomento. Un convegno svoltosi a Roma e dedicato ai missionari cattolici attivi nell’Asia moderna si e prefisso di radunare esperti delle varie regioni del continente al fine di promuovere un dialogo transregionale sul radicamento dei missionari nelle societa locali. L’autrice e uno degli organizzatori del convengo. Nel presente contributo colloca il convegno nel contesto delle ultime tendenze storiografiche, ne riassume i punti salienti e individua nuovi campi di ricerca.
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Amsler, Nadine. "Going Native or Remaining Foreign?" Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken 97, no. 1 (December 1, 2017): 372–79.

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Riassunto Negli ultimi decenni la ricerca storica ha portato la propria attenzione sulle missioni cattoliche nell’Asia moderna in quanto laboratori di contatti culturali. Il passaggio da una visione eurocentrica ed espansionistica delle missioni a un quadro che metteva in risalto il ruolo di attori non europei e le specificità culturali dei cristianesimi sorti in area extraeuropea ha comportato una progressiva articolazione e specializzazione del discorso accademico sull’argomento. Un convegno svoltosi a Roma e dedicato ai missionari cattolici attivi nell’Asia moderna si è prefisso di radunare esperti delle varie regioni del continente al fine di promuovere un dialogo transregionale sul radicamento dei missionari nelle società locali. L’autrice è uno degli organizzatori del convengo. Nel presente contributo colloca il convegno nel contesto delle ultime tendenze storiografiche, ne riassume i punti salienti e individua nuovi campi di ricerca.
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GÓRSKI, JAN. "GUIDA DELLE MISSIONI CATTOLICHE, Roma 2005, Kongregacja Ewangelizacji Narodów." Annales Missiologici Posnanienses, no. 15 (January 15, 2007): 317–19.

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Rossa, Carina. "TERZA MISSIONE E SERVICE LEARNING NEL MODELLO DELLE CATTEDRE SCHOLAS." Revista ComSertões 8, no. 1 (August 3, 2020): 101.

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Tutti riconoscono le funzioni della didattica e della ricerca come missioni identitarie dell’università. Nel tempo si è introdotta una terza missione che riguarda il rapporto con il territorio. Il nuovo millennio porta un nuovo paradigma sulla terza missione in America Latina, si tratta dell’approccio di Responsabilità Sociale Universitaria (RSU). Questo orientamento si definisce innanzitutto per la gestione degli impatti dell’organizzazione nel proprio intorno umano, sociale, economico, naturale, in funzione dello sviluppo sostenibile. Alcune proposte pedagogiche, come il Service Learning, si propongono come approcci adeguati a questo modello di università nel momento in cui gli attori esterni lavorano insieme agli agenti interni all’università per attivare progetti di sviluppo, produrre nuove conoscenze socialmente utili e formare futuri professionisti attorno a valori che aiutano a migliorare la qualità di vita della popolazione, promuovendo la inter e trans-disciplinarietà. La sfida delle Cattedre Scholas è quella di supportare una rete mondiale di università impegnate socialmente, una rete come reale strumento di trasformazione dell’umanità.
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Melai, Fabrizio. "Sul significato del "platonismo" di PeramÀs nel suo Commentarius (1793)." SOCIETÀ E STORIA, no. 134 (February 2012): 673–88.

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Nella sua opera De vita et moribus tredecim virorum Paraguaycorum (1795), l'ex gesuita paraguaiano José Manuel Peramás inserě un Commentarius in cui stabiliva un paragone fra le famose missioni del Paraguay e lo stato utopico di Platone. Questo fatto ha contribuito molto alla fama dello scritto di Peramás e alla sua fortuna in anni recenti. Con questo saggio, l'autore dimostra che il Commentarius si inseriva in un contesto italiano che vedeva il risveglio dell'interesse per le opere politiche di Platone, che Peramás aveva studiato in Spagna, presso l'UniversitÀ di Cervera, alla scuola dell'umanista Finestres. Analizzando poi il contenuto del Commentarius, l'autore ne sottolinea gli aspetti apologetici, che rimandano alle opere di Domingo Muriel, ultimo Provinciale del Paraguay. Peramás voleva infatti contrapporre il modello politico delle Missioni del Paraguay alle realizzazioni della Rivoluzione in Francia, usando l'utopia platonica per riaffermare una politologia tradizionale, con sostanziali legami con la filosofia della Seconda Scolastica, specialmente Francisco Suárez.
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Burigana, David. "La "grande illusion": lo Spazio sovietico visto dalla Francia fra scienza, tecnologia e politica estera dagli anni Sessanta agli anni Ottanta." MONDO CONTEMPORANEO, no. 2 (May 2021): 319–41.

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Gli scienziati occidentali incontravano i "colleghi" del blocco sovietico. L'obiettivo politico-diplomatico era mostrare disponibilità al dialogo, quello ovvio avere canali alternativi di informazione sui progressi sovietici. Questi contatti dovevano avvenire nel quadro di una collaborazione occidentale in funzione della traiettoria impressa allo sviluppo tecno-scientifico statunitense. Vennero tuttavia delineandosi negli anni Sessanta quei caratteri di una competizione/cooperazione euro-atlantica giunti fino ai giorni nostri, senza che il processo di costruzione europea ne intaccasse gli ambiti più strategici. Come in questo contesto rapportarsi con il mondo sovietico? E che immagine trarne? Nuove evidenze sembrano emergere grazie all'incrocio di diversi archivi tratti dall'esperienza più indicativa, quella francese, dalle commissioni scientifiche franco-sovietiche alla "cooperazione" spaziale con le missioni dello spationaute Jean-Luc Chrétien nel 1982 e nel 1988, e poi con la fase di maggior cooperazione durante le missioni Vega 1 e 2 nell'Armata Halley per far intercettare la cometa dalla sonda ESA Giotto nel marzo 1986.
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Cho, Paul. "Between Edinburgh 1910 and 2010: Changing Theological Views of Missioni." Modern Believing 51, no. 3 (January 2010): 16–24.

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Prosperi, Adriano. "Missioni popolari e visite pastorali in Italia tra '500 e '600." Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée 109, no. 2 (1997): 767–83.

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Bressani (book author), Francesco Giuseppe, Francesco Guardiani (book editor), and Joseph Pivato (review author). "Breve Relatione d’alcune missioni de’PP. della Compagnia di Giesù nella Nuova Francia." Quaderni d'italianistica 32, no. 2 (April 10, 2012): 228–30.

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Fenning, Hugh. "Documents of Irish Interest in the "Fondo Missioni" of the Vatican Archives." Archivium Hibernicum 49 (1995): 3.

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Segre, Claudio G., Marta Petricioli, and Sergio Romano. "Archaeologia e Mare Nostrum: Le Missioni Archaeologiche nella Politica Mediterranea dell'Italia, 1898-1943." American Historical Review 96, no. 4 (October 1991): 1235.

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Pizzorusso, Giovanni. "I dubbi sui sacramenti dalle missioni «ad infideles» : percorsi nelle burocrazie di Curia." Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée 121, no. 1 (2009): 39–61.

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STRONG, ROWAN. "Origins of Anglo-Catholic Missions: Fr Richard Benson and the Initial Missions of the Society of St John the Evangelist, 1869–1882." Journal of Ecclesiastical History 66, no. 1 (January 2015): 90–115.

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This paper investigates the origins of Anglican Anglo-Catholic missions, through the missionary theology and practice of the founder of the Society of St John the Evangelist, Fr Richard Benson, and an exploration of its initial missionary endeavours: the Twelve-Day Mission to London in 1869, and two missions in India from 1874. The Indian missions comprised an institutional mission at Bombay and Pune, and a unique ascetic enculturated mission at Indore by Fr Samuel Wilberforce O'Neill ssje. It is argued that Benson was a major figure in the inauguration of Anglo-Catholic missions; that his ritualist moderation was instrumental in the initial public success of Anglo-Catholic domestic mission; and that in overseas missions he had a clear theological preference for disconnecting evangelism from Europeanising. Benson's approach, more radical than was normal in the second half of the nineteenth century, was a consequence of envisaging mission's being undertaken by a religious order, an entirely new phenomenon for Anglican missions.
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Nigro, Raffaella. "La disciplina dei militari impegnati all'estero in missioni umanitarie: in margine al caso Lozano." DIRITTI UMANI E DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, no. 3 (December 2009): 565–90.

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- In the well-known Lozano case, an Italian intelligence agent, Mr Nicola Calipari, remained killed in 2005 by an American soldier, Mr Mario Luis Lozano, while entering a US checkpoint on the way to the Baghdad airport soon after securing the release of an Italian journalist from Iraqi kidnappers. In the ensuing case, Italian courts addressed a number of sensitive questions, including that of jurisdiction over national troops involved, directly or indirectly, in so-called "humanitarian missions" abroad. Italian courts did have jurisdiction over the killing under Italian domestic law. Indeed, the murder of Mr Calipari can be regarded as a "political crime" under Article 8 of the Italian penal code. On such a premise, the question is whether Article 8 was superseded by a customary international law rule under Article 10 of the Italian Constitution aimed at excluding jurisdiction over Mr Lozano. State practice suggests that neither a customary rule on the exclusive jurisdiction of the sending State (as claimed by the Court of Assise of Rome in 2007) nor a customary rule on Mr Lozano's functional immunity (as claimed by the Court of Cassation in 2008) are established in customary international law. Rather, State practice reveals that a number of States are likely to recognize immunity from jurisdiction to the armed forces only in certain specific circumstances. Moreover, such immunity is quite different from the functional immunity traditionally enjoyed by diplomatic and consular agents, as well as from the immunities enjoyed by other high-ranking State officials, such as the Head of State, the Head of Government and the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
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García Jordán, Pilar. "Una representación visual de los Chiriguano en la exposición misional de Turín, 1898." Hispania Sacra 68, no. 138 (December 23, 2016): 735.

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Las exposiciones misionales fueron escenario utilizado por la Iglesia católica para defender sus aportaciones al pensamiento, el arte, la cultura en general, y difundir la utilidad de la institución en la construcción de una sociedad civilizada y moderna. A partir de la colección, en particular de las fotografías relativas a las misiones entre los Chiriguano, enviada por Fr. Doroteo Giannecchini a la Esposizione d’Arte Sacra e delle Missioni e delle Opere Cattoliche (Turín, 1898), y del artículo dedicado a dicha colección por Amalia Capello en Arte Sacra (1898), se hará un estudio de la representación del grupo asentado en la actualidad en los departamentos de Chuquisaca, Tarija y Santa Cruz (Bolivia).
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Manzin, Maurizio. "Ethos e nomos. nell'ordinamento militare." DIRITTO COSTITUZIONALE, no. 1 (March 2022): 117–46.

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L'ambito delle missioni internazionali ha modificato la dimensione dell'ethos militare, introducendo elementi (es. tutela dei diritti umani) non espressamente previsti in Costituzione. Dal punto di vista filosofico, occorre comprendere se si tratti di espressioni etiche affatto nuove, ovvero di un ampliamento di valori-base già presenti nella tradizione militare nazionale. Dal punto di vista filosofico-giuridico, occorre comprenderne gli effetti nel quadro della regolazione vigente (nomos): codice, regolamenti, giustizia militare. L'articolo tenta una breve analisi di questa complessità a partire da alcuni luoghi caratteristici (sacralità della funzione difensiva, gerarchia e disciplina, spirito di corpo, onore, eroismo), affrontando poi la questione delle norme costituzionali e dell'attuale percezione dello status miliare.
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Becker, Rotraud. "Fra’ Epifanio Fioravanti, Abenteurer und Agent zur Zeit des Dreißigjährigen Krieges." Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken 98, no. 1 (March 1, 2019): 281–302.

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Riassunto Il caso dell’eremita agostiniano Epifanio Fioravanti illustra un aspetto particolare della storia dei rapporti diplomatici nell’Europa dell’Età moderna. Esso è esemplicativo per il fenomeno, ben noto nel XVII secolo, che, accanto ai diplomatici ufficialmente incaricati, non raramente venivano investiti di missioni politiche anche membri degli ordini mendicanti. È evidente che tali mandati potevano oltrepassare largamente l’ambito delle trattative informali e della semplice redazione di relazioni, ma includessero potenzialmente anche operazioni segrete, e che vi ricorressero sia i sovrani secolari sia i rappresentanti altolocati della Curia romana. Le stesse nunziature apostoliche venivano coinvolte in rapporti di questo genere e dovevano temere per la loro credibilità.
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Metzler, Josef. "La Congregazione «de Propaganda Fide» e lo sviluppo delle missioni cattoliche (ss. XVIII al XX)." Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia 9 (May 3, 2018): 145–54.

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Vester, Matthew. "Missioni in terra di frontiera. La Controriforma nelle Valli del Pinerolese. Secoli XVI-XVIII (review)." Catholic Historical Review 93, no. 3 (2007): 648–50.

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Codignola, Luca. "Propaganda Fide, Volume I: La congregazione pontificia e la giurisdizione sulle missioni by Giovanni Pizzorusso." Catholic Historical Review 108, no. 4 (September 2022): 783–86.

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Musliu, Vjosa. "The International Missions in Kosovo: What is in a Name?" European Foreign Affairs Review 19, Issue 3 (October 1, 2014): 411–28.

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This article problematizes the concept of 'mission' in international interventions, who is entitled to missionize and how the missionized subject is conceptualized. By looking at the international missions in Kosovo (those of the UN and particularly the EU), we problematize how the EU mission in Kosovo is entrenched in a trajectory of 'missionizing' that makes it bear the stigma of a structure non-responsive and non-sensitive to the local. Employing Derrida's deconstruction, we explain that the criticism (academic, dogmatic, ideological and empirical) of international missions relates not so much to how they operate in their host countries, or to the policy choices they make. Rather, looking at the path dependency of missions in the Western historical and civilizational trajectory, we maintain that the problem derives from the idea and very concept of 'mission' as intervention in itself.
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Machado, Jacquelaine Alves, Raphael Florindo Amorim, and Fernando Porto. "Ordem Consolata e povos indígenas do território federal do Rio Branco (1948-1952): estratégias de abordagem para inserção de cuidados." História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 27, no. 4 (October 2020): 1341–53.

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Resumo A pesquisa discute as estratégias de aproximação com os indígenas de Rio Branco empreendidas por missionários católicos da Ordem Consolata em meados do século XX. Matérias selecionadas do periódico Missioni Consolata foram submetidas ao protocolo texto, imagem e contexto e relacionadas aos conceitos de campo, luta e espaço social, na perspectiva do sociólogo Pierre Bourdieu. Duas matérias do periódico e seis imagens, mostrando estratégias dos religiosos para aproximação com os índios e introdução de cuidados, foram articuladas ao texto e ao contexto. Trazer à tona aspectos do passado, sem verniz religioso, para o uso de estratégias que podem passar despercebidas na política e no discurso em prol da saúde indígena foi a síntese da pesquisa.
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Little, Christopher. "What Makes Mission Christian?" Mission Studies 22, no. 2 (2005): 207–26.

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AbstractThere is evidence to suggest that the contemporary evangelical missions movement is reformulating its missional role in the world. Through the widespread influence of holistic mission and the kingdom of God motif, the priority of proclamation is taking a back seat to addressing the socio-economic dilemmas of humankind. Yet such an emphasis falls short of accurately representing both Jesus and Paul who were constrained by a doxological approach to mission. If evangelical mission is to more clearly reflect biblical mission, then this doxological orientation must be recovered.
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John, Stanley. "Are Migrant Churches Missional? A Case for Expanding Our Geography of Missions." International Bulletin of Mission Research 41, no. 1 (October 26, 2016): 8–17.

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Many church leaders conclude that immigrant churches are not engaged in missions, based on a limited view of the geographic scope of missions. The “going principle” assumes that mission activity involves cross-cultural engagement, while the “staying principle” refers to embracing the local neighborhood where the church is located. While useful, both principles limit our vision of missional engagement. It is helpful to employ the theory of transnationalism to expand the notion of place and geography, allowing us to capture the full scope of missional engagement by many immigrant churches. The article concludes with a case study of Kerala Pentecostal churches.
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Anessi Pessina, Eugenio, Americo Cicchetti, Federico Spandonaro, Barbara Polistena, Daniela D’Angela, Cristina Masella, Giuseppe Costa, et al. "Proposte per l'attuazione del PNRR in sanità: governance, riparto, fattori abilitanti e linee realizzative delle missioni." MECOSAN, no. 119 (November 2021): 89–117.

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Il PNRR è un documento di alta visione e di allocazione di importanti risorse di investimento per il SSN che devono garantire valore entro 5 anni, per ottenere l'effettivo riconoscimento finanziario da parte della EU e giustificare l'aumento del debito per le generazioni future. La partita attuativa è, quindi, solo iniziata e durerà 5 anni: un tempo breve in cui occorre definire la progettazione esecutiva per ogni misura, costruire pianificazioni regionali, attuare le politiche nelle singole aziende sanitarie locali. Il successo non può allora considerarsi scontato, richiedendo grande coesione di intenti, da perseguirsi con un forte impegno finalizzato a creare convergenze e collaborazione istituzionale. Nell'ottica descritta, un gruppo di studiosi di economia, management e politiche sanitarie, appartenenti a sei università, ha ritenuto di confrontarsi sul tema, ed esperire il tentativo di trovare una convergenza di visioni sul futuro del SSN (e del suo ruolo nelle politiche economiche e sociali del Paese), da consegnare alla valutazione delle istituzioni e al dibattito scientifico. Questa spontanea iniziativa ha permesso di elaborare delle proposte attuative sulla governance e sul riparto del PNRR, sull'autonomia e i vincoli per le regioni e le loro aziende, sullo sviluppo dei fattori abilitanti e sulla progettazione organizzativa e operativa delle diverse missioni del PNRR.
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Zorgdrager, Heleen E. "Homemade Mission, Universal Civilization: Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Theology of Mission." Mission Studies 30, no. 2 (2013): 221–47.

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Abstract Though it is generally acknowledged that Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1836) was the first to put mission studies in the curriculum of theology, the contents of his theology of mission are not very well known. This article offers a careful reconstruction of his mission theology based on a gender-critical and postcolonial reading of the main sources, in particular Christian Ethics. Schleiermacher made a case for a family-based type of mission, closely linking mission activity to religious education. He favored an organic and grassroots approach to mission. By highlighting his upbringing in the Moravian mission-oriented community and by analyzing his reluctance to morally justify modern foreign missions, the author replies to recently voiced criticisms that Schleiermacher’s theology takes a colonialist stance and contributes to the export of a “cult of female domesticity”. His views on the superiority of Christian religion can be counterbalanced and modified by his actual theology of the missional encounter. The article proposes to retrospectively regard Schleiermacher as one of the first theologians who convincingly expressed the notion of a missional church which is as inclusive as possible.
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Schumacher, William W. "Mission across the Curriculum: Historical Theology." Missiology: An International Review 35, no. 4 (October 2007): 431–36.

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The challenge of integrating mission across the theological curriculum is faced by seminaries and other institutions. At one large Lutheran seminary, the discipline of historical theology provides one important avenue for missional education and reflection. By moving beyond a narrow focus on “history of missions” to develop a “missional hermeneutic of history,” the inherently cross-cultural dimension of historical study can significantly reshape the curriculum by drawing increased attention to the non-western world.
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Andrews, Russell J., Walter Johnson, Kee B. Park, and Nobhojit Roy. "Medical Missions: Mission Accomplished or Mission Impossible?" World Neurosurgery 103 (July 2017): 911–13.

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Tantillo, Filippo. "La co-progettazione locale e la strategia d'area: il metodo di lavoro e le missioni di campo." TERRITORIO, no. 74 (September 2015): 97–101.

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Pizzorusso, Giovanni. "Propaganda fide e le missioni cattoliche sulla frontiera politica, etnica e religiosa delle Antille nel XVII secolo." Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée 109, no. 2 (1997): 581–99.

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Gentilcore, David. "Accomodarsi alla capacità del popolo : stategie, metodi e impatto delle missioni nel regno di Napoli, 1600-1800." Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée 109, no. 2 (1997): 689–722.

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Brockey, Liam Matthew. "Missioni, saperi e adattamento tra Europa e imperi non cristiani eds. by Vincenzo Lavenia and Sabina Pavone." Catholic Historical Review 103, no. 4 (2017): 807–9.

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Stevens Arroyo, Anthony M. "Roma net Caraibi: L'organizzazione delle missioni cattoliche nelle Antille e in Guyana (1635-1675) by Giovanni Pizzorusso." Catholic Historical Review 83, no. 4 (1997): 807–8.

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Potter, Philip. "FROM MISSIONS TO MISSION." International Review of Mission 76, no. 302 (April 1987): 155–72.

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Sun, Chloe. "Ruth and Esther: Negotiable space in Christopher Wright’s The Mission of God?" Missiology: An International Review 46, no. 2 (November 10, 2017): 150–61.

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In the volume entitled The Mission of God, author Christopher J.H. Wright (2006) endeavors to search for a missional hermeneutic that unlocks the Bible’s grand narrative. The book’s comprehensiveness and extensiveness would be difficult to match in years to come. However, the books of Ruth and Esther are notably overlooked and mentioned only in passing. This glaring omission implies an insignificance and irrelevance of the two books in contributing to the hermeneutic of missions. Should these two books be included or excluded in the grand narrative of the mission of God? This paper positions Ruth and Esther at an indispensable place in a missional hermeneutic that nuances the intricacies of the Abrahamic covenant, the diaspora, and gender in God’s grand narrative.
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Yip, Teem-Wing, Natarajan Rajaraman, Nathan Grills, and Wei-Leong Goh. "Considering Medical Missions in all its Different Forms: A Viewpoint from the Asia-Pacific Region." Christian Journal for Global Health 8, no. 1 (July 30, 2021): 42–52.

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Whereas some medical missionaries may already have moved away from “traditional” models of medical mission, in the experience of the authors from the Asia-Pacific region, many potential medical missionaries in the region still imagine a stereotypical generalist medical missionary who runs a mission hospital. The authors argue that with the economic and socio-political development of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in recent decades, the landscape for medical missions has changed. Hence, contemporary medical missionaries should be well-advised to have specialist qualifications and be more likely to teach, mentor, and do research rather than only doing hands-on clinical work. Professionalism and quality, rather than “make-do,” should be the norm. There are more opportunities to partner with and strengthen existing local institutions rather than setting up a Christian health service. Furthermore, mission opportunities may be available in academia, government, or secular organisations, including places where Christianity has a hostile reception. Multi-disciplinary expertise and collaboration within health services are increasingly important and provide another opportunity for missions. Medical missionaries may also come from other LMICs, or from within the same country. Job-sharing, self-funding, or fly-in-fly-out, may be a viable and legitimate means of sending more medical missionaries. These non-traditional models of medical mission that incorporate a diversity of approaches, but without sacrificing the “traditional” missional values and practices, should allow even more people to serve in medical missions. The purpose of this paper is to survey this topic in hope of stimulating discussions on non-traditional medical mission opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
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Cui, Jintian, and Xin Zhang. "Application of a Multi-Satellite Dynamic Mission Scheduling Model Based on Mission Priority in Emergency Response." Sensors 19, no. 6 (March 23, 2019): 1430.

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Emergency observations are missions executed by Earth observation satellites to support urgent ground operations. Emergency observations become more important for meeting the requirements of highly dynamic and highly time-sensitive observation missions, such as disaster monitoring and early warning. Considering the complex scheduling problem of Earth observation satellites under emergency conditions, a multi-satellite dynamic mission scheduling model based on mission priority is proposed in this paper. A calculation model of mission priority is designed for emergency missions based on seven impact factors. In the satellite mission scheduling, the resource constraints of scheduling are analyzed in detail, and the optimization objective function is built to maximize the observation mission priority and mission revenues, and minimize the waiting time for missions that require urgency for execution time. Then, the hybrid genetic tabu search algorithm is used to obtain the initial satellite scheduling plan. In case of the dynamic arrival of new emergency missions before scheduling plan releases, a dynamic scheduling algorithm based on mission priority is proposed to solve the scheduling problem caused by newly arrived missions and to obtain the scheduling plan of newly arrived missions. A simulation experiment was conducted for different numbers of initial missions and newly arrived missions, and the scheduling results were evaluated with a model performance evaluation function. The results show that the execution probability of high-priority missions increased because the mission priority was taken into account in the model. In the case of more satellite resources, when new missions dynamically arrived, the satellite resources can be reasonably allocated to these missions based on the mission priority. Overall, this approach reduces the complexity of the dynamic adjustment and maintains the stability of the initial scheduling plan.
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Isidori, Sonia. "Il ‘martirio’ del padre gesuita Miguel de Urrea (1554-1597) nel lento processo di legittimazione delle missioni di estirpazione dell’idolatria." Annali di Scienze Religiose 12 (January 2019): 125–53.

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Nowak, Jessika. "... el valore de’ prìncipi si cognosce dalla qualità degli uomini mandano fuora – gli incaricati di missioni diplomatiche di Massimiliano I." Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 2017, no. 25 (2017): 330–32.

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Cohen, Thomas M. "Missioni, saperi e adattamento tra Europa e imperi non cristiani: Atti del seminario, edited by Vincenzo Lavenia and Sabina Pavone." Journal of Jesuit Studies 4, no. 3 (June 1, 2017): 501–4.

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Moon, Steve Sang-Cheol. "Missions from Korea 2018: Mission Education." International Bulletin of Mission Research 42, no. 2 (February 13, 2018): 171–77.

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The Korean missionary movement keeps growing, but its rate of growth has declined. Korean missionaries are working in 159 countries through 159 mission agencies. At the end of 2017 the total number of Korean missionaries was 21,220, a yearly increase of only 145. There are more concerns, however, about qualitative maturation than about quantitative growth in the Korean missions circle. To facilitate maturation, efforts are needed to apply and integrate educational expertise. Domestic ministerial needs point to the strategic integration of missiology and education, and also to that of formal, nonformal, and informal educational aspects in mission education.
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Zimdahl, R. L., and R. L. Speer. "Agriculture's mission: Finding a partner." American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 16, no. 1 (March 2001): 35–46.

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AbstractWhat is the mission of agriculture and what techniques are used to accomplish the mission? This paper examines mission statements of agribusiness companies, agricultural producers, and environmental groups. One hypothesis is that agricultural producer groups share missions and objectives with environmental groups and their mission statements should demonstrate shared goals. A second hypothesis is that agricultural producer groups do not share missions or objectives with agribusiness companies and their respective mission statements should demonstrate their lack of common interests. The paper also asks which of these three groups will be the best sources of intellectual and other support as land-grant universities strive to fulfill their respective missions. It is not obvious from the mission statements that the three groups studied share missions or objectives. The mission statements neither reveal clear information on the second hypothesis, that agricultural producers do not share missions or operational objectives with agribusiness companies, nor do the mission statements demonstrate their lack of common interests. Analysis of mission statements is one place to learn which groups have common goals and should work together. But this is only a beginning.
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Phaneuf, Maxime, Mickaël Germain, Victoria Hipkin, Marie-Claude Williamson, and Goze Bénié. "Development of a Web-Based Geographic Information System for Planetary Geological Mission Planning and Analysis." GEOMATICA 65, no. 2 (June 2011): 157–66.

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Several announcements in recent years by the United States and Canadian governments featuring their space exploration plan have one major thing in common: mission preparation at terrestrial analogue sites. Mission simulations carried out at these sites often involve traverses that allow access to areas of special interest needed to meet mission's objectives. Despite many recommendations, no WEB-based geographic information system exists for terrestrial analogues for mission planning. This paper reports the development of a WEB-based geographic information system for terrestrial analogues, illustrated using the example of the Haughton impact crater analogue site. This system demonstrates functionality that provides users with tools to plan their missions by enabling traverse planning between areas of interest based on a least cost path analysis method. The geographic information system will be composed of open source libraries and software, and will be compliant with Open GeoSpatial Consortium standards.
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Canadelli, Elena. "La morte di Filippo De Filippi a Hong Kong (1867). Il racconto inedito di un missionario." Natural History Sciences 153, no. 1 (January 1, 2012): 85.

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Il saggio si concentra sulla morte dello zoologo Filippo De Filippi, avvenuta il 9 febbraio 1867 a Hong Kong durante la circumnavigazione del globo della corvetta a elica italiana Magenta. Viene proposta integralmente una lettera del 29 agosto 1867 spedita da Bernardo Viganò, il missionario del Seminario Lombardo delle Missioni Estere di Milano che assistette De Filippi nelle ultime settimane di vita, al direttore del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, Emilio Cornalia. Questo documento, fino a oggi inedito, costituisce una preziosa testimonianza della morte di uno degli zoologi italiani più noti dell’Ottocento, tra i primi in Italia ad aderire alla teoria dell’evoluzione con la conferenza<em> L’uomo e le scimie</em> del 1864. L’articolo ricostruisce inoltre le polemiche e le poco note vicende testamentarie che seguirono alla morte di De Filippi. Il lavoro si serve di molti documenti inediti provenienti per la maggior parte dal carteggio di Emilio Cornalia, conservato nella Biblioteca del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, dall’Archivio Storico dell’Università di Torino e dalla Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell’Uomo della stessa Università.
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Yang, Haojie, Yifan Xu, and Jianwei Lv. "An Accelerated Simulation Approach for Multistate System Mission Reliability and Success Probability under Complex Mission." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 (July 26, 2020): 1–18.

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The mission reliability and success probability estimation of multistate systems under complex mission conditions are studied. The reliability and success probability of multistate phased mission systems (MS-PMS) is difficult to use analytic modeling and solving. An estimation approach for mission reliability and success probability based on Monte Carlo simulation is established. By introducing accelerated sampling methods such as forced transition and failure biasing, the sampling efficiency of small-probability events is improved while ensuring unbiasedness. The ship’s propulsion and power systems are used as applications, and the effectiveness of the method is verified by a numerical example. Under complex missions, such as missions with different mission time and their combinations, and phased-missions, the proposed method is superior in small-probability event sampling than the crude simulation method. The calculation example also studies the influence of mission factors or system reliability and maintainability factors on system availability and mission success probability, and analyzes the relationship between different mission types and system availability and success probability.
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Saunders, Mark, Wayne Richie, John Rogers, and Arlene Moore. "Predicting mission success in small satellite missions." Acta Astronautica 52, no. 2-6 (January 2003): 361–70.

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Vogelaar, Ad L. W., and Eric-Hans Kramer. "Mission Command in Dutch Peace Support Missions." Armed Forces & Society 30, no. 3 (April 2004): 409–31.

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Perlman, Susan. "Eschatology and Mission: A Jewish Missions Perspective." International Bulletin of Missionary Research 33, no. 3 (July 2009): 124–28.

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Johnston, Kenneth J. "The Future of Space Astrometry." International Astronomical Union Colloquium 180 (March 2000): 392–97.

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AbstractThe future of space-based astrometric missions appears to be very promising. Three missions were described at IAU Colloquium 180. These are the Full-sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer (FAME), the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) and the Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics (GAIA) missions. These missions will substantially improve the accuracy of global astrometric measurements made by the Hipparcos space mission by factors of 20 to 250. A brief summary of these projects is given.
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