Academic literature on the topic 'Melville, Herman (1819-1891). Clarel'
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Journal articles on the topic "Melville, Herman (1819-1891). Clarel"
de Souza, Leonardo Cruz, Antônio Lúcio Teixeira, Guilherme Nogueira M. de Oliveira, Paulo Caramelli, and Francisco Cardoso. "A critique of phrenology in Moby-Dick." Neurology 89, no. 10 (September 4, 2017): 1087–90.
Full textMenzhulin, Vadym. "The Image of Philosophy in Herman Melville’s Story Cock-A-Doodle-Do! or, the Crowing of the Noble Cock Beneventano." NaUKMA Research Papers in Philosophy and Religious Studies 13 (July 2, 2024): 73–97.
Full textLima e Silva, Luis Filipe, and Larissa Santos Ciríaco. "Individuação de autoria e identificação de estilo: análise de dados linguísticos com auxílio do R." Fórum Linguístico 19, no. 3 (November 23, 2022): 8214–31.
Full text"“Preferiría no hacerlo”." Revista Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, no. 3 (January 1, 2019): 8–11.
Full textSantos, Géssica Brito. "Devir e escrita na filosofia de Deleuze e Guattari." Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento, January 27, 2021, 191–204.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Melville, Herman (1819-1891). Clarel"
Hildebrandt, Caroline. "Du Confidence-Man à Clarel : sécularisation et démythologisation dans l'oeuvre de Herman Melville (1857-1876)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2024.
Full textThis work offers a reading of Herman Melville’s later works, in order to delineate a philosophy of secularization in the author’s texts, while questioning the accuracy of the notion and its multiple theories. The texts chosen are The Confidence-Man (1857), the poetry collection Battle-Pieces (1866) and the long epic poem Clarel (1876). The analysis relies on Rudolf Bultmann’s hermeneutical theology and his key concept of “demythologization”, which consists of a skeptical reinterpretation of the biblical texts and the context of their reception, in order to uncover their existential basis. The analysis is supplemented by Hannah Arendt’s political philosophy and dialogues with the contemporary approaches of secularization, and finally with literary theory. The idea is to discern the religious, existential and political phenomenologies to be found in Melville’s texts, which revolve around a crisis of religious pluralism and major epistemic changes. The Confidence-Man explores the theological rhetoric of the American public sphere and its links with the structures of a nascent market capitalism. Battle-Pieces reveals the eschatological crisis that the Civil War represents, and expresses a criticism of the idea of civil religion. In Clarel, the genealogy of the links between theology and politics traces a total disjunction between the two plans, while enabling the performance of a type of political friendship between the characters, which arises as the unexpected outcome of their spiritual quest
López, Peña Laura. "Beyond the Walls-Potentiality Aborted. The Politics of Intersubjective Universalism in Herman Melville’s Clarel." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2013.
Full textEsta tesis doctoral analiza el caso de "Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land (1876)" , un poema universalista de Herman Melville, que analiza la necesidad, el potencial politico, y los desafíos de la intersubjetividad para el desarrollo de relaciones humanas más democráticas fuera de los muros del individualismo y de comunidades tradicionales organizadas sobre nociones como estado-nación, “raza”, cultura, afiliación religiosa, o identidades sexuales. Mi argumento es que, en Clarel, Melville concibe lo que he llamado “universalismo intersubjetivo” como un proceso eticopolítico sujeto al potencial y a las limitaciones de aquellos que pueden tanto desarrollarlo como neutralizarlo: seres humanos condicionados por sus miedos, comportamientos egocéntricos y, últimamente, por su imperfecta y limitada naturaleza humana. En este sentido, mi tesis argumenta que Clarel da continuidad a la exploración recurrente de Melville de los peligros, las bellezas, y las interconexiones de las (im)posibilidades de la intersubjetividad, el universalismo, y la democracia. Estas exploraciones están divididas entre el potencial democratizador que el autor situaba en las relaciones interpersonales y en la triste conciencia de que los seres humanos quizás nunca materializarían tal proyecto democrático. Mi tesis se divide en dos capítulos, que corresponden a los dos ejes principales de mi estudio: la defensa y la articulación del universalismo intersubjetivo que concibo en el poema de Melville Clarel desde un punto de vista teórico, por un lado, y mi interpretación de Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land como poema universalista, representativo del proyecto político literario de Herman Melville, por otro lado. Con tal de justificar mi defensa de Clarel como poema universalista, esta tesis doctoral incorpora los puntos de vista de teóricos contemporáneos como Hannah Arendt, Etienne Balibar, Zygmunt Bauman, Martin Buber, Judith Butler, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Luc Nancy, Martha Nussbaum, y Linda Zerilli, entre otros, cuyos análisis sobre comunidad, intersubjectividad, relaciones interpersonales, ética global, y universalismo, desde las perspectivas del postestructuralismo, la sociología, la filosofía, y la política, fundamentan mi propio trabajo.
Midan, Marc. "Milton & Melville : le démon de l'allusion." Paris 7, 2014.
Full textMilton & Melville: The Demon of Allusion studies the significance of allusions to Milton in Typee, Moby¬Dick, The Confidence-Man and Billy-Budd, Sailor. Examining the state of research shows that allusion tends to be seen as a way to identify the meaning of an ambiguous Melvillean text with a supposedly stable Miltonic one – when in fact the allusive relationship is dynamic and reciprocal. All at once playful, satirical, impious, and erotic, Melvillean allusion is protean and thus eludes generalization. However, its very elusiveness hints at a more global significance, going beyond merely local import. Far from being just a flourish or a supplement, it is the very stuff that the text is made of. However oblique and disconcerting, it plays a crucial part in Melville's ambition to master the "great Art of Telling the Truth". Indeed, it is through allusion—in particular to Paradise Lost—that he satirizes contemporary society, explores the alienation of the self and expresses the terror of the "invisible spheres". Melville's text can be conceived of as the locus where truth is both achieved and exhibited to the reader, through a chemistry that is experimental as well as pictorial in nature. Based on a uniquely American federal model, such a process involves a complex allusive mix, the meaning of which lies not only in what the different texts bring to their host, "'but also in the destructive interaction between them. This recurrent allusive agon – the "colorless all-color" of writing – speaks to the violence of Melvillean relationships, the most powerful symbol of which is Milton's Satan
Dove-Rumé, Janine. "Quête, communication et connaissance étude des "gams" dans "Moby-Dick" or "The Whale" de Herman Melville." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1987.
Full textOtt, Sara. "Paradox and philosophical anticipation in Melville’s Moby-Dick." Thesis, Wichita State University, 2006.
Full textThesis (M.A.)--Wichita State University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
"May 2006."
Includes bibliographic references (leaves 32-35)
Maufort, Marc. "Visions of the American experience: the O'Neill-Melville connection." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1986.
Full textJabalpurwala, Inez. "Reading that brow : interpretive strategies and communities in Melville's Moby-dick." Thesis, McGill University, 1991. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=60042.
Full textImbert, Michel. "L'esprit des échanges : les signes économiques et la foi dans l'oeuvre d'Herman Melville." Paris 7, 1993.
Full textMelville's narratives run counter to the gospel of wealth as they highlight a basic experience of dispossession. Whereas the young nation invests itself witha messianic mission, melville discloses the deviations from "manifest destiny" and the appropriation of the religious legacy by would be prophets. He unmasks posessive individualism under the guise of faith and confidence. And yet, paradoxically enough, the debased world of the market place might be the seene of an ambiguous revelation in spite of the religious masquerade in the sense that the christic experience of deprivation seems to be re-enacted by the social players against their will. But, in the last resort, it turns out to be impossible to distinguish genuine faith from counterfeiting
Urbas, Joseph. "La contingence dans les romans de maturité de Herman Melville." Paris 7, 1993.
Full textThe aims of this study is to assert the key role of the idea of contingency in the late novels of Herman Melville through an analysis of Moby-Dick, Pierre, and the confidence-man. A brief reading of the posthumous work Billy shows the continuing importance of this theme in Melville's thought
Gambarotto, Bruno. "Modernidade e mistificação em Moby-Dick, de Herman Melville." Universidade de São Paulo, 2012.
Full textThrough an analytical and interpretative study of Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick I intend to formulate and clarify the historical turning point of the American novel, specifically what is deemed the most radical effort of an American writer to bring a comprehensive study on society into novelistic form. In order to accomplish that, I reconsider some of the features of Moby-Dick that strongly appealed to the times. First the ideological crisis of the 1840s, when the equalitarian revolutionary ideals of the Independence were finally confronted by the consequences of the U.S. being fully compromised to the Industrial Revolution and the capitalistic worldwide system. This is a central issue in Redburn (1849) and White-Jacket (1850), both novels where some major features of Moby-Dick are anticipated and firstly tested. Second, I scrutinize the concept of frontier -- a national identity issue that can be traced back to the Puritan 17th century errand into the wilderness that is strongly attached in the age of Melville to the ideological making of American imperialism. Besides, it also has had a major role in the crystallization of culturally specific perspectives on property and the establishment of social classes. Finally, I reconsider the notions of technique and labor, directly implied in the whaling industry and in a more general way in the marching of American civilization towards the West, which has had a strong impact on the understanding of the social significance of free labor and its coexistence with slavery. With those things under consideration, and through the surmises of the Critical Theory and the Brazilian tradition of social and literary criticism as well, it is my aim to shed light on some esthetical features of the novel, particularly on the tragic structure (as opposed to the epic) that defines the career of Pequods Captain Ahab and his obsessive chasing of Moby Dick, and the constitution of a self-reflexive narrator, the survivor Ishmael, who recalls the past of the catastrophe in order to attack the social reproduction of its conditions in the present.
Books on the topic "Melville, Herman (1819-1891). Clarel"
Goldman, Stan. Melville's protest theism: The hidden and silent God in Clarel. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1993.
Find full textC, Metcalf Paul, ed. Enter Isabel: The Herman Melville correspondence of Clare Spark and Paul Metcalf. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1991.
Find full textMeltzer, Milton. Herman Melville: A biography. Minneapolis, Minn: Twenty-First Century Books, 2006.
Find full textJ, Budd Louis, and Cady Edwin Harrison, eds. On Melville. Durham: Duke University Press, 1988.
Find full textZimmerman, Brett. Herman Melville: Stargazer. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1998.
Find full text1919-, Ōhashi Kenzaburō, ed. Melville and Melville studies in Japan. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1993.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Melville, Herman (1819-1891). Clarel"
Kreutzberger, Wolfgang. "Herman Melville (1819–1891)." In Frauenliebe Männerliebe, 270–74. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1997.
Full textHayes, Kevin J. "The Daguerreotype Devil: Herman Melville (1819–1891)." In Celebrity Authorship and Afterlives in English and American Literature, 95–109. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.
Full text"Herman Melville (1819–1891)." In “… The Real War Will Never Get in the Books”, edited by Louis P. Masur, 197–212. Oxford University Press, 1995.
Full textSchlarb, Damien B. "8 Herman Melville (1819–1891)." In Handbook of the American Short Story, 153–70. De Gruyter, 2022.
Full text"10. Silence Herman Melville (1819–1891)." In Last Works, 252–91. Yale University Press, 2019.
Full textMilder, Robert. "Herman Melville 1819–1891 A Brief Biography." In A Historical Guide to Herman Melville, 17–53. Oxford University Press, 2005.
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