Academic literature on the topic 'Minangkabau literature'

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Journal articles on the topic "Minangkabau literature"


Rosa, Silvia. "Deceptive Strategies in Literature: The Meaning of Folded Story." Jurnal Humaniora 31, no. 3 (December 2, 2019): 302.

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Tambo Minangkabau is a storehouse of knowledge about the history of the Minangkabau people. Initially, it developed as oral literature, passed from generation to generation in the Minangkabau community in West Sumatra, an Indonesian provinces with a matrilineal kinship structure. However, after the Minangkabau people embraced Islam, Tambo began to be written using Jawi characters in Arabic thus becoming an historical literary work. Tambo tells the history of the Minangkabau ethnic group and also the history of customs and Minangkabau culture. Tambo records past events, stories about the origins of Minangkabau ancestors, philosophy, norms and laws in community life, and even the tragedies that have occurred in this ethnic group. To express the tragedies that have occurred in the past history of the Minangkabau ethnic group, Tambo uses the power of symbolic language. There are two episodes in Tambo that illustrate this. This article reveals the strategy of hiding a tragedy by the Minangkabau tribe through the power of the use of language in historical literary works, especially those depicted in the episodes of “Teka-teki Kayu Tataran” and “Teka-teki Unggas”.
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Yulia, Novi, Zurmailis Zurmailis, Khairil Anwar, and Riyani Vadilla. "Saputangan Sirah Baragi : New Hegemony of Minangkabau Modern Literature." Andalas International Journal of Socio-Humanities 1, no. 1 (June 27, 2019): 8–17.

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This paper seeks to reveal the existence of the modern literary genre of Minangkabau, in the repertoire of modern Indonesian literature. Modern Minangkabau literature was detected existed since the 1930s through the printed media of the time. But the genre only showed its entity in the 1960s through Nasrul Siddik's short stories recorded in Saputangan Sirah Baragi (1966). The anthology of this short story gives a firm limit to the existence of the Minangkabau modern literary genre, and the kaba genre by strengthening its epigons in local print media, such as writers in the Aman Makmur newspaper , Singgalang , Semangat , and so on in the modern Indonesian literary horizon. So that it becomes a new hegemony in the modern Minangkabau literature repertoire in particular.
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Faturahman, Muhammad Azhar, Muhammad Yusvado A H, and Silvia Rini Putri. "RUMAH GADANG SEBAGAI LAMBANG DEMOKRASI SUKU MINANGKABAU DI SUMATERA UTARA." Jurnal Soshum Insentif 4, no. 1 (April 30, 2021): 54–59.

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Abstract – The ethnic of Minangkabau is known for their competency in implementing social and cultural values. Minangkabau is one of the ethnic that is upholding egalitiarian and democracy system. One of their cultures related is deliberation to achieve consensus within the community. The deliberation process is done stagely by holding conferences inside one of their custom houses or known as gadang house. Gadang house is very symbolic to the Minangkabau ethnic and carries important social and cultural values. As is well known, deliberation or discussion has an important role in Indonesia’s democracy system. This study aims to discuss and discover the meaning and values behind Minangkabau’s custom house and how it impacts the effectiveness of the deliberation process by its relevance as a symbol to represent democracy values in the Minangkabau community. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis by performing literature study. According to the result of the study, authors expect to expand insight and knowledge of Indonesian people with Minangkabau culture and its implementation of democracy values in daily life. Abstrak – Masyarakat suku Minangkabau dikenal sebagai salah satu suku yang memiliki menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai sosial dan budaya. Salah satu kebudayaan masyarakat suku Minangkabau yang erat kaitannya dengan demokrasi adalah pelaksanaan musyawarah untuk mufakat dalam. Musyawarah oleh masyarakat Minangkabau dilakukan secara bertahap dan dalam beberapa pertemuan di rumah adat gadang atau balai adat. Dalam konsep demokrasi di Indonesia, musyawarah merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna dari rumah adat gadang serta seberapa besar pengaruhnya sebagai lambang yang merepresentasikan nilai-nilai demokrasi pada masyarakat Minangkabau. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis dengan melakukan studi literatur. Dari hasil penelitian yang sudah dilakukan, penulis berharap dapat menambah wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan kepada masyarakat Indonesia akan kearifan budaya Nusantara dalam menjalankan demokrasi di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
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Surya, Vania Dwi Amanda, and Gregorius Prasetyo Adhitama. "RUMAH GADANG : RUANG DAN BUDAYA MAKAN DALAM SIKLUS HIDUP MASYARAKAT MINANGKABAU." Serat Rupa Journal of Design 5, no. 1 (January 29, 2021): 81–107.

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Padang restaurants with specialty food rendang represent the Minangkabau's eating culture. The effect of modernization and media social in the eating culture has indistinct the origin of Minangkabau's eating culture and leads to the uniformity of design, mostly its space and physical elements in the traditional building. Whereas in the roots, eating activities according to the Minangkabau custom still carried out, such as Makan Bajamba. It is essential to study the origin of Minangkabau space and eating culture before learning design development. The main problem is how the relationship between space and eating culture in the life cycle of Minangkabau society carried out at Rumah Gadang. By using a mix-method, a qualitative approach is a case study at Rumah Gadang Istana Rajo Alam Tuanku Disambah and quantitative approaches using space syntax analysis on the dimensions of connectivity and integrity. Data were from literature studies, interviews, and direct observations on how Rumah Gadang facilitated eating activities. The result shows that Rumah Gadang effectively assisted the eating culture in the life cycle of its people. The space configuration in the process of eating activities is following the roles of women and men based on a matrilineal kinship system. The seat position rules for Minangkabau men from the matrilineal kinship system divided Ruang Lepas into smaller areas, marked by walls, columns, and seprah clothes. All space of eating activities is a social space where interactions took place as a reflection of Minangkabau customs. The space syntax analysis clarifies the relationship between space and eating activities based on the matrilineal kinship system and the social interactions that occur with the space used. For future research, the space syntax analysis is useful as a perspective to learn the relationship between space and culture.
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Hasyim, Abdul Wahid, and Yulia Kartika. "Harakatul Jannah Mosque: Minang Identity and Islamic Mission in Ranah Rantau." Islam Realitas: Journal of Islamic & Social Studies 6, no. 1 (June 30, 2020): 59.

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<p>This article discusses the landscape of strengthening the cultural identity and ethnicity of the Minang people in the overseas land through the Harakatul Jannah Mosque in Gadog, Ciawi, Bogor. In addition to being a symbol of Minangkabau cultural acculturation, this mosque is a trail of social and religious institutions of my Minangkabau custom in the realm of the seaside. This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection is done not only through literature review but also through direct observation. This data analysis technique is based on heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historiography techniques. Based on research conducted, it was found that through the mosque Harakatul Jannah Mosque, the nomads from Minangkabau enlivened the Minang tradition in social activities, education, and diversity well as in the form of building architecture. Combining European and Middle Eastern styles with traditional styles, the mosque was constructed without losing the Minangkabau cultural character reflected in several mosque elements, such as the Bundo Kanduang Gate, the Hajjah Tower, and the Majlis of Shaykh Ahmad Khatib al-Minangkabawi. This is a manifestation of archipelago culture in architecture. While in the field of education, the activities of the students and the community in general in the mosque showed similarities to the Islamic intellectual tradition in the 19th century Minangkabau. All educational and religious activities in the mosque are a form of strengthening the Minang cultural identity in overseas lands.</p>
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Sanusi, Ihsan. "KEBANGKITAN ISLAM MINANGKABAU." Tabuah 24, no. 2 (December 20, 2020): 148–65.

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This article will discuss the Islamic revival in the perspective of the conflict anotomy and the unchanging political identity of Minangkabau. The study is based on the fact that continuity and change in the transformation and model of Islamization of the Minangkabau society until the early 20th century - are never separated from conflict. He is still driven and controlled by the scholars. In realizing the mission of Islamization itself, in certain matters it has remained relatively influenced by Middle Eastern intellectual thinkers. Ulama are polarized to two poles; the first pole, those who maintain various traditions in society in order to maintain the establishment, namely the Old People. The second pole is the ulama who want to make changes to what already exists and applies in society, to something they consider and believe to be true, namely the Youth. To analyze this, the research method used in this study is library research, using content analysis. By using a variety of literature (literature), in the form of books, notes, and research reports from previous studies, this study will describe in more detail about the themes discussed. In this study, the anatomy of conflict in the Islamic revivalis in the Minangkabau society is seen from three main elements: conflict structure, conflict actors, and conflict dynamics. The Islamic revival of Minangkabau that has occurred in its long history can be divided into two categories, revival in the form of purity (reformism) and the awakening of Islam in the form of renewal (modernization). The conflict in the Islamic revival within the framework of Minangkabau cultural identity is based on the socio-psychological conditions in which the Minangkabau people are always in turmoil because in it the philosophical teachings are "alam takambang menjadi guru", basabab bakarono, bakarano bakajadian.”
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Almos, Rona, Pramono Pramono, and Reniwati Reniwati. "PANTUN DAN PEPATAH-PETITIH MINANGKABAU BERLEKSIKON FLORA DAN FAUNA." Adabiyyāt: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra 13, no. 2 (December 31, 2014): 300.

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Pepatah-petitih is Minangkabau proverbs which contains advices and teachings from the elders. Every sentence found in Minangkabau proverbs contains the Minangkabau basic philosophy which is originally derived from the nature. The thought of Minangkabau people is based on natural phenomena. Minangkabau people learn from everyday life environment. Sometimes the Minangkabau proverbs are presented in form of poetry. Poetry is the most important kind of Minangkabau literature. It becomes a topic, kaba flowers, and ornate speech. Those poems and proverbs are Minangkabau traditional community knowledge (local genius) in the past. This article aims to describe the whole Minangkabau proverbs which contain the terms of flora and fauna and to explain the meaning of those proverbs. There are many terms of flora and fauna found in the proverbs of Minangkabau. The contents taught us in doing good, patience, pituah, perseverance, and truth. They contain rules and high values for the benefit of Minangkabau society.
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Mahkota, Renti, Aquarini Priyatna, and Sri Rijati Wardiani. "POTRET KELUARGA MATRILINEAL MINANGKABAU DALAM DUA NOVEL PENGARANG ETNIS MINANGKABAU." Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya 11, no. 2 (June 30, 2019): 313.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan perbandingan dan persamaan potret keluarga matrilineal Minangkabau yang ditampilkan dalam dua novel pengarang etnis Minangkabau, yaitu novel Negeri Perempuan karya Wisran Hadi dan novel Aku Tidak Membeli Cintamu karya Desni Intan Suri. Untuk menunjukkan potret keluarga matrilineal Minangkabau dalam dua novel pengarang etnis Minangkabau peneliti menggunakan teori sastra bandingan sebagai landasan dalam penelitian ini. Metode dalam penelitian secara khusus menggunakan metode perbandigan sastra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan dua bentuk potret keluarga matrilineal di Minangakabau yang ditampilkan dalam kedua novel pengarang etnis Minangkabau. Pertama keluarga yang menganut sistem matriarkal-matrilneal, yaitu pihak perempuan (ibu) yang memegang kekuasaan utama di dalam keluarga. Kedua, keluarga yang menganut sistem patriarkal-matrilineal, yaitu kekuasaan utama dipegang oleh kaum laki-laki. Kekuasaan pada potret keluarga bentuk kedua ini bukan berada di pihak ayah (suami), melainkan berada di pihak mamak (saudara laki-laki ibu). This study aims at showing the comparison and similarities of Minangkabau matrilineal family presented in two ethnic novels entitled Negeri Perempuan by Wisran Hadi and Aku Tidak Membeli Cintamu by Desni Intan Suri. To discuss the portrait of Minangkabau matrilineal family in these two novels, the researcher used comparative literature theory to frame the study. The present study specifically used the comparative literature method as its research method. Based on the research findings, it was found that there are two types of matrilineal family in Minangkabau presented in both novels. The first type is the family which follows the matriarchal-matrilineal system. This type believes that the women (mother) side takes the main power in their family. The second type is the family which follows the patriarchal-matrilineal system. This system believes that the main power is on the men’s side. The main power in the second system is not actually on the father’s side (husband); however the main power is on the uncle’s side (the mother’s brother).
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Noverita, Diah. "Semantic Analysis of the Minangkabau Classical Proverb Based on the Model of the Proverb Tree." International Journal of Linguistics 10, no. 1 (March 2, 2018): 108.

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This article aims to describe the meaning of the Minangkabau classic proverb from a semantic perspective. The interpretation of the classical Minangkabau proverb is illustrated in the design of the proverbial tree model. Minangkabau classic proverb data is presented in literature review from various relevant sources.Result of research indicate that found relation of adat and syarak in semantic study. This indicates a close relationship between adat and syarak in the daily life of the Minangkabau people. This indicates that the Minangkabau are strong with their customs and religion. Strength of religion and religion as it goes along. The power of religion (Islam) signifies that the Minangkabau are religious and devout Muslims.
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Yazan, S., and A. Arwemi. "Land-Use Guidelines in Tambo Minangkabau Oral Literature." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 145 (April 2018): 012029.

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Books on the topic "Minangkabau literature"


Jamaris, Edwar. Pengantar sastra rakyat Minangkabau. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2002.

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Amir, Adriyetti. Kapita selekta sastra Minangkabau. Padang, Sumatra Barat: Minangkabau Press, 2009.

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Amir, Adriyetti. Kapita selekta sastra Minangkabau. Padang, Sumatra Barat: Minangkabau Press, 2009.

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Amir, Adriyetti. Kapita selekta sastra Minangkabau. Padang, Sumatera Barat: Minangkabau Press, 2009.

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Damhoeri, A. Serambi alam Minangkabau: Materi pelajaran budaya alam Minangkabau untuk SD sesuai kurikulum muatan lokal 1994. Bukittinggi: Pustaka Indonesia, 1995.

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Ali, Lukman. Unsur adat Minangkabau dalam sastra Indonesia, 1922-1956. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1994.

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Penghulu, Idrus Hakimy Dt Rajo. Rangkaian mustika adat basandi syarak di Minangkabau. 4th ed. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 1994.

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Medan, Tamsin. Antologi kebahasaan. Padang: Angkasa Raya, 1988.

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Suryadi. Naskah tradisi Basimalin: Pengantar teks dan transliterasi. [Jakarta]: Program Penggalakan Kajian Sumber-Sumber Tertulis Nusantara, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Indonesia, 1998.

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Esten, Mursal. Tradisi dan modernitas dalam sandiwara: Teks sandiwara "Cindua Mato" karyo Wisran Hadi dalam hubungan dengan mitos Minangkabau "Cindua Mato". [Jakarta]: Intermasa, 1992.

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Conference papers on the topic "Minangkabau literature"


ANWAR, Khairil. "The Economic Strength in Minangkabau Oral Literature." In Sixth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2017). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.

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Gani, Erizal. "Sumbang Duo Baleh: Education-Valued Expression for Minangkabau Women." In The 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Hayati, Yenni. "Model of Planting Discipline Traits for Children in Minangkabau Story." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.

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Hasanuddin WS, Hasanuddin WS, Emidar Emidar, and Zulfadhli Zulfadhli. "Categories of Legends Folktale of Minangkabau People’s in West Sumatra." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.

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Fatmawati, Riya, and Habiburrahman. "Knowledge Preservation of Various Types of Braid: Indigenous Knowledge of Minangkabau." In 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Rosa, Silvia, Sulastri, and Suria Dewi Fatma. "Minangkabau Historical Traces in the Novel Negeri Perempuan by Wisran Hadi." In 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Sayuti, M. "“Alam Takambang Jadikan Guru” (AJTG) Learning Model of Budaya Alam Minangkabau (BAM)." In The 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Susi, FY, and Ermanto Ermanto. "Use of Gender Based Vocabulary in Minangkabau Language." In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language, Literature and Education, ICLLE 2019, 22-23 August, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. EAI, 2019.

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Rahmi, Fauziah, Ermanto Ermanto, and Harris Effendi Thahar. "Politeness Strategies of Minangkabau Speakers in Criticizing based on Their Education Level." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.

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Salahuddin, Amar. "Preventing Radicalism through Introducing Multicultural Values on Indonesian Novels with Minangkabau Color." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.

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