Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Méthodes de contrôle optimal'
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Cots, Olivier. "Contrôle optimal géométrique : méthodes homotopiques et applications." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00742927.
Full textGuyon, Frédéric. "Application des méthodes multi-grilles au contrôle optimal : méthodes de pondération en estimation de paramètres." Compiègne, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991COMPD431.
Full textAntoine, Olivier. "Contrôle optimal et robuste de l'attitude d'un lanceur. Aspects théoriques et numériques." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUS196/document.
Full textThe first objective of this work is to study some aspects of the attitude control problem of a rigid body, in order to optimize the trajectory of a launcher during a ballistic flight. We state this problem in a general mathematical setting, as an optimal control problem with intermediate constraints on the state. Meanwhile, we also implement an optimization software that relies on the combination of a direct method and of an interior-point algorithm to optimize any given ballistic flight, with any number of intermediate constraints, corresponding to any number of satellite separations. Besides, we applied the so-called indirect methods, exploiting Pontryagin maximum principle, to the resolution of this optimal control problem. In this work, optimal trajectories with respect to the consumption are looked after, which corresponds to a L 1 cost. Known to be numerically challenging, this criterion can be reached by performing a continuation procedure, starting from a L 2 cost, for which it is easier to provide a good initialization of the underlying optimization algorithm. We shall also study other examples of applications for continuation procedures. Eventually, we will present a robust control algorithm, allowing to reach a target point from a perturbed initial point, following a nominal trajectory while preserving its bang-bang structure. The robustness of a control can be improved introducing needle-like variations, and a criterion to measure the robustness of a trajectory is designed, involving the singular value decomposition of some end-point mapping
Azzouzi, Rachid El. "Contrôle statistique optimal de qualité et cercles de qualité." Aix-Marseille 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987AIX32024.
Full textQuality control is a subject which draws particularly the attention of those concerned with the improvement of the quality of goods and services. The concern of firms for quality results in a constant development of statistical methods as applied to quality control, and presently, every effort is turned towards the finding of optimum methods in this field. Nevertheless, the improvement of a product's or service's quality cannot be the result of quality control alone ; in fact, we need the help of other techniques which may support it in this task. Quality circles have shown their greet success in this field. The study of their contribution to quality is being done with greet care and interest. In short, the combination of the two functions, quality control and quality circles, is very useful in order to succeed in improving the overall quality of goods and services
Guilbaud, Thérèse. "Méthodes numériques pour la commande optimale." Paris 6, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA066167.
Full textEspinosa, Gilles-Edouard. "Méthodes de Contrôle Stochastique pour la Gestion Optimale de Portefeuille." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2010. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00512703.
Full textYakoubi, Youssef. "Deux Méthodes d'Approximation pour un Contrôle Optimal Semi-Décentralisé pour des Systèmes Distribués." Phd thesis, Université de Franche-Comté, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00565898.
Full textVan, Den Berghe François. "Assimilation de mesures satellitaires dans des modèles numériques par méthodes de contrôle optimal." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 1992. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00954478.
Full textHenri, Thibault. "Réduction de modèles par des méthodes de décomposition orthogonale propre." Rennes, INSA, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004ISAR0005.
Full textModelling complex systems leads one to solve problems of very high size numerically, for example in case of finite elements discretization. An alternative consists in using a priori known data to reduce the size of the system to solve. Given the solution u of an evolution problem, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) methods allow one to define a basis of functions from a priori known snapshots u(ti) on which the problem is projected : one speaks of POD-Galerkin methods. This method has been especially implemented in case of fluids mechanics problems. We present a synthesis of POD methods. We show convergence results and estimates in the parabolic case and in the case of general equations in fluids mechanics. The stability of the method is proven. Numerical computations show that the size of systems to solve is very small compared to classical finite elements methods. We present an interesting application to compute the solution of optimal control problems
Martinon, Pierre. "Résolution numérique de problèmes de contrôle optimal par une méthode homotopique simpliciale." Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2005. https://hal.science/tel-04595502.
Full textWe study deals with the numerical resolution of optimal control problems with a low regularity. We primarily use indirect methods, which are both fast and accurate, but suffer from a great sensitiveness to the initialization. This difficulty leads us to introduce a continuation approach, in which we start from a related, but easier to solve problem. The "path following" between the two problems is here implemented with a simplicial method. We first study an orbital transfer problem with payload maximization, then two singular arcs problems. The future perspectives related to this work include in particular the study of state constraints problems, which are difficult to solve with indirect methods. Also, we would like to compare this approach with direct methods, which imply total or partial discretization of the problem
Martinon, Pierre. "Résolution numérique de problèmes de contrôle optimal par une méthode homotopique simpliciale." Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2005. http://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/7406/1/martinon.pdf.
Full textBounaim, Aïcha. "Méthodes de décomposition de domaine : application à la résolution de problèmes de contrôle optimal." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1999. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00004809.
Full textLemonnier, Florian. "Étude du comportement en temps long d'équations aux dérivées partielles par des méthodes probabilistes." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REN1S027/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we are interested in studying ergodic BSDEs, and our main goal is to apply our results to the large time behaviour of some PDEs. First, we prove some results (already known in the case where the underlying SDE has an additive noise) in the case of an underlying multiplicative noise. Then, we introduce a Poisson process and it leads us to the large time behaviour of a system of coupled PDEs. Finally, when the underlying SDE has a Lévy noise, we make a link with partial integro-differential equations. We also apply these equations to solve some optimal control problems
Ben, Zineb Tarik. "Méthodes numériques efficaces pour la valorisation des GMWB." Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012EPXX0091.
Full textMandallena, Michel. "Utilisation de méthodes de contrôle optimal pour résoudre des problèmes liés à la furtivité électromagnétique." Grenoble 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993GRE10160.
Full textBuchot, Jean-Marie. "Stabilisation et contrôle optimal des équations de Prandtl." Toulouse, ENSAE, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ESAE0003.
Full textArada, Nadir. "Contrôle optimal d'équations paraboliques avec contraintes sur l'état : relaxation et stabilité." Toulouse 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997TOU30101.
Full textGiraldi, Laetitia. "Méthodes mathématiques pour l'analyse de la natation à l'échelle microscopique." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00869496.
Full textDallagi, Anès. "Méthodes particulaires en commande optimale stochastique." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00226353.
Full textLa résolution des problèmes d'optimisation stochastique nécessite deux étapes : une étape d'approximation et une étape d'optimisation. Les deux premiers chapitres de ce manuscrit seront consacrées a la partie optimisation. Nous traiterons dans les chapitres qui suivront de l'approximation des problèmes d'optimisation dans l'incertain. Nous commencerons, dans ce manuscrit, (chapitre I) par présenter les problèmes qui seront abordés ; nous nous attarderons surtout sur la représentation de la structure d'information d'un probléme d'optimisation stochastique. Deux principales représentations se dégagent : une représentation algébrique et une représentation fonctionnelle. A partir de la nature de cette structure d'information, nous ferons la typologie des problémes d'optimisation stochastique : boucle ouverte, boucle fermée, information statique ou information dynamique. Le deuxième chapitre (chapitre II) traitera des conditions d'optimalité pour les problèmes de commande optimale stochastique : à partir des représentations algébriques ou fonctionnelles de l'information, nous présenterons des conditions d'optimalité du type Karush-Kuhn-Tucker. Les conditions présentées dans le chapitre II comportent presque invariablement des opérateurs d'espérance conditionnelle. La résolution de ces problèmes impose alors d'approximer ces opérateurs. Nous commencerons dans le chapitre III par motiver notre approche avant de passer à une revue de la littérature des problèmes d'estimation de densité, densité conditionnelle et espérance conditionnelle. Dans le chapitre IV, nous présentons la méthode des élements finis particulaires qui consiste en l'approximation de la structure d'information par une restriction du feedback à une classe donnée a priori de fonctions de base. Différents résultats de convergence et d'erreur asymptotique seront donné. L'avant dernier chapitre (chapitre V) présentera un algorithme chaotique de gradient pour la résolution de problémes d'optimisation stochastique en boucle fermée. Un résultat de convergence, de vitesse ainsi qu'une application numérique seront donnés. Nous nous intéresserons dans le dernier chapitre (chapitre VI) aux aspects numérique de la résolution des problèmes de commande optimale stochastique à partir des difféerentes méthodes présentes dans les chapitres précedents. Nous présenterons diffèrents algorithmes et heuristiques pour résoudre un problème de gestion de production d'un barrage hydro-électrique.
Neveu, Emilie. "Applications des méthodes multigrilles à l'assimilation de données en géophysique." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00693486.
Full textRouot, Jérémy. "Méthodes géométriques et numériques en contrôle optimal et applications au transfert orbital à poussée faible et à la nage à faible nombre de Reynolds." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AZUR4103/document.
Full textThe first part of this work is devoted to the study of the swimming at low Reynolds number where we consider a2-link swimmer to model the motion of a Copepod and the seminal model of the Purcell Three-link swimmer. Wepropose a geometric and numerical approach using optimal control theory assuming that the motion occursminimizing the energy dissipated by the drag fluid forces related with a concept of efficiency of a stroke. TheMaximum Principle is used to compute periodic controls considered as minimizing control using propertransversality conditions, in relation with periodicity, minimizing the energy dissipated for a fixed displacement ormaximizing the efficiency of a stroke. These problems fall into the framework of sub-Riemannian geometry whichprovides efficient techniques to tackle these problems : the nilpotent approximation is used to compute strokeswith small amplitudes which are continued numerically for the true system. Second order optimality, necessary orsufficient, are presented to select weak minimizers in the framework of periodic optimal controls.In the second part, we study the motion of a controlled spacecraft in a central field taking into account thegravitational interaction of the Moon and the oblateness of the Earth. Our purpose is to study the time minimalorbital transfer problem with low thrust. Due to the small control amplitude, our approach is to define anaveraged system from the Maximum Principle and study the related approximations to the non averaged system.We provide proofs of convergence and give numerical results where we use the averaged system to solve the nonaveraged system using indirect method
Fabrini, Giulia. "Numerical methods for optimal control problems with biological applications." Thesis, Paris 6, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA066096/document.
Full textThis thesis is divided in two parts: in the first part we focus on numerical methods for optimal control problems, in particular on the Dynamic Programming Principle and on Model Predictive Control (MPC), in the second part we present some applications of the control techniques in biology. In the first part of the thesis, we consider the approximation of an optimal control problem with an infinite horizon, which combines a first step based on MPC, to obtain a fast but rough approximation of the optimal trajectory and a second step where we solve the Bellman equation in a neighborhood of the reference trajectory. In this way, we can reduce the size of the domain in which the Bellman equation can be solved and so the computational complexity is reduced as well. The second topic of this thesis is the control of the Level Set methods: we consider an optimal control, in which the dynamics is given by the propagation of a one dimensional graph, which is controlled by the normal velocity. A final state is fixed and the aim is to reach the trajectory chosen as a target minimizing an appropriate cost functional. To apply the Dynamic Programming approach we firstly reduce the size of the system using the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the application of control methods in biology. We present a model described by a partial differential equation that models the evolution of a population of tumor cells. We analyze the mathematical and biological features of the model. Then we formulate an optimal control problem for this model and we solve it numerically
Bonalli, Riccardo. "Optimal control of aerospace systems with control-state constraints and delays." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUS388.
Full textIn this work, we address the real-time optimal guidance of launch vehicles with the objective of designing an autonomous algorithm for the prediction of optimal control strategies, based on indirect methods, able to adapt itself to unpredicted changes of the original scenario. To this aim, we first provide an accurate geometric analysis in the presence of mixed control-state constraints to recover a well-posed framework and correctly apply indirect methods. A practical numerical integration of the problem is proposed by efficiently combining indirect methods with homotopy procedures, increasing robustness and computational speed. Moreover, we improve dynamical models by considering delays. More specifically, we introduce a rigorous and well-posed homotopy framework to recover solutions for optimal control problems with delays via indirect methods. All our contributions made possible the development of a fully automatic, independent and self-regulating software, today property of ONERA-The French Aerospace Lab, for general realistic endo-atmospheric launch vehicle applications focused on optimal missile interception scenarios
Orriols, Antonin. "Algorithmes d'optimisation et de contrôle d'interface libre." Phd thesis, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 2006. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00593414.
Full textTan, Xiaolu. "Méthodes de contrôle stochastique pour le problème de transport optimal et schémas numériques de type Monte-Carlo pour les EDP." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00661086.
Full textGreiner, Eric. "Mise en oeuvre de méthodes de contrôle optimal pour l'assimilation de données in situ et satellitaires dans les modèles océaniques." Paris 6, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA066108.
Full textVidard, Arthur. "Vers une prise en compte des erreurs modèles en assimilation de données 4D-variationnelle : application à un modèle réaliste d'océan." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2001. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00325349.
Full textDeux méthodes sont étudiées plus en détail. Premièrement, le Nudging optimal qui consiste en adjoindre au 4D-Var un rappel newtonien de l'état du modèle vers les observations et dont l'amplitude sera estimé par contrôle optimal. D'autre part le " contrôle de l'erreur systématique " considère l'erreur modèle comme étant un terme ne variant pas, ou très peu, dans le temps, ce terme étant également estimé par contrôle.
Dans un premier temps ces méthodes sont appliquées à des cas académiques de modèles simplifiés en assimilant des données simulées. La méthode de contrôle de la part systématique de l'erreur est ensuite appliquée à un modèle d'océan aux équations primitives dans le cadre d'une expérience réaliste afin de valider les bons résultats obtenus pour les configurations académiques.
Gassiat, Paul. "Modélisation du risque de liquidité et méthodes de quantification appliquées au contrôle stochastique séquentiel." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00651357.
Full textJabeur, Mohamed. "Méthodes géometriques en mécanique spatiale et aspects numériques." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00012145.
Full textrecherche sur le contrôle optimal de véhicules spatiaux.
Le premier est consacré au problème du transfert orbital. Le modèle étudié est celui du contrôle en temps minimal d'un satellite que l'on souhaite insérer sur une orbite géostationnaire. Ce type de problème classique a été réactualisé avec l'évolution de la technologie des moteurs à poussée faible et continue. Notre contribution est de deux ordres. Géométrique, tout d'abord, puisqu'on étudie la contrôlabilité du système ainsi que
la géométrie des transferts (structure de la commande) à l'aide d'outils de contrôle géométrique (principe du minimum). Sont ensuite présentés l'algorithme de tir et la méthode de continuation. Ces approches permettent de traiter numériquement le problème du transfert orbital dont la poussée est forte à faible.
Le second concerne le calcul des trajectoires de rentrée
atmosphérique pour la navette spatiale. Le problème
décrivant les trajectoires est de dimension $6,$ le contrôle est l'angle de gîte cinématique ou sa dérivée et le coût est l'intégrale du flux thermique. Par ailleurs, il y a des contraintes sur l'état (flux thermique, accélération normale et pression dynamique). Notre étude est fondée sur l'obtention des conditions nécessaires d'optimalité (principe du minimum avec contraintes sur l'état) applicables à notre cas, sur le calcul des
paramètres $(\eta,\nu,u_b)$ associées à la contrainte sur l'état et sur l'analyse des synthèses optimales au voisinage de la contrainte. Une fois la trajectoire optimale déterminée, on utilise l'algorithme de tir multiple et la méthode de continuation pour les évaluations numériques.
Dhar, Gaurav. "Contributions en théorie du contrôle échantillonné optimal avec contraintes d’état et données non lisses." Thesis, Limoges, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LIMO0050.
Full textThis dissertation is concerned with first-order necessary optimality conditions in the form of a Pontryagin maximum principle (in short, PMP) for optimal sampled-data control problems with free sampling times, running inequality state constraints and nonsmooth Mayer cost functions.Chapter 1 is devoted to notations and basic framework needed to describe the optimal sampled-data control problems to be encountered in the manuscript. In Chapter 2, considering that the sampling times can be freely chosen, we obtain an additional necessary optimality condition in the PMP called the Hamiltonian continuity condition. Recall that the Hamiltonian function, which describes the evolution of the Hamiltonian taking values of the optimal trajectory and of theoptimal sampled-data control, is in general discontinuous when the sampling times are fixed. Our result proves that the continuity of the Hamiltonian function is recovered in the case of optimal sampled-data controls with optimal sampling times. Finally we implement a shooting method based on the Hamiltonian continuity condition in order to numerically determine the optimal sampling times in two linear-quadratic examples.In Chapter 3, we obtain a PMP for optimal sampled-data control problems with running inequality state constraints. In particular we obtain that the adjoint vectors are solutions to Cauchy-Stieltjes problems defined by Borel measures associated to functions of bounded variation. Moreover, we find that, under certain general hypotheses, any admissible trajectory (associated to a sampled-data control) necessarily bounces on the runningine quality state constraints. Taking advantage of this bouncing trajectory phenomen on, we are able to use thePMP to implement an indirect numerical method which we use to numerically solve some simple examples of optimal sampled-data control problems with running inequality state constraints. In Chapter 4, we obtain a PMP for optimal sampled-data control problems with nonsmooth Mayer cost functions. Our proof directly follows from the tools of nonsmooth analysis and does not involve any regularization technique. We determine the existence of a selection in the subdifferential of the nonsmooth Mayer cost function by establishing a more general result asserting the existence a universal separating vector for a given compact convex set. From the application of this result, which is called universal separating vector theorem, we obtain a PMP for optimal sampled-data control problems with nonsmooth Mayer cost functions where the transversality conditon on the adjoint vector is given by an inclusion in the subdifferential of the nonsmooth Mayer cost function.To obtain the optimality conditions in the form of a PMP, we use different techniques of perturbations of theoptimal control. In order to handle the state constraints, we penalize the distance to them in a corresponding cost functional and then apply the Ekeland variational principle. In particular, we invoke some results on renorming Banach spaces in order to ensure the regularity of distance functions in the infinite-dimensional context. Finally we use standard notions in nonsmooth analysis such as the Clarke generalized directional derivative and theClarke subdifferential to study optimal sampled-data control problems with nonsmooth Mayer cost functions
Vidard, Arthur. "Assimilation de données et méthodes adjointes pour la géophysique." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00939130.
Full textBertin, Étienne. "Robust optimal control for the guidance of autonomous vehicles." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022IPPAE012.
Full textThe guidance of a reusable launcher is a control problem that requires both precision and robustness: one must compute a trajectory and a control such that the system reaches the landing zone, without crashing into it or exploding mid-flight, all while using as little fuel as possible. Optimal control methods based on Pontryagin's Maximum Principle can compute an optimal trajectory with great precision, but uncertainties, the discrepancies between estimated values of the initial state and parameters and actual values, cause the actual trajectory to deviate, which can be dangerous. In parallel, set-based methods and notably validated simulation can enclose all trajectories of a system with uncertainties.This thesis combines those two approaches to enclose sets of optimal trajectories of a problem with uncertainties to guarantee the robustness of the guidance of autonomous vehicles.We start by defining sets of optimal trajectories for systems with uncertainties, first for mathematically perfect trajectories, then for the trajectory of a vehicle subject to estimation errors that can use, or not use, sensor information to compute a new trajectory online. Pontryagin's principle characterizes those sets as solutions of a boundary value problem with dynamics subject to uncertainties. We develop algorithms that enclose all solutions of these boundary value problem using validated simulation, interval arithmetic and contractor theory. However, validated simulation with intervals is subject to significant over-approximation that limits our methods. To remedy that we replace intervals by constrained symbolic zonotopes. We use those zonotopes to simulate hybrid systems, enclose the solutions of boundary value problems and build an inner-approximation to complement the classical outer-approximation. Finally, we combine all our methods to compute sets of trajectories for aerospace systems and use those sets to assess the robustness of a control
Fekom, Mathilde. "Sequential Resource Allocation for network diffusion control." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021UPASM008.
Full textThe dynamic containment of an undesired network diffusion process, such as an epidemic, requires a decision maker (DM) to be able to respond to its evo- lution by taking the right control actions at the right moments. This task can be seen as managing the alloca- tion of a limited amount of resources to the graph nodes, with the objective to reduce the effects of the process.In this thesis we extend the Dynamic Resource Alloca- tion (DRA) problem and propose a multi-round dynamic control framework, which we realize through two derived models: the Restricted and the Sequential DRA (RDRA, SDRA). Contrary to the standard full-information and full-access DRA considerations, these new models take into account possible access restrictions regarding the the available information about the network and/or the ability to act on its nodes. At each intervention round, the DM has limited access to information related to a fraction of the nodes, and is also gaining access to act on them in a sequential fashion. The latter sequential as- pect in the decision process offers a completely new per- spective to the dynamic diffusion process control, making this work the first to cast the dynamic control problem as a series of specially designed sequential selection pro- cesses.In the Sequential Selection Problem (SSP), immediate and irrevocable decisions need to be made by the DM as candidate items arrive randomly and get examined for one of the limited selection slots available. For the needs of network diffusion control, what we propose translatesinto selecting the right nodes to allocate the control re- sources in a multi-round sequential process. However, standard SSP variants, such as the very well-known sec- retary problem, begin with an empty selection set (cold- start) and perform the selection process once over a single candidate set (single-round). These two limita- tions are addressed in this thesis. First, we introduce the novel Warm-starting SSP setting that considers hav- ing at hand a reference set, which is a set of previously selected items of a given quality, and tries to update optimally that set while examining the sequence of ar- riving candidates, constrained by being able to update the assignment to each selection slot (resource) at most once. The Multi-round Sequential Selection Process, the new online-within-online problem, is then introduced as a natural extension of the warm-starting selection.Both rank-based and score-based ob jective functions over the final selection are considered. A cutoff-based approach is proposed for the former, while the optimal strategy based on dynamic thresholding is derived for the latter assuming that the score distribution is known. These strategies are then put in comparison for their efficiency in the traditional selection setting as well as in solving network control problems that motivated this thesis. The generality of the introduced models allow their application to a wide variety of fields and problems; for instance, reoccurring recruiting processes, manage- ment of resources (e.g. beds, staff) in healthcare units, as well as tackling difficult combinatorial problems under constrains, such as the b-diversification problem found in data-stream processing applications (e.g. in robotics)
Artiges, Nils. "De l'instrumentation au contrôle optimal prédictif pour la performance énergétique du bâtiment." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAT003/document.
Full textMore efficient energy management of buildings through the use of Model Predictive Control(MPC) techniques is a key issue to reduce the environmental impact of buildings. Buildingenergy performance is currently improved by using renewable energy sources, a betterdesign of the building envelope (insulation) and the use of advanced management systems.The more the design aims for high performance, the more interactions and coupling effectsbetween the building, its environment and the conditions of use are important and unintuitive.Only a more integrated regulation would take in account this complexity, and couldhelp to optimize the consumption without compromising the comfort.Model Predictive Control techniques, based on the use of dynamic models and optimizationmethods, promise a reduction of consumption and discomfort. They can generate energysavings by anticipating the evolution of renewable sources and intermittent needs, while takingadvantage of the building thermal inertia and other storage items. However, in the caseof buildings, obtaining a good dynamic model is tough, due to important uncertainties onmodel parameters and system solicitations.Recent advances in the field of wireless sensor networks are fostering the deployment ofsensors in buildings, and offer a promising opportunity to reduce these errors. Nevertheless,designing a sensor network dedicated to MPC is not obvious, and energy monitoring,instrumentation, modeling and predictive control matters must be considered jointly.This thesis aims at establishing the links between MPC and instrumentation needs inbuildings. We propose a generic method for building modeling, thermal simulation andoptimization. This methodology involves a multi-zone thermal model of the building, andefficient optimization algorithms using an adjoint model and tools from the optimal controltheory. It was implemented in a specific toolbox to develop a predictive control strategywith optimal control phases, state estimation phases and model calibration.At first, we study the formulation and resolution of an optimal control problem. We discussthe differences between such a control and a conventional regulation strategy, throughperformance indicators. Then, we present a state estimation method based on the identificationof unknown internal gains. This estimation method is subsequently coupled with theoptimal control method to form a predictive control strategy.As the parameters values of a building model are often very uncertain, parametric modelcalibration is essential to reduce prediction errors and to ensure the MPC performance. Consequently,we apply our methodology to a calibration technique based on in situ temperaturemeasurements. We also discuss how our approach can lead to selection techniques in orderto choose calibrated parameters and sensors for MPC purposes.Eventually, the predictive control strategy was implemented on an experimental building,at CEA INES, near Chambéry. The entire building was modeled, and the different steps ofthe control strategy were applied sequentially through an online supervisor. This experimentgave us a useful feedback on our methodology on a real case.This thesis is the result of a collaboration between CEA Leti, IFSTTAR Nantes andG2ELab, and is part of the ANR PRECCISION project
Neveu, Émilie. "Application des méthodes multigrilles à l'assimilation variationnelle de données en géophysique." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00574221.
Full textDutto, Rémy. "Méthode à deux niveaux et préconditionnement géométrique en contrôle optimal. Application au problème de répartition de couple des véhicules hybrides électriques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Toulouse (2023-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024TLSEP088.
Full textMotivated by the torque split and gear shift industrial problem of hybrid electric vehicles, this work mainly proposes two new indirect optimal control problem methods. The first one is the Macro-Micro method, which is based on a bilevel decomposition of the optimal control problem and uses Bellman’s value functions at fixed times. These functions are known to be difficult to create. The main idea of this method is to approximate these functions by neural networks, which leads to a hierarchical resolution of a low dimensional optimization problem and a set of independent optimal control problems defined on smaller time intervals. The second one is a geometric preconditioning method, which allows a more efficient resolution of the optimal control problem. This method is based on a geometrical interpretation of the Pontryagin’s co-state and on the Mathieu transformation, and uses a linear diffeomorphism which transforms an ellipse into a circle. These two methods, presented separately, can be combined and lead together to a fast, robust and light resolution for the torque split and gear shift optimal control problem, closer to the embedded requirements
Janin, Gabriel. "Contrôle optimal et applications au transfert d'orbite et à la géométrie presque-riemannienne." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00633197.
Full textPicot, Gautier. "Contrôle optimal géométrique et numérique appliqué au problème de transfert Terre-Lune." Thesis, Dijon, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010DIJOS067/document.
Full textThis PhD thesis provides a numerical study of space trajectories in the Earth-Moon system when low-thrust is applied. Our computations are based on fundamental results from geometric control theory. The spacecraft's motion is modelled by the equations of the controlled restricted three-body problem. We focus on minimizing energy cost and transfer time. Optimal trajectories are found among a set of extremal curves, solutions of the Pontryagin's maximum principle, which can be computed solving a shooting equation thanks to a Newton algorithm. In this framework, initial conditions are found using homotopic methods or studying the linearized control system. We check local optimality of the trajectories using the second order optimality conditions related to the concept of conjugate points. In the case of the energy minimization problem, we also describe the principle of approximating Earth-Moon optimal transfers by concatening optimal keplerian trajectories around The Earth and the Moon and an energy-minimal solution of the linearized system in the neighbourhood of the equilibrium point L1
Sebesta, Kenneth. "Optimal observers and optimal control : improving car efficiency with Kalman et Pontryagin." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00935177.
Full textChupin, Maxime. "Interplanetary transfers with low consumption using the properties of the restricted three body problem." Thesis, Paris 6, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA066307/document.
Full textThe first objective of this work is to understand the dynamical properties of the circular restricted three body problem in order to use them to design low consumption missions for spacecrafts with a low thrust engine. A fundamental property is the existence of invariant manifolds associated with periodic orbits around Lagrange points. Following the Interplanetary Transport Network concept, invariant manifolds are very useful to design spacecraft missions because they are gravitational currents. A large part of this work is devoted to designing a numerical method that performs an optimal transfer between invariant manifolds. The cost we want to minimize is the $L^{1}$-norm of the control which is equivalent to minimizing the consumption of the engines. We also consider the $L^{2}$-norm of the control which is easier to minimize numerically. The numerical methods are indirect ones coupled with different continuations on the thrust, on the cost, and on the final state, to provide robustness. These methods are based on the application of the Pontryagin Maximum Principal. The algorithms developed in this work allow for the design of real life missions such as missions between the realms of libration points. The basic idea is to initialize a multiple shooting method with an admissible trajectory that contains controlled parts (local transfers) and uncontrolled parts following the natural dynamics (invariant manifolds). The methods developed here are efficient and fast (less than a few minutes to obtain the whole optimal trajectory). Finally, we develop a hybrid method, with both direct and indirect methods, to adjust the position of the matching points on the invariant manifolds for missions with large energy gaps. The gradient of the value function is given by the values of the costates at the matching points and does not require any additional computation. Hence, the implementation of the gradient descent is easy
Gagnon, Ludovick. "Etude de l'équation de Korteweg-de Vries en variables lagrangiennes et sa contrôlabilité, stabilisation rapide d'une équation de Schrödinger et méthodes spectrales pour le calcul du contrôle optimal." Thesis, Paris 6, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA066395/document.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the Lagrangian controllability and the analysis of the particle trajectories for the Korteweg-de Vries equation, to the rapid stabilization problem of the bilinear Schrödinger equation and to the convergence of the numerical controls of the wave equation. In the first part, we prove that the N-solitons solution of the Korteweg-de Vries equation allows one to move the particles outside an arbitrarily long domain in an arbitrarily small time. A higher approximation of the velocity field associated to the N-soliton is also presented, allowing to recover a typical property of solitary waves: the higher the particle is located in the fluid, the greater its displacement. These results are of a nonlinear nature since there exists no linear approximation of solitons. In the second part, inspired by the backstepping method, the rapid stabilization of a linearized Schrödinger equation is obtained. The proof consists to prove the invertibility of a transformation mapping the equation to stabilize to a stable linearized Schrödinger equation. The key ingredient of this proof is the introduction of a uniqueness condition. In the last part, a spectral filter, a mixed method and the Nitsche's method are proposed as a remedy to the lack of uniformness of the discrete observability constant for the Legendre-Galerkin semi-discretization of the wave equation. A numerical study of the convergence of the numerical controls is also presented
Nodet, Maëlle. "Problèmes inverses pour l'environnement : outils, méthodes et applications." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00930102.
Full textSimon, Ehouarn. "Assimilation variationnelle de données pour des modèles emboîtés." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00194593.
Full textMoubachir, Marwan. "Contrôle des phénomènes d'interaction fluide-structure, application à la stabilité aéroélastique." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, 2002. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00350505.
Full textCellier, Loïc. "Evitement de conflits aériens par une régulation subliminale en vitesse : modélisation & résolution via le contrôle optimal." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOU30194.
Full textThe purpose of this doctoral thesis is to study models and solution techniques based on optimal control approaches to address air tra_c management problems. Motivated by the growth of air tra_c volume, and by the advances in optimal control theory, this research works focus on analysing aircraft conflict avoidance problem. This study allows development of new approaches and algorithms to help air tra_c controllers. In the framework of air tra_c management, to ensure the minimum safety distances between aircraft, in tactical phases and en-route flight configurations, this thesis focusses on a subliminal velocity regulation strategy to perform the separation, while preserving the aircraft predefined trajectories. A numerical optimal control solution approach as the direct shooting method, wherein involves a total or partial discretization of the problem, transforms the initial problem into a large scale nonlinear programming problem. This kind of methods could generate large-size optimization problems which are numerically di_cult to solve. Depending on the number of variables which involved, this approaches could be too expensive in terms of computation time. Moreover, the state-variables constraints of the problem lead to numerical di_culties, e.g., considering the indirect numerical shooting method. Tailored on aircraft conflict avoidance problems, a detection and a determination of a priori conflict zones allow the decomposition of the optimal control problem into sub-problems, easier to solve than the original one. Solving the o_-zones sub-problems can be addressed using the Pontryagin maximum principle, which allows in this case directly the solution. A combination of direct numerical shooting method and application of conditions of Pontryagin's maximum principle is proposed, and numerical experiments validate this approach
Nahayo, Fulgence. "Modèle mathématique d'optimisation non-linéaire du bruit des avions commerciaux en approche sous contrainte énergétique." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00855690.
Full textMaamria, Djamaleddine. "Méthodes d’optimisation dynamique de systèmes à plusieurs états pour l'efficacité énergétique automobile." Thesis, Paris, ENMP, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ENMP0024/document.
Full textEnergy management system (EMS) for hybrid vehicles consists on determining the power split between the different energy sources in order to minimize the overall fuel consumption and/or pollutant emissions of the vehicle. The objective of this thesis is to develop an EMS taking into account the internal temperatures (engine temperature and/or catalyst temperature). In a first part and using a prior knowledge of vehicle driving cycle, the EMS design is formulated as an optimal control problem. Then, the PMP is used to solve this optimization problem. Based on the obtained numerical results, some trade-off between performance of the control strategy and complexity of the model used to calculate this strategy is established. The various problems studied in this thesis are examples of successive model simplifications which can be recast in the concept of regular perturbations in optimal control under input constraints discussed here. In a second part, the feedback law of ECMS is generalized to include thermal dynamics. This defines sub-optimal feedback strategies which we have tested numerically and experimentally
Guillon, Thomas. "Modélisation mathématique, simulation numérique et contrôle optimal des rétroactions entre biomécanique et croissance de l'arbre." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON20142/document.
Full textHeight is a major ecological trait for growing trees, representing the intensity for light competition. Moreover, tree height results from a trade-off between different functions, including tree mechanical stability. Trees develop growth strategies to maintain their vertical orientation and mechanical stability, in addition to other ecophysiological functions, through differential primary growth near the shoot apical meristem and formation of reaction wood during secondary growth. However, this coupling is a problematic issue since the progressive addition of new material on an existing deformed body makes the definition of a reference configuration unclear. This thesis presents a new mathematical framework for rod theory modelling simultaneously the interactions between the growth process and tree biomechanics. In order to solve the obtained system of partial differential equations, new numerical methods are developed and take into account the dependence between space and time, which is a specific feature of surface growth problems. Finally, the present work addresses the mathematical formulation of two optimal control problems characterising tree's growth strategies. Growth strategies are analysed with respect to the ecological context, through two variables, which are the ratio of biomass allocated to primary growth and the distribution of biomass allocated to secondary growth along the growing stem. This work gives new insights to the mathematical framework of surface growth mechanics and its applications in biology
Fourestey, Gilles. "Simulation numérique et contrôle optimal d'intéractions fluide incompressible / structure par une méthode de Lagrange-Galerkin d'ordre 2 : Applications aux ouvrages d'art." Marne-la-vallée, ENPC, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ENPC0224.
Full textBenhidjeb, Ali. "Contribution à l'étude de la commande d'un système de type pont roulant : comparaison expérimentale des méthodes analytiques et floues." Mulhouse, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995MULH0370.
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