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Kwasny, Mark V. Washington's partisan war, 1775-1783. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1996.

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1957-, Demirel Ahmet, ed. Tek partinin iktidarı: Türkiye'de seçimler ve siyaset, 1923-1946. İstanbul: İletişim, 2013.

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Güveloğlu, Gülşah Kurt. Demokrat Partinin kadın milletvekilleri: TBMM'deki faaliyetleri ve Yassıada'daki savunmaları. İstanbul: Kriter Yayınevi, 2018.

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Korutürk, Osman. 'Sıfır sorun'dan 'değerli yalnızlık' çaresizliğine: TBMM 24. dönem 3. yasama yılından yansımalar, 1 Ekim 2012-14 Temmuz 2013. Ankara: Osman Korutürk, 2013.

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(Turkey), Vatan Partisi. Vatan Partisi 2015 seçim bildirgesi: Birleşen ve üreten Türkiye için halka dayanan güçlü devlet. Sıhhiye, Ankara: Vatan Partisi, Genel Merkez, 2015.

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(Turkey), Saadet Partisi. Barış için-- kardeşlik için-- insanca yaşamak için-- Şimdi "Saadet'te Birlik" zamanı-- Şimndi "Milli İttifak" zamanı--. [Turkey]: Saadet Partisi, 2015.

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(Turkey), Halkların Demokratik Partisi. Büyük insanlık, bizler Meclise: HDP 2015 seçim bildirgesi. Turkey]: Halkların Demokratik Partisi, 2015.

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(Turkey), Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi. Toplumsal onarım ve huzurlu gelecek: Bizimle yürü Türkiye. Ankara: Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi, 2015.

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Les réseaux du Parti socialiste: Sociologie d'un milieu partisan. [Paris]: Belin, 1997.

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La mémoire socialiste, 1905-2007: Sociologie du souvenir politique en milieu partisan. Paris: Harmattan, 2007.

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Engert, Klaus Rudolf, Jan Hegemann, and Daniel Morgenroth, eds. Paragrafen Pantomimen Partisanen. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2019.

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The publication presents a dazzling collection of renowned experts and lateral thinkers. It offers contributions, published here for the first time, primarily from theatre and stage law, from theatre studies and theatre practice, from culture and politics, from sociology and literature. The publication also includes a legal stocktaking with respect to the treatment of the NATO Double-Track Decision and on young offenders’ imprisonment, on the question of punishability in relation to displaying the swastika in theatre productions, on the relationship between culture politics and culture management, a sociological analysis of the German view of the refugee crisis, and a speech by Frank Walter Steinmeier. Accordingly, this commemorative publication is aimed primarily at theatre professionals in academics and practice, at legal practitioners, and at all those who are curious. With contributions by Joachim Benclowitz, Lorenz Boellinger, Dieter Deiseroth, Klaus Rudolf Engert, Johannes Feest, Herbert Gerstberger und Felicitas Miller, Bernd Günter, Jan Hegemann, Konrad Hummler, Andreas Kotte und Beate Schappach, Wolfram Mehring, Daniel Morgenroth, Johannes Nix, Sven-Joachim Otto, Klaus Röhring, Angie Schneider, Thomas Spieckermann, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Rolf-Peter Warsitz, Gerd Zahner
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Millet ve mücadele. Topkapı, İstanbul: Bayrak Yayıncılık, 2011.

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İktidar muhalefet ilişkileri bağlamında Türkiye'nin siyasal hayatında: Osman Bölükbaşı ve siyasal hareketi. Ankara: Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi, 2010.

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Baum, Lawrence, and Neal Devins. The Company They Keep. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Today’s ideological division on the U.S. Supreme Court is also a partisan division: all the Court’s liberals were appointed by Democratic presidents, all its conservatives by Republican presidents. That pattern never existed in the Court until 2010, and this book focuses on how it came about and why it’s likely to continue. Its explanation lies in the growing level of political polarization over the last several decades. One effect of polarization is that potential nominees will reflect the dominant ideology of the president’s political party. Correspondingly, the sharpened ideological division between the two political parties has given presidents stronger incentives to give high priority to ideological considerations. In addition to these well-known effects of polarization, The Company They Keep explores what social psychologists have taught us about people’s motivations. Justices take cues primarily from the people who are closest to them and whose approval they care most about: political, social, and professional elites. In an era of strong partisan polarization, elite social networks are largely bifurcated by partisan and ideological elites, and justices such as Clarence Thomas and Ruth Bader Ginsburg live in milieus populated by like-minded elites that reinforce their liberalism or conservatism during their tenure on the Supreme Court. By highlighting and documenting this development, the book provides a new perspective on the Court and its justices.
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Türk Milliyetçiliginin Siyasallasmasi - CKMP'den MHP'ye. Ülkü Ocaklari Egitim ve Kültür Vakfi, 2020.

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Kinimiz Dinimizdir. Yordam, 2014.

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Cumhuriyetci Köylü Millet Partisi'nden Milliyetci Hareket Partisi'ne - Tarihi Sürec, Ideoloji ve Politika. Ötüken Neşriyat, 2019.

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Configurational forces: Thermomechanics, physics, mathematics, and numerics. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010.

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"Buyurun Sayin Ince" Siz Yokken Meclis Sonuna Kadar Calisiyordu. Halk Kitabevi, 2016.

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(Turkey), Saadet Partisi. Yeniden büyük Türkiye’nin inşa programı: Saadet Partisi seçim beyannamesi, 12 Haziran 2011. [Turkey], 2011.

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Necmettin Karaduman: Örnek Bir Devlet Adami. Tarihçi Kitabevi, 2019.

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Demokrasi Baris ve Özgürlük Için Cumhuriyet: Esit Yurttaslik ve Kardeslik Için Chp - 2. Siyah Beyaz Yayinlari, 2020.

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Özgürlüğün ve umudun ülkesi, herkesin Türkiye’si: CHP 2011 seçim bildirgesi. Turkey], 2011.

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Muhalif. Erguvani, 2015.

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Shorter, Edward, and Max Fink. Eugen Bleuler. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Eugen Bleuler, professor of psychiatry in Zurich, renamed Kraepelin’s dementia praecox as “schizophrenia” in 1908. He retained catatonia as a subtype. Bleuler’s dementia praecox was a much milder and broader condition than the downhill course toward dementia that Kraepelin had described: it could strike at any moment in life, not just in youth, and often ended in partial recovery. Ultimately, Kraepelin’s and Bleuler’s efforts gave rise to an immense “schizophrenia” literature, an industry that continues today, an outpouring that can be compared only to the enormous “hysteria” industry that existed before DSM-III abolished the diagnosis in 1980. The effect is striking: one moment the profession believes implicitly in a disease so huge as to dominate the literature; the next moment the disease no longer exists.
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Cumhuriyet'in Üc Fedaisi. Tekin Yayinevi, 2000.

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Seçim bildirgesi 2015. Turkey]: CHP, 2015.

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Johner, Aline. La sexualité comme expression d’identités religieuses et politiques dans le canton de Vaud (fin de l’Ancien Régime–1848). Éditions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, 2022.

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« Pour nous Messieurs, nous sommes bien décidées à ne jamais confier nos fils et nos filles à des Ministres nouveaux, dont le pays n’aurait pas éprouvé la moralité, à une Église où l’on enseignerait peut-être des doctrines socialistes ou communistes. » En 1845, Louise Émilie Caille, comme 315 femmes de Payerne, signe la pétition libérale qui s’oppose au renvoi des pasteurs en conflit avec le Gouvernement radical. Elle rejoint ensuite les rangs de l’Église libre avec son mari. Les conjoints auront trois enfants, et Louise Émilie est âgée de vingt-sept ans à la naissance du cadet. Au début du XIXe siècle, la pratique qui vise à limiter la taille de la famille est diffusée parmi plusieurs couples qui, comme eux, appartiennent souvent aux cercles libéraux. À l’heure où naissent les premiers partis politiques dans le canton de Vaud, les clivages en termes de valeurs ne s’affichent pas qu’au sein des assemblées et des conseils, ils s’expriment également dans le rapport que les femmes et les hommes entretiennent avec les normes morales et religieuses de leur temps. L’auteure de cette étude propose un regard nouveau sur les polarisations qui ont suivi la chute de l’Ancien Régime et sur l’histoire de la sexualité. En considérant les comportements reproductifs comme une forme de représentation sociale et l’expression d’identités, elle souligne le rôle crucial des femmes dans la création de milieux politiques et religieux, ainsi que dans la transmission de « cultures sexuelles » familiales.
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Schrum, Kelly, Sheila Brennan, James Halabuk, Sharon Leon, and Tom Scheinfeldt. Oral History in the Digital Age. Edited by Donald A. Ritchie. Oxford University Press, 2012.

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Oral history means many things. It is a record of oral tradition, compiled of stories handed down from one generation to the next, as well as the recording of personal history or experiences. It can involve a formal interview examining a particular topic, such as the history of the space telescope, or a moment in time, such as the partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island commercial nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania, on March 28, 1979. A kind of oral history can also occur informally, when family members share stories around a kitchen table or when a high school student interviews his grandmother about immigrating to the United States. The task of categorizing oral history has become even more challenging in the digital age. It is possible to define online oral history, as resources are available via the Internet that are related to the collecting, cataloging, preserving, or sharing of oral history.
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Moskova-Ankara-Londra üçgeninde: İştirakiyuncular, komünistler ve Paşa hazretleri. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2013.

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