Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Messageries électroniques – Mesures de sûreté'
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Dubos, Charles. "Analyse, définition et conception d'une messagerie résiliente et sécurisée." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024IPPAT052.
Full textAsynchronous messaging has established itself as an essential means of communication, both in the private and organizational contexts. However, it remains a privileged attack vector by the exploitation of attack modes combining social engineering and protocol structures. This thesis first studies the mechanisms and extensions contributing to the security of asynchronous messaging protocols.Based on a classification of interpersonal messaging, it presents the modern security principles implemented in alternatives to e-mail. In particular, it describes the exchanges necessary for the implementation of ephemeral keys specific to synchronous exchanges.A second major contribution is the description of updated use cases of asynchronous messaging,providing a mapping of security needs according to various contexts. This work introduces the needfor adaptable security levels to adapt to contexts, by highlighting sometimes contradictory functions of the same security principle (such as the ephemeral or non-repudiable signature). A catalog of existing exploitations backed by ambiguities of interpretation is produced from recent literature. It then allows us to consider the threats that currently weigh on messaging and to deduce the related risks. In a third step, messaging adjustments are imagined, gradually moving away from current tropisms to be able to take into account changes in needs and technologies. Our work then leads us to introduce a mechanism to maintain the S/MIME signature in the event of messagetransfer by a user intermediary, highlighting the complexity of the security ecosystem. The desire to report the use of security at the user level also leads us to design a mechanism implementing policies before transmission. Subsequently, the PACMAIL device offering pseudonymization of transmitters is considered.It notably introduces the key concept of identification/ authentication distinction in the messagingarchitecture. Finally, this work converges towards a new asynchronous messaging model using SMTP as a control channel, and inviting to move towards an alternative protocol for content management
Nguyen, Minh Huu. "Sécurisation de processeurs vis-à-vis des attaques par faute et par analyse de la consommation." Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066671.
Full textDestercke, Sébastien. "Représentation et combinaison d'informations incertaines : nouveaux résultats avec applications aux études de sûreté." Toulouse 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008TOU30179.
Full textIt often happens that the value of some parameters or variables of a system are imperfectly known, either because of the variability of the modelled phenomena, or because the available information is imprecise or incomplete. Classical probability theory is usually used to treat these uncertainties. However, recent years have witnessed the appearance of arguments pointing to the conclusion that classical probabilities are inadequate to handle imprecise or incomplete information. Other frameworks have thus been proposed to address this problem: the three main are probability sets, random sets and possibility theory. There are many open questions concerning uncertainty treatment within these frameworks. More precisely, it is necessary to build bridges between these three frameworks to advance toward a unified handling of uncertainty. Also, there is a need of practical methods to treat information, as using these framerowks can be computationally costly. In this work, we propose some answers to these two needs for a set of commonly encountered problems. In particular, we focus on the problems of: -Uncertainty representation -Fusion and evaluation of multiple source information -Independence modelling The aim being to give tools (both of theoretical and practical nature) to treat uncertainty. Some tools are then applied to some problems related to nuclear safety issues
Ahmed, Mosabbah Mushir. "Authentification de puces électroniques par des approches RF et THz non intrusives." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAT005.
Full textThe advent of nano-scale device or shrinking of integrated circuits (IC) has become a blessing for the human civilization. Nowadays it has become very much common to find piece of electronic devices in different applications and instruments of various sectors. ICs now are not only confined to computers and mobiles but they are integral part of our everyday life. They can be found in our kitchens (in microwaves, oven), in hospitals (instruments such as ECG, MRI etc.),banks, space, telecom, defense etc. It has of course made our lives easier. However everything comes with a price.The change in economy due to the integration of electronics in different domains have put an extra pressure on companies and manufacturers to produce their product in tighter constraints in terms of cost and time. This has led to companies of shoring their manufacturing units to foundries beyond their direct control. Due to this advent of small and untrusted foundries have been on rise. The rise in various manufacturing units or foundries has given rise to the phenomenon of counterfeiting of electronic components especially ICs. For smaller foundries who do not meet all the specification, if they get hand to the design of the circuit layout, they can produce the IC similar to the one developed by original component manufacturers (OCMs) and sell them into market without consent of OCM and without performing standardized tests. Also, the malicious or untrusted foundries can copy and clone the netlist of devices and sell under the name of OCM. Various types of counterfeit ICs – recycled, remarked, overproduced, out-of-spec/defective, cloned, forged documentation, and tampered – have made the supply chain vulnerable to various attacks. However, due to the lack of efficient detection and avoidance techniques, many more instances of counterfeit ICs evade detection than those that are actually detected. Over last few years the rise in the incidents of IC counterfeit has propelled the designer and researchers to develop various testing and standardization methods in place. However, many of these methods can be cumbersome and have huge implications and costs for their implementations. This can be discouraging for the users and OCMs to implement these methods in their product.In this dissertation, we have worked on the implementation of methodology that can be used to generate fingerprints or signatures form the ICs which can be used for the purpose of their authentication. The method adopted in this work is based on the idea of exploiting the manufacturing induced process variations by implementing the electromagnetic (EM) waves. The manufacturing variability of various devices under test have been exploited through use of EM waves. The use of EM waves have been studied in detail along with the various implications of using and generating them in the IC. This dissertation uses two methodologies to utilize EM wave for the exploitation of the process variation effects. The exploited process variation effects have been subjected to mathematical treatments to quantify the response statistically.The following tasks have been implemented in this work:• State of the art study of IC counterfeiting and IC cloning (on both risk and mitigation techniques).• Measurement set-up: Component choices, board measurement development.• Circuit configuration to maximize the measurement sensitivity.• Measurement campaigns using different approaches (RF).• Measurement Exploitation in order to extract authentication information from the measurement.This work has focused on using two different semiconductor devices i.e. FPGA and microcontrollers. These are highly used devices and find their application in various domains. The statistical computation after mathematical treatment of responses, gives the error rate which determines the efficiency of the methodologies adopted
Ragab, Hassen Hani. "Key management for content access control in hierarchical environments." Compiègne, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007COMP1718.
Full textLots of applications, ranging from interactive online games to business corporations and government departments, and from multi-layered data streaming to databases access control, require ensuring that its users respect some access control restrictions. Content access control in hierarchies (CACH) consists in ensuring, using cryptographic techniques, that the users access application resources to which they are entitled. Content access control is generally ensured by encrypting the system resources and giving the keys to users having access to them. Generating and managing those keys is a crucial requirement for the deployment of content access control systems. Moreover, large scale hierarchies with highly dynamic users present serious scalability issues for key management. In this thesis, we deal with key management for content access control. We start by defining building blocks of key management for CACH. Then, we study the existing key management solutions and classify them into two categories -namely, the dependent keys and independent keys approaches - and propose a key management framework for each category. We further propose a generic model to represent independent-keys key management schemes and use this model to define lower bounds on the key management overhead. Then, we propose a new independent-keys key management scheme and prove that it is optimal by showing that it reaches the overhead lower bounds. The optimality of this scheme constitutes one of the most important results of our thesis. Thereafter, we propose new efficient dependent-keys key management schemes and evaluate them by simulations and Markov process modelling. At last, we propose a variant of our schemes allowing to define trade-offs on the performance criteria. We show that this variant offers a means to define very interesting overhead trade-offs
Maudoux, Christophe. "Vers l’automatisation de la détection d’anomalies réseaux." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, HESAM, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024HESAC009.
Full textWe live in a hyperconnected world. Currently, the majority of the objects surrounding us exchangedata either among themselves or with a server. These exchanges consequently generate networkactivity. It is the study of this network activity that interests us here and forms the focus of thisthesis. Indeed, all messages and thus the network traffic generated by these devices are intentionaland therefore legitimate. Consequently, it is perfectly formatted and known. Alongside this traffic,which can be termed ”normal,” there may exist traffic that does not adhere to expected criteria. Thesenon-conforming exchanges can be categorized as ”abnormal” traffic. This illegitimate traffic can bedue to several internal and external causes. Firstly, for purely commercial reasons, most of theseconnected devices (phones, watches, locks, cameras, etc.) are poorly, inadequately, or not protectedat all. Consequently, they have become prime targets for cybercriminals. Once compromised, thesecommunicating devices form networks capable of launching coordinated attacks : botnets. The trafficinduced by these attacks or the internal synchronization communications within these botnets thengenerates illegitimate traffic that needs to be detected. Our first contribution aims to highlight theseinternal exchanges, specific to botnets. Abnormal traffic can also be generated when unforeseen orextraordinary external events occur, such as incidents or changes in user behavior. These events canimpact the characteristics of the exchanged traffic flows, such as their volume, sources, destinations,or the network parameters that characterize them. Detecting these variations in network activity orthe fluctuation of these characteristics is the focus of our subsequent contributions. This involves aframework and resulting methodology that automates the detection of these network anomalies andpotentially raises real-time alerts
Bruneau, Nicolas. "Attaque par canaux auxillaires multivariées, multi-cibles et d'ordre élevé." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENST, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ENST0025.
Full textSide Channel Attacks are a classical threat against cryptographic algorithms in embedded systems. They aim at exploiting the physical leakages unintentionally emitted by the devices during the execution of their embedded programs to recover sensitive data. As such attacks represent a real threat against embedded systems different countermeasures have been developed. In thesis we investigate their security in presence of multiple leakages. Indeed there often are in the leakage measurements several variables which can be exploited to mount Side Channel Attacks. In particular we show in this thesis the optimal way to exploit multiple leakages of a unique variable. This dimensionality reduction comes with no loss on the overall exploitable information. Based on this result we investigate further how such dimensionality reduction methodscan be applied in the case of protected implementations. We show that the impact of such methods increases with the security “level” of the implementation. We also investigate how to exploit the leakages of multiplevariables in order to improve the results of Side Channel Analysis. We start by improving the attacks against masking schemes, with a precomputed table recomputation step. Some protections have been developed to protect such schemes. As a consequence we investigate the security provided by these protections. In this context we present results which show that the main parameter to evaluate the security of the masking schemes is not sufficient to estimate the global security of the implementation. Finally we show that in the context of masking scheme with shuffling the optimal attack is not computable. As a consequence we present a truncated version of this attack with a better effectiveness
Boutiton, Sophie. "Généralisation des schémas GQ2 et Rabin-Williams : équivalence avec la factorisation des grands nombres." Limoges, 2006. http://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/2f7cec9e-e03a-447e-bb17-8d20828d1a30/blobholder:0/2006LIMO0007.pdf.
Full textThis thesis is about the generalization of the GQ2 and Rabin-Williams schemes. Their security relies on the problem of factorization of large numbers. First we have a look at the security of the GQ2 protocol by giving an estimation of the power of cheating related to the power of factorizing the public key number. Then we prove the overwhelming probability to generate GQ2 keys from general RSA moduli, from moduli composed by more than two factors, or from larger public exponents. Up until now, none of Rabin-Williams type digital signatures have a unique signature exponent when considering any two-factor modulus. We present here a solution that also generalizes the previous schemes. The last chapter is based on an article by Gennaro, Micciancio and Rabin (CCS99). Their results are not improved here but a new proof is given, using technical tools, to prove the validity of some two-factor moduli
Leroy, Damien. "Étude des modes de perturbation et susceptibilité des circuits numériques aux collisions de particules et aux attaques laser." Metz, 2006. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/2006/Leroy.Damien.SMZ0628.pdf.
Full textMore and more sensitive data are stored inside smart cards, like bank account or car access codes. Recently, these security circuits have become a target for hackers who try to abuse these data. To achieve this goal, these attackers use the state of the art technologies like fault injection. To comply with the smart card market requirements, designers have to build protections against these attacks while keeping design costs as low as possible. These constraints should lead to a cost-efficient design and benefit from dedicated automatic protection methodologies. In this thesis we first study radiation sources able to tamper with silicon circuit behavior, and then we reveal similarities between laser attacks and radiation effects on a circuit. Then we show the specificities of secure circuit design and the spectrum of attacks used by hackers. The third part characterizes Single Event Transients (SET). A design methodology is proposed and implemented in two circuits, one dedicated to measuring laser-induced SET duration in logic gates, the other dedicated to measuring gate sensitivity to neutrons. This work concludes the review of results obtained after a laser shooting experiment campaign
Lacruche, Marc. "Caractérisation sécuritaire de circuits basse-consommation face aux attaques par laser." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AIXM4331.
Full textThe increasing complexity of integrated circuits and the explosion of the number of mobile devices today makes power consumption minimisation a priority in circuit design. However, it is necessary to make sure that it does not compromise the security of sensitive circuits. In this regard, physical attacks are a particular concern, as mobile devices are ideal targets for these attacks.This work aims at evaluating the impact of body-biasing on circuit vulnerability to laser attacks. These methods allow to dynamically adjust the performance/consumption ratio of a circuit by modifying the bias voltage of the body. It is divided in four chapters. It begins by introducing cryptography, physical attacks and low power design methods. Then the test bench used during this thesis is described, as well as the developpement work done in order to allow its automation. Then an initial study of the impact of short duration laser pulses on SRAM memories is presented. The third chapter reports the results of a laser fault injection campaign on memories subjected to Forward Body-Biasing. The results show a sensitivy increase of the circuits when supply voltage is lowered and FBB is activated. Based on these results, the last chapter introduces a method using the body-biasing and voltage scaling capabilities of a microcontroller to harden a hardware AES embedded on the latter.In conclusion, this works shows that low-power design methods can induce additional security risks if they are not carefully taken into account. However the additional capabilities of the circuits intended for power consumption reduction can be used in a different way to enhance device resillience to attacks
Landry, Simon. "Étude de la résistance des algorithmes cryptographiques symétriques face à la cryptanalyse moderne." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021SORUS287.
Full textThe goal of this thesis is to contribute to the state-of-the-art by proposing new areas of research in order to secure cryptographic algorithms within an embedded device.Our main focal axis is organized around the countermeasure called threshold implementations which is known to be resistant against side-channel analysis attacks in the presence of glitches.These latter phenomenon occur randomly within an electronic circuit and lead to numerous attacks in cryptanalysis. We study the application of threshold implementations on symmetric-key cryptography.In a first phase, we participate to the cryptographic litterature by designing new threshold implementations easily applicable on a large variety of symmetric-key algorithms. Our countermeasures are provable mathematically secured against side-channel analysis attacks in the presence of glitches. In comparison with the recent publications of the state-of-the-art, we adress new issues and we assure similar or better performances. Therefore, our research has resulted in two patents within STMicroelectronics, thereby contributing to the industrial innovation process.In a second phase, we are interested in the study of the symmetric-key algorithm SM4 and its resistance against side-channel analysis attacks. The works obtained allow to centralize the proposed SM4 countermeasures against side-channel analysis attacks of the state-of-the-art and offer a visibility on the software performances of these constructions. We finally introduce the first threshold implementation of the SM4 algorithm. Our construction is provably mathematically resistant against side-channel analysis attacks in the presence of glitches
Challal, Yacine. "Sécurité dans les communications de groupe." Compiègne, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005COMP1561.
Full textThe advantages of IP multicast in multi-party communications, such as saving bandwidth, simplicity and efficiency, are very interesting for new services combining voire, video and text over Internet. This urges the effective large scale deployment of multicasting to satisfy the increasing demand for multicasting from both Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Content Distributors. Unfortunately, the strengths of IP multicast are also its security weaknesses. Indeed, the open and anonymous membership and the distributed nature of multicasting are serious threats to the security of this communication mode!. Much effort has been conducted to address the many issues relating to securing multicast data transmission, such as: access control, confidentiality, authentication and watermarking. Ln this thesis we deal with the two keystone security issues of any secure multicast architecture: data origin authentication and confidentiality. For each theme, we present a detailed analysis of the problem while highlighting special features and issues inherent to the multicast nature. Then, we review existing solutions in the literature and analyze their advantages and shortcomings. Finally, we provide our own original proposaIs, depicting their advantages over the previous solutions
Krasnowski, Piotr. "Codage conjoint source-chiffrement-canal pour les canaux de communication vocaux sécurisés en temps réel." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021COAZ4029.
Full textThe growing risk of privacy violation and espionage associated with the rapid spread of mobile communications renewed interest in the original concept of sending encrypted voice as audio signal over arbitrary voice channels. The usual methods used for encrypted data transmission over analog telephony turned out to be inadequate for modern vocal links (cellular networks, VoIP) equipped with voice compression, voice activity detection, and adaptive noise suppression algorithms. The limited available bandwidth, nonlinear channel distortion, and signal fadings motivate the investigation of a dedicated, joint approach for speech encodingand encryption adapted to modern noisy voice channels.This thesis aims to develop, analyze, and validate secure and efficient schemes for real-time speech encryption and transmission via modern voice channels. In addition to speech encryption, this study covers the security and operational aspects of the whole voice communication system, as this is relevant from an industrial perspective.The thesis introduces a joint speech encryption scheme with lossy encoding, which randomly scrambles the vocal parameters of some speech representation (loudness, pitch, timbre) and outputs an encrypted pseudo-voice signal robust against channel noise. The enciphering technique is based on random translations and random rotations using lattices and spherical codes on flat tori. Against transmission errors, the scheme decrypts the vocal parameters approximately and reconstructs a perceptually analogous speech signal with the help of a trained neural-based voice synthesizer. The experimental setup was validated by sending encrypted pseudo-voice over a real voice channel, and the decrypted speech was tested using subjective quality assessment by a group of about 40 participants.Furthermore, the thesis describes a new technique for sending data over voice channels that relies on short harmonic waveforms representing quaternary codewords. This technique achieves a variable bitrate up to 6.4 kbps and has been successfully tested over various real voice channels. Finally, the work considers a dedicated cryptographic key exchange protocol over voice channels authenticated by signatures and a vocal verification. The protocol security has been verified in a symbolic model using Tamarin Prover.The study concludes that secure voice communication over real digital voice channels is technically viable when the voice channels used for communication are stable and introduce distortion in a predictable manner.stabintroduce distortion in a predictable manner
Bruneau, Nicolas. "Attaque par canaux auxillaires multivariées, multi-cibles et d'ordre élevé." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ENST0025/document.
Full textSide Channel Attacks are a classical threat against cryptographic algorithms in embedded systems. They aim at exploiting the physical leakages unintentionally emitted by the devices during the execution of their embedded programs to recover sensitive data. As such attacks represent a real threat against embedded systems different countermeasures have been developed. In thesis we investigate their security in presence of multiple leakages. Indeed there often are in the leakage measurements several variables which can be exploited to mount Side Channel Attacks. In particular we show in this thesis the optimal way to exploit multiple leakages of a unique variable. This dimensionality reduction comes with no loss on the overall exploitable information. Based on this result we investigate further how such dimensionality reduction methodscan be applied in the case of protected implementations. We show that the impact of such methods increases with the security “level” of the implementation. We also investigate how to exploit the leakages of multiplevariables in order to improve the results of Side Channel Analysis. We start by improving the attacks against masking schemes, with a precomputed table recomputation step. Some protections have been developed to protect such schemes. As a consequence we investigate the security provided by these protections. In this context we present results which show that the main parameter to evaluate the security of the masking schemes is not sufficient to estimate the global security of the implementation. Finally we show that in the context of masking scheme with shuffling the optimal attack is not computable. As a consequence we present a truncated version of this attack with a better effectiveness
Bousselam, Kaouthar. "Résistance des circuits cryptographiques aux attaques en faute." Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00771357.
Full textJoaquim, da Rolt Jean. "Testabilité versus Sécurité : Nouvelles attaques par chaîne de scan & contremesures." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012MON20168.
Full textIn this thesis, we firstly analyze the vulnerabilities induced by test infrastructures onto embedded secrecy in digital integrated circuits dedicated to cryptography. Then we propose new scan-based attacks and effective countermeasures. Scan chains insertion is the most used technique to ensure the testability of digital cores, providing high-fault coverage. However, for ICs dealing with secret information, scan chains can be used as back doors for accessing secret data, thus becominga threat to device's security. We start by describing a series of new attacks that exploit information leakage out of advanced Design-for-Testability structures such as response compaction, X-Masking and partial scan. Conversely to some previous works that proposed that these structures are immune to scan-based attacks, we show that our new attacks can reveal secret information that is embedded inside the chip boundaries. Regarding the countermeasures, we propose three new solutions. The first one moves the comparison between test responses and expected responses from the AutomaticTest Equipment to the chip. This solution has a negligible area overhead, no effect on fault coverage. The second countermeasure aims to protect the circuit against unauthorized access, for instance to the test mode, and also ensure the authentication of the circuit. For thatpurpose, mutual-authentication using Schnorr protocol on Elliptic Curves is implemented. As the last countermeasure, we propose that Differential Analysis Attacks algorithm-level countermeasures, suchas point-blinding and scalar-blinding can be reused to protect the circuit against scan-based attacks
Criqui-Barthalais, Géraldine. "La protection des libertés individuelles sur le réseau internet." Thesis, Paris 2, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA020076/document.
Full textThis study considers the internet as a new territory where rights guaranteed to each individual in physical space can be promoted; not only free speech and privacy, but also the Habeas Corpus prerogative writ, which protects against unlawful imprisonment, and the right to freedom of movement. Thus, processing by analogy, the dissertation intends to promote two specific digital rights: the freedom to connect to the internet and the freedom to surf on the web. The freedom to connect should be part of a public service which promotes this access through public policies. Moreover, barring someone from using the internet can only be decided by a judge. The freedom to surf should protect the web users against unreasonable restrictions. Thus, measures blocking illegal websites should not come through self-regulation but through a legal framework which defines how administrative authorities are entitled to decide such restrictions. The protection of these two rights entails further obligations. Individuals must access the internet anonymously and they must be aware of how the government monitors their actions on the web. This study tries to outline the content of measures aiming to frame network addressing mechanisms. Identity checks based on the IP address should be subject to a strict legal regime. The study concludes that individuals have to be protected from surveillance when data reveal their choices among websites while they are connected. Internet access providers, but also search engines and browsers, must delete this data. Only special measures taken by a public entity or someone entitled to control the web users may lead to this kind of data retention
Lacruche, Marc. "Caractérisation sécuritaire de circuits basse-consommation face aux attaques par laser." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AIXM4331/document.
Full textThe increasing complexity of integrated circuits and the explosion of the number of mobile devices today makes power consumption minimisation a priority in circuit design. However, it is necessary to make sure that it does not compromise the security of sensitive circuits. In this regard, physical attacks are a particular concern, as mobile devices are ideal targets for these attacks.This work aims at evaluating the impact of body-biasing on circuit vulnerability to laser attacks. These methods allow to dynamically adjust the performance/consumption ratio of a circuit by modifying the bias voltage of the body. It is divided in four chapters. It begins by introducing cryptography, physical attacks and low power design methods. Then the test bench used during this thesis is described, as well as the developpement work done in order to allow its automation. Then an initial study of the impact of short duration laser pulses on SRAM memories is presented. The third chapter reports the results of a laser fault injection campaign on memories subjected to Forward Body-Biasing. The results show a sensitivy increase of the circuits when supply voltage is lowered and FBB is activated. Based on these results, the last chapter introduces a method using the body-biasing and voltage scaling capabilities of a microcontroller to harden a hardware AES embedded on the latter.In conclusion, this works shows that low-power design methods can induce additional security risks if they are not carefully taken into account. However the additional capabilities of the circuits intended for power consumption reduction can be used in a different way to enhance device resillience to attacks
Barki, Amira. "Mécanismes cryptographiques conciliant authentification et respect de la vie privée dans le contexte du M2M." Thesis, Compiègne, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016COMP2337.
Full textMachine to Machine (M2M) applications enable a better management of resources and provide users With greater cornfort. Unfortunately, they also entail serious security and privacy concerns. ln this thesis, we focus on M2M security, and particularly on the authentication and privacy issues of M2M applications involving a SIM card. ln the first part, we design five new cryptographic primitives and formally prove that they meet the expected security requirements. More precisely, they consist of a partially blind signature scheme, a sequential aggregate Message Authentication Codes (MAC) scheme, an algebraic MAC scheme and two pre-Direct Anonymous Attestation (pre-DAA) schemes. Some of the proposed schemes aim to achieve a particular property that was not provided by previous constructions whereas others intend to improve the efficiency of state-of-the-art schemes. Our five schemes do not require the userls device to compute pairings. Thus, they are suitable for resource constrained environments such as SIM cards. ln a second part, we rely on these primitives to propose new privacy-preserving protocols. More specifically, we design an efficient private eCash system. We also propose a protocol enabling anonymous authentication and identification of embedded SIMs (eSlMs). Furthermore, we rely on our algebraic MAC scheme to build a practical Keyed-Verification Anonymous Credentials (KVAC) system. Finally, based on our sequential aggregate MAC scheme, we introduce a remote electronic voting system that is coercion-resistant and practical for real polls. The security of our protocols is formally proven in the Random Oracle Model (ROM) under classical computational assumptions
Vaquié, Bruno. "Contributions à la sécurité des circuits intégrés face aux attaques par canaux auxiliaires." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012MON20133/document.
Full textSide channel attacks such as power analysis attacks are a threat to the security of integrated circuits.They exploit the physical leakage of circuits during the cryptographic computations to retrieve the secret informations they contain. Many countermeasures, including hardware, have been proposed by the community in order to protect cryptosystems against such attacks. Despite their effectiveness, their major drawback is their significant additional cost in area, speed and consumption. This thesis aims at proposing low cost countermeasures able to reduce the leaks and offering a good compromise between security and costs. First we identify the main sources of leakage of a cryptographic system that integrates an iterative hardware architecture of a symetric algorithm. Then we propose several low cost countermeasures, which aim at reducing this leakage. Finally, we evaluate the robustness of our solutions against side channel attacks
Lounis, Ahmed. "Security in cloud computing." Thesis, Compiègne, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014COMP1945/document.
Full textCloud computing has recently emerged as a new paradigm where resources of the computing infrastructures are provided as services over the Internet. However, this paradigm also brings many new challenges for data security and access control when business or organizations data is outsourced in the cloud, they are not within the same trusted domain as their traditional infrastructures. This thesis contributes to overcome the data security challenges and issues due to using the cloud for critical applications. Specially, we consider using cloud storage services for medical applications such as Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems and medical Wireless Sensor Networks. First, we discuss the benefits and challenges of using cloud services for healthcare applications. Then, we study security risks of the cloud, and give an overview on existing works. After that, we propose a secure and scalable cloud-based architecture for medical applications. In our solution, we develop a fine-grained access control in order to tackle the challenge of sensitive data security, complex and dynamic access policies. Finally, we propose a secure architecture for emergency management to meet the challenge of emergency access
Laabidi, Selma. "Méthodologie de conception de composants intégrés protégés contre les attaques par corrélation." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00488013.
Full textDa, Silva Mathieu. "Securing a trusted hardware environment (Trusted Execution Environment)." Thesis, Montpellier, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018MONTS053/document.
Full textThis work is part of the Trusted Environment Execution eVAluation (TEEVA) project (French project FUI n°20 from January 2016 to December 2018) that aims to evaluate two alternative solutions for secure mobile platforms: a purely software one, the Whitebox Crypto, and a TEE solution, which integrates software and hardware components. The TEE relies on the ARM TrustZone technology available on many of the chipsets for the Android smartphones and tablets market. This thesis focuses on the TEE architecture. The goal is to analyze potential threats linked to the test/debug infrastructures classically embedded in hardware systems for functional conformity checking after manufacturing.Testing is a mandatory step in the integrated circuit production because it ensures the required quality and reliability of the devices. Because of the extreme complexity of nowadays integrated circuits, test procedures cannot rely on a simple control of primary inputs with test patterns, then observation of produced test responses on primary outputs. Test facilities must be embedded in the hardware at design time, implementing the so-called Design-for-Testability (DfT) techniques. The most popular DfT technique is the scan design. Thanks to this test-driven synthesis, registers are connected in one or several chain(s), the so-called scan chain(s). A tester can then control and observe the internal states of the circuit through dedicated scan pins and components. Unfortunately, this test infrastructure can also be used to extract sensitive information stored or processed in the chip, data strongly correlated to a secret key for instance. A scan attack consists in retrieving the secret key of a crypto-processor thanks to the observation of partially encrypted results.Experiments have been conducted during the project on the demonstrator board with the target TEE in order to analyze its security against a scan-based attack. In the demonstrator board, a countermeasure is implemented to ensure the security of the assets processed and saved in the TEE. The test accesses are disconnected preventing attacks exploiting test infrastructures but disabling the test interfaces for testing, diagnosis and debug purposes. The experimental results have shown that chips based on TrustZone technology need to implement a countermeasure to protect the data extracted from the scan chains. Besides the simple countermeasure consisting to avoid scan accesses, further countermeasures have been developed in the literature to ensure security while preserving test and debug facilities. State-of-the-art countermeasures against scan-based attacks have been analyzed. From this study, we investigate a new proposal in order to preserve the scan chain access while preventing attacks, and to provide a plug-and-play countermeasure that does not require any redesign of the scanned circuit while maintaining its testability. Our solution is based on the encryption of the test communication, it provides confidentiality of the communication between the circuit and the tester and prevents usage from unauthorized users. Several architectures have been investigated, this document also reports pros and cons of envisaged solutions in terms of security and performance