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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Migration de refuge'

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This doctoral dissertation examines the lived experiences of refuge in Denmark from the perspectives of Syrian refugees. Situated within feminist political geography, it moves beyond examining geopolitics merely from the perspective of the law, the state, and policy makers. Instead, it seeks to grasp the ways in which geopolitics are encountered, experienced, and negotiated on the ground – by the people who are most affected by state policies and practices. It draws on more than ten months of ethnographic fieldwork in Denmark with Syrian refugees, including semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and participant observations, as well as interviews with state and non-state actors providing assistance to Syrian refugees in Jordan. This dissertation brings insights from feminist political geography into conversation with those from critical refugee studies, border studies, geographies of law, and postcolonial studies in order to unsettle core ideas and terms of reference surrounding what refuge is and how it is practiced. This dissertation makes three distinct but closely related arguments. First, focusing on family reunification of refugees and how this form of protection became a target in the Danish state’s efforts to prevent refugee immigration, I argue that the geopolitics of refuge needs to be examined in a way that includes but also moves beyond the actual territorial border line as well as the legal border (i.e. the moment a person obtains protection and legal status). Second, through an examination of Syrian refugees’ everyday encounters with the Danish state, I draw attention to the disjunctures between idealized notions of refuge with its ostensible ‘humanitarian’ ethos and the practical articulations of refuge as manifested in the everyday lived experiences of refugees. This is what I term lived refuge. I argue, however, that the dissonances between idealized and actually existing refuge point to the persistent presence of governance within refuge, rather than a lack or an absence of ‘true’ humanitarianism - i.e. a promise of freedom, betterment, and prospect that did not fully materialize. Instead, the state practices, which refugees are subject to within refuge, are enabled and normalized through the asymmetrical relationships between the state and the refugee. Third, calling attention to how Syrian refugees experience, articulate and locate war, I trouble prevailing geographical imaginations of “Europe” and Denmark as spaces of peace, safety, and prosperity. Drawing on Syrians’ experiences of war, I argue that attending to everyday experiences of war in refuge prompts a re-articulation of where war is, what counts as war, and who decides.
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Laliberté, Danièle. "Effet de la migration de refuge sur la nuptialité tchadienne." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.

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Lyngstad, Marta Oltedal. "Refuge Beyond Safety: A Study on Syrian Refugees in Jordan Preparing for Irregular Onwards Travel to Europe." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2015.

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The aim of this study is to get an enhanced understanding of why and how young Syrian refugee males in Jordan prepare for irregular travel to Europe. Through eight semi-structured interviews with Syrians in their 20s and 30s residing in Amman, and a conceptual framework of life plan, existential mobility and social network theory, this research hopefully enhances our understanding of the dynamic and uncertain process of onwards irregular refugee travel. I conclude that discrepancies between the narrative of self and the actual situation may trigger secondary migration, while the social capital inherent in the social network of an individual is essential in the preparation phase of onwards movement. Moreover, the results indicate that latent ties are use actively to assess the reliability of the large pool of information accessed through membership in social media networks.
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Gonzalez-Cano, Jaime Manuel. "Migration and refuge in the assessment and management of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus in the Mexican Caribbean." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1991.

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Hoey, Brian A. "Changing places life-style migration, refuge, and the quest for potential selves in the Midwest's post-industrial middle class /." Full text available, 2002.

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Jayananthan, Diantha, and Mette Pedersen. "“A stronger Denmark” vs. “to welcome people seeking refuge” An analysis of Danish and Swedish newspapers’ and policy documents’ framing of "the refugee crisis” and border controls." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2018.

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The purpose of this thesis is to understand how Danish and Swedish news media and governments framed “the refugee crisis” in the context of the Swedish implementation of border controls in 2015 and the removal of external border controls in 2017. We operationalize framing theory (Entman 1993) to understand the differences and similarities in the framing of "the refugee crisis” in Denmark and Sweden. While the main focus is media representations, policy documents are included in the study to deepen the analysis and understand the similarities and differences across migration policies. Through a quantitative content analysis of 259 newspaper articles from eight Danish and Swedish newspapers, a framing analysis of ten policy documents and a qualitative framing analysis of the overall frames in the news articles and policy documents, we identified a dialectic relation of power between media and political discourse in both countries. We found that issues defined and represented in policy documents tend to reflect the challenges that news media define and the other way around. Even though Danish and Swedish newspapers and policy documents highlight similar problems, our data indicates clear differences in migration policies, in the two countries, in terms of the framing of asylum seekers, refugees and political events in 2015.
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Barnwell, Garret Christopher. "An investigation into refuge trauma experiences in an ethnic Somali community in Port Elizabeth, South Africa." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2012.

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The study aimed to explore and describe the forced migration experiences of Somali refugees living in Port Elizabeth, South Africa and the impact of refugee-specific trauma on this population. A mixed method triangulation research design with a quantitative weighting was employed and purposive snowball, non-probability sampling was used to construct a sample of 30 adult Somali refugees from Port Elizabeth’s Korsten community. Participants were included in the study if they fulfilled the pre-defined inclusion criteria of having successfully applied for refugee status, having resided in South Africa for at least six months and being 18 years or older. A semi-structured interview questionnaire was developed by the researcher to operationalise the constructs being measured. The questionnaire comprised a biographical and antecedent event(s) questionnaires as well as sections of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire Revised Version. Data was then analysed via exploratory descriptive statistics and correlation coefficients. The research found that the majority of Somali refugees cited conflict, insecurity and instability as the mainn reasons for leaving their country of origin, suggesting the basic need for safety and security was unmet. One third of the sample reported that the main reason for leaving was the same as their most traumatic life event. The average participant had experienced 16 traumatic events and experienced 23 trauma symptoms on average, demonstrating high levels of trauma among the study population. The study recommends that the link between the main reason for forced migration and refugee trauma be explored.
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El, Arabi Sofia. "Géographie de la dispersion des migrations subsahariennes au Maroc : le cas de deux villes-refuge, Tiznit et Taza." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2020.

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Cette thèse traite des répercussions de la politique d’externalisation des dispositifs de sécurisation des frontières de l’Union européenne au Maroc dans le contexte post-crise migratoire de 2015. Nous analysons la stratégie marocaine de déplacements forcés des migrants subsahariens désireux de rejoindre l’Europe depuis le Nord du pays vers des villes moyennes situées plus au sud. En introduisant le concept de « dispersion », cette recherche ambitionne de comprendre le processus de « frontiérisation » via la relocalisation forcée des migrants subsahariens au Maroc. Fondée sur une étude empirique dans le cadre d’une recherche action et une méthode participative, cette recherche a été menée comparativement dans les villes moyennes de Tiznit et Taza. Notre thèse interroge et analyse les logiques de la dispersion, la nature des rapports instaurés entre migrants et locaux, mais aussi les effets de cette nouvelle modalité de « frontiérisation » sur les individus et les lieux. Ainsi, notre thèse documente les effets de la dispersion, comme politique de « mise en vulnérabilité » plurielle qui se voit amortie par des « villes-refuge » sous le sceau d’éthiques de l’hospitalité. Se posent ainsi les enjeux du dépassement sécuritaire au profit d’une « civilité de transit » qui se tisse entre autochtones et migrants dispersés, en l’absence de politiques d’accueil étatique. La dispersion met en lumière des réactions inattendues des sociétés civiles nourrissant la reconfiguration de la mission d’accueil dans ces villes-refuge. Cependant, ces actions palliatives restent particulièrement fragiles du fait de l’absence de réelles politiques publiques concertées
This thesis deals with the repercussions of the policy of externalization of the European Union's border security measures in Morocco in the post-migration crisis context of 2015. We analyze the Moroccan strategy of forced displacement of sub-Saharan migrants wishing to reach Europe from the north of the country to medium-sized cities located further south. By introducing the concept of "dispersal", this research aims to understand the process of "bordering" through the forced relocation of sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco. Based on an empirical study within the framework of action research and a participatory method, this research was conducted comparatively in the medium-sized cities of Tiznit and Taza. Our thesis questions and analyzes the logics of dispersal, the nature of the relationships established between migrants and locals, but also the effects of this new modality of "bordering" on individuals and places. Thus, our thesis documents the effects of dispersal as a policy of plural "vulnerability" that is cushioned by "refuge-cities" under the seal of hospitality ethics. Thus, the stakes of overcoming security in favor of a "civility of transit" that is woven between natives and dispersed migrants, in the absence of state reception policies, are at stake. Dispersal brings to light unexpected reactions from civil societies that feed the reconfiguration of the reception mission in these refuge-cities. However, these palliative actions remain particularly fragile due to the absence of real concerted public policies
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Bockel, Felix Matthes. "Securitization of Migration in Europe : Pushback practices and the Role of the European Court of Human Rights." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2021.

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An embedded case study investigating the ongoing securitization of migration in the EU from 2014-2020 and the role of legal institutions, in this case the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in these processes. Securitization Theory is used in combination with Critical Legal Theory to create a framework that attempts to both illuminate the role of the functional actor in Securitization Theory further, and the impact securitization has on legal institutions. It provides explanations for sudden shifts in legal argumentation, especially in cases of high political relevance with the use of Critical Legal Theory. The case of N.D. & N.T. vs. Spain serves as an example of a functional actor providing two contrasting judgments on the same events within a short period of time and opens up discussions about political influences on legal institutions. Securitization and the framing of refugees as existential threats to European identity and culture is one of the many ongoing political processes related to the issue of migration and refuge in Europe. As the political landscape shifts and right-wing populist parties establish themselves in European Member States, illegal pushbacks have become common practice at the outer borders of the EU and are challenged both politically and legally. This study investigated cases of illegal pushbacks to renew criticism against the institutions engaging in and enabling the practice.
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Albre, Jérôme. "Le complexe Erebia tyndarus (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) : biogéographie, évolution et théorie des refuges froids interglaciaires." Toulouse 3, 2007.

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Le genre Erebia Dalman, 1816 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), parmi les plus diversifiés de la région Holarctique, est inféodé aux milieux froids montagnards et arctiques. Dans la première moitié du 20ème siècle, des études ont permis de classifier les espèces, mais de nombreux points restaient à éclaircir. Le groupe E. Tyndarus (Esper, 1781), représenté dans la plupart des montagnes de la région Holarctique a, par ailleurs, fait l'objet d'un intérêt tout particulier. En effet, ses espèces, difficiles à différencier, sont issues d'une radiation récente liée aux changements climatiques majeurs du Pléistocène. De récentes études phylogénétiques ont également abouti à des résultats relativement divergents. Cependant, une partie importante de l'information n'a pas été prise en compte, seules quelques populations des taxa européens ayant été considérées. C'est donc autour de ce groupe Holarctique qu'est axée la problématique de ce travail. Une première étude moléculaire utilisant le gène ND5 a été entreprise sur diverses espèces d'Erebia provenant de toute la région Holarctique. Bien que faiblement résolutive, elle a permis de mettre en évidence de nombreux groupes monophylétiques, parmi lesquels le groupe E. Tyndarus. Une étude morphométrique basée sur les pièces génitales des mâles a permis de différencier la plupart des espèces et sous-espèces du groupe, ainsi que deux morphotypes pour l'espèce la plus problématique (E. Cassioides). Le séquençage d'un gène supplémentaire (CoxII) nous a amené à proposer une révision taxonomique du groupe, les sous-espèces rondoui, benacensis et transcaucasica ayant très certainement atteint le statut d'espèce. . .
The genus Erebia Dalman, 1816 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), among the most diversified of the Holarctic region, inhabits exclusively arctic and alpine areas. In the first part of the 20th century, the species were classified in different groups, but numerous points remained unclear. In addition, the E. Tyndarus (Esper, 1781) group, inhabiting most of the mountain massifs of the Holarctic region, was particularly studied. Indeed, its species, difficult to identify, are the result of a recent radiation related the global changes of the Pleistocene. Moreover, molecular studies led to divergent results. This can be linked to an insufficient sampling effort, only some European taxa being considered. The present work is thus centred on the Holarctic E. Tyndarus species group. A first explorative study, using the ND5 gene sequences, was attempted on diverse Holarctic species of Erebia. Even if lowly resolved, numerous monophyletic groups were underlined, among which the E. Tyndarus group. Morphometric analyses, based on the genital features of the males, allowed the characterization of most of the species and sub-species of the group, plus two distinct morphotypes for the more complex species (E. Cassioides). The use of a supplementary gene (CoxII) led us to propose some taxonomic changes, the sub-species rondoui, benacensis and transcaucasica being sufficiently divergent to be considered as species. The evolutionary history of the group was also retraced, and the datings underlined an interesting parallel between the glacial-interglacial transitions of the Pleistocene and the main speciation events. . .
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Munetsi, Dennis. "Migration Experiences of Quota refugees in Sweden." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2019.

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This study explores how quota refugees who were resettled from Botswana to Sweden in 2014 experience migration and how these experiences are shaped by opportunities and limitations of refugee mobility rights between resettlement and naturalization. The study is grounded in a qualitative and constructivist methodological framework, and answers the question; how are quota refugees’ migration experiences in Sweden shaped by the opportunities and limitations of refugee mobility rights between resettlement and naturalization? Migration systems theory is used to analyze data gathered through semi-structured interviews. It is argued in this study that refugee migration is more socially motivated than it is economic and data shows that resettlement gives quota refugees mobility rights which in turn provide more opportunities than limitations that positively shape their migration experiences. Data also show that social reasons such as love, marriage and ethnic gatherings are the most dominant reasons why quota refugees travel.
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Olczyk, Anna. "Migrations en Europe à géométrie variable : de la perspective historique aux défis contemporains à la lumière de l’expérience polonaise (1945-2010)." Thesis, Paris 3, 2011.

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Cet ouvrage, composé de trois parties, présente un scénario des évènements qui se déroulent dans l'axe Est-Ouest. La première partie parle de la construction européenne et de la naissance de la migration interne des États membres. La création de la Communauté européenne et ses élargissements successifs ont conduit à un nouveau statut des frontières nationales et à l'émergence progressive d'un espace de libre circulation des biens et des personnes. La seconde partie concerne l'harmonisation des politiques d'immigration des pays membres, présente la Pologne comme un acteur important des politiques migratoires entre l'Est et l'Ouest. La dernière partie est dédiée à la politique européenne d'asile, à l'intégration européenne et à l'évolution des nouvelles politiques d'immigration européennes et notamment à l'intégration du Pacte européen pour l'immigration et l'asile. Le présent travail, qui met en évidence l'expérience polonaise des questions de migration, vise à définir les tendances migratoires, à évoquer la nature des problèmes forçant ou encourageant les citoyens d'un espace à le quitter
The tesis, constructed in three parts, presents the script of the events which go on around the Est-West axis. The first part is about European construction and the birth of the internal migrations of the members nations. The birth of the European community and its enlargements resulted in a new status of national borders and gradual creation of the space of the free circulation of gouds and people. The second part refers to the harmonization of the immigration policies of the members countries, views Poland as an essential actor of migratory policy between East and West. The last part is devoted to European policy of refuge, European integration and new European evolution of immigration policy, especially the implement of the European Pact to immigration and refuge matters. The present work, which puts in evidence the experience of Polish migration issues, aims to define migration patterns, a close the origin of the problems forcing or enco! uraging citizen space is left
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Hoellerer, Nicole Ingrid Johanna. "Community in refugee resettlement : an ethnographic exploration of Bhutanese refugees in Manchester (UK)." Thesis, Brunel University, 2016.

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After being expelled from Bhutan in the 1980s and 1990s, more than 100,000 Bhutanese refugees were forced to reside in refugee camps in Nepal. Twenty years later, in 2006, a global resettlement programme was initiated to relocate them in eight different nations: the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands, and the UK. Since 2010, about 350 Bhutanese refugees have been resettled in Greater Manchester through the Gateway Protection Programme. This thesis is based on 14 months of ethnographic research with members of this community. This thesis analyses the complex relationship between forced migrants, social networks, and ruling, organisational entities, which facilitate refugee resettlement. This qualitative study looks at the structure, role and everyday utility of social networks amongst a small refugee community, and emphasizes that the creation of similarity and difference is an inherent part of community development. The research calls into question the assumptions of UK policy makers, service providers and academics alike, which hold that refugees are removed from their ‘original’ cultures through forced displacement, and thereafter strive to return to a state of ‘normalcy’ or ‘originality’, re-creating and re-inventing singular ‘traditions’, identities and communities. In response to these assumptions, policy makers and service providers in refugee camps and in the UK adopt a Community Development Approach (CDA). However, I argue that there is no fixed and bounded community amongst Bhutanese refugees, but that they actively reshape and adapt their interpretations, meanings and actions through their experiences of forced migration, and thus create novel communities out of old and new social networks. In the process, I juxtapose my informants’ emic understandings of community as samaj, with bureaucratized refugee community organisations (RCOs). This research shows that rather than a creating singular, formalized RCO to serve the ‘good of all’, the Bhutanese refugee community in Manchester is rife with divisions based on personal animosities and events stretching back to the refugee camps in Nepal. I conclude that RCOs may not be equipped to effectively deal with the divisive issues that arise due to refugee resettlement. The thesis is situated at the centre of anthropological investigations of forced migration, community, and policy, and uses interdisciplinary sources (such as policy documents, historical accounts) to highlight the complexities of forced migration and refugee resettlement. This critical research is also a response to the call to make qualitative, ethnographic research more relevant for policy makers and service provision, which is all the more important in this ‘century of the refugee’.
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Thorup, Koudal Johanne Louison. "Analyse af digitale europæiske arkivalier vedrørende huguenotternes genealogi og migration : En stikprøveundersøgelse i huguenot-migrationens verden vedrørende de fransk-reformerte flygtninges genealogi i Europa primært vedrørende personer stammende fra Frankrig og Vallonien fra ca. 1500-1700 – En undersøgelse af den digitale tilgængelighed af ældre fransk-reformerte minoritetsarkiver i Europa." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för informationssystem och –teknologi, 2021.

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The general aim of this thesis is to analyse and compare archival materials concerning Huguenot and Walloon families, and to carry out a sample analysis of these and whether it is possible to find the cities of origin where they lived until the Nantes Edict was revoked in 1685 and they were forced to flee because of their reformed faith. The selected sources consist primarily of materials from the French departmental archives and materials accessed via the internet as digitalized pictures (.jpg-files) and so on.  The descriptive section of this thesis concerns literature about Huguenot and Walloon history, genealogy, and exodus, as well as research into archive and information sciences primarily access and findability. I begin by describing the overall view, to set the stage. Then, I investigate the European archives. Thirdly, I proceed with a time intensive sample analysis of 30 known families from varying places in France, Belgium, Norway, and Sweden and finally, I attempt to clarify the difficulties that arise concerning findability and why those arise.  The method is genealogical research on sources accessible by the internet, and it turns out in the conclusion that 50% of the chosen families can be found in their home parishes, even if findability issues often show themselves, both because we’re talking about a religious minority, people fleeing the country, and a large geographic area. It was heartening and surprising however, that my search was successful in finding so many of the 30 families, and interesting to note which areas were easier to search than others.  The findability issues are further deepened because the archives’ Internet pages are not optimally designed as their metadata is often insufficient, and the pages furthermore so difficult to navigate since they are both widely different from each other, and because they are not, in the words of Wendy M. Duff, managing to hit the “perfect pivot point” between archiving and usage. Reasons for this include a lack of descriptive data attached to the digitalised files, and because .jpg-files are often not searchable, as observed as well by Catherine Styles.  More user research is required in the area of archives, so that better and easier access to these webpages can be guaranteed, especially given varying userbases and their differing needs in searching.
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Bartel, Anja. "Parcours de jeunes réfugiés en France et en Allemagne : contextes politiques et expériences biographiques de la reconstruction d'une vie en exil." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2022.

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À partir d’entretiens biographiques menés avec des réfugiés et inspirée par la méthode de l’« évaluation biographique des politiques publiques », cette thèse s’intéresse aux reconstructions d’une vie en exil de jeunes hommes ayant fui vers la France et l’Allemagne entre 2014 et 2017. La comparaison entre les études de cas a permis de distinguer différents types de « dynamiques de fuite » dans lesquelles l’émigration des jeunes hommes s’inscrit. Elle met aussi en évidence que les logiques des politiques d’accueil et d’intégration mises en place par les deux États façonnent leurs expériences lors des différentes étapes de leurs parcours qui suivent la fuite : à l’entrée dans la catégorie de « demandeur d’asile », durant la phase de demande d’asile ainsi qu’après l’obtention du statut de « réfugié ». Toutefois, cette thèse montre aussi que les possibilités de reconstruire une vie en exil ne dépendent pas seulement des situations de vie objectives des réfugiés dans les deux pays. En effet, les interprétations subjectives de l’exil, comme rupture d’un parcours de réussite ou chance biographique, affectent également les cours d’actions des réfugiés
Based on biographical interviews conducted with refugees and inspired by the method of “biographical policy evaluation”, this dissertation examines how young men who fled to France and Germany between 2014 and 2017 reconstruct life in exile. Through the comparison between the case studies different types of “flight dynamics” where distinguished. The research also shows that the logics of reception and integration policies implemented by the two States shape people’s experiences at different stages of their life course after the flight : when entering the category of “asylum seeker”, during the asylum application and after obtaining “refugee” status. However, the study also highlights that the possibilities of reconstructing life in exile do not only depend on the objective living situations of the refugees in the two countries. Subjective interpretations of exile, either as a rupture of a successful life or as a biographical opportunity, also affect refugees’ courses of action
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Carym, Sonko. "Sweden will change even more : Analysing the representation of refugees and immigrants in Aftonbladet before and after the refugee crisis of 2015." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Malmö högskola, Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS), 2020.

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This thesis is a qualitative study that seeks to investigate how refugees were represented in the tabloid newspaper Aftonbladet’s reports before and after the 2015 refugee crisis. The aim of the study is to find out if the representation of immigration in Aftonbladet changed after the 2015 refugee crisis and what differences and changes we can see in the media representation of the refugees before and after the crisis. The data used in the paper is comprised of articles from January 2014 and January 2018. The study is done in the light of Stuart Hall’s three representational approaches of reflective, intentional and constructionist to explore the discourse of immigration and scrutinize the periodic differences of such a representation. The findings of this paper indicate that the representation of refugees and immigration has more of a reflective tone to it during the pre-crisis phase and later when the crisis dies down the representation of immigration gets a more constructive nature; and even more wilful.
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Gwynne-Vaughan, Stephen. "A general model of refugee migration, home, displacement, and host-related factors in the resettlement of Somali refugees in Ottawa." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Gwynne-Vaughan, Stephen (Stephen James) Carleton University Dissertation Geography. "A General model of refugee migration; home, desplacement, and host- related factors in the resettlement of Somali refugees in Ottawa." Ottawa, 1999.

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Willgård, Jens. "Framing Migration : A study on FRONTEX’s framing of migration during the European refugee crisis." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för ekonomisk historia och internationella relationer, 2019.

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Over the past years, a body of literature have emerged exploring FRONTEX’s work along the EU’s borders. It suggests that FRONTEX not only frame migration as a security issue, but also as a humanitarianist issue. The literature argues the framing of migration as both an issue of security and humanitarianism legitimizes FRONTEX’s operations in the Mediterranean. However, there is a lack of understanding in how FRONTEX frames migration at the Western Balkans border, one of the EU’s busiest borders and indeed the busiest during the summer of 2015, registering over a million migrants. Therefore, by investigating how FRONTEX framed migration at the Western Balkans border between the years 2014-2017, this thesis sets out to make a unique contribution to the research field, furthering the understanding of how FRONTEX as an organization frames migration. To examine FRONTEX’s framing of migration, a theoretical framework consisting of theories of framing, risk and threat construction, and humanitarianism is deployed. The concepts of framing devices and reasoning devices are used in a qualitative content analysis to identify the presence of frames in the material consisting of FRONTEX published reports and press releases. The empirical results indicate that FRONTEX frames migration in the Western Balkans as primarily a security issue through language connecting migration to risk and threat. The humanitarianist frame, mainly evoked by references to migrants’ vulnerability, appears relatively few times in contrast to the security frame.
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Sofia, Lundgren. "Migration patterns of refugee immigrants : Evidence from Swedish municipalities." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Nationalekonomi, 2018.

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This thesis examines if Swedish municipalities that receive a greater share of refugee immigrants relative to the municipality population, also experience an increased share of foreign born people over time. For smaller municipalities in Sweden, refugee recipient can be a way to grow in terms of population in a longer time perspective, given that refugees choose to stay in the municipality. The analysis is conducted at municipality level for Sweden’s 290 municipalities during the period of 2005 to 2016. The results from the analysis show that there is a positive relation between new refugee immigrants per capita that a municipality receives and the share of foreign borns per capita in a municipality. Further, the analysis shows that there is a positive and significant relation between the share of refugees per capita that a municipality receives and the share of foreign born people living in the municipality three to five years later.
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Silva, Jessica. "Refugee Women's Experiences With Sexual Violence and Their Post-Migration Needs in Canada." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2015.

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Sexual violence is a prominent issue worldwide, especially during times of war and conflict. For refugee women, experiences with sexual violence are often incorporated in women’s reasons for forced migration. During the immigration process to Canada, refugee women are asked to share their narratives, at which point they may or may not disclose their histories of sexual violence. In June 2012, the Canadian government made substantial cuts to the Interim Federal Health Program. For refugee women who are survivors of sexual violence, this means that they are further limited in accessing services they might require in order to deal with the sexual violence they have experienced. Drawing from interviews we conducted with key informants (n=15) and refugee women (n=12) in both Toronto and Ottawa, this thesis explores both the lived experiences of refugee women and the changes, if any, that should be made to current service delivery. Our results show that there is a pronounced need for both small- and large-scale improvements at the systems and service delivery levels.
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Pacheco, Aviles Damiana Isabel. "Architecture After Forced Migration." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2018.

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Communities affected by climate impacts, political or cultural conflicts and rapid demographic shifts are the most vulnerable to the effects of poverty, disease and communal violence. Addressing their needs through appropriate architectural responses can help them to recover social, economic and environmental well-being. This thesis defines strategies to address the challenges involved in the design of spaces after three causes of forced migration: natural disaster, conflict and urban development. The methodology is based on literature review which served as theoretical background to work in three design competitions related to shelter after natural disasters, refugee camps and slums. The need to provide accommodation after a natural disaster is essential. Therefore, a shelter that can be transported and deployed quickly and effectively, and that contemplates the uniqueness and complexity of the event, is studied in this thesis. Refugee camps have become the protective and safe place that provide shelter, food and health safety to all kinds of survivors and refugees. Due to the complexity of the problems related to this forced migration situation, the presence of refugee camps tends to be longer than the expected. Therefore, a design that contemplates this duality of time and that addresses peoples' needs and rights is part of this research. Slums are often related to deprivation and socio-spatial exclusion and due to the lack of security of tenure, they are vulnerable to evictions caused by redevelopment pressures, gentrification processes and episodes of ethnic cleansing. Therefore, a neighborhood's transformation with cohesive public spaces and incremental housing prototypes is proposed in this thesis. Through the study of architectural responses to natural disaster, refugee camps and slums design considerations related to the site, the culture and the urban context are established as guidelines. In addition, a time-based design strategy, a dual design approach and a multiple scales design strategy are defined as essential to give an architectural response to forced-displaced communities.
Master of Architecture
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Hatton, Joshua Paul. "How and why did MARS facilitate migration control? : understanding the implication of migration and refugee studies (MARS) with the restriction of human mobility by UK state agencies." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011.

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This thesis makes two related arguments regarding the academic field of migration and refugee studies (MARS) and the control of migration by UK state agencies. The first, and more empirical one, is that the former facilitated the latter: the field’s members provided symbolic, technical, and pedagogic assistance to two non-departmental public bodies in controlling migration. The second, and more theoretical, argument of this thesis is that MARS facilitated migration control because of culture, power, and structure. It is through the field’s implication in the coercion of its human subjects by UK state agencies that MARS academics a) answered their calling, b) assisted class rule as ideologists, and c) separated sacred and profane by policing endogamy. The introduction describes the existing literature on the relationship between MARS and migration control. The consensus is that the former facilitated the latter. However, these studies fail to provide detailed accounts of the ways in which it did so. Chapter One defines the elements of my more empirical argument: MARS and migration control. An historical narrative outlines the institutional development of the field since its beginnings in the early 1980s. Then a new model for understanding migration control – i.e., migrant CODAR – is described. Chapter Two uses this model to trace the actor network through which MARS academics facilitated the restriction of their human subjects’ mobility by the UK state agencies of the Advisory Panel on Country Information and the Migration Advisory Committee. Chapters Three, Four, and Five use Weberian, Marxist, and Durkheimian anthropological approaches (respectively) to explain the implication of MARS and migration control that is described in Chapters One and Two. Finally, the conclusion of the thesis discusses its contributions to both more particular (i.e., the literature surveyed in the introduction on MARS and migration control) and more general (i.e., anthropology) scholarly fields.
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Barmen, Viggo. "Does Refugee Migration Make Right-wing Populists More Popular? Evidence from a Swedish Refugee Dispersal Program." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Nationalekonomiska institutionen, 2019.

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Explaining the rising support for right-wing populist parties in Europe during the last decade is an issue that interests both economists, sociologists and political scientists. A number of theories suggest that the rising inflow of migrants to Europe has had an important causal effect on right-wing populist support. However, as migration patterns generally are not exogenous to right-wing populist support, it is difficult to interpret the estimates of a correlation study causally.  In this paper, I exploit a Swedish refugee dispersal program as a natural experiment to estimate the effect of refugee inflow on the support for the right-wing populist party the Sweden Democrats using an instrumental variable strategy. Despite detailed institutional knowledge, I am not able to find support for any short-term effects of refugee inflow on the self-reported preferences for the Sweden Democrats. This goes against the findings of most previous studies.  However, the multicollinearity of some of my covariates are high. In addition, as the program was introduced in 2016, there are few years available for identification. Thus, the precision of the estimates is relatively low and the study would benefit from adding more years to the panel data set.
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Fawaz, Helen. "Refugees’ physical and mental health, after arriving in Sweden: An unfolding process : A Qualitative case study on the dilemmas with refugee facilities." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för samhällsstudier (SS), 2021.

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This case study touches on the development of refugees’ mental and physical health from their stays in the refugee facilities during and after the limbo process for a temporary and permanent visa, which in turn affected their socioeconomic integration. Seven refugees and their families that came to Sweden during the refugee crisis in 2015-2016 and were moved to a facility where I worked, were interviewed on how those issues impacted them. With the help of Egon Kunz’s [Refugee Theory] theory, the study showed that constant relocation to different facilities in Sweden, and experienced events and conflicts at the facilities have resulted in long-term health and socioeconomic problems. Such as PTSD, mental and physical recovery from occurred events at the facilities, in turn, negatively affecting socioeconomic integration. Additional research in those issues showed that other countries like Germany, which also had a large influx of refugees during that time, had better and faster success with integration when they helped the refugees with the language and societal information at the beginning of limbo. Because their interest in learning and integrating is higher, and the health and integration issues are much lower than when refugees are sometimes forced to wait at least two years, which is what some of the participants and other refugees in this study did before starting SFI, integration programs and have their own private place live in.  The temporary visa, especially with no help to integrate, caused the lack of interest in learning the language; socioeconomic integration, mainly when the person was alone with no family. Moreover, their developed health from their time at the facilities is still a recovering process.
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Malik, Abdul Hamid Masood Alauddin. "Impelled Afghan migration to Pakistan, 1978-1984." Peshawar : Area Study Centre, 2000.

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Emrich, Merle. "International biopolitics and “climate refugees” as bare life. A Critical Discourse Analysis of how the UN’s framing of “climate refugees” impacts climate related global humanitarian migration and refugee governance." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2020.

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This thesis investigates how the United Nations’ (UN) framing of “climate refugees” impacts global humanitarian migration and refugee governance in the context of anthropogenic climate change in which border zones become spaces of biopolitical decision making which impacts both governance strategies and International Relations as an academic field. It argues from a poststructuralist perspective that the UN’s discourse centred around climate change related human movement, the issue of “climate refugees” is downplayed, and “climate refugees” become bare life while their claims to legal protection are delegitimised. Thus, despite the concept of “climate refugees” becoming increasingly important in the Anthropocene, the UN’s discourse has remained vastly unchanged since McNamara’s analysis of it in 2007. The UN’s governance related discourse and reasoning concerning “climate refugees” and (humanitarian) global governance is explored through a Critical Discourse Analysis that examines a set of official UN documents which are relevant to the issue of forced human movement in the context of anthropogenic climate change.
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Fenoy, Laurent. "Chypre île refuge, 1192-1473 : migrations et intégration dans le Levant Latin." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2011.

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Bien des sources chrétiennes relayées par des études des XIX et XXe siècles considèrent la domination des Lusignan en Chypre comme la manifestation d’un double affrontement interconfessionnel. Les rois latins auraient fait de l’île un refuge face à l’expansion de l’Islam avant d’avilir les autochtones Grecs en s’appuyant sur des « réfugiés conquérants », à savoir les Francs et leurs alliés chrétiens orientaux chassés du Proche-Orient. Mais à l’aune de l’écheveau migratoire de la Méditerranée orientale, sauf à exagérer l’impact de l’affrontement entre croisade et jihad, l’ampleur et la nature des migrations affectant Chypre entre 1192 et 1473 ne permettent pas de caractériser l’île par la notion de refuge chrétien: dans la continuité de migrations pluriséculaires Chypre demeure une terre d’accueil façonnée par des dynamiques réticulaires souvent étrangères aux logiques de confrontations interconfessionnelles. Le rôle de Chypre comme île refuge se lit mieux dans sa dimension de conservatoire des nations, lequel s’affirme au même rythme que s’érige une identité chypriote. La reconnaissance officielle de la singularité de chaque communauté peut parfois hiérarchiser la société au profit des seulsLatins : elle n’en fonde pas moins une organisation insulaire consensuelle, car en revêtant un tour intercommunautaire le débat social et identitaire prémunit des dynamiques assimilatrices et favorise l’intégration progressive de tous les Chypriotes aux affaires du royaume. L’île s’impose alors comme un refuge des cultures où une hyper-identité chypriote coiffe autant d’hypo-identités que Chypre compte de nations, permettant à tous les Kypriotes de vivre ensemble sans se confondre
Many christian sources relieved by studies of the XIX and XXth centuries consider the Lusignan rule over Cyprus as the expression of a double interconfessional confrontation. Latin kings would have turned the island into a refuge in front of the expansion of the Islam before degrading the Greek natives by leaning on “conquering refugees”, namely Franks and theireastern christian allies, forced to flee the Middle East. But compared with the migratory hank of the oriental Mediterranean Sea, unless overstating the impact of the confrontation between crusade and jihad, the scale and the nature of the migrations regarding Cyprus between 1192 and 1473 do not allow to characterize the island by the notion of christian refuge: in the continuity of plurisecular migrations Cyprus remains a land of welcome shaped by reticular dynamics often extraneous to interconfessional confrontations. The role of Cyprus as refuge island is clearer in its dimension of nations conservatory, which asserts itself with the same rhythm as sets up itself a Cypriot identity. The official recognition of the singularity of every community can sometimes organize into a hierarchy the society for the benefit of the Latins only ones: but it founds a consensual island organization, because by taking on an intercommunity turn, the social and identity debate protects against assimilatrices dynamics and favours the progressive integration of all the Cypriots into the kingdom’s affairs. The island then stands out as a refuge of the cultures where a chypriote hyper-identity heads up so manyhypo-identities as Cyprus boasts nations, allowing all Kypriotes to live together without becoming confused
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Tsokodayi, Ruvimbo Tapiwa. "Refugee migration stress and family function: A phenomenological study of refugee mothers from East and Central Africa." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2019.

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Refugee families who flee their homes as a result of conflict or persecution and face stressful migration experiences often struggle with trauma that may put them at increased risk for family discord and dysfunction. The purpose of this study was to use an interpretative phenomenological approach to explore the lived experiences of 8 refugee mothers resettled in the United States, in particular their experiences pre-, during, and post-migration, and to further examine the impact that these experiences had on their relationships to their children and families. The study also examined mothers' experiences with different forms of support systems post-resettlement. Participants were recruited through a resettlement agency in Roanoke, Virginia. This study illuminated a number of key findings to further inform research, theory, and practice with this population. Refugee mothers reported stressful and traumatic experiences across their migration, describing harsh living conditions, prolonged stays in refugee camps, and loss of children and other family members as some of the most stressful experiences. Once resettled, mothers spoke of continued challenges, including language barriers and inconsistent or arbitrary support from formal social support services. Findings also suggest resiliency among this sample of refugee families, with mothers highlighting strong relationships with their children during and post-migration. The current study further informs the family stress literature and contributes a strength-based framework to understanding challenges faced by refugee families across the migration period.
Doctor of Philosophy
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Zottarelli, Lisa Katherine. "Determinants of Refugee Production: an Exploratory Analysis." Thesis, University of North Texas, 1998.

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The issue of refugees and the factors which result in forced migration are of growing importance. Currently, one in every 120 people is living outside of his or her nation of origin by force. There appears to be no end in sight to this situation. This paper seeks to examine conditions within a nation which contribute to the production of refugees. Using a model based on Clark's (1989) early warning system, this paper examines both proximate and root causes of refugee migration. The findings suggest that human rights violations have a proximate causal relationship to refugee production. High levels of state autocracy, low per capita energy consumption, larger rural populations, and a recent negative net migration have an associative relationship to refugee production. Further studies are needed to examine the interrelationship between the proximate and root conditions and their effect on refugee flow.
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Radha, Rajkotia. "The Migration and Transition of Sierra Leqnean Refugee Girls in England." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2007.

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This study explores the experiences of Sierra Leonean refugee girls in England as they pass through dual processes of transition: from childhood to adulthood; and from Sierra Leone to England. The theoretical concepts at the centre of this exploration are identity and integration. Identity is predominantly viewed in the context of adolescent psychosocial development, based on the work of Erikson (1959; 1963; 1968) and Marcia (1966; 1980), while integration is viewed in terms of Berry's (1988) model of acculturation. The thesis examines three empirical areas which were identified through literature review and from the data itself, as central to girls' processes of identity formation during adolescence. These themes include family relations, sexuality and childbearing, and initiation into the female secret society, bondo. The meaning of each of these themes is viewed in relation to identity development of girls living in Sierra Leone as well as Sierra Leonean girls who have migrated to England. By comparing findings from research conducted with girls in the two countries, the thesis considers the development of girls' individual identities and questions the significance of migration in this process. Furthermore, the thesis questions the utility of western psychosocial models of identity formation in the context of adolescents raised in the developing world and proposes alternative perspectives on this process. It also examines the interaction between individual and group identities both in the context of the development of adolescent sense of 'self and integration into shifting groups of 'others', drawing on Bourdieu's (1977) notion of habitus as a bridge between geographical settings and individual perceptions.
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Lee, Angelina. "Post-migration experiences of refugee children in Canada : strengths and resilience." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2016.

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Given the history of immigration and refugee resettlement in Canada, its growing population of newcomers, particularly the recent influx of refugees, calls for a need to explore their experiences after migration. Previous research and clinical practice with refugee children and families have been predominantly trauma-based and focused on the maladaptive aspects of their post-migration lives. While it is important to recognize their unique challenges, this deficit-based model may risk pathologizing the refugee experience itself and disempowering refugee people. The present study uses a strengths-based approach and a qualitative methodology of interpretative phenomenological analysis to understand the lived experiences of children who arrived in Canada with refugee status. The purpose of the study was to explore the meaning of strength in their post-migration experiences by asking how they perceive their own assets and skills and how they describe the impact of their families, schools, and communities on their strengths. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four girls between ages 10 and 14 using a narrative therapy- and arts-method called the Tree of Life as an elicitation device. All interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed for data analysis. Results revealed ten subthemes as strengths and sources of resilience under three broad themes of Individual Strengths, Family Impact, and School/Community Impact. Participants discussed their personal qualities, including Unique Talents, Ability to Face Challenges, Strong Family Bond, Openness to Diversity, Value in Own Culture, and Desire to Help Others, as well as social support in forms of Family as Role Models, Parental Involvement, Social Network, and New Experiences and Opportunities. Findings of this study suggest potential individual, familial, and school/community-related protective factors for refugee children, and significant implications for professionals who work with refugee families in Canada.
Education, Faculty of
Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education (ECPS), Department of
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Nyende, Keith Mark. "A PLAUSIBILITY PROBE OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOCAL INTEGRATION AND REFUGEE RELATED VIOLENCE. : Cases from countries piloting the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework in Africa." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS), 2021.

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In this thesis, the author attempts to establish whether there is evidence supportive of an implicit postulation in scholarship on refugee local integration suggesting a relationship between refugee local integration and refugee related violence. Employing integrated education service as a proxy for refugee local integration, the thesis carries a plausibility probe of a hypothesis stating that “Refugee local integration provides avenues for interdependent interactions that contribute to the mitigation of refugee related violence”. The hypothesis is constructed with the aid of scholarship on intergroup relations, particularly: social identity theory and realistic group theory. To carry out the plausibility probe, the author employs the case study method of Structured Focused Comparison to compile and analyse research data on the cases of CRRF implementing countries, Kenya and Uganda, that is later compared. The thesis concludes that there is evidence indicative of a relationship between local integration and refugee related violence. However, its only through further studies, disaggregating the various components of local integration and refugee related violence, that the afore mentioned relation can be confirmed.
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Prellwitz, Marina. "Protecting the Rightless - Are Refugees’ Rights Still the Paradox of Human Rights? : A Case Study of Refugee Children’s Access to Education in Lebanon." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Teologiska institutionen, 2016.

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This thesis explores the relationship between citizenship and human rights by focusing on refugee’s rights. The study is based on Hannah Arendt’s theories that when someone loses state-protection human rights appear weak, and one finds oneself in a state of rightlessness (1976). She developed her thoughts during the refugee crisis after the Second World War, and by discussing her theories in relationship to a field study performed in Lebanon this thesis applies her theories on the current refugee crisis, investigating how applicable her theories are on refugees today. This opens up a discussion on if and how the modern human right framework has managed to solve some of the issues that were present for refugees more than 50 years ago.   The empirical study is based on a minor field study in Lebanon concerning refugee children’s right to education. By performing interviews and observations, the obstacles that these children face are presented and analysed according to a framework on vulnerabilities that migrant’s face developed by Sabates-Wheeler and Feldman (2011). The result of this study is a discussion that connects the theoretical framework with the empirical findings by discussing traits in the relevant theories in connection to the case study. The thesis finally concludes that many vulnerabilities that Arendt discussed still affects refugee’s lives today, despite the development of human rights.
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Juhasz, Elizabeth Monika. "The Political Determinants of Refugee Status Recognition." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2017.

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What explains the variations in refugee status granting among states? How is refugee status determined? The purpose of the study is to analyze if politics affect refugee status granting to asylum-seekers. Despite the political implications revolving around refugee issues, forced migration studies are still a neglected topic in international relations research. However, scholarly works that focus on forced migration often overlook broad political themes, and do not thoroughly examine how politics affect refugee status rates across countries. This dissertation examines state responses to forced migration. It quantitatively investigates the research questions across countries between 2000 and 2013. It argues state interests affect refugee recognition rates. Specifically, it hypothesizes that bilateral relations between states and the domestic politics of the host state affect refugee recognition rates. This study finds rival host states grant refugee status recognition rates greater than non-rival host states. The results also find refugee status rates increase in dyads that are in alliances compared to dyads that are not in similar pacts. It also finds asylum rates decrease as bilateral trade increases. Most of the models show the more democratic a state becomes, the less asylum is granted. However, the results also demonstrate democracies grant asylum slightly more than non-democracies, and autocracies grant asylum less compared to non-autocracies. However, opposite results are found for democracies and autocracies that are not signatories of the 1951 Refugee Convention or the 1967 Protocol. The study also finds minimal support for refugee recognition rates decreasing during years of national, executive elections. While the results did not find support for all hypotheses, this study concludes that on average, political and commercial relations between states affect refugee recognition rates.
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Jonas-Kowalik, Matylda. "“No one knows who refugees really are” Discourses around the ‘refugee crisis’ in Poland : Analysis of selected mainstream media articles published from 2014 to 2017." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Malmö högskola, Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS), 2020.

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The so-called refugee crisis was among the most significant events affecting European political and social structures during the previous decade. Previous research proves that the questions regarding refugee reception had instigated a rise of ethno-nationalistic and exclusionary sentiments across Europe. The Polish context has been a clear example. This study aims to analyze the ways in which Polish media produced and reproduced the discourse pertaining to the refugee crisis and subsequently the perceived representation of refugees. Based on the review of literature and theories of discourse, mediatization, politicization and Othering, selected mainstream media articles from 2014 to 2017 were analyzed. The findings illustrate that an exclusionary discourse and Islamophobic notions were prevalent during this period. Moreover, the results indicate that a discursive shift regarding the representation of refugees has occurred, significantly altering the manner in which Polish society perceives both refugees and the refugee crisis more generally.
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Mehrabani, Sara Michele. "Clinician conceptualizations of post-migration refugee youth previously exposed to political violence." Thesis, Pepperdine University, 2013.

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Researchers have examined the experience of distress with refugee children and adolescents who have been exposed to political violence. Recognition has also been given to migration stress and traumatic grief as additional stressors in the lives of refugee youth. Studies in this area have established the fact that development appears to influence the expression of distress in youth who have experienced adverse experiences such as political violence. Reaction to political violence and the refugee experience also appear mediated by culture as well as other contextual factors such as the nature of the violence. The purpose of this study was to focus on clinician conceptualizations of refugee youth who have been exposed to political violence, as well as the factors that contribute to developing their conceptualizations. A total of 6 clinicians were interviewed and were analyzed using qualitative methods to identify emergent themes. The clinicians addressed 6 major themes associated with conceptualization, including sources of information, formal assessment, conceptualization, cultural factors or cultural influences, and advice to clinicians working with refugee youth. Three subthemes emerged regarding conceptualization, namely trauma- based conceptualization, loss, and resiliency. It is hoped that the results of this study will bridge the gap between clinicians and researchers regarding refugee minors with exposure to refugee youth.

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Kelly, Aisling Catherine Frances. "Refugee mothers' experiences of forced migration and its impact upon family life." Thesis, University of Hertfordshire, 2016.

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In line with dominant Western discourses regarding mental health, research concerning the wellbeing of forced migrants has tended to take an individualistic, symptom-focused approach. Although not without value and utility, it is argued that this narrow focus has the potential to obscure other important experiences, processes and perspectives relating to forced migration, such as considering how refugees make sense of and respond to their experiences at individual and familial levels. For example, there is no known qualitative research within the UK - and little internationally - which explores how the experience of forced migration impacts upon individual and family wellbeing, from the perspective of parents. Hence the aim of this study was to widen the narrow focus regarding refugee wellbeing. A qualitative approach was adopted, with semi-structured interviews exploring the experience of fleeing home and its impact upon family life in the UK for six refugee mothers. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was selected as a suitable approach to data analysis. Three master themes emerged across participant data, namely: Loss as a constant companion to parenting; A shifting view of the self as a mother, and Taking the good with the bad in family life. A rich account of these master themes and corresponding subthemes is provided. Findings are discussed in relation to existing literature, alongside implications for clinical psychological research and practice, methodological considerations and suggestions for future research.
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Lemmons, Taylor. "Justice in Migration: A Case Study for War Refugees." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2017.

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More now than ever, the status of war refugees and the standard of how certain global actors are obligated to treat them is of the utmost importance. Often, within a conventional sense of justice it is difficult to determine blame for the suffering of refugees because multiple actors play significant roles in the events leading up to displacement. This paper is an analysis of five prominent arguments regarding justice in migration for war refugees. I also present my own formulation of a principle that dictates how we should treat refugees. In conceiving this principle, I concentrated specifically on people displaced from Iraq and Syria. This focus came directly in response to the recent Executive Order 13769, titled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.” I examine the philosophical conceptions of moral repair, moral blame, and humanitarian obligation within the context of the executive order and the sociological factors and implications in its institution.
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Tunaboylu, Muzaffer Sevda. "Refugees' onward migration decisions and the EU-Turkey deal." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2021.

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Adopting a bottom-up approach, and taking the EU‒Turkey deal as a case study, this Ph.D. thesis provides empirical evidence about the impact of externalisation policies on refugees’ daily lives and on their onward migration decisions. Chapter 1 briefly introduces the topic and the conceptual and contextual background. Chapter 2 focuses on the daily experiences and coping strategies of those who have been contained on the Greek islands of Lesbos and Chios. Chapter 3 explores the onward migration aspirations of Syrian men with precarious legal status living in Istanbul. Chapter 4 analyses the impact of humanitarian aid on Syrian refugees’ aspirations to move on from Turkey. And finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the contributions and limitations of the Ph.D. thesis as well as providing pathways for future research. In sum, this Ph.D. thesis constitutes an effort to highlight the harm that these policies inflict on refugees and to bring refugees’ own voices into the dialogue about immigration policy.
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Bloch, Alice Margaret. "Refugee migration and settlement : a case study of the London Borough of Newham." Thesis, Goldsmiths College (University of London), 1997.

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Omeokachie, Ifeanyi Vincent. "The Security implications of the refugee situation in South Africa." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2013.

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The aim of this study is to analyse the security implications of refugee flows to South Africa. The country is reputed to host the largest number of refugees and asylum seekers in the world and is also the foremost refugee destination of choice on the African continent. It therefore becomes pertinent that a consideration of the security implications is necessary in this age of global migration. The dissertation is based on three main assumptions to be investigated and tested, namely: > The main causes of refugee flows to South Africa reside in a number of push-factors in the sending countries, but also in a number of pull-factors in South Africa. > The security implications of refugee flows to South Africa are exacerbated by a number of political, socio-economic and administrative issues in South Africa. > Although concern over some of the security issues relating to refugee flows to South Africa have been officially expressed, policy responses have been ambiguous. The study is undertaken against the background of the concept of national security, specifically in developing countries. It is within these parameters that the security implications of refugees in South Arica are analysed, especially from the perspective of political, economic, social and environmental dimensions. The study mainly focuses on the period 1994 to 2010, as it is within this period that major developments regarding refugee issues in South Africa occurred.
Dissertation (MSecurity Studies)--University of Pretoria, 2013.
Political Sciences
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Tschirhart, Naomi. "Access to Tuberculosis Treatment for Migrant and Refugee Populations in Tak province, Thailand." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2017.

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Objectives: The aim of this project was to examine tuberculosis (TB) treatment access among migrant and refugee populations in a Thai border province. To study TB control from a wider perspective, we also sought to understand how migrant and refugee cases are enumerated in the public health surveillance system and explored treatment providers’ responsiveness to treatment barriers. Methods: We used a concurrent mix-methods design with an overarching qualitative emphasis and an embedded smaller quantitative survey. To gain perspectives on treatment accessibility we conducted focus group discussions with TB, tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus co-infection (TB/HIV) and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients. We also held key informant interviews with TB treatment providers and public health officials in Tak province and did a survey of community health volunteers. We analyzed the data using thematic analysis and descriptive statistics. Results: We found that migrants are travelling long distances with active TB to seek treatment in Tak province and that legal status influences migrants’ eligibility for TB care. Migrants in our study reported more barriers to accessing TB treatment than refugees. TB/HIV and MDR-TB treatment options for migrants in Tak province are limited and are heavily reliant on donor funding. We found that migrant and refugee TB cases are under reported in the public health surveillance system. Organizations in Tak province are highly collaborative and we identified two NGOs who have developed programs that are responsive to migrants’ needs. Conclusions: Our research suggests that in Tak province, Thailand access to TB treatment occurs at the intersection of health system accessibility, population ability and legal status. Interventions to improve treatment access and adherence to TB treatment necessarily extend outside of the healthcare system and address the social determinants of health.
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Abel, Guy, Michael Brottrager, Cuaresma Jesus Crespo, and Raya Muttarak. "Climate, Conflict and Forced Migration." Elsevier, 2019.

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Despite the lack of robust empirical evidence, a growing number of media reports attempt to link climate change to the ongoing violent conflicts in Syria and other parts of the world, as well as to the migration crisis in Europe. Exploiting bilateral data on asylum seeking applications for 157 countries over the period 2006-2015, we assess the determinants of refugee flows using a gravity model which accounts for endogenous selection in order to examine the causal link between climate, conflict and forced migration. Our results indicate that climatic conditions, by affecting drought severity and the likelihood of armed conflict, played a significant role as an explanatory factor for asylum seeking in the period 2011-2015. The effect of climate on conflict occurrence is particularly relevant for countries in Western Asia in the period 2010-2012 during when many countries were undergoing political transformation. This finding suggests that the impact of climate on conflict and asylum seeking flows is limited to specific time period and contexts.
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Wren, Karen. "International migration to Denmark : majority and minority perspectives." Thesis, University of Dundee, 1999.

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Mikkonen, Maria. "Internal migration and labour market outcomes among refugees in Sweden." Licentiate thesis, Växjö University, School of Management and Economics, 2006.

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Owens, Christopher Allen. "The Tangled Paths to Safety: A Comparison of the Migration and Settlement Experiences of Refugees and Voluntary Migrants." The Ohio State University, 2013.

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Nalepa, Moa. "EU Migration Policy Changes in Times of Crisis: Discourses surrounding EU migration policies during the 'refugee crisis' - A discursive institutionalist analysis." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2017.

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This thesis examines the migration policy changes that were adopted by the European Union during the so called ‘refugee crisis’ 2014-2016 and problematises the discourses that were deployed by EU policy makers. It builds the method and theoretical framework around Vivien Schmidt’s discursive institutionalism, and complements it with constructivist conceptual theories around discourses that are identified through the researched empirical material. The primary material is to a large extent based upon official documents from the EU such as regulations and communications, but also includes speeches from officials such as Jean Claude Juncker (President of the Commission), Donald Tusk (President of the Council) and Martin Schulz (President of the European Parliament). The findings are comprised of discourses that can all be connected to the EU imaginary. The thesis also concludes that there has been a continuation of the securitisation of migration during the ‘refugee crisis’ as well as a normalisation of this discourse. In regards to the communicative and coordinative skills of the EU actors, it becomes clear that the former still is problematic, whilst the coordinative discourses have increased the cooperation within the EU institutions during the time period studied.
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Formanek, Alexandra. "Managing asylum : a critical examination of emerging trends in European refugee and migration policy." Thesis, McGill University, 2004. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=82703.

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This thesis takes a critical approach to examine recent developments in European asylum and migration policy. Specifically, this research is interested in addressing the emerging paradigm of "migration management" and its impact on the nature of refugee protection and asylum in an integrated Europe. Two approaches are used in this analysis. First, from a functionalist perspective, this work considers how migration management has responded to contemporary realities of international migration. Secondly, from a critical theory perspective, the thesis analyzes how refugee protection becomes subsumed within the broader goals of migration management. This thesis will argue that the paradigm of migration management has effectively shifted the contours of the asylum debate by linking refugee and asylum policy with broader issues of labor migration, illegality and foreign relations. This has resulted in the separation of asylum from territoriality and more broadly, the submersion of the humanitarian considerations to the overarching goals of migration management.
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Willems, Roos. "Embedding the refugee experience forced migration and social networks in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania /." [Gainesville, Fla.] : University of Florida, 2003.

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