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Rahmawati. "Model’s of Memory." Jurnal Al-Fikrah 9, no. 2 (December 30, 2020): 193–201.

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Memory merupakan penyimpanan informasi disetiap waktu yang dapat digunakan kembali saat ini dan masa yang akan datang. Tahapan-tahapan pada memory meliputi pengodean, penyimpanan, dan pemanggilan kembali. Adanya kemampuan untuk mengingat pada manusia menunjukkan bahwa manusia mampu untuk menyimpan dan menimbulkan kembali apa yang telah pernah dialaminya. Oleh karena itu segala macam aktifitas belajar tentu melibatkan memory dan segala macam proses belajar melibatkan aspek memory. Menurut Atkinson dan Shiffrin, memori dapat dibedakan menjadi memori sensorik, memori jangka pendek (short term memory) dan memori jangka panjang (long term memory). Pemprosesan informasi secara umum dimulai dari input suatu informasi (encoding) dilanjutkan dengan penyimpanan sensoris, penyaringan, pengenalan pola, tahap seleksi, memori jangka pendek dan memori jangka panjang. Didalam memori jangka pendek suatu informasi sudah dapat direspon, dan bila bisa dilanjutkan ke memori jangka panjang, informasi itu akan bersifat lebih permanen. Sistem memori terdiri dari memori episodi, memori semantic dan memori prosedural.
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Poduval, Karthik. "Virtual Memory to Memory Scaler Hardware Device Using QEMU." International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 11, no. 8 (August 5, 2022): 1507–9.

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Fatwikiningsih, Nur. "Memory Awareness (Kesadaran Memori) pada Anak." Journal An-Nafs: Kajian Penelitian Psikologi 2, no. 2 (December 19, 2017): 127–39.

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Memory awareness (kesadaran memori) adalah salah satu bagian dari metakognitif. Anak-anak memiliki kemampuan untuk memantau performance memori diri sendiri (metacognitive monitoring). Penelitian observasi partisipan pada anak usia 4-11 tahun ini bertujuan untuk melihat ketepatan memory awareness (kesadaran memori) mereka serta memeriksa pemahaman anak-anak tersebut akan proses memorinya. Hasil observasi menunjukkan (t = - 4.239, p = 0.001) bahwa partisipan (anak usia 4-11 tahun) mengalami peningkatan signifikan antara jumlah gambar yang mungkin diingat (prediksi penilaian keyakinan) dan performance aktual. Anak-anak usia yang lebih muda optimis mengenai kemampuan mengingat dibandingkan usia di atasnya
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Siddiqui, Dr Mujibul Hasan. "Memory Model of Learning: An Effective Solution for Stable Memory." Indian Journal of Applied Research 3, no. 3 (October 1, 2011): 98–100.

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Bharucha, Nilufer E. "Memory, Re-memory and Post-memory." Matatu 52, no. 1 (November 22, 2021): 148–59.

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Abstract For the Indian diaspora their new lives in the Imperial colonies became the present and the country left behind became memory. As the diasporics tried to recall the past, they dealt in what Toni Morrison has called the act of re-memory. Pheroze Nowrojee’s re-telling of the tale of his grandfather, who went from India to Kenya to run the trains on what was then called the Uganda Railways, is a case of re-memory, as the private memories of an earlier generation are etched into public and even national spaces of independent Kenya. There is also what Marianne Hirsch calls post-memory which can also be considered in the case of diasporic writing. While A Kenyan Journey (2014) tells the story of the author’s grandfather, it is much more than just a Parsi Zoroastrian family’s memoir. Intertwined in the grandfather’s story are the wider narratives of colonialism and old and new homelands.
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Sorrakayala, Subhadra. "Obesity and Memory." Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research 05, no. 03 (March 8, 2017): 18628.

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Joslyn, Susan, Elizabeth Loftus, Amanda Mcnoughton, and Jayme Powers. "Memory for memory." Memory & Cognition 29, no. 6 (September 2001): 789–97.

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Choi, Tea-Yook. "War and Memory : Unforpettenble Memory, Forpetten Memory." Institute for Korean Christinity Culture 11 (June 30, 2019): 65–100.

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Buford, Christopher. "Memory, Quasi-memory, and Pseudo-quasi-memory." Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87, no. 3 (July 2009): 465–78.

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Farah Humainah, Ratu, Arjuna Fikri Tri Firmansyah, Shafwan Iman Ramadhani, and Didik Aribowo. "Pengaruh Kapasitas Memori RAM (Random Access Memory) Terhadap Kecepatan Memori Pada Laptop." Jurnal Elektronika dan Teknik Informatika Terapan ( JENTIK ) 1, no. 4 (November 24, 2023): 178–86.

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The memory on a laptop is very important as it is the main component of the laptop, memory which is usually used to store information for direct use on the laptop. Memory also consists of RAM (Random Access Memory), where if the RAM has a higher capacity or storage, the device operates quickly and easily. Therefore, this research will discuss memory, which aims to determine the effect of memory capacity on memory speed, which in this research uses three (3) laptops, laptop X, laptop Y and Laptop Z. Laptop X has AMD Ryzen 5 5600H processor specifications. with Radeon Graphics and 8.00 GB RAM (8.41 GB unused) and laptop Y has Intel® Core™ i3-1005G1 processor specifications and 4.00 GB RAM (3.75 GB unused), while Laptop Z has AMD A6-5200 APU processor specifications with Radeon™ HD Graphics and 2.00 GB RAM(1.47 GB unused). Testing the validity and reliability of the instrument but the description of the symbols on the model is written in sentences. Therefore, memory that has a higher RAM capacity or larger RAM has fast memory performance speed and is easy to operate, while laptops that have small RAM have low performance speed which results in low performance speed and results in slow performance.
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Dorfman, Carolyn, and Charlene Ager. "Memory and Memory Training:." Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics 7, no. 3 (July 14, 1989): 21–42.

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Dorfman, Carolyn R., and Charlene L. Ager. "Memory and Memory Training:." Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics 7, no. 3 (January 1989): 21–42.

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Loftus, Elizabeth F. "Memory, but Not Memory." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 165, no. 1 (March 2024): 26–31.

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Abstract: Based on a presentation at the American Philosophical Society's Member Meeting in April 2021, this brief essay tackles the subject of memory and the ways it can be unreliable. The author shares some of her research into how easily memories can be altered, especially by leading questions and misinformation that changes peoples' perceptions of past events even when they are sincerely trying to tell the truth and relate those events accurately. This includes the category of false memories, which can be richly detailed and felt despite being "memories" of events that never happened. The author also notes that her research, which has been influential in the U.S. legal system, originated as a way to help defendants wrongly accused or even convicted on the basis of incorrect or entirely false memories, though the application of her work has become controversial among victim advocates.
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Ebbers, Joris J., and Nachoem M. Wijnberg. "Organizational Memory: From Expectations Memory to Procedural Memory." British Journal of Management 20, no. 4 (December 2009): 478–90.

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Winarsih, Biyanti Dwi, Yayuk Fatmawati, and Sri Hartini. "Hubungan Status Gizi dan Status Hidrasi dengan Fungsi Memori Jangka Pendek Anak Usia Sekolah." Jurnal Litbang: Media Informasi Penelitian, Pengembangan dan IPTEK 17, no. 2 (December 23, 2021): 115–30.

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ENGLISHShort-term memory in school-age children is significant in the learning process and academic ability improvement. Adequate intake of nutrients and body fluids are needed to accelerate brain performance so that children have optimum memory function. A preliminary study on short term memory of students in SD N Gembong 2, Pati Regency showed that some students experienced a decrease in short-term memory. The objective of this study was to analyze the correlation between nutritional status and nutritional status with children's short-term memory. This study used a correlational design and involved 52 students from 4th - 6th grade in elementary school. The measurement of hydration status used urine specific gravity, while short-term memory was measured using a digit span test. Then, the Chi-Square test was applied to analyze the data. This study result showed that more than half of children had normal nutritional status, good hydration status and normal short-term memory. Furthermore, nutritional status and hydration status were associated with children's short-term memory. Parents should provide more attention to their children’s nutritional and fluid needs, by 1) the children are getting used to taking breakfast before going to school and 2) parents provide meals and drinks from home for their children. INDONESIAMemori jangka pendek pada anak usia sekolah sangat berpengaruh terhadap proses belajar dan upaya peningkatan kemampuan akademik. Asupan nutrisi dan cairan tubuh yang cukup dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kerja otak sehingga fungsi memori anak lebih optimal. Data awal penelitian terkait memori jangka pendek anak di SD N Gembong 2 Pati menunjukkan sebagian anak mengalami penurunan memori jangka pendek. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan status gizi dan status nutrisi dengan memori jangka pendek anak. Metode penelitian korelasional dengan jumlah sampel 52 responden anak kelas 4-6 SD. Pengumpulan data status gizi melalui pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan. Pengukuran status hidrasi menggunakan pemeriksaan berat jenis urine dan memori jangka pendek menggunakan test digit span. Analisa menggunakan chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar anak mempunyai status gizi normal, status hidrasi baik dan memori jangka pendek yang normal. Terdapat hubungan antara status gizi dan status hidrasi dengan memori jangka pendek anak. Orang tua sebaiknya lebih memperhatikan kebutuhan nutrisi dan cairan anak dengan cara: 1) membiasakan sarapan sebelum berangkat sekolah; dan 2) pada saat anak ke sekolah lebih baik dibawakan bekal makanan dan minuman.
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Li, Yiyang. "(Invited) Thermodynamics of Oxygen Transport in Resistive and Electrochemical Memory." ECS Meeting Abstracts MA2024-01, no. 57 (August 9, 2024): 2998.

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Many neuromorphic computing architectures contain emerging memory devices that function through oxygen migration. Examples include resistive memory1 (ReRAM) and electrochemical memory2 (ECRAM), where tuning the distribution of oxygen vacancies enables analog information states. In this presentation, we discuss how oxygen transport in many metal oxides do not obey the drift-diffusion equation, which assumes ideal solution thermodynamics. Instead, the metal oxides undergo composition phase separation into oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor phases. This phase separation explains the long information retention time of ReRAM3. We further use this phase separation to improve the information retention time of oxygen-based ECRAM4,5 by at least ten orders of magnitude, yielding the highest temperature analog nonvolatile memory. References: Dittmann, R., Menzel, S. & Waser, R. Nanoionic memristive phenomena in metal oxides: the valence change mechanism. Adv. Phys. 70, 155–349 (2022). Talin, A. A., Li, Y., Robinson, D. A., Fuller, E. J. & Kumar, S. ECRAM Materials, Devices, Circuits and Architectures: A Perspective. Adv. Mater. (2023) doi:10.1002/adma202204771. Li, J. et al. Thermodynamic origin of nonvolatility in resistive switching. (2022) doi:10.21203/ Li, Y. et al. Filament-Free Bulk Resistive Memory Enables Deterministic Analogue Switching. Adv. Mater. 32, 2003984 (2020). Kim, D. S. et al. Nonvolatile Electrochemical Random-Access Memory under Short Circuit. Adv. Electron. Mater. 9, 2200958 (2023).
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Krejčí, Pavel. "Hysteresis memory preserving operators." Applications of Mathematics 36, no. 4 (1991): 305–26.

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Desai, Pooja. "Sins of Human Memory." International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 11, no. 5 (May 5, 2022): 1988–94.

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Zhang, Miaonan. "The Mechanisms of False Memory and the Factors Contributing to It." Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media 12, no. 1 (October 26, 2023): 300–305.

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False memories are unavoidable and occur in creatures lives all the time, and false memory is not a mistake in the aspect of memory. But instead, the presence of underlying cues, emotional influences, and activation-related information effectively affects the memorys validity. The study of several pieces of literature found that memory is unreliable under certain conditions. There are also false memories caused by associative activation factors, which are imperfect reconstructions of reality between perception and memory. This article is divided into three main parts to introduce these formation mechanisms of false memory and what factors lead to the formation of false memory. These three parts are the principle of creating false memory in the hippocampus, the effects of associative activation on memory and causal enhancement and attenuation of associative activation, and the transmission of misinformation and the effect of retrieval cues on memory during the retrieval phase.
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Zamzuri, Ahmad. "MEMBACA JATISABA: MENELISIK MEMORI, TRAUMA, DAN JALAN PULANG." Widyaparwa 48, no. 2 (December 24, 2020): 269–82.

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This study aims to describe the construction of memory and trauma in Ramayda Akmal’s Jatisaba using memory and trauma perspectives. This research went through four stages. Those are determining the material (source of data) and the formal object of the research, collecting data, analyzing data, and conclusions. Ramayda Akmal’s Jatisaba is the source of data. Meanwhile, memory and trauma are determined as the formal object of research. In collecting data, an intensive reading process is the next step for understanding the elements of the story. Then classifying words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs based on the concepts of a traumatic event, loss, and melancholy. All the data were analyzed through memory and trauma concepts. The results of the analysis show that, first, the memory constructed in the Jatisaba is related to traumatic memories triggered by a sense of homelessness and traumatic events when Mae became a migrant worker. Second, Mae becomes a traumatic subject (melancholia). Third, Gao becomes a reconstruction of “undeniably home” for Mae’s soul. Fourth, the reconstruction of memory in Jatisaba is an effort to complement the author's longing for a homeland.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan konstruksi memori dan trauma dalam Jatisaba karya Ramayda Akmal dengan menggunakan perspektif memori dan trauma. Penelitian ini melalui empat tahapan, antara lain penentuan objek material (sumber data) dan objek formal penelitian, pengumpulan data, analisis data, dan simpulan. Novel Jatisaba karya Ramayda Akmal adalah objek material (sumber data). Sedangkan memori dan trauma merupakan objek formal penelitian. Dalam pengumpulan data, proses membaca intensif merupakan langkah selanjutnya untuk memahami unsur-unsur cerita. Kemudian, pengklasifikasian kata, frasa, kalimat, dan paragraf berdasarkan konsep peristiwa traumatis (traumatic event), kehilangan, dan melankolis. Data dianalisis melalui konsep memori dan trauma. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, memori pada novel Jatisaba berkaitan dengan memori traumatis yang dipicu oleh rasa kehilangan dan peristiwa traumatis saat Mae menjadi buruh migran. Kedua, Mae merupakan subjek traumatis (melankolia). Ketiga, Gao merupakan rekonstruksi “rumah” bagi jiwa Mae. Keempat, rekonstruksi memori pada novel Jatisaba sebenarnya merupakan upaya pulang pengarang untuk melengkapi kerinduan pada kampung halaman.
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Michaelian, Kourken. "Is external memory memory? Biological memory and extended mind." Consciousness and Cognition 21, no. 3 (September 2012): 1154–65.

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Hijman, Ron. "Memory processes and memory systems: Fractionation of human memory." Neuroscience Research Communications 19, no. 3 (November 1996): 189–96.<189::aid-nrc179>;2-7.

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Akbar, Muhammad Fachrian, Agustina Rahayu Magdaleni, Hary Nugroho, Endang Sawitri, and Arie Ibrahim. "Pengaruh Irama Sirkadian Terhadap Memori Jangka Pendek pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman." Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan 3, no. 5 (October 31, 2021): 722–26.

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ABSTRACT Short-term memory is a form of cognitive function to store information in a short time, which is important to support daily work and learning activities. Circadian rhythm is a physical, mental, and behavioral changes that occurs in 24-hour daily cycle which is believed to be a factor that affecting short term memory , for example sleep-wake cycle. This study was aimed to determine the effect of routinity of aerobic on short-term memory in students at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Mulawarman. This analytic observational study with cross-sectional method used 94 male respondents at the Faculty of Medicine, Mulawarman University, consisting of the Medical Study Program, Dentistry Study Program, and Nursing with stratified random sampling technique. The research results showed the most circadian rhythm type is night chronotype as many as 71 people (76%) (p=0.031). Short-term memory scores were obtained by 41 people (44%) on good category and 53 people (56%) on bad category. It was concluded that there is an effect of circadian rhythm on short-term memory in Medical Study of The Medical Faculty of Mulawarman University. Keyword : Circadian rhythm, Short-term memory, Medical student, Scenery Picture Memory Test (SPMT) ABSTRAK Memori jangka pendek merupakan bentuk fungsi kognitif untuk menyimpan informasi yang tersedia dalam waktu yang singkat dimana hal ini penting untuk menunjang aktivitas pekerjaan maupun pembelajaran sehari-hari. Irama sirkadian adalah suatu perubahan fisik, mental, dan perilaku yang tejadi mengikuti siklus harian 24 jam yang diyakini sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi memori jangka pendek, contohnya seperti siklus bangun tidur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aerobik rutin terhadap memori jangka pendek pada mahasiswa di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman. Penelitian observasional analitik dengan metode potong lintang ini menggunakan 94 responden laki-laki di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman yang terdiri atas Program Studi Kedokteran, Program Studi Kedokteran Gigi, dan D3 Keperawatan dengan menggunakan teknik stratified random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan tipe irama sirkadian terbanyak ialah kronotipe malam yaitu 71 orang (76%) dengan nilai p = 0,031. Nilai memori jangka pendek didapatkan 41 orang (44%) dalam kategori baik dan 53 orang (56%) kategori tidak baik. Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh irama sirkadian terhadap memori jangka pendek pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman. Kata Kunci : Irama sirkadian, Memori jangka pendek, Mahasiswa kedokteran, Scenery Picture Memory Test (SPMT)
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Damanik, Erond Litno. "Nurturing the Collective Memory of Plantation Traces." Paramita: Historical Studies Journal 30, no. 2 (September 1, 2020): 121–34.

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The article aims to explore and to discuss strategies for nurturing collective memory and identity in Medan City. The problem is focused on strategies to care for the collective memory and identity of the city while preserving cultural heritage buildings in Medan City. The theoretical references used are the collective memory and city identity approaches of Kusno. The study found that the collective memory and identity of the plantation are attached to the grandeur of the shape and variety of building architecture. The variety of architecture refers to masterpieces of internationally renowned architects, while the forms and patterns represent the climate, aesthetics, and success of the plantation. Novelty studies that the lack of protection of cultural heritage buildings has implications for the waning of collective memory and city identity. Economic and business battles, lack of government political will, and synergy with the private sector have an impact on the destruction of cultural heritage buildings. Cultural heritage buildings are an integral part of the history of Medan City with plantations. The study concluded that maintaining collective memory and plantation identity is a preservation activity of cultural heritage buildings. The strategy of nurturing for cultural heritage buildings is not enough through local regulations, utilization as public spaces, but also providing incentives for cultural heritage building owners. Artikel bertujuan mengeksplorasi dan mendiskusikan strategi merawat memori kolektif dan identitas perkebunan di Kota Medan. Permasalahan difokuskan pada strategi merawat memori kolektif dan identitas kota sekaligus melestarikan bangunan pusaka budaya di Kota Medan. Acuan teoritis dipergunakan adalah pendekatan memori kolektif dan identitas kota dari Kusno. Kajian menemukan bahwa memori kolektif dan identitas perkebunan terlampir pada kemegahan bentuk dan ragam arsitektur bangunan. Ragam arsitektur menunjuk pada mahakarya arsitek kenamaan mancanegara; sedang bentuk dan pola merepresentasi iklim, estetika dan keberhasilan perkebunan. Novelty kajian bahwa kurangnya perlindungan bangunan pusaka budaya berimplikasi bagi memudarnya memori kolektif dan identitas kota. Pertarungan ekonomi dan bisnis, kurangnya political-will pemerintah serta sinergi dengan swasta berdampak bagi pemusnahan bangunan pusaka budaya. Bangunan pusaka budaya merupakan bagian integral sejarah Kota Medan dengan perkebunan. Kajian menyimpulkan bahwa memelihara memori kolektif dan identitas perkebunan adalah aktifitas pelestarian bangunan pusaka budaya. Strategi merawat bangunan pusaka budaya tidak cukup melalui Peraturan Daerah, pemamfaatan sebagai ruang publik, tetapi juga pemberian insentif bagi pemilik bangunan pusaka budaya.
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Arps, Arnoud. "Memori melompat (‘jumping memory’): The mnemonic motion of Indonesian popular culture and the need for a local reframing." Memory Studies 16, no. 6 (December 2023): 1423–35.

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The third phase of memory studies is considered to have taken memory into ‘the global age’, yet this article illustrates that in many ways, the nation has since been reinstated within a global context. This article critically scrutinises the idea that memory travels freely and shows that a straightforward mobility of cultural memory does not apply to every local context. In Indonesia, memory travels temporarily, briefly and not far. It therefore suggests more of a jump rather than a journey. As a demonstrative semantic device, the Indonesian term memori melompat (jumping memory) signifies cultural memory formation beyond the West. Nevertheless, the choice of an Indonesian term does not denote a uniqueness to Indonesia, but emphasises instead that Indonesian popular culture about the Indonesian War of Independence is indicative of the need for a local reframing of existing memory concepts to better understand contemporary engagements with the (colonial) past.
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Abstract:. This research aimed to examine the effectiveness of teaching strategy of SMART (Stories Method and Recall Training) in improving elementary children’s working memory. This strategy is designed to enable children to use their working memory efficiently through encoding (stories) and information retrieval training (recalling) in one series of cognition process. The research design applied is one group pretest-posttest design, using a group of subject of 15 elementary students at 7-9 years of age. The researcher used working memory instrument as the measurement of subject response which is developed by the researcher herself with five times of measurement and three times of treatments. The findings show that working memory capacity increases along as they age, and the SMART method improve children’s memory significantly. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas strategi pembelajaran SMART (Stories Method and Recall Training) terhadap peningkatan memori kerja anak fase sekolah dasar kelas rendah. Strategi ini dirancang agar anak dapat menggunakan memori lebih efisien melalui latihan penyandian (stories) dan perolehan kembali informasi (recalling) dalam satu rangkaian proses kognisi. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttest design, dengan menggunakan sekelompok subjek anak usia sekolah dasar kelas rendah rentang usia 7-9 tahun sejumlah 15 orang. Pengukuran respon subjek menggunakan insrumen memori kerja yang dikembangkan sendiri oleh peneliti, yang dilakukan sebanyak lima kali dengan tiga kali pemberian intervensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kapasitas memori kerja meningkat seiiring dengan bertambahnya usia, dan pelatihan strategi pembelajaran SMART (Stories Method and Recall Training) efektif meningkatkan memori kerja anak
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Alonso Fernández, Marcos. "Memory, Neuroscience and Memory Enhancement." Canadian Journal of Bioethics 3, no. 1 (2020): 1.

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TATSUNO, Masami. "Memory Replay and Memory Consolidation." Seibutsu Butsuri 47, no. 6 (2007): 368–77.

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Rosen, Michael R., Ofer Binah, and Shimon Marom. "Cardiac Memory and Cortical Memory." Circulation 108, no. 15 (October 14, 2003): 1784–89.

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Byrne, Alex. "Institutional memory and memory institutions." Australian Library Journal 64, no. 4 (September 17, 2015): 259–69.

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Caplan, Jeremy B. "Order-memory and association-memory." Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale 69, no. 3 (September 2015): 221–32.

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Verhey, Frans R. J., Martin Orrell, and Steve Zarit. "Memory services and memory clinics." Aging & Mental Health 15, no. 1 (January 2011): 2–4.

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Anderson, Norman H. "Functional memory versus reproductive memory." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20, no. 1 (March 1997): 19–20.

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A functional theory of memory has already been developed as part of a general functional theory of cognition. The traditional conception of memory as “reproductive” touches on only a minor function. The primary function of memory is in constructing values for goal-directedness of everyday thought and action. This functional approach to memory rests on a solid empirical foundation.
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Owen, Adrian M. "Memory: Dissociating multiple memory processes." Current Biology 8, no. 23 (November 1998): R850—R852.

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Lego, Suzanne. "Repressed memory and false memory." Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 10, no. 2 (April 1996): 110–15.

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Khan, Mohammad Ibraheem, Andrew Pequegnat, and Y. Norman Zhou. "Multiple Memory Shape Memory Alloys." Advanced Engineering Materials 15, no. 5 (February 15, 2013): 386–93.

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Johnson, Oliver. "'Lively' Memory and 'Past' Memory." Hume Studies 13, no. 2 (November 1987): 343–59.

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Shershova, T., and V. Chaika. "Cultural memory and memory culture." HUMANITARIAN STUDIOS: PEDAGOGICS, PSYCHOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY 15, no. 1 (2024): 188–95.

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This article discusses the definitions of cultural memory and memory culture, as well as the theoretical aspects of these concepts. The authors attempt to provide their own interpretation of the concept of cultural memory. They also identify the similarities and differences between the two concepts. Cultural memory includes a wide range of elements, such as folk wisdom, myths, legends, folk songs, dances, customs, traditions, art, architecture, and other cultural manifestations. These elements are not only transmitted through generations, but also preserved in special places, such as museums, archives, and libraries. One of the important aspects of cultural memory is the preservation of cultural diversity and languages, as this helps to enrich cultural experience and promote understanding and tolerance between different peoples and cultures. Memory culture is important for the formation of identity and cultural development of society. The authors of the article focus on such aspects of cultural memory and memory culture as: memory politics, transnational memory, cultural heritage, memory and identity, and technologies and memory. The article also analyzes the impact of digital technologies on memory culture. The authors note that digital technologies have both positive and negative consequences for the preservation and transmission of cultural memory. On the one hand, digital technologies allow us to store and transmit information quickly and efficiently, which contributes to the development of science, technology, and culture. On the other hand, digital technologies can lead to distortion and loss of historical sources and cultural heritage. In conclusion, the authors emphasize that cultural memory and memory culture are important phenomena that have a significant impact on the development of society. Both concepts are important for preserving cultural experience and identity. They help people understand their past, shape the future, and define their place in the world.
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Yan, Ka, Lie Fun Fun, and Cakrangadinata Cakrangadinata. "INGAT ATAU TIDAK INGAT? SUATU PENELITIAN PADA MAHASISWA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN INDUKSI MINDFULNESS." Insight: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi 22, no. 2 (August 31, 2020): 92.

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kesadaran dan menanggapi secara terampil proses-proses mental yang berkontribusi pada emotional distress dan perilaku yang maladaptif (Bishop, et al., 2004). Dengan demikian, mindfulness membuat seseorang lebih well being, memiliki atensi yang lebih terpusat dan pada akhirnya lebih akurat dalam mengingat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh mindfulness terhadap memori sehingga menggunakan metode eksperimental. Sampel yang dipilih adalah mahasiswa sebanyak 76 orang untuk studi pertama (untuk mengetahui pengaruh pada short term memory) dan 60 orang untuk studi kedua (untuk mengetahui pengaruh pada long term memory). Masing-masing studi terdiri dari kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Alat ukur memori yang dipakai adalah clip dan pertanyaan tentang clip ‘Pay It Forward’ yang disusun oleh Carissa (2017) untuk studi 1, sedangkan untuk study 2 menggunakan alat ukur baku yaitu The Rey Ostterieth Complex Figure (ROFC) oleh Rey dan Osterrieth. Pada studi pertama, diperoleh hasil tidak terdapat perbedaan short term memory pada mahasiswa. Sedangkan pada studi kedua diperoleh hasil terdapat perbedaan long term memory pada mahasiswa. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, peneliti menyarankan penelitian mengenai mindfulness dan long term memory, dengan menggunakan alat ukur memori lain (seperti kata-kata maupun angka). Peneliti juga menyarankan melakukan penelitian dengan melakukan induksi mindfulness dalam jangka waktu lebih panjang atau melakukan intervensi mindfulness selama 8 minggu.
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Pratiwi, Hesti Ratna, Ery Hermawati, and Umi Kalsum. "Pengaruh Kualitas Tidur terhadap Memori Jangka Pendek Mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura." Cermin Dunia Kedokteran 49, no. 6 (May 25, 2022): 305.

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<p>Latar Belakang. Memori jangka pendek sebagai salah satu proses awal penerimaan informasi dianggap berperan penting dalam fungsi kognitif seseorang. Tujuan. Mengetahui pengaruh kualitas tidur terhadap memori jangka pendek mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura. Metodologi. Penelitian dengan desain analitik menggunakan pendekatan potong lintang. Jumlah sampel 73 orang. Variabel bebas adalah kualitas tidur diukur dengan PSQI dan variabel terikat adalah memori jangka pendek diukur dengan Digit Span. Analisis statistik menggunakan Kolmogorov-Smirnov dan Mann-Whitney U Test Hasil. Sebanyak 74% subjek penelitian memiliki kualitas tidur buruk dan rata-rata skor memori jangka pendek adalah 8,96. Subjek penelitian yang memiliki kualitas tidur buruk memiliki rata-rata skor memori jangka pendek lebih tinggi (9,33) dibandingkan dengan subjek penelitian dengan kualitas tidur baik (7,89). Hasil uji komparatif Mann-Whitney U Test mendapatkan nilai signifikan p=0,015 (p&lt;0,05). Simpulan. Skor memori jangka pendek lebih tinggi pada mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura yang memiliki kualitas tidur buruk dibandingkan mahasiswa yang memiliki kualitas tidur baik</p><p>Background. Short-term memory as one of the initial stage of information storage is considered to have an important role in cognitive performance. Objective. To determine the impact of sleep quality on short-term memory among medical students at Tanjungpura University. Methods. An analytic study with cross-sectional design on 73 subjects. Sleep quality as an independent variable was measured by PSQI and short-term memory as a dependent variable was measured by Digit Span. Analytical statistics used Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Mann-Whitney U Test. Results. Poor sleep quality was found in 74% subjects with mean score of short-term memory of 8,96. Subjects with poor sleep quality had a higher mean score of short-term memory (9,33) than subjects with good quality of sleep (7,89). The Mann-Whitney U Test result was p= 0.015 (p &lt;0.05). Conclusion. Medical students in Tanjungpura University with poor sleep quality have significantly higher score of short-term memory test compared to students who had good sleep quality.</p>
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Pratiwi, Hesti Ratna, Ery Hermawati, and Umi Kalsum. "Pengaruh Kualitas Tidur terhadap Memori Jangka Pendek Mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura." Cermin Dunia Kedokteran 49, no. 6 (June 1, 2022): 305–9.

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Latar Belakang. Memori jangka pendek sebagai salah satu proses awal penerimaan informasi dianggap berperan penting dalam fungsi kognitif seseorang. Tujuan.Mengetahui pengaruh kualitas tidur terhadap memori jangka pendek mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura. Metodologi. Penelitian dengan desain analitik menggunakan pendekatan potong lintang. Jumlah sampel 73 orang. Variabel bebas adalah kualitas tidur diukur dengan Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) dan variabel terikat adalah memori jangka pendek diukur dengan Digit Span. Analisis statistik menggunakan Kolmogorov-Smirnov dan Mann-Whitney U Test Hasil. Sebanyak 74% subjek penelitian memiliki kualitas tidur buruk dan rata-rata skor memori jangka pendek adalah 8,96. Subjek penelitian yang memiliki kualitas tidur buruk memiliki rata-rata skor memori jangka pendek lebih tinggi (9,33) dibandingkan dengan subjek penelitian dengan kualitas tidur baik (7,89). Hasil uji komparatif Mann-Whitney U Test mendapatkan nilai signifikan p=0,015 (p<0,05). Simpulan. Skor memori jangka pendek lebih tinggi pada mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura yang memiliki kualitas tidur buruk dibandingkan mahasiswa yang memiliki kualitas tidur baik Background. Short-term memory as one of the initial stage of information storage is considered to have an important role in cognitive performance. Objective. To determine the impact of sleep quality on short-term memory among medical students at Tanjungpura University. Methods. An analytic study with cross-sectional design on 73 subjects. Sleep quality as an independent variable was measured by Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) and short-term memory as a dependent variable was measured by Digit Span. Analytical statistics used Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Mann-Whitney U Test. Results. Poor sleep quality was found in 74% subjects with mean score of short-term memory of 8.96. Subjects with poor sleep quality had a higher mean score of short-term memory (9.33) than subjects with good quality of sleep (7.89). The Mann-Whitney U Test result was p= 0.015 (p <0.05). Conclusion. Medical students in Tanjungpura University with poor sleep quality have significantly higher score of short-term memory test compared to students who had good sleep quality.
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Suherman, Suherman, Ipak Nistriana, and Muhammad Rizky. "AMBARAN FUNGSI MEMORI PADA PASIEN CEDERA KEPALA TRAUMATIK DERAJAT SEDANG DENGAN EDEMA SEREBRI." Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala 18, no. 2 (August 1, 2018): 80–85.

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Abstrak. Latar Belakang Cedera kepala traumatik masih menjadi penyebab utama kecacatan dan kematian di dunia. Sebagian besar terjadi pada usia produktif. Efek sekunder dari cedera kepala adalah gangguan fungsi kognitif berupa fungsi memori, visuospasial, perhatian dan konsentrasi, bahasa, kalkulasi, dan orientasi. Masih sedikitnya penelitian tentang penilaian fungsi memori pada pasien cedera kepala di Indonesia. Tujuan Memaparkan gambaran penurunan fungsi kognitif terutama fungsi memori pada pasien cedera kepala derajat sedang dengan edema serebri.Metode Studi deskriptif dengan desain potong-lintang menggunakan kuesioner MMSE dan MoCA-INA sebagai modalitas penilaian.Hasil Dari 30 pasien cedera kepala traumatik derajat sedang didapatkan rerata skor MMSE adalah 27.1±2.13 (interval 20-29). Rerata skor MoCA-INA adalah 24.4±2.99 (interval 16-28). Kedua skor menunjukkan bahwa MoCA-INA memiliki rerata yang lebih rendah dan rentang skor yang lebih luas. Domain yang paling banyak terganggu adalah fungsi memori recall (98%)Kesimpulan Secara keseluruhan pasien dengan cedera kepala traumatik dengan edema serebri mengalami gangguan fungsi memori terutama area memori eksplisit berupa fungsi recall. Tatalaksana kuratif dan rehabilitatif secara adekuat dan berkelanjutan diperlukan untuk mempercepat proses penyembuhanKata Kunci Cedera Kepala Traumatik Derajat Sedang, Fungsi Memori, MMSE, MoCA-INAAbstract. Background Traumatic brain injury is still a major cause of disability and death. Most occur in productive age. Secondary effects of brain injury are impaired cognitive function in the form of memory, visuospatial, attention and concentration, language, calculation, and orientation. There are few research on the assessment of memory function in brain injury patients in Indonesia.Purpose To describes the decreasing cognitive function, particularly memory function in patients with moderate brain injury with cerebral edema.Method Descriptive study with cross-sectional design using MMSE and MoCA-INA questionnaires as assessment modalities.Results Of the 30 patients with moderate-grade traumatic head injury, the mean MMSE score was 27.1 ± 2.13 (intervals 20-29). The average MoCA-INA score is 24.4 ± 2.99 (intervals 16-28). Both scores indicate that the MoCA-INA has a lower mean and a wider score range. The most disturbed domain is recall memory function (96%)Conclusion Overall patients with traumatic brain injury with cerebral edema experience impaired memory function, especially the area of explicit memory in the form of recall function. Adequate and sustainable curative and rehabilitative management is needed to accelerate the healing process Keywords Traumatic Head Injury Moderate Level, Memory Function, MMSE, MoCA-INA
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Safitri, Eni, Rizki Yulia Purwitaningtyas, and Firdawsyi Nuzula. "Pengaruh Warna terhadap Short Term Memory pada Remaja." Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Rustida 10, no. 1 (January 19, 2023): 29–36.

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Memori merupakan tempat penyimpanan informasi, sedangkan memori jangka pendek merupakan tempat penyimpanan informasi selama 20-30 detik saja didalam memori. Warna memiliki efek positif pada psikologis remaja. Salah satunya pada retensi memori. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Warna pada memori jangka pendek pada siswa MTsN 11 Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pra-eksperimental dengan rancangan pre test dan post tes only. Sampel pada penelitia ini menggunakan purposive sampling sebanyak 120 sampel. Instrument penelitian ini menggunakan tes buta warna Ishihara dan tes ME. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini Short Term Memory pada remaja, sedangkan variabel terikatnya yaitu pengaruh warna. Survei dilakukan pada Bulan Juli di MTsN 11 Jember Dusun Pasar Alas Garahan Silo Jember. Uji analisis yang digunakan uji paired T-tes. Hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan Paired Sample T-Test, terdapat nilai p = 0,000. Karena nilai p= 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan ada pengaruh warna terhadap Short Term Memory. Pegaruh memori jangka pendek pada masa remaja disebabkan karena respon psikologis yang positif terhadap warna yang mengarah pada retensi memori permanen. Penggunaan warna dapat dijadikan acuan bagi psikologis remaja untuk penyimpanan informasi kedalam memori.
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Darmayanti, Irma, Ali Nur Ikhsan, Dias Ayu Budi Utami, and Pungkas Subarkah. "Implementasi Memory Game di MIT App Inventor." Jurnal Ilmiah IT CIDA 8, no. 2 (December 31, 2022): 99.

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<em>Permainan memori, atau yang kadang-kadang disebut konsentrasi, adalah permainan kartu yang cukup populer dimainkan oleh anak-anak dan orang dewasa di seluruh dunia. Memori yang baik adalah salah satu kualitas yang dibutuhkan untuk berhasil di dalamnya.</em> <em>Permainan memori dapat membantu perkembangan kognitif anak secara keseluruhan diantaranya membantu anak berkonsentrasi, melatih memori jangka panjang, melatih memori visual, membantu anak berpikir kritis. Dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, yang mana permainan tradisional sudah tidak cukup menarik lagi untuk dimainkan, oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini dibuatlah permainan memory yang dapat dimainkan pada smarthphone dengan sistem operasi android. Model atau metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Prototyping. Model desain prototipe dibuat lebih cepat sehingga waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan game lebih singkat. Karakteristik ini sangat sesuai dengan kebutuhan sistem yang ada yang hanya membutuhkan waktu yang singkat dalam pengembangannya. Tools yang akan digunakan peneliti adalah MIT App Inventor untuk membangun sebuah aplikasi Android.</em> <em>Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membuat game mobile berbasis androidyang dapat mengacak gambar dan kartu sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan permainan di game memory.</em>
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Tsarina, Maria A. "The Study of Historical Memory in the Modern System of Humanitarian Knowledge." IZVESTIYA VUZOV SEVERO-KAVKAZSKII REGION SOCIAL SCIENCE, no. 2 (214) (June 30, 2022): 76–84.

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Relevance. This article discusses topical issues regarding the definition of such a concept as “memory studies”. This phenomenon is considered in a historical retrospective of modern Russian historiography. The main approaches to the definition of the following terms are analyzed: “memory studies”, “place of memory”, “historical memoryˮ, “social memory”, “collective memory”, “cultural memory”. This paper provides an overview of the main directions of Russian historiography in line with the latest research devoted to the study of such a phenomenon as “memory studies”. The purpose on the basis of the materials studied, to determine the most complete and clearly expressed definition of such a phenomenon and concept as “memory studies”. Objectives. to consider the main scientific works devoted to this issue, to analyze the totality of research in the field of studying Russian memory studies. To reveal the essence of the concept: “memory studies” in Russian historiography. Methodology. In the process of working on the study, the following research methods were used: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, analogy. Results. The development of this problem contributes to a deeper study of such a phenomenon as “memory studies”. This work reveals the essence and main directions in the study of memory studies in Russian historiography and gives one of the definitions of this phenomenon in the modern system of humanitarian knowledge. Conclusion. The construct “memory studies” itself is practically not found in academic works. This concept is closest to the concept: “historical memory” which most accurately reflects the general collective ideas, where the main meaning-forming construct is “memory”. The concept of memory plays a key role here.
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Baskina, Valentina. "In Memory of Inga Rundqvist." Global Tectonics and Metallogeny 5, no. 1-2 (November 27, 1995): 73–74.

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Próchniak, P. "MEMORY THEATRE: A CASE STUDY." ΠΡΑΞΗMΑ. Journal of Visual Semiotics, no. 1 (2019): 150–55.

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Kumar, Prashant. "Diaspora: Extended Home and Memory." Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education 15, no. 6 (July 1, 2018): 71–74.

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Acharya, Pradeep. "Ethnicity, Identity and Collective Memory." Contemporary Social Sciences 27, no. 2 (April 1, 2018): 141–49.

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Lukeš, Jaroslav, Ivan Netuka, and Jiří Veselý. "In memory of Josef Král." Mathematica Bohemica 131, no. 4 (2006): 427–48.

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