Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Méthode du domaine fréquentiel'
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Bonnasse-Gahot, Marie. "Simulation de la propagation d'ondes élastiques en domaine fréquentiel par des méthodes Galerkine discontinues." Thesis, Nice, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015NICE4125/document.
Full textThe scientific context of this thesis is seismic imaging which aims at recovering the structure of the earth. As the drilling is expensive, the petroleum industry is interested by methods able to reconstruct images of the internal structures of the earth before the drilling. The most used seismic imaging method in petroleum industry is the seismic-reflection technique which uses a wave equation model. Seismic imaging is an inverse problem which requires to solve a large number of forward problems. In this context, we are interested in this thesis in the modeling part, i.e. the resolution of the forward problem, assuming a time-harmonic regime, leading to the so-called Helmholtz equations. The main objective is to propose and develop a new finite element (FE) type solver characterized by a reduced-size discrete operator (as compared to existing such solvers) without hampering the accuracy of the numerical solution. We consider the family of discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods. However, as classical DG methods are much more expensive than continuous FE methods when considering steady-like problems, because of an increased number of coupled degrees of freedom as a result of the discontinuity of the approximation, we develop a new form of DG method that specifically address this issue: the hybridizable DG (HDG) method. To validate the efficiency of the proposed HDG method, we compare the results that we obtain with those of a classical upwind flux-based DG method in a 2D framework. Then, as petroleum industry is interested in the treatment of real data, we develop the HDG method for the 3D elastic Helmholtz equations
Demailly, David. "Etude du comportement non-linéaire dans le domaine fréquentiel --- Application à la dynamique rotor." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00587168.
Full textBloch, M. "Algorithme de réconciliation et méthodes de distribution quantique de clés adaptées au domaine fréquentiel." Phd thesis, Université de Franche-Comté, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00373723.
Full textBloch, Matthieu. "Algorithme de réconciliation et méthodes de distribution quantique de clés adaptées au domaine fréquentiel." Phd thesis, Université de Franche-Comté, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00203634.
Full textNous avons proposé un système de distribution quantique de clés par photons uniques exploitant un véritable codage en fréquence de l'information. Cette nouvelle méthode de codage permet de s'affranchir de dispositifs interférométriques et offre donc une grande robustesse. Un démonstrateur basé sur des composants optiques intégrés standard a été réalisé et a permis de valider expérimentalement le principe de codage. Nous avons ensuite étudié un système mettant en oeuvre un protocole de cryptographie quantique par « variables continues », codant l'information sur l'amplitude et la phase d'états cohérents. Le dispositif proposé est basé sur un multiplexage fréquentiel du signal porteur d'information et d'un oscillateur local.
Les débits atteints par les systèmes de distribution de clés ne sont pas uniquement limités par des contraintes technologiques, mais aussi par l'efficacité des protocoles de réconciliation utilisés. Nous avons proposé un algorithme de réconciliation de variables continues efficace, basé sur des codes LDPC et permettant d'envisager de réelles distributions de clés à haut débit avec les protocoles à variables continues.
Ezzine, Montassar. "Observation et commande des systèmes linéaires dans les domaines temporel et fréquentiel." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00653058.
Full textHamitou, Okba. "Efficient preconditioning method for the CARP-CG iterative solver for the solution of the frequency-domain visco-elastic wave equation." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAM087/document.
Full textA robust and efficient wave modeling method is the cornerstone of high resolution seismic inversion methods such as the frequency-domain Full Waveform Inversion (Virieux, 2009). After discretization, frequency-domain wave modeling amounts to the solution of large (up to several billion of unknowns for realistic case studies), sparse, indefinite and ill-conditioned linear systems. Furthermore, seismic inversion methods require the solution of this problem for numerous sources (from several thousands up to tens of thousands). In the acoustic approximation, 3D real case studies can be handled efficiently using direct solvers. However because of their tremendous intrinsic memory requirements, they are not yet adapted to the solution of the 3D elastodynamics equations. Iterative solvers provide an alternative to direct solvers. However, they require a preconditioning strategy to ensure convergence for the frequency-domain wave equation. Besides, multiple right-hand sides linear systems are not treated as efficiently as direct solvers do.In this thesis, we are interested in the use of a robust iterative solver adapted to the solution of these systems called CARP-CG (Gordon, 2010). The CARP-CG method has shown robust convergence properties for 2D and 3D elastic problems in highly heterogeneous media compared to standard Krylov methods such as GMRES or Bi-CGSTAB which require the use of a preconditioner to ensure convergence (Li, 2015). Despite the good convergence properties of CARP-CG, the latter still requires a large number of iterations to reach sufficient accuracy. I introduce an efficient preconditioning strategy adapted to the CARP-CG method and the frequency-domain wave problem. This preconditioner is computed as a sparse approximate inverse of a strongly damped wave propagation operator. The computation of the preconditioner is performed in a massively parallel algorithm for distributed memory architectures.The efficiency of the preconditioner is evaluated on several case studies. First, applications are performed on realistic synthetic models in the 2D visco-acoustic approximation (up to $40$ Hz) and the 2D visco-elastic approximation (up to $20$ Hz). These studies show that the CARP-CG method together with the preconditioning strategy is robust and efficient. The number of iterations is significantly reduced (up to a factor $9$) enabling a speedup in the computation time by a factor up to $3.5$. Second, this method is investigated in the 3D elastic approximation on a realistic synthetic case study on the range of frequencies 1.25 to 7.5 Hz. Very encouraging results are obtained with a significant reduction in the number of iterations. A slow increase of the number of iterations with respect to the frequency is noted.This preconditioning strategy adapted to the CARP-CG method implies larger memory requirements. However, this extra memory cost remains one order lower compared to direct solver memory requirement, and should be affordable on standard HPC facilities. The main bottleneck preventing from the possible use of this iterative solver for 3D elastic FWI remains the computation time for the wave equation solves
Villemin, Guilhem. "Caractérisation de sources large bande dans le domaine temporel sans contraintes sur le nombre de capteurs." Phd thesis, Ecole centrale de Marseille, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00927102.
Full textRouchon, Amélie. "Analyse et développement d’outils numériques déterministes et stochastiques résolvant les équations du bruit neutronique et applications aux réacteurs thermiques et rapides." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLS232/document.
Full textNeutron noise analysis addresses the description of small time-dependent flux fluctuations induced by small global or local perturbations of the macroscopic cross-sections. These fluctuations may occur in nuclear reactors due to density fluctuations of the coolant, to vibrations of fuel elements, control rods, or any other structures in the core. In power reactors, ex-core and in-core detectors can be used to monitor neutron noise with the aim of detecting possible anomalies and taking the necessary measures for continuous safe power production. Thus, neutron noise techniques are more and more used by the nuclear industry for non-invasive monitoring, control and detection of anomalies in nuclear power plants. They are also applied to the measurement of the properties of the coolant, such as speed and void fraction, or of global dynamic properties such as the moderator temperature coefficient of a pressurized water reactor.The general noise equations are obtained by assuming small perturbations around a steady state in the neutron field and by subsequently taking the Fourier transform in the frequency domain. The analysis is performed based on the neutron kinetic equations including the coupling with neutron precursors. For each frequency, the outcome of the Fourier transform analysis is a fixed-source equation for the perturbed neutron field, which can then be solved so as to predict noise measurements at detector locations.The objective of this thesis is to develop techniques for neutron noise analysis and especially to implement a neutron noise solver in the deterministic transport code APOLLO3® developed at CEA.First, we studied and analyzed the traditional neutron noise theory. In order to take into account the action of the regulating system which cancel the time-averaged reactivity added by a perturbation in a core, we found that it is preferable to choose as steady-state operator the time-averaged of the kinetic operator rather than the stationary Boltzmann operator. This new steady-state operator has been developed for the linear and the non-linear full theory.Then, we have implemented a neutron noise solver in diffusion and transport theory for a simple “rod” geometry in multigroup. A non-linear neutron noise solver has been also implemented in diffusion theory for this rod geometry in order to analyze the limits of the linear theory. Moreover, two Monte Carlo methods that solve the transport equations for the neutron noise in the frequency domain have been implemented for this rod geometry: one recently developed in the literature and a new Monte Carlo algorithm that we have developed so as to improve the latter. This new algorithm is supposed to be implemented in the reference Monte Carlo code TRIPOLI-4® developed at CEA. In addition, a new one-dimension vibration model has been developed and tested for the rod geometry in order to simulate a periodic vibration of a mechanical element and to determine the neutron noise generated by this perturbation.Lastly, a neutron noise solver has been implemented in diffusion and transport theory in the deterministic transport code APOLLO3® (IDT lattice solver). In order to test this new solver, we have performed neutron noise simulations in a large pressurized water reactor with heavy baffle in two and three dimensions. Thus, we have concluded our work by analyzing the neutron noise induced by different noise sources, an oscillation or a vibration of one assembly for example, in a case as realistic as ones used in stationary calculations. These simulations have been performed in diffusion and transport theory with two energy groups
Gangnant, Claude. "Contribution à l'étude de la cartographie et la statistique du champ électromagnétique dans une Chambre Réverbérante à Brassage de Modes par une méthode hybride FDFD/développement modal." Limoges, 2008. https://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/5a61755e-92c2-4b28-870c-9eaedbc7ac44/blobholder:0/2008LIMO4069.pdf.
Full textThis thesis has for objective the writing of a data-processing code allowing the determination of the electromagnetic field in a Reverberation Chamber (RC), using harmonic mode. The principal difficulty in this project is the quantity of useful data-processing resources, especially in the used frequencies range. The developed method is a hybridization using the FDFD/Waveguide mode expansion. The interest of hybridization is to net only part of the interior zone of the enclosure. In the diffraction zone, the finite difference in frequency domain (FDFD) is applied, whereas the electromagnetic field is expanded on a basis of functions in the measurement zone. We define a scalar product utilizing only the longitudinal component of the field, in a cross-section of the cavity. We show that the basic functions then define an orthogonal basis. The originality lies in obtaining the basic functions by numerical calculation (in opposition to analytical), in cases of section of an unspecified form. The validations are carried out by comparison with the analytical ones (without stirrer) and by rebuilding of field cartographies, this for enclosures with rectangular and circular section. The carried out code makes it possible to obtain the weights of the various modes. When the stirrer is present, the validation is statistical and we confirm the laws followed by the various rectangular components and the modules of the field. We note the fundamental role of the losses, defined by the quality factor of the CR for the statistical laws verification
Aliferis, Ioannis. "Imagerie microonde d'objets enterrés : modélisations numériques bidimensionnelles et étude de l'extension tridimensionnelle." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2002. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00165785.
Full textXie, Chunmei. "An efficient method for the calculation of the free-surface Green function using ordinary differential equations." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019ECDN0013/document.
Full textThe boundary element method (BEM) with constant panels is a common approach for wave-structure interaction problems. It is based on the linear potential-flow theory. It relies on the frequency-domain free-surface Green function, which is the focus of this thesis. First, the mathematical expressions and numerical methods for the frequency-domain free-surface Green function are investigated. Twelve different expressions are reviewed and analyzed. Several existing numerical methods are compared including their computational time and accuracies. Then, a series of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for the time-domain and frequency-domain free-surface Green functions and their derivatives are derived. These ODEs can be used to better understand the properties of the Green function and can be an alternative way to calculate the Green functions and their derivatives. However, it is challenging to solve the ODEs for the frequency-domain Green function with initial conditions at the origin due to the singularity. This difficulty is removed by modifying the ODEs by using new functions free of singularity. The new ODEs are then transformed in their canonic form by using a novel definition of the vector functions. The canonic form can be solved with the initial conditions at the origin since all involved terms are finite. An expansion method based on series of logarithmic function together with ordinary polynomials which is very efficient for low frequency problems is also developed to obtain analytical solutions. Finally, the ODE-based method to calculate the Green function is implemented and an efficient BEM solver is obtained. The removal of irregular frequencies is included. The new solver is validated by comparison of hydrodynamic coefficients to analytical solutions for a heaving and surging hemisphere, and to numerical results obtained with a commercial solver for a box barge and the KCS container ship
Dély, Alexandre. "Computational strategies for impedance boundary condition integral equations in frequency and time domains." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019IMTA0135.
Full textThe Electric Field Integral Equation (EFIE) is widely used to solve wave scattering problems in electromagnetics using the Boundary Element Method (BEM). In frequency domain, the linear systems stemming from the BEM suffer, amongst others, from two ill-conditioning problems: the low frequency breakdown and the dense mesh breakdown. Consequently, the iterative solvers require more iterations to converge to the solution, or they do not converge at all in the worst cases. These breakdowns are also present in time domain, in addition to the DC instability which causes the solution to be completely wrong in the late time steps of the simulations. The time discretization is achieved using a convolution quadrature based on Implicit Runge-Kutta (IRK) methods, which yields a system that is solved by Marching-On-in-Time (MOT). In this thesis, several integral equations formulations, involving Impedance Boundary Conditions (IBC) for most of them, are derived and subsequently preconditioned. In a first part dedicated to the frequency domain, the IBC-EFIE is stabilized for the low frequency and dense meshes by leveraging the quasi-Helmholtz projectors and a Calderón-like preconditioning. Then, a new IBC is introduced to enable the development of a multiplicative preconditioner for the new IBC-EFIE. In the second part on time domain,the EFIE is regularized for the Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) case, to make it stable in the large time step regime and immune to the DC instability. Finally, the solution of the time domain IBC-EFIE is investigated by developing an efficient solution scheme and by stabilizing the equation for large time steps and dense meshes
Aranda, Cotta Higor Henrique. "Robust methods in multivariate time series." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLC064.
Full textThis manuscript proposes new robust estimation methods for the autocovariance and autocorrelation matrices functions of stationary multivariates time series that may have random additives outliers. These functions play an important role in the identification and estimation of time series model parameters. We first propose new estimators of the autocovariance and of autocorrelation matrices functions constructed using a spectral approach considering the periodogram matrix periodogram which is the natural estimator of the spectral density matrix. As in the case of the classic autocovariance and autocorrelation matrices functions estimators, these estimators are affected by aberrant observations. Thus, any identification or estimation procedure using them is directly affected, which leads to erroneous conclusions. To mitigate this problem, we propose the use of robust statistical techniques to create estimators resistant to aberrant random observations.As a first step, we propose new estimators of autocovariance and autocorrelation functions of univariate time series. The time and frequency domains are linked by the relationship between the autocovariance function and the spectral density. As the periodogram is sensitive to aberrant data, we get a robust estimator by replacing it with the $M$-periodogram. The $M$-periodogram is obtained by replacing the Fourier coefficients related to periodogram calculated by the standard least squares regression with the ones calculated by the $M$-robust regression. The asymptotic properties of estimators are established. Their performances are studied by means of numerical simulations for different sample sizes and different scenarios of contamination. The empirical results indicate that the proposed methods provide close values of those obtained by the classical autocorrelation function when the data is not contaminated and it is resistant to different contamination scenarios. Thus, the estimators proposed in this thesis are alternative methods that can be used for time series with or without outliers.The estimators obtained for univariate time series are then extended to the case of multivariate series. This extension is simplified by the fact that the calculation of the cross-periodogram only involves the Fourier coefficients of each component from the univariate series. Thus, the $M$-periodogram matrix is a robust periodogram matrix alternative to build robust estimators of the autocovariance and autocorrelation matrices functions. The asymptotic properties are studied and numerical experiments are performed. As an example of an application with real data, we use the proposed functions to adjust an autoregressive model by the Yule-Walker method to Pollution data collected in the Vitória region Brazil.Finally, the robust estimation of the number of factors in large factorial models is considered in order to reduce the dimensionality. It is well known that the values random additive outliers affect the covariance and correlation matrices and the techniques that depend on the calculation of their eigenvalues and eigenvectors, such as the analysis principal components and the factor analysis, are affected. Thus, in the presence of outliers, the information criteria proposed by Bai & Ng (2002) tend to overestimate the number of factors. To alleviate this problem, we propose to replace the standard covariance matrix with the robust covariance matrix proposed in this manuscript. Our Monte Carlo simulations show that, in the absence of contamination, the standard and robust methods are equivalent. In the presence of outliers, the number of estimated factors increases with the non-robust methods while it remains the same using robust methods. As an application with real data, we study pollutant concentrations PM$_{10}$ measured in the Île-de-France region of France
Este manuscrito é centrado em propor novos métodos de estimaçao das funçoes de autocovariancia e autocorrelaçao matriciais de séries temporais multivariadas com e sem presença de observaçoes discrepantes aleatorias. As funçoes de autocovariancia e autocorrelaçao matriciais desempenham um papel importante na analise e na estimaçao dos parametros de modelos de série temporal multivariadas. Primeiramente, nos propomos novos estimadores dessas funçoes matriciais construıdas, considerando a abordagem do dominio da frequencia por meio do periodograma matricial, um estimador natural da matriz de densidade espectral. Como no caso dos estimadores tradicionais das funçoes de autocovariancia e autocorrelaçao matriciais, os nossos estimadores tambem sao afetados pelas observaçoes discrepantes. Assim, qualquer analise subsequente que os utilize é diretamente afetada causando conclusoes equivocadas. Para mitigar esse problema, nos propomos a utilizaçao de técnicas de estatistica robusta para a criaçao de estimadores resistentes as observaçoes discrepantes aleatorias. Inicialmente, nos propomos novos estimadores das funçoes de autocovariancia e autocorrelaçao de séries temporais univariadas considerando a conexao entre o dominio do tempo e da frequencia por meio da relaçao entre a funçao de autocovariancia e a densidade espectral, do qual o periodograma tradicional é o estimador natural. Esse estimador é sensivel as observaçoes discrepantes. Assim, a robustez é atingida considerando a utilizaçao do Mperiodograma. O M-periodograma é obtido substituindo a regressao por minimos quadrados com a M-regressao no calculo das estimativas dos coeficientes de Fourier relacionados ao periodograma. As propriedades assintoticas dos estimadores sao estabelecidas. Para diferentes tamanhos de amostras e cenarios de contaminaçao, a performance dos estimadores é investigada. Os resultados empiricos indicam que os métodos propostos provem resultados acurados. Isto é, os métodos propostos obtêm valores proximos aos da funçao de autocorrelaçao tradicional no contexto de nao contaminaçao dos dados. Quando ha contaminaçao, os M-estimadores permanecem inalterados. Deste modo, as funçoes de M-autocovariancia e de M-autocorrelaçao propostas nesta tese sao alternativas vi aveis para séries temporais com e sem observaçoes discrepantes. A boa performance dos estimadores para o cenario de séries temporais univariadas motivou a extensao para o contexto de séries temporais multivariadas. Essa extensao é direta, haja vista que somente os coeficientes de Fourier relativos à cada uma das séries univariadas sao necessarios para o calculo do periodograma cruzado. Novamente, a relaçao de dualidade entre o dominio da frequência e do tempo é explorada por meio da conexao entre a funçao matricial de autocovariancia e a matriz de densidade espectral de séries temporais multivariadas. É neste sentido que, o presente artigo propoe a matriz M-periodograma como um substituto robusto à matriz periodograma tradicional na criaçao de estimadores das funçoes matriciais de autocovariancia e autocorrelaçao. As propriedades assintoticas sao estudas e experimentos numéricos sao realizados. Como exemplo de aplicaçao à dados reais, nos aplicamos as funçoes propostas no artigo na estimaçao dos parâmetros do modelo de série temporal multivariada pelo método de Yule-Walker para a modelagem dos dados MP10 da regiao de Vitoria/Brasil. Finalmente, a estimaçao robusta dos numeros de fatores em modelos fatoriais aproximados de alta dimensao é considerada com o objetivo de reduzir a dimensionalidade. Ésabido que dados discrepantes afetam as matrizes de covariancia e correlaçao. Em adiçao, técnicas que dependem do calculo dos autovalores e autovetores dessas matrizes, como a analise de componentes principais e a analise fatorial, sao completamente afetadas. Assim, na presença de observaçoes discrepantes, o critério de informaçao proposto por Bai & Ng (2002) tende a superestimar o numero de fatores. [...]
Petit, Frédéric. "Modélisation et simulation d'une chambre réverbérante à brassage de modes à l'aide de la méthode des différences finies dans le domaine temporel." Phd thesis, Université de Marne la Vallée, 2002. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00003238.
Full textélectromagnétiques connaît une croissance sans précédent depuis quelques années, grâce
notamment au développement de la téléphonie mobile. La chambre réverbérante est un
moyen d'essais qui permet d'étudier l'influence de ces ondes électromagnétiques sur un
appareil électronique particulier. Cependant, le fonctionnement d'une chambre
réverbérante étant complexe, il est primordial de procéder à des simulations afin de
déterminer quels sont les paramètres cruciaux entrant en jeu.
Le travail de cette thèse consiste à modéliser et à simuler le fonctionnement d'une
chambre réverbérante à l'aide de la méthode des différences finies dans le domaine
temporel. Après une brève étude portant sur quelques résultats de mesures de champ et
de puissances effectuées dans une chambre réverbérante, le chapitre~2 aborde les
différents problèmes liés à la modélisation de la chambre. La notion de pertes étant
déterminante pour évaluer le fonctionnement d'une chambre réverbérante, deux méthodes
implémentant ces pertes sont aussi exposées dans ce chapitre. L'étude menée dans le
chapitre~3 consiste à analyser l'influence du brasseur sur les premiers modes propres
de la chambre, ceux-ci pouvant être décalés de plusieurs MHz. Le chapitre~4 présente
des résultats de simulations en hautes fréquences comparés à des résultats
statistiques théoriques. Le cas de la présence d'un objet au sein de la chambre
pouvant perturber le champ est aussi abordé. Enfin, le chapitre~5 montre une
comparaison des résultats statistiques dans le cas où l'on considère plusieurs formes
de brasseurs.
Gélis, Céline. "Inversion des formes d'onde élastique dans le domaine espace-fréquence en deux dimensions.Application à la caractérisation de la subsurface dans le cadre de la détection de cavités souterraines." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00199493.
Full textLe problème direct associé, la propagation des ondes élastiques, est résolu dans le domaine fréquentiel, permettant la prise en compte efficace d'acquisitions multisources et multirécepteurs, par une méthode numérique de différences finies modélisant la propagation de tous les types d'onde (ondes de volume, de surface, diffractées, réfractées ...). Le stencil de différences finies choisi permet simule précisément la surface libre et la propagation des ondes de surface.
Cette inversion linéarisée s'appuie sur une méthode de gradient, qui minimise une fonction coût contenant les différences entre données observées et calculées. Deux paramètres sismiques sont reconstruits à partir de sismogrammes verticaux et horizontaux. L'inversion est effectuée des basses fréquences vers les hautes fréquences, introduisant des longueurs d'onde de plus en plus courtes dans les images des paramètres. Ces dernières sont sensibles au choix des approximations physiques effectuées pour calculer le gradient de la fonction coût (approximation de Born ou de Rytov), au dispositif d'acquisition, au préconditionnement des données et au choix des paramètres inversés.
Cette méthode est ensuite appliquée à des milieux contenant une surface libre. La surface libre est une interface très contrastée qui donne lieu à des ondes de surface très énergétiques dans les sismogrammes. Les milieux de subsurface sont complexes, les ondes qui s'y propagent subissent des réflexions ou diffractions multiples. Lorsque le milieu contient deux anomalies dont le contraste en vitesse vaut $20 \%$, l'inversion les localise correctement dans un macromodèle connu. Les images sont améliorées et l'amplitude des anomalies est très bien reconstruite lorsque le nombre de fréquences inversées augmente et les données sont sélectionnées des faibles déports vers les grands déports. Avec une anomalie fortement contrastée comme une cavité vide, l'inversion retrouve correctement la position, la forme et la taille de l'objet mais son amplitude est sous-estimée.
L'application à des données réelles verticales de subsurface acquises dans un milieu complexe contenant une cavité maçonnée montre que le milieu hétérogène issu de l'inversion ajuste mieux les données et permet de bien reproduire les ondes inversées. Néanmoins, la cavité n'est pas imagée.
Issa, Ibtissam. "Some results on the stabilization of elastic/viscoelastic transmission problems with Kelvin-Voigt or fractional Kelvin-Voigt damping." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021. http://theses.univ-amu.fr.lama.univ-amu.fr/211207_ISSA_690cu840ucxbzr880kpmyt859oe_TH.pdf.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to study the stabilization of some locally coupled systems. First, we study the stability of a one-dimensional coupled wave equations with two interior non smooth viscous dampings where we establish exponential stability. Second, we study the stabilization of a locally coupled wave equations with only one internal viscoelastic damping of Kelvin-Voigt type. Both the damping and the coupling coefficients are non smooth. Using a spectrum approach, we prove the non-uniform stability of the system. Next, using a frequency domain approach, combined with a piecewise multiplier technique and the construction of a new multiplier satisfying some ordinary differential equations, we show that the energy of the smooth solution of the system decays polynomially. Third, we investigate the energy decay of hyperbolic systems of wave-wave, wave-Euler Bernoulli beam and beam-beam types. Indeed, the two equations are coupled through boundary connection with only one localized non smooth fractional Kelvin Voigt damping. We establish a polynomial energy decay rate. Finally, we study the stability of a multidimensional system of two wave equations coupled by velocities with only one localized non-smooth Kelvin-Voigt damping. By using a spectral analysis, we prove the non uniform stability of the system. Further, using a frequency domain approach combined with a multiplier technique, we establish some polynomial stability results by considering different geometric conditions on the coupling and the damping domains. In addition, in the absence of any geometric condition, we establish two polynomial energy decay rates of the system on a square domain
Yassine, Mohamad. "Multi-physics modeling of the intake line of an internal combustion engine." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019ECDN0005.
Full textThe competition among carmakers to introduce the most innovative solutions is growing day by day. Since few years, simulation is being used widely in automotive industries. Concerning the study of gas dynamics and pressure wave’s propagation in the intake system of an internal combustion engine, whichhave a significant effect on engine behavior, a precise modelling is needed in order to obtain good results. The main objective of the methodology presented in this PhD thesis, is to shorten the simulation time in order to study the behavior of an internal combustion engine, while conserving a good accuracy level. The pressure waves are studied using frequency approach. This latter is based on a transfer function, which links the relative pressure and the air mass flow rate upstream the intake valve. A multi-physics coupling model in the simulation code was established. The model validation was conducted using precision criterion on volumetric efficiency and on instantaneous pressure upstream of the intake valve. The results showed good accuracy level. In terms of computational time, the transfer function methodology is faster than the native one-dimensional non-linear code. This methodology can be an alternative method for modeling the intake geometry of an IC engine
Bouazzouni, Amar. "Contribution à l'identification de structures linéaires dissipatives dans le domaine fréquentiel." Besançon, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BESA2066.
Full textViktorovitch, Michel. "Formulations statistiques des structures vibrantes sur un large spectre fréquentiel." Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 1998. http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/TH_T1778_mviktorovitch.pdf.
Full textThe description of the behaviour of mechanical vibrating Systems encounters partial undeterminism whose influence on the response increases with the frequency. The aim of the research presented in this thesis is to translate into physical considerations and numerical formulations the previous sentence, in order to pre-dict the vibratory behaviour of structures such as rods, Euler Bernoulli beams, membranes and Love-Kirchhof plates on a wide frequency range. Therefore, the first step of the formulation consists in the introduction of an explicit random description of the structural parameters. A boundary element formulation is employed to build the numerical models. The resulting numerical equations are then modified and are finally considered in terms of statistical ex-pectations. The unknowns of the new set of equations (called Quadratic Stochas-tic Integral Formulation FIQS) are the statistical first and second order moments of the boundary unknowns. The results provided by this new formulation are effective on a wide frequency range. Indeed, frequency response given by the FIQS are accurate in the low frequency field and match with the deterministic resuit, mean while the FIQS enables to estimate the trend of the high frequency deterministic behaviour by a smooth and average response. The Quadratic Stochastic Integral Formulation is applied to a large class of structures, such as isolated as well as assembled one and two dimensional Systems. In other respects, the structural statistical description expressed previously is carried out in order to reobtain in a new context the usual Power Flow energy differential equations governing the behaviour of the average energy densities
Fall, Abdoulaye. "Réflectométrie optique dans le domaine fréquentiel pour l’analyse des réseaux locaux domestiques optiques." Thesis, Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016TELE0011/document.
Full textIn order to develop high capacity future-proof home network, the FUI 12 RLDO project suggests passive star network topology using multimode couplers. This topology encounters implementation difficulties due to the non-uniformity of the power distribution in the output ports of multimode couplers. Analyzing this problem shows that the properties of modes propagating in the network elements plays a key role in this non-uniform characteristics of multimode couplers. In order to characterize these modes propagating in the network, we have developed a complex optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) setup. The phenomena limiting the sensitivity to the phase in OFDR – in fact, those related to the non-linear frequency tuning of the laser source - are investigated to contribute to a better understanding of the limiting mechanisms. Then we have tested the intensity and phase measurement performance of the developed setup. Later, we studied the optimal resolution conditions to characterize the modes in a multimode waveguide. We have also analyzed the uncertainty of the measurement of the chromatic dispersion of modes in case where it is impossible to determine whether one or several modes are present in a given dispersion curve. Additionally, we have introduced an adaptive time-frequency method, to obtain the dispersion curves with optimal resolution. This method allows us to show the versatility of the special RLDO multimode fiber (single-mode behavior under single-mode excitation at 1310 nm and 1550 nm). The analysis of the propagation in the optical fibers, associated with a model we have developed to study the behavior of multimode couplers, has permitted to explain encountered difficulties with the experiments of the multimode passive star network topology. This also gives insights to develop a functional prototype of network
Delacre, Elisabeth. "Caractérisation thermique de matériaux poreux humides par analyse inverse dans le domaine fréquentiel." Artois, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000ARTO0203.
Full textMeunier, Laurent. "Caractérisation de systèmes non-linéaires dans le domaine fréquentiel : application aux trépidations automobiles." Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998ECDL0048.
Full textSirgue, Laurentf1975. "Inversion de la forme d'onde dans le domaine fréquentiel de données sismiques grands offsets." Paris 11, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA112088.
Full textThe standard imaging approach in exploration seismology relies on a decomposition of the velocity model by spatial scales: the determination of the low wavenumbers of the velocity field is followed by the reconstruction of the high wavenumbers. However, for models presenting a complex structure, the recovery of the high wavenumbers may be significantly improved by the determination of intermediate wavenumbers. These, can potentially be recovered by local, non-linear waveform inversion of wide-angle data. However, waveform inversion is limited by the non-linearity of the inverse problem, which is in turn governed by the minimum frequency in the data and the starting model. For very low frequencies, below 7 Hz, the problem is reasonably linear so that waveform inversion may be applied using a starting model obtained from traveltime tomography. The frequency domain is then particularly advantageous as the inversion from the low to the high frequencies is very efficient. Moreover, it is possible to discretise the frequencies with a much larger sampling interval than dictated by the sampling theorem and still obtain a good imaging result. A strategy for selecting frequencies is developed where the number of input frequencies can be reduced when a range of offsets is available: the larger the maximum offset is, the fewer frequencies are required. Real seismic data unfortunatly do not contain very low frequencies and waveform inversion at higher frequencies are likely to fail due to convergence into a local minimum. Preconditioning techniques must hence be applied on the gradient vector and the data residuals in order to enhance the efficacy of waveform inversion starting from realistic frequencies. The smoothing of the gradient vector and inversion of early arrivals significantly improve the chance of convergence into the global minimum. The efficacy of preconditioning methods are however limited by the accuracy of the starting model
El, Hellani Doha. "Approche LMI pour l'analyse et la synthèse de filtres H∞ dans un domaine fréquentiel fini." Thesis, Amiens, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AMIE0021/document.
Full textThis work is concerned with the H∞ filtering problem in a finite frequency domain for different types of dynamic systems, such that uncertain systems, nonlinear systems via TS fuzzy model, time delay systems and systems with communication constraints. The main contribution is the development of new H∞ filter analysis and design approaches which reduce the conservatism of results found in the literature. The filter stability and design problems, for different classes of dynamic systems, are formulated as optimization problems with Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI). Simulation examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and the less conservatism of the proposed approaches in comparison with other solutions that appear in the literature
Moise, Nicolae. "Analyse dans le domaine fréquentiel de la durée de vie de la fluorescence des systèmes photosynthétiques." Paris 11, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA112110.
Full textContrary to the chlorophyll fluorescence in solution, the fluorescence of photosynthetic systems in vivo is characterized by a variable quantum yield, which depends on the system's capacity to convert the excitation energy. Based on the phase and modulation fluorometry (PMF) technique, we developed two newly instruments in the 30-500 MHz range, which measure the fluorescence lifetime changes during the fluorescence induction with a millisecond sampling rate. The multi-frequency PMF allowed us to obtain for the first time a direct decomposition of fluorescence heterogeneities during a complete fluorescence induction upon a dark to light transition in leaves. In spite of this heterogeneity, a quasi-proportionality between the average lifetime and quantum yield during the fluorescence induction was obtained. Therefore, proposals to reconcile the two aspects of the chlorophyll fluorescence emission in-vivo, heterogeneous structure and homogeneous kinetics were made. We proved, on the basis of a kinetic model with three compartments, that the heterogeneity of the fluorescence is due to the compartmentation of the excitation energy in the antenna of PSII. The third compartment, a loosely connected chlorophyll-protein complex located on the minor antenna or on the reaction center of PSII, was also found to be responsible for the fast conformational change during the thermal phase of the fluorescence induction. A transitory blue shift of the red maximum at 685 nm of the chlorophyll fluorescence spectrum strongly sustains our hypothesis. The fast conformational change observed during the thermal phase is different from the conformational change due to the aggregation of the antenna as photoregulation mechanism. The multi-frequency PMF proved to be a new and powerful methodological approach for the analysis of the variable fluorescence and excitation energy dynamics of the photosynthetic apparatus
Vatus, Éric. "Contribution à l'analyse des lignes de transmission non-uniformes simples et couplées dans le domaine fréquentiel." Toulouse, INPT, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003INPT026H.
Full textLeib, Nicholas. "Modélisation du comportement impactant d'un ensemble câble-gaine dans le domaine fréquentiel : Application aux commandes à câbles." Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2008. http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/TH_T2151_nleib.pdf.
Full textIn this thesis we study the dynamic behavior of a vehicle’s gearshift cables. To ensure proper assembly and functioning of the pieces, there are clearances in the system. The latter cause a vibro-impacting phenomenon, called tizzing, that can bother the driver. The aim of this work, done in collaboration with PSA Peugeot-Citroën, is to understand the sources of cable tizzing, and predict its presence in different configurations. The first part is devoted to presenting the different methods used to solve a nonlinear problem in the frequency domain. A method to determine the frequency response on a car motor’s bandwidth is presented and an approach to estimate the high frequency content after a harmonic balance is proposed. These methods are applied on a simple vibro-impacting system. The next part presents the different experiments that were conducted to determine the source of cable tizzing and identify the physical characteristics of the cable and its protective housing. A experimental testbench served as a reference to validate a finite element model. Then, the model is presented and the correlation results are shown. A criterion is proposed and helps establish whether or not, the system is going to tizz. Finally, the latter is used to compare the tizzing level on different vehicle configurations
Youcef, Abdelhakim. "Amélioration des performances du traitement des interférences dans le domaine fréquentiel pour les communications acoustiques sous marines." Télécom Bretagne, 2013. http://www.telecom-bretagne.eu/publications/publication.php?idpublication=14141.
Full textUnderwater acoustic (UWA) communications allow wireless transmission between the surface and the bottom of a subsea environment based on acoustic waves. The wireless acoustic link reduces the physical infrastructure cost compared to the cable-based underwater communications. However, underwater acoustic channel imposes severe degradations on the transmitted signal. Its propagation characteristics are widely different from those of the radio channel. The multipath propagation caused by multiple reflections on the bottom and the surface, causes intersymbol interference (ISI) which must be compensated at the receiver. Furthermore, by the movement of the transmitting and receiving platforms, the UWA channel is time-variant yielding Doppler spread which induces a compression/expansion phenomenon of the symbol duration, associated to a frequency shift of the signal spectrum. The objective of this thesis is to propose low-complexity communication techniques in the UWA channel, in order to remove interferences while ensuring energy-efficient transmission link. The reduction in complexity is achieved by treating interferences in the frequency-domain which minimizes the energy consumption of the transmission system. We first propose adaptive frequency-domain equalization techniques in a decision directed mode, in order to remove ISI and track the time-variation in the UWA channel. Then, we propose a single-user SC-FDMA transmission scheme with a uniform distributed subcarrier allocation and using frequency-domain interval guards, in order to improve the robustness of the receiver against the Doppler effect in the UWA channel. Finally, we propose an adaptive frequency-domain turbo equalizer using iterative receiver, which allows to significantly reduce the bit error rate over iterations. Note that multiple-input receiver is considered in order to benefit from the diversity combining gain to achieve a higher signal to noise ratio (SNR). Furthermore, equalization is optimized jointly with phase synchronization to compensate residual frequency offsets at the equalizer output. The performance of the proposed solutions are measured over real time-variant underwater acoustic channel in the Atlantic Ocean
Bouizem, Boudjema. "Étude des techniques de traitement de signal dans le domaine fréquentiel pour la caractérisation vibratoire des structures." Compiègne, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989COMPD170.
Full textBonnet, Jean-Paul. "Commande multivariable et robustesse : application en aéronautique." Paris 11, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA112303.
Full textKamel, Slimani. "Estimation a posteriori et méthode de décomposition de domaine." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ISAL0025.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to numerical analysis in particular a postoriori estimates of the error in the method of asymptotic partial domain decomposition. There are problems in linear elliptic partial and semi-linear with a source which depends only of one variable in a portion of domain. Method of Asymptotic Partial Decomposition of a Domain (MAPDD) originates from the works of Grigori.Panasonko [12, 13]. The idea is to replace an original 3D or 2D problem by a hybrid one 3D − 1D; or 2D − 1D, where the dimension of the problem decreases in part of domain. Effective solution methods for the resulting hybrid problem have recently become available for several systems (linear/nonlinear, fluid/solid, etc.) which allow for each subproblem to be computed with an independent black-box code [21, 17, 18]. The location of the junction between the heterogeneous problems is asymptotically estimated in the works of Panasenko [12]. MAPDD has been designed for handling problems where a small parameter appears, and provides a series expansion of the solution with solutions of simplified problems with respect to this small parameter. In the problem considered in chapter 3 and 4, no small parameter exists, but due to geometrical considerations concerning the domain Ω it is assumed that the solution does not differ very much from a function which depends only on one variable in a part of the domain. The MAPDD theory is not suited for such a context, but if this theory is applied formally it does not provide any error estimate. The a posteriori error estimate proved in this chapter 3 and 4, is able to measure the discrepancy between the exact solution and the hybrid solution which corresponds to the zero-order term in the series expansion with respect to a small parameter when it exists. Numerically, independently of the existence of an asymptotical estimate of the location of the junction, it is essential to detect with accuracy the location of the junction. Let us also mention the interest of locating with accuracy the position of the junction in blood flows simulations [23]. Here in this chapter 3,4 the method proposed is to determine the location of the junction (i.e. the location of the boundary Γ in the example treated) by using optimization techniques. First it is shown that MAPDD can be expressed with a mixed domain decomposition formulation (as in [22]) in two different ways. Then it is proposed to use an a posteriori error estimate for locating the best position of the junction. A posteriori error estimates have been extensively used in optimization problems, the reader is referred to, e.g. [1, 11]
Marlier, Clément. "Modélisation des perturbations électromagnétiques dans les convertisseurs statiques pour des applications aéronautiques." Thesis, Lille 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LIL10145/document.
Full textSince the 1990’s, electricital energy tends to replace pneumatic and hydraulic energy aboard aircrafts. This allows to reduce weight, volume and maintenance costs of the actuators. Electrical energy is used for more and more variated functions thanks to the generalization of the power converters. These power converters are based on the use of semiconductor devices in switching mode which generates sharp voltage and current variations. This leads to electromagnetic (EMC) issues. In order to obtain the compliance to EMC standards, a heavy and bulky filter is often added to the system, which lower the gain allowed by the transition to electrical energy. In order to optimize the filter added, it is interesting to take into account the EMC at the design step. Thus it is necessary to have a predictive modeling tool. In this thesis, a modeling method of the conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) emitted valid up to 50MHz by a system is proposed. Thus our work is devided into two parts. First, we propose a modeling method of the propagation paths including power cable. Then, we propose a modeling method of the EMI sources in frequency domain. This method is based on the use of multiple equivalent generators topologies and allows to retranscript the non-linear behaviour of the converters. This method is experimentally validated on a buck-converter and a single phased inverter
Truchi, Christine. "Stabilisation par variation du domaine." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37610417d.
Full textOuhachi, Rezki. "Mise en oeuvre d'un banc de caractérisation non linéaire dans le domaine fréquentiel pour l'analyse de transistors HBT Si/SiGe : C." Thesis, Lille 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LIL10165/document.
Full textThe emergence of satellite communications and radar technologies always require more compact microwave power devices for integration of analog/digital operations on a single chip, reducing the manufacturing cost. As an exemple, since many years heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) permits to improve the silicon power transistor performances for microwave applications associated with CMOS technology. In this context, this work focuses on the characterization and modeling of these active devices. For this goal, a non linear bench and a large signal model are developed up to 50 GHz. On the first step, the non-linear measurement is carried out using the NVNA for load-pull measurements on the frequency domain and results are compared with those obtained from the LSNA on the time domain. This instrumental configuration associated with the dynamic operating capabilities of NVNA highlights its advantages and disadvantages. Subsequently, a SiGe HBT device extraction parameters procedure has been validated to establish a large signal model. The originality of this last one is its predictive extraction procedure and fast implementation based on the semiconductors analytical equations. Extraction steps are proven very effective in confrontations with the experimental data of the device under test with the same biases and for different load impedances. At last, thermal currents impacts on microwave power performance are discussed in time and frequency domains
Boukari, Olfa. "Etude et modélisation des lasers à semiconducteur pour la conception d’un dispositif de mesure par réflectrométrie optique dans le domaine fréquentiel." Rouen, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007ROUES037.
Full textCoherent Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry C-OFDR is used for the characterization of optical components with great dynamic range and sensitivity. This technique requires a coherent tunable laser source with an optical frequency swept linearly. Our work consists in studying the application of semiconductor laser as tunable source, by exploiting the chirp induced by the sawtooth or triangular modulation of the injection current. We characterize, theoretically and in simulation, the linearity and the amplitude of the variation in time of the chirp. The results obtained of the two approaches are in a good agreement. As application we measure, in simulation, Mach-Zehnder interferometer time delay, by using C-OFDR based on DFB laser source under sawtooth and triangular direct modulation. We theoretically calculated the power density of C-OFDR beat signal by taking into account the noise terms, in the case of BH and DFB lasers, deduced from the resolution of laser rate equations
Qiu, Lei. "Caractérisation d'un système par impédance thermique : application à la détection de défauts résistifs dans une structure en béton." Thesis, Artois, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ARTO0208.
Full textThe work developed is located in the context of thermal identification and non-destructive testing of systems. The objective is to describe the behavior of stable or slowly progressive approach by identifying thermophysical parameters. The approach is to first establish the theoretical model of the system tested in the basic "explanation" which is usually the time and, from experimental results to be determined by optimizing the parameters sought. The system studied is characterized by its response function (transfer function, impedance,...). In these functions, the medium is characterized by global parameters or apparent. Our analysis is placed in the frequency domain where the convolution product, which exists in the space of time, turns into a single product. The system is then characterized by its transfer function. The study of flow-temperature relationships in a plane leads to introduce the concept of thermal impedance. Developments and applications made in this work are related to the thermal characterization of concrete in the laboratory and in situ and the detection of defects adequately contrasted positioned at different depths. The ultimate goal is to be able to use the solicitation for the identification of natural systems. The difficulty lies in the exploitation of natural data so random in a process located in the frequency domain. Flux measurements and temperature are performed on one side of access, which is in contact with the outside microclimatic environment
Boubendir, Yassine. "Techniques de décomposition de domaine et méthodes d'équations intégrales." Toulouse, INSA, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ISAT0014.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to develop a non-overlapping domain decomposition method of integral equations for solving scattering harmonic wave problems by perfectly conducting obstacle covered by a dielectric layer. This class of methods was introduced by P. -L. Lions and B. Després and allows us to decrease the size of the discrete problems and improve their condition numbers. We have improved the convergence of the domain decomposition algorithm by introducing the evanescent part of the error. In non-homogeneous dielectric device cases, standard solutions use completely coupled BEM-FEM techniques. The method proposed in this work uncouples the two solutions procedures. One drawback of the domain decomposition method when discretization is performed with nodal finite element, is to define the transmission conditions at the level of the cross points. Theoretical convergence results are only known for discrete mixed finite elements. We have clarified the reason for wich these methods avoid the cross points problem by proving that they are equivalent to a non-conformal scheme. However, these methods are more complex and remain more computationally expensive than nodal finite elements aproaches. We have developed a method that considers the cross points in the case of nodal finite elements. This method allows us to develop a discrete domain decomposition method that is exactly an iterative solution of the initial problem. We have proven the theoretical convergence of this algorithm and have shown on particular cases that the rate of convergence is independent of the mesh
Dupire, Gaël. "Maillage fixe et domaine mobile." Compiègne, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009COMP1809.
Full textThe aim of our work is to study a meshfree method introduce recently in by S. Dumont, O. Goubet, T. Ha Duong and P. Villon for the numerical resolution of an elliptic boundary value problem. We are motivated by problems of surface evolution problem like Hele-Shaw flow where the speed of the moving interface is governed by the solution of an boundary value problem posed on the moving domain. In 3D-problems, the induced remeshing can be expensive. Moreover, the projection of the computed solution on the new mesh is a costly operation which may deteriorate the quality of the computed solution. Hence we seek to avoid this remeshing stage. Many techniques have been developed in that direction. One idea is to include our domain in a bounding box and solve an equivalent problem on this box. This is the case of the fictious domainmethod. This approach has been applied in for surface evolution problem for exemple. In case of cracks growth, an eXtended Finite Element Method has been also used in with satisfactory numerical result. The common feature of these methods is to increase the number of degree of freedom by adding either nodes, either dedicated basis functions
Japhet, Caroline. "Méthode de décomposition de domaine et conditions aux limites artificielles en mécanique des fluides: méthode Optimisée d'Orde 2." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Nord - Paris XIII, 1998. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00558701.
Full textRebai, Brahim Khalil. "Méthode d'évaluation de l'alignement stratégique des sites web : application au domaine universitaire." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00880119.
Full textNguyen, Van Tien. "Méthode d’extraction d’informations géographiques à des fins d’enrichissement d’une ontologie de domaine." Thesis, Pau, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PAUU3052/document.
Full textThis thesis is in the context of the ANR project GEONTO covering the constitution, alignment, comparison and exploitation of heterogeneous geographic ontologies. The goal is to automatically extract terms from topographic travelogues to enrich a geographical ontology originally designed by IGN. The proposed method allows identification and extraction of terms contained in a text with a topographical connotation. Our method is based on a model that relies on certain grammatical relations to locate these terms. The implementation of this model requires the use of methods or techniques of NLP (Processing of Language). Our model represents the relationships between terms to extract and other elements of the texts that can be identified by using external predefined resources, such as specific lexicons: verbs of travelogue (verbs of displacement, verbs of perceptions, topographical verbs), pre-positions (prepositions of place, adverbs, adjectives), place name, generic thesauri, ontologies of domain (in our case the geographical ontology originally designed by IGN). Once marked by linguistic patterns, the proposed relationships allow us to annotate and automatically retrieve terms. Then various indices help deduce whether the extracted terms evoke topographical concepts. It is through reasoning rules that deductions are made. These rules are based on intrinsic knowledge (evocation of space in the language) and external knowledge contained in external resources mentioned above, or their combination. The advantage of our approach is that the method can extract not only the terms related directly to place name but also those embedded in sentence structure in which other terms coexisted. Experiments on a corpus consisting of 12 travel stories (2419 pages, provided by the library of Pau) showed that our method is robust. As a result, it was used to extract 2173 distinct terms with 1191 valid terms, with a precision of 0.55. This demonstrates that the use of the proposed relationships is more effective than that of couples (term, place name) (which gives 733 distinct terms valid with an accuracy of 0.38). Our method can also be used for other applications such as geographic named entity recognition, spatial indexing of textual documents
Guetat, Rim. "Méthode de parallélisation en temps : application aux méthodes de décomposition de domaine." Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066629.
Full textGenty, Aurélien. "Méthode du transfert et calculs économiques : application dans le domaine de l'eau." Paris 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA010061.
Full textCacoveanu, Corneliu-Remus. "Développement de la méthode TLM : simulation des pertes dans le domaine temporel." Grenoble INPG, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997INPG0167.
Full textYang, Jingwen. "Diagnostic de défauts des systèmes dynamiques par optimisation non lisse." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0035/document.
Full textThis thesis considers the application of nonsmooth optimization approach on several FDI problems. First, to overcome the drawback of classical methods, a nonsmooth optimization approach is proposed to solve a multiobjective fault detection problem in the worst case. An additional constraint of fast transients of residual responses could be added into the design, which could be solved by nonsmooth optimization approach. A framework of designing a unique observer gain and residual weighting matrix is proposed for a system with multiple models. When the exact model is unknown, a new framework of robust fault detection filter and an unchanged threshold are proposed. Second, a method is proposed to design an integrated fault detection observer for general case (unknown l_2 bounded faults and disturbances) and specific case (some specific faults) in frequency and time domain. The lower bound envelope is used to design a fast fault detection observer for the specific faults with a guaranteed ability of fault detection in the worst. By contrast, to decrease false alarms when fault disappearing, a constraint of an upper bound envelope is added into the design. Third, a new framework of active diagnosis with auxiliary signal is proposed. A criterion of peak amplitude is proposed to evaluate the worst effects from the auxiliary signal on the system. The effects of auxiliary signal on the outputs and control signals are considered in the design. The design is firstly shown with a case of two models, which is then extended to multiple models case
Japhet, Caroline. "Méthode de décomposition de domaine et conditions aux limites artificielles en mécanique des fluides : méthode optimisée d'ordre 2 (002)." Paris 13, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA132044.
Full textMachui, Jürgen. "Simulation magnétostatique de têtes magnétiques en 3D par décomposition du domaine." Paris 11, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA112055.
Full textThis work concerns the simulation of planar magnetic recording heads in the context of its industrial development. Finite elements and reduced potential are used for the 3D calculation of the magnetostatic problem. The particular difficulty of magnetic recording heads lies in the enormous difference in scale between the gap and the whole head. We resolve this difficulty using an iteratif algorithm for domain decomposition for symmetrical heads that converges very rapidly. The non-linear saturation problem can be resolved using the Newton-Raphson method. Our decomposition algorithm is equally efficient for this kind of problem
Lathuilière, Bruno. "Méthode de décomposition de domaine pour les équations du transport simplifié en neutronique." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00468154.
Full textBencteux, Guy. "Amélioration d'une méthode de décomposition de domaine pour le calcul de structures électroniques." Phd thesis, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00391801.
Full textDabbagui, Abderrazak. "Conception d'une spectroscopie diélectrique dans le domaine temporel et fréquentiel pour les systèmes d'isolation en électrotechnique : applications pour les matériaux composites renforcés par des particules." Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2006. http://espace.etsmtl.ca/489/1/DABBAGUI_Abderrazak.pdf.
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