Academic literature on the topic 'Military history'
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Journal articles on the topic "Military history"
Porch, Douglas. "Military History." Historical Journal 29, no. 2 (June 1986): 497–505.
Full textAbuKhalil, As'ad. "Military History." Journal of Palestine Studies 28, no. 3 (1999): 92–94.
Full textMyers, Barton A. "Military History." Journal of the Civil War Era 2, no. 1 (2012): 6.
Full textNedu, Decebal. "The First Punic War. A Military History." Analele Universităţii "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi Fascicula XIX Istorie 1 (November 24, 2002): 1–12.
Full textDorn, Harold. "The "Military Revolution": Military History or History of Europe?" Technology and Culture 32, no. 3 (July 1991): 656.
Full textDorn, Harold. "The “Military Revolution”: Military History or History of Europe?" Technology and Culture 32, no. 3 (July 1991): 656–58.
Full textBond, Brian, David A. Charters, Marc Milner, and J. Brent Wilson. "Military History and the Military Profession." Journal of Military History 58, no. 2 (April 1994): 315.
Full textvan Creveld, M. "Modern Military History." English Historical Review CXXIII, no. 501 (April 1, 2008): 497–98.
Full textBlack, Jeremy. "Rethinking military history." RUSI Journal 150, no. 3 (June 2005): 60–63.
Full textBunting, Josiah. "Why Military History?" Academic Questions 21, no. 1 (March 2008): 12–17.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Military history"
Strömsten, Henrik. "Military and Nature : An environmental history of Swedish military landscapes." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för arkeologi och antik historia, 2016.
Full textDenna uppsats, en miljöhistoria av ett utvalt antal svenska militära övningsområden, är baserat på en observation av militära landskap med en permanent närvaro av militärrelaterade objekt och aktiviteter vilka lämnar sina spår i miljön, och hur fortsatt militär aktivitet legitimeras genom miljöargument. Jag analyserar militära riktlinjer och dokument, för att se på hur svensk militär förhåller sig till dess övningsområden, och hur diskurser om miljövård används för att motivera fortsatt militär aktivitet. De militära landskapen bör studeras i en större geopolitisk säkerhetskontext; därför inkluderar jag också en historisk studie av svensk försvarspolitik och militära markanskaffningar. En viktig insats med denna uppsats, förutom att bidra med en svensk kontext till militära landskapsstudier, är att testa ett historiskt-ekologiskt ramverk i analys och metod vid studier av militära landskap då jag anser att denna uppsats är ett pilot-projekt för militära landskapsstudier i Sverige och ger incitament till vidare forskning i ämnet. De svenska militära landskapen som studeras här har upp till en hundraårig närvaro av militär aktivitet. Vissa övnings- och skjutfält såsom Marma och Revingehed, vilka också är Natura 2000- områden, har haft militär aktivitet sedan slutet av 1800- talet, och de varierande militära ytorna och byggnaderna främjar en militär biografi, en identitet knuten till landskapet, vilken förstärker fortsatt militär närvaro. Presentationen av de militära fälten som ekologiska refuger av sällsynta arter och habitat är uppenbar i skötsel- och vårdplanerna av de studerade landskapen. Sättet som det militära landskapet förstås, legitimeras och produceras ur militärperspektiv i policy och dokument är, som jag kommer argumentera, koncentrerade kring två faktorer. För det första, militär närvaro i ett landskap är ett resultat av en militariseringsprocess baserat på en geopolitisk kontext och försvarsbeslut. Militär närvaro har en långsiktig effekt i form av en förändring av den fysiska naturen och utvecklingen av en biologisk mångfald. För det andra, de långsiktiga positiva effekterna underbygger en naturvårdsdiskurs inom militären när det kommer till att motivera dåtida och nuvarande militär landskapsanvändning, och för att rättfärdiga en fortsatt militär närvaro.
Coventry, Fred R. "Acrid Smoke and Horses' Breath: The Adaptability of the British Cavalry." Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2014.
Full textJones, Stacey L. "History of the Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA)." Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2002.
Full textEltis, David Alexander. "English military theory and the military revolution of the sixteenth century." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1991.
Full textBuzzanco, Robert. "Masters of war? : military criticism, strategy, and civil- military relations during the Vietnam war /." The Ohio State University, 1993.
Full textLee, Anna J. "Preserving history in military bases : a redevelopment issue." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994.
Full textSnook, M. "Wolsey, Wilson and the failure of the Khartoum campaign : an exercise in scapegoating and abrogation of command responsibility." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2014.
Full textHrdina, Otakar III. "Study of civil-military relations in crises of Czechoslavak history." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2005.
Full textThis thesis examines civil-military relations during the critical moments of the Czechoslovak history, particularly during the deep political and societal crises in 1938, 1948, 1968, and 1989. Such a method offers an opportunity to analyze civilian control of the military under a situation when the civil-military relations are in deep crisis. By concluding that even under such conditions there were stable civil-military relations in former Czechoslovakia, this thesis affirms the theory of military professionalism as a crucial factor in civil-military relations, as presented by Samuel P. Huntington. Thus, the study of civil-military relations in crises of the Czechoslovak history provides an exceptional opportunity to test the Huntington's model of the equilibrium of objective civilian control in the circumstances of profound societal disturbances. In accordance with the Huntington's theory of stable civil-military relations, this thesis attests that a strong military professionalism, typified by the bonds of traditions, obedience, and patriotic loyalty, plays crucial role in determining stability of civil-military relations, i.e. an objective civilian control of the military. Subsequently, by following this reasoning this thesis also justifies assumption of permanently stable civil-military relations in Czechia, because it intentionally concentrates only on the continuum of the Czechoslovak and the Czech civil-military relations.
Lieutenant Colonel, Czech Air Force
Withers, Kristine. "Detachment 101: a microcosm of the evolutionary nature of warfare." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2011.
Full textDepartment of History
Mark P. Parillo
Detachment 101's experiences provide a microcosm view of the evolutionary nature of warfare, and also demonstrates the understanding of Fourth Generational Warfare concepts by the Detachment.
Gardner, Paul Breen. "The increasing gap between words and deeds: teaching public affairs at the colleges of the army from academic year 1947 through academic year 1989." Diss., Kansas State University, 2014.
Full textDepartment of History
Donald J. Mrozek
After the Second World War, the leaders of the Department of the Army (DA) worked to inform those in the service that they had a duty to help the American people understand what the Army was doing to provide security for the nation. Their goal was for the public to have, at a minimum, the same amount of understanding of the Army as it had during World War II. To achieve this goal they believed that the officer corps had to be convinced that explaining to the public what the service was doing was in the best interest of the Army. The effort of the leaders to convince the officer corps was conducted by two primary means. First, the leaders made many public statements announcing that the Army would continue to inform the American people. Second, they added a requirement for those setting the curricula at the senior two schools of the service to provide instruction about the program that the Army had, which had three sub-programs, to update the American public. Between AY 1947 and 1989, the leaders continued to talk about the importance of informing the public. However, those approving the curricula at the two Colleges of the Army placed decreasing emphasis on educating students about what public affairs was and how to conduct it. This assertion is based on three primary findings. First, there is a clear decrease in the number of hours allocated to teaching about public affairs. Second, over the course of this period students were provided with fewer chances to apply what they were learning. Third, the coverage of the instruction went from covering at least two of the components of the Army’s program to at best only one. In the end a gap is clearly visible between what the leaders of the Army were saying regarding the importance of educating officers about public affairs and what was included in the curricula of these two schools: deeds did not match words.
Books on the topic "Military history"
David, Charters, Milner Marc, and Wilson J. Brent, eds. Military history and the military profession. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 1992.
Find full textAllison, William Thomas, Jeffrey G. Grey, and Janet G. Valentine. American Military History. Third edition. | New York: Routledge, 2020.: Routledge, 2020.
Full text1951-, Stewart Richard W., and Center of Military History, eds. American military history. Washington, D.C: Center of Military History, U.S. Army, 2005.
Find full textJeffrey, Grey, and Valentine Janet G, eds. American military history. 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson, 2012.
Find full text1951-, Stewart Richard W., ed. American military history. Washington, D.C: Center of Military History, United States Army, 2004.
Find full textHistory, Center of Military, ed. American military history. Washington, D.C: Center of Military History, United States Army, 1989.
Find full text1915-, Matloff Maurice, and United States. Dept. of the Army., eds. American military history. Washington, D.C: Center of Military History, U.S. Army, 1989.
Find full textTurkey. Askeri Tarih ve Stratejik Etüt Başkanlığı., ed. Military history documents. Ankara: Turkish General Staff Printing House, 1993.
Find full text1951-, Stewart Richard W., and Center of Military History, eds. American military history. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C: Center of Military History, United States Army, 2009.
Find full textJohn, Lamphear, ed. African military history. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub. Co., 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Military history"
Kwong, Chi-Man. "Military History." In Hong Kong History, 39–58. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textBond, Brian. "Military History." In Handbook for History Teachers, 856–60. London: Routledge, 2021.
Full textTodd, Molly. "Military History." In Undergraduate Research in History, 102–10. New York: Routledge, 2022.
Full textHenninger, Laurent. "Military revolutions and military history." In Palgrave Advances in Modern Military History, 8–22. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.
Full textEriksson, Fredrik. "Military History and Military Theory." In Handbook of Military Sciences, 1–16. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.
Full textStanley, Peter. "Imperial military history." In Palgrave Advances in Modern Military History, 214–30. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.
Full textBourke, Joanna. "New military history." In Palgrave Advances in Modern Military History, 258–80. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.
Full textHoffenaar, Jan. "“New” Military History." In Handbook of Military Sciences, 1–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textMæland, Bård, and Paul Otto Brunstad. "Boredom in Military History." In Enduring Military Boredom, 9–65. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2009.
Full textFitz-Henry, Erin. "A Brief History of Empire." In US Military Bases and Anti-Military Organizing, 27–45. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2015.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Military history"
Novák, Jakub. "Special Court Martial of General Radola Gajda." In International Legal History Meeting of PhD Students, 141–51. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2024.
Full textTrubavina, Iryna, Oleksandr Cherednychenko, Kyrylo Nedria, Svitlana Klimova, and Kateryna Kalina. "International School of Young Scientists as a New Form of Professional Scientific Growth of Educational Institutions of Higher Military Education of Ukraine." In International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning, 61–72. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023.
Full textStanzione, Kaydon, and Daniel Schrage. "History and Future of VTOL Air Freight." In Vertical Flight Society 80th Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–34. The Vertical Flight Society, 2024.
Full textFardink, Paul. "The Unsung Hero of Hurricane Katrina: The Helicopter." In Vertical Flight Society 72nd Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–28. The Vertical Flight Society, 2016.
Full textOwen, Robert. "History of Military Airlift Operations." In AIAA International Air and Space Symposium and Exposition: The Next 100 Years. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003.
Full textReed, Irving S. "Brief History of Adaptive Arrays." In MILCOM 1985 - IEEE Military Communications Conference. IEEE, 1985.
Full textHill, Raymond R., and J. O. Miller. "A history of United States military simulation." In 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). IEEE, 2017.
Full textBregu, Edit. "History of Albanian Military Education Until 1945." In 3rd International Conference on Future of Social Sciences and Humanities. GLOBALKS, 2021.
Full textShutko, D. V. "The Role Of The Russian Orthodox Church In Training Military Personnel." In Pedagogical Education: History, Present Time, Perspectives. European Publisher, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Military history"
Conrad, Stephen C. The History of Military Intelligence. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1989.
Full textMurray, Williamson. Military History: A Selected Bibliography. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2003.
Full textMurray, Williamson. Military History: A Selected Bibliography. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2003.
Full textAndrusyszyn, Greta. American Military History: A Selected Bibliography. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2013.
Full textBorowski, Harry R. The Harmon Memorial Lectures in Military History 1959-1987. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1988.
Full textBall, Robert E., and Dale B. Atkinson. A History of the Survivability Design of Military Aircraft. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1998.
Full textLinderman, Gerald F. The John F. Morrison Lecture in Military History. Military Leadership and the American Experience. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 1988.
Full textARMY CENTER OF MILITARY HISTORY WASHINGTON DC. A Guide to the Study and Use of Military History. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1988.
Full textMushen, Emily, and Jonathan Schroden. Are We Winning? A Brief History of Military Operations Assessment. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2014.
Full textHall, R. C. A History of the Military Polar Orbiting Meteorological Satellite Program. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2001.
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