Academic literature on the topic 'Mémoires collectives'
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Journal articles on the topic "Mémoires collectives"
Jeudy, Henri-Pierre. "L'ironie des mémoires collectives." Quaderni 22, no. 1 (1994): 147–56.
Full textSABOURIN, Paul. "Perspective sur la mémoire sociale de Maurice Halbwachs." Sociologie et sociétés 29, no. 2 (September 30, 2002): 139–61.
Full textRafidinarivo, Christiane. "L'Afrique et nous : mémoires collectives." Africultures 55, no. 2 (2003): 13.
Full textEustache, Francis, and Denis Peschanski. "Le Programme 13-Novembre entre mémoire individuelle et mémoire collective." Biologie Aujourd’hui 217, no. 1-2 (2023): 39–48.
Full textEustache, Francis, Bérengère Guillery, and Denis Peschanski. "Mémoire et traumatisme : de la biologie aux sciences sociales." Biologie Aujourd’hui 217, no. 1-2 (2023): 35–38.
Full textBusquet, Grégory, and Adriana Diaconu. "Mémoires collectives et production des territoires urbains." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 63, no. 178 (2019): 3.
Full textLe Bel, Pierre-Mathieu. "Choc des mémoires collectives et espaces thématiques dans ce qui reste du Red Light montréalais." Globe 14, no. 1 (September 27, 2011): 197–213.
Full textDucharme, Michel. "Se souvenir de demain : réflexions sur l’édification des mémoires collectives au Canada-Uni." Mens 7, no. 1 (April 9, 2014): 9–46.
Full textLegrand, Nicolas, Pierre Gagnepain, Denis Peschanski, and Francis Eustache. "Neurosciences et mémoires collectives : les schémas entre cerveau, sociétés et cultures." Biologie Aujourd'hui 209, no. 3 (2015): 273–86.
Full textLe Boulay, Morgane. "Christine Cadot, Mémoires collectives européennes, Saint-Denis, Presses universitaires de Vincennes, 2019." Politique européenne N° 74, no. 4 (January 17, 2022): 216–20.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Mémoires collectives"
Vanoni, Didier. "Mémoires collectives et politiques urbaines : une approche critique des politiques contractuelles de la ville." Paris 9, 1992.
Full textValognes, Stéphane. "De l'espace usinier aux nouveaux territoires urbains : mémoires collectives, projets urbains, appropriation de l'espace." Paris, EHESS, 2002.
Full textWhat are interactions between urban traces, groups and urban projects, in renewal of wastelands ? How architects and planners design the urban future ? Three examples are developed in this work : the former industrial area of Société Métallurgique de Normandie near Caen, the Nantes Island in Nantes, and the former central harbour area in Bordeaux. After the analyse of urban forms's heritage, we examine the ability of urban projects to play a role in the production of new urban morphology and new space appropriations
Ropp, Laurent. "Un passé dépassé ? : les mémoires protestantes des guerres de Religion (vers 1685-2022)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Le Mans, 2024.
Full textWhile French Protestants cultivate the memory of St. Bartholomew's Day since the 16th century, the context of the Wars of Religion (1562-1598), in which the infamous massacres occurred seems to attract much less of their attention. However, these civil and religious conflicts represent a major crisis in national history and mark the first time that French Protestants took up arms. The purpose of this study is to grasp, over the long term, the memories of these conflicts within the communities that emerged from the Reformation.From the 1680s, marked by an interconfessional controversy over the French Wars of Religion, to the 450th anniversary of St. Bartholomew's Day (2022), this research sheds light on how the present influences the memory of the struggles of the late 16th century and examines the extent to which these past conflicts remain relevant in the centuries that followed. A vast corpus of printed materials, supplemented by more original sources, such as 526 responses to an online questionnaire, has been used to account for the reactivations of memory and to uncover the continuities and transformations in the representations and uses of these conflicts. Focused on French Reformed communities, while also incorporating Lutherans and Evangelicals from France as well as Protestant communities from three countries hosting the Huguenot diaspora, this investigation also offers a reflection on the unity and plurality of Huguenot memories
Cordoba, Pierre Emmanuel. "Le rôle des fêtes et légendes religieuses dans l'élaboration des mémoires collectives : approche théorique et analyse des patronages de Grenade (1492-1992)." Paris 3, 2002.
Full textThis study of the supernatural protectors of the Andalousian city of Granada - San Cecilio and the Virgen de las Angustias - implies a plural approach : ethnologic, historic and semiotic. In a first part, we define the theoretical concepts : "mode of working", of the traditional narrative (myth, legend, tale) and "machines of enfolding" of the spectacles (rite, ceremony, play). We support that this two "cultural forms of knowledge" (speech and visibility) are generated by the social stategies of power and we intend to substitute notions as "pagans superstitions" or "popular religiosity" with more scientific (and abstract) tools. After the catholic conquest (1492), the city of Granada has two problems to solve : the existence of an Islamic population, which was finally expulsed in successive steps, and the constitution of a new identity for the "repobladors". In this context, two different devotions rise : San Cecilio who is suppodes to be an Arabic evangelist, companion of saint James martyred in the Sacromonte, and the Virgen de las Angustias. .
Leborgne, Mathieu. "L'espace d'un oubli : le rôle des mémoires collectives dans la construction du sentiment d'appartenance territoriale : le cas du Parc naturel régional du Verdon." Paris, EHESS, 2006.
Full textThe central assumption put forward that in territorialized identity construction processes, social group memories would have a central role to play. It is why we propose a contribution to a "sociology of signs" as an analysis of what is produced by spatial marking of memory. The regional nature park of Verdon, created in 1997 in the south-east of France, is our field of investigation. After a theoretical approach on the foundations of thought wich link memory and territory, reffering in particular to Maurice Halbwachs works (part1), we will describe the history of both physical and symbolic construction of the Verdon territories (part 2). The role of hydroelectric area, are the two central poles of a specific territorial character where more than memory, it is oblivion wich seems to prevail. How consequently, can the regional nature park of Verdon appear as territory in this area with differentiated links with past (part 3) ? The appeal to nature seems to be a possible referent of local identity
Girard-Hainz, Brigitte. "Mythes et réalités urbaines dans la vie associative de quartier : imaginaires de la ville, mémoires et identités collectives dans la construction de la solidarité associative à Saint-Ferjeux (Besançon)." Besançon, 2004.
Full textThis thesis aims to understand the modes in which local groups and organisations are rooted in the area, following a monographical approach based on the points of view of members of local voluntary groups sharing the same urban entity of reference : the Saint-Ferjeux district, in the city of Besançon. It highlights the ways in which they contribute to the construction of representations of interwoven urban territories - everyday life, residential and/or emotional territories and local community group territories - by fostering the Myth of a Village-Area within the city, which is both an account of origins and a utopia, like an ideal City providing a framework for local community life and allowing the experimentation of many forms of local community group solidarity
Hozé, Bertrand. "Mémoires d'une terre promise : les mémoires françaises de l'Alsace-Lorraine de 1870 à nos jours : entre mémoire et oubli." Metz, 2000.
Full textAugustin, Jean Ronald. "Mémoire de l'esclavage en Haïti : entrecroisement des mémoires et enjeux de la patrimonialisation." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2016.
Full textAlthough the study of the memories of slavery has still attracted little attention among scholars in Haïti, the first country to be freed from the jaws of transatlantic slavery. Existing synthesis work on the subject are incomplete and take little these memories into account as being of heritage. The present thesis aims to fill this gap and to better our understanding of the situation, the entanglement and the stakes of the memories of slavery in Haiti today. Drawing from a large variety of oral and written sources, the study reveals a two parallel currents of thought characterized by, on the one hand, a lacunar amnesia of slavery and its social consequences (poverty, problem of color, social exclusion), and, on the other hand, by a hypermnesia of glorious historical events (war of independence, slave revolts and liberation). The perceptions of Haitians are divided around the tangible and intangible elements present in public and social space and these divergent views remain at the heart of numerous controversies which shape a wide range of memories: prestigious memory, traumatizing memory, memory of guilt, memory of victimization, memory of reclamation, and consensual memory. Religious practices such as voodoo form the very apotheosis of a memorial occultism connected to this past. All of these memories shed light on the main issues -historic and mnemonic, cultural and religious, social and political, and economic - of the processes of heritage making in Haiti today. The consequences of slavery are very profond and complex. It is difficult to fully appreciate their full depth. Because the memory of slavery is like an iceberg, we only perceive the summit: the base is submerged and hidden under water of forgetfulness. This thesis throws light on the role of these multiple memories in the construction of Haitian identity, torn between recognition and non-recognition of the ancestry of slavery and the appropriation of the ancestry of a free man. Through its memories of slavery, Haiti teaches us that valorizing heritage - beyond the oft-mentioned aspects of “living together” and tourism - is also a tool for making demands, for perpetual combat, for questioning social inequalities, and for resistance. This thesis also teaches us that the heritage status of the memories of slavery in Haitian society today must accommodate the trauma suffered pain, the pride of having triumphed over this tragedy and the consequences of
Verhaeghe, Sidonie. "De la Commune de Paris au Panthéon (1871-2013) : célébrité, postérité et mémoires de Louise Michel Sociologie historique de la circulation d’une figure politique." Thesis, Lille 2, 2016.
Full textAt the crossroads of political historical sociology, social history of ideas, and political sociology of collective memories, this research starts from an interrogation on the republican integration dynamics of political radicalism. Itfocuses on explaining the conditions in which Louise Michel, a 19th century woman and anarchist, has become an eligible icon for pantheonisation in 2013. The longitudinal analysis of Louise Michel's career broadly questions the processes of canonization, circulation and transmission which characterize the schemes of political celebration. Initiated by the monographic study of Louise Michel's numerous apparitions, from the last third of the 19th century to the early21st century (press, speeches, memorial events, biographies or textbooks), this essay highlights how a politically marginalized character turns into a leftist icon. It's only by apprehending the political posture and social background ofher interpreters that one can acknowledge the different areas and forms of commemoration. The process of institutional recognition of Louise Michel's legacy is made possible on the one hand by the pacification process of the officialremembrance of the Paris Commune, and on the other hand by the incorporation of Women History in state feminism. It explained the enlargement of both collective and individual identification to Louise Michel's figure. It also authorizedthe hypothesis of Louise Michel's entry to the republican Pantheon. However, this thesis demonstrates as well that some resistance mechanisms remains. The edification of Louise Michel's emblematic figure isn't a linear process but issubject to multiples appropriations that coexist nowadays. Historical figure in collective memories poses a divisive mechanism, characterized by shifting conjunctures that confront forces at the crossroads of different political, activist, academic and intellectual spaces
Ridley, Simon. "Les sens de la liberté d’expression : socio-anthropologie comparative des campus de Berkeley et de Nanterre : appropriations, retournements, récupérations, recompositions et prolongements des mémoires collectives du Free Speech Movement de 1964 et du Mouvement du 22 Mars de 1968." Thesis, Paris 10, 2019.
Full textThe university is one of the strongest institutions of the modern era. After having been a prime place for dissent in the 1960s, today it is the target of unprecedented attacks by the far-right. This work aims to follow a conflict of definition via a multi-sited ethnography using freedom of expression on university campuses as a world for research. The method combines comparative historical sociology – of the Free Speech Movement (1964) and the Mouvement du 22 Mars (1968) – with a socio-anthropological approach, to shed light over the dualization of the collective memories of student movements. Taking an inductive approach, I travel with my fieldwork via commemorative rites, terrorist attacks, an immersion in several revolutionary groups and a diversity of autonomous practices, all the way to the Trump inauguration and the battle of free speech with the rise of the alt-right and the far-right shows/meetings on campuses, and a series of urban riots. The systematic radical contextualization as well as the practice and genealogy of archives, a living knowledge and lateral comparison, commit to a historical study of the university. Against the theories of human capital and of democracy as a marketplace of ideas, I trace the questions of emancipation following the emergence of a « civic generation » after 1944 to the uses of digital technologies as cultural attacks on democracy. This political ethnography encourages us to (re)think sociology and critical pedagogy as counter-discourses against an anti-intellectual culture, and in doing so it aims to empower a culture of democratic intelligence, a reflexive heritage
Books on the topic "Mémoires collectives"
Luminet, Olivier. Belgique-België: Un État, deux mémoires collectives? Wavre: Mardaga, 2012.
Find full textLavoie, Gertrude. Les cuisines collectives au Québec: Mémoires d'une pionnière : récit. Québec: Collectif québécois d'édition populaire, 2012.
Find full textLejeune, Antoine. Mémoire individuelle, mémoire collective et histoire. Marseille: Solal, 2008.
Find full textde, Proyart Jacqueline, and Zavialoff Nicolas, eds. Mémoire de la Russie: Identité nationale et mémoire collective. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1996.
Find full textCentre régional universitaire lorrain d'histoire, Site de Metz, ed. Mémoires partagées, mémoires disputées: Écriture et réécriture de l'histoire. Metz: Centre Régional Universitaire Lorrain d'Histoire, Site de Metz, 2009.
Find full textArgentina) Semaine RETINA-Argentina (2nd 2015 Buenos Aires. Frontières & mémoires, arts & archives. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2015.
Find full textDavid, Middleton, and Edwards Derek, eds. Collective remembering. London: Sage Publications, 1990.
Find full textMaria, Binet Ana, and Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux III. Laboratoire pluridisciplinaire de recherches sur l'imaginaire appliquées à la littérature., eds. Mythes et mémoire collective dans la culture lusophone: Études. Pessac: Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2007.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Mémoires collectives"
Harth, Dietrich. "Halbwachs, Maurice: La mémoire collective." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.
Full textGilcher-Holtey, Ingrid. "Die Konstruktion der „mémoire collective“ in Frankreich und Deutschland." In Frankreich-Jahrbuch 2000, 51–68. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2000.
Full textLarrier, Renée. "A Site of Memory: Revisiting (in) Gisèle Pineau’s Mes quatre femmes." In Chronotropics, 83–100. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textMeyer, Jean Christophe. "Erecting a European ‘Lieu de mémoire’? Media Coverage of the 1966 World Cup and French Discussions about the ‘Wembley Goal’." In European Football and Collective Memory, 119–38. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.
Full textGallo, Anne-Sophie. "Focus / Mémoire oratoire jésuite dans les collections de la BIS." In La bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, 155–57. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2021.
Full textMercier, Charles. "La Bonne Presse dans la mondialisation." In De la Bonne Presse à Bayard : 150 ans d'histoire d'un groupe de presse et d'édition catholique (1873-2023), 309–32. Lyon: LARHRA, 2023.
Full textSchumann, Adelheid. "„Douce France“: die Aneignung der mémoire collective Frankreichs durch die Immigranten der zweiten Generation." In Frankreich-Jahrbuch 2000, 179–86. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2000.
Full textLoudcher, Jean-François, André Suchet, and Pauline Soulier. "Héritages olympiques et patrimoine des évènements sportifs : construction, activation, ré-activation d’une mémoire collective." In Héritages olympiques et patrimoine des évènements sportifs, 321–30. Montpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2023.
Full textFalcone, Lucie, and Thomas Bauer. "La fabrique journalistique des sœurs Goitschel dans la mémoire collective : L’Équipe entre 1962 et 1968." In Héritages olympiques et patrimoine des évènements sportifs, 129–44. Montpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2023.
Full textSoulier, Pauline. "« France 98 ». L’héritage de la Coupe du monde de football 1998 dans la mémoire collective." In Héritages olympiques et patrimoine des évènements sportifs, 173–86. Montpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Mémoires collectives"
Poels, Géraldine. "La littérature dans les collections de l’INA." In Mémoire audiovisuelle de la littérature. Fabula, 2023.
Full textVanhée, Alexia. "Les collections vidéo de la Bibliothèque nationale de France : une source pour les archives de la littérature." In Mémoire audiovisuelle de la littérature. Fabula, 2023.
Full textBoudart, Laurence. "De l’héritage du passé aux enjeux de demain : les collections audiovisuelles des Archives et Musée de la Littérature." In Mémoire audiovisuelle de la littérature. Fabula, 2023.
Full textCremades Cano, Isaac David. "Eau et mémoire chez Marie-Célie Agnant." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textNivat, Georges. "“TRACTS OF RUSSIAN MEMORY” OR THE MAIN “NESTS” OF MEMORY IN RUSSIA." In 49th International Philological Conference in Memory of Professor Ludmila Verbitskaya (1936–2019). St. Petersburg State University, 2022.
Full textPujante González, Domingo. "Rites et rythmes de l'eau dans Mossane de Safi Faye." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textIonescu, Arleen. "Towards the Fourth Phase of Memory Studies: Critical Memory Studies." In Conferință științifică internațională "FILOLOGIA MODERNĂ: REALIZĂRI ŞI PERSPECTIVE ÎN CONTEXT EUROPEAN" cu genericul G. Călinescu. 125 ani de la naştere, Ediţia a 18-a, 122–36. “Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu” Institute of Romanian Philology, Republic of Moldova, 2024.
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