Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Métrologie des faibles forces'
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Hernandez-Sabio, Sylvain. "Contribution à la métrologie des faibles forces : traçabilité des mesures dynamiques par inversion ensembliste." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UBFCD058.
Full textThis PhD thesis is a contribution to small force metrology, in line with the research activities carried out in the AS2M department of the FEMTO-ST institute. This manuscript presents the design and experimental implementation of a triaxial pendulous accelerometer, which measures the unfiltered seismic activity, since the latter is likely to interfere with the operation of an electromagnetic micro-nanoforce balance currently under development. An alternative methodology is also proposed in this manuscript to specifically estimate the value and uncertainty associated with one or more unknown quantities of interest, using a dynamical SISO system whose behavior is uncertain and disturbed. This approach is based on the exact representation of this system by means of a virtual corrective input containing the quantities of interest. This input is estimated and then shaped to determine the uncertainty associated with these quantities of interest, using the tools of interval analysis. The proposed methodology is validated on the basis of simulated accelerometer responses in active and passive modes, then illustrated on the experimental setup. A simulation study of the coupled operation of the future electromagnetic micro-nanoforce balance with the triaxial accelerometer is also carried out. The proposed approach is implemented in a simulated test aiming at characterizing the mechanical stiffness of an elastic cantilever
Chadebec, Olivier. "Modélisation électromagnétique basse fréquence, identification de sources équivalentes et métrologie en champs magnétiques faibles." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00667735.
Full textJourdan, Guillaume. "Vers un microscope de force de Casimir : mesure quantitative de forces faibles et nanopositionnement absolu." Phd thesis, Grenoble 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007GRE10232.
Full textQuantum electromagnetic field fluctuations of the vacuum generate an outstanding mechanical effect between two macroscopic objects, whatever their shapes and materials: the Casimir force. This force has been predicted in 1948 by a dutch physicist who gave it his name. Computation was first carried out with two parallel perfect flat mirrors, separated by gap d. Since its theoretical prediction, this phenomenon has been the focus of numerous scientific communities, from cosmologists, quantum electromagnetic field or gravitational field theorists to micro/nano mechanical systems designers. On one hand this force raises numerous issues at the interface of gravitation physic and quantum electromagnetic field theory since vacuum energy do not fulfill properly commitments of both theories. On the other hand it plays major role in the operation of submicrometric mechanical devices that are currently under investigation and that are expected to revolutionize the whole microelectronic industry. Current theoretical studies aim at understanding impact of boundary conditions on the behaviour of this quantum phenomenon. Experimental project here developed is motivated by the prospect of monitoring force intensity when altering field matter coupling. To this purpose, the project consisted in designing a specific set up capable of measuring weak force between nanostructured surfaces in order to complement boundary conditions effects studies. Gauthier Toricelli implemented specific force probe during his thesis: it consists of an AFM microlever with a gold coated sphere glued at its end. Theoretical and experimental studies have first been carried out to determine properly its mechanical behaviour when coupling to environment including detection devices. Calibration method is a key point of the present work. Calibration accuracy have to be close to percent range to ensure a reliable theory to experiment comparison. Some Casimir force measurements are displayed at the end of the manuscript: they are in compliance with theoretical model within experimental uncertainties. This work finally demonstrates our ability to studying Casimir force between nanostructured surfaces
Jourdan, Guillaume. "Vers un microscope de force de Casimir : mesure quantitative de forces faibles et nanopositionnement absolu." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00273933.
Full textDepuis sa mise en évidence théorique, cet effet attire l'intérêt de communautés scientifiques d'horizons tous azimuts, des cosmologistes aux concepteurs de micro/nanosystèmes mécaniques en passant par les physiciens de la théorie quantique des champs et de la gravitation. Cette force qui se situe au coeur de nombreux problèmes actuels de physique théoriques, à l'interface de la physique de la gravitation et de la théorie quantique des champs (divergence de l'énergie du vide), joue en effet un rôle majeur dans le fonctionnement de nanosystèmes mécaniques en cours de développement, qui sont appelés dans les années futures à révolutionner toute l'industrie de la microélectronique. Les effets des conditions aux limites imposées au champ EM soulèvent en particulier de nombreuses interrogations sur le comportement de ce phénomène quantique. Son contrôle, par ce biais, constitue ainsi l'une des principales motivations du travail expérimental développé durant cette thèse : la conception d'un appareil de mesure de forces faibles entre deux surfaces de tailles micrométriques présentant une structuration à l'échelle du nanomètre en vue de l'étude de la force de Casimir. La sonde de force, développée au cours de la thèse de Gauthier Torricelli qui a lancé cette activité dans l'équipe Piconewton, est constituée d'une micropoutre au bout de laquelle est collée une sphère de quelques dizaines de micromètres de rayon et recouverte d'or.
Cette thèse propose tout d'abord une caractérisation expérimentale et théorique de son comportement mécanique en présence de son environnement et des appareils de mesure qui l'entourent. La mise au point d'une procédure de calibration de force constitue ensuite une étape incontournable pour obtenir des mesures de forces absolues et ainsi réaliser des comparaisons théorie/expérience significatives.
Sulzer, David. "Modélisation des interactions faibles en théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00945896.
Full textABBAD, Mustapha. "Contribution sur les forces d'histoire exercées sur des inclusions solides ou fluides à faibles nombres de Reynolds." Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine - INPL, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00010661.
Full textAbbad, Mustapha. "Contribution sur les forces d'histoire exercées sur les inclusions solides ou fluides à faibles nombres de Reynolds." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003INPL008N.
Full textDufour, Gaëlle. "Spectroscopie moléculaire atmosphérique : mesures diode laser au laboratoire, inversion des spectres enregistrés sous ballon, modélisation photochimique et contribution à la validation satellitaire." Paris 6, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA066101.
Full textThomas, Matthieu. "Détermination de la constante de Planck au moyen d'une balance du watt." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CNAM1033/document.
Full textIn the pespective of a modification of the Système international of units (SI) based on value of fondamental constants of physics, the Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais (LNE) has developped a watt balance experiment, in order to contribute to the redefinition of the unit of mass: the kilogramm. Indeed, this unit is the last one of the base units of the SI which is based on a material artefact: the international prototype of kilogram.A circular coil, immersed in a horizontal and radial magnetic flux is the centre of the watt balance device. Flown by a current (static phase), it exerts on it a nominaly vertical Laplace force which is compared to the weight of a standard mass. Moved nominally vertically (dynamic phase), it appears at its terminals a voltage.It results from the combination of these two steps an equality of virtual electric and mechanical powers. The determination of electrical quantities compared to the Josephson effect and to the quantum Hall effect establishes a relationship between macroscopic mass and the Planck constant.After separate developments of the different elements with continuous characterizations and improvements, the entire system has been assembled, the first works of this thesis consisted in assembling subsets of the watt balance.Then, we have evaluated the main components of uncertainties, especially those related to the alignment issues: alignment relative to the vertical of the laser beam interferometers which measure the velocity of the coil, alignment with horizontal of the pivots from the beam of the forces comparator and finally the evaluation of horizontal Laplace forces and parasitic moments acting on the coil and their influences on determining Planck's constant.A determination of the Planck constant was then carried out in the summer of 2014, which leads to the value h=6.6260688(20)E-34 Js. The relative standard uncertainty associated is 3.1E-7. Proposals to improve this uncertainty are advanced
Hilico, Adèle. "Capture de forces à atomes piégés dans un réseau optique : caractérisation des performances." Thesis, Paris, Ecole normale supérieure, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ENSU0007/document.
Full textThe thesis presents the set up of the second version of the experiment FORCA-G (CAsimir FORce and Gravitation at short range). The purpose of this experiment is the measurement of short-range interactions between an atom and a massive surface. The measurement is realised thanks to atom interferometers using atoms trapped in a 1D vertical optical lattice. The energy levels of atoms in such a trap are shifted from lattice site to another by the force we aim at measuring. We move the atoms from site to site using counter-propagating Raman transitions. The atoms are moved from Δm lattice sites only if the Raman frequency matches υHFS +∆m.υB where υHFS is the frequency of the hyperfine ground state transition and υB is the Bloch frequency and represents the difference of potential energy between two wells in the case where the atoms are far from the surface. This thesis presents the implementation of a setup properly dedicated to FORCA-G in which the measurement of short-range forces will be possible. It reaches an improved short-term relative sensitivity on the measurement of the Bloch frequency of at 3.9 10-6 at 1s. It contains the studies of the limits in the sensitivity, the accuracy and the contrast losses. It also presents the implementation of a dipolar trap to further cool the atoms and increase their density (crossed dipolar trap with a 1064 broadband laser)
Steck, Barthélémy. "Application en métrologie électrique de dispositifs monoélectroniques : vers une fermeture du triangle métrologique." Phd thesis, Université de Caen, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00203161.
Full textDans ce cadre, nous nous somme intéressés dans cette thèse à la possibilité d'utiliser les pompes à électrons de type R à 3 jonctions de façon métrologique autour de 10 pA. Notre montage expérimental est conçu afin de mesurer le courant quantifié généré par le dispositif en utilisant un comparateur cryogénique de courants (CCC).
Les principaux résultats ont été obtenus avec une pompe fabriquée par la PTB couplée à un CCC connecté en contre-réaction interne, i.e. utilisé comme un amplificateur de courant et ne donnant qu'une valeur relative du courant. Ces expériences ont permis de montrer l'existence de marches de courant jusqu'à environ 16 pA et une stabilité du courant généré par le dispositif sur des temps longs, indépendamment de la fréquence de pompage jusqu'à 100 MHz. Le niveau de bruit blanc est de 10-15 fA/Hz^(1/2) et, après 7 heures de mesure à une fréquence de 100 MHz, une incertitude relative de type A de 4.10^(-6) a été atteinte.
La dernière partie de ce travail présente la première réalisation directe de l'ETM. Dans ce cas, le courant généré par la pompe traverse une résistance étalonnée et la tension aux bornes de celle-ci est comparée à la tension délivrée par un réseau Josephson. Les premiers résultats qui sont présentés semblent prometteurs.
Claudel, Fabrice. "Étude de faisabilité d'un appareil échographique de faibles dimensions destiné au contrôle du volume urinaire dans les problèmes de dysuries." Nancy 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993NAN10299.
Full textCandelier, Fabien. "Étude du mouvement libre d'une particule dans un fluide en rotation solide à faibles nombres de Reynolds : mise en évidence des forces d'histoire et d'inertie." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2005. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL_T_2005_CANDELIER_F.pdf.
Full textThe motion of a spherical inclusion released in a vertical solid-body rotation flow is investigated theoretically and experimentally. Solid spheres, bubbles and drop are considered. The particle Reynolds number and the Taylor number nimber are smaller than unity. The motion equations of the inclusion are obtained by revisiting the hydrodynamic equations. The axial (vertical) motion and the horizontal motion are uncoupled, even though they are sensitive to the rotation rate of the flow. Analytical solutions of the particle motin equation are compared to experimental results obtained by releasing a particle in a rotating tank filled-up with silicone oil. For solid spheres and bubbles, both the terminal velocity and the particle ejection rate (or trapping rate) predicted by the theory agree with experiments, without any empirical adjustment. Ln particular, the experimental device enables to check the validity of various theories involving solid or fluid inclusions with or without inertia or history effects. Ln agreement with Miyazaki's theory (1995), the mobility tensor of Herron, Davis and Bretherton (1975), obtained by writing the fluid motion equations in the rotating frame, accurately predicts the horizontal particle trajectory, like the Boussinesq-Basset equation obtained by writing the fluid motion equations in the non-rotating frame and neglecting the horizontal contribution of inertia effects
Hamamda, Mehdi. "Perspectives nouvelles pour l’optique atomique en jets : Interaction de van der Waals-Zeeman et milieux d’indice négatif pour les ondes de matière." Paris 13, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA132008.
Full textIn the first part of this thesis, we develop both theoretical and experimental studies of a type of short range atom-surface interaction (less than 10nm) called van der Waals-Zeeman transitions. To perform this study, we first use a supersonic beam of various metastable gaz rare atoms (Ne*, Ar*, Kr*), then we use a metastable argon beam Ar*(3P2) decelerated using a standard Zeeman slower. In the first case, we observe an increase of the range of the van der Waals-Zeeman interaction with respect to the raise of the anisotropy constant . In the second case, the increase of the range is observed as a function of the velocity decrease of a metastable argon atom from 560 to 170m/s. The combination of these two methods allows us to measure the range of the interaction (the yield of which is of a few 10-4) with a spatial resolution between 2 and 3 nm. In the second part of this work, we introduce the new field of negative index media for atom optics. These media consist of potentials called comoving potentials acting in vacuum. The two major demonstrated effects produced by this type of media are: the negative refraction effect for atomic waves and the spatial narrowing of the atomic wave-packet. Finally, the application of the negative index media to evanescent waves (produced by a static magnetic potential barrier) allows a localization of these waves within a few micrometers thick zone on both sides of the potential barrier
Schnoering, Gabriel. "On the Brownian dynamics of a particle in a bistable optical trap." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016STRAF057/document.
Full textThis thesis describes the experimental realization of an original optical trap, the optical piston, where controlling the phase of the interference of an incident beam with its reflection on a mirror allows achieving various experiments. We have first looked into the thermodynamics associated with a progressive compression of the piston leading the dynamics of a trapped particle from a region of stability to a region of mechanical bistability. In the context of stochastic resonance where a periodic external force is applied on this bistable dynamics, an approach exploiting the Mandel factor and a time-delay analysis on the hopping events between metastable states have proven efficient in interpreting the different results acquired in different regimes of drive. We have also shown how metallic nanoparticles can be trapped fairly easily in this kind of optical piston and we exploit our configuration to measure weak optical forces. Finally, we trap unique chiral nano-objects and we show how the configuration of our piston allows the realization of chiral recognition experiments by differential polarimetry
Provost, Sylvie. "La mesure des angles pour établir des lois fondatrices et des méthodes de mesure avec la balance de torsion de Coulomb (1784-1922)." Paris, EHESS, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003EHES0092.
Full textThis thesis of the history of physics is constructed to see physics as it is done, as close as possible to scientists such as Coulomb, Ohm, Maxwell and Couette. They established laws and measuring methods by different ways to assure their stability at a given time. After a long period, while these physicists let create, live and die a measuring method, they change for and other one, much simple; Coulomb's and Ohm's laws, one reluctantly accepted, were verified and limited in their range of application and experimentation. This subject is tackled not ex cathedra but progressively going through memoirs or reports on experiments. There, the union of hand with mind is not to look for a last truth, but to verify new ideas and methods with instruments to control it
Torricelli, Gauthier. "Caractérisation des Interactions entre une Microsphère et une Surface Métalliques aux Echelles Nanométriques." Phd thesis, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00069070.
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