Academic literature on the topic 'Méthode par propagation de dérivées'
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Journal articles on the topic "Méthode par propagation de dérivées"
Mnasri, Aida, and Ezzeddine Hadj Taieb. "Simulation numérique par éléments finis des écoulements transitoires à surface libre." La Houille Blanche, no. 5-6 (December 2019): 81–92.
Full textZella, L., A. Kettab, and G. Chasseriaux. "Modélisation des réseaux de microirrigation." Revue des sciences de l'eau 17, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 49–68.
Full textTHIAM, Moustapha, Amadou Yacine DIATTA, Salmon FAYE, Cheikh Tidiane SALL, and Assane TOURÉ. "Analyse des difficultés liées à l’usage des mathématiques dans l’étude de la Cinématique par des élèves en classe de terminale scientifique." Liens, revue internationale des sciences et technologies de l'éducation 1, no. 7 (December 15, 2024): 165–77.
Full textSemeki Ngabinzeke, Jean, Mikhail Pitchugin, Julie Linchant, Cédric Vermeulen, Jean-Marie Kahindo Muhongya, and Philippe Lejeune. "Une méthode simple et rapide pour l’évaluation de statistiques d’occupation du sol à l’aide d’images à très haute résolution acquises par mini-drone." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 335 (March 15, 2018): 15.
Full textMichael, RALIJAONA Ahazia, RAKOTOVAO Ndimbinarimalala Philémon, RALIJAONA Mbolahasina Soanandrianina, and RATIARISON Adolphe Andriamanga. "Simulation Numérique De La Propagation Des Vagues Franchissant Un Obstacle Et Modélisation Des Résultats Obtenus Par Réseau De Neurones Et Neuro-Flou." International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 34, no. 2 (October 5, 2022): 15.
Full textNubukpo, P. "SFRP - Relaxations psychothérapiques et innovations." European Psychiatry 29, S3 (November 2014): 674.
Full textAnsart, Guillaume. "Condorcet, science et démocratie." Lumières N° 42, no. 2 (November 13, 2023): 33–49.
Full textSimonetto, Elisabeth, Frédéric Durand, Laurent Morel, Jean-Luc Froger, and Joëlle Nicolas. "InSAR tropospheric correction combining GNSS data and a global atmospheric model." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 217-218 (September 21, 2018): 3–9.
Full textBOHEAS, M. A., and V. MARTIN. "Etude de la propagation dans un fluide par la méthode des volumes finis." Le Journal de Physique IV 04, no. C5 (May 1994): C5–725—C5–728.
Full textMunoz, Alain. "EVALUATION PAR VALIDATION INDEPENDANTE DES PREDICTIONS DES PARAMETRES FORESTIERS REALISEES A PARTIR DE DONNEES LIDAR AEROPORTE." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection 1, no. 211-212 (December 6, 2015): 81–92.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Méthode par propagation de dérivées"
Thiam, Ngueye. "Simulation des ondes lumineuses par une combinaison de la méthode de propagation par faisceaux et d'une discrétisation par éléments finis." Thesis, Université Laval, 2006.
Full textRedon, Emmanuel. "Etude de la propagation acoustique en espace confiné en présence d'écoulement non isotherme par la méthode des éléments finis." Poitiers, 1996.
Full textFritsch, Jean-François. "Propagation des ondes dans les guides partiellement enfouis : résolution du problème direct et imagerie par méthode de type échantillonnage." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2023.
Full textThis work is about the non destructive testing of partially buried or immersed slendered structures such as a steel cable partially buried in concrete or a steel plate partially immersed in liquid sodium. Such structures can be seen as the junction of two closed waveguides. In order to perform computing, the open part of the structure is truncated in the transverse direction with PMLs. As a result, a partially buried waveguide can be treated as the junction of two closed waveguides, in one of which the propagation of waves is governed by an equation involving complex coefficients due to the presence of the PMLs. This observation has lead us to tackle first the simpler case of the junction of two closed acoustic waveguides. For this simple case, we have proposed a strategy to solve the inverse problems based on the one hand on the introduction of the so-called reference fields, which are the total field response of the structure without defects to an incident field coming frome both half-guides, and on the other hand on the use of the reciprocity of the Green function of the structure without defect. Following this strategy, we have obtained an efficient modal formulation of the LSM which has enabled us to retrieve defects. In this simple case, we have taken advantage of the completeness of the modes to analyze the forward and inverse problems. The loss of the completeness of the modes in the half-guide truncated in the transverse direction with PMLs has led us to study the forward problem with Kondratiev theory. The tools introduced for the junction of two closed waveguides have been adapted to solve the inverse problem. Finally, we have tackled the more complex, but more realsitic case of an elastic waveguide partially immersed in a fluid. For this difficult case, we have developped adapted computing tools adapted and extended the tools introduced before solving the inverse problem
Lods, Guillaume. "Modélisation et utilisation de la compliance des robots continus : application aux robots à tubes concentriques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.
Full textFirst developed to automate production in manufacturing industries, robots are now used to assist surgical procedures. Flexible and highly miniaturizable continuum robots, allowing for the reduction of patient trauma, have raised significant interest in this field. Their study has then become an active research field. Most control algorithms developed for these robots are based on literal models derived from the Cosserat theory. This thesis reconsiders the concept of compliance for continuum robots by introducing the concept of generalized compliance matrix. This matrix is computed using a “low-level derivative propagation method” specifically designed for efficient computation. This concept of generalized compliance is then applied to estimate the interaction forces between the robot and its environment, a crucial issue for guaranteeing safe interventions. In this thesis, the contributions described for continuum robots are systematically transferred to the concentric tubes robots through simulations and experimental studies
Sayari, Sayed. "Etude numérique de quelques équations aux dérivées partielles par la méthode discontinue de Galerkin." Cergy-Pontoise, 2010.
Full textIn this thesis we are interested to solve numerically some equations in partial derivative by the discontinuous Galerkin method. Initially we present a new version of the DG method to solve the scalar conservation laws numerically. This method was tested on linear problems, in particular the transport equation then it is adapted to a nonlinear problem models being presented by the Burgers’equation. It leads to theoretically and numerically satisfying results, the schemes introduced in this method are convergeant. Several numerical tests are given and they were pilot of the reliability of this method. Encouraging results are obtained. In the second part, we present one DG formulation for the resolution of a model problem which derives from Maxwell’s equations. Theoretical results of existence and uniqueness of the discrete solution are proved, as well as the convergence of the formulation with respect to the mesh size of the discretization. The formulation introduced here is also tested numerically and confirm theoretical results obtained
Thivant, Michael. "Modélisation de la propagation acoustique par la méthode du potentiel d'intensité." Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2003.
Full textThivant, Michaël. "Modélisation de la propagation acoustique par la méthode du potentiel d'intensité." Lyon, INSA, 2003.
Full textA new prediction method for acoustics is proposed for the mid and high frequency range: the intensity potential approach (IPA) is based on the local power balance. The use of a finite element model respects the geometry with accuracy. A thermal conductivity analogy permits the use of existing solvers, with graphical pre-processing and post-processing tools. The use of the intensity potential avoids the "Fourier's Law" assumption relating energy and intensity, for which no evidence has been found yet in the general case. The irrotationnal intensity is computed, giving local information on acoustic energy paths, during the conception stage of industrial products. Free field pressure computation is also provided. The intensity potential approach has been validated on the full-scale mock-up of the engine compartment of a truck, by comparison with measured transfer functions and with a boundary element model. The source power in its environment is measured
Derible, Serge. "Caractérisation complète des résonances acoustiques par une nouvelle méthode fondée sur le diagramme d'Argand." Le Havre, 1995.
Full textSigal, Hervé. "Propriétés photophysiques de phases colonnaires formées par des dérivées du triphénylène." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 1997.
Full textKamoun, Fathallah Ines. "Etude de quelques propriétés des équations aux dérivées partielles : propagation des singularités, identification du potentiel et stabilisation." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2009.
Full textThis thesis consists of three parts. The purpose, of the first part, is to define a general geometry of the analytic wavefront set, in order to study the microlocal singularity of solutions to the Schrödinger equation with high power. In the second part, we study, in dimension n> or =3, the inverse problem of determining the potential q of the Schrödinger equation from infinity measurements on any open subset of the boundary. Provided that q is known in a neighborhood of the boundary, we prove the logarithmic stability estimate. The last part is devoted to the study of a coupled system consisting in a wave and heat equations coupled through transmission condition along a steady interface. This system is a linearized model for fluid-structure interaction introduced by Rauch, Zhang and Zuazua for a simple transmission condition and by Zhang and Zuazua for a natural transmission condition. Using an abstract Theorem of Burq and a new Carleman estimate shown near the interface, we complete the results obtained by Zhang and Zuazua and by Duyckaerts. We show, without any geometric restriction, a logarithmic decay result
Books on the topic "Méthode par propagation de dérivées"
Coulon, Joseph. Sur l'intégration des Équations Aux dérivées Partielles du Second Ordre Par la Méthode des Caractéristiques ... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.
Find full textSur l'intégration des équations Aux dérivées Partielles du Second Ordre Par la Méthode des Caractéristiques. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Méthode par propagation de dérivées"
MOËS, Nicolas. "Méthodes des éléments finis étendus (XFEM) et des level sets épaisses (TLS)." In Modélisation numérique en mécanique fortement non linéaire, 275–307. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Méthode par propagation de dérivées"
Blanchard, C., J. A. Porti, J. A. Morente, and A. Salinas. "Un algorithme pour l'excitation d'un milieu diélectrique infini par une onde plane en incidence non-perpendiculaire avec la méthode TLM." In 2006 First European Conference on Antennas and Propagation Conference. IEEE, 2006.
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