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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'MHI'

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Laguna, Romero Teresa del Rosario. "Propiedades psicométricas del inventario de salud mental (MHI-38) en jóvenes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana." Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017.

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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo estudiar las propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Salud Mental (MHI) en su versión original de 38 ítems creada por Clairice Veit y John Ware en 1983. Para ello, se analizó la estructura interna del instrumento en una población de 294 jóvenes universitarios (M = 21.7, DE = 2). A través de un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) de componentes principales con rotación oblicua Promax, se fijó cinco y dos factores a fin de observar si la composición dimensional de las subescalas y escalas globales replicaba lo propuesto por la teoría y evidencia empírica existente respecto a las dimensiones del MHI-38. Los resultados muestran una composición multidimensional de cinco factores, de los cuales cuatro son similares a las sub-escalas originales (Afecto General Positivo, Ansiedad, Depresión e Impulsividad) y se reporta el hallazgo de la sub-escala Desesperanza. A su vez, a nivel bidimensional, los factores encontrados corresponden a la distribución original de Bienestar y Estrés Psicológico. Ambas escalas globales se relacionan entre sí indirecta y moderadamente. Asimismo, la correlación de la Satisfacción con la Vida con el Afecto Positivo fue moderada, mientras que con el Afecto Negativo fue alta. En los dos casos, las correlaciones fueron directas. Para finalizar, la confiabilidad de las escalas globales es de .90 y de las sub-escalas fluctúa entre .70 y .90.
The present study aims to validate the Mental Health Inventory (MHI) in its original 38- items version created by Clairice Veit and John Ware in 1983. For this purpose, the internal structure of the instrument was analyzed in a population of 294 university students (M = 21.7, DE = 2). Through an exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) of principal components with oblique rotation Promax, five and two factors were set in order to observe if the dimensional composition of the sub-scales and global scales replicated what was proposed by the theory and existing empirical evidence regarding the dimensions of the MHI-38. The results show a multidimensional composition of five factors, of which four are similar to the original sub-scales (Positive General Anxiety, Anxiety, Depression and Impulsivity) and the finding of the Hopelessness sub-scale is reported. In turn, at the two-dimensional level, the factors found correspond to the original distribution of Psychological Well-Being and Stress. At the same time, both global scales are indirectly and moderately related. Likewise, the correlation of Satisfaction with Life and Positive Affection was moderate, while with Negative Affection it was high. In both cases, the correlations were direct. Finally, the reliability of the global scales is .90 and the subscales fluctuates between .70 and .90.
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Dang, Hoang Anh. "Modélisation en vue de la simulation énergétique des bâtiments : Application au prototypage virtuel et à la gestion optimale de PREDIS MHI." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013.

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En France, le secteur de bâtiment est le plus gros consommateur d'énergie avec 43% de la consommation énergétique française et avec 24% des émissions nationales de CO2. En effet, le bâtiment constitue donc ainsi un immense gisement d'économies d'énergie, donc de réduction de gaz à effet de serre. Pour répondre à cet objectif, il est nécessaire d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétique et réaliser la gestion optimale de consommation énergétique dans le bâtiment. Notre thématique de recherche et notre contribution dans cette thématique rejoint l'un des premiers verrous dans cette perspective, celui de la modélisation et de la simulation système. Les travaux de ce mémoire de thèse s'inscrivent donc dans la modélisation unitaire et globale des composantes énergétiques de la plateforme Monitoring et Habitat Intelligent (MHI) PREDIS, au sein du laboratoire Génie Electrique de Grenoble (G2Elab). Les modèles développés sont appliqués à la simulation dynamique, la gestion des flux énergétiques, la réhabilitation et la conception du bâtiment.
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Haizhen, Zhou. "Le "moi" québécois et le "moi" chinois." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 1989.

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Bratt, Carl, and Simon Carlbäck. "LoRa 433 MHz eller LoRa 868 MHz? : En jämförelse av paketförluster hos LoRa 433 MHz och LoRa 868 MHz." Thesis, Tekniska Högskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, JTH, Datateknik och informatik, 2019.

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Falahati, Asrami Farshad. "Alzheimer's Disease Classification using K-OPLS and MRI." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Medicinsk informatik, 2012.

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In this thesis, we have used the kernel based orthogonal projection to latent structures (K-OPLS) method to discriminate between Alzheimer's Disease patients (AD) and healthy control subjects (CTL), and to predict conversion from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to AD. In this regard three cohorts were used to create two different datasets; a small dataset including 63 subjects based on the Alzheimer’s Research Trust (ART) cohort and a large dataset including 1074 subjects combining the AddNeuroMed (ANM) and the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) cohorts. In the ART dataset, 34 regional cortical thickness measures and 21 volumetric measures from MRI in addition to 3 metabolite ratios from MRS, altogether 58 variables obtained for 28 AD and 35 CTL subjects. Three different K-OPLS models were created based on MRI and MRS measures and their combination. Combining the MRI and the MRS measures significantly improved the discriminant power resulting in a sensitivity of 96.4% and a specificity of 97.1%. In the combined dataset (ADNI and AddNeuroMed), the Freesurfer pipeline was utilized to extract 34 regional cortical thickness measures and 23 volumetric measures from MRI scans of 295 AD, 335 CTL and 444 MCI subjects. The classification of AD and CTL subjects using the K-OPLS model resulted in a high sensitivity of 85.8% and a specificity of 91.3%. Subsequently, the K-OPLS model was used to prospectively predict conversion from MCI to AD, according to the one year follow up diagnosis. As a result, 78.3% of the MCI converters were classified as AD-like and 57.5% of the MCI non-converters were classified as control-like. Furthermore, an age correction method was proposed to remove the effect of age as a confounding factor. The age correction method successfully removed the age-related changes of the data. Also, the age correction method slightly improved the performance regarding to classification and prediction. This resulted in that 82.1% of the MCI converters were correctly classified. All analyses were performed using 7-fold cross validation. The K-OPLS method shows strong potential for classification of AD and CTL, and for prediction of MCI conversion.
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Grenfell, Sophie. "Autobiographical Memory and the Default Mode Network in Mild Cognitive Impairment." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Psychology, 2013.

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Individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) show variable impairment in autobiographical memory function, source memory function and reduced integrity in the brain’s default mode network (DMN). There is overlap between the DMN, such as the medial posterior cortical hub, and brain regions that are active when participants recall autobiographical memories. To assess the association between autobiographical memory and the DMN, 14 MCI and eleven age and education-matched healthy control participants were assessed using the autobiographical memory interview (AMI) and underwent resting state fMRI scans. The same participants underwent a test of source memory which assessed both recognition and source memory. The MCI group showed significantly increased semantic as well episodic memory impairments using the AMI, evident across the lifespan for episodic memory but not for childhood semantic memory. Significantly poorer DMN connectivity, using a goodness of fit index (GOF) of the DMN template, was evident in the MCI group. MCI participants showed poorer performance on both recognition and source memory relative to HC participants. A modest association between AMI semantic memory (r=0.4) scores, but not episodic memory scores (r=0.09), and DMN connectivity was found in these participants. For future study the predictive value of MR imaging in the DMN of MCI participants should be explored.
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Berggren, Bremdal Karin. "Evolution of MHC Genes and MHC Gene Expression." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Evolutionsbiologi, 2010.

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Polymorphism in coding regions and regions controlling gene expression is the major determinant of adaptive differences in natural populations. Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) possess a high level of genetic variation, which is maintained by selection over long coalescence times. MHC genes encode antigen-presenting molecules in the adaptive immune system, which protects the host from infectious diseases. However, MHC molecules may also present self-peptides and for most autoimmune diseases there is a genetic factor associated with the MHC. MHC genes have been used to learn about the interplay of selection and historical population events. In domestic dogs and their progenitor, the wolf, I explored factors associated with domestication and breed formation and their influence not only on MHC coding regions but also on the haplotypic structure of the class II region. Polymorphism and strong selection was demonstrated in the proximal promoters of MHC genes in dogs and wolves. Hence, genetic variation associated with MHC gene expression may have at least equal importance for a well functioning immune system. Associations between promoter sequences and particular coding alleles suggested allele-specific expression patterns. SNP haplotypes of the MHC class II region revealed ancestral as well as convergent haplotypes, in which combinations of alleles are kept by selection. Interestingly, weaker allelic associations were found between different genes and between coding regions and promoters in dogs compared to wolves. Potentially, this could cause insufficient defense against infections and predispose dogs to autoimmune diseases. For example, I identified a site in the promoter region that showed a consistent difference between haplotypes conferring susceptibility and protection to diabetes in dogs, which should be investigated further. Furthermore, I investigated how selection and demographic changes associated with glacial and inter-glacial periods have affected MHC variation in European hedgehogs and extended the prevailing knowledge concerning their population history.
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Haller-Dommermuth, Helga. "Mei Riesngeberchsblaatla." Heimatkreis Hohenelbe/Riesengebirge e.V, 2007.

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Holík, Tomáš. "MHP aplikace." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2008.

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This Master Thesis is engaged in designing an interactive application for online betting in the DVB-T environment. The application is determined to running at Multimedia Home Plattform MHP and it allowes digital television viewers to make a bet on a sport match broadcasted on the television. The whole application is written in the Java language. All the information about users and the match are stored in a MySQL database, which is accessible through a php script placed on the server with the database. The applicaton is running in a set-top box and communicates with the script through the set-top box return channel. The channel between the server and the script is unsecure, so the communication has to be encrypted. The encryption process uses a symmetric-key cipher AES, which uses a shared secret key for encryption and decryption. Each application generates its own pseuodorandom and crypthographicaly strong AES key and sends it to the server. To secure the secret key transsmision is used the public-key cipher RSA.
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Ben, Arab Raoudha. "Moi, l'autre et L'autre-moi, le dédoublement en images." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.

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Cinq thèmes vont servir de support aux exposés. « Le projet autobiographique», « pratique du genre », «La vie « filtrée»» suivra « L'invention de Soi» et pour finir « Ecriture et fiction ». Mes travaux d'études artistiques et intellectuelles ont été pressentis afin de libérer ma mémoire et pouvoir revisiter cette dernière il n'importe quels moments. De la sorte, cette mémoire mise en défaut. Par moment pour des raisons thérapeutiques, s'est trouvé stimulée par mes recherches. En revisitant les travaux que j'ai réalisés, je me suis rendu compte du peu de souvenance de certains faits alors que d'autres sont apparus complètement différents. Réalité proposée ou mensonge avéré lors des photomontages sont dans ma croyance d'une réalité plus réelle que la mienne. L’individualisme sort vainqueur d'un épisode de contradictions générales dans une société en proie à des connivences communautaristes ou des volontés fédératrices. Ma démonstration a apporté la signification que la société est univoque et que l'individu est unique. De ce point de vue, ma sensation d'appartenir à un modèle sociétal disparaît et mon travail fait le sens inverse en m'intégrant dans mon quotidien au mouvement de la société. J'ai conscience que les étapes actuelles peuvent m'être étrangères, que mes préoccupations peuvent m'être tout à fait lointaines, revenant avec l'aide de mes travaux à la perception de mes images construites : l'individuel et le global Ce qui m'intéresse au plus près ressemble plus aux dialogues entre les cultures et aux actions humaines immédiatement comprises. Ces deux éléments comportementaux, apparemment barbares comme deux matières à l'alliance impossible (fer et argile), rendent la situation des consciences contemporaines hétérogènes. Il me faut montrer, exemplifier par mes instincts de photographe que les éléments du quotidien, hétérogènes eux aussi et présents autour de moi, sont la nourriture de mon langage artistique
Five themes will be used to support presentations. "The autobiographical project," "practice of gender", "Life" filtered "" will be followed by "The Invention of Self' and finally writing and fiction. My work artistic and intellectual studies were contacted to release my memory and be able to revisit it in any time. In this way, the memory at fault, at times for therapeutic reasons, has been stimulated by my research. By revisiting the work I have done, I realized how little recollection of facts or other appeared completely different. Proposed or actually lie in the photomontages are proved in mv belief a reality more real than mine. Individualism emerged victorious from an episode of general contradictions in a society plagued by collusion or communitarian federative intentions. My demonstration brought meaning that the company is unique and that the individual is unique. From this point of view, my sense of belonging to a social model disappears and my work is the opposite of me in my daily life including the movement of society. I am aware that I may be the current steps abroad, that my concerns I may be quite distant, returning with the help of my work to my perception of images constructed : the individual and the global, the I'm interested in closer, more like the dialogue between cultures and human actions immediately understood. Both behavioral elements, as two seemingly barbaric materials alliance impossible (iron and clay), make the situation of contemporary consciousness heterogeneous. I must show my instincts exemplify by photographer items daily, heterogeneous also present around me arc the food of my artistic language
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Šustr, Jan. "Mikrovlnný transvertor z 5 760 MHz na 146 MHz." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2011.

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This work deals with a design of the microwave transverter for 5 760 MHz to 146 MHz. It is divided to a few parts. The first one is focused to design of the local oscillator which generates the signal at frequency f = 116.9583MHz. The oscillator is designed like a crystal oscillator. Its output signal is multiplied and amplified in a second part. The next parts deal with design of the band pass filters. There I chose the design of the filters and did the measurements. The microwave receiver and transmitter circuits are designed with the modern monolithic circuits. The main job of this part is to design low noise amplifier and the power amplifier. At the end of this work I do the measurements and the comparison with the simulations.
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Gabriella, Öström, and Högström Lina. "Symtomförekomst och noceboeffekter hos individer med byggnadsrelaterad ohälsa." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för psykologi, 2018.

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Byggnadsrelaterad ohälsa (BRO) är en av flera miljökänsligheter. De två konstrukten modern hälsooro (MHO) och somatosensorisk förstärkning (SSA) har båda visat sig kopplade till nocebo och de uppvisas ofta hos personer med miljökänsligheter. Det första syftet med uppsatsen var att öka förståelsen för vilka symtom som kännetecknar BRO, vilket undersöktes via 20 items utvalda från The Idiopathic Enviromental Intolerance Symtom Inventory (IEISI) vilka överensstämmer med WHOs lista över BRO-symtom. Det andra syftet var att öka kunskapen om vilken roll nocebo har i BRO, vilket undersöktes via Modern Health Worries (MHWS) och Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SSAS). Data inhämtades från en pågående studie vid Umeå Universitet. Urvalsgruppen utgjordes av 79 individer som uppgett att de upplevde BRO-symtom varje vecka. Data analyserades via korrelationsanalyser. Gruppen uppvisade variation i vilka och hur många symtom individerna rapporterade. Resultatet från korrelationsanalyserna visade sammantaget på att nocebo inte hade en betydande roll i rapporterandet av BRO-symtom i urvalsgruppen. Studien visade att gruppen med BROpatienter varken oroade sig mer än norm eller var särskilt känsliga för sensoriska intryck.
Building Related Illness (BRI) is one of several environmental sensitivities. The two constructs Modern Health Worries (MHW) and Somatosensory Amplification (SSA) have both been shown to be linked to nocebo and are often reported by people with environmental sensitivities. The first purpose of this paper was to increase the understanding of symptoms that characterize BRI, which was investigated via 20 items selected from The Idiopathic Enviromental Intolerance Symptom Inventory (IEISI) that complies with WHO's list of BRI symptoms. The second purpose was to increase knowledge about the role of nocebo in BRI, which was investigated via Modern Health Worries Scale (MHWS) and Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SSAS). Data was obtained from an ongoing study at Umeå University. The sample consisted of 79 individuals who reported that they experienced BRI symptoms each week. Data was analyzed via correlation analyzes. The group showed variability concerning which and how many symptoms the individuals reported. The results from the correlation analyzes showed that nocebo did not play a significant role in the reporting of BRI symptoms in the selection group. The study showed that the group of BRI patients neither worry more than the norm nor was particularly sensitive to sensory impressions.
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Salazar, Gonzalez Romulo Vinicio. "Impact du polylactide (PLA) sur la qualité des bioproduits au contact." Phd thesis, AgroParisTech, 2013.

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L'emballage alimentaire est l'un des principaux acteurs de la préservation de la sécurité alimentaire et de la qualité au cours du stockage. Toutefois, de transferts de masse se produisent entre le l'emballage polymère et les denrées alimentaires. Polylactide (PLA) est un nouveau polymère biosourcé utilisé dans les applications d'emballage. Pour cela son interaction avec des denrées alimentaires a été étudiée dans des conditions réelles d'utilisation. Une méthodologie originale basée sur l'extraction multiple de l'espace de tête (MHE) et l'extraction multiple de l'espace de tête couplée à la microextraction sur phase solide (MHS-SPME) pour la mesure de sorption de composés organiques volatils (COVs) dans le PLA a été développé à des activités faibles et dans le domaine vitreux du polymère. Les COVs ayant une structure chimique modérément hydrophobe et des similarités de structure avec le PLA montrent une forte affinité pour le polymère. Plus surprenant, la forte sorption de composés aromatiques, notamment du benzaldéhyde, a été montrée. En mélange avec d'autres COVs le benzaldéhyde favorise leur sorption par un effet synergique. De plus, même à des activités faibles (0,01) et en présence de benzaldéhyde, la sorption de COVs induit une cristallisation du PLA. En contact avec un aliment aqueux, le PLA se montre résistant à l'hydrolyse et la sorption des matières grasses est faible, même en utilisant des conditions de stockage proches de sa transition vitreuse. L'apparition de COVs pendant le procédé de transformation a été étudiée par MHS-SPME. Des lactides, l'acétaldéhyde et le 2,3-pentanedione étaient détectés après extrusion et thermoformage. Les quantités des deux derniers composés diminuaient cependant pendant le procédé de thermoformage.
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McMahon, Roisin M. "Structures of autoimmune peptide-MHC and TCR peptide-MHC complexes." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2009.

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Glauser-Matecki, Antoinette. ""Un aspect du cycle de mai en Europe occidentale : rites et coutumes des calendes de mai : la nuit de mai"." Paris, EHESS, 1996.

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Les coutumes festives du cycle de mai sont porteuses d'un message sur le "passage" du temps, axe conceptuel principal autour duquel se deploie cette recherche. Elles trouvent dans la "nuit de mai", date de la fete sacerdotale de beltaine du calendrier celtique, leur mythe d'origine. Les ceremonies chretiennes de cette periode regroupent des pratiques, des legendes liees a ce passage du temps. Au moyen age, les coutumes de l'arbre de mai faisant intervenir les groupes de jeunesse s'interpretent comme rituels initiatiques. Les "mats de mai" indiquent que la coutume s'analyse par la place qu'elle occupe dans le calendrier et par la fonction qu'elle remplit. Les personnages calendaires tels que les "feuillus" sont lies au cycle des eaux et a la "lune rousse". Des rois de mai ou epoux de mai defilent dans les premiers jours de ce mois ou la croyance populaire autrefois, attribuait un caractere nefaste au mariage et aux naissances. Les chevauchees succedant a la nuit traditionnelle de walpurgis appartiennent comme les "klausen" de suisse alemanique, a la chasse sauvage. Des themes de la mythologie celtique lies au "sidh", ont laisse des traces dans le folklore de mai. Le renouvellement de la vegetation et de l'annee ont dicte des coutumes liees au sacre, a la sexualite initiatique, a l'autre monde et a leurs representations symboliques
The festve customs of may's cycle carry a message about the "passage" of the time, main line of this research. They find in the "may night" date of the sacerdotal celebration of beltaine in the celtic calendar, their myth of origin. The christian ceremony of this period gather together pratices, legends linked to this "passage" of the time. In the middle ages the customs of the may tree with the youth's groups contribution can be interpretated as initiatory rituals. Some field investigations about "may poles" show that the custom can be analysed from its place in the calendar through the permanency of the function it carries out. Characters as the "feuillus" are linked to customs of water's cycle and to the "red moon". Kings of may or may couples parade nowaday during the first days of may when, according to popular beliefs, weddings and births were unlucky. The first of may's cavalcades giving way to the traditional walpurgis night's witches belong as the "klausen" of the german-speaking switzerland to the "wild hunt". Some themes of the celtic mytology left traces in the may folklore. The revival of nature corresponding to the year's one, imposed customs linked tocoronation, sexuality and the next woorld
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Hansson, Gunnar, and Karin Gambe. "Guanxi - or Mei Guanxi?" Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2011.

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Angelica, Lim. "MEI: Multimodal Emotional Intelligence." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2014.

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Paulovčák, Ján. "Sledování pohybu v MHD." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2017.

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This master’s thesis is dedicated to user’s movement tracking in public transport, as well as to optimize route planning. In the first part, author presents information related to graph theory and graph theory algorithms, including Breadth-First Search, Djikstra’s algorithm and A*. In the second part of this thesis, author describes the design of server and mobile application including description of routing process and how individual parts works.
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Jírová, Viktorie. "Netradiční systém MHD - TVR." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010.

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This Master's Thesis deals with unconventional systems od public transport - TVR. The first part describes the theoretical foundation for the installation and functioning the public transport counting the technical requirements. The second part deals with unconventional systems, so called Tramways on tyres, which is run by two models - system Translohr and TVR. The Master's Thesis is focused on the economical and technical evaluation of each types of the public transport, mainly of the TVR, which is operated only in two cities over the world.
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Syrovátka, Adam. "Vizualizace dat z MBI." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2016.

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The topic of this master's thesis is to design and implement a web application for visualization of relationships between the MBI objects in order to deliver additional functionality to the web portal of MBI - Management of Business Informatics. The first part introduces the concept of MBI and ranks the functionality of the MBI web portal from the view of user queries and visualization capabilities. The queries which are identified as the most difficult are set as the primary functional request for the new web application. The second part contains the design and implementation of the web application. Both functional and non-functional requirements are specified, including the design of user interface and visual graph searching. Based on these requirements, a suitable application architecture is selected together with a graph database and suitable query library and visualization library. The application is implemented with the selected technologies and tested against the initial requirements. The last part includes a service manual and a user documentation which describes the complete application functionality and provides a use case scenario.
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Kriške, Petr. "Anamorfní mapy v MHD." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2013.

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This diploma thesis is focused on creating schematic maps and their using in public transport system. It describes methods of making and individual variations of these maps. Further, the thesis is trying to evaluate and classify the available czech and world cartographic works with this content. Based on this analysis are proposed the new alternative solutions of schematic map in public transport in Nový Jičín.
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GIANTESIO, Giulia. "MHD stagnation-point flow." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2013.

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The flow near a stagnation-point is a fundamental topic in fluid dynamics and it has been studied by several researches during the past decades because of its relevant applications. In this Thesis we investigate the influence of the electromagnetic field on the stagnation-point flow of a Newtonian or a micropolar fluid. To this end we consider three types of such a motion: plane orthogonal, plane oblique and three-dimensional. We take into consideration a fluid which moves towards a flat surface. We descrive several situations which are relevant from a physical point of view when an external uniform or not uniform electromagnetic field is impressed. Actually, we have prove that if the external magnetic field is uniform and the induced magnetic field is neglected, then the stagnation-point flow exists if, and only, if the external magnetic field has some suitable directions. Further, we compute the induced magnetic field in the other cases. We prove also that if the external magnetic field is not uniform and it is parallel to the velocity at infinity then the three-dimensional stagnation-point flow is possible if and only if it is axisymmetric. In all the cases here considered, the MHD PDEs which govern the motion are reduced to a system of nonlinear ODEs. These boundary values problems are then integrated numerically and some graphics and tables are furnished in order to show the behaviour of the solution near the obstacle.
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Sacerdote-Peronnet, Myriam. "Etude cristallochimique d'interactions adsorbant-adsorbat dans des zéolithes présentant la topologie MFI : applications aux systèmes MFI-P-xylène et MFI-benzène." Lyon 1, 1992.

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Ce travail porte sur la mise en evidence d'interactions adsorbant/adsorbat (adsorbat=p-xylene, benzene) dans des materiaux microporeux zeolithiques polycristallins presentant la topologie mfi (silicalite, zsm-5). Des etudes par diffraction x et neutronique sur poudres et par modelisation theorique (minimisation d'energie basee sur les modeles de buckingham et de lennard-jones) ont abouti aux resultats suivants: dans le cas du systeme mfi/n p-xylene, il existe trois composes definis pour n=2, 4 et 8 molecules/maille, deux domaines diphases (0 n 2 et 4 n 8) et une solution solide (2 n 4). Entre 0 et 4 molecules/maille, les especes adsorbees occupent les intersections des canaux droits et en zig-zag. Dans la phase saturee (n=8), les molecules remplissent l'ensemble des canaux. Dans le cas du systeme mfi/n benzene, il se forme au moins cinq composes definis pour n=4, 6, 7, 7. 2 et 8 molecules/maille, trois domaines diphases (4 n 6, 6 n 7 et 7 n 7. 2) et une solution solide (7. 2 n 8). Jusqu'a n=4, le benzene est situe aux intersections. Dans le complexe mfi/6 benzene, 4 molecules occupent les intersections et 2 les canaux en zig-zag. Dans la phase saturee (n=8), le benzene ne remplit que les intersections et les canaux droits
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Deforth, Uwe. "Beitrag zur trockenen Synthese von MFI-Zeolithen und zeolithanalogen Materialien mit MFI-Struktur." [S.l. : s.n.], 2000.

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Cerfon, Antoine Julien. "Analytic calculations of MHD equilibria and of MHD stability boundaries in fusion plasmas." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2010.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references.
In this work, two separate aspects of ideal MHD theory are considered. In the first part, analytic solutions to the Grad-Shafranov equation (GSE) are presented, for two families of source functions: functions which are linear in the flux function T , and functions which are quadratic in T. The solutions are both simple and very versatile, since they describe equilibria in standard tokamaks, spherical tokamaks, spheromaks, and field reversed configurations. They allow arbitrary aspect ratio, elongation, and triangularity as well as a plasma surface that can be smooth or possess a double or single null divertor X-point. The solutions can also be used to evaluate the equilibrium beta limit in a tokamak and spherical tokamak in which a separatrix moves onto the inner surface of the plasma. In the second part, the reliability of the ideal MHD energy principle in fusion grade plasmas is assessed. Six models are introduced, which are constructed to better describe plasma collisonality regimes for which the approximations of ideal MHD are not justified. General 3-D quadratic energy relations are derived for each of these six models, and compared with the ideal MHD energy principle. Stability comparison theorems are presented. The main conclusion can be summarized in two points. (1) In systems with ergodic magnetic field lines, ideal MHD accurately predicts marginal stability, even in fusion grade plasmas. (2) In closed field line geometries, however, the ideal MHD predictions must be modified. Indeed, it is found that in collisionless plasmas, the marginal stability condition for MHD modes is inherently incompressible for ion distribution functions that depend only on total energy. The absence of compressibility stabilization is then due to wave particle resonances. An illustration of the vanishing of plasma compressibility stabilization in closed line systems is given by studying the particular case of the hard-core Z-pinch.
by Antoine Julien Cerfon.
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Trophime, Christophe. "Modélisation numérique du couplage magnétohydrodynamique (MHD) fort : application à la propulsion MHD navale." Grenoble INPG, 1995.

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Nous présentons un code numérique 3D de simulation des phénomènes magnétohydrodynamiques. Le problème électromagnétique est traité par la méthode des éléments finis. Les équations de Navier-Stokes pour les fluides incompressibles en régime permanent sont résolues à l’aide de la méthode des Volumes Finis. Le couplage de ces deux méthodes est réalisé par des procédures d’interpolation pour le calcul des forces de Laplace et du champ de vitesse. Le code est appliqué à différents problèmes M. H. D. Ces exemples permettent de valider et de mettre en évidence les situations de couplage M. H. D. Traitées par notre programme. Enfin la modélisation de la propulsion navale M. H. D. Est abordée. Elle concerne à la fois les systèmes à conduction et à induction. Une attention particulière est portée au couplage entre l’écoulement et les forces électromagnétiques dans les deux cas
We present a 3D numerical simulation code for MHD phenomena. The electromagnetic problem is treated by the finite element method. Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid in steady state are solved using the Finite Volumes method. The coupling of these two methods is performed by interpolation procedures for calculating the Laplace forces and the velocity field. The code is applied to different MHD problems. These examples validate and highlight coupling MHD situations, processed by our program. Finally the modeling of naval MHD propulsion is discussed. It relates to both systems conduction and induction. Particular attention is paid to the coupling between flow and electromagnetic forces in both cases
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Kinage, A. K. "Synthesis and characterization of gallosilicate (MFI) and galloaluminosilicate (MFI) zeolites for propane aromatization." Thesis(Ph.D.), CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, 1996.

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Muhi-Eddine, Wafic. "Étude des algorithmes de routage adaptatif pour le réseau dédié de service." Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2008.

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Le réseau dédié de service fournit une plate-forme de livraison de bout en bout pour les services d'Internet sensibles à la QoS, tels que les applications multimédias. Cette plateforme de livraison est basée sur des algorithmes de routage adaptatif Ces algorithmes prennent leurs décisions d'acheminement à la source en fonction des états des liens logiques liant les noeuds constituant le réseau dédié de service. L'état d'un lien logique est représenté par la largeur de bande disponible que ce lien fournit. Ainsi, les noeuds du réseau dédié de service construisent des bases de données des états de tous les liens du réseau en utilisant des mesures actives de la bande passante disponible. Ce projet fait une étude de performance des algorithmes de routage adaptatif qui emploient des différentes méthodes de mesures de la largeur de bande disponible (SPRUCE, PathLoad et mesures exactes). Les méthodes de mesures citées ainsi que le routage adaptatif ont été modélisés et simulés à l'aide du logiciel NS. L'algorithme qui permet d'obtenir les meilleurs paramètres de QoS (délai de bout en bout, gigue et taux de perte) d'un fiux à envoyer, et ceci en utilisant une des méthodes de mesure à la fois, est considéré le plus performant. Les algorithmes ont été comparés afin de déterminer le plus performant. Les simulations ont montré que les algorithmes utilisant SPRUCE et les mesures exactes ont presque la même performance et que cette performance est mieux que celle de l'algorithme qui utilise PathLoad, spécifiquement quand les conditions du réseau sont mauvaises, en d'autres mots quand le réseau est chargé. Également, ces simulations ont montré les avantages du routage adaptatif du réseau dédié de service par rapport au routage traditionnel.
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Nguyen, Mai Phuong. "Contribution of private healthcare to universal health coverage: an investigation of private over public health service utilisation in Vietnam." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2021.

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Achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a desirable goal for all countries. Complementary public and private services are essential. This study examined factors that influence consumer choice for private and public health care services in Vietnam. Thirty senior healthcare professionals were interviewed and secondary data on over 35,000 episodes of healthcare gathered during national health surveys in households were analyzed. For Vietnam and similar low and middle-income countries to achieve UHC, it is necessary to overcome incomplete social health insurance coverage, variable quality of private and public health services, unregulated quality in advertising and inefficient competition between sectors.
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Huang, Mei-hui. "Factors influencing self-directed learning readiness amongst Taiwanese nursing students." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2008.

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Rapid scientific and technological advances in health care mean that nurses need to keep learning and engage in professional education so that they can continue to provide safe and quality care. Education programs which prepare nurses for practice as a registered nurse have a vital role to play in ensuring that graduates are self-directed in responding to the need for ongoing learning throughout their professional career. In many countries, improving students’ readiness for self-directed learning has thus gained increasing recognition as being an important goal of nursing education programs. This level of interest in developing self-directedness in learning is evident in many policy documents and research in Taiwan. The aim of this study was to investigate factors influencing self-directed learning readiness amongst Taiwanese nursing students. A conceptual framework adopted from Biggs’s ‘3P model of teaching and learning’ was constructed to guide this study’s investigation. This study employed a two-staged mixed-method design to obtain a better understanding of Taiwanese students’ experience of SDL in undergraduate nursing programs. Stage one of the present study was a qualitative approach using semi-structured interview to explore students’ experiences with learning activities which they perceived to be self-directed in their undergraduate programs. Eight students were interviewed. Findings from this stage reveal that participants perceived a shift in teaching and learning styles between their previous nursing programs and the university. The more frequent use of student-directed learning activities, in which students were encouraged to be active and to take responsibility for their learning tasks, was one of the changes in teaching and learning approaches perceived by participants. Participants further suggested a number of factors that influenced the outcomes of these learning activities, including teacher-student interaction, facilitation process and learning resources. Stage two of this study used a quantitative approach consisting of two phases: instrument pilot testing and a cross-sectional survey. In the first phase, the instruments were translated into Chinese through a rigorous translation process and tested with a convenience sample of nursing students in Taiwan. Results indicated the translated instruments were reliable and stable. The second phase, a cross-sectional survey, was conducted to examine the conceptual framework of this study. A total of 369 undergraduate nursing students completed the questionnaire. Results of data analysis provides support for the conceptual framework proposed for this study, suggesting that students’ achievement goals and their perceptions of the learning environment significantly influence their adoption of learning approaches and the development of SDL readiness. Based on the results, this study provides practical implications that nurse educators may adopt to enhance students’ SDL readiness. This study also provides theoretical implications and recommendations for future research. It is envisaged that these recommendations may help future researchers focus their research design and further understandings of how to help students develop their ability to become self-directed learners.
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Hsieh, Mei-hsia. "Evaluating the effect of a patient education brochure on patients’ expectations and satisfaction with emergency department service." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2010.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to assess the capacity of a written intervention, in this case a patient information brochure, to improve patient satisfaction during an Emergency Department (ED) visit. For the purpose of measuring the effect of the intervention the ED journey was conceptualised as a series of distinct areas of service comprising waiting time, service by the triage nurse, care from doctors and nurses and information giving Background of study: Research into patient satisfaction has become a widespread activity endorsed by both governments and hospital administrations. The literature on ED patient satisfaction has consistently indicated three primary areas of patient dissatisfaction: waiting time, nursing care and communication. Recent developments in the literature on patient satisfaction studies however have highlighted the relationship between patients. expectations of a service encounter and their consequent assessment of the experience as dissatisfying or satisfying. Disconfirmation theory posits that the degree to which expectations are confirmed will affect subsequent levels of satisfaction. The conceptual framework utilised in this study is Coye.s (2004) model of disconfirmation. Coye while reiterating satisfaction is a consequence of the degree expectations are either confirmed or disconfirmed also posits that expectations can be modified by interventions. Coye.s work conceptualises these interventions as intra encounter experiences (cues) which function to adjust expectations. Coye suggests some cues are unintended and may have a negative impact which also reinforces the value of planned cues intended to meet or exceed consumer expectations. Consequently the brochure can be characterized as a potentially positive cue, encouraging the patient to understand processes and to orient them in what can be a confronting environment. Only a limited number of studies have examined the effect of written interventions within an ED. No studies could be located which have tested the effect of ED interventions using a conceptual framework which relates the effect of the degree to which expectations are confirmed or disconfirmed in terms of satisfaction with services. Method: Two studies were conducted. Study One used qualitative methods to explore patients. expectations of the ED from the perspective of both patients and health care professionals. Study One was used in part to direct the development of the intervention (brochure) in Study Two. The brochure was an intervention designed to modify patients. expectations thus increasing their satisfaction with the provision of ED service. As there was no existing tools to measure ED patients. expectations and satisfaction a new tool was also developed based on the findings and the literature of Study One. Study Two used a non-randomised, quasi-experimental approach using a non-equivalent post-test only comparison group design used to investigate the effect of the patient education brochure (Stommel and Wills, 2004). The brochure was disseminated to one of two study groups (the intervention group). The effect of the brochure was assessed by comparing the data obtained from both the intervention and control group. These two groups consisted of 150 participants each. It was expected that any differences in the relevant domains selected for examination would indicate the effect of the brochure both on expectation and potentially satisfaction. Results: Study One revealed several areas of common ground between patients and nurses in terms of relevant content for the written intervention, including the need for information on the triage system and waiting times. Areas of difference were also found with patients emphasizing communication issues, whereas focus group members expressed concern that patients were often unable to assimilate verbal information. The findings suggested the potential utility of written material to reinforce verbal communication particularly in terms of the triage process and other ED protocols. This material was synthesized within the final version of the written intervention. Overall the results of Study Two indicated no significant differences between the two groups. The intervention group did indicate a significant number of participants who viewed the brochure of having changed their expectations. The effect of the brochure may have been obscured by a lack of parity between the two groups as the control group presented with statistically significantly higher levels of acuity and experienced significantly shorter waiting times. In terms of disconfirmation theory this would suggest expectations that had been met or exceeded. The results confirmed the correlation of expectations with satisfaction. Several domains also indicated age as a significant predictor with older patients tending to score higher satisfaction results. Other significant predictors of satisfaction established were waiting time and care from nurses, reinforcing the combination of efficient service and positive interpersonal experiences as being valued by patients. Conclusions: Information presented in written form appears to benefit a significant number of ED users in terms of orientation and explaining systems and procedures. The degree to which these effects may interact with other dimensions of satisfaction however is likely to be limited. Waiting time and interpersonal behaviours from staff also provide influential cues in determining satisfaction. Written material is likely to be one element in a series of coordinated strategies to improve patient satisfaction during periods of peak demand.
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Gerbeth, Gunter, Willi Witke, Horst Langenbrunner, and Sven Eckert. "MHD Turbulence: Use of gas bubbles as local tracers in Liquid Metal MHD Flows." Forschungszentrum Dresden, 2010.

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Gerbeth, Gunter, Willi Witke, Horst Langenbrunner, and Sven Eckert. "MHD Turbulence: Use of gas bubbles as local tracers in Liquid Metal MHD Flows." Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, 1995.

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Omballa, Magelan. "La politique africaine de la France a l'épreuve de l'alternance : mai 1981 - mai 1995." Paris 10, 2001.

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Arrives au pouvoir a la faveur de l'alternance intervenue en mai 1981, munis d'un projet de reforme en matiere de politique africaine, la gauche en general et les socialistes en particulier ont inscrit leur politique africaine dans la continuite des politiques precedentes en la matiere. En effet, malgre la volonte de reforme initialement affichee par jean-pierre cot, alors ministre de la cooperation du premier gouvernement mauroy, sous les gouvernements de droite (pendant les deux cohabitations : 1986-1988 et 1993-1995) comme de gauche, incontestablement la continuite l'emporte sur le changement. Toutefois, le bilan des quatorze annees de politique africaine sous francois mitterrand montre qu'il n'y a pas identite entre la politique africaine menee sous la gauche et celles de ses predecesseurs bien qu'elle emprunte beaucoup a ses devancieres. Domaine reserve du president de la republique ou partage en periode de cohabitation, l'examen de la politique africaine de francois mitterrand montre que celle-ci a oscille entre continuite et changement. Cette ambivalence de la politique africaine de la france s'est illustree aussi bien par la transition de jean-pierre cot a son successeur christian nucci (marquant l'inflechissement du projet initial, donc la continuite), pendant les deux cohabitations et surtout avec la politique francaise consecutive au sommet de la baule. De maniere plus fondamentale, la politique africaine de la france sous la gauche a ete confrontee a deux types de contraintes : d'une part, les contraintes endogenes a l'ensemble franco-africain et, d'autre part,les contraintes exogenes par rapport a cet ensemble. Parmi les premieres, nous en avons releve deux qui nous paraissent determinantes. Il s'agit d'abord de la structuration du champ des relations franco-africaines. Celles-ci peuvent en effet etre etudiees selon le paradigme clienteliste. Il s'agit ensuite du propre contexte organisationnel francais en matiere de cooperation avec l'afrique marque par la complexite institutionnelle et la confusion des objectifs assignes a la politique africaine de la france.
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Moawadh, Mamdoh Shafig. "Liver- Directed MHC gene transfer: Towards transplantation tolerance induction across a full MHC mismatch." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2016.

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organ transplantation has been used successfully to treat end stage organ failure. The success of this treatment has led to high demand for organs and the requirement for long-term maintenance immunosuppression can cause serious complications, such as malignancies and infections. Optimizing a treatment to promote immunological tolerance using gene transfer technologies is a feasible option. In previous studies, AAV-mediated gene transfer of a single mismatched donor MHC class I molecule (K«sup»d «/sup»or K«sup»b«/sup») to C57BL/6 or B10.BR recipient liver respectively induced tolerance to skin grafts expressing the same mismatched MHCI molecule. Moreover, regulatory tolerance to allogeneic cardiac grafts after donor MHC II gene transfer to recipient bone marrow is reported. «strong»Aim«/strong»: to determine whether gene transfer of either single or multiple donor MHC class I and II genes to recipient liver, using recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors, could result in long-term survival and tolerance induction to allogeneic heart grafts. «strong»Method«/strong»: we created a liver-specific rAAV2/8 vector encoding MHC genes H2-IA«sup»d«/sup» , H2-IE«sup»d«/sup» ,and H2-D«sup»d«/sup», L«sup»d«/sup» and K«sup»d«/sup» (DaLeK). C57BL/6 (H2-b) mice were transduced with these vectors, alone or in combination. Transgene expression, co-stimulatory/inhibitory molecules, chaperones and inflammatory infiltrate were assessed. Fully allogeneic hearts from DBA/2 (H-2d) or semi-allogeneic hearts from B6D2F1 were transplanted into C57BL/6 (H-2b) at either d7 or d14 post-inoculation. «strong»Results«/strong»: Administration of AAV-IA«sup»d«/sup» or AVV-IE«sup»d«/sup» or AVV-DaLeK to C57BL/6 mice yielded strong gene expression on hepatocytes. DaLeK expression was enhanced by co-transduction with a vector encoding β2 microglobulin, and expression of IA«sup»d«/sup» or IE«sup»d«/sup» conjoined with transduction of Class II transactivator (CIITA), ALT levels remained normal and no inflammatory infiltrates were detected in all subjects. Survival of DBA/2 hearts transplanted into AAV-DaLeK treated mice was prolonged from a MST of 7 days to 23 days. DBA/2 cardiac graft survival is not extended in AAV-IA«sup»d«/sup» or AVV-IE«sup»d«/sup» inoculated mice, wheres survival of B6D2F1 hearts was prolonged in mice receiving IE«sup»d«/sup» and CIITA vectors in combination. «strong»Conclusion«/strong»: administration of AAV-DaLeK significantly prolongs survival of fully-allogeneic heart transplants. Expression of CIITA and a single mismatched MHC II in hepatocytes was not sufficient to confer tolerance to fully allogeneic heart grafts. Tolerance induction may require expression of all mismatched MHC molecules (3 class I and 2 class II).
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Rodriguez-Ruiz, Jose Antonio. "La communication politique de Nicolas Sarkozy du 6 mai 2002 au 6 mai 2012." Thesis, Paris 2, 2014.

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Nicolas Sarkozy est un personnage politique à part entière. En cinq ans (de 2002 à 2007), il a su se construire une notoriété et une popularité qui lui ont permis de devenir président de la République dès le premier essai et ce, malgré sept ans d’absence, suite à son malheureux soutien à Edouard Balladur en 1995. Quelle fut sa recette ? Une communication issue du marketing politique, lui même issu du marketing commercial, mais pas seulement. La saturation de l’espace médiatique pour créer l’actualité plutôt que la subir est un des principaux ingrédients de ce succès. Un autre ingrédient est le « story telling » qui a été emprunté au monde du spectacle et qui consiste à présenter le personnage de Nicolas Sarkozy en action certes, mais pas uniquement dans le domaine politique. Il a également séduit son électorat avec l’affichage de sa vie privée. Il est devenu une espèce de vedette suivie et commentée par les médias. Alors, que s’est-il passé après son élection ?L’étalage de sa vie privée, ses réactions excessives et son goût prononcé pour l’argent et le luxe ont dévoilé la personnalité d’un homme, différente du personnage qu’il avait construit. En effet, de 2007 à 2012, ses cotes de confiance et de popularité ont baissé constamment dans les sondages. De fait, cette baisse a commencé avant même qu’il ait mis en place une politique impopulaire. Ainsi, nous nous trouvons devant les limites du marketing politique et de la communication. Alors que ces éléments ont permis à Nicolas Sarkozy d’atteindre son objectif du premier coup, ils lui ont été insuffisants pour gouverner la France. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’ils sont uniquement des outils de la forme. Peut-être a-t-il manqué de substance sur le fond. En effet, qu’a t-il fait concrètement pour le pays ? Quel fut l’impact de sa façon de faire de la politique dans notre démocratie ? Quel est le regard des observateurs étrangers sur ce président ? Et surtout, quelle est notre part de responsabilité en tant que citoyens ?
Nicolas Sarkozy is a figure unlike any other in French politics. In five years (from 2002 to 2007), he rose to a level of prominence, allowing him to be elected President in his first attempt. President Sarkozy was elected even after stepping out of visibility in French politics for seven years, due to his unfavorable support of Eduard Balladur, who lost the Presidential election in 1995. How did Sarkozy accomplish this? He implemented a communication strategy, inspired by political and business marketing. Sarkozy’s main strategy was to saturate mainstream media and create his own news rather than be subject to third party reporting. Sarkozy also used “story telling” and pop culture to portray himself as a “people”, presenting his day-to-day life, outside of politics. That’s how he succeeded in seducing the electorate by exposing his private life and becoming a media celebrity. So what happened after his election?By showing off his private life, losing his temper in public and revealing his keen taste for money and luxury, Sarkozy presented a man very different than the figure he constructed during his five years campaign. From 2007 to 2012, Sarkozy’s approval rating dropped consistently, even before presenting any unpopular reforms. Therefore one can see the limits of political marketing and communications, which were fundamental in Sarkozy’s rise to power but proved to be inadequate in facilitating the use of this newly acquired power. Why? In the end Sarkozy’s marketing and communications strategy was merely a superficial instrument, lacking any real substance. After all, what did Sarkozy accomplish for France? What was the impact of Sarkozy’s politics for France’s democracy? What is the opinion of the foreign press, concerning the former president? Finally and more importantly still, what is our responsibility as citizens?
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Peters, Björn. "Modeling the MHC-I pathway." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2003.

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Kervel, Fredrik Georg. "PCB-antenner for 868 MHz." Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, 2008.

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Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg arbeidet med utviklingen og karakteriseringen av to forskjellige PCB-antenner for ISM-båndene rundt 868 MHz (Europa) og 915 MHz (USA). Oppgaven er utført i samarbeid med Texas Instruments Norway ved Audun Andersen. Arbeidet har fokusert på å utvikle kompakte antennemodeller og har blandt annet sett på hvordan jordplanets geometri og størrelse er med på å påvirke antennenes egenskaper. Det har blitt utviklet to forskjellige antennemodeller, en meandret monopol (meanderantenne) og en meandret iif-antenne (iifa). For å karakterisere antennene har det blitt utført en rekke målinger av antennenes impedans og utstrålt effekt. Målingene har blitt utført i to omganger på to forskjellige sett med prototyper. De første prototypene ble pordusert ved NTNU og bestod kun av antennen, jordplan og en SMA-kontakt. Ved TI ble det senere produsert nye prototyper komplett med TIs radiochip CC1110. Målinger av antennetilpasningen både ved NTNU og TI viser at antennene enkelt kan tilpasses ulike jordplan og tunes inn på ønsket frekvens ved å justere antennenes totallengde. Det har blitt erfart at det er vanskelig å utføre nøyaktige målinger på elektrisk små strukturer. Det har oppstått problemer med krypstrømmer som reflekteres fra jordplanet og går tilbake på utsiden av koaksialkablen. Dette ble løst ved NTNU ved å bruke feritter, men ved TI ble det benyttet semirigide koaksialkabler noe som vanskeliggjorde monteringen av slike feritter. Det er derfor noe avvik i disse målingene. Måling av strålingsdiagram har blitt gjort både ved NTNU og ved NEMKO Comlab. Strålingsdiagrammene viser at antennene er relativt rundtstrålende. Strålingsdiagrammene fra NTNU avviker endel fra de målt hos Comlab. Dette kan skyldes flere faktorer, blandt annet ble antennene hos NTNU koblet til med kabel, mens ved Comlab ble prototypenes integrerte radio benyttet for å minimere ytre påvirkninger. I tillegg bør det her vektlegges at Comlab er et sertifisert målesenter betjent av kyndig personell hvilket burde tilsi at målingene utført her er av høy nøyaktighet. Målt rekkevidde for antennene har vært i overkant av 1300 meter for iif-antennen og 1800 meter for meanderantennen. Sistnevnte var da montert på et større utviklingskort, noe som kan forklare forskjellen i rekkevidde. Da det har vist seg å være svært vanskelig å gjøre målinger på antennene med kabler koblet til, er det avslutningsvis foreslått en enkel prosedyre for å implementere og tilpasse antennene i et produkt uten bruk av kabler. Kort forklart går metoden ut på å benyttet en spektrumsanalysator koblet til en mottakerantenne for å måle utstrålt effekt og gjøre tilpasning av antennen deretter.

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Woan, Graham. "Disconnected interferometry at 81.5 MHz." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1989.

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Long Baseline Interferometry is a well established technique that enables high angular resolution measurements to be made with a radio interferometer containing independent local oscillators and signal recorders. This Thesis addresses the problems encountered when this technique is applied to low frequency (81.5 MHz) astronomy, and specifically methods of improving its phase stability. The technique is used to reassess existing evidence for the existence of large-scale structure associated with the quasar 3C48, and to give a much better understanding of the structure and behaviour of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A at low frequencies. Much of the instrumentation used for this work already existed, but in a form unsuitable for measuring phase. The first section of the Thesis shows how these data collection and digital correlator systems could be modified and extended to improve sensitivity and generate true interferometric phase. Two phase calibration schemes are also considered. Firstly, the ‘thin triangle’ method, which uses the closure phase generated by a three-element interferometer to determine the true astronomical phase of a source comprising a single, bright point source and an associated resolvable component. This includes an analysis of how best to determine closure phase when the signal-to-noise ratio on one or more of the baselines is low, and shows techniques based on the ‘triple-product’ method, proposed by Cornwell, to perform best. Secondly, a new method of instrumental stabilisation is introduced and demonstrated, in which the interferometer is calibrated by broadband signals from VHF public broadcast transmitters, which are processed along with the astronomical data. The technique is shown to be capable of removing practically all the instrumental phase drifts usually associated with a long baseline interferometer on baselines up to 100 km. A number of new observations are also presented, mostly made with the stabilised mobile interferometer described above. Firstly of the bright quasar 3C48 to investigate earlier reports of an associated steep-spectrum extended component. These show the importance of considering the effects of confusion in the earlier observations and prompt a critical reassessment of the existing evidence, which is shown to be flawed. Detailed observations of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A are also presented, with a resolution and sensitivity previously unattained at metre wavelengths. Comparisons with 20 cm VLA data of the same epoch show the remnant to look remarkably similar at the two frequencies, though tentative spectral index measurements indicate that its younger features have slightly steeper spectra than the rest. Furthermore, sensitive observations made on a 128 km baseline show that Cassiopeia A does not contain the steep-spectrum compact component with a flux density of more than 5 Jy reported by many earlier authors. An even deeper search at 408 MHz, this time for pulsed emission from the remnant, puts an upper limit of 80 mJy on the flux density due to any associated pulsar with a period 4 > P > 0.02 sec.
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Andersson, Charlotte. "Factors affecting MFI membrane quality /." Luleå : Division of Chemical Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering and Geosciences, Luleå University of Technology, 2007.

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Rees, Nicholas Peter. "The 38 MHz radio survey." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1989.

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Taylor, Matthew Graham George Thaddeus. "MHD modelling of space plasmas." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2001.

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Apps, R. "MHC molecules of human trophoblast." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2008.

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The maternal decidua and the fetally-derived placenta are specialised tissues which have been developed to support mammalian reproduction. Unusual features of the decidua include a leukocyte population dominated by 70% CD56 bright NK cells. Invasive placental trophoblast cells penetrate the decidua and express a unique repertoire of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules, which are likely to be significant in maternal immune recognition. Human trophoblast cells do not express the classical HLA-A and HLA-B molecules that are ligands for T cells, but do express HLA-C molecules which are the dominant ligand for NK cells, as well as the non-classical HLA-E and HLA-G molecules. HLA-G is particularly interesting as it is expressed by no other tissues and has no known function. I first investigated expression of the MHC-related ULBP and MIC molecules at the human implantation site, but found no evidence for expression of their protein. I then characterised the conformation of HLA-C and HLA-G molecules at the surface of normal human trophoblast cells isolated from the first trimester of pregnancy at the time of placentation. The majority of HLA-C molecules on trophoblast cells were present in a conventional, b2m-dissociated open conformers were detected at the cell surface. This suggests that trophoblast HLA-C molecules will provide efficient ligands for KIR receptors on maternal NK cells. In contrast, a significant proportion of HLA-G molecules were found to exist in a disulphide-linked homodimeric complex. This complex was a homodimer of two conventional b2m-dissociated HLA-1 molecules, which is a conformation unique to HLA-G. Dimeric HLA-G complexes on trophoblast showed substantially higher affinity for the LILRB1 receptor which was expressed by all decidual antigen-presenting cells. This may represent a trophoblast-specific signal to the local maternal uterine immune system.
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Kehr, Jonathan R., Kenneth Burger, Brian Wobensmith, and Jonathan R. Kehr. "Marine Corps contingency contracting MCI." Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2003.

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MBA Professional Report
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
MBA Professional Report
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Contingency contracting is the process where vital supplies and services needed to maintain deployed forces are obtained on behalf of the United States Government. These actions are used for emergencies, such as, disaster relief from hurricanes or from terrorist activities that occur within the United States or for actions that occur outside of the United States in order to support the deployed units. Due to the current trend in the DoD to contract out more products and services on the battlefield, an increase demand has been placed on contingency contract personnel. The purpose of this MBA Project is to develop and publish a Contingency Contracting MCI to assist the Marine Corps in training its contract personnel in preparation for deployment to a contingency operation. Currently there is not a requirement for the contracting specialist to attend a formal school prior to supporting a contingency operation. Furthermore, there are limited spaces for Marines to attend CON 234. The Contingency Contracting MCI will aid the contracting personnel with the training needed to be successful in a contingency environment and efficiently and effectively support Marine Corps units abroad. This project was sponsored by Headquarters Marine Corps, Installation and Logistics, Logistics Branch in conjunction with the Marine Corps Institute (MCI). The MBA Report has identified several problems in the current ability of the Marine Corps to train contracting personnel in contingency contracting and provides recommendations for further study. A draft Contingency Contracting MCI is included in the report.
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Tam, Kuan V. "MHD simulations of coronal heating." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2014.

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The problem of heating the solar corona requires the conversion of magnetic energy into thermal energy. Presently, there are two promising mechanisms for heating the solar corona: wave heating and nanoflare heating. In this thesis, we consider nanoflare heating only. Previous modelling has shown that the kink instability can trigger energy release and heating in large scale loops, as the field rapidly relaxes to a lower energy state under the Taylor relaxation theory. Two distinct experiments were developed to understand the coronal heating problem: the avalanche effect within a multiple loop system, and the importance of thermal conduction and optically thin radiation during the evolution of the kinked-unstable coronal magnetic field. The first experiment showed that a kink-unstable thread can also destabilise nearby threads under some conditions. The second experiment showed that the inclusion of thermal conduction and optically thin radiation causes significant change to the internal energy of the coronal loop. After the initial instability occurs, there is continual heating throughout the relaxation process. Our simulation results show that the data is consistent with observation values, and the relaxation process can take over 200 seconds to reach the final relaxed state. The inclusion of both effects perhaps provides a more realistic and rapid heating experiment compared to previous investigations.
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Fernandes, Tiago. "Instabilidades MHD no Tokamak TCABR." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.

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Este trabalho descreve o estudo das instabilidades magneto-hidro-dinâmicas (MHD) comumente observadas nas descargas elétricas de plasma no tokamak TCABR, do Instituto de Física da USP. Dois diagnósticos principais foram empregados para observar essas instabilidades: um conjunto poloidal de 24 bobinas magnéticas (bobinas de Mirnov) colocadas próximas à borda do plasma e um medidor de emissões na faixa do Ultra Violeta e de raios X moles com 20 canais (sistema SXR), cujo circuito de condicionamento de sinais foi aprimorado como parte deste trabalho. Esses diagnósticos foram escolhidos porque fornecem informações complementares, uma vez que o sistema SXR observa a parte central da coluna de plasma, enquanto as bobinas de Mirnov detectam as instabilidades MHD na região mais externa da coluna. As informações coletadas por esses diagnósticos foram submetidas à análise espectral com resolução temporal e espacial, possibilitando determinar a evolução das características espectrais e espaciais das instabilidades MHD observadas. Essas análises revelaram que durante a etapa inicial da formação do plasma (quando a corrente de plasma ainda está aumentando) ilhas magnéticas com números de onda decrescente, identificadas como sendo modos kink de borda, são detectadas nas bobinas de Mirnov. Após a formação do plasma, quando os parâmetros de equilíbrio estão relativamente estáveis (platô), oscilações são detectadas tanto nas bobinas de Mirnov quanto no sistema de SXR, indicando a presença de instabilidades MHD em toda a coluna de plasma. Em geral as oscilações medidas nas bobinas de Mirnov tem baixa amplitude e correspondem a pequenas ilhas magnéticas que foram identificadas como sendo modos de ruptura (modos tearing). Por outro lado, as instabilidades na região central foram identificadas como dentes de serra, que correspondem a relaxações periódicas da região interna à superfície magnética com fator de segurança q=1 e que são acompanhadas de oscilações precursoras, cuja amplitude depende da fase do ciclo de relaxação. Devido à essa modulação de amplitude, aparecem picos de frequência satélite nos espectrogramas dos sinais do SXR. Além disso, devido ao fato dos ciclos de relaxação não serem sinusoidais, os harmônicos da frequência de relaxação também aparecem nesses espectrogramas. No entanto, em muitas descargas do TCABR, a intensidade das oscilações medidas nas bobinas de Mirnov aumentam significativamente durante o platô, com efeitos sobre a frequência de todas as instabilidades MHD, até mesmo sobre os dentes de serra localizados na região central da coluna. Em todos os casos, observou-se que durante o platô a frequência das ilhas magnéticas coincide com a frequência das oscilações precursoras do dente de serra, apesar de serem duas instabilidades distintas, localizadas em posições radiais muito diferentes. Essa coincidência de frequências possibilitou descrever a evolução em frequência de todas as oscilações detectadas em diversos diagnósticos com base em apenas duas frequências básicas: a dos ciclos de relaxação dente de serra e a das ilhas magnéticas.
This work describes the study of magneto-hydro-dynamic instabilities (MHD) commonly observed in plasma discharges in tokamak TCABR (at Instituto de Física da USP). Two main diagnostics were employed to observe these instabilities: a poloidal set of 24 magnetic coils (Mirnov coils) placed near the plasma border and a detector of emissions in the Ultra Violet and soft X-ray range with 20 channels (SXR system) which improvement of the signal conditioning circuit was done as part of this work. These diagnostics were chosen because they provide complementary information, since the SXR system measures the central part of the plasma column, while the Mirnov coils detect the MHD instabilities in the outer part of the column. The information collected by these diagnoses was submitted to spectral analysis with temporal and spatial resolution, making it possible to determine the evolution of the spectral and spatial characteristics of the observed MHD instabilities. These analyzes revealed that during the initial stage of the plasma formation (when the plasma current is still increasing) magnetic islands with decreasing wave numbers, identified as edge kink modes, are detected in the Mirnov coils. After the plasma formation, when the equilibrium parameters are relatively flat (plateau), oscillations are detected in both Mirnov coils and SXR system, indicating the presence of MHD instability in the whole plasma column. In general, the fluctuations measured by the Mirnov coils have low amplitude corresponding to small magnetic islands, which were identified as tearing modes. On the other hand, the instabilities at the central region were identified as sawteeth oscillations that correspond to periodic relaxations in the internal region of the magnetic surface with safety factor q = 1 and that are accompanied by precursor oscillations which amplitude depends on the phase of the relaxation cycles. Due to this amplitude modulation, frequency satellite peaks appear in the spectrograms of the SXR signals. Furthermore, due to the fact that relaxation cycles are not sinusoidal, harmonics of the relaxation frequency also appear in the spectrograms. However, in many TCABR discharges, the intensity of the oscillations measured by the Mirnov coils increase significantly during the plateau, with affects the frequency of all MHD instabilities, even over the sawteeth in the central region of the column. In all cases, it was observed that during the plateau the frequency of the magnetic islands coincides with the frequency of the sawtooth precursors, although they are two different instabilities located in separated radial positions. This coincidence of frequencies allowed describing the frequency evolution of all measured oscillations by considering only two basic frequencies: the cycles of sawtooth relaxation and the magnetic islands.
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Hämäläinen, T. (Tomi). "13,56 MHz RFID lukijan suunnittelu." Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2014.

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Työssä suunniteltiin RFID lukija, joka perustuu STMicroelectronics:n CR95HF-piiriin ja STM32L151-mikrokontrolleriin. Lukijalaite suunniteltu helpottamaan antennin koon ja muodon kehitystyötä. Lukijapiirin voi asettaa tuottamaan pelkkää 13,56 MHz:n kantoaaltoa, kommunikoimaan ISO 15693 standardin mukaisen tunnisteen kanssa tai lepotilaan. Kantoaaltomoodissa antennin sovitus (tai EMI-piiri + sovituspiiri) on onnistunut sekä epätoivotut harmoniset suodattuvat pois. Lukutilassa mikrokontrolleri kommunikoi lukijapiirin kanssa ja ilmoittaa onnistuneen tunnisteen lukutapahtuman LED:n avulla. Laiteeseen kehitettiin lukijapiirin ja mikrokontrollerin sisältävä moduuli sekä kolme antennityyppiä. Antennit sijaitsevat erillisillä moduuleilla, joita on yhteensä kuusi kappaletta. Ensimmäiset kolme antennimoduulia sisältää induktiivisen antennin sekä impedanssisovituspiirin ja jälkimmäiset kolme myös EMI-suodattimen. Jokaisesta antennimoduulista esitetään mittaus- ja simulointituloksia sekä oikea tunnisteen lukutapahtuma maksimietäisyydellä
The purpose of this thesis work is to design a RFID reader that is based on STMicroelectronics CR95HF and STM32L151 IC’s. The main function of the reader is to help development of new antenna types. There are three operating modes: carrier wave generation, communication mode with an ISO 15693 tags and hibernate state. In carrier wave mode it is possible to verify that the impedance matching (or Emi-filter + impedance matching) is working as intended and spurious emissions are filtered. When ISO 15693 communication mode is activated the microcontroller sends and receives data from the RFID-chip and a successful read event is notified by blinking of a LED. The device consist a separate module for the IC’s and three different types of antennas. The antennas were placed on six separate modules that can be attached to the IC module. First three of the modules contain inductive antenna and impedance matching network. Latter three will also contain an EMI-filter. Measurement and simulation results as well as maximum reading distance will be presented for each antenna type
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Barker, Bryn Nicole. "Stability of MHD Shock Waves." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2020.

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This thesis focuses on the study of spectral stability of planar shock waves in 2-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics. We begin with a numerical approach, computing the Lopatinski determinant and Evans function with the goal of determining if there are parameters for which viscous waves are unstable and the corresponding inviscid waves are stable. We also begin developing a method to obtain an explicit, analytical representation of the Evans function. We demonstrate the capabilities of this method with compressible Navier-Stokes and extend our results to 2-D MHD. Finally, using compressible Navier-Stokes again, we derive an energy estimate as a first step in improving the bound on possible roots of the Evans function.
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Čada, David. "Spektrální analyzátor do 500 MHz." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2015.

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This project deals with design and realization of the spectrum analyser using double superheterodyne topology with frequency range up to 500MHz. This work solves hardware blocks like phase lock loops, intermediate frequency filters, saw filter, crystal filter, logarithmic detector. Content of work is also design description and tuning of spectrum analyzer parts.
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Tůma, Jan. "Mobilní asistent pro cestování MHD." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2017.

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This thesis is a documentation covering complete design and implementation of a mobile public transportation assistant for Brno. The resulting solution consists of a mobile application and a server part. The mobile application allow user with actual position of public transport vehicles and positon of smart device navigate and determine optimal route. The server part includes web service for client-server communication.
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