Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Milieu partisan'
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Graziani, Ornella. ""Tamanta strada", de la contestation politique à la gouvernance de l'institution : trajectoires nationalistes corses." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Corte, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024CORT0016.
Full textThis thesis aims to examine the institutionalizationof Corsican nationalism through the concept of the “partisan milieu” (Sawicki, 1997). By consideringCorsican nationalism as an institution embedded within associative and institutional networks, itanalyzes its evolution toward political normalization. This process of institutionalization, which gainedmomentum after the electoral victories of 2014 and 2015, raises questions about the trajectory ofnationalist militants within the Corsican political field, while shedding light on the internal dynamicsof the movement. The research draws on a multidisciplinary methodology, combining ethnographicobservations, semi-structured interviews, prosopography, and analysis of partisan and media archives. This diverse methodological approach allows for an in-depth examination of twodimensions of institutionalization: on the one hand, the entry of nationalist militants andorganizations into local institutions; and on the other hand, the structuring and consolidationof organizations that support and frame militant activities.These forms of normalization are considered in light of the nationalist movement's rise to power andthe tensions it generates regarding the professionalization of political parties, the rewards ofmilitancy, and the reproduction of social hierarchies within leadership groups. The study employs theconcept of the “partisan milieu” in a quasi-ecological sense, encompassing not only militant andinstitutional networks but also the social interactions that shape political engagement. Unlike morerigid theoretical frameworks such as the “champ” (Bourdieu, 1986), the partisan milieu is understoodas a more fluid space, based on networks of mutual acquaintance and circulation between variousspheres (associative, trade union, political). This approach enables an understanding of politicalengagement not as a linear or hierarchical process, but as a series of complex and sometimes indirecttrajectories, where involvement can occur without necessarily passing through officialstructures.The thesis also highlights the relationship between the partisan milieu and the political field, showinghow the nationalist movement, through its institutionalization, reshapes the rules of local politicalengagement. By analyzing the trajectories of militants, it underscores that this political class, oftenperceived as new, had already been integrated into militant and associative networks long beforeassuming institutional responsibilities. The concept of “milieu” thus helps to better understand howCorsican nationalists have positioned themselves as central actors in the local political scene,structuring a militant ecosystem and gradually capturing institutional power. Finally,institutionalization is analyzed as a process that spans across different spaces, fields, andorganizations, redefining militant capital and internal hierarchies within the movement. Three mainaxes structure this reflection: the temporalities of the nationalist movement, the issues of legitimacywithin the partisan milieu, and the social and gendered selection that takes place when entering thepolitical field. This thesis contributes to broader theoretical discussions on the processes ofinstitutionalization and the transformation of social movements into institutionalized political parties
Marynower, Claire. "Être socialiste dans l'Algérie coloniale : pratiques, cultures et identités d'un milieu partisan dans le département d'Oran, 1919-1939." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013IEPP0042/document.
Full textMy dissertation deals with the French Socialist group in the Western department of Algeria, Oran, during the interwar period. At first very reluctant about any proposition that could be considered similar to nationalism, this group progressively opened up to wider views: in the mid 1930s, it included a significant number of Algerian members and had added some of the major claims of the proto-nationalist movements to its political platform – mainly those of the Federation of Muslim elected representatives and the Association of Algerian Muslim ‘Ulamā. The process of cultural change in the Oran socialist milieu was accompanied and facilitated by mutations in both the socialist practices and sociability. Thus socialist ways of operating – mobilizing, campaigning and demonstrating – evolved: during the 1930s, the Socialists increasingly positioned themselves to attract the native Algerian population. But socialist ways of being – identities and social configurations – also mutated considerably, as the Socialist Party grew closer to the Algerian proto-nationalist organizations. The Socialist Party in Algeria can be understood as constituting an interstitial world, challenging the binary division of colonial societies into colonizing and colonized populations. The socialist activists of the Oran region challenged the “colonial border” in a significant albeit limited way. They opened a dialogue around the idea of colonial reform in a coercive context and constituted a “hegemonic imperial transaction”. The study of this short-lived community challenges the historiography as it analytically recalibrates the genesis of Algerian nationalism, taking into account a form of “colonial encounter” with the French left
Mischi, Julian. "Structuration et désagrégation du communisme français : 1920-2002 : usages sociaux du parti et travail partisan en milieu populaire." Paris, EHESS, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002EHES0147.
Full textThis comparative study of development of the French communist party in four socially diversified sites (the Bourbon farmland in the Allier, the Lorraine plateau in Meurthe-et-Moselle, the Saint-Nazaire labour pool in the Loire-Atlantique, Grenoble and its suburbs in the Isère) aims at understanding how the emergence and the crisis of the communist partisan model came about. The socio-historical analysis of communist presence in those areas from 1920 to 1980 reveals three types of partisan cohesion principles: organizational (institutional rules securing central control over the periphery), symbolical (management of common memory and cultural landmarks, and anthropological (development by the community of weakened social groups). The analysis of the decline of the French communist party after 1980 shows how the various elements of the communist partisan model (unionists, representatives, local officials) have fallen apart, and how ineffective the unifying role of the party has become
Holzhauer, Julia Edouarda. "Monitoring sismique et sismoélectrique d’un milieu poreux non-consolidé." Thesis, Pau, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PAUU3017/document.
Full textSeismic propagation within porous media is usually associated with wave attenuation and dispersion phenomena related to fluid flow. Under certain circumstances, it may also be correlated to a conversion of seismic into electromagnetic energy known as “seismoelectric”. The understanding of seismoelectric phenomena, combining the theory of electrokinetic to Biot’s poroelasticity, relies mainly on the formulation by Pride (1994). On basis of these theoretical developments, Pride and Haartsen (1996) defined a transfer function expressing the link between the coseismic seismoelectric field and the seismic acceleration at its origin. We propose a quantitative analysis of coseismic seismoelectric couplings with the purpose of validating Pride’s theory and generalizing it to partially saturated media. With this aim in view we developed a laboratory experiment involving an adjustable device for electric acquisitions, conducted within the kilohertz range on unconsolidated quartz sand. Experimental data were subsequently processed in both time and frequency domains, enabling a full analysis that embraces phase velocities, attenuations and transfer functions. The conducted experiments focused on the impact of fluid conductivity and water saturation with regard to the coseismic seismoelectric phenomenon. Time-lapse monitoring were accordingly run under varying salinity or water content. In all scenarios, the quantitative analysis of the electric-to-seismic amplitude ratio E/ü appeared in good agreement with theoretical projections. Moreover, investigations of saturation variations, ranging from the residual water saturation (Sw = 0.3) to full saturation, showed that: i) the behavior of attenuations and transfer functions are directly related to fluid distribution, that greatly impacts the mechanical properties of the medium; ii) in the very peculiar case of unconsolidated media, polarity inversion of the coseismic seismoelectric field may be experienced
Grévy, Jérôme. "Les opportunistes : milieu et culture politiques, 1871-1889." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996IEPP0029.
Full textThe term opportunist has lost its original meaning. It is used, wrongly, to designate all non-radical republicans of the last three decades of the 19th century and to qualify a political wave of social conservatism. In reality, during the 1870s and the beginning of the 1880s the opportunists formed a restricted and clearly identifiable political group which elaborated a most reformist project and undertook the structuring of the Republican party. Gambetta and his close friends, who had fought the empire, and then led an extremist war against Prussia, imposed themselves little by little from July 1871 on at the head of the Republican movement. They eclipsed the old-school republicans whose utopic and revolutionary programs they denounced and maintained a pragmatic, reformist and governmental line while proclaiming their fidelity to the principles of 1789 and their desire to transform society progressively. To avoid repeating previous errors they tried to discipline the Republican party. Their newspapers, the "République francaise" and the "Petite République française" together with the parliamentary group, the "Union républicaine" were decisive arms to to coordinate the work of the election committees and the republican associations. The opportunists allowed the republic to be established but were also the butt of a double republican opposition coming from the radicals and the moderates. The former accused them of having betrayed the ideals of their youth and of being opportunists while the latter feared their duplicity. United together, they barred their road to power. After Gambetta's death, his friends became reconciled with Ferry and together with all the moderates made up a vast and little-structured group
Ross-White, C. M. "Partial and adult-plant-resistance to powdery mildew in winter barley cultivars." Thesis, University of Southampton, 1988. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.234371.
Full textChallier, Raphaël. "« Simples militants » : sociologie comparée de l’engagement politique (FN, JC, UMP) en milieu populaire dans la France contemporaine." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA080075.
Full textThe thesis examines the engagement of subordinate activists from both a political ("grassroots") and social (working class) perspective. These "ordinary activists", as they call themselves, are privileged observers of the divisions between political leaders and ordinary citizens. The thesis consisted in the comparative ethnography of the activities of activists (Front national, Jeunes communistes and Union pour un mouvement populaire) in three suburban cities in Paris and Lorraine. The observation of ordinary militant life - meetings, distributions, collages, municipal election campaigns - was supplemented by interviews and localized counts. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first consists of three chapters of localized political analysis that describes the socio-political context of respondents' commitments and the social differences within the observed collectives. The second part is divided into two comparative chapters that question the tensions between the "head" and the "base" of the organizations studied, paying particular attention to restoring the dimensions of domination and autonomy that characterize the experience of subordinate militants. By linking the construction of political hierarchies with class relations in militant environments, the thesis invites us to differentiate the study of militantism according to social backgrounds and to question the classist functioning of parties. Symmetrically, it questions the recompositions of the working classes in terms of their relationship to politics, which reflects persistent cultural separations with the wealthier classes
Nantanga, Komeine Kotokeni Mekondjo. "Lipid stabilisation and partial pre-cooking of pearl millet by thermal treatments." Pretoria : [s.n.], 2006. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-07262007-140915.
Full textMartinache, Igor. "Occuper le terrain : une socio-histoire des appropriations du sport par le milieu communiste français." Thesis, Lille 2, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIL20011/document.
Full textIn spite of the major attention they benefit from in contemporary societies, sport and physical activities remain a secondary matter in the political agenda. Yet, since the beginning of the 20th Century, working class activists began developing a peculiar approach of sport. After recapping a few elements on this “working class sport” and specifically its contradictions, we will focus on how its heirs have tried to make sport a first-matter subject in France after World War II. This “communist sport world” goes beyond organizations’ borders but is nevertheless made of several crossroads. Created in 1959, the French Communist Party sport commission is one of them. This inquiry is based upon various archival sources, direct interviews and above all an ethnographic immersion during several years. It aims at studying the status of such a work group in a political party or a Trade union, how it works and who are its members. In other words, it is trying to understand what it means to advocate for sport while being a communist activist and what kind of doctrine they produce given who they are and where they stand from in social space. The second part focuses on how other members of the Party appropriate themselves this doctrine by analyzing the sports policies developed in two historically communist cities and then finally the consequences of having a communist minister of Sports for the first time in the very end of the 20th Century
Pyta, Wolfram. "Dorfgemeinschaft und Parteipolitik 1918-1933 : die Verschränkung von Milieu und Parteien in den protestantischen Landgebieten Deutschlands in der Weimarer Republik /." Düsseldorf : Droste Verl, 1996. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38813850j.
Full textBarrière, Julien. "Atténuation et dispersion des ondes P en milieu poreux partiellement saturé : approche expérimentale." Phd thesis, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00734463.
Full textDucasse, Romain. "Équations et systèmes de réaction-diffusion en milieux hétérogènes et applications." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEE054/document.
Full textThis thesis is dedicated to the study of reaction-diffusion equations and systems in heterogeneous media. It is divided into two parts. The first one is devoted to the study of reaction-diffusion equations in periodic media. We pay a particular attention to equations set on domains that are not the whole space $\mathbb{R}^{N}$, but periodic domains, with "obstacles". In a first chapter, we study how the geometry of the domain can influence the speed of invasion of solutions. After establishing a Freidlin-Gartner type formula, we construct domains where the speed of invasion is strictly less than the critical speed of fronts. We also give geometric criteria to ensure the existence of directions where the invasion occurs with the critical speed. In the second chapter, we give necessary and sufficient conditions to ensure that invasion occurs, and we construct domains where intermediate phenomena (blocking, oriented invasion) occur. The second part of this thesis is dedicated to the study of models describing the influence of lines with fast diffusion (a road, for instance) on the propagation of invasive species. Indeed, it was observed that some species, such as the tiger mosquito, invade faster than expected some areas along the road-network. We study two models : the first one describes the influence of a curved road on the propagation. We study in particular the case of two non-parallel roads. The second model describes the influence of a road on an ecological niche, in presence of climate change. The main result is that the effect of the road is ambivalent: if the niche is stationary, then effect of the road is deleterious. However, if the niche moves, because of a shifting climate, the road can actually help the population to persist. To study this model, we introduce a notion of generalized principal eigenvalue for KPP-type systems, and we derive a Harnack inequality, that is new for this type of systems
Deruette, Serge. "Contestation ouvrière et encadrement socialiste dans la Belgique du XIXe au milieu du XXe siècle." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/213095.
Full textQuesnay, Arthur. "Ordres partisans, politiques identitaires et production du social : le cas de Kirkouk, Irak (2003 - 2018)." Thesis, Paris 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA01D009.
Full textRegularly described as the result of an identity conflict triggered by external interventions, the Iraqi civil war is first and foremost the result of intense partisan competition. Through an investigation conducted from 2010 to 2017 in the Kirkuk governorate, this thesis demonstrates how Iraqi parties penetrate the state and produce society. In particular, my work questions how parties capture the state resources that enable them to implement demographic engineering policies, violence being also a central modality of action in the political game. As a result, a new identity hierarchy is emerging that is changing the socio-economic structures and daily lives of the population. From 2011, the inequalities resulting from these transformations will encourage unanimous (and not sectarian) protests, but violence ultimately prohibits the development of this movement and the marginalization of Sunni Arabs will ultimately facilitate the emergence of the Islamic State. Between 2014 and 2017, the war against lS further radicalizes the political projects of all political parties, but paradoxically leads to a strengthening of the State, which returns through a devolution of power in favor of militias and, in October 2017, manages to take Kirkuk back from the Iraqi Kurdish parties
Dieng, Moussa. "La demande de soins et les dépenses de santé en milieu péri-urbain dans un contexte de subvention à Pikine, Sénégal." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CLF10468.
Full textImproving population’s access to health care services stands among the utmost priorities in the’agenda of alleviating poverty in Africa. Recently, many policymakers in sub Saharan African countries have tried to remove users fees at the point of service This policy aims at easing the financial burden of out of pocket paiements in an episode of illness,which can be catastrophic,hence boosting the demand for healthcare services. Delivering adequate healthcare services in urban suburbs has become increasingly difficult with the massive urbanization trend, particularlyin Sub Saharan Africa. In addition, difficulties in improving health conditions are intensified by the rise in the morbidity, due to chronic and communicable diseases. Combined together, these phenomenons have brought to the forefront the relevance of the issues relative to healthcare delivery, access and financing in urban areas.Building upon survey data, this thesis focuses on individual’s demand of healthcare services and their corresponding health expenditure in urban suburbs of Senegal. Chapter I lays the theoretical foundations of healthcare services demand and its specific features; and presents the Senegalese context. The methodology relative to data collection and data analysis, including the identified diseases, their course of treatment and the associated health expenditures are detailed in Chapter II. Using a multinomial probit model, Chapter III analyzes the demand of healthcare services resulting from individual’s statement of acute symptoms. Finally, Chapter IV assesses the determinants of health expenditure, using the Heckman model
Tucker, Dominic M. "Validation, Saturation, and Marker-Assisted Selection of Quantitative Trait Loci Conferring Adult Plant Resistance to Powdery Mildew in an Elite Wheat Breeding Population." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/31600.
Full textMaster of Science
Saydan, Gulfem. "La communication électorale en Turquie : Trois partis en campagne pour les élections législatives de 2007." Paris 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA010267.
Full textTheviot, Anaïs. "Mobiliser et militer sur Internet : reconfiguration des organisations partisanes et du militantisme au Parti Socialiste et à l'Union pour un Mouvement Populaire." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BORD0231.
Full textThe 2012 French presidential campaign was marked by the Internet's prominent role in providing information, debating on-line, mobilizing, and organizing activists in the field. This turn to digital tools allows for a reexamination of central themes in the study of political parties, thereby contributing to the debate on party transformations in terms of organization as well as actors who get involved and use the tools. This comparative study examines the recruitment of campaign team members, relations between the media and political communications professionals, as well as changes in political activism
Bahri, Hamed. "Thermodynamique dans les milieux diphasés dispersés : cas des solutions micellaires et des microémulsions." Paris 6, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA066280.
Full textGouard, David. "La "banlieue rouge" face au renouvellement des générations : une sociologie politique des cités Maurice Thorez et Youri Gagarine à Ivry-sur-Seine." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON10037.
Full textFor decades, Ivry-sur-Seine was seen as a model Communist stronghold within the Paris ‘Red Belt'. The particular brand of communism practiced by Ivry's municipal government had turned its working-class housing estates into laboratories directed towards the production of a singularly efficient political affiliation system. Until the watershed of the 1980s, electoral results for the various communist representatives in the Maurice Thorez and Yuri Gagarin housing estates seemed to corroborate this. The decline of the politicization model born of industrialization as well as the generation gap have radically undermined the conditions in which a socio-political affiliation system favourable to communist representatives can survive, however. The choice of a long-term ethnographic approach can give us insight into this phenomenon. Since the middle of the 1980s, the contrasting socio-political evolution of the Thorez and Gagarin allotments has testified to the intra-municipal disruption that affects this type of suburban Parisian territory. In the Yuri Gagarin area, the majority of older working-class families have been replaced with a new working-class population essentially stemming from immigration. Often unaware of the rich history of communism in their municipality, these new generations are sometimes actively involved in the challenging of the older local political authority. Downtown, on the contrary, the descendants of the families that were closest to the local party machine have maintained residency in the Maurice Thorez area. Community links have survived around a local political “endocracy” that works relatively independently from the older partisan frame. For many middle-class families living in Ivry, the maintenance of a certain communist authority makes it easier to accept the social, political, and electoral transformations of contemporary municipal communism
Ecay, Lionel. "Concrete transfer properties evolution and nuclear containment vessel tightness assessment during an accident." Thesis, Pau, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PAUU3022/document.
Full textThe Fukushima catastrophe that struck Japan in 2011 demonstrated that despite significant progress in the field of nuclear safety a prolonged reactor primary cooling circuit breakdown was possible (several weeks in this specific case). With 4 nuclear power plants located on its shoreline, France therefore needed to reassess the safety level of its facilities. More specifically, the worst case scenario considered up until that point by EdF — which consisted in a 24h breakdown of the primary cooling system — was revised up to two weeks. This time-scale shift induced creep, drying and vapour flow problems previously left aside. Thus came to be the ANR/RSNR MACENA (MAîtrise du Confinement d’une ENceinte en Accident) project, which aims at bettering the tightness assessment of a nuclear containment vessel submitted to a temperature of 180°C and to a pressure of 5 bar for two weeks. This work falls in line with that initiated by Khaddour [2014], who set out to better predict porous materials’ transport properties based solely on an indirect characterisation of their topology, namely Pore Size Distribution (PSD) which is obtained via an experimental technique called Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP). The initial model’s ability to correctly estimate intrinsic permeabilities was confirmed on several different materials whose intrinsic permeabilities span several orders of magnitude. However, it was not fit to accurately account for gas and liquid relative permeabilities. This led to the introduction of a so-called redistributive approach, which yielded better results on various PSD and corresponding experimental datasets. Finally, a new model was developed to try and avoid said approach while bettering relative permeability predictions. Although it behaved well with monomodal pore size distributions, be they wide or narrow, it fell short when applied to a real bimodal PSD. In parallel, an experimental feasibility study demonstrated the possibility of tracking a saturation front within a porous material, which should ultimately allow for the implementation of several other phenomena into the model, linked among others to breakthrough capillary pressure
Roubaud-Quashie, Guillaume. "Les jeunes communistes en France (1944 - fin des années 1970) : les mutations d'une expérience politique en milieux juvéniles et populaires." Thesis, Paris 1, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020PA01H048.
Full textAs an essay of social history of politics, this work deals about a rare encounter: that one between significant fractions of working class youth, on the one hand, and, on the other, political structures, French juvenile communist organizations, from the Liberation to the 1970s. Upstream, it explores the matrices and ways of politicization of these young. Downstream, it uncovers two distinct models with their own configurations and their respective echoes. It specifies the conditions of mutation of the first one – linked to the youth movement, with a major working class presence – towards the second one – dominated by educated youth with its own horizons and practices
Ommi, Siddhartha Harsha. "Study of hydro-mechanical instabilities in geomaterials." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022ECDN0017.
Full textHydraulic and mechanical instabilities in geomaterials refer to a variety of non-linear phenomena that can be triggered by heterogeneities inherent to such materials. While hydraulic instabilities manifest themselves as heterogeneous fluid invasion causing `fingering' phenomenon, mechanical instabilities represent strain localizations and/or fractures. These instabilities and their associated coupling pose a major obstacle for applications involving geomaterials such as Carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration and contaminant flow in ground waters. Existing classical models lack the required pattern-forming ingredients in their formulation and thus are stable against imposed perturbations. The essence of the current thesis work is to propose and investigate modeling techniques that allow to describe these instabilities. The constitutive approach adopted is that of micro-structured continua, in particular that of enhanced continua with a constitutive law depending on the gradient of so-called phase field variables.In the first part of this work, a fluid-fluid front has been described as a diffused interface by interpreting the presence of two fluids within the pore space as a single non-uniform fluid and the degree of saturation of one of the fluids as the corresponding phase field. While the classical one-to-one relation between capillary pressure and saturation degree describes retention properties of the porous network, an enhanced relation is obtained by prescribing a chemical potential in the spirit of Cahn-Hilliard type modeling of multi-phase fluids. This together with a non-local energy contribution provides the required ingredients required to describe hydraulic instabilites. In a one-dimensional setting, the proposed model allows to replicate experimentally observed non-monotonic saturation profiles during infiltration. Further, a slight non-convexity introduced into the flux function has been shown to allow modeling of drainage fronts, besides imbibition, without employing any additional complexities. A linear stability analysis (LSA) revealing the growth in time of arbitrary perturbations has been done, supplemented by two-dimensional simulations portraying the ability of the proposed model to describe fluid fingering and segregation.In the second part, triggering of a fracture within a drying porous medium has been studied. A prevailing modeling perspective, involving gradient damage modeling, has been first tested for its ability to replicate periodic fracture formation as observed in representative experiments. Further, a new paradigm has been introduced by interpreting the presence of a fracture as a loss of capillary properties, thus allowing passage of non-wetting fluid under vanishing capillary pressure. This is applicable to cohesion-less and unconsolidated fine-grained soils, where resistance against tensile loading is negligible and thus fracturing induced due to development of tensile stresses is not the prevailing phenomenon. Starting from the principles of variational approach, it has been shown that for sufficiently strong desiccation, damage initiates homogeneously on the drying face while progressing into the body with time. The possible occurrence of bifurcations of this base solution, representing initiation of periodic fractures, has been analyzed again in the framework of LSA.This work sets the stage for the study of coupling between the above mentioned instabilities and experimental investigation of unstable flow features such as pinching and coalescence of the wetting phase. Initiation of damage induced due to evolving drainage finger is also of particular interest in the context of earlier mentioned applications
Nantanga, Komeine Kotokeni Mekondjo. "Lipid stabilisation and partial pre-cooking of pearl millet by thermal treatments." Thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/26680.
Full textThesis (MSc(Agric) (Food Science and Technology))--University of Pretoria, 2007.
Food Science