Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'MIMO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM'
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Grabner, Mitchell John James. "Practical Robust MIMO OFDM Communication System for High-Speed Mobile Communication." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2015. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc799501/.
Full textTurpin, Michael J. "An investigation of a multiple-input-multiple-output communication system with the Alamouti Space-time code." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2004. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion/04Jun%5FTurpin.pdf.
Full textLiu, Ran, and Hao Liu. "Maximum Capacity Antenna Design for an Indoor MIMO UWB Communication System." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Sektionen för ingenjörsvetenskap, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-4476.
Full textIn this thesis, a UWB antenna synthesis based on the averaging strategies for the predefined indoor communication scenarios has been proposed, which contains both the indoor communication theoretical analysis and real world realization. The algorithm can be applied in an arbitrary indoor scenario over ultra wideband frequency. All synthesized results demonstrated that the designed sampling antenna configuration is able to provide optimized solutions. The synthesis method is based on computing optimal antenna configurations for a MIMO ultrawideband system. In order to maximize the throughput, there exists a sampling volume for both transmit and receive antennas. As such, the face-centered and body-centered cubic antenna arrays are utilized. Given that the system operates in the UWB band with a cognitive feature, the type of antenna, orientation, placement and MIMO diversity scheme have been well investigated. The radiation patterns of the antenna array cover the sampling volume and the bandwidth cover the UWB band. The goal of this thesis work concentrates on the analysis of an indoor communication to find an optimum solution on the antenna configuration and placement. The final objective was to design and realize an optimal MIMO-UWB antenna system.
Add: Waldhornstrasse 19, Karlsruhe, 76131, Germany Tel: +49 176 34467663
Yu, Yiwei. "MIMO block spread OFDMA system for next generation mobile communications." Access electronically, 2008. http://ro.uow.edu.au/theses/109.
Full textHuang, Wei. "Linear transceiver design in MIMO system with imperfect channel state information /." View abstract or full-text, 2007. http://library.ust.hk/cgi/db/thesis.pl?ECE%202007%20HUANG.
Full textYang, Yumeng. "MIMO radio-over-fibre distributed antenna system for next generation wireless communication." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/270865.
Full textTakele, Berta. "Performance Evaluation of Simple Space-Time Block Coding on MIMO Communication System." Thesis, Växjö University, Växjö University, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:vxu:diva-6988.
Full textThis thesis discuss on new technique called space time block coding (especially Alamouti's code) which is used to increase capacity and reliability of data transmission over time varying multi-path fading channel. The over all work of the thesis included in the following four chapters.
In chapter-1 we are going to cover some theoretical part which is useful to understand thesis work and in chapter-2 we will discuss the comparison between simple space time block code (Alamouti's code) and MRRC (Maximum Ratio Receiver Combining) which is receiver diversity and then in chapter-3 we will see the channel capacity & probability error performance for 2x2 Alamouti code over Rayleigh and Rice fading channel .Finally the conclusion and further work included in chapter-4.
Sit, Yoke Leen [Verfasser]. "MIMO OFDM Radar-Communication System with Mutual Interference Cancellation / Yoke Leen Sit." Karlsruhe : KIT Scientific Publishing, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1185986332/34.
Full textWennström, Mattias. "On MIMO Systems and Adaptive Arrays for Wireless Communication : Analysis and Practical Aspects." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala University, Signals and Systems Group, 2002. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-2604.
Full textThis thesis is concerned with the use of multiple antenna elements in wireless communication over frequency non-selective radio channels. Both measurement results and theoretical analysis are presented. New transmit strategies are derived and compared to existing transmit strategies, such as beamforming and space-time block coding (STBC). It is found that the best transmission algorithm is largely dependent on the channel characteristics, such as the number of transmit and receive antennas and the existence of a line of sight component. Rayleigh fading multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channels are studied using an eigenvalue analysis and exact expressions for the bit error rates and outage capacities for beamforming and STBC is found. In general are MIMO fading channels correlated and there exists a mutual coupling between antenna elements. These findings are supported by indoor MIMO measurements. It is found that the mutual coupling can, in some scenarios, increase the outage capacity. An adaptive antenna testbed is used to obtain measurement results for the single input multiple output (SIMO) channel. The results are analyzed and design guidelines are obtained for how a beamformer implemented in hardware shall be constructed. The effects of nonlinear transmit amplifiers in array antennas are also analyzed, and it is shown that an array reduces the effective intermodulation distortion (IMD) transmitted by the array antenna by a spatial filtering of the IMD. A novel frequency allocation algorithm is proposed that reduces IMD even further. The use of a low cost antenna with switchable directional properties, the switched parasitic antenna, is studied in a MIMO context and compared to array techniques. It is found that it has comparable performance, at a fraction of the cost for an array antenna.
Potter, Chris, Kurt Kosbar, and Adam Panagos. "Hardware Discussion of a MIMO Wireless Communication System Using Orthogonal Space Time Block Codes." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/606194.
Full textAlthough multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have become increasingly popular, the existence of real time results to compare with those predicted by theory is still surprisingly limited. In this work the hardware description of a MIMO wireless communication system using orthogonal space time block codes (OSTBC) is discussed for two antennas at both the transmitter and receiver. A numerical example for a frequency flat time correlated channel is given to show the impact of channel estimation.
Morris, Matthew Leon. "The Impact of Antenna and RF System Characteristics on MIMO System Capacity." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2005. http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/ETD/image/etd978.pdf.
Full textSchulze, Shaun. "Accurate modelling and realisation of a 4th generation wireless communication system." Thesis, Link to the online version, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10019/1194.
Full textKoch, Tobias. "On heating up and fading in communication channels." Konstanz Hartung-Gorre, 2009. http://d-nb.info/995318603/04.
Full textGirnyk, Maksym. "A Statistical-Physics Approach to the Analysisof Wireless Communication Systems." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Kommunikationsteori, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-149868.
Full textQC 20140901
Ng, Ka Wai. "Generalized bit and power allocation for single and multi-user OFDM MIMO system in frequency selective fading channel /." View abstract or full-text, 2003. http://library.ust.hk/cgi/db/thesis.pl?ELEC%202003%20NG.
Full textALONZO, Mario. "Distributed MIMO Systems for 5G and Beyond-5G Wireless Networks." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Cassino, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/11580/83801.
Full textWolf, Anne. "Robust Optimization of Private Communication in Multi-Antenna Systems." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2016. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-203827.
Full textDer Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Abhörsicherheit der Datenübertragung, die auf der Übertragungsschicht, also durch geeignete Codierung und Ressourcenverteilung, erreicht werden kann. Die Grundlagen der Sicherheit auf der Übertragungsschicht wurden bereits in den 1970er Jahren von Wyner (1975), Csiszár und Körner (1978) formuliert. Jedoch ermöglicht erst der heutige technische Fortschritt, dass diese Ideen in zukünftigen Kommunikationssystemen Einzug finden können. Dies hat in den letzten Jahren zu einem gestiegenen Interesse an diesem Forschungsgebiet geführt. In der Arbeit werden zwei Ansätze zur abhörsicheren Datenübertragung in Funksystemen analysiert. Dies ist zum einen die direkte Übertragung der Information zum gewünschten Empfänger, wobei der Sender gleichzeitig die Zuverlässigkeit und die Abhörsicherheit der Übertragung sicherstellen muss. Zum anderen wird ein zweistufiger Ansatz betrachtet: Die beiden Kommunikationspartner handeln zunächst einen gemeinsamen sicheren Schlüssel aus, der anschließend zur Verschlüsselung der Datenübertragung verwendet wird. Bei diesem Ansatz werden die Abhörsicherheit und die Zuverlässigkeit der Information getrennt voneinander realisiert. Die Sicherheit der Nachrichten hängt maßgeblich davon ab, inwieweit zuverlässige Informationen oder verlässliche Annahmen über den Funkkanal zum Abhörer verfügbar sind. Die Annahme perfekter Kanalkenntnis ist für einen passiven Abhörer jedoch kaum zu rechtfertigen. Daher wird hier ein deterministisches Modell für die Unsicherheit über den Kanal zum Abhörer eingeführt, was zu einer Menge möglicher Abhörkanäle führt. Die Optimierung der sogenannten Worst-Case-Rate in einem Mehrantennensystem mit Gaußschem Rauschen wird für beide Ansätze betrachtet. Es wird analysiert, mit welcher Sendestrategie die maximale Rate erreicht werden kann, wenn gleichzeitig angenommen wird, dass der Abhörer den zugehörigen Worst-Case-Kanal besitzt, welcher die Rate der abhörsicheren Kommunikation jeweils auf ein Minimum reduziert. Für beide Ansätze wird gezeigt, dass aus dem resultierenden Max-Min-Problem über die Matrizen des Mehrantennensystems ein äquivalentes Problem über die Eigenwerte der Matrizen abgeleitet werden kann. Die optimale Ressourcenverteilung für eine Summenleistungsbeschränkung über alle Sendeantennen wird charakterisiert. Für den jeweiligen Worst-Case-Kanal zum Abhörer, dessen Kanalgewinne einer Summenbeschränkung unterliegen, werden Waterfilling-Lösungen hergeleitet. Es wird gezeigt, dass für hohen Signal-Rausch-Abstand (engl. signal-to-noise ratio, SNR) alle Raten gegen endliche Grenzwerte konvergieren, wenn die Antennenzahl des Abhörers nicht beschränkt ist. Die Grenzwerte werden durch die Quotienten der Eigenwerte der Gram-Matrizen beider Kanäle bestimmt. Für den Ratenanstieg der direkten Übertragung ist bei niedrigem SNR nur die Differenz dieser Eigenwerte maßgeblich, wohingegen für den Verschlüsselungsansatz in dem Fall keine Abhängigkeit vom Kanal des Abhörers besteht. Ein Vergleich zeigt, dass das aktuelle SNR und die Qualität des Abhörkanals den einen oder anderen Ansatz begünstigen. Die direkte Übertragung ist bei niedrigem SNR und verhältnismäßig schlechten Abhörkanälen überlegen, wohingegen der Verschlüsselungsansatz von hohem SNR und vergleichsweise guten Abhörkanälen profitiert. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit werden umfassend diskutiert und illustriert
Osterno, Igor Sousa. "EstimaÃÃo de canal no enlace reverso de sistemas VL-MIMO multi-celulares." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2015. http://www.teses.ufc.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=14843.
Full textEste trabalho se propÃe a investigar e propor diferentes tÃcnicas de estimaÃÃo de canal de mÃltiplas entradas e mÃltiplas saÃdas (MIMO) para sistemas de comunicaÃÃo multiusuÃrio operando em regime de interferÃncia em cenÃrio de mÃltiplas cÃlulas. AtenÃÃo particular à dada ao caso onde as estaÃÃes rÃdio-base sÃo equipadas com arranjos de antenas apresentando grande quantidade de antenas, configurando o que se tem referido na literatura como sistemas de comunicaÃÃo MIMO de grande dimensÃo (VL-MIMO, do inglÃs: very large MIMO). Algumas destas tÃcnicas exploram as propriedades das grandes matrizes aleatÃrias e sÃo menos afetadas pela contaminaÃÃo de pilotos. Nesta dissertaÃÃo, os parÃmetros do canal VL-MIMO sÃo estimados a partir de uma decomposiÃÃo em autovalores (EVD, do inglÃs: eigenvalue-decomposition) da matriz de covariÃncia na saÃda do arranjo de antenas receptoras. Esta tÃcnica se mostra menos sensÃvel à presenÃa de interferÃncia do que outras que nÃo exploram propriedades especÃficas da matriz de canal VL-MIMO, como à o caso da soluÃÃo clÃssica dos mÃnimos quadrados (LS, do inglÃs: least-squares). Nesse contexto, propÃe-se ainda uma soluÃÃo para o fator de ambiguidade multiplicativa do mÃtodo baseado em EVD, utilizando um simples produto de Khatri-Rao. Na segunda parte desta dissertaÃÃo, as propriedades dos sistemas VL-MIMO sÃo empregadas num problema de localizaÃÃo de fontes, a fim de determinar a direÃÃo de chegada (DOA) dos sinais incidentes sobre o arranjo, provenientes da cÃlula em questÃo. Explorando o subespaÃo de representaÃÃo dos sinais interferentes, propÃe-se o uso de um algoritmo de classificaÃÃo de tipo MUSIC para estimar a matriz de canal de forma cega. O mÃtodo proposto converte os altos ganhos de resoluÃÃo dos arranjos VL-MIMO em capacidade de reduÃÃo de interferÃncia, podendo fornecer estimativas do canal adequadas, mesmo sob nÃveis fortes de interferÃncia e tambÃm em casos onde os sinais do usuÃrio desejado e dos interferentes sÃo altamente correlacionados espacialmente. Extensas campanhas de simulaÃÃo computacional foram realizadas, dandoum carÃter exploratÃrio a esta dissertaÃÃo no sentido de abranger diferentes cenÃrios e avaliar as tÃcnicas investigadas em comparaÃÃo com soluÃÃes jà consolidadas, permitindo assim a elaboraÃÃo de um panorama mais completo de caracterizaÃÃo dos problemas de estimaÃÃo de parÃmetros no caso VL-MIMO.
The aim of this dissertation is mainly to investigate and propose different channel estimation techniques for a multicell multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication system. Particular attention is payed to the case that is referred to as very large (VL) MIMO (VL-MIMO) arrays, where the base stations are equipped with a great (or even huge) number of antenna sensors. Some of these techniques exploit properties issued from the (large) Random Matrices Theory and are therefore less affected by the so-called pilot contamination effect. In this work, the parameters of the VL-MIMO channel are estimated from the eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) of the output covariance matrix of the receive antenna array. This technique is more robust to the interference of signals from other cells compared with methods that do not exploit the specific properties of the VL-MIMO channel matrix, which is the case of the classical least squares (LS) solution. In this context, this work also proposes a simpler way to resolve the scaling ambiguity remaining from the EVD-based method using the Khatri-Rao product. The second part of this dissertation exploits the VL-MIMO properties on a source localization problem, aiming to determine the direction of arrival (DoA) of the signals impinging on the antenna array from a given desired cell. Based on the subspace representation of the outer cell interference signals, we propose a new blind MUSIC-like classification algorithm to estimate the channel matrix. The proposed technique convert the high resolution gains of the VL-MIMO arrays into ability to reduce power of undesired signals, yielding good channel estimates even under high interference power levels, and including cases where desired and undesired signals are strongly correlated. Computer simulations have been done in order to cope with different situations and propagation scenarios, thus yielding an exploratory character to our research and allowing us to evaluate and assess the investigated algorithms, comparing them to consolidated solutions in order to establish a complete overview of the parameter estimation problem in the VL-MIMO case.
Chan, Francis Chun Ngai Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications Faculty of Engineering UNSW. "Statistical methods on detecting superpositional signals in a wireless channel." Awarded by:University of New South Wales. School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, 2006. http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/30596.
Full textChoi, Lai U. "Multi-user MISO and MIMO transmit signal processing for wireless communication /." View Abstract or Full-Text, 2003. http://library.ust.hk/cgi/db/thesis.pl?ELEC%202003%20CHOI.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 167-170). Also available in electronic version. Access restricted to campus users.
Dong, Lu. "MIMO Selection and Modeling Evaluations for Indoor Wireless Environments." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/19767.
Full textDing, Zhihong. "ARQ Techniques for MIMO Communication Systems." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2006. http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/ETD/image/etd1385.pdf.
Full textRico, Ulises Pineda. "Link Optimisation for MIMO Communication Systems." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2009. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.503000.
Full textZhang, Fan. "Diversity strategies for MIMO communication systems." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2010. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:530327bb-e4d9-4ce2-8140-312e7d175c05.
Full textXimenes, Leandro Ronchini. "Tensor-based MIMO relaying communication systems." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFC, 2015. http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/12931.
Full textSubmitted by Marlene Sousa (mmarlene@ufc.br) on 2015-06-24T12:23:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_tese_lrximenes.pdf: 22186309 bytes, checksum: b90a5d56afa23e69c67413686ac097d4 (MD5)
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In cooperative communication systems, two or more transmitting terminals are combined to increase the diversity and/or the power of the signals arriving at a particular receiver. Therefore, even if the devices do not have more than one antenna, or if a significant propaga- tion loss is present between the two communicating nodes, the various transmitting elements can act as a virtual antenna array, thus obtaining the benefits of the multiple antenna (MIMO) systems, especially the increase in the capacity. Recently, tensor decompositions have been introduced as an efficient approach for channel estimation in cooperative com- munication systems. However, among the few works devoted to this task, the utilization of the PARAFAC tensor decomposition for modeling the received signals did not allow the development of techniques for joint symbol and channel estimation. Aiming to avoid the use of pilot sequences, which limits the overall spectral efficiency by dedicating a portion of the bandwidth only for the channel estimation task, the objective of this thesis is to provide new tensor-based strategies, including transmission systems and semi-blind receivers, for one-way two-hop MIMO relaying systems. Based on a Khatri-Rao space-time coding at the source and two different Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relaying strategies, two transmission schemes are proposed. For these systems, named PT2-AF and NP-AF, the received signals at the destination node follow respectively a PARATUCK2 and a nested PARAFAC tensor model. Exploiting uniqueness properties of these tensor models which are established in the thesis, several semi-blind receivers are derived. Some of these receivers are of iterative form us- ing an ALS algorithm, whereas some other ones have closed-form solutions associated with Khatri-Rao factorizations. Some simulation results are finally presented to illustrate the per- formance of the proposed receivers which are compared to some state-of-the-art supervised techniques
Em comunicações cooperativas, dois ou mais terminais de transmissão são combinados para aumentar a diversidade e/ou a potencia dos sinais que chegam a um determinado receptor. Portanto, mesmo que os dispositivos não disponham de mais de uma antena, ou que então haja uma grande perda por propagação entre dois pontos comunicantes, os diversos elementos transmissores podem atuar como um arranjo virtual de antenas, obtendo-se assim vantagens dos sistemas de múltiplas antenas (MIMO), sobretudo o aumento da capacidade de transmissão. Recentemente, a chamada analise tensorial tem se mostrado uma abordagem eficiente então para a estimação de canais em sistemas com diversidade cooperativa. Contudo, nos poucos trabalhos dedicados a essa tarefa, a utilização da decomposição tensorial PARAFAC para a modelagem dos sinais recebidos não possibilitou o desenvolvimento de técnicas de estimação conjunta de canais e símbolos. Com a idéia de se evitar o uso de sequencias de treinamento, que limita a eficiência espectral da transmissão por dedicar uma parte da largura de banda apenas para a tarefa de estimação dos canais, o objetivo desta tese é prover novas estratégias de comunicação, em termos de sistemas de transmissão e receptores semi-cegos, baseados em tensores adaptados a sistemas cooperativos MIMO unidirecionais de dois saltos. Dois sistemas de transmissão são propostos utilizando uma codificação espaço-temporal do tipo Khatri-Rao na fonte e duas estrategias de processamento Amplify-and-Forward (AF) no relay. Para estes sistemas, nomeados PT2-AF e NP-AF, os sinais recebidos no chamado nó de destino satisfazem os modelos tensoriais do tipo PARATUCK2 e Nested PARAFAC. Explorando as propriedades de unicidade destes modelos tensoriais estabelecidas nesta tese, vários receptores semi-cegos são derivados. Alguns destes receptores são do tipo ALS, enquanto outros são de soluções baseadas na factorização de produtos de Khatri-Rao. Resultados de simulação são apresentados para ilustrar os desempenhos dos receptores propostos em comparação a alguns estimadores supervisionados
Negrão, João Lucas. "Efficient detection : from conventional Mimo to massive Mimo communication systems." Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Centro de Tecnologia e Urbanismo. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, 2018. http://www.bibliotecadigital.uel.br/document/?code=vtls000218370.
Full textThroughout this work, problems related to communication systems equipped with multiple antennas in the transmitter and receiver (MIMO - Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) are analyzed from the point of view of classical detection, nonlinear optimization, as well as linear pre-coding, from conventional MIMO (some Tx and Rx antennas) to large-scale (massive) MIMO systems. Initially, the detection efficiency of several MIMO detectors were analyzed under the prerogative of highly correlated channels, in which situation, MIMO systems present a high loss of performance, and, in some cases, an increasing complexity. Considering this scenario, we have specifically studied the behavior in terms of compromise complexity x bit error rate (BER), for different detection techniques, such as the successive interference cancellation (SIC), lattice reduction (LR), as well as the combination of each of these with linear detection techniques. In this analysis, different uniform antenna structures with uniform linear array (ULA) and planar array array (UPA) were also considered in both transmitter and receiver side. In addition, different number of antennas and order of modulation were also considered. Next, the MIMO detection problem was studied from a nonlinear optimization perspective, specifically aiming to achieve optimum performance. The detection solution with semi-defined relaxation (SDR - it semidefinite relaxation) were analyzed. The SDR-MIMO detector is an efficient approach capable of achieving near-optimal performance, especially for low and medium modulation orders. We focused our efforts on developing a computationally efficient approach for the maximum likelihood (ML) MIMO detection algorithm based on semi-definite programming (SDP) for M-QAM constellations. Finally, we study an optimal power allocation problem aiming to maximizes the sum-rate capacity of a single cell massive MIMO broadcast channel equipped with zero-forcing beamforming (ZFBF) and regularized channel inversion (RCI) precoding at the base station (BS). Our purpose is to investigate this problem in the large-scale system limit, i.e, when the number of users, K, and antennas at the BS, M, tend to infinity with a ratio β = K/M being held constant. We first derive the signal to interference plus noise (SINR) ratio for both chosen precoders. Then we investigate optimal power allocation schemes that maximize the sum-rate per antenna under an average power constraint and we show that the problem is convex and the power allocation follows the well-known Water-Filling strategy. We also studied a problem related to an optimal power allocation at a finite group of clustered users and determine the impact of this scheme in the ergodic sum-rate capacity.
Piazza, Daniele Dandekar Kapil. "Reconfigurable antennas for adaptive MIMO communication systems /." Philadelphia, Pa. : Drexel University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1860/3037.
Full textFan, Ho Yin. "MIMO detection schemes for wireless communication /." View Abstract or Full-Text, 2002. http://library.ust.hk/cgi/db/thesis.pl?ELEC%202002%20FAN.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 64-66). Also available in electronic version. Access restricted to campus users.
Chan, Wing Chau. "Performance limits of MIMO wireless communications /." View abstract or full-text, 2006. http://library.ust.hk/cgi/db/thesis.pl?ECED%202006%20CHANW.
Full textParashar, Karthick Nagarat. "System-level approaches for fixed-point refinement of signal processing algorithms." Rennes 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012REN1E015.
Full textThe fixed-point refinement problem is a combinatorial optimization problem whose search space grows exponentially. It is known to be NP-hard in complexity. Scalability issues involved in performing fixed-point refinement are the central theme of this thesis. A divide-and-conquer technique, where a given system is decimated to smaller sub-systems organized in a hierarchy is at the heart of this approach. This paves way for fast accuracy evaluation and the proposed hierarchical word-length optimization problem. Due to the reduction in number of variables, the convergence of hierarchical optimization problem to a solution is much faster than in the classical case. The single noise source (SNS) model has been proposed to study the quantization error statistics. Instead of just focusing on the average noise-power and mean of the errors due to quantization, it also provides analytical formulae for deriving statistical parameters of the random process generating quantization errors due to fixed-point simulation. In the presence of un-smooth operations such as QAM-slicing, Min() or Max() etc. , it is inevitable to use fixed-point simulation. A technique for analytical evaluation of quantization error statistics in the presence of un-smooth quantizers applicable for feed-forward networks is also proposed. In order to address systems with feedback involving un-smooth operations, a hybrid technique that makes use of the SNS model to accelerate fixed-point simulation is proposed. A convex-optimization framework is proposed as an improved heuristic to solve the word-length optimization problem. This not only improves the quality of the solution but also solves the problem much faster than classical iterative approaches. Application of the proposed techniques has resulted in improved reduction in system costs even and a reduction of several orders of magnitude in the over all time required for fixed-point refinement
Luo, Tuo. "Performance enhancements in practical MIMO communications systems /." View abstract or full-text, 2007. http://library.ust.hk/cgi/db/thesis.pl?ECED%202007%20LUO.
Full textRadji, Djelili. "Asymptotic optimal detection for MIMO communication systems." Thesis, McGill University, 2014. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=121110.
Full textLa haute complexité associée à la méthode optimale de détection pour les systèmes MIMO utilisant le multiplexage spatial motive la recherche d'alternatives plus pratiques. Parmi les nombreuses méthodes non optimales proposées dans la littérature, très peu peuvent théoriquement guarantir une performance quasi-optimale avec une complexité fixe et relativement basse. Dans cette thèse, nous considérons une classe de détecteurs utilisant une liste, qui premièrement génèrent une liste de vecteurs candidats et ensuite choisissent le meilleur candidat dans cette liste comme décision finale. Dans un premier temps nous faisons une analyse de diversité pour ces méthodes et dérivons des conditions suffisantes pour atteindre asymptotiquement une performance optimale. Nous introduisons ensuite l'algorithme Sel-MMSE-OSIC qui emploie une méthode de détection utilisant une liste et une méthode de partition du canal à diversité maximale permettant l'optimalité asymptotique. Après, nous proposons l'algorithme MMSE-ISTP qui apporte des réductions substantielles de complexité comparé à l'algorithme Sel-MMSE-OSIC tout en ayant une complexité fixe et étant asymptotiquement optimal. Cette méthode est basée sur une simplification de la partition du canal et une méthode de détection efficace utilisant une liste générée à partir d'un arbre de détection. Les résultats des simulations par ordinateur démontrent que Sel-MMSE-OSIC et MMSE-ISTP délivrent des performances pratiquement indissociables de la performance optimale pour tous les rapports signal-sur-bruit pour des canaux non corrélés dans l'espace. Pour atteindre des reductions additionnelles de complexité pour les grandes constellations, une version de MMSE-ISTP à complexité variable est ensuite proposée. L'algorithme qui en résulte est un algorithme à complexité variable qui opère sur un nombre réduit de candidats et emploie une méthode de partition du canal améliorée qui non seulement réduit la complexité mais aussi guarantit l'optimalité pour des rapports signal-sur-bruit élevés pour des canaux non corrélés dans l'espace. Les résultats des simulations par ordinateur confirment que l'algorithme proposé permet des réductions significatives de la complexité comparé aux techniques à complexité variable conventionnelles.
Guo, Yongfang. "Precoding and equalization for MIMO communication systems /." For electronic version search Digital dissertations database. Restricted to UC campuses. Access is free to UC campus dissertations, 2004. http://uclibs.org/PID/11984.
Full textLee, Justine Bing. "Transceiver Designs for MIMO Relay Communication Systems." Thesis, Curtin University, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11937/83305.
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Full textLi, Yabo. "Space-time encoding and decoding for MIMO systems and cooperative communication systems." Access to citation, abstract and download form provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company; downloadable PDF file 0.82 Mb., 155 p, 2006. http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:3205421.
Full textWang, Dong. "Space-time trellis code design with simple decoding for MIMO communication systems." Access to citation, abstract and download form provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company; downloadable PDF file 0.87 Mb., 156 p, 2006. http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:3200526.
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Full textBerenguer, Ignacio. "Advanced signal processing techniques for MIMO communication systems." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.614924.
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Full textBergman, Svante. "Bit loading and precoding for MIMO communication systems." Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Skolan för elektro- och systemteknik, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-10622.
Full textGopal, Lenin. "Robust transceiver designs for MIMO relay communication systems." Thesis, Curtin University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11937/643.
Full textNguyen, Khoa Xuan. "Transceiver Optimization for Interference MIMO Relay Communication Systems." Thesis, Curtin University, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11937/48822.
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Full textSharma, Maneesha. "Effective channel state information (CSI) feedback for MIMO systems in wireless broadband communications." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2014. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/71549/2/Maneesha_Sharma_Thesis.pdf.
Full textChen, Runhua. "Multiuser MIMO systems in single-cell and multi-cell wireless communication." Thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/3017.
Full textChen, Chien-Chang, and 陳建昌. "Joint MIMO Precoder Design with Semidefinite Relaxation Detection in MIMO Communication System." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/68672717676160212843.
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