Academic literature on the topic 'Minorités – Statut juridique – Lettonie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Minorités – Statut juridique – Lettonie"
Peters-Custot, Annick. "L’identité d’une communauté minoritaire au Moyen Âge : la population grecque de la principauté lombarde de Salerne (IXe-XIIe siècles)." Mélanges de l École française de Rome Moyen Âge 121, no. 1 (2009): 83–97.
Full textAdnane, Abdelali. "Droit international privé et statuts personnels des non musulmans en terre d’islam: liberté a l’infini, zero ordre public." Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político 13 (February 18, 2021): 39–66.
Full textBoivin, Michelle. "La Catégorie «Femme/s» dans la discrimination sur le sexe." Canadian journal of law and society 13, no. 1 (1998): 29–62.
Full textChouinard, Stéphanie. "Le statut juridique des minorités dans l'Ancien Régime, Ethel Groffier, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Collection Mercure du Nord / Verbatim, Québec, 2009, 84 pages." Canadian Journal of Political Science 43, no. 2 (May 28, 2010): 497–98.
Full textGreen, L. C. "Is World Citizenship a Legal Practicality?" Canadian Yearbook of international Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international 25 (1988): 151–85.
Full textWoehrling, José. "Les modifications à la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne nécessaires en cas d’accession du Québec à la souveraineté." Revue générale de droit 26, no. 4 (March 18, 2016): 565–86.
Full textVibert, Stephane. "Individualisme." Anthropen, 2018.
Full textFassin, Didier. "Châtiment." Anthropen, 2019.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Minorités – Statut juridique – Lettonie"
Lamane, Eleonora. "Paradoxes et controverses autour de la question de l’intégration de la minorité russophone en Lettonie après le recouvrement de l’indépendance." Paris 7, 2013.
Full textThe republic of Latvia established in 1918, lost its independence to the Soviet occupation in 1940 in very particular conditions where the annexation of this State in Soviet Union had the effect of crossing off Latvia and her Baltic neighbours from the map of Europe, without removing their legal entitlement as countries from the point of view of the international law. More than sixty countries of the world including France and the United States have never legimitized the annexation of the Baltic States by the USSR (for some, neither de jure nor de facto), this allowed to protect the recognition de jure for these States, regarding the international law until the effective restoration of the independence in 1991. During this period, the social, demographic and economic balance of the country was profoundly transformed. The politics of colonization led by Moscow had for consequence that a multitude of Soviet immigrants were settled on a territory other than their national. The Republic of Latvia is now populated by more than 30 % of Russian-speaking people, all Slavs, contrary to the titular nation. The collapse of the USSR in 1991, as well as the procedures of restoration of the citizenship in Latvia, transformed 700 000 Soviet immigrants to stateless persons. These people, stayed without citizenship, are living in a sovereign count and had to wait several years before seein their legal status evolve in a temporary and unique legal category called " non-citizens of Latvia"to be able to be naturalized or to choose the citizenship of their county of origin
Autin, Claire. "Les minorités russophones dans les Etats baltes : construction identitaire et intégration en Estonie, Lettonie et Lituanie : une approche géographique." Paris 4, 2002.
Full textZemirli, Zohra Aziadé. "Le statut juridique des minorités religieuses en Algérie." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018.
Full textA mostly Sunni Muslim country -of Malaki rite -Algeria nonetheless presents a religious plurality. This plurality exists within Islam, with the presence of Ibadis and Shias. Ahmadis only appeared in the Algerian legal landscape in 2016, after a series of arrests. As for non-Muslims, if the presence of Jews and Catholics is part of Algeria's history, that of evangelical Protestants only acquired a real visibility after a press campaign reporting mass conversion in 2004. An ordinance setting conditions for public worship of other cults than Islam was then adopted in 2006, before being approved by a law. Through the study of the legal status of religions minorities, a broader interrogation about the place of freedom of religion in Algeria can be raised. How is this freedom guaranteed ? Is it de jure, in view of the Algerian Constitution and Algeria's international commitments, or is it also de facto? To what extent are the 2006 ordinance and the provisions of the Penal Code implemented regarding offences against Islam ? Are arrests and convictions of citizens for proselytism or offence against Islam an indication of the willingness of the authorities and of the Algerian judiciary to fight against the presence of religious minorities and to maintain Islam's status as the state's religion ? This thesis seeks to show that despite the state's refusal to qualify legally non-Muslims as religious minorities, these groups do meet the definition of minorities given by international law. It also analyzes their status in contemporary Algerian law, both in the public sphere -religious references in the Constitution and collective public worship -and in private law -persona! status, including inheritance rights and the penalization of certain behaviors. As a conclusion, some leads towards reforms are suggested in order to improve the legal status of religious minorities in Algeria
Sentenac, Catherine. "Recherches sur la notion de minorité en droit public français." Toulouse 1, 2000.
Full textSaoudi, Messaoud. "La police et les minorités : étude comparative France-Angleterre." Lyon 2, 1998.
Full textNanchi, Alexandre. "Vers un statut des minorités en droit constitutionnel français." Lyon 3, 2003.
Full textThis thesis provides a study of the possibility of conciliation between French constitutionnal law and the recognition of a status for minorities. A right balance between dealing with citizens' differences, and respecting the fundamentals of french law, can be reached through a new interpretation of the principles of unity and equality. Starting with a definition of the minority, and a study of the notions of territory, normative power, race and the right to differ, the thesis demonstrates how minorities' rights have been integrated into the national legal order. Nationals, members of a minority, can see themselves having a specific territorial link, along with cultural, linguistic and religious caracteristics which distinguish them from the majority group. An official statute could determine the limits of this integration, whilst insuring respect for the structure of the Republic
Nguinza, Fidèle. "La spécificité de la question des minorités et le pouvoir politique en Afrique noire : lecture centrée d’un cas particulier : le Sud-Soudan." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2004.
Full textPetit-Roudil, Gae͏̈l. "Le thème des minorités et le clivage périphérique et linguistique dans les quatre résolutions que les membres du Parlement européen ont adoptées le 16 octobre 1981, le 11 février 1983, le 30 octobre 1987 et le 9 février 1994." Aix-Marseille 3, 1998.
Full textThe peripheral and linguistic alignment theorised by stein rokkan covers the theme of the minorities that the european members of parliament have annouced in the resolutions of 16 october 1981, 11 february 1983, 30 october 1987 and 9 february 1994. It has been necessary to move the question of the minorities from the legal to the public area because of the validation of the hypotheses. This field of enquiry has been borrowed from jurgen habermas. The european parliament has been recognised as the institutionalized political public sphere of the european communities. Two perspectives have appeared : one is the discursive process of public communication, the other public mobilization. The first one lead to an analysis of the content of the resolutions taken as the product of a discursive process of public communication. The vocabulary used for the designation of the idea of "minority" has been recorded. A semantic slide has been observed : the initial documents dealt with "ethnic, regional, cultural and linguistic minorities" and the last one dealt with "lesser used language groups". The expression "lesser used language groups" has appeared as the most accuate subject of the documents. This expression has become associated with the concept of "peripheral language", as defined by stein rokkan and derek urwin, which covers the same realities. The observation has been confirmed by the fact that the dispositions of the resolutions correcting the inequalities of the languages in minority express peripheral demands. As a result, it was possible to study the involvement of the representatives of the defence of peripheral movements as public mobilization. A statistical analysis based on the criteria of nationality, political parties and political groups confirmed the presence of linguistic and peripheral aligment
Albert, Sophie. "La condition des minorités en droit international public." Paris 1, 2003.
Full textDonfack, Sokeng Léopold. "Le Droit des minorités et des peuples autochtones au Cameroun." Nantes, 2001.
Full textBooks on the topic "Minorités – Statut juridique – Lettonie"
"Petits peuples" et minorités nationales des Balkans. Arcueil (Val-de-Marne) (Centre Marius Sidobre): Le Courrier des Balkans, 2008.
Find full textKallen, Evelyn. Ethnicity and human rights in Canada. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Find full textJavaid, Rehman, ed. Indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities of Pakistan: Constitutional and legal perspectives. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon, 2001.
Find full textJózsef, Galántai. Trianon and the protection of minorities. Boulder, Colo: Social Science Monographs, 1992.
Find full textJózsef, Galántai. Trianon és a kisebbségvédelem: A kisebbségvédelem nemzetközi jogrendjének kialakítása, 1919-1920. Budapest: Maecenas, 1989.
Find full textPoulter, Sebastian M. Ethnicity, law, and human rights: The English experience. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.
Find full textSpann, Girardeau A. Race against the court: The Supreme Court and minorities in contemporary America. New York: New York University Press, 1993.
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