Academic literature on the topic 'Method of equivalent charges'
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Journal articles on the topic "Method of equivalent charges"
Full textAraujo, Eduardo Nozawa Caetano de, and Homero Delboni Jr. "Development of a method to measure charges in tumbling mills." Rem: Revista Escola de Minas 67, no. 3 (September 2014): 311–16.
Full textArgyriou, DN, and CJ Howard. "Evaluation of Electrostatic Potentials and Madelung Constants in Ionic Crystals by the Method of Spherically Symmetric Equivalent Charges." Australian Journal of Physics 45, no. 2 (1992): 239.
Full textKazantsev, V. P., and E. A. Lysenko. "Variational estimates in electrostatics. Gauss's principle and the method of equivalent charges." Russian Physics Journal 38, no. 2 (February 1995): 127–33.
Full textPai, Kai-Jun. "A Reformatory Model Incorporating PNGV Battery and Three-Terminal-Switch Models to Design and Implement Feedback Compensations of LiFePO4 Battery Chargers." Electronics 8, no. 2 (January 24, 2019): 126.
Full textChen, Shen Li, and Yet Fan Chang. "Lateral Non-Uniformity Charges Influence on Interface Trap Density (Dit) by Terman Method in the nMOS Fabrication." Advanced Materials Research 690-693 (May 2013): 1846–50.
Full textApostol, M. "Fast Atom Ionization in Strong Electromagnetic Radiation." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 73, no. 5 (May 24, 2018): 461–66.
Full textAlshareef, Sami. "A Novel Smart Charging Method to Mitigate Voltage Fluctuation at Fast Charging Stations." Energies 15, no. 5 (February 26, 2022): 1746.
Full textLi, Cheng Bing, Jin Xiong, and Ming Yong Ma. "Theoretical and Experimental Research on Perforation Remnant Energy." Advanced Materials Research 339 (September 2011): 379–85.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Method of equivalent charges"
Susetyo, Budi. "Modélisation de l'impédance harmonique de charges agrégées." Grenoble INPG, 1995.
Full textГрецких, Светлана Владимировна. "Ослабление статического геомагнитного поля ферромагнитными элементами домов." Thesis, Государственное учреждение "Институт технических проблем магнетизма НАН Украины", 2015.
Full textThesis for scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.09.05 – theoretical electrical engineering. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The thesis is devoted to mathematical modeling of the phenomenon of weakening of the static geomagnetic field (GMF) in residential homes and to the development of recommendations on how to normalize it to a safe level. The modeling of weakening of the GMF was performed with the help of the equivalent charges method. The cylindrical ferromagnetic column was taken as an example. In the framework of this technique the problem of calculation of the GMF’s induction weakened by extended ferromagnetic elements was solved. The physical parameters of the ferromagnetic column which effect the weakening of GMF are determined. The conditions under which GMF is reduced to the safety level are also determined. This is due to the changes of the GMF’s geometry and reducing of initial magnetic permeability of its material. The Arcadiev method of the effective magnetic permeability for modeling of magneticfield of reinforced concrete columns and intermediate floors was developed. The numerical modeling of static GMF in premises of houses with reinforced concrete structures was performed. The numerical results were experimentally confirmed. The recommendations for normalizing of GMF for creating safe and comfortable living conditions are given. These recommendations should be taken into account in designing modern premises of houses.
Грецьких, Світлана Володимирівна. "Ослаблення статичного геомагнітного поля феромагнітними елементами будинків." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThesis for scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.09.05 – theoretical electrical engineering. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The thesis is devoted to mathematical modeling of the phenomenon of weakening of the static geomagnetic field (GMF) in residential homes and to the development of recommendations on how to normalize it to a safe level. The modeling of weakening of the GMF was performed with the help of the equivalent charges method. The cylindrical ferromagnetic column was taken as an example. In the framework of this technique the problem of calculation of the GMF’s induction weakened by extended ferromagnetic elements was solved. The physical parameters of the ferromagnetic column which effect the weakening of GMF are determined. The conditions under which GMF is reduced to the safety level are also determined. This is due to the changes of the GMF’s geometry and reducing of initial magnetic permeability of its material. The Arcadiev method of the effective magnetic permeability for modeling of magneticfield of reinforced concrete columns and intermediate floors was developed. The numerical modeling of static GMF in premises of houses with reinforced concrete structures was performed. The numerical results were experimentally confirmed. The recommendations for normalizing of GMF for creating safe and comfortable living conditions are given. These recommendations should be taken into account in designing modern premises of houses.
Oliveira, Yuri Álisson Rodrigues de. "Contribuição ao estudo dos níveis de energia em sistemas contendo íons Ln3+." Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 2016.
Full textA new approach to describe the crystal field interaction in compounds that contains trivalent lanthanide ions is presented. It is considered the electrostatic balance of the optically active site, the effective charge of the central ion and the sign of crystal field parameters (CCP) as determinant factors in the crystal field interaction. The method of the first equivalent neighbours (MENN) was reformulated, and improvements in predicting the CCP and energy levels 7FJ of Eu3+ could be realized. Moreover, it was possible to predict the lanthanide-nearest neighbour interaction of load factors (Ln-NN), the maximum coverage of the wave functions of the interacting ions and energy levels levels structure of the 7FJ of Eu3+. The physically acceptable limits are designed to load factors and the maximum overlap of the wave functions of the interacting ions. The compounds studied have high symmetry and exhibit a first neighbourhood consisting of oxygen ions, fluorine or chlorine. The use of secular determinants solutions of the energy matrices served as an excellent theoretical framework for the development of the method, which is applied based on the simple overlap model (SOM). This allowed the description of the interaction of the crystalline field by a nonparametric method and simple application. In addition, it was predicted the wave functions overlap factor of the interacting ions, the total effective bonding charge of Eu3+, and the relationships and trends of the crystal field interaction with the chemical species of the NN and the type of Ln that makes up the main host matrix. Finally, it was possible to remodulate the MENN at a more theoretical method by using theoretical data. The results served to confirm the efficiency and accuracy of MENN in describing the interaction of the crystal field on systems containing trivalent lanthanide ions.
Uma nova abordagem na descrição da interação do campo cristalino em compostos contendo íons lantanídeos trivalentes é apresentada. São considerados o equilíbrio eletrostático do sítio opticamente ativo, a carga efetiva do íon central e o sinal dos parâmetros de campo cristalino (PCC) como fatores determinantes na descrição da interação de campo cristalino. O método dos primeiros vizinhos equivalentes (MENN) foi reformulado, e assim melhorias na previsão dos PCC e dos níveis de energia 7FJ do Eu3+ puderam ser realizadas. Além disso, foi possível prever fatores de carga de interação lantanídeo-primeiro vizinho (Ln-PV), o recobrimento máximo das funções de onda dos íons interagentes e estrutura dos níveis níveis de energia 7FJ do Eu3+. Foram estabelecidos limites fisicamente aceitáveis para os fatores de carga e para o recobrimento máximo das funções de onda dos íons interagentes. Os compostos estudados possuem alta simetria e apresentam uma primeira vizinhança composta por íons de oxigênio, flúor ou cloro. A utilização das soluções dos determinantes seculares das matrizes energéticas serviram como um excelente aporte teórico para o desenvolvimento do método, o qual é aplicado tendo por base o modelo de recobrimento simples (SOM). Isto permitiu a descrição da interação do campo cristalino por um método não paramétrico e de simples aplicação. Além disso, foi realizada a previsão do fator de recobrimento das funções de onda dos íons interagentes, carga efetiva total de ligação do Eu3+, e as relações e tendências da interação do campo cristalino com a espécie química dos PV, e o tipo de Ln que compõe a matriz hospedeira principal. Por fim, foi possível tornar o MENN um método mais teórico através da utilização de dados teóricos. Os resultados obtidos serviram para confirmar a eficiência e precisão do MENN na descrição da interação do campo cristalino em sistemas contendo íons lantanídeos trivalentes.
Castellani, Adriano. "Calcul du champ electrique par la methode des charges equivalentes pour la simulation d'une decharge bi-leader." Paris 11, 1995.
Full textEkman, Jonas. "Electromagnetic modeling using the partial element equivalent circuit method." Doctoral thesis, Luleå, 2003.
Full textMunk, Jens. "An equivalent source inversion method for imaging complex structures /." The Ohio State University, 1999.
Full textBecker, Ralf. "Consumption equivalent public capital method and a three generations model /." Marburg : Metropolis-Verl, 2002.
Full textBécot, François-Xavier. "Tyre noise over impedance surfaces : efficient application of the equivalent sources method." Lyon, INSA, 2003.
Full textThe aim of the present work is to understand and to control the mechanisms of the tyre radiation, by designing efficient prediction tools for the propagation of the tyre / road noise over arbitrary impedance surfaces. Tyre radiation is modelled using the Equivalent Sources method. A model for the ground effects induced from a given impedance plane is developed for sources having arbitrary directivity. Moreover, the exact solution to the two-dimensional problem is derived. Based on the two previous prediction tools, an iterative model is developed for the tyre radiation over an arbitrary impedance surface. Using this model, a parametrical study examines the tendencies of tyre radiation over absorbing surfaces. The present work allows to study the possibilities of traffic noise reduction, particularly by the use of so-called silent road surfaces
Min, Ki-Bok. "Determination of equivalent hydraulic and mechanical properties of fractured rock masses using the distinct element method." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Land and Water Resources Engineering, 2002.
Full textThe equivalent continuum approach uses equivalent propertiesof rock mass as the input data for a continuum analysis. Thisis a common modeling method used in the field of rock mechanicsand hydrogeology. However, there are still unresolvedquestions; how can the equivalent properties be determined andis the equivalent continuum approach suitable for modeling thediscontinuous fractured rock mass.
The purpose of this paper is to establish a methodology todetermine the equivalent hydraulic and mechanical properties offractured rock masses by explicit representations of stochasticfracture systems, to investigate the scale-dependency of theproperties, and to investigate the conditions for theapplication of the equivalent continuum approach for thefractured rock masses. Geological data used for this study arefrom the site characterization of Sellafield, Cumbria, UK. Aprogram for the generation of stochastic Discrete FractureNetwork (DFN) is developed for the realization of fractureinformation and ten parent DFN models are constructed based onthe location, trace length, orientation and density offractures. Square models with the sizes varying from 0.25 m× 0.25 m to 10 m × 10 m are cut from the center ofthe each parent network to be used for the scale dependencyinvestigation. A series of the models in a parent network arerotated in 30 degrees interval to be used for investigation oftensor characteristic. The twodimensional distinct elementprogram, UDEC, was used to calculate the equivalentpermeability and compliance tensors based on generalizedDarcys law and general theory of anisotropic elasticity.Two criteria for the applicability of equivalent continuumapproach were established from the investigation: i) theexistence of properly defined REV (Representative ElementaryVolume) and ii) existence of the tensor in describing theconstitutive equation of fractured rock The equivalentcontinuum assumption cannot be accepted if any one of the abovetwo criteria is not met. Coefficient of variation and meanprediction error is suggested for the measures toquantitatively evaluate the errors involved in scale dependencyand tensor characteristic evaluation.
Equivalent permeability and mechanical properties (includingelastic modulus and Poissons ratios) determined onrealistic fracture network show that the presence of fracturehas a significant effect on the equivalent properties. Theresults of permeability, elastic moduli and Poisson's ratioshow that they narrow down with the increase of scale andmaintain constant range after a certain scales with someacceptable variation. Furthermore, Investigations of thepermeability tensor and compliance tensor in the rotated modelshow that their tensor characteristics are satisfied at acertain scale; this would indicate that the uses of theequivalent continuum approach is justified for the siteconsidered in this study.
The unique feature of the thesis is that it gives asystematic treatment of the homogenization and upscaling issuesfor the hydraulic and mechanical properties of fractured rockswith a unified approach. These developments established a firmfoundation for future application to large-scale performanceassessment of underground nuclear waste repository byequivalent continuum analysis.
Keywords :Equivalent continuum approach, Equivalentproperty, Representative Elementary Volume (REV), DistinctElement Method, Discrete Fracture Network (DFN)
Books on the topic "Method of equivalent charges"
Nitsch, Jürgen, Frank Gronwald, and Günter Wollenberg. Radiating Nonuniform Transmissionline Systems and the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2009.
Full textNitsch, Jürgen. Radiating non-uniform transmission line systems and the partial element equivalent circuit method. Hoboken, N.J: J. Wiley, 2009.
Find full textNitsch, Jürgen. Radiating non-uniform transmission line systems and the partial element equivalent circuit method. Hoboken, N.J: J. Wiley, 2009.
Find full textNitsch, Jürgen. Radiating non-uniform transmission line systems and the partial element equivalent circuit method. Hoboken, N.J: J. Wiley, 2009.
Find full textInstitution, British Standards. British standard method for measurement of the equivalent pore size of fabrics (bubble pressure test) ... . London: B.S.I., 1986.
Find full textBarnett, Inka. Poor households' experiences and perception of user fees for healthcare: A mixed-method study from Ethiopia. Oxford: Young Lives, Dept. of International Development, University of Oxford, 2010.
Find full textUniversiteit van Amsterdam. Europa Instituut., ed. Barriers to external and internal community trade: The external application of measures and charges of equivalent effect under the law of the European Economic Community. Deventer: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1993.
Find full textExecutive, NHS Management, ed. Capital charges and trust equivalent manual. [London]: NHS Management Executive, 1993.
Find full textComputation of Wheeling Charges Using MW-Mile Method. Karur, India: ASDF International, 2017.
Find full textGeorge C. Marshall Space Flight Center., ed. Equivalent circuit models for AC impedance data analysis. [Marshall Space Flight Center, Ala.]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, 1990.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Method of equivalent charges"
Lacava, Francesco. "The Method of Image Charges." In Classical Electrodynamics, 33–53. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textChen, Yanfeng, and Bo Zhang. "Equivalent-Small-Parameters Method (ESPM)." In Equivalent-Small-Parameter Analysis of DC/DC Switched-Mode Converter, 33–43. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.
Full textWu, Sean F. "Equivalent Sources Using HELS." In The Helmholtz Equation Least Squares Method, 145–62. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textSthitpattanapongsa, Puthipong, and Thitiwan Srinark. "An Equivalent 3D Otsu’s Thresholding Method." In Advances in Image and Video Technology, 358–69. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Full textMattavelli, Andrea, Alberto Goffi, and Alessandra Gorla. "Synthesis of Equivalent Method Calls in Guava." In Search-Based Software Engineering, 248–54. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textKerikmäe, Tanel, and Sandra Särav. "Article 30 [Prohibition of New Customs Duties or Charges Having Equivalent Effect]." In Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union - A Commentary, 711–18. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textPaz, Mario, and William Leigh. "Uniform Building Code 1997: Equivalent Lateral Force Method." In Structural Dynamics, 699–729. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2004.
Full textPaz, Mario. "Uniform Building Code-1994 Equivalent Static Lateral Force Method." In Structural Dynamics, 707–65. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1997.
Full textPaz, Mario. "Equivalent Static Lateral Force Method: Uniform Building Code—1985." In Structural Dynamics, 511–44. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1991.
Full textPaz, Mario. "Equivalent Static Lateral Force Method: Uniform Building Code—1988." In Structural Dynamics, 545–67. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1991.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Method of equivalent charges"
Germer, Maxim, Uwe Marschner, and Andreas Richter. "Combined Finite Element Method (FEM) and Network Simulation of a Nonlinear Electromagnetic Energy Harvester." In ASME 2020 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.
Full textOnori, Simona, Lorenzo Serrao, and Giorgio Rizzoni. "Adaptive Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicles." In ASME 2010 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textGu, Bo, and Giorgio Rizzoni. "An Adaptive Algorithm for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Management Based on Driving Pattern Recognition." In ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2006.
Full textBhagyasree, P., and Varsha A. Shah. "A Simplified Method to Evaluate Equivalent Circuit Model and State of Charge of Li-ion Battery." In 2019 IEEE 1st International Conference on Energy, Systems and Information Processing (ICESIP). IEEE, 2019.
Full textRui, Huang, and Feng Jian. "Magnetic field analysis of permanent magnet array for planar motor based on Equivalent Magnetic Charge method." In 2012 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2012). IEEE, 2012.
Full textAstapenko, V. A., and A. B. Kukushkin. "Fermi method of equivalent photons for stimulated emission of polarization-induced multiphoton radiation by multiply charged ions." In Proceedings of the 12th International conference on spectral line shapes. AIP, 1995.
Full textGeng, Jihui, and Kelly Thomas. "Equivalent Explosion Source for PVB Blast Wave Infiltration." In ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
Full textKing, Kim W., and Chris R. Vaught. "Determining TNT Equivalency for Confined Detonations." In ASME 2008 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2008.
Full textRahmeh, Hadi, Angelo Bonfitto, and Sanjarbek Ruzimov. "Fuzzy Logic vs Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy for Energy Management in P2 Hybrid Electric Vehicles." In ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.
Full textDeng, Dan, Sheng-Yong Liu, Shun-Li Wang, Li-Li Xia, and Lei Chen. "An improved second-order electrical equivalent modeling method for the online high power Li-ion battery state of charge estimation." In 2021 IEEE 12th Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition - Asia (ECCE-Asia). IEEE, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "Method of equivalent charges"
Zimmerman, T. A simplified, improved method for making amplifier equivalent noise charge measurements using a new generation digitizing oscilloscope. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1990.
Full textFournier, Kevin, Otis Walton, Russ Benjamin, and William Dunlop. Simulation Study of Near-Surface Coupling of Nuclear Devices vs. Equivalent High-Explosive Charges. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2014.
Full textEisen, Y., D. G. Vasilik, R. J. Brake, B. H. Erkkila, and G. J. Littlejohn. Performance of low pressure tissue equivalent chambers and a new method for parameterizing the dose equivalent. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 1986.
Full textCai, Yongyang, Kenneth Judd, and Jevgenijs Steinbuks. A Nonlinear Certainty Equivalent Approximation Method for Dynamic Stochastic Problems. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, September 2015.
Full textCai, Yongyang, and Kenneth Judd. A Simple but Powerful Simulated Certainty Equivalent Approximation Method for Dynamic Stochastic Problems. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, February 2021.
Full textPope, J. A method for estimating annual dose equivalent to the lung under varying radon progeny conditions. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1989.
Full textTanaka, Shun-ichi, and Tomoo Suzuki. A calculational method of photon dose equivalent based on the revised technical standards of radiological protection law. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 1991.
Full textRahmani, Mehran, and Manan Naik. Structural Identification and Damage Detection in Bridges using Wave Method and Uniform Shear Beam Models: A Feasibility Study. Mineta Transportation Institute, February 2021.
Full textRamakrishnan, Aravind, Ashraf Alrajhi, Egemen Okte, Hasan Ozer, and Imad Al-Qadi. Truck-Platooning Impacts on Flexible Pavements: Experimental and Mechanistic Approaches. Illinois Center for Transportation, November 2021.
Full textSparks, Paul, Jesse Sherburn, William Heard, and Brett Williams. Penetration modeling of ultra‐high performance concrete using multiscale meshfree methods. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), September 2021.
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