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Journal articles on the topic 'Metabolism'

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Anton-Păduraru, Dana-Teodora. "URGENŢE METABOLICE – PARTEA I." Romanian Journal of Pediatrics 64, no. 1 (March 31, 2015): 44–47.

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Frecvent, bolnavii cu afecţiuni metabolice (boli datorate dezechilibrelor electrolitice, disfuncţii endocrine, boli înnăscute de metabolism) prezintă simptome similare cu ale altor urgenţe, în particular în perioada de nou-născut şi sugar. Autorii prezintǎ principalele urgenţe: în cazul dezechilibrelor electrolitice – hipoglicemia, hiponatremia, acidoza metabolicǎ şi hipocalcemia neonatalǎ; în cazul disfuncţiilor endocrine – insuficienţa suprarenalianǎ şi criza hipopituitarǎ neonatalǎ; în bolile înnăscute de metabolism – acidoza, hiperglicemia/ hipoglicemia, hiperamoniemia, simptomele clinice asociate acestora şi tratamentul recomandat.
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Kordyum, E. L., and О. М. Nedukha. "Proposals for the ISS: «Starch» Experiment Structural-metabolic aspects of carbohydrate metabolism in microgravity." Kosmìčna nauka ì tehnologìâ 6, no. 4 (July 30, 2000): 97.

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Strashok, L. A., O. V. Buznytska, and О. М. Meshkova. "Indicators of lipid metabolism disorders in the blood serum of adolescents with metabolic syndrome." Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 92, no. 6 (December 24, 2020): 137–42.

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Šnejdrlová, Michaela. "Metabolism and sex, sex and metabolism." Urologie pro praxi 18, no. 1 (March 1, 2017): 22–25.

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Wahyono, Sri, Sulistyoweni Widanarko, Setyo S. Moersidik, and Surna T. Djajadiningrat. "METABOLISME PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH ORGANIK MELALUI TEKNOLOGI KOMPOSTING DI WILAYAH INTERNAL PERKOTAAN." Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan 13, no. 2 (December 13, 2016): 179.

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Kegiatan komposting sampah kota umumnya tidak berjalan sinambung karena kegagalan pasar, lemahnya dukungan pemerintah, lemahnya manajemen dan ketidaklayakan teknik yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyusun konsep metabolisme pengelolaan sampah organik melalui teknologi komposting di wilayah internal perkotaan. Metodologi penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuntitatif dan eksploratif deskriptif melalui analisis matematis, analisis multikriteria pengambilan keputusan, analisis aliran material, dan analisis finansial. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa metabolisme pengelolaan sampah organik melalui teknologi komposting di wilayah internal perkotaan adalah metabolism sistem fisik, sosial, dan ekonomi dari kegiatan pengelolaan sampah organik yang bercirikan metabolisme antropogenik untuk keberlanjutan kota sedang. Kata kunci: Pengelolaan sampah organik, metabolisme, aliran material, komposting, analisis multikriteria. AbstractComposting of municipal solid waste activities generally do not run continuously because of market failure, lack of government support, poor management and inability of the techniques used. This study aims to develop the concept of the metabolism of organic waste management through composting technology in internal urban areas. Theresearch methodology was conducted by the method of quantitative and descriptive explorative through mathematical analysis, multicriteria decision analysis, material flow analysis, and financial analysis. The study concluded that the metabolism of organic waste management through composting technology in internal urban areas is themetabolism system of physical, social, economic and environmental of organic waste management activities characterized by anthropogenic metabolism to the sustainability of medium cities. Key words: Organic waste management, metabolism, material flow, composting, analysis of multicriteria
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Litvyak, V. S., and V. V. Litvyak. "Possible Explanation of Metabolism Process." Nutrition and Food Processing 5, no. 1 (February 1, 2022): 01–13.

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Until now, there is no hypothesis explaining metabolic processes. At present, only timid assumptions have been put forward about the possibility of the existence of biotransmutation in microorganisms. We have proposed a hypothesis explaining metabolic processes in a living organism. The main stages of the organization of energy flows of matter (action or effort) and antimatter (counteraction or anti-effort) are shown step by step on the basis of their interaction: the forces of complementary and related attraction. Demonstrated the formation of particle-nucleons (looped energy sweats) → electrons → electromagnetic waves → hydrogen proton → development of the hydrogen atom. The periodic table of chemical elements is considered as the gradual development of the hydrogen atom. According to the hypothesis put forward, any «living» body (subcellular organelles, cell, tissue, organ, organ systems, organism: bacteria, plants, fungi, animals, humans) is a set of proteins-enzymes, hormones and other biologically active substances (water, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc.), is intended for the maximum possible acceleration of atomic (or corpuscular) synthesis (conflict-free ordering of previously separated energy flows of action and reaction) as a result of metabolic processes. The whole variety of chemical reactions (compounds, decomposition, substitution, ion exchange, redox, etc.) can be considered as a means for the classification (separation) of different types of electrons and protons, as well as for their delivery to the place of transmutation (active center of the protein -enzyme or hormone) along pathways built from biologically active substances (water, vitamins, fats, etc.). Any failures in the transmutation process immediately manifest themselves in the form of various pathological conditions (diseases). Consideration of «living» organisms as objects carrying out transmutation of chemical elements will make it possible to understand fundamentally new biochemistry, metabolic processes, therapeutic approaches to the treatment of various diseases, dietology, nutritional science, food quality and safety, etc.
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Pospisilik, J. Andrew. "Metabolism shaping chromatin shaping metabolism." Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 70, no. 9 (March 9, 2013): 1493–94.

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Umbu Henggu, Krisman, and Yopi Nurdiansyah. "Review dari Metabolisme Karbohidrat, Lipid, Protein, dan Asam Nukleat." QUIMICA: Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Terapan 3, no. 2 (August 2, 2022): 9–17.

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Artikel review ini mengulas tentang prinsip dan proses metabolisme karbohidrat, lipid, protein dan asam nukeat pada organisme. Telaah pustaka yang disajikan dalam review ini bersumber pada jurnal ilmiah maupun buku terakreditasi yang relevan. Lintasan metabolisme karbohidrat, lipid, protein, asam nukleat terdiri atas tiga bentuk lintasan yakni katabolik, anabolik dan amfibolik. Lintasan tersebut umumnya terjadi pada mitokondria melalui siklus Krebs. Katabolisme protein, karbohidrat dan lemak dapat menjadi derivat asam amino, glukosa, gliserol dan asam lemak yang mampu dikonversi menjadi energi maupun cadangan energi untuk proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sel. Demikian sebaliknya proses anabolisme dapat memanfaatkan derivat makro molekul (asam amino, glukosa, fruktosa, asam lemak) menjadi makro molekul (protein, karbohidrat dan lipid). Proses metabolisme karbohidrat secara khusus melalui glikolisis, glikogenesis dan glukoneogenesis. Sedangkan metabolisme lemak melalui proses asetil-KoA terkarboksilase dan menghasilkan malonil-KoA hingga berlanjut pada proses pembentukan asam lemak melalui proses enzimatis (elongase dan desaturase). Demikian pula pada metabolisme protein yang diawali dengan pemecahan makro molekul dalam bentuk peptida menjadi monomer terkecil (asam amino) secara enzimatis (melibatkan enzim protease) dan menjadi salah satu sumber energi dalam pembentukan ATP untuk perkembangan sel. Sebaliknya anabolisme protein tersebut didasari oleh proses transmisi dan aminasi. Metabolisme asam nukleat melibatkan proses sintesis purin dan pirimidin sebagai nukleotida secara de novo. Proses metabolisme asam nukleat melaui proses enzimatik (housekeeping) yang sangat bertanggungjawab terhadap fungsi katabolisme dan anabolisme. Referensi: [1] Wali, J. A., Milner, A. J., Luk, A. W., Pulpitel, T. J., Dodgson, T., Facey, H. J., ... & Simpson, S. J. (2021). Impact of dietary carbohydrate type and protein–carbohydrate interaction on metabolic health. Nature Metabolism, 3(6), 810-828. [2] Staples, J. F. (2016). Metabolic flexibility: hibernation, torpor, and estivation. Compr. Physiol, 6(2), 737-71. [3] O’Neill, L. A. (2015). A broken krebs cycle in macrophages. Immunity, 42(3), 393-394. [4] Rajendran, M., Dane, E., Conley, J., & Tantama, M. (2016). Imaging adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The Biological Bulletin, 231(1), 73-84. [5] Luo, L., & Liu, M. (2016). Adipose tissue in control of metabolism. Journal of endocrinology, 231(3), R77-R99. [6] Poggiogalle, E., Jamshed, H., & Peterson, C. M. (2018). Circadian regulation of glucose, lipid, and energy metabolism in humans. Metabolism, 84, 11-27. [7] Purba, D. H., Marzuki, I., Dailami, M., Saputra, H. A., Mawarti, H., Gurning, K., ... & Purba, A. M. V. (2021). Biokimia. . Bandung (ID): Yayasan Kita Menulis Press [8] Park, S., Jeon, J. H., Min, B. K., Ha, C. M., Thoudam, T., Park, B. 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Pathak, Aishwarya. "EXPLORING METABOLISM: UNDERSTANDING THE FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES." International Journal of Prevention Practice and Research 02, no. 01 (January 2, 2022): 01–06.

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Metabolism, the intricate web of biochemical processes within living organisms, is essential for energy production, growth, and the maintenance of life. This article delves into the key components and mechanisms of metabolism, elucidating its significance in cellular function and overall organismal health. Metabolism encompasses a series of interconnected biochemical reactions that sustain life by converting nutrients into energy and building blocks for cellular function. Comprising catabolic and anabolic pathways, metabolism operates through intricate enzymatic reactions, ensuring the body's equilibrium and functionality.
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Hao, Min, De Ji, Lin Li, Lianlin Su, Wei Gu, Liya Gu, Qiaohan Wang, Tulin Lu, and Chunqin Mao. "Mechanism of Curcuma wenyujin Rhizoma on Acute Blood Stasis in Rats Based on a UPLC-Q/TOF-MS Metabolomics and Network Approach." Molecules 24, no. 1 (December 27, 2018): 82.

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Rhizome of Curcuma wenyujin, which is called EZhu in China, is a traditional Chinese medicine used to treat blood stasis for many years. However, the underlying mechanism of EZhu is not clear at present. In this study, plasma metabolomics combined with network pharmacology were used to elucidate the therapeutic mechanism of EZhu in blood stasis from a metabolic perspective. The results showed that 26 potential metabolite markers of acute blood stasis were screened, and the levels were all reversed to different degrees by EZhu preadministration. Metabolic pathway analysis showed that the improvement of blood stasis by Curcuma wenyujin rhizome was mainly related to lipid metabolism (linoleic acid metabolism, ether lipid metabolism, sphingolipid metabolism, glycerophospholipid metabolism, and arachidonic acid metabolism) and amino acid metabolisms (tryptophan metabolism, lysine degradation). The component-target-pathway network showed that 68 target proteins were associated with 21 chemical components in EZhu. Five metabolic pathways of the network, including linoleic acid metabolism, sphingolipid metabolism, glycerolipid metabolism, arachidonic acid metabolism, and steroid hormone biosynthesis, were consistent with plasma metabolomics results. In conclusion, plasma metabolomics combined with network pharmacology can be helpful to clarify the mechanism of EZhu in improving blood stasis and to provide a literature basis for further research on the therapeutic mechanism of EZhu in clinical practice.
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Moing, Annick, Pierre Pétriacq, and Sonia Osorio. "Special Issue on “Fruit Metabolism and Metabolomics”." Metabolites 10, no. 6 (June 3, 2020): 230.

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Over the past 10 years, knowledge about several aspects of fruit metabolism has been greatly improved. Notably, high-throughput metabolomic technologies have allowed quantifying metabolite levels across various biological processes, and identifying the genes that underly fruit development and ripening. This Special Issue is designed to exemplify the current use of metabolomics studies of temperate and tropical fruit for basic research as well as practical applications. It includes articles about different aspects of fruit biochemical phenotyping, fruit metabolism before and after harvest, including primary and specialized metabolisms, and bioactive compounds involved in growth and environmental responses. The effect of genotype, stages of development or fruit tissue on metabolomic profiles and corresponding metabolism regulations are addressed, as well as the combination of other omics with metabolomics for fruit metabolism studies.
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KURIHARA, Norio, and Kiyoshi SATO. "METABOLISM." Journal of Pesticide Science 19, Special (1994): S301—S306.

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Hepp, Rebecca. "Metabolism." Oncology Times 41, no. 8 (April 2019): 1.

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Henning, Dianna. "Metabolism." Psychological Perspectives 44, no. 1 (January 2002): 147.

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Brookes, Paul S., and Heinrich Taegtmeyer. "Metabolism." Circulation 136, no. 22 (November 28, 2017): 2158–61.

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Judge, Ayesha, and Michael S. Dodd. "Metabolism." Essays in Biochemistry 64, no. 4 (August 24, 2020): 607–47.

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Abstract Metabolism consists of a series of reactions that occur within cells of living organisms to sustain life. The process of metabolism involves many interconnected cellular pathways to ultimately provide cells with the energy required to carry out their function. The importance and the evolutionary advantage of these pathways can be seen as many remain unchanged by animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. In eukaryotes, the metabolic pathways occur within the cytosol and mitochondria of cells with the utilisation of glucose or fatty acids providing the majority of cellular energy in animals. Metabolism is organised into distinct metabolic pathways to either maximise the capture of energy or minimise its use. Metabolism can be split into a series of chemical reactions that comprise both the synthesis and degradation of complex macromolecules known as anabolism or catabolism, respectively. The basic principles of energy consumption and production are discussed, alongside the biochemical pathways that make up fundamental metabolic processes for life.
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Lind, L., H. Bricchi, M. Gemma, C. Ariano, F. Fiacchino, M. M. Berger, C. Cavadini, et al. "Metabolism." Intensive Care Medicine 18, S2 (October 1992): S208—S213.

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Amiel, Stephanie, JensO L. Jørgensen, JensS Christiansen, Ann Logan, Bruce Arroll, Robert Beaglehole, and Stephanie Amiel. "METABOLISM." Lancet 341, no. 8855 (May 1993): 1249–50.

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Ali, Lubna, Johan G. Schnitzler, and Jeffrey Kroon. "Metabolism." Current Opinion in Lipidology 29, no. 6 (December 2018): 474–80.

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Miller, J. P. "Metabolism." Current Opinion in Lipidology 1, no. 2 (April 1990): 168–74.

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&NA;, &NA;. "Metabolism." Current Opinion in Lipidology 1, no. 3 (June 1990): 301–16.

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Nilsson-Ehle, P. "Metabolism." Current Opinion in Lipidology 1, no. 4 (August 1990): 373–78.

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Stalenhoef, A. "Metabolism." Current Opinion in Lipidology 1, no. 6 (December 1990): 547–50.

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Vlad, Mihaela, Daniela Amzar, Diana Bănică, Ioana Golu, Melania Balaș, Adrian Vlad, Romulus Timar, and Ioana Zosin. "Glucose and Lipid Abnormalities in Newly Diagnosed Acromegalic Patients." Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 22, no. 1 (March 1, 2015): 47–51.

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AbstractBackground and Aims. Acromegaly is frequently associated with abnormalities of glucose and lipid metabolism. The aim of our study was to analyze the prevalence of glucose and lipid metabolism abnormalities in newly diagnosed acromegaly patients. Material and Methods. This retrospective study included 14 patients (F/M=10/4), mean age 49.5 ± 10.6 years, registered with acromegaly between January and December 2013. In all the cases the values of blood glucose (fasting and during the oral glucose tolerance test), total cholesterol and triglycerides were analyzed. The glucose disorders were classified according to the current criteria of the American Diabetes Association. Regarding the lipid metabolism, the cases were classified as having normal cholesterol, normal triglycerides, high cholesterol and high triglycerides. Results. A number of 7 patients (50%) presented abnormalities of glucose metabolism. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (14.3%) was lower compared to that reported by other studies (15.5%- 56%). Abnormalities of lipid metabolism were present in 8 patients (57.2%): high cholesterol was detected in 2 cases and 6 cases presented increased values for both cholesterol and triglycerides. Only 4/14 cases (28.6%) presented normal values for all glucose and lipid metabolisms parameters. Conclusions. Abnormalities of glucose and lipid metabolisms are very common in acromegalic patients.
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Pin, Carmen, Gonzalo D. García de Fernando, and Juan A. Ordóñez. "Effect of Modified Atmosphere Composition on the Metabolism of Glucose by Brochothrix thermosphacta." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68, no. 9 (September 2002): 4441–47.

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ABSTRACT The influence of atmosphere composition on the metabolism of Brochothrix thermosphacta was studied by analyzing the consumption of glucose and the production of ethanol, acetic and lactic acids, acetaldehyde, and diacetyl-acetoin under atmospheres containing different combinations of carbon dioxide and oxygen. When glucose was metabolized under oxygen-free atmospheres, lactic acid was one of the main end products, while under atmospheres rich in oxygen mainly acetoin-diacetyl was produced. The proportions of the total consumed glucose used for the production of acetoin (aerobic metabolism) and lactic acid (anaerobic metabolism) were used to decide whether aerobic or anaerobic metabolism predominated at a given atmosphere composition. The boundary conditions between dominantly anaerobic and aerobic metabolisms were determined by logistic regression. The metabolism of glucose by B. thermosphacta was influenced not only by the oxygen content of the atmosphere but also by the carbon dioxide content. At high CO2 percentages, glucose metabolism remained anaerobic under greater oxygen contents.
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Neto, Benjamim Pereira da Costa. "Photosynthetic efficiency in species with C3 and C4 metabolisms." International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science 10, no. 1 (2023): 001–3.

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Beans and corn are very important crops in terms of human nutrition worldwide, however each of them has its particularities, especially in the characteristics of photosynthetic metabolism (energy production), which are C3 and C4, respectively. According to studies in the field of physiology of higher plants, the C4 metabolism is an evolution of the C3 metabolism, being, according to the literature, more efficient from the photosynthetic point of view. The present work was based on the following question: In fact, is C4 metabolism more efficient than C3 from the point of view of energy production?. Thus, this work aimed to quantify and compare the photosynthetic potential of species with C3 and C4 metabolisms. The results of this study, therefore, pointed to C3 metabolism as the major energy producer in the photosynthetic process. On the other hand, it considered that the relationship between the energy produced and the energy stored in grains was higher in the C4 metabolism culture, that can change from species to species.
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Walder, Alejandra, and Francisco Santa Cruz. "Renal Physiology and Hydrosaline metabolism." Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Asunción) 51, no. 3 (December 30, 2018): 113–14.

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Karmańska, Aleksandra, Natalia Rękawiecka, and Bolesław Karwowski. "Coenzyme Q10- metabolism, supplementation, bioavailability." Farmacja Polska 80, no. 9 (February 5, 2025): 645–56.

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Przedmiot badań Koenzym Q10 (CoQ10) 2,3-dimetoksy-5-metylo-6-dekaprenylobenzochinon, nazywany również ubichinonem lub ubidekarenonem odgrywa kluczową rolę w mitochondrialnej fosforylacji oksydacyjnej. W wysokich stężeniach występuje w tkankach wymagających zwiększonej ilości energii: serce, nerki, mięśnie. Efektywność biosyntezy koenzymu Q10 ulega obniżeniu u osób starszych stąd korzystny wpływ może mieć wprowadzenie jego suplementacji. Cel pracy W pracy omówiono zagadnienia dotyczące: • znaczenia koenzymu Q10 w organizmie człowieka jego udział w procesach fosforylacji oksydacyjnej, ferroptozie, wpływie na procesy oksydoredukcyjne; • poszczególnych etapów wchłaniania i metabolizmu w organizmie; • czynników wpływających na pierwotny i wtórny niedobór koenzymu; • biodostępności preparatów obecnych na rynku farmaceutycznym; • różnic w suplementowaniu dwóch form koenzymu ubichinonu i ubichinolu; • metod stosowanych do klinicznej oceny poziomu koenzymu w organizmie. Materiały i metody W publikacji korzystano z baz danych: PubMed, Medline, Science Direct (Elsevier), Google Scholar. Do wyszukiwania piśmiennictwa dotyczącego CoQ10 używano słów kluczowych: Coenzyme Q10, bioavailability, metabolism, ubiquinone, ubiquinol, absorption. Przegląd literatury obejmował artykuły oryginalne i prace przeglądowe w języku angielskim obejmujące lata 1994-2024. W celu znalezienia innych badań naukowych zastosowano podejście oparte na analizie cytowanej literatury w wybranych artykułach. Wyniki Niedobór CoQ10 może wynikać z wad genetycznych, chorób związanych ze stresem oksydacyjnym cukrzycy typu 2, nadciśnienia, chorób układu krążenia oraz starzenia się organizmu. Niektóre leki, w tym statyny, szeroko stosowane między innymi przez osoby starsze, mogą hamować endogenną syntezę CoQ10. Suplementacja koenzymu Q10 poprawia funkcję mitochondriów oraz zapewnia ochronę antyoksydacyjną narządów i tkanek dotkniętych stanami patologicznymi. W celu zwiększenia rozpuszczalności i biodostępności zastosowano nowe zaawansowane systemy dostarczania koenzymu Q10, optymalizacja formulacji preparatów jest głównym celem terapeutycznym. Wnioski 1. Wchłanianie i biodostępność suplementów CoQ10 może różnić się, zależy to od zastosowanej formulacji. 2. Wykazano duże różnice międzyosobnicze dotyczące absorpcji CoQ10 - wchłanianie preparatów zależy od zdolności danej osoby do wchłaniania koenzymu.
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Shin, Jae Gook. "Drug Interaction on Metabolism : Induction of Metabolism." Journal of the Korean Medical Association 40, no. 1 (1997): 24.

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van Heyningen, Charles. "Lipid metabolism: apolipoprotein variations affecting lipid metabolism." Current Opinion in Lipidology 16, no. 5 (October 2005): 597–99.

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McChesney, J., and S. Kouzi. "Microbial Models of Mammalian Metabolism: Sclareol Metabolism." Planta Medica 56, no. 06 (December 1990): 693.

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Zaichko, N. V. "Hydrogen sulfide: metabolism, biological and medical role." Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 86, no. 5 (October 27, 2014): 5–25.

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Souba, Wiley W. "Glutamine Metabolism and Nutrition for the Surgeon." Japanese Journal of SURGICAL METABOLISM and NUTRITION 48, no. 3 (2014): 35.

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SHIAMALA SINGH, SHIAMALA SINGH, and Harsh Vardhan Singh Harsh Vardhan Singh. "Nutrition and Metabolism in Geriatric Oral Health." International Journal of Scientific Research 3, no. 4 (June 1, 2012): 495–97.

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Gulevsky, A. K. "COLLAGEN: STRUCTURE, METABOLISM, PRODUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION." Biotechnologia Acta 13, no. 5 (October 2020): 42–61.

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This review presents the current scientific literature data about structure, properties, and functions of collagen, which is known as one of the most abundant human and animal proteins. The building of collagen molecule from the primary structure to submolecular formations, the main stages of its synthesis and biodegradation are briefly described. The information about collagen diversity, its features and metabolic ways in various tissues, including skin, tendons, bones, etc. is presented. The problems of pathologies caused by collagen synthesis and breakdown disorders as well as age-related changes in collagen properties and their causes are discussed. A comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of collagen and its derivatives obtaining from various sources (animals, marine, and recombinant) is given. The most productive methods for collagen extraction from various tissues are shown. The concept of collagen hydrolysis conditions influence on the physicochemical properties and biological activity of the obtained products is described. The applications of collagen and its products in various fields of industrial activity, such as pharmaceutical, cosmetic industry and medicine, are discussed. Further prospective directions of fundamental and applied investigations in this area of research are outlined.
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Bakhtiyorovich, Eshburiev Sobir, and Kasimov SaifiddinJakhongir Ugli. "DIAGNOSIS OF PROTEIN METABOLISM DISORDERS IN FISH." American Journal Of Agriculture And Horticulture Innovations 03, no. 05 (May 1, 2023): 04–12.

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This article describes the most important diagnostic tests in determining protein metabolism disorders of Fish and their importance. When diagnosing disorders of protein metabolism in fish, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of feeding them according to age (nutritional norms), characteristic clinical signs (loss of appetite, development of coxexia, lag behind growth and development), pathologoanatomic changes (accumulation of fat around internal azos, darkening of body color, coxexia, blood clots in the intestines), morphobiochemical changes in the blood (hemoglobin, erythrocyte count, average of hematocrit, leukocyte count, neutrophil with Rod nucleus, basophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, analysis of the average total protein, total calcium, inorganic phosphorus and retinol) is considered important.
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Aim. To investigate how starvation during early stage of fly development affects carbohydrate metabolism in imago flies and their progeny of F1 generation. Methods. Wild-type Canton-S strain Drosophila melanogaster flies were used in all experiments. Flies of parental and offspring generations were used for the determination of glycogen and glucose content using the diagnostic kit Glucose-Mono-400-P according to the manufacturer's instructions. Results represent as the mean ± SEM of 3-4 replicates per group. According Student's t-test significant difference between groups was P<0.05. Graphing and statistical analysis were performed by using GraphPad Prism. Results. Starvation during development significantly influenced the level of hemolymph and body glucose in imago flies of parental generation. Hemolymph glucose concentration was lower by 34% (P=0.008) and 32% (P=0.033) in experimental females and males, respectively, as compared to control groups. Starvation during development led to lower level of body glucose in adult parental flies of both sexes. Adult males F1, generated by parents that were starved during development, showed 3-fold lower glycogen content, as compared to control. Conclusions. Starvation at early stage of development led to lower hemolymph glucose and body glucose level in imago flies. Moreover, parental starvation decreased glycogen pool in F1 males.
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Navarro, Francisco, Aline V. N. Bacurau, Andréa Vanzelli, Marcela Meneguello-Coutinho, Marco C. Uchida, Milton R. Moraes, Sandro S. Almeida, et al. "Changes in Glucose and Glutamine Lymphocyte Metabolisms Induced by Type I Interferon α." Mediators of Inflammation 2010 (2010): 1–6.

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In lymphocytes (LY), the well-documented antiproliferative effects of IFN-α are associated with inhibition of protein synthesis, decreased amino acid incorporation, and cell cycle arrest. However, the effects of this cytokine on the metabolism of glucose and glutamine in these cells have not been well investigated. Thus, mesenteric and spleen LY of male Wistar rats were cultured in the presence or absence of IFN-α, and the changes on glucose and glutamine metabolisms were investigated. The reduced proliferation of mesenteric LY was accompanied by a reduction in glucose total consumption (35%), aerobic glucose metabolism (55%), maximal activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (49%), citrate synthase activity (34%), total glutamine consumption (30%), aerobic glutamine consumption (20.3%) and glutaminase activity (56%). In LY isolated from spleen, IFNα also reduced the proliferation and impaired metabolism. These data demonstrate that in LY, the antiproliferative effects of IFNα are associated with a reduction in glucose and glutamine metabolisms.
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Truong, Phuoc Thien Hoang, Huynh Dan Do, Tran Quoc Thang Vo, and Phu Hoa Nguyen. "Isolation and selection of nitrite metabolising bacteria from the bottom mud of lobster culture area in Xuan Dai bay, Phu Yen province." Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam 63, no. 9 (September 25, 2021): 59–64.

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The study had isolated and selected groups of bacteria that metabolise nitrite from the bottom mud of lobster cages in Xuan Dai bay, Phu Yen province. Analysis results from 21 sludge samples taken from 11 cages of lobster farming area isolated 16 strains of bacteria capable of nitrite metabolism. After investigating biological characteristics and nitrite metabolism of bacteria strains, 10 strains of bacteria were collected with the ability to metabolise nitrite over 95% in 72 hours. In addition, 10 strains of bacteria with the highest NO2- treatment efficiency, identified by genetic analysis and looked up on BLAST, defined as Stenotrophomonas pavanii, Chryseobacterium gleum, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Delftia lacustris, Acinetobacter junii
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Muroya, Susumu, Yi Zhang, Kounosuke Otomaru, Kazunaga Oshima, Ichiro Oshima, Mitsue Sano, Sanggun Roh, Koichi Ojima, and Takafumi Gotoh. "Maternal Nutrient Restriction Disrupts Gene Expression and Metabolites Associated with Urea Cycle, Steroid Synthesis, Glucose Homeostasis, and Glucuronidation in Fetal Calf Liver." Metabolites 12, no. 3 (February 24, 2022): 203.

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This study aimed to understand the mechanisms underlying the effects of maternal undernutrition (MUN) on liver growth and metabolism in Japanese Black fetal calves (8.5 months in utero) using an approach that integrates metabolomics and transcriptomics. Dams were fed 60% (low-nutrition; LN) or 120% (high-nutrition; HN) of their overall nutritional requirements during gestation. We found that MUN markedly decreased the body and liver weights of the fetuses; metabolomic analysis revealed that aspartate, glycerol, alanine, gluconate 6-phosphate, and ophthalmate levels were decreased, whereas UDP-glucose, UDP-glucuronate, octanoate, and 2-hydroxybutyrate levels were decreased in the LN fetal liver (p ≤ 0.05). According to metabolite set enrichment analysis, the highly different metabolites were associated with metabolisms including the arginine and proline metabolism, nucleotide and sugar metabolism, propanoate metabolism, glutamate metabolism, porphyrin metabolism, and urea cycle. Transcriptomic and qPCR analyses revealed that MUN upregulated QRFPR and downregulated genes associated with the glucose homeostasis (G6PC, PCK1, DPP4), ketogenesis (HMGCS2), glucuronidation (UGT1A1, UGT1A6, UGT2A1), lipid metabolism (ANGPTL4, APOA5, FADS2), cholesterol and steroid homeostasis (FDPS, HSD11B1, HSD17B6), and urea cycle (CPS1, ASS1, ASL, ARG2). These metabolic pathways were extracted as relevant terms in subsequent gene ontology/pathway analyses. Collectively, these results indicate that the citrate cycle was maintained at the expense of activities of the energy metabolism, glucuronidation, steroid hormone homeostasis, and urea cycle in the liver of MUN fetuses.
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Johnson, Samanthia R., Kelsey L. Bentley, Scott Bowdridge, and Ibukun M. Ogunade. "213 Lipopolysaccharide-induced alterations in the liver metabolome of St. Croix and Suffolk sheep." Journal of Animal Science 102, Supplement_3 (September 1, 2024): 407.

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Abstract The development of resistance in parasites due to overuse of anthelmintics has resulted in a marked decrease in the efficacy of these drug classes. Recent research efforts have focused on exploring alternatives such as selection for parasite-resistant breeds with the implication that immunocompetence may align with parasite resistance. Two breeds that are often investigated are the St. Croix (STC), a resistant hair breed, and Suffolk (SUF), a susceptible wool breed sheep. The liver has a vital role in metabolism in the body and metabolizes lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which triggers whole body response through the production of appropriate metabolites, cytokines and immune cells. The objective of this study was to investigate the breed differences in liver metabolome of sheep, with divergent resistance to parasites, in response to LPS. Both STC and SUF sheep (n = 9/breed) were challenged with LPS, intravenously and liver biopsies were collected prior to challenge (HR0), 2 h post-challenge (HR2) and 6 h post-challenge (HR6). Liver tissue samples were subjected to quantitative untargeted metabolome analysis using chemical isotope labelling/ liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry. A total of 874 metabolites were detected and identified. Metabolomics also revealed that 8 pathways (pyrimidine metabolism, pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis, beta-Alanine metabolism, valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation, valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis, folate biosynthesis, arginine and proline metabolism and glutathione metabolism) were altered (P ≤ 0.05) between STC and SUF sheep prior to LPS challenge. A total of 10 pathways (folate biosynthesis, glycine, serine and threonine metabolism, tyrosine metabolism, glycerophospholipid metabolism, purine metabolism, cysteine and methionine metabolism, taurine and hypotaurine metabolism, glutathione metabolism, thiamine metabolism and pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis) were altered (P ≤ 0.05) between STC and SUF sheep at HR 2. Only 2 pathways (glycerophospholipid metabolism and purine metabolism) were altered (P ≤ 0.05) between STC and SUF sheep at HR 6. Results highlight the metabolic differences that exist between breeds as well as indicate the significance of amino acid metabolisms that drive cell proliferation, oxidative stress amelioration and inflammation in response to LPS.
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Henschel, Letícia Dalla Vechia, and Luiz Claudio Fernandes. "Metabolismo energético de células tumorais e suas implicações no diagnóstico e terapia do câncer." Saúde e meio ambiente: revista interdisciplinar 12 (November 13, 2023): 259–78.

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Câncer é o principal problema de saúde pública do mundo. O metabolismo energético de células tumorais encontra-se alterado e seu entendimento pode ser utilizado para aprimoramento de diagnósticos e terapias. Objetivo: Descrever os papéis primários e regulatórios de diferentes vias metabólicas na progressão tumoral e suas implicações. Metodologia: Revisão sistemática, incluindo artigos de revisão publicados em inglês entre janeiro de 2019 e abril de 2021, na base de dados PubMed, utilizando os descritores: “cancer energy metabolism” e “cancer and metabolism” (filtro aplicado: Revisão), “cancer metabolism AND therapy” e “cancer and metabolism biomarker” (filtro aplicado: Revisão sistemática). Foram selecionados 45 artigos, conforme os critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Resultados: O câncer é uma doença metabólica, com disfunções mitocondriais. As células tumorais possuem metabolismo flexível, com expressão alterada de enzimas de diferentes vias metabólicas. Substratos, como glicose, glutamina e ácidos graxos são importantes para fornecimento de esqueletos carbônicos para biossíntese de macromoléculas, proliferação celular e formação de energia. Por essa razão, proteínas e metabólitos das vias metabólicas podem ser importantes biomarcadores do câncer, bem como alvos terapêuticos. Considerações finais: As células tumorais apresentam assinaturas metabólicas que podem ser analisadas para buscar novos biomarcadores e serem usadas como alvos de terapias mais seletivas.
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Dong, Wenchao, Yulin Mao, Zhenhua Xiang, Jingyu Zhu, Haixia Wang, Aiju Wang, Meifang Jiang, and Yuming Gu. "Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Jian Pi Tiao Gan Yin Reduces Obesity in Mice by Modulating the Gut Microbiota and Fecal Metabolism." Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2022 (August 8, 2022): 1–16.

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The current study employed the high-fat diet (HFD) induced murine model to assess the relationship between the effect of Jian Pi Tiao Gan Yin (JPTGY) and the alterations of gut microbiota and fecal metabolism. C57BL/6 mice were used to establish an animal model of obesity via HFD induce. Serum biochemical indicators of lipid metabolism were used to evaluate the pharmacodynamics of JPTGY in obese mice. Bacterial communities and metabolites in the feces specimens from the controls, the Group HFD, and the JPTGY-exposed corpulency group were studied by 16s rDNA genetic sequence in combination with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based untargeted fecal metabolomics techniques. Results revealed that JPTGY significantly decreased the levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and elevated high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Moreover, JPTGY could up-regulate the abundance and diversity of fecal microbiota, which was characterized by the higher phylum of proteobacteria. Consistently, at the genus levels, JPTGY supplementation induced enrichments in Lachnospiraceae NK4A136 group, Oscillibacter, Turicibacter, Clostridium sensu stricto 1, and Intestinimonas, which were intimately related to 14 pivotal fecal metabolins in respond to JPTGY therapy were determined. What is more, metabolomics further analyses show that the therapeutic effect of JPTGY for obesity involves linoleic acid (LA) metabolism paths, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) metabolism paths, glycerophospholipid metabolism paths, arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism paths, and pyrimidine metabolism paths, which implied the potential mechanism of JPTGY in treating obesity. It was concluded that the linking of corpulency phenotypes with intestinal flora and fecal metabolins unveils the latent causal link of JPTGY in the treatment of hyperlipidemia and obesity.
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Matalová, Petra, and Michal Buchta. "Specifics of Metabolism in Children." Klinická farmakologie a farmacie 34, no. 4 (December 22, 2020): 159–66.

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Zhang, Jinjing, Xinyi Zhuo, Qian Wang, Hao Ji, Hui Chen, and Haibo Hao. "Effects of Different Nitrogen Levels on Lignocellulolytic Enzyme Production and Gene Expression under Straw-State Cultivation in Stropharia rugosoannulata." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, no. 12 (June 13, 2023): 10089.

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Stropharia rugosoannulata has been used in environmental engineering to degrade straw in China. The nitrogen and carbon metabolisms are the most important factors affecting mushroom growth, and the aim of this study was to understand the effects of different nitrogen levels on carbon metabolism in S. rugosoannulata using transcriptome analysis. The mycelia were highly branched and elongated rapidly in A3 (1.37% nitrogen). GO and KEGG enrichment analyses revealed that the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were mainly involved in starch and sucrose metabolism; nitrogen metabolism; glycine, serine and threonine metabolism; the MAPK signaling pathway; hydrolase activity on glycosyl bonds; and hemicellulose metabolic processes. The activities of nitrogen metabolic enzymes were highest in A1 (0.39% nitrogen) during the three nitrogen levels (A1, A2 and A3). However, the activities of cellulose enzymes were highest in A3, while the hemicellulase xylanase activity was highest in A1. The DEGs associated with CAZymes, starch and sucrose metabolism and the MAPK signaling pathway were also most highly expressed in A3. These results suggested that increased nitrogen levels can upregulate carbon metabolism in S. rugosoannulata. This study could increase knowledge of the lignocellulose bioconversion pathways and improve biodegradation efficiency in Basidiomycetes.
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Shiau, Jun-Ping, Ya-Ting Chuang, Yuan-Bin Cheng, Jen-Yang Tang, Ming-Feng Hou, Ching-Yu Yen, and Hsueh-Wei Chang. "Impacts of Oxidative Stress and PI3K/AKT/mTOR on Metabolism and the Future Direction of Investigating Fucoidan-Modulated Metabolism." Antioxidants 11, no. 5 (May 6, 2022): 911.

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The critical factors for regulating cancer metabolism are oxidative stress and phosphoinositide-3-kinase/AKT serine-threonine kinase/mechanistic target of the rapamycin kinase (PI3K/AKT/mTOR). However, the metabolic impacts of oxidative stress and PI3K/AKT/mTOR on individual mechanisms such as glycolysis (Warburg effect), pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), fatty acid synthesis, tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) cycle, glutaminolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) are complicated. Therefore, this review summarizes the individual and interacting functions of oxidative stress and PI3K/AKT/mTOR on metabolism. Moreover, natural products providing oxidative stress and PI3K/AKT/mTOR modulating effects have anticancer potential. Using the example of brown algae-derived fucoidan, the roles of oxidative stress and PI3K/AKT/mTOR were summarized, although their potential functions within diverse metabolisms were rarely investigated. We propose a potential application that fucoidan may regulate oxidative stress and PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling to modulate their associated metabolic regulations. This review sheds light on understanding the impacts of oxidative stress and PI3K/AKT/mTOR on metabolism and the future direction of metabolism-based cancer therapy of fucoidan.
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Wu, Zhong-Qin, Xin-Ming Chen, Hui-Qin Ma, Ke Li, Yuan-Liang Wang, and Zong-Jun Li. "Akkermansia muciniphila Cell-Free Supernatant Improves Glucose and Lipid Metabolisms in Caenorhabditis elegans." Nutrients 15, no. 7 (March 31, 2023): 1725.

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To explore the mechanism by which Akkermansia muciniphila cell-free supernatant improves glucose and lipid metabolisms in Caenorhabditis elegans, the present study used different dilution concentrations of Akkermansia muciniphila cell-free supernatant as an intervention for with Caenorhabditis elegans under a high-glucose diet. The changes in lifespan, exercise ability, level of free radicals, and characteristic indexes of glucose and lipid metabolisms were studied. Furthermore, the expression of key genes of glucose and lipid metabolisms was detected by qRT-PCR. The results showed that A. muciniphila cell-free supernatant significantly improved the movement ability, prolonged the lifespan, reduced the level of ROS, and alleviated oxidative damage in Caenorhabditis elegans. A. muciniphila cell-free supernatant supported resistance to increases in glucose and triglyceride induced by a high-glucose diet and downregulated the expression of key genes of glucose metabolism, such as gsy-1, pygl-1, pfk-1.1, and pyk-1, while upregulating the expression of key genes of lipid metabolism, such as acs-2, cpt-4, sbp-1, and tph-1, as well as down-regulating the expression of the fat-7 gene to inhibit fatty acid biosynthesis. These findings indicated that A. muciniphila cell-free supernatant, as a postbiotic, has the potential to prevent obesity and improve glucose metabolism disorders and other diseases.
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Pang, Yuyang, Tingxun Lu, Zijun Y. Xu-Monette, and Ken H. Young. "Metabolic Reprogramming and Potential Therapeutic Targets in Lymphoma." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, no. 6 (March 13, 2023): 5493.

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Lymphoma is a heterogeneous group of diseases that often require their metabolism program to fulfill the demand of cell proliferation. Features of metabolism in lymphoma cells include high glucose uptake, deregulated expression of enzymes related to glycolysis, dual capacity for glycolytic and oxidative metabolism, elevated glutamine metabolism, and fatty acid synthesis. These aberrant metabolic changes lead to tumorigenesis, disease progression, and resistance to lymphoma chemotherapy. This metabolic reprogramming, including glucose, nucleic acid, fatty acid, and amino acid metabolism, is a dynamic process caused not only by genetic and epigenetic changes, but also by changes in the microenvironment affected by viral infections. Notably, some critical metabolic enzymes and metabolites may play vital roles in lymphomagenesis and progression. Recent studies have uncovered that metabolic pathways might have clinical impacts on the diagnosis, characterization, and treatment of lymphoma subtypes. However, determining the clinical relevance of biomarkers and therapeutic targets related to lymphoma metabolism is still challenging. In this review, we systematically summarize current studies on metabolism reprogramming in lymphoma, and we mainly focus on disorders of glucose, amino acids, and lipid metabolisms, as well as dysregulation of molecules in metabolic pathways, oncometabolites, and potential metabolic biomarkers. We then discuss strategies directly or indirectly for those potential therapeutic targets. Finally, we prospect the future directions of lymphoma treatment on metabolic reprogramming.
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Perera, PAJ, and Faiz MMT Marikar. "Energy Metabolism." Bangladesh Journal of Medical Biochemistry 6, no. 2 (January 13, 2014): 68–76.

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This review considers how our understanding of energy utilized by energy metabolism has progressed since the pioneering work on this topic in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Research has been stimulated by a desire to understand how metabolic events contribute to the development of the body into the different phases, the need of considering health with which to improve the success of implication on public health. Nevertheless, considerable progress has been made in defining the roles of the traditional nutrients: pyruvate, glucose, lactate and amino acids; originally considered as energy sources and biosynthetic precursors, but now recognised as having multiple, overlapping functions. Other nutrients; notably, lipids, are beginning to attract the attention they deserve. The review concludes by up-dating the state of knowledge of energy metabolism in the early 1970s and listing some future research questions. DOI: J Med Biochem 2013; 6(2): 68-76
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Sterling, Tracy M., Scott J. Nissen, and Deana M. Namuth. "Herbicide Metabolism." Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 35, no. 1 (January 2006): 240.

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