Academic literature on the topic 'Membres du corps professoral'
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Journal articles on the topic "Membres du corps professoral"
Euzéby, Jacques. "Écoles vétérinaires : promotion des membres du corps professoral." Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France, no. 2 (1997): 131.
Full textEuzéby, Jacques. "Écoles Vétérinaires : Promotion des Membres du corps professoral." Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France 150, no. 2 (1997): 131–36.
Full textEvans, Ian M., and Luanna H. Meyer. "Motiver le corps professoral." Gestion de l'enseignement supérieur 15, no. 3 (November 18, 2003): 171–90.
Full textBÉDARD, JEAN, and COLIN DODDS. "Le corps professoral universitaire au Canada." Contemporary Accounting Research 10, S1 (December 1994): 85–125.
Full textFabi, Bruno, and Real Jacob. "De la situation particulière des professeurs d'administration en contexte universitaire." Canadian Journal of Higher Education 16, no. 1 (April 30, 1986): 87–96.
Full textDubouloz, Claire-Jehanne, Josée Benoît, Paulette Guitard, Lucie Brosseau, Jacinthe Savard, Lucy-Ann Kubina, and Marie Drolet. "Proposition de lignes directrices pour la formation à l’offre active des futurs professionnelles et professionnels en santé et en service social oeuvrant en situation francophone minoritaire." Reflets 20, no. 2 (November 26, 2014): 123–51.
Full textRoquais-Bielak, Katia. "Peter Szendy, Membres fantômes. Des corps musiciens." Questions de communication, no. 4 (December 1, 2003): 488–90.
Full textPaquin, Julie. "La féminisation du corps professoral des facultés de droit au Québec." Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 32, no. 2 (November 2020): 341–57.
Full textBoivin, Jean. "Quelques cas." Relations industrielles 30, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 674–706.
Full textSimard, Claude. "L’opinion d’enseignants du Québec face à la réforme orthographique." Articles 20, no. 2 (October 10, 2007): 293–316.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Membres du corps professoral"
El, Tarhuni Amna. "La stratégie de pensée à voix haute dans le développement de la pensée créative et critique chez des étudiants universitaires lybiens." Thesis, Limoges, 2021.
Full textThe study aimed to identify the effectiveness of using the thinking aloud strategy to develop critical and creative thinking skills in students at Misurata University (Libya) and to identify the views of members. of the university faculty on the use of this strategy in university teaching. To achieve the study's goals, the California 2000 test was applied to college students to measure critical thinking levels, while and the EPoc test was used to measure creative thinking. The student sample is made up of (30) male and female students who were deliberately chosen from the Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Misurata. While the sample of teaching staff was chosen at random, there were (15) professors. of the Faculty of Arts and Education. Although the results of the first study revealed the effectiveness of the thinking aloud strategy in developing critical and creative thinking skills in students, the results of the second showed that university faculty members have no prior knowledge of this strategy
Balouet, Pierre. "Estimation du poids foetal : intérêt de la mesure de la graisse des membres." Caen, 1991.
Full textLienhard, Karin. "Effet de l'exercice physique par vibration du corps entier sur l'activité musculaire des membres inférieurs : approche méthodologique et applications pratiques." Thesis, Nice, 2014.
Full textThe aim of this thesis was to analyze the effect of whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise on lower limb muscle activity and to give methodological implications and practical applications. Two methodological studies were conducted that served to evaluate the optimal method to process the surface electromyography (sEMG) signals during WBV exercise and to analyze the influence of the normalization method on the sEMG activity. A third study aimed to gain insight whether the isolated spikes in the sEMG spectrum contain motion artifacts and/or reflex activity. The subsequent three investigations aimed to explore how the muscle activity is affected by WBV exercise, with a particular focus on the vibration frequency, platform amplitude, additional loading, platform type, knee flexion angle, and the fitness status of the WBV user. The final goal was to evaluate the minimal required vertical acceleration to stimulate the muscle activity of the lower limbs. In summary, the research conducted for this thesis provides implication for future investigations on how to delete the excessive spikes in the sEMG spectrum and how to normalize the sEMG during WBV. The outcomes of this thesis add to the current literature in providing practical applications for exercising on a WBV platform
Kim, Sea. "Étude des compétences informatiques et des attitudes du corps professoral face à l'utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) à l'Institut de Technologie du Cambodge (ITC)." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2002.
Full textGroud, Paul-Fabien. "De l'irréversibilité au devenir : diversité des expériences corporelles, prothétiques et du handicap des personnes amputées des membres inférieurs en France." Thesis, Lyon, 2020.
Full textThis dissertation investigates the bodily, prosthetic and disability experiences of lower-limb amputees in France. Building on the methodological tools of anthropology (observations, interviews and contributions from audiovisual anthropology), this research is structured around three ethnographic fieldworks carried out at the Institute of Rehabilitation of the Grenoble University Hospital (CHU), at the Chabloz Orthopaedics company, and at the Association for Advocacy and Study of Amputees (ADEPA). Using a longitudinal approach, it analyses these post-amputation experiences through three temporalities of the life trajectory of amputees: short, medium and long term. This research is first devoted to the study of patient follow-up during the first weeks after amputation, within the hospital rehabilitation unit. Developing the notion of the « stump paradox » (« paradoxe du moignon »), it explores the bio-psycho-social trauma linked to the loss as well as the recomposition of the body and the bodily experiences associated with it, such as that of the phantom limb. It details both the process of adjusting and familiarising to the amputated body and its formatting work in relation to the prothesis. It also sheds light on the essential role of the prosthesis in the rehabilitation process, with the learning of walking with it and its impacts on situations of disability.Second, based on a longitudinal follow-up of the same patients a year and a half after the end of the rehabilitation stay, this research aims to understand the habituation to the amputated body and the evolution of post-hospitalisation bodily experiences. It investigates the processes of adjustment and adaptation of the amputated body with the prothesis and other technical aids. It enquires into the benefit of the prosthesis in the remediation of disability situations. It also highlights the complex relationship to the prosthesis in daily life and in the social experience of disability. The last part of the research focuses on (the study of) the lived experiences of amputees over the past five years. It explores, particularly through the prism of audiovisual anthropology, their diverse experiences of the body/prosthesis alliance (between potentialities, limitations and intimacy) and of disability. It examines the approach and the issues involved in the sharing of these experiences by seasoned amputees towards newly amputated peers.Through anthropological decentring and analysis focused on what is lived in situ by the people concerned, this dissertation deconstructs the ableist approach of amputation and shows the need to go beyond it. It establishes that post-amputation experiences of the body, prothesis and disability must be considered in their diversity, complexity and transformations over time
Fernández, Salazar Magali. "La dimension émotionnelle de la douleur chronique : perspectives neurophilosophiques sur la douleur du membre fantôme." Thesis, Paris 4, 2015.
Full textChronic pain is one of the most complex problems facing medicine and neuroscience. Over the centuries, it has been a puzzle and remains a research challenge given the complexity of its nature. Among the large number of existing different kinds of chronic pain, phantom limb pain is one of the most difficult to treat. Recent studies show that major cortical changes that appear after amputation are the result of chronic phantom limb pain. I argue that the main cause of phantom limb pain is the non-acceptance of the loss of a part of the body, that is to say, that the mental pain caused by the transformation of the self-image becomes a chronic physical pain. It is the mind that controls the cérébral networks : even if it emerges from the brain, the mind manages to modify it as a consequence of external influences. The analysis of the studies I performed to test my hypothesis, allowed me to confirm that the perception of pain depends on various external influences that are independent of the nociceptive signals. I conclude that the cortical plasticity highlighted during chronic painful experience does not only depend on the action and interaction between dynamic neural networks, but also on the communication between these neural networks (endogenous system) and environmental networks (exogenous system). These latter networks are capable of modulating the perception of pain. I therefore emphasize the importance of recognizing the mental nature of chronic pain and the need to analyze the emotional dimensions which modulate it
Weiss-Lambrou, Rhoda, and Leah P. Macfadyen. "Soutien du corps professoral dans une initiative d’enseignement avec les technologies de." 2004.
Full textEbaneth, Nathalie. "La participation du corps professoral à la gestion universitaire : la restructuration des départements de la FSÉ d'une université québécoise /." 2006.
Full textBooks on the topic "Membres du corps professoral"
Sleaver, Rick. Faculty Publications du corps professoral. 3rd ed. Sudbury: Laurentian University, 1990.
Find full textSpecial Vice-Presidential Committee on the Faculty Bibliography. Faculty publications du corps professoral : a bibliography =: Faculty publications du corps professoral : une bibliographie. Sudbury, Ont: Université Laurentienne = Laurentian University, 1986.
Find full textGauthier, George. Faculty publications du corps professoral: A bibliography. Edited by Thomson Ashley. 2nd ed. Sudbury, Ont: Université Laurentienne = Laurentian University, 1988.
Find full textMembres fantômes des corps musiciens. Paris: Minuit, 2002.
Find full textThomson, Ashley. Faculty publications and research: A bibliography, 1994 = publications et recherche du corps professoral :une bibliographie, 1994. 5th ed. Sudbury, Ont: Laurentian University Press, 1995.
Find full textMoïnfar, Mohammad Djafar. Patte-de-chat & oeil-de-rossignol: Le corps et les membres dans le vocabulaire botanique en persan. Nanterre: Société d'ethnologie, 1988.
Find full textFaculty publications =: Publications du corps professoral. 3rd ed. Sudbury, Ont: Laurentian University = Université Laurentienne, 1990.
Find full textDenis, Bertrand, ed. Le travail professoral remesuré: Unité et diversité. Sainte-Foy, P.Q: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1994.
Find full textFaculty Publications and Research 1994 ; a bibliography = Publication et recherche du corps professoral 1994 ; une bibliographie =: Publications et recherche du corps professoral 1994 ; une bibliographie. 5th ed. Sudbury: Université Laurentienne, 1995.
Find full textAshley, Thomson, Lafortune Sylvie, Buse Dieter K, Garnett Joyce C, Wallenius Leila I. T, and Bonin Lionel 1945-, eds. Faculty publications and research 1994 : a bibliography =: Publications et recherche du corps professoral 1994 : une bibliographie. 5th ed. Sudbury, Ont: Université Laurentienne = Laurentian University, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Membres du corps professoral"
Pierre, Marie-Joseph. "Le chant entre terre et ciel Corps et membres dans les Odes de Salomon." In Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses, 55–78. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 1999.
Full textKéi, Nikolina. "Du corps mutilé aux membres magnifiés." In Dossier. Corps antiques : morceaux choisis, 77–97. Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2019.
Full textCRISTINA COSTA, ROSA, and JEAN CARLOS MIRANDA. "PRODUÇÃO DE JOGO DIDÁTICO SOBRE CORPO HUMANO PARA O ENSINO DE CIÊNCIAS/BIOLOGIA." In Itinerários de resistência: pluralidade e laicidade no Ensino de Ciências e Biologia. Editora Realize, 2021.
Full textBurlaud, Alain, and Geneviève Causse. "Chapitre 5. Créer un corps professoral en sciences de gestion. Rôle de la Fnege et formation outre-Atlantique." In L'enseignement de la gestion en France, 99–125. EMS Editions, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Membres du corps professoral"
Oliveira, Samia Brenda Aguiar. "A IMPORTÂNCIA DO INCENTIVO À PESQUISA CIENTÍFICA NO ÂMBITO JURÍDICO NAS INSTITUIÇÕES DE ENSINO SUPERIOR." In I Congresso Brasileiro On-line de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2022.
Full textMagalhães, Carolina Gusmão, Poliana Cardoso Martins, Lucineide da Conceição Leal, Verena Macedo Santos, and Lígia Amparo da Silva Santos. "FORMAÇÃO DE MEDIADORES EM EAD PARA QUALIFICAÇÃO DO CUIDADO EM SAÚDE: UM RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIA." In I Congresso Brasileiro de Saúde Pública On-line: Uma abordagem Multiprofissional. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2022.
Full textRocha, Jucenir, and Moacir Viegas. "Proletarização, profissão e categoria do trabalho docente: nuances no ensino de Filosofia." In Simpósio Internacional Trabalho, Relações de Trabalho, Educação e Identidade. Appos, 2020.
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