Books on the topic 'Metaphysique, ontologie philosophie des sciences'

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Bourdeau, Michel. Les trois etats: Science, theologie et metaphysique chez Auguste Comte. Paris: Cerf, 2006.

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Groff, Ruth. Ontology revisited: Metaphysics in social and political philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge, 2013.

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Lawson, Clive;. Contributions to Social Ontology (Routledge Studies in Critcal Realism). Routledge, 2007.

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Plato. Theetete - parmenide. Flammarion, 1993.

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Kaidesoja, Tuukka. Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology. Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.

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Kaidesoja, Tuukka. Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.

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Kaidesoja, Tuukka. Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology. Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.

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Kaidesoja, Tuukka. Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology. Routledge, 2013.

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Kaidesoja, Tuukka. Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology. Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.

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Bultmann, Daniel, and Benjamin Baumann. Social Ontology, Sociocultures and Inequality in the Global South. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Bultmann, Daniel, and Benjamin Baumann. Social Ontology Sociocultures and Inequality in the Global South. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Bultmann, Daniel, and Benjamin Baumann. Social Ontology, Sociocultures and Inequality in the Global South. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Collin, Finn. Social Reality. Taylor & Francis Group, 2012.

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Collin, Finn. Social Reality. Taylor & Francis Group, 2012.

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Collin, Finn. Social Reality. Taylor & Francis Group, 2012.

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Collin, Finn. Social Reality. Routledge, 2012.

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Collin, Finn. Social Reality. Taylor & Francis Group, 2012.

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Collin, Finn. Social Reality. Routledge, 1997.

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Collin, Finn. Social Reality. Taylor & Francis Group, 2012.

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Ochieng, Omedi. Groundwork for the Practice of the Good Life: Politics and Ethics at the Intersection of North Atlantic and African Philosophy. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.

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Ochieng, Omedi. Groundwork for the Practice of the Good Life: Politics and Ethics at the Intersection of North Atlantic and African Philosophy. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.

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Ochieng, Omedi. Groundwork for the Practice of the Good Life: Politics and Ethics at the Intersection of North Atlantic and African Philosophy. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.

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