Academic literature on the topic 'Mesure dynamique de la température'
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Journal articles on the topic "Mesure dynamique de la température"
Villeneuve, Valérie, Stéphane Légaré, Jean Painchaud, and Warwick Vincent. "Dynamique et modélisation de l’oxygène dissous en rivière." Revue des sciences de l'eau 19, no. 4 (January 17, 2007): 259–74.
Full textHassani, Nassima, and Gilles Drogue. "Mesure et spatialisation de l’îlot de chaleur urbain dans l’aire urbaine de Metz Métropole : premiers résultats de la campagne de mesure 2019." Climatologie 17 (2020): 8.
Full textBalbi, J. H., P. A. Santoni, and J. L. Dupuy. "Dynamic modelling of fire spread across a fuel bed." International Journal of Wildland Fire 9, no. 4 (1999): 275.
Full textAbdou Salam, Ali Mohamed, Ngansoumana Ba, Ismaïla Ndour, Seyni Sane, Modou Thiaw, Ndongo Diouf, Jules Diouf, et al. "Caractérisation de la flore phytoplanctonique dans l’Aire Marine Protégée (AMP) de Bamboung et de deux sites environnants (Sénégal)." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14, no. 7 (December 4, 2020): 2452–62.
Full textPerrin de Brichambaut, Christian. "La mesure de la température de l'air." La Météorologie 8, no. 12 (1995): 14.
Full text-Maftoul, J. "Mesure de température dans un contact creux." Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique -, no. 06 (2002): 60.
Full textHufty, André. "La mesure du bilan énergétique." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 19, no. 47 (April 12, 2005): 285–310.
Full textMari, I., J. Pouchot, and P. Vinceneux. "Mesure de la température corporelle en pratique quotidienne." La Revue de Médecine Interne 18, no. 1 (January 1997): 30–36.
Full textPasquier, M., and M. Blancher. "Hypothermie accidentelle." Annales françaises de médecine d’urgence 9, no. 5 (April 9, 2019): 307–18.
Full textSermet-Gaudelus, I., I. Chadelat, and G. Lenoir. "La mesure de la température en pratique pédiatrique quotidienne." Archives de Pédiatrie 12, no. 8 (August 2005): 1292–300.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Mesure dynamique de la température"
Hérisson, Didier. "Mesures de relations de fluctuation-dissipation dans un verre de spin." Paris 11, 2002.
Full textBacon, Christophe. "Mesure de la ténacité dynamique de matériaux fragiles en flexion trois points à haute température, utilisation des barres de Hopkinson." Bordeaux 1, 1993.
Full textMaraval, Damien. "Mesure dynamique de déformation par rétrodiffusion Brillouin spontanée B-OTDR." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2017.
Full textToday, three distinct and complementary technologies are available for distributed temperature, strain or vibration measurements with the analysis of Raman, Brillouin and Rayleigh backscattered light. Current industrial needs are distributed strain measurements for linear infrastructures, such as pipelines, for which linear and real-time strain distribution is required. The research work aims to design a new distributed and dynamic strain measurement system based on the analysis of spontaneous Brillouin backscatter by reflectometry. Slope assisted technique is used to accelerate the measurement acquisition, currently limited to static events because of their actual principle of sweep frequency acquisition of the Brillouin backscattering spectrum. The experimental results are characterized and validated by the simulation of the measurements of the deformation and displacement of a pipe supported between two simple supports. A mechanical model, adapted to this configuration and transposable on real projects, is developed. Through Cementys industrial partner, this model is then used for two monitoring project of pipelines with different installation facilities and purpose
Chauvin, Camille. "Contribution à la mesure de température des matériaux sous choc modéré par pyrométrie optique." Phd thesis, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, Ecole nationale supérieure de mécanique et d'aéronautique, 2010.
Full textDelconte, Alain. "Fluorescence induite par laser multibande appliquée à la mesure de température dans les milieux complexes." Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2009.
Full textMultiband laser-induced fluorescence is a non-intrusive technique able to provide a measurement of the liquid phase of complex media. The application of this technique in single phase liquids, with a variable optical path (product of the fluorescent tracer molecular concentration by the distance between the probe volume and the collection optics in the liquid) was considered. The ratio of the fluorescence intensities collected on two spectral bands allows removing the influence of the fluorescence tracer concentration, incident laser intensity and probe volume. A third spectral band of detection is used to take into account the re-absorption of the fluorescence in the case of non negligible and variable optical paths. Then, the application of this technique to the measurement of the temperature of the liquid phase of a spray is presented. A specific data processing was developed in order to take into account the random presence of droplets in the probe volume. Moreover, the processing was adapted to achieve combined fluorescence and droplet size measurements using the phase Doppler technique. The overall foreseen goal is to measure temperature per droplet size class. However, several disturbing phenomena were highlighted: - an unexpected non-linear dependence on the droplet size of the ratio of the fluorescence intensities collected on two spectral bands, - a strong incident laser light scattering by the droplets cloud, which induces a fluorescence beyond the excitation zone. This fluorescence is also collected in the depth of field of the optical device and combines with the non-linear size dependence. A correction strategy of these phenomena was implemented and a validation experiment on a heated spray injected in a vapour-saturated cell was performed
Fontin, Mickaël. "Contribution à la génération de séries synthétiques de pluies, de débits et de températures." Toulouse, INPT, 1987.
Full textPradille, Christophe. "Vers une meilleure compréhension et caractérisation du comportement des aciers à très haute température." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2011.
Full textGaspard, Jean-Robert. "Présentation d'un nouveau système de mesure dynamique des impédances en phase liquide à haute température : étude de la conductivité électrique dans les mélanges fondus métal alcalin dans son halogénure." Lyon 1, 1988.
Full textNottet, Romain. "Contribution au développement d'un moyen de mesure simultanée des vitesses et températures adapté aux essais incendie in situ." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.
Full textFire smoke spread prediction is a main issue in building fire safety studies. Safety devices can be tested thanks to in situ experiments, high lighting potential dysfonction. The smoke spread velocity is then a significant measurement. Hostile environment induced by fire attack sensors and can quickly damaged them. Hence, we need reliable, high temperature proof and cheap probe. The current fluid mechanics measurement techniques are not appropriate to real scale test with uncontroled conditions. Improvement in signal processing permit developpement of CCV technique (Cross correlation velocimetry). This apporach is based on frozen eddies Taylor hypothesis. For our concerne, the cross correlation calculated from the signal of two ε-distant thermocouples introduced in turbulent flow. The aim of the signal processing is to find temperature information from one thermocouple to the other one. Then, the delay obtained by cross correlation gives the velocity of the flow. Our objetcives is to adapt this laboratory technique to in situ measurements. Thermocouples are non intrusives, cheap and calibration-less responding to our need. At first, operating optimal conditions and limits are defined comparing laboratory-scale CCV measurements with classical techniques. Then, the quality of this technique is assessed in real conditions which high light the main adaptability difficulties
Abboud, Rita. "Méthode de mesure sans contact de la température intégrée au rotor d’une machine électrique tournante au moyen d’une fibre optique à réseaux de Bragg." Thesis, Compiègne, 2021.
Full textIn the transportation system domain, heating problems appear with the temperature increase in different types of electrical machines. In the classical design of electrical machines, thermal analysis should be considered in the initial design, control and monitoring of electrical machines. The measurement of local temperature especially in the rotor is important for several reasons such as extending the lifetime of the electrical machine components, and localizing the hot spots inside the machine which allows the development of appropriate cooling systems and protects the machine. Numerous approaches for temperature measurement can be used such as thermocouples, thermistors, infrared sensors or infra-red cameras. This thesis presents a non-contact technique that measures the temperature of the rotor of a small machine using Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) sensor. Monitoring local temperature especially inside the rotor is important in order to detect early thermal aging of the machine. Hot spot in the rotating parts can be localized by using this technique. The main originality of the proposed work is measuring high temperatures (70°C) with high speed of rotation (860 RPM) of rotating machines and most importantly integrating the FBG sensor into a geometrically small scale electrical rotor of vehicles. The FBG sensor response has been simulated using Transfer matrix method (TMM). After that, the FBG has been calibrated from 20 °C to 70 °C using a heating furnace fabricated at our laboratory. A small rotating machine with embedded FBG has then been designed and fabricated. The temperature of the rotor has been changed while rotating the machine and wavelength shifts due to temperature variations have been experimentally measured up to 860 RPM. A temperature sensitivity of 4.7 pm/°C have been experimentally reached. The ability of this sensor to monitor real time temperature variations of the rotor has been experimentally validated
Books on the topic "Mesure dynamique de la température"
ISIN, Lefebvre Jean ingénieur. Mesure des débits et des vitesses des fluides. Paris: Masson, 1986.
Find full textLétourneau, Guy. Hydrodynamique et dynamique sédimentaire du lac Saint-François. Montréal, Qué: Centre Saint-Laurent, Conservation de l'environnement, Environnement Canada, 1996.
Find full textVanderschueren, H. W. Le radon dans l'air, dans l'eau et dans les roches: Mesure dynamique de son exhalation et contribution à la caractérisation géologique des matérieux. Bruxelles: Geological Survey of Belgium, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, 2013.
Find full textParticle image velocimetry: New developments and recent applications. Berlin: Springer, 2008.
Find full text1932-, Laforge Lorne, McConnell Grant D, Université Laval. Centre international de recherches sur le bilinguisme., and Colloque "Diffusion des langues et changement social--dynamique et mesure" (1989 : Université Laval), eds. Diffusion des langues et changement social: Dynamique et mesure. Sainte-Foy: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1990.
Find full textHuman Body Temperature: Its Measurement and Regulation. Springer, 2007.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Mesure dynamique de la température"
GAILLER, Lydie, Jean-François LÉNAT, and Philippe LABAZUY. "Surveillance électrique et électromagnétique des volcans." In Aléas et surveillance de l’activité volcanique 3, 263–83. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full text"Chapitre 1 Réactions, temps, et température en cinétique homogène." In Cinétique et dynamique des réactions chimiques, 19–48. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Chapitre 1 Réactions, temps, et température en cinétique homogène." In Cinétique et dynamique des réactions chimiques, 19–48. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textLESGOURGUES, Julien. "Fond diffus cosmologique." In L’Univers jeune, 93–174. ISTE Group, 2021.
Full textScheibel, Alain, Françoise Zamfirescu, Pierre Marie Gagey, and Philippe Villeneuve. "Mesure de la stabilité en statique et en dynamique." In Guide de Posturologie, 193–211. Elsevier, 2017.
Full textARELLANO, José. "Les réseaux culturels face à l'unité linguistique dans l'hispanosphère mondialisée : une adéquation fragile ?" In Langue(s) en mondialisation, 215–26. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Mesure dynamique de la température"
REY, Vincent, Gilles ROUGIER, Didier MALLARINO, Christiane DUFRESNE, and Isabelle TAUPIER-LETAGE. "Apport d’un réseau de mesures des niveaux d’eau et de température à la compréhension de la dynamique côtière : Exemple du littoral de l’agglomération toulonnaise." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2018.
Full textSage, Yannick Le, Michael Charles, and Jean-Marie Lerat. "Mesure des paramètres d’une antenne sous une température controllée." In 17th International Congress of Metrology, edited by Bernard Larquier. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2015.
Full textGarnier, Bertrand. "Mesure de température et de flux de chaleur à base de couches minces ou épaisses: atouts, fabrication et applications." In 17th International Congress of Metrology, edited by Bernard Larquier. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2015.
Full textFelix-Fromentin, Clotilde. "Autour du pyjama de Le Corbusier Le vêtement comme modèle de pensée fondateur." In LC2015 - Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2015.
Full textReports on the topic "Mesure dynamique de la température"
Guidati, Gianfranco, and Domenico Giardini. Synthèse conjointe «Géothermie» du PNR «Energie». Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), February 2020.
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