Academic literature on the topic 'Méthodes d'apprentissage de la lecture'
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Journal articles on the topic "Méthodes d'apprentissage de la lecture"
Chardon, Saint-Cyr, and Jacques Baille. "Soutien en lecture : prise en compte des méthodes d'apprentissage." Revue française de pédagogie 139, no. 1 (2002): 81–95.
Full textGermain, Bruno. "Le choix d'une méthode d'apprentissage de la lecture." Le Débat 135, no. 3 (2005): 188.
Full textMcDonald, Lynn. "Systems Science in Health—Social Services for the Elderly and the Disabled. C. Tilquin (ed.) Systems Science Press Offices, Montreal, Que. 1983, pp. 884." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 6, no. 4 (1987): 329–33.
Full textFlores-Espejo, Julia. "Vivencia de Aprendizaje sobre Significados de Naturaleza de la Ciencia en un Postgrado: Mirada Fenomenológica." GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, no. 37 (December 1, 2018): 191–220.
Full textPaquette, Gilbert. "L’ingénierie des interactions dans les systèmes d’apprentissage." Articles 25, no. 1 (October 17, 2007): 135–61.
Full textValdois, Sylviane. "Evaluation des difficultés d'apprentissage de la lecture." Revue française de linguistique appliquée XV, no. 1 (2010): 89.
Full textDeshaies, Laurent. "L’apprentissage de la géographie au Québec selon les manuels de pédagogie (1850-1983)." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 43, no. 120 (April 12, 2005): 585–603.
Full textKessler, Rémy, Juan Manuel Torres-Moreno, and Marc El-Bèze. "Classification automatique de courriers électroniques par des méthodes mixtes d'apprentissage." Ingénierie des systèmes d'information 11, no. 2 (April 24, 2006): 93–112.
Full textBaudrit, Alain. "La formation des enseignants aux méthodes d'apprentissage coopératif : perspectives internationales." Savoirs 14, no. 2 (2007): 73.
Full textLIH, Abderrahim. "Vers un nouveau modèle de pédagogie." Journal of Quality in Education 7, no. 10 (December 12, 2017): 8.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Méthodes d'apprentissage de la lecture"
Doré-Mazars, Karine. "Le fonctionnement du système saccadique pendant la lecture : la programmation de la saccade vers un mot." Paris 5, 1996.
Full textThe goal of this thesis is to study the relationships between language perception and saccade computation during reading. In particular, we try to demonstrate how different integration levels of word information influence landing position in isolated words. The results illustrate the time course of word-information integration, starting with physical variables, until abstract variables such as lexical representation. The level of word information integration depends on saccade latency. In the earlier phases, representation in parafoveal vision is pre-lexical : orthographic irregularities modify the center of gravity of the word, initially determined by the word length. In the later phases, the landing position depends on the lexical information carried by the initial letters of the word that is presented in parafoveal vision. This work shows that landing position in words is a function of word global properties and also depends on the orthographic and lexical properties of linguistic stimuli
Maisonneuve, Luc. "Apprentissage de la lecture : méthodes et manuels." Rennes 2, 2001.
Full text@This research focuses on the analysis of the eleven learning to read textbooks the most sold in France in 1999. Method and objectives : through the analysis of the pedagogical approach and the scientific and/or empirical rationale opf these eleven learning to read textbooks, this research aims at understanding their success by finding out how the take into account and reconcile pedagogical aspects, research findings, official guide-lines and economic constraints. Part one : A review of learning to read. What does reading mean ? (current description, brief historical account), existing konwledge (learning to speak, the debate about-pre-requisites- phonological conscience, knowledge about the written language, vocabulary) ; the relationship to learning (cultural differences, teacher effect) ; learning to read ? (main current models, reading-writting relations, learning problems). Part two : the various methodologi cal approaches to learning to read ; the role of initial and in-service training in teacher education. Part three ; analysis of the selected eleven textbooks from four angles : definitions and references about reading and learning to read, aims and assessment (pedagogical guide-lines and teacher books) teaching approach, semantic and axiological (pupil's books, exercise-books). Results ; If, on the one hand, this research can only make conjectures about the reasons of the success of these eleven textbooks (importance of the pedagogical aids, lack of training, routine, relationship with families), then the other hand, it evinces large similarities in the teachning approaches (in spite of the sometimes widely differing conceptions put forward) : stereotyped reading lessons, lack of definition of the reading act, absence of aims, teachers and texts no longer in the foreground, constant use of games, key role of pictures
Juanéda-Albarède, Christiane. "L'enfant et l'apprentissage de la lecture en France, au XIXe siècle : lecture et compréhension." Paris 5, 1990.
Full textHundreds of reading methods were conceived in France in the 19th century| how can we explain this phenomenon? There are political, economical and social factors as well as psychological and human ones which explain this widespread desire to improve the current practices beside ways considered by some as means, some authors suggest more important changes of the methods themselves. M. A. Peigne, for instance, emphasizing the fact that understanding what he reads is fundamental for a child, provokes what prost qualifies as a pedagogical "revolution" but in the 18th century, N. Adam's method of "mots entiers" gave importance to the notion that a child must understand what he reads. Nevertheless, such a method was reserved to private tutoring whereas with Peigne. In 1831, those ideas are applied to all school children. A few years before Peigne, two authors, orgeret and jacotot had used the theory of "mots entiers" a high number of methods throughout the 19th century give to a certain extent , an important place to reading and understanding but only nime of them among the 562 listed begin by "mots entiers" from the very first lessons. On the one hand peigne's method and on the other hand the analytic methods, a double "revolution" in the 19th century occurs in reading practises, one seems to be adapted to the teaching of read. In of that period, the other totally modify the current practises. Though the methoddology of "mots entiers" does not become current practise. The idea makes it way
Devaux, Jean-Michel. "Acquisition de la lecture : du maître à l'élève : représentation des maitres du cycle 2 sur la lecture et pratiques rémédiatives." Nantes, 2001.
Full textViriot-Goeldel, Caroline. "Aider l'apprenti lecteur en difficulté à l'école primaire : une perspective comparée : essai d'analyse théorique et praxéologique des processus d'aide dans les classes de l'enseignement primaire en France, au Québec et dans le Bade-Wurtemberg." Lyon 2, 2006.
Full textThis research follows the curriculum of first and second-grade classes in France, Germany (Baden-Württemberg) and Canada (Quebec) through regular interviews with their teachers and observation in reading remedial instruction. It analyses the detection of reading difficulties and the development of reading recovery programs from an organisational as well as from a didactical point of view. The comparison of the different strategies allows the discovery of strengths and weaknesses of each school system and suggests appropriate responses to effective intervention
Guimarães, Thomazi Aurea Regina. "L'enseignant de l'école élémentaire et le curriculum de la lecture : enquête à Belo Horizonte (Brésil)." Paris 5, 2005.
Full textThis research paper is aimed at the reading practices developed by teachers, preliminary school, in Brazil. We try to know the possibilities of reader formation at school and we focus our analysis on the making up of a reading curriculum for every teacher, based upon their declarations concerning the types of texts they use, activities engaged at the classrooms and at the library of the class or school. We then analyse other aspects concerning the teacher : his background, his beliefs in shaping a student reader, his workday, his planning, and above all his personal relationship with reading, at childhood, as a teenager and today. Or theoretical framework is based on the sociology of teachers, the sociology of curriculum and the sociology of reading. The methodology is grounded on interviews, answers to written questions and documents, handled through content analysis
Delpierre-Sahuc, Marie-Elisabeth. "De l'apprenti-lecteur au producteur habile : méthode de lecture et orthographe : quels liens?" Paris 3, 2008.
Full textA correlation between the writing performance of elementary classes’ students and the reading method used in the “CP” class was underlined in 2000 (Master’s study). The purpose of the present research is to confirm this impact and to describe the development of writing automatisms and psycho-cognitive process evolution, which are both essential for the writing processing, in reading and spelling. The students’ longitudinal follow up, from the CP to the CM2, shows that the CP teaching may have a positive impact on establishing the writing processes and the performances of young readers and writers. Certain types of errors in dictation, copy work and essay can be observed until the CM2. Three methods have been analysed: the “dumb dictations” inspired by M. Montessori, the Freinet Natural method and the AFL Protocol, which differ in their theoretical, educational and linguistic bases. They are compared with the mixed, analytic and synthetic approaches. The results show that one of the essential teachings is the teaching of the grapho-phonological code, which settles reading skills and facilitates the control of spelling set of rules. The research underlines a “teacher’s practice” effect for the mixed methods restricted to reading’s teaching in the CP class and a “method” effect for those approaches which organize the teaching on all three cycles of primary school. The results show the necessity of an efficient textual activity, in order to develop the writing skills. The observed trends show a less effect of the socio-cultural environment on the performances of those cohorts which have received a phonologically based learning of letter-sound rules
Haidar, Rouba. "Élaboration et test d’un programme de remédiation aux difficultés en lecture au Cours Préparatoire." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2015.
Full textOur first objective in this study, carried out with Year 2 pupils, was to identify the least well- mastered skills relating to the identification of words and the comprehension of a text using a grid of basic skills established by the Ministry of Education. The second objective was to create and test the effectiveness of a remedial program based on training in the process of learning to read in Year 2, and reading comprehension skills (anaphora and inference) adapted for six-year-old pupils with difficulties. The number of pupils taking part in the study was 61: 42 in the two trial groups and 19 in the control group. Our study showed that on the one hand, students the students in the two trial groups made better progress than the control group in 8 out of the 10 skills. On the other hand, progress made by pupils lasted over a period of time and the intervention program showed itself to be equally successful for girls as for boys
Gaguet, Laurent. "Attitudes mentales et planification en intelligence artificielle : modélisation d'un agent rationnel dans un environnement multi-agents." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2000.
Full textVinter, Patricia. "Est-il possible et souhaitable d’enseigner la technique de la lecture indépendamment de sa finalité ? : elaboration d'une méthode de lecture qui différencie le décodage de la compréhension en phase d’apprentissage explicite et sa mise à l'épreuve en éducation prioritaire." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2015.
Full textSchool failure continues to increase in France, as well as the gap between the lowest and highest performing pupils (PISA 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012). Reading is a complex activity that requires mastering conjointly two skills, word identification and meaning understanding. Word identification is the main cause of reading difficulty: the code that binds oral and written information must be understood as being based on conventions, and the pupils who cannot access to symbols encounter difficulties in this understanding. In the present work, we have developed a new learning device that makes clear to children the relationships between oral and written syllables. This device comprises a representation of the writing system and material that enables to manipulate phonogrammes. To this end, we have included an additional step within a reading and writing method, the identification of pseudo-words, that is to say, of “signifieds” (plausible words) without “signifiers” (no corresponding referee or meaning). In order not to neglect the understanding dimension at the beginning of the learning phase, oral stories were presented to the children. They were extracted from an album of 30 chapters in which the heroine, a young witch, attributes meaning to these pseudo-words through her magic spells. In the training phase, the pseudo-words (associated with its signifier) are presented inside various reading - identification and understanding - and writing activities. Our specific training had the expected positive effects in unselected grade 1 elementary pupils from areas of prioritary education. These effects concerned mainly the identification and production of words, without adverse effects in other aspects of writing
Books on the topic "Méthodes d'apprentissage de la lecture"
Auteur, Usséglio Mireille, Chauveau, Gérard. Directeur de la publication, Malausséna, Philippe (1959-....). Illustrations / Graphisme, Saviozzi, Gianni. Illustrations / Graphisme, and Prince, Hélène (1960-....; illustratrice). Illustrations / Graphisme, eds. Mika: Méthode interactive d'apprentissage de la lecture : CP, cycle des apprentissages fondamentaux. Paris: RETZ, 1995.
Find full textLecture rapide. 3rd ed. Montréal, Québec: Les Éditions Québec-Livres, une société de Québecor média, 2013.
Find full textDumont, Laure. Globale ou B.A.-BA: Que cache la guerre des méthodes d'apprentissage de la lecture? Paris: Laffont, 2006.
Find full textNathalie, Michaud, ed. Plaisir d'apprendre: Activités d'apprentissage en lecture, écriture et mathématiques. Montréal, Qué: Éditions de la Chenelière, 1999.
Find full text1962-, Moser Joan, ed. La méthode CAFÉ: Engager les élèves dans un processus d'évaluation quotidien pour un enseignement efficace. Montréal: Modulo, 2011.
Find full textValérie, Migata, ed. Mieux connaître ses lecteurs: Méthodes d'analyse. 2nd ed. Paris: Victoires éditions, 2005.
Find full textBernstein, Rosella. Sound out!: Ready-to-use phonics activities for special children. West Nyack, N.Y: Center for Applied Research in Education, 1993.
Find full text200 activités ouvertes d'apprentissage pour l'école primaire. Victoriaville, Québec: Éditions Contreforts, 2002.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Méthodes d'apprentissage de la lecture"
Barron, Brigid, and Linda Darling-Hammond. "Perspectives et défis des méthodes d'apprentissage par investigation." In Comment apprend-on ?, 213–40. OECD, 2010.
Full text"3 Méthodes de lecture." In Altérité et identité dans les « histoires anglaises » au XVIIIe siècle, 151–69. Brill | Rodopi, 2016.
Full textSalmi, Louis-Rachid. "Comment organiser la section Méthodes?" In Lecture Critique et Communication Médicale Scientifique, 64–68. Elsevier, 2012.
Full textSalmi, Louis Rachid. "Comment organiser la section « Méthodes » ?" In Lecture Critique et Communication en Sciences de la Santé, 65–68. Elsevier, 2021.
Full textSalmi, Louis-Rachid. "Les méthodes d'analyse sont-elles adéquates?" In Lecture Critique et Communication Médicale Scientifique, 143–46. Elsevier, 2012.
Full textSalmi, Louis-Rachid. "Quels pièges éviter dans la section Méthodes?" In Lecture Critique et Communication Médicale Scientifique, 69–72. Elsevier, 2012.
Full textSalmi, Louis Rachid. "Les méthodes d’analyse sont-elles adéquates ?" In Lecture Critique et Communication en Sciences de la Santé, 137–39. Elsevier, 2021.
Full textSalmi, Louis Rachid. "Quels pièges éviter dans la section « Méthodes » ?" In Lecture Critique et Communication en Sciences de la Santé, 69–71. Elsevier, 2021.
Full textBourghelle, David, and Olivier Brandouy. "12. Sensitivité des marchés financiers aux informations macroéconomiques : une lecture conventionnaliste." In L'économie des conventions, méthodes et résultats, 209–26. La Découverte, 2006.
Full textDonahue, Christiane. "L’écrit universitaire comme objet de recherche : méthodes et enjeux pour une lecture analytique." In Les méthodes de recherche en didactiques, 99–110. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2006.
Full textReports on the topic "Méthodes d'apprentissage de la lecture"
Lacroix, Guy, and William Arbour. Renoncer à la liberté. Comprendre les choix des détenus en matière de libération conditionnelle. CIRANO, February 2024.
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