Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Minorités sexuelles et de genre'
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Kunert, Stéphanie. "Circulations-transformations. Le stéréotype et la norme re-signifiés : vers une théorie communicationnelle des processus de stéréotypie et de normativité : les minorités sexuelles et de genre dans les discours marchands et les discours militants." Thesis, Paris 4, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA040194.
Full textThis research in communication and information sciences considers gender stereotypes and social norms of sexuality as communicational objects. We analyze the construction of gender norms and stereotypes in advertising and marketing discourse, while considering the conception of the notion of norm and stereotype in the discourse of those who criticize and aim to deconstruct them.Advertising and activism are both considered as social discourses. In the critique that aims to deconstruct them, norms and stereotypes are often considered related and as rigid objects. Additionally, we observe that in the critique as well as in the advertising discourse, norms and stereotypes are woven in a discursive circulation that both affects and aims to re-signify these norms and stereotypes. In this research, re-signification is defined as the result of certain discursive practices (parody, re-semantisation, neology, etc.) that exist in anti-advertising discourse as well as in advertising discourse. Moreover, re-signification is the result of the process of infinite semiosis, signs translating into new signs.Social stereotypes and norms, torn between rigid conceptions and practices of re-signification, are constructed and deconstructed at the same time. These two objects (norm/sterotype) and the process they result from (normativity/stereotypification) can be considered as the two sides of one communicational phenomenon. The phenomenon called circulation-transformation of social discourse and social representations
Peraud, Berthelot William. "Trouble de stress post-traumatique et trouble de stress post-traumatique complexe chez les personnes LGBTQIA+ : prévalences et facteurs associés." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0437.
Full textContext: LGBTQIA+ individuals make up 9% of the population (IPSOS, 2023). The LGBTQIA+ acronym encompasses people with diverse profiles regarding their sexual orientation, gender identity, anatomical characteristics, or, more broadly, their relationship to heterosexual and cisgender norms. LGBTQIA+ individuals constitute a vulnerable population, particularly concerning physical and psychological health. Frequently subjected to chronic interpersonal violence, wich can begin as childhood and involving attachment figures, LGBTQIA+ individuals share the main risk factors for developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). Method: the first article establishes the translation and cross-cultural validation of the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ; Cloitre et al., 2018), a self-report questionnaire that assesses PTSD and C-PTSD symptoms according to the criteria of the Eleventh International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). The second article is a systematic literature review aimed at collecting prevalence data on PTSD and C-PTSD in LGBTQIA+ individuals and identifying factors associated with PTSD and C-PTSD symptoms. The third article is a standardized study conducted in France among the general adult population, including LGBTQIA+ individuals, to compare exposure to violence, its traumatic impacts (PTSD, C-PTSD), and explore factors that may influence traumatic symptoms. Results: the translation and cross-cultural validation process produced a validated French version of the ITQ, demonstrating a factorial structure equivalent to the original version. The tool shows satisfactory convergent and divergent validity, as well as good temporal stability (Peraud et al., 2022). The systematic literature review, based on 60 articles, revealed extremely high PTSD prevalence rates among LGBTQIA+ individuals. Certain groups appear particularly vulnerable, notably bisexual individuals (10.3-35.7% PTSD) and transgender individuals (36.8-64.3% PTSD). The factors associated with symptoms exist at multiple levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and political (Peraud et al., under review). The empirical study conducted in France on a sample of 2175 individuals showed significantly higher rates of violence exposure among LGBTQIA+ individuals compared to cisgender heterosexual individuals. This is reflected in elevated PTSD and C-PTSD prevalence, particularly among transgender and gender-diverse individuals (10-14% PTSD; 12-32% C-PTSD; 25-46% cumulative prevalence) and pansexual individuals (11.6% PTSD; 28.4% C-PTSD; 40% cumulative prevalence) (Peraud et al., in preparation). Hierarchical regression analyses indicate that various factors contribute to PTSD and C-PTSD symptomatology (e.g., dissociation, characteristics of violence, family functioning, coping). Some factors appear more specific to the LGBTQIA+ population (e.g., discrimination, violence related to LGBTQIA+ identity, income, age) (Peraud et al., in preparation) Discussion: the results of this doctoral research emphasize that considering exposure to violence in LGBTQIA+ individuals is a public health issue. It is now essential to support existing actions and propose new prevention and care measures for the benefit of these individuals. Such efforts cannot exist without institutional and political commitment rooted in the fight against inequality
Vial, Emmanuelle. "Les minorités sexuelles et le droit de la famille." Nice, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006NICE0022.
Full textSexual minorities such as homosexuals and transsexuals wish to be able to have their marginality accepted in family law. This acceptance, which has undergone change over time, is currently nuanced and incomplete. Whilst the “Pacs” and common law marriage are avaimable to homosexual couples and couples with a transsexual partner, only the latter are permiited to marry, as they respect the primordial condition of heterosexuality. This sexual marginality which is the object of various sanctions durind the differents stages of marriage is difficult to accept in the matter of parenthood. In this domain, legislation is strict. In the name of the child's best interest the means provided to persons who cannot bear children are subject to restrictive conditions. The sexual marginality of one partner, and identical sex in a couple, are not compatible with legal requirements. In spite of that, sexual minorities succeed anyway, by various differents means, in having children. However, the homoparental family is not egally recognized. This absence of recognition is changing with the gradual acceptance of the notion of parent-in-fact
Lemoine, Emilie. "La construction de l'adolescent(e) américain(e) à travers les séries télévisées américaines (1990-2010)." Thesis, Tours, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013TOUR2014/document.
Full textAfter teen movies became a bona fide cinematographic genre, teen series began to occupy a prominent place in American popular culture. In our research we investigate the construction of American teenage girls and boys through the first seasons of eleven teen series from 1990 to 2010: Beverly Hills 90210, My So-Called Life, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Dawson's Creek, Freaks and Geeks, Smallville, The O.C., One Tree Hill, Gosip Girl, Glee et Huge. We observe the sociological, historical, cultural and political evolutions and permanent features of adolescence, taking into account social classes,ethnic groups and gender problematics
Chetcuti-Osorovitz, Natacha. "Normes socio-sexuelles et lesbianisme : définition de soi, catégories de sexe/genre et script sexuel." Paris, EHESS, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008EHES0337.
Full textBased on fieldwork observation and enquiry (interviews with 21 lesbians), this PhD dissertation aims at giving account about normative elaboration processes in lesbian sexuality. Beyond analysing sexual practices' discourses, this study unravels the ways lesbian think of themselves, and how they relate to gender normative constrains. Though undergoing a wide range of different life paths, gays and lesbians have to face the heterosexual, normative constrains' weigh. But if such weight affects their Self formation process, it does not operate the same for each of the two sexes. For in the lesbian' case, the question of invisibility is intrinsically connected to their social status as women. While relying on contemporary conceptualizations of lesbianism (self naming practice, couple practices, sexual script construction), this research consists in disclosing a reality that Social Sciences have not yet thoroughly analysed. Moreover, it keeps on questionning what is the "woman"'s category in relation to an hetero-social organization, which is its very context of definition. Lesbian trajectories' analysis opens up a questioning from the margin, which applies to a set of social norms regulating sexuality, couple, and sexual representation inherent to a male centred normative system. Consequently , such questions arise : how is one able to define oneself as a lesbian, while living in an heterosexist society? Through which process is one able to think of one's own Self, and introduce it to Others? How the couple can be defined, when assignation to sexual categories is not the main reference? And last, how is sexuality organized when it does not rely on a sexual, hierarchical divide?
Lévesque, Geneviève. "Le rôle médiateur du harcèlement dans l'association entre faire partie des minorités sexuelles et la consommation d'alcool." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/10515.
Full textGuilmette, David. "La discrimination des hommes de minorités sexuelles au Québec : genèse, évolution et pratiques du groupe communautaire MIELS-Québec." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/29357/29357.pdf.
Full textGray, Sadran Jane. "A small country with blurry boundaries : genre et identités sexuelles dans la littérature écossaise contemporaine." Grenoble 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005GRE39041.
Full textVilbas, Jean. "Le mouvement chrétien inclusif et sa théologie de l'hospitalité." Strasbourg, 2011. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2011/VILBAS_Jean_2011.pdf.
Full textBorn in America about 50 years ago, the inclusive christian movement advocates, according to the Gospael, for the full inclusion of the Igbt people in the life and ministry of the Church, tries to eradicate any kind of exclusion. It gathers parishes, groups and communities that provide hospitality to the Igbt people in the Churches, in the name of Jesus-Christ. It doesn't constitute an organized movement but it refects a great diversity of theological, pastoral and political options. We have used a sociological survey to approach those welcoming christian parishes, groups and communities. We have tried to elaborate a typology, based on 16 models, that could do justice to the diversity of pastoral strategies. We also have tried to articulate a theology of hospitalité, induced by this practice of welcome and disseminated in an abundant collection of liturgical, pastoral and apologetical literarture. We therefore have tried to present, in a systematic and somehow transitory way, the converging and diverging reflexions coming from that movement, its practices of welcome and its theologians. They make of the hospitality of God, expressed in Jesus-Christ, the foundation of community life and ethical investigation of how to relate with one another in sexuality as in life together
Zahed, Ludovic-Mohamed. "L' émergence publique des minorités sexuelles musulmanes et les mutations d'un rapport inclusif à l'islam en France : des représentations sociales et identitaires alternatives." Paris, EHESS, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015EHES0646.
Full textAccording to and anthropologicaly participative perspective, as accessible as possible to the public, I will relate my immersion for nearly five years in an Islamic "LGBT" activism, that I was one of the Spokesmen. I will analyze three sources of information that I could not have got if I had not been myself fully involved in this civic engagement: testimonies of homosexuals who are Muslims or from a Muslim background, belonging de facto to a "sexual minority"; testimonies of French and Europeans Imams about these lattest; the development of an Islamic LGBT more organized activism in the recent years, also as thye consequences of statements and publications from some homophobic Muslims. My plan was ti put into perspective, mainly, the speech that are trying to develop right now, and since the end of the last century, sexual minorities who claim to be part of Muslim diasporas living in France and Europe. This analysis will be carried out in relation to other Muslim communities around the world. Note that this is a historic endeavor that I had the opportunity to analyse, since these minorities clearly intend to reclaim there religious heritage, through the development of an "Islamic liberation theology", applied to sexual minorities, in order to be able to reconcile sexuality and spirituality. Although considered by their most radical coreligionists as "perverses" or psychologically "unbalanced", sexual minorities seem to be the vanguard of an alternative, progressive, inclusive Islam development. Is that the reason why, today, Islamic religious authorities in France seem to give a more central place to these questionsof gender and sexuality? One of the strong angles to approach this thesis is to determine how this Islamic LGBT activism may be similar, or not, to the Islamic femisnist movement also being developed nowadays and sometimes experiencing a sense of failure. I will have to jkeep in mind that these Muslim homosexuals are beginning to settle their activities. What we call the Muslim sexual minorities remain inconspicuous, poorly organized, and it would be naive to think that they form a monolithic bloc,speaking with one voice, knowing exactly what strategy to follow, in order to establish which axiological choices, precisely. The project of this study was not to address, from an ethnographical perspective, the issue of organizations' sociology, through the emergence of Muslim LGBT associations; but our aim is to study the identity mutations initiated by these individuals united in such citizen networks. The second theme of this thesis is to determine whether these identity representations are renewed, breaking out with an Arab-Muslim historiographical heritage, or wheteher they are are ultimately the expression of a radical, indeed alternative, reappropriation of secular Islamic values
Prearo, Massimo. "La genèse des mouvements d'affirmation identitaire : homosexualité et identité à l'âge de l'autonomie." Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://books.openedition.org/pul/4362.
Full textThis thesis studies the emergence of the French homosexual movement, from the appearance of the notion of homosexuality at the end of the 19th century up to the formation of an inter-associative LGBT (Iesbian-gay-bi¬and-trans) movement in the present decade. Starting from Foucault's hypothesis, which considers sexuality as a historically and socially constructed discourse emerging within the framework of a scientific semantic field (science sexualis), this work posits that the militant appropriation of knowledge about homosexuality proceeds from a collective practice of discursive production and reproduction (science militantis). Thus, the political institution of homosexuality in motion is not a slow, steady and progressive march toward emancipation. It is inscribed in the constitutive identitary phenomenon of the contemporary socio-historic configuration: entry into the age of autonomy. Beginning with a political analysis of the path along which autonomy intensified, and in particular of contextual readings (philosophical, historical, sociological, anthropological) formulated by the authors, this study proposes, through a semantic approach to militant practice, an analysis of the « archives» of French homosexual militancy (essays, newspapers, magazines, leaflets, informational letters, association documents). Under study, then, are the sensitive moments of emergence and disappearance of homophile, homosexual, gay and lesbian organizations, as well as the forms of organization and distribution of three key factors appearing as the operators in this political history of homosexuality: movement, identity, and community
Marsicano, Elise. "Genre, expérience migratoire et condition minoritaire. Les trajectoires sexuelles et préventives des migrant∙e∙s d'Afrique subsaharienne vivant en France." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00785964.
Full textMarsicano, Elise. "Genre, expérience migratoire et condition minoritaire. Les trajectoires sexuelles et préventives des migrant∙e∙s d’Afrique subsaharienne vivant en France." Thesis, Paris 11, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA11T075/document.
Full textMigrants from sub-Saharan Africa bear a disproportionate burden of HIV/aids infections in France with a growing proportion acquiring HIV after migration. Mobilizing a sociological approach of sexuality, we focus on sexual trajectories and sexual networks in order to investigate the structural processes that organize the sexual and preventive practices of these migrants. We analyse a French survey carried out on 1,874 individuals born in sub-Saharan Africa, aged 18-49 and living in Paris and its surroundings. Our results uncover the effects of sexual socialization and social context of the first intercourse on sexual debuts and on later sexual and preventive biographies, differentiated for women and men. We also examine how migratory trajectories and experiences of racism and discrimination organize their sexual and preventive practices within specific sexual networks. Our research provides evidence of the existence of African sexual networks over, and beyond, national origin, especially for women. This intra-African segregation of sexual networks is influenced by the living conditions of the migrants and sheds light on the epidemic spread within these populations in the French context
Michels, David. "Soigner sa sexualité : expérience des difficultés sexuelles et recours à la sexologie." Phd thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00856538.
Full textCorneau, Sophie. "Agroforesterie, modernisation agricole et modes de vie Hani : Étude d'un projet-pilote au Yunnan, Chine." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/41034.
Full textHanifi, Isabelle. "La transmission d'un modèle de réussite féminin à travers le vêtement : "Dress for success" : normalisation de la race, de la classe et du genre par l'apparence professionnelle." Paris 5, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA05H071.
Full textThe fieldwork of this research is a non-profit American organization called Dress for Success, which provides for low income women from minority or immigrant backgrounds, recycling clothing from the Corporate sector in order to help them get work and achieve self-sufficiency (by helping them make a successful transition into the economic mainstream). Within the Workfare program set up by the Clinton government, Dress for Success presumes to overcome the so-called lack of professional know-how of women, mainly African American and Hispanic. Behind advice on bodily hygiene and appearance, provided mostly by white female volunteers, emerges a standardized and gendered model of social success
Grand, d’Esnon Anne. "Interpréter des violences sexuelles dans les récits de fiction : discours de réception, problèmes théoriques et esthétiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UBFCH014.
Full textThis doctoral research contributes to theorising narrative interpretation through an empirical approach based on actual receptions. It tackles an old theoretical problem — interpretive variation — by focusing on a very specific type of variation: fictional events that are sometimes construed as sexual violence by readers or viewers, and sometimes not. Although stating that we all read or see a slightly different story is rather a commonplace, the phenomenon gets a bit more uncomfortable when what is at stake is (fictional) rape.We selected some fictional narratives in whose reception we could attest that such a variation occurred among readers or viewers : novels (Choderlos de Laclos’ Les Liaisons dangereuses, Alexandre Dumas’ The Three Musketeers, Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind, Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita and J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace), film adaptations of these novels where the dissensus persisted among viewers (Victor Fleming’s Gone with the Wind, Stanley Kubrick’s Lolita, Roman Polanski’s Tess, Stephen Frears’ Dangerous Liaisons, David Blair’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles) and feature films (Antonioni’s Blow up, Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, Spike Lee’s She’s Gotta Have It and Ang Lee’s The Wedding Banquet).By collecting reception “traces”, whether they come from professional interpreters as in the case of academic criticism, from ordinary and anonymous readers and viewers talking in digital spaces (Wikipedia, YouTube, Goodreads, Letterboxd), or even from authors involved in the public debate on sexual violence, we were able to analyse in greater detail the procedures underlying the interpretation or non-interpretation of sexual violence and what they bring into play.We showed that this form of interpretive variation over fictional events entailed deep-seated ideological, political and normative disagreements, primarily over what does or does not constitute sexual violence generally speaking. At the same time, we encountered interpretive procedures that are specific to a reader’s or viewer’s interaction with a work of fiction: wondering what a text “wants” us to read, what norms it “wants” us to embrace, or about how the interpretation of a particular event is consistent or not with the larger themes of the narrative. Finally, in some cases, we could highlight the aesthetic cost of interpreting sexual violence for the readers’ or viewers’ experience: although in most instances, opposite interpretations of sexual events could lead to different but coherent overall readings, interpreting sexual violence created in some others instances a serious dysfunction that deprived the story of narrative and aesthetic coherence
Vincent, Sophie. "Influence de l'avance en âge et du genre sur les réponses plasmatiques en glucose et ses hormones régulatrices induites par un exercice bref et intense." Rennes 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003REN20047.
Full textAt rest and during exercise, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity progressively worsen with advancing age. Aging is also linked with increased fat mass and decreased physical activity, two factors well known to alter insulin sensitivity. This thesis shows that sprint exercise induces a greater glucose response and a lower insulin response with aging. This phenomenon appears very early (from the age of 34) and in spite of maintaining an amount of physical activity and a percent of fat mass equivalent to young subjects (21 years old). Thus, aging per se induces a modification in glucoregulatory responses that could be seen with sprint exercise. Lower physical activity and higher fat mass are more often reported in women compared to men. These factors should induce glucose intolerance and decreased insulin sensitivity in women. Nevertheless, at rest and during moderate exercise, women's endogen ovarian hormones seem in favour of better glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. However, this beneficial effect seems to disappear when exercise is intense. This study highlights that sprint exercise induces a higher increase in glycemia in women. Here, a lower quantity of physical activity in women could not be incriminated. So, the gender difference in muscle mass is certainly the main factor that induces a different hyperglycemia response to sprint exercise
Wicky, Lucie. "Les violences sexuelles subies par les hommes en France : parcours de violences et rapports d'âge." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024EHES0108.
Full textThis research focuses on the sexual violence suffered by men, as gender-based violence. It adopts a life course approach and a particular attention to age and gender relations, as well as to sexuality and class. The analyses are based on two quantitative surveys, Virage (2015) and CSF (2006), and fifty biographical interviews with Virage respondents who had reported sexual violence. In total, 3.1% of men report having been sexually assaulted in their lifetime, almost exclusively before the age of 25 and perpetrated by other men, always older than themselves. The life course approach highlights the importance of mechanisms of domination within the family institution, particularly in trivialising and silencing violence. It underlines the fact that violence is a factor of vulnerability in the life course, depending on living conditions in childhood, and later on the trajectory of health, sexuality and interpersonal relationships. This research also highlights the particular relations to gender, sexuality and conjugality norms of men who report violence. These men position themselves less unequally than men as a whole in the space of masculinities, highlighting an opposition between hegemonic egalitarian and conservative masculinities.The biographical approach is replicated to theorise the ‘pathways of violence’, with several trajectories: exposure, silencing, qualification and enunciation. These make it possible to analyse the dynamic changes in power relations, both during the violence and once it has ended. After isolating six typical exposure trajectories, two groups stand out: men who had experienced violence at a young age and/or at multiple times, particularly within the family or close social circle; and those who had suffered violence in adolescence or during their youth, in the context of school, male social life and sexual initiation. The former have a particularly difficult pathway of violence, which leaves its mark on their lives. For the latter, the violence leaves its mark but does not have a lasting effect on their lives. However, throughout the thesis, the analysis shows that non-heterosexual men are more exposed, more silent, less supported and more vulnerable throughout their lives
Besnard-Santini, Tiphaine. "Usages et mésusages des théories du sexuel dans le discours et la clinique "psy" en France contemporaine." Thesis, Paris 8, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA080087/document.
Full textRevolutionaries and essential in Freudian thought, sexual theories gradually lost their transgressive role in contemporary psychoanalysis to become copies of social standards. This thesis proposes to study the effects of these theories on the capacity of French therapists to listen, from from a thorough analysis of Freudian and post-Freudian literature, but also of the dissidents and critical works of this current. This was in the aim to try on the hypothesis that, due to the content of the French psy training, therapists are badly prepared to listen, understand and help their patients in the expression of their sexual lives
Dufour, Claire. "Écologie de la divergence et de la coexistence : étude empirique chez deux espèces du genre Rhabdomys." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014MON20233.
Full textUnderstanding how evolutionary processes allow populations persistence facing environmental changes is a primary goal for both scientists and society. Studying i) species divergence in contrasted environments and ii) species co-existence gives us a better understanding of such processes. Indeed, species co-existence, and thus their persistence, depends on their degree of ecological or reproductive divergence. In this PhD, I developed a range of empirical studies aimed at understanding the divergence of two sister species: Rhabdomys bechuanae and Rhabdomys dilectus dilectus. In the area in which the two distributions of these species abut, I was able to design empirical protocols to more thoroughly understand mechanisms involved in both divergence and coexistence at a fine scale. The species responses to the heterogeneity of the environment and the species interference were studied on four niche dimensions i) habitat selection, ii) spatial behavior, iii) diet and iv) sociality, as well as the sexual recognition system. The emerging results point out that accounting for several niche dimensions and their interactions is pivotal to understand the mechanisms underlying both divergence and coexistence. Indeed, while species divergence is determined by the allopatric evolution of habitat selection and sexual recognition system, the plasticity of the diet and social behaviors reflects the response of the organisms to the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of the environment. Species' response to interspecific competition is mainly due to plasticity in spatial behaviors (home range size and overlap). I discuss the complexity of the evolutionary mechanisms leading to the divergence and coexistence of sister species and the contribution of these micro-evolutionary studies to the understanding of more general evolutionary processes such as ecological radiation
De, Ory Zoé. "Un non-désir qui dit son nom : enquête sur une auto-identification émergente, l'asexualité." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024EHES0048.
Full textThis thesis uses tools from labelling theory, sociology of “deviance”, sociology of sexuality and gender and criticism of science to focus on an emergent social group: individuals who self-identify as asexual, completing the acronym LGBTQIA(+) and reporting an absence of sexual desire for and/or sexual attraction to others. The dissertation is based on a qualitative survey and on a series of interviews. Discourses and trajectories of French self-identified asexuals (vocal activists or not) have been collected and analyzed. Sexologists and psychotherapists, and individuals having reported some sexual “issues” (without asexual self-identification) have also been interviewed. Finally, collective/community events (meetings, LGBT/Gay Pride, sexology conference in France) have been observed. The purpose of this research was, first of all, to study in detail this recent self-identification (asexuality) in order to better understand its characteristics and its implications, its words and its actions. Moreover, this work tries to highlight the ordinary conception of non-desire, and to propose a reflection, through asexuality, on sexuality, gender, health and identity standards
Dalibert, Marion. "Accès à l'espace public des minorités ethnoraciales et "blanchité" : la construction du sujet de la nation française dans la médiatisation de "Ni Putes ni Soumises" et du Mouvement des "Indigènes de la République" dans la presse quotidienne nationale dite « de référence » (le Figaro, le Monde, Libération) et dans les journaux télévisés de TF1, France 2 et France 3." Thesis, Lille 3, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LIL30050.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the regulation of the access to the public sphere of social movements representing ethnoracial minorities by the collective identity of the French nation. It discusses in particular the ethnoracialisation processes of social groups (the “white” and the “non-white”) represented in the mainstream media and the manifestation of whiteness as a relation of power.It is based on the study, in a constructivist approach to discourse analysis, of the media coverage of two protest groups, Ni putes ni soumises (Neither whores nor submissive, a movement created in 2002 to fight against gender violence in the French working-class suburbs) and the Mouvement des Indigènes de la République (Movement of the Indigenous of the Republic born in 2005 to denounce the systemic discriminations against people of postcolonial immigrant origin), in the national daily press of “reference” (le Figaro, le Monde and Libération) and within the television news of TF1, France 2 and France 3.This thesis is mainly based on the theorists of social recognition, the foucauldian notion of “subject”, and the results of quantitative and qualitative methods conducted on the corpus. The analysis, for each protest group, of its process of becoming-event in relation with its socio-discursive identity represented in the media, showed that within the media coverage of Ni putes ni soumises and the Mouvement des Indigènes de la République, the Subject of the French nation is implicitly built. This subject, the “model citizen” of the national community, who is partly defined by its gender and its ethnoracial attribute, limits and defines the protest groups access to social visibility and their ability to participate in the public debate
Mignot, Sébastien. "Identités télévisuelles post-placard : Etasuniens gays en représentation(s) et politiques de visibilité." Thesis, Normandie, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020NORMLH25.
Full textAmerican TV is sometimes said to have entered a “post-closet” era. That is at least what Ron Becker claims in his assessment of today’s TV series. Without subscribing to the teleological ethos of post-identity discourses, he observes that the once-dominant paradigm of the closet has lost its status as master narrative of gayness. In the context of a change of this purported magnitude, how do post-closet TV shows represent gay characters? How does the decline of the closet—an identity-based apparatus—alter the way we conceive of identities/commonlyheld notions of idenities. Has the sudden surge of gay visibility initiated in the 1990s challenged successfully challenged what Sedgwick termed “the epistemology of the closet”? What vitality does the paradigm of the closet retain in a supposedly post-closet era? How are these changes echoed across American society?
Veilleux, Andy Dimitri, and Andy Dimitri Veilleux. "Quand l'orientation professionnelle rencontre l'orientation sexuelle : représentations professionnelles des conseillers et conseillères d'orientation pratiquant auprès des jeunes." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/35377.
Full textConsidérant l’orientation professionnelle comme un processus complexe, dynamique et imprévisible, cette démarche de construction de soi semble se complexifier pour les jeunes d’orientation homosexuelle, bisexuelle ou en questionnement, selon les représentations de la majorité des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation ayant participé à notre recherche. Elle s’opère effectivement dans une société normée par un système catégoriel de sexe (homme/femme), de genre (masculinité/féminité) et de sexualité (hétérosexualité/homosexualité) fondé sur le binarisme, l’opposition et la hiérarchisation. Se traduisant par l’enjeu central du travail, ce système produit et reproduit un différentiel de rapport qui tient tant à l’inégalité des conditions dans lesquelles les hommes et les femmes se trouvent qu’à la dévalorisation des professions et positions qu’occupent les femmes (Bidet-Mordrel et Bidet, 2010). Ce système est d’évidence à l’origine de stéréotypes sexuels, de préjugés homophobes, de l’intimidation et de la stigmatisation qui fragilisent l’estime de soi et la confiance en soi de nombre de jeunes d’orientation homosexuelle ou bisexuelle, présumés comme tels en raison d’une non-conformité de genre ou en questionnement par rapport à leur orientation sexuelle. « Pour que les adolescents [et les jeunes adultes de la diversité sexuelle] […] puissent se développer et envisager l’avenir avec sérénité, les institutions et la société tout entière devront faire un travail sur elles-mêmes » (Dorais, 2014, p. 161). Qu’en est-il pour les conseillers et conseillères d’orientation qui oeuvrent auprès des jeunes? Dans leur pratique, sont-ils témoins de certaines préoccupations ou de défis particuliers rencontrés par les jeunes gais, lesbiennes, bisexuel(le)s ou en questionnement? Quel rôle sont-ils amenés à jouer au regard des besoins et réalités des jeunes d’une orientation sexuelle minoritaire? Compte tenu du modèle social dominant fondé sur l’alignement du sexe, du genre et de l’orientation sexuelle (c.-à-d. l’homme masculin hétérosexuel ou la femme féminine hétérosexuelle), de quelles manières le poids de ce modèle naturalisé se traduit-il dans leur pratique? Comment intègrent-ils les différents -ismes et -phobies (sexisme, hétérosexisme, homophobie, efféminophobie, lesbophobie, biphobie) aux problématiques de l’orientation professionnelle? Quelles interventions mettent-ils en oeuvre? Il s’agit là de quelques-unes des nombreuses questions auxquelles nous nous sommes intéressé dans cette recherche. Notre recherche porte sur une problématique encore peu développée malgré l’importance des enjeux et défis de l’orientation professionnelle des jeunes gais, lesbiennes, bisexuels ou en questionnement. De nos jours, les jeunes peuvent observer que le modèle hétérosexuel n’est pas le seul. Une diversité de façons de vivre est désormais possible dans les sphères privées et publiques. Malgré ces nouvelles réalités, les jeunes d’une orientation sexuelle minoritaire sont trop souvent en première ligne du harcèlement à l’école, au cégep, à l’université ou, encore, dans les milieux de travail. Sans surprise, leur souffrance est grande. Parce que l’homophobie, la biphobie et l’hétérosexisme persistent, et leurs effets sur l’orientation professionnelle sont méconnus, notre recherche se penche sur les représentations que se font les conseillers et conseillères d’orientation qui pratiquent auprès des jeunes concernant l’articulation de l’orientation professionnelle et de l’orientation sexuelle. Pour dégager et décrire les représentations de ces professionnels et professionnelles, nous nous sommes basé sur l’approche structurale associée à la théorie du noyau central (Abric, 2002, 2011; Rateau, 1995). Selon cette théorie, les éléments nodaux déterminent les priorités de l’action et leur justification quant aux conduites à suivre, d’où la pertinence de s’y intéresser afin d’examiner pour mieux comprendre comment s’expriment ces représentations dans un contexte de pratique auprès des jeunes d’orientation homosexuelle, bisexuelle, perçus comme tels ou en questionnement. Deux méthodes ont été choisies pour recueillir les informations : un questionnaire écrit a d’abord été rempli par 155 conseillers et conseillères d’orientation, puis des entretiens en dyade et de groupe ont été réalisés auprès de 25 de ces professionnels et professionnelles. Les données recueillies ont été traitées à l’aide de l’analyse thématique et du logiciel d’analyse de données textuelles Alceste. Cinq éléments nodaux émergent de ce travail d’analyse, soit : (1) le caractère fondamental de l’identité, (2) l’omniprésence des stéréotypes sexuels, (3) la pression ressentie de l’entourage, (4) la complexité du choix professionnel et (5) la fonction de l’accompagnement. Les retombées de cette recherche se situent à un double niveau : l’avancement des connaissances sur un sujet peu documenté et l’approfondissement des pratiques d’orientation auprès des jeunes gais, lesbiennes, bisexuels ou en questionnement.
Villani, Michela. "Médecine, sexualité et excision : sociologie de la réparation clitoridienne chez des femmes issues des migrations d'Afrique subsaharienne." Paris, EHESS, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012EHES0011.
Full text“Female genital mutilation” is a contemporary invention that has become an object of political debate since the late 1970s. Legal and medical discourse, followed by feminist discourse, have emerged on the international scene and outlined the contours of a worldwide recognized crime. Originally defined as a public health problem, excision of the clitoris has become the subject of reparation politics of sexuality in the 2000s. France has a unique policy that grants excised women the access to surgical repair of their clitoris. The surgery is reimbursed by the public health insurance system since 2003, providing an equal access to repair for all women and including the right to repair within social policies. This thesis is based on a unique empirical material including an ethnographic observation of two surgery units that practice clitoral repair surgery in Paris metropolitan area, a quantitative analysis of medical records of all patients followed by these units since their creation, and in-depth interviews of 30 women who contacted one of the units. It retraces the logics of the two actors involved in repair surgery: the medical profession and patients. For African women from sub-Saharan Africa, repair reflects a genuine quest for equality in sexuality with unexcised European women. On the medical side, professionals answers requests made by women who are able to express excision as an attack/aggression and to claim their right to repair (“I want to get back what was taken from me”). Clitoral repair is an example of unprecedented repair policy of sexuality, in which medicine, sexuality and excision are questioned
Barkat, Daoud Saïda. "Savoirs, Représentations & Pratiques d'intervention sur le Sexe altéré des Femmes Noires (France, XVIIe-XXIe siècle). Le dispositif biopolitique de la chirurgie des mutilations sexuelles : technologie de genre, Race, Réparation et Soin." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019EHES0168.
Full textThe alteration of African and Afropean women genitals has often been seen as a matter of cultural institutions, conventions, or social norms governing gender relations in the groups implementing it. Rather, favouring an interpretation in terms of technology - the device of the blade as a set of embedded discourses, practices and experiences - this thesis studies the device of "mutilation surgery" about which it raises two questions. What is the becoming of the altered sex under the blade proof? The articulation of relationships between sexuality, body, violence, violence, reparation and gender technology is studied in the medical practices of two reconstructive surgery protocols. Is medicine working to heal women from female genital mutilation or to heal gender violence inflicted by the blade? What are the issues related to the body, sexuality and suffering of excised women in the singular interest that sexual mutilation arouses in French society in modern and contemporary times? The exploration of a vast corpus of manuscript sources and archives has made it possible to trace the medical and anthropological construction of the Altered Black Body through the discourses of medicine in the 16th century, travel accounts in the 17th century, and racial anthropology in the 19th century
Koksharova, Ekaterina. "Migration et recomposition des identités : le cas des personnes homosexuelles et bisexuelles russes confrontées à la discrimination." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPASU003.
Full textThe thesis focuses on the strategies and organizational tactics of the "privacy" of gay, lesbian and bisexual people face discrimination in Russia which found themselves strengthened in Russia since the recent adoption of anti-gay laws. Hostile speeches in the political, religious and media environments, as well as violent behavior of extremist groups experienced a worsening in the wake of these reforms. This research aims to follow gay, lesbian and bisexual people in their trajectories so as to understand how they face what’s forbidden, and how they face stigma in their countries of origin. Moreover, the question of emigration is placed at the center of the thesis: it is indeed a growing echo from the laws of 2012 and 2013, especially among young people who ask themselves the question of staying or leaving. Following a qualitative and comparative approach, we wish firstly to analyze strategies of resistance or circumvention of the law by those who live in Russia; secondly to study the case of people who migrate either in France or in Canada. We seek to understand which strategies are deployed to settle abroad and to register other ways of seeing homosexuality and bisexuality journeys; we also discuss the obstacles and other forms of stigma encountered
Ruest-Paquette, Anne-Sophie. "Analyse bioécologique des répercussions identitaires chez des survivantes adultes de harcèlement par les pairs en vertu de l'expression de genre ou de l'orientation sexuelle dans des écoles catholiques de langue française en Ontario." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/66972.
Full textCette étude doctorale narrative prend appui sur la théorie bioécologique du développement humain (Bronfenbrenner, 1977, 1994; Drapeau, 2008) afin d’examiner les interrelations entre 1) le contexte ethnolinguistique, culturel, juridique, déontologique et militant dans lequel apprennent et se développent les élèves scolarisés et socialisés sous la tutelle du système scolaire franco-ontarien (macrosystème), 2) les interactions préscolaires, parascolaires et scolaires d’anciennes écolières ayant éprouvé du harcèlement par les pairs en vertu de l’expression de genre ou de l’orientation sexuelle au sein d’établissements éducationnels de langue française en Ontario (micro et mésosystèmes) et 3) la construction identitaire de ces dernières (ontosystème). À la lumière des attitudes et des comportements d’intériorisation et d’extériorisation rapportés, le récit collectif composé suggère que les sentiments d’estime de soi, de confiance et soi et d’appartenance des participantes auraient été considérablement affaiblis sous l’effet de la persécution dont elles auraient fait l’objet. La relation qu’elles entretiennent avec leur corps, les autres, le catéchisme catholique et la normativité aurait aussi été altérée. Par-delà la stigmatisation et le harcèlement infligés à l’école, les informatrices ont implicitement ou explicitement attribué ces retombées à leur socialisation sexuelle et de genre, voire à la cohérence des habitus véhiculés relativement à l’homoérotisme et à la féminité sous les auspices du catéchisme catholique, des médias et de leur entourage respectif. Se situant à la jonction entre les prismes de l’éducation et du travail social, cette thèse multidisciplinaire vise, en définitive, à conscientiser, à sensibiliser et à responsabiliser les autorités scolaires, communautaires et universitaires ayant le pouvoir d’intervenir en faveur du mieux-être des élèves-victimes et des adultes-survivantes de harcèlement dans les écoles francoontariennes. À l’égal des recommandations émises, les résultats y sont présentés et analysés de sorte à interroger les préjugés et à interpeller l’humanité de ces actrices et ces acteurs dans le but d’influer sur leurs pratiques professionnelles et, par extension, de contribuer aux changements idéologiques et systémiques nécessaires en vue de réduire l’occurrence et l’incidence des injustices sociales perpétuées entre élèves au sein des institutions éducationnelles de l’Ontario français.
Omoali, Quionie. "Vers un modèle évolué de prise en charge des victimes des violences sexuelles basées sur le genre commises en période de conflits armés. Cas de la République Démocratique du Congo." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024PAUU2156.
Full textFor approximately 27 years, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been plagued by armed conflicts, currently persisting in the eastern part of the country. Thousands have lost their lives, and women and girls have endured various and exceptional harms from sexual violence, compounded by stigma and social ostracization. Despite progressive national and international legal frameworks, impunity persists, denying victims access to the right to redress. The dysfunctional national judicial system, guided by conventional criminal and reparative principles, reveals the weakness of the domestic response to the implicated international crimes. In the context of transitional justice revival, traditional national approaches to criminal justice and reparations prove inadequate in the dual national and international setting. A unique comprehensive approach addressing international crimes, focusing on the autonomy of sexual violence as a weapon of war in the DRC, gives rise to a transitional justice mechanism encompassing both judicial and extrajudicial aspects. In a geopolitical landscape marked by UN disengagement and the erosion of international responsibility, the prospect of a judicial mechanism constructed with a crescendo approach to the internationalization or denationalization of concurrent jurisdiction between national courts (Judicial Special Chambers) and the Special Criminal Court for the DRC, an international tribunal, constitutes the innovation of this thesis
Fenner, Lydia. "Partout et nulle part : le consentement dans l'éducation à la sexualité contemporaine. Une comparaison franco-américaine." Thesis, Paris 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA01H049.
Full textNotions of consent (and non-consent) are at the root of both legal and everyday definitions of rape and sexual assault in many Western societies. As such, sexual consent is widely used as they key mechanism in the prevention of sexual violence. Due to its status as a contemporary ethical norm and legal imperative, consent is often represented as an indicator of healthy, normal and egalitarian sexuality. Despite its ubiquitousness, sexual consent nonetheless remains an ambiguous and unexamined concept in sexuality education. This qualitative study questions the role of consent in school-based sexuality education, in particular in relation to the prevention of sexual violence. Additionally, this thesis is a comparative study of contemporary French and American approaches to consent in the sexuality education of adolescents, seen through the perspective of French and American sex educators in the nonprofit sector. This thesis examines the process by which sexual knowledge (surrounding consent and violence) is socially constructed through the practice of sexuality education. It will also explore the production and reproduction of sexual values and norms through sex educators’ discourses on consent. Also, this analysis will reveal the immense challenge of proposing a pedagogical model of sexual consent that takes gender into account without reproducing heteronormative stereotypical gender roles and sexual scripts
Bouchet-Mayer, Cyriac. "Devenir demandeur d’asile au motif de l’orientation sexuelle et préserver sa santé sexuelle : Le poids des dispositions et assignations sociales dans les carrières migratoires et homosexuelles." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Montpellier 3, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023MON30035.
Full textThe 2010s marked a turning point in HIV prevention. The historic emphasis on condom promotion is being replaced by screening and access to multi-drug preventive therapies, aimed at "key" populations. Among the latter, with the exception of a privileged fringe of men who have sex with men (MSM), injecting drug users, sex workers and migrants are rarely present in hospital screening centers. How are these populations reached? To what extent are they reached by the initiatives implemented? How are the incentives received by these people, and what is their experience of them?This thesis work is based on a multi-sited ethnography conducted in Île-de-France between March 2018 and March 2023 among French-speaking men from West Africa seeking asylum in France on the grounds of sexual orientation. Entering the field as an employee of an HIV prevention association deploying screening and treatment access actions for these men enabled the study of issues relating to the implementation of preventive policies and the establishment of trusting relationships with key informants. These facilitated the creation of a group of sixteen men with whom regular exchanges and repeated interviews were conducted throughout their asylum procedure. The autobiographical narratives thus produced shed light on how social and family environments, as well as educational and economic dispositions, shape experiences of homosexuality in the country and migratory paths. The experiences of applying for asylum in France documented in exchanges with the interviewees, but also observed as a volunteer in an LGBTI association specializing in support for the asylum application process and a partner in the screening system, provide information on the conditions of survival and preparation for administrative tests throughout the procedure.The ethnography of the interweaving of sexual, migratory and asylum-seeking careers, and the obstacles encountered in conducting the survey to study them, ultimately leads to two main lines of analysis. The first, centered on a comparative approach to life courses and experiences, reveals the influence of educational, economic and (homo)social resources at home on sexual and migratory careers. These resources influence migration experiences, administrative and material reception conditions on arrival in France, survival strategies and levels of dependence on the heterosexist social worlds frequented, as well as the greater or lesser ease of recourse to screening or support in the asylum application procedure in LGBTI universes. The second axis reveals the discrepancy between the expectations of respondents and those of asylum or prevention officers in their face-to-face interactions, and the resulting misunderstandings. On the one hand, institutions are focused on identifying "real" homosexuals, those deserving refugee status or in greater need of sexual health care than others. On the other, applicants are - for the most part, and most of the time - engaged in a logic of resistance to this injunction to display their sexual orientation. To what extent does the observed gap in expectations produce a form of blindness to the experiences of exile? By reconstructing the careers within which these experiences take place, the thesis seeks to shed light not only on the effects produced by these divergent expectations, but also on their social and political construction
Saucier, Nicolas. "La déviance à l'ère d'internet : le cas des communautés en ligne de barebackers et leur discours." Thesis, Université Laval, 2013. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2013/30181/30181.pdf.
Full textServel, Antoine. "Politiques identitaires LGBTQ et capitalisme : histoires croisées du marché gay et de l'activisme aux Etats-Unis." Thesis, Tours, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016TOUR2010/document.
Full textThe Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community has rapidely become part of american Society. It has won many battles-among them the right to get married-which have changed the way sexual minorities are now seen. Gay culture is everywhere in magazines, in Hollywood, on TV, and we can wonder what were the reasons for such an evolution. We consider that the way the community has understood capitalism enabled those changes. From the creation of a market and its recognition by the mainstream, LGBT people are now consumer activists. We analyse in this PhD dissertation the benefits and setbacks of that activism with regards to the different waves of LGBTQ movements in the twentieh century
Tudeau, Cécily. "Perceptions et pratiques d'intervenants sociaux en milieu scolaire face aux manifestations d'homophobie et d'hétérosexisme à l'endroit des jeunes LGBQ en milieu rural." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27380.
Full textBelledent, Celine. "Critiques des dispositifs de sexualité entre contrôle des populations et subversion des normes sociales." Phd thesis, Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00986773.
Full textCostechareire, Celine. "Les parcours homosexuels et les styles de conjugalité chez les lesbiennes vivant en couple." Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSE2003/document.
Full textThis doctoral research is devoted to female homosexuality and focuses on the ways in which it can be lived/experienced from one social milieu/background to another. Currently, in France, there are few studies focusing on female homosexuality. At the crossroads of the sociology of homosexuality and the sociology of the family, this research is thus exploring a topic yet little known in sociology. Furthermore, the originality of this research lies in its approach as it apprehends the experience of homosexuality in terms of/from the standpoint of/from the perspective of social belonging.This research breaks down in two stages. The first part focuses on the plurality of homosexual livelihoods observed amongst lesbians which, at the individual level, punctuates a "homosexual journey". The journey is understood as a process through which the individual will discover and experience her sexual preferences, then build and position herself with regard to homosexuality. It comes in sequential processes leading to the affirmation of homosexual orientations. In this respect, the analyzes will reveal how important it is to understand the role played by homosexuality in self-discovery, conjugality and sociability during this journey and the emergence of sexual preferences. Evolving over time, this role appears to be closely correlated with the propensity to stigmatize and the internalizing of the stigma, two elements that vary from one social milieu to another.Furthermore, this doctoral thesis enquires the connections between a) the different homosexual pathways and the different styles of conjugality; b) the ways in which homosexuality is lived and the ways of "being a couple". The analysis aims at identifying the different stages of the path leading to conjugal stability and to point out, the interdependence between conjugality and homosexual pathways. It appears important to understand the ways to make a couple and ways of living homosexuality in the same dynamic. Otherwise, conjugality is partially studied through its material dimension. By looking at cohabiting lesbian couples, the observation dwells on the plurality of forms of conjugality that are built in the habitat. The investigations focus on the contemporary forms of conjugality and the role that each partner plays in the development of their relationship. Nowadays, a shift of focus from the forms of traditional conjugality - indeed varying from one social milieu to another - encourages the partners to invent their relationship and take an active part in the construction of their union. Research is rooted in the novelty of these observed phenomena
Tchamitchian, Raphaëlle. "Dramaturgie / jazz. Le théâtre de Suzan-Lori Parks ˸ poétique et expérience créatrice." Thesis, Paris 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA030038.
Full textThis dissertation in Theatre Studies aims to theorize the tension between “drama / jazz” through the works of African American playwright Suzan-Lori Parks. Born in 1963, Suzan- Lori Parks is as famous in the United States as she is little known in France. Informed by the memory of slavery and the African slave trade, her theatre dis(re)members History to reverse the dominant discourse, make a new story and provide reparation to the living and the dead. By approaching her writing through jazz, we take into account the “double consciousness” that is constitutive of her poetics, and the anthropological, historical and political issues it raises. In her theatre, jazz is not only a form of music, but also a way of looking at the world, a cluster of poetic conduits and an organic presence that sets the writing in motion from within. From this paradoxical presence/absence what emerges is not a model but instead a group of converging lines of flight. Liquidity and fugitivity appear to be key jazz-shaped elements of a poetics of mutability. This poetics is linked to the creative experience of the playwright, which in turn gives birth to a creative experience for the spectator during performance. In short, the task is to understand the ways jazz affects theatre to the point of producing a new kind of theatre
Horincq, Rosine. "DU COMING OUT RECENT DES FILLES ET DES FEMMES (LESBIENNES, BISEXUELLES, AUTRES), A L’HETEROSYSTEME." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/251805.
Full textDoctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation
Sahin, Poyraz. "Discrimination perçue au travail et (ré)aménagements identitaires de jeunes recrues d'orientation sexuelle minoritaire." Thesis, Paris 10, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA100112.
Full textThe study focuses on an exploration of the integration time of recently-recruited professionals who identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual. Based on the qualitative analysis, we draw the general hypothesis that the processes of integration, organisational socialisation, and the construction of a future career path that are influenced both by the presence of heterosexist norms and perceived discrimination in the workplace as well as by sexual identity previously built in other parts of life. Our data were collected from twelve self-identified LGB young people who recently recruited in the workplace in the transportation and law using two studies: the first conducted with informal interviews to study the meaning given to subjective experience before and during the integration period in the organisation, and the second built from IMIS interviews to understand better the identity dynamics by analysing the subjective relationships between the individual and his environment. The results highlight that heterosexist norms remain dominant and show non-neutrality in the part of the professional world where the conversations include aspects of private life. From the moment of their arrival in the organisation, the young LGB people confront a dilemma between dissimulating and divulging their sexual identity, which requires identity management strategy handling to tackle different forms of discrimination and perceived homophobia. Among the identity management strategies, dissimulation based on pretending or avoiding of sexual orientation are the strategies that are used in the majority to avoid the different forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation that are anticipated in the workplace
Castet, Anthony. "Guerres culturelles, idéologies et égalité des droits aux Etats-Unis : le cas du mariage homosexuel." Thesis, Tours, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016TOUR2014/document.
Full textThe ojective of this PhD dissertation is to show how the victory for the freedom to marry enabled the LGBT community to gear up for a national State-by-State campaign to put an end to second-class citizenship, raise awareness, and educate the American people to a reality that is marked by a long history of discrimination and hostile prejudice against homosexuals, with such hostility often being expressed and disseminated by fundamentalist Christians. We will revisit the historical origins of the culture war against homosexuality to show it still structures the system of government tody, and fuels political polarization, starting from the premise that the breach in the separating wall between Church and State is partly responsible for the numerous institutionnal deadblocks as well as a patchwork system of unegquel laws across the country. the LGBT community's fight for equal rights ultimately turns out to provide a particularly powerful insight into American democracy, and continues to affect the democratic system of checks and balances through various dynamic processes which are bound up with change and with the assertion of religious freedom
Nunes, Diana. "Le sexe, un élément d'identification des personnes en droit : étude menée à partir de la transidentité et de l'intersexuation." Thesis, Lyon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LYSE2060.
Full textIn law, sex proceeds from the organization of persons into two categories: female and male. Identifying legally people escapes traditionally the individual will. Sex as an element of the state of people is immutable and binary. However, this assignment model leads today to be questioned. On the one hand, transidentitary demands have allowed emerging a concept of identity in terms of fundamental rights and not only in terms of stable identification, imposed by the State. On the other hand, the invisibilization of the intersex people in law and the constraint of the instituted fiction of the binarity of the sexes on their bodies lead to question the legitimacy of the bicategorization and its obligatory character. Finally, the collapse of the naturalist bases of the differentiation of the sexes and the lack of differentiation of norms with respect to sex lead to question the usefulness of the category. Nevertheless, since facts inequalities persist despite the formal equality, gender in its protective dimension may justify a new relevance
Korsakoff, Alexandra. "Vers une définition genrée du réfugié : étude de droit français." Thesis, Normandie, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NORMC018.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to test, in the specific context of French law, the veracity and durability of feminist and gendered review of the refugee definition, which consists in denouncing the failure to take into account persecutions suffered by women and sexual minorities in the election process. It is a mixed conclusion that emerges from the study because, despite the numerous international and European pressures calling for a gendered analysis of the concept, these criticisms inherited from the 1980s still appear, to a large extent, to be relevant. Admittedly, the exclusion of gender-related persecution that they denounced has somewhat weakened, because persecutions suffered by women and members of sexual minorities are no longer excluded, as a matter of principle, from the scope of the refugee definition. However, there is still no political or jurisdictional will to fully integrate them into the analysis. Indeed, the efforts made to take them into account are still insufficient, leaving subtle obstacles to their integration, obstacles that are all the more difficult to identify and overcome
Tremblay, Mélanie. "In search of protection : sexual minority women in Canadian refugee determination." Thèse, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/11941.
Full textCanada has accepted refugee claims on the basis of sexual orientation for more than 20 years; however, research suggests that claims brought by women on the basis of sexual orientation have not always received fair adjudication. To ensure equitable access to protection for sexual minority women, an analysis of their risk of persecution must incorporate gender and other social and cultural factors that influence their experiences. Based on a case study of claims brought by women on the basis of sexual orientation between 2010 and 2013, which were subsequently rejected by the Canadian Immigration and Refugee board, this research identifies decision making that poses obstacles to sexual minority women’s access to refugee protection. The findings from this case study demonstrate that an intersectional analysis, which considers various forms of oppression within a particular social context, is crucial to a complete and informed assessment of the risk of persecution for sexual minority women. In light of these findings, this paper proposes that an intersectional analysis accompany continued training for Immigration and Refugee Board members on issues particular to sexual minorities.
Lavoie, Élisabeth. "Violence, textualité et identités sexuelles : lecture féministe de L'antiphonaire d'Hubert Aquin." Mémoire, 2010. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/3410/1/M11518.pdf.
Full textKheloui, Sarah. "Les corrélats du sexe et du genre dans les différences sexuelles du fonctionnement cognitif : une étude exploratoire." Thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/25191.
Full textThe correlates of sexually dimorphic cognition are not yet fully understood since many biological and psychosocial variables modulate these cognitive abilities in synergy. Sex and gender correlates of sexually dimorphic cognition were assessed in a sample of individuals ages 18-45 years (N=87) from diverse sexual orientations. Sex hormones (estradiol, testosterone and progesterone) were assessed via saliva samples at four timepoints throughout testing. Gender-roles, sexual orientation and socio-demographics were measured via self-report questionnaires. Contraception being an important variability factor was assessed via self-report questionnaires. Participants completed mental rotation and verbal fluency tasks as well as the Trier Social Stress Test afterwards. The stress reactivity aspect was evaluated but was not one of the main objectives of the current study as previous publications have investigated this already. Men performed better than women at mental rotation, while no significant difference was found for verbal fluency. Significant positive associations were observed between estradiol and word fluency for the naturally cycling women compared to the women using oral contraception but not for progesterone and testosterone. While controlling for sex hormones, a significant interaction effect of sex and gender-roles was identified showing that masculine women performed better than other women groups at the mental rotation task. These exploratory results suggest an effect principally driven by sex and sex hormones on cognitive performance that may also be influenced by psychosocial factors.
De, Champlain-Bringué Isabelle. "Le camps de réfugié.e.s : un espace d'(in)sécurités? : violences sexuelles et liées au genre au sein des camps de réfugié.e.s." Mémoire, 2012. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/4976/1/M12599.pdf.
Full textRobitaille, Marie-Pier. "Développement des comportements antisociaux de l’enfance au début de l’âge adulte : différences sexuelles et théories du contrôle." Thèse, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/19285.
Full textContext. The fact that girls manifest less antisocial behavior than boys is well known, although the etiology of the sex differences in antisocial behavior is still relatively misunderstood. Objective. The aim is to improve the understanding of the etiology of sex differences in antisocial behavior from childhood to early adulthood. Theoretical Framework. A theoretical framework was built based on control theories in criminology, addressing their weaknesses with developmental studies strengths. Associations between three control-related constructs (i.e., self-control, parental control, and familial patriarchy) and boys’ and girls’ antisocial behavior is assessed across developmental periods, in addition to their interplay. Method. Data are from 3007 participants of the Québec Longitudinal Study of Kindergarten Children prospectively followed from kindergarten to early-adulthood. Antisocial behavior was assessed during childhood (ages 6 to 12), adolescence (ages 13 to 17) and early adulthood (ages 18 to 26) using questionnaires, clinical interviews, and juvenile and adult official records. Multilevel analyses and non-parametric complex models (e.g., Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regressions, Cross-Lagged Path Modeling) were used to test the hypotheses regarding sex differences in antisocial behavior proposed by self-control theory, social control theory and power-control theory. Main Results. Results showed that self-control and parental control are risk factors of antisocial behavior for boys and girls. Girls generally had a better self-control and were more controlled by their parents than boys, which partially explained that they manifested less antisocial behavior. Neither self-control nor parental control explained the entirety of the noted sex differences in antisocial behavior. In addition, there were reciprocal influences between self-control, parental control, and antisocial behavior from childhood to adolescence, suggesting a transactional process of the child and its environment in the emergence and persistence of antisocial behavior. Familial patriarchy was overall not associated with boys’ or girls’ manifestation of antisocial behavior. Results, however, indicated that self-control and familial patriarchy could have a stronger influence in regards of the frequency and/or diversity officially recorded antisocial behavior. Conclusions. This thesis supports the relevance of considering all variations in sex differences in antisocial behavior, namely variations across developmental periods, types of behavior and measures. Results suggest that the same control risk factors are associated with boys’ and girls’ antisocial behavior and that those risk factors have a similar effect for them. Sex differences in exposition to those risk factors would generally better explain sex differences in antisocial behavior. An alternative developmental model of control is proposed to account for all sex differences.
Lamontagne, Amélie. ""Je ne veux pas être condamnée au viol à perpétuité, et toi?" : luttes féministes québécoises contre les violences sexuelles (1970-1983)." Thèse, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/20669.
Full textBourgois, Nicolas. "Le rôle des groupes communautaires LGBT dans la formulation des politiques publiques : le cas de la politique québécoise de lutte contre l'homophobie." Thèse, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/18832.
Full textThis masters thesis is about the roles of LGBT community groups and their influence on the creation of the Politique québécoise de lutte contre l'homophobie (Quebec's national policy against homophobia.) It analyses the dynamics between the groups representing the interests of sexual and gender minorities and the Quebec government, from 2000 to 2011. Our research uses a theoretical framework based on resource mobilization theory as well as an approach that combines the tools of the corporatist and pluralist approaches. On the basis of a documentary analysis and 6 interviews held with LGBT community leaders as well as official from the Ministry of Justice, the analysis reveals how the issue of homophobia in Quebec contributed to the creation of a corporatist relationship between the State and some of the groups controlling the most resources. It also offers a new perspective on the relations between community groups and the strategies they employ, as a function of their resources, to influence the State.