Academic literature on the topic 'Mileux urbains et industriels'
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Journal articles on the topic "Mileux urbains et industriels"
Sekkat, N., M. Guerbet, and J. M. Jouany. "Étude comparative de huit bioessais à court terme pour l'évaluation de la toxicité de lixiviats de déchets urbains et industriels." Revue des sciences de l'eau 14, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 63–72.
Full textMarchand, M. "La contamination des eaux continentales par les micropolluants organiques." Revue des sciences de l'eau 2, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 229–64.
Full textMenye, Daniel Ébang, Serge Hubert Zébazé Togouet, Samuel Foto Menbohan, Norbert Kemka, Moïse Nola, Claude Boutin, Victor François Nguetsop, Moussa Djaouda, and Thomas Njiné. "Bio-écologie des diatomées épilithiques de la rivière Mfoundi (Yaoundé, Cameroun) : diversité, distribution spatiale et influence des pollutions organiques." Revue des sciences de l’eau 25, no. 3 (November 28, 2012): 203–18.
Full textCerman, Markus. "Proto-industrialization in an urban environment: Vienna, 1750–1857." Continuity and Change 8, no. 2 (August 1993): 281–320.
Full textSaint-Laurent, Diane. "Approches biogéographiques de la nature en ville : parcs, espaces verts et friches." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 44, no. 122 (April 12, 2005): 147–66.
Full textBrouillette, Normand, Laurent Deshaies, and Armand Séguin. "De la Mauricie de Blanchard à la Mauricie actuelle : continuité et changements." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 30, no. 80 (April 12, 2005): 217–33.
Full textCorniaux, Christian, Bassirou Bonfoh, A. Diallo, René Poccard Chapuis, and Gilles F. Vias. "Réseaux de collecte et de distribution du lait dans les villes d’Afrique soudano-sahélienne." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 60, no. 1-4 (January 1, 2007): 21.
Full textGagnon, France. "Parenté et migration : le cas des Canadiens français à Montréal entre 1845 et 1875." Historical Papers 23, no. 1 (April 26, 2006): 63–85.
Full textSzabo, Denis. "Vie urbaine et criminalité." III. Aspects de la vie urbaine 9, no. 1-2 (April 12, 2005): 67–81.
Full textTerrasa, Jacques. "Le regard et la trace. Paysages industriels et urbains dans l’œuvre de Joan Fontcuberta." Cahiers d'études romanes, no. 11 (December 15, 2004): 145–56.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Mileux urbains et industriels"
Abily, Morgan. "Modélisation hydraulique à surface libre haute-résolution : utilisation de données topographiques haute-résolution pour la caractérisation du risque inondation en milieux urbains et industriels." Thesis, Nice, 2015.
Full textHigh Resolution (infra-metric) topographic data, including LiDAR photo-interpreted datasets, are becoming commonly available at large range of spatial extent, such as municipality or industrial site scale. These datasets are promising for High-Resolution (HR) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation, allowing inclusion of fine aboveground structures that influence overland flow hydrodynamic in urban environment. DEMs are one key input data in Hydroinformatics to perform free surface hydraulic modelling using standard 2D Shallow Water Equations (SWEs) based numerical codes. Nonetheless, several categories of technical and numerical challenges arise from this type of data use with standard 2D SWEs numerical codes. Objective of this thesis is to tackle possibilities, advantages and limits of High-Resolution (HR) topographic data use within standard categories of 2D hydraulic numerical modelling tools for flood hazard assessment purpose. Concepts of HR topographic data and 2D SWE based numerical modelling are recalled. HR modelling is performed for : (i) intense runoff and (ii) river flood event using LiDAR and photo-interpreted datasets. Tests to encompass HR surface elevation data in standard modelling tools ranges from industrial site scale to a megacity district scale (Nice, France). Several standard 2D SWEs based codes are tested (Mike 21, Mike 21 FM, TELEMAC-2D, FullSWOF_2D). Tools and methods for assessing uncertainties aspects with 2D SWE based models are developed to perform a spatial Global Sensitivity Analysis related to HR topographic data use. Results show the importance of modeller choices regarding ways to integrate the HR topographic information in models
Castandet, Michel. "Recyclage et valorisation des déchets agricoles industriels et urbains." Rouen, 1994.
Full textNgagine, Soulemane Halif. "Chemical heterogeneity of atmospheric particles in urbanized and industrialized environments during pollution events." Thesis, Littoral, 2022.
Full textThis thesis aims at improving our knowledge of the near and distant sources controlling the exceedance of the regulatory thresholds of air quality, as detected by the air quality monitoring networks, at the strongly industrialized and urban site of Great Dunkirk Area (GDA). This appreciation is notably based on the calculation of a mixing state index of the particles, taking into account the heterogeneity of their elementary composition, this one being related to their residence time in the atmosphere and the distance between the sources and the studied receptor site. To do that, it was firstly necessary to develop a time resolved cascade impactor with high temporal resolution, named "TRAPS", which answered the need to follow the rapid changes observed within the atmospheric particles during pollution episodes. Coupled with a particle size analyser and after individual analysis of the collected particles by electron microscopy (SEM-EDX), TRAPS allows to report the physicochemical evolution of atmospheric particles over time. In the first part of this thesis, laboratory experiments and a field campaign allowed to validate our prototype, to report the dynamics of particle deposition on the impaction stages and to verify the cut-off diameters of the coarse and fine stages of TRAPS, determined respectively at 1.32µm and 0.13µm. A statistical study of PM₁₀ pollution episodes occuring over the GDA was then carried out over 3 years, between 2018 and 2020. It allowed us to identify 12 main types of episodes based on their spatial extent, but also on the local conditions of pollutant dispersion. We were able to identify local episodes and regional episodes observed, either in stationary or dispersive atmospheric conditions. While 78% of the PM₁₀ exceedance days correspond to local episodes, the remaining 22% correspond to pollution plumes with at least a regional extent, with an equal proportion of exceedance days in dispersion and stationary conditions. Except for very localized episodes, a detailed study of these pollutions episodes shows the systematic presence of a period of pollutant accumulation, of about 10 hours, characterized by an important contribution of fine particles (PM₂.₅) except for episodes of limited spatial coverage. The last part of this work consisted in the study of the composition and mixing state of the individual particles collected during pollution events in the GDA in 2021. The campaign allowed the sampling and characterization of 5 pollution episodes, during which TRAPS was deployed in parallel with other instruments providing complementary information on aerosol granulometry, or atmospheric dynamics. Nearly 28000 individual particles were characterized by SEM-EDX. With more than 90% of the samples associated with values of the mixing state index higher than 0.5, it can be said that the particles collected in the GDA during pollution episodes are in general of very heterogeneous composition at the particle scale (internal mixing). Nevertheless, the results show an influence of the local or transported origin of the particles on their chemical composition, but also on the mixing state index. An increasing evolution of this index with the particles residence time during these events is observed
Bergé, Alexandre. "Identification des sources d’alkylphénols et de phtalates en milieu urbain : comparaison des rejets à dominante urbaine (domestique) par rapport à des rejets purement industriels." Thesis, Paris Est, 2012.
Full textPhthalates and alkylphenols are organic molecules generated by the chemical industry, entering the composition of plastics, for phthalates, and detergents for alkylphenols. Their worldwide productions are around 6 million tons and 500,000 tons, respectively. It is now obvious from the concentrations and contents measured in the various environmental compartments that phthalates and alkylphenols are ubiquitous environmental contaminants. Indeed, they are found in all environmental compartments (from the atmosphere to the natural environment) at significant levels. These contaminants are also recognized as endocrine disrupting compounds and can cause damages to fauna and flora present in the natural environment. This work has identified levels of wastewater contamination of phthalates and alkylphenols in various environmental compartments in urban areas. Thus, samples taken, during dry weather periods, were used to determine the quality of raw water for global parameters, phthalates and alkylphenols within industrial and domestical discharges as well as the sewer network and a major Parisian sewage treatment plant (Seine Centre, Colombes, 92). These results reflect certain characteristics and disparities of the sewer network, including both high variability of the sampling and the contamination levels by these micropollutants. For industrial discharges, significant disparities have been observed between the different sectors listed (textile manufacturing, surface treatment, metallurgy, pharmaceutical industries, etc.). Overall, the results confirm that household inputs correspond to the first source of contamination in Parisian conurbation. Indeed, the contribution of industrial inputs is less than 5%, for all compounds, whatever the industrial sector. The study of the Parisian sewer network showed some temporal stability of wastewaters in the downstream part. This work however also highlighted disparities and similarities between the sub-watersheds drained by the sewer network. Thus, the northern part of the Parisian network (SDA and CAA) appears to be more contaminated than the Southern part (CAB and SAR).The results obtained for Seine Centre wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) confirms the effectiveness of the treatment processes on the removal on the routine water quality parameters. Additionally, the results on the elimination of phthalates and alkylphenols in sewage treatment plant (yields above 83% for all compounds) confirm that even if WWTP are initially not designed for reducing and/or eliminating micropollutants, they proceed significantly. During primary treatment, physicochemical lamellar clarification underlined the removal of hydrophobic pollutants such as DEHP, NP, DnBP and BBP. During the secondary treatment, biofiltration highlighted its effectiveness in eliminating all pollutants, as well as volatile compounds (DEP) and other contaminants
OLIVIER, DONADIEU SYLVIE. "Medicalisation du secours en milieu vertical urbain et industriel." Aix-Marseille 2, 1992.
Full textGuilmet, Martine. "Impact des rejets urbains et industriels de la région Toulouse-Sud sur l'écosystème aquatique de la Saudrune." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988.
Full textGuilmet, Martine. "Impact des rejets urbains et industriels de la région Toulouse-sud sur l'écosystème aquatique de la Saudrune." Toulouse, INPT, 1988.
Full textBergé, Alexandre, and Alexandre Bergé. "Identification des sources d'alkylphénols et de phtalates en milieu urbain : comparaison des rejets à dominante urbaine (domestique) par rapport à des rejets purement industriels." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2012.
Full textDjembi-Koumba, Siméon. "Gestion de l'environnement, des risques et problèmes d'aménagement urbains de Port-Gentil au Gabon." Bordeaux 3, 2009.
Full textPort Gentil is an industrial and harbour town relatively young. After having been the principal way of penetration of the interior of the country during the fifteenth century, Mandji remained a long time the stronghold of wood before becoming the economic capital of Gabon thanks to and especially oil which covers more 70% of the receipt of Gabon. This industrialization involved flows of populations to meet the industrial requirements in labour. Thus, Port-Gentil ast since the years 1950, the second most populated city country, in spire of the natural conditions unfavorable to the installation of the men. The city thus developed of its site initial towards the marshy west and whose altitude of the grounds is very in lower part of the sea level. Blow, the populations are victims of the floods. In addition, the installation of industries along bay of the Cape-Lopez and especially the infrastructures oil (pipelines and gas pipelines) became spaces at the risks. Because, the current urban development largely crossed these limits. Beyond the fact that Port-Gentil always does not receive on behalf of the State the rebate which it deserves, the city is today confronted with the problems of floods, anarchistic urbanization, an insufficiency maintenance of the network cleansing, of pollution industrial, and especially of a coastal erosion. All these risks are responsible for morphodynamic urban, harm pubic health and obstruct extension continues urban fabric. The stablishment of the men and the management of environment of Port-Gentil thus imply the control of these instabilities. That implies an application of the plan; installation and cleansing, the protection of the emissary of urban drainage and, the rigorous management of waste
Viel, Maurice. "Controle et valorisation de la thermogénèse microbienne au cours de la biodégradation aérobie de déchets agro-industriels et urbains à teneurs variables en graisses." Toulouse, INPT, 1989.
Full textBooks on the topic "Mileux urbains et industriels"
Dotreppe-Grisard, N. Déchets solides industriels et urbains: Traitment, destruction et valorisation. Liége, Belgium: CEBEDOC, 1986.
Find full textTélé-université, Université du Québec, ed. Gestion de l'environnement en milieux urbain et industriel. Sainte-Foy, Québec: Télé-université, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Mileux urbains et industriels"
Bruhat, Claire. "LA COMPLEXITÉ DU JEU DES ACTEURS DANS LA RECONQUÊTE DES QUARTIERS INDUSTRIELS DE LA BANLIEUE NORDLILLOISE, BORDÉE PAR LE CANAL DE LA DEÛLE." In Grands projets urbains et requalification, 221–34. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2002.
Full textFanchette, Sylvie. "Le foncier comme révélateur de l’inégalité croissante de la distribution des facteurs de production au Vietnam." In Inégalités en perspectives, 107–23. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Mileux urbains et industriels"
Maincent, Annick, Hélène Tattegrain, and Marie-Pierre Bruyas. "Usagers vulnérables et véhicules industriels en milieu urbain." In the Ergonomie et Informatique Avancee Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010.
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