Academic literature on the topic 'Melville, Herman (1819-1891). Clarel'

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Journal articles on the topic "Melville, Herman (1819-1891). Clarel"


de Souza, Leonardo Cruz, Antônio Lúcio Teixeira, Guilherme Nogueira M. de Oliveira, Paulo Caramelli, and Francisco Cardoso. "A critique of phrenology in Moby-Dick." Neurology 89, no. 10 (September 4, 2017): 1087–90.

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Phrenology has a fascinating, although controversial, place in the history of localizationism of brain and mental functions. The 2 main proponents of phrenology were 2 German-speaking doctors, Joseph Gall (1758–1828) and Johann Spurzheim (1776–1832). According to their theory, a careful examination of skull morphology could disclose personality characters. Phrenology was initially restricted to medical circles and then diffused outside scientific societies, reaching nonscientific audiences in Europe and North America. Phrenology deeply penetrated popular culture in the 19th century and its tenets can be observed in British and American literature. Here we analyze the presence of phrenologic concepts in Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, by Herman Melville (1819–1891), one of the most prominent American writers. In his masterpiece, he demonstrates that he was familiarized with Gall and Spurzheim's writings, but referred to their theory as “semi-science” and “a passing fable.” Of note, Melville's fine irony against phrenology is present in his attempt to perform a phrenologic and physiognomic examination of The Whale. Thus, Moby-Dick illustrates the diffusion of phrenology in Western culture, but may also reflect Melville's skepticism and criticism toward its main precepts.
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Menzhulin, Vadym. "The Image of Philosophy in Herman Melville’s Story Cock-A-Doodle-Do! or, the Crowing of the Noble Cock Beneventano." NaUKMA Research Papers in Philosophy and Religious Studies 13 (July 2, 2024): 73–97.

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The work of the outstanding American writer Herman Melville (1819–1891) is widely acknowledged for its profound philosophical depth. It parallels various philosophical and religious traditions, works, figures, ideas, etc. However, the author’s philosophical position remains insufficiently researched. Among his works, one key in this regard is the short story “Cock-A-Doodle-Do! or, The Crowing of the Noble Cock Beneventano” (1853). It offers Melville’s feedback on a few ideas of such representatives of American transcendentalism as Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882) and Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862), with a particular focus on Thoreau’s analogy likening the purpose of philosophy to the crowing of a rooster. This story is almost completely unknown in Ukraine. Trying to reconstruct Melville’s view on Thoreau’s idea, the author recreates the context of creating “Cock-A-Doodle-Do!”, reviews available scholarly literature, and renders a technical translation of the narrative into Ukrainian. Throughout this process, the author provides commentary and clarifies its connection to ideas of Thoreau and Emerson, works by other authors, additional pieces by Melville, his biography, and related topics. The textual and intertextual analysis highlights the limitations of a common point of view whereby “Cock-A-Doodle-Do!” is only a piece of satire aimed exclusively at discrediting transcendentalism and the image of philosophy proposed by Thoreau. The author suggests that the story manifests Melville’s general attitude characteristic of his work overall and his philosophical method of philosophizing technique grounded in consistent skepticism towards any beliefs, convictions, and assertions, including those held by oneself. The systematic application of this method reveals universal ambivalence. Accordingly, Melville’s reflections on Thoreau’s idea of cockcrowing as a metaphor for philosophy reveal both critical and apologetic dimensions.
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Lima e Silva, Luis Filipe, and Larissa Santos Ciríaco. "Individuação de autoria e identificação de estilo: análise de dados linguísticos com auxílio do R." Fórum Linguístico 19, no. 3 (November 23, 2022): 8214–31.

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Este artigo soma-se aos trabalhos disponíveis sobre Processamento de Língua Natural ao fornecer uma demonstração de como linguagens de programação como o R (R CORE TEAM, 2020) podem ser úteis na detecção de autoria e na identificação do estilo do autor em obras literárias. Foram selecionados dois autores e duas obras de cada, a saber: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) e Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), do autor Mark Twain (1835-1910), e Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life (1846) e Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas (1847), do autor Herman Melville (1819-1891). Posteriormente, os dados foram analisados seguindo a mesma metodologia de Eder et al. (2016), a fim de testar a eficácia do pacote stylo e aplicar os métodos de Análise de Componentes Principais, Análise de Cluster e Árvore de Consenso. Os resultados apontaram que cada um dos métodos testados conseguiu distinguir as obras dos autores, evidenciando-se, assim, a eficácia do pacote utilizado. Além disso, realiza-se uma análise estilométrica baseada nos métodos de Zeta de Craig e Rolling Delta. Para este último, utilizaram-se obras de dois autores de língua alemã, Frank Kafka e Heinrich von Kleist. Os resultados apontaram uma semelhança estilística de von Kleist, sobretudo, na primeira obra de Kafka. Adicionalmente, o método Rolling Delta foi usado para explorar uma análise feita por Juola (2013ª, 2013b) a respeito de uma obra de J. K. Rowling escrita sob o pseudônimo de Robert Galbraith.
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"“Preferiría no hacerlo”." Revista Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, no. 3 (January 1, 2019): 8–11.

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Herman Melville, Escritor norteamericano, nacido en New York en 1819-1891, autor de la obra épica Moby Dick (1851), para la crítica literaria, es una de las obras de mayor trascendencia universal. En ella se narra una alegoría, desde la cual se ausculta lo humano y su capacidad para sobrevivir. En ella, nos asalta la dualidad de su naturaleza: el bien y el mal, una convivencia que se vive en altar mar. Obcecación por parte del capitán Ahab por cazar a la ballena blanca. De esta manera:
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Santos, Géssica Brito. "Devir e escrita na filosofia de Deleuze e Guattari." Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento, January 27, 2021, 191–204.

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A escrita é sempre inacabada por estar sempre produzindo novas relações de multiplicidades e por ser detentora de um enunciado que fala por si. Ela é impessoal por ter a capacidade de criar artifícios para se conjugar novos enunciados, cujo centro não é o indivíduo, mas, todas as relações de agenciamentos que existem em torno dele e de outros agentes, relações homem e natureza, homem e tempo, homem e objeto. Essa é a ideia de desterritorialização da escrita definida pelos filósofos franceses Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) e Félix Guattari (1930-1992). O presente artigo tem como objetivo indagar em que medida a escrita literária pode ser compreendida como um caso de devir. Em cotejo à análise do conceito de devir e em como a literatura é atravessada por esse pensamento filosófico, iremos discutir a obra Moby Dick (1851) do escritor estadunidense Herman Melville (1819-1891), exemplo amplamente utilizado pelos próprios autores em livros como Mil Platôs – Devir-intenso, Devir-animal, Devir-imperceptível (2012) e Crítica e Clínica (2011). O artigo parte de uma investigação de cunho bibliográfico e se apoia no estruturalismo como recurso metodológico.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Melville, Herman (1819-1891). Clarel"


Hildebrandt, Caroline. "Du Confidence-Man à Clarel : sécularisation et démythologisation dans l'oeuvre de Herman Melville (1857-1876)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2024.

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Ce travail propose une lecture de l’œuvre tardive de Herman Melville, afin de faire émerger une pensée de la sécularisation dans ses textes, tout en interrogeant la pertinence de la notion et des théories afférentes. Le corpus analysé comporte la dernière œuvre en prose publiée de Melville, The Confidence-Man (1857), le recueil de poésie Battle-Pieces (1866) et, enfin, le long poème épique Clarel (1876). L'analyse s'appuie sur la théologie herméneutique de Rudolf Bultmann et son concept central de « démythologisation », conçue comme une réinterprétation sceptique des textes bibliques et de leur contexte de réception, afin de dégager leur fondement existentiel. Complétée par la philosophie politique de Hannah Arendt, l’analyse dialogue avec les approches contemporaines de la sécularisation et, enfin, avec le champ de la philosophie et de la théorie littéraire. Il s'agit de cerner les phénoménologies religieuses, existentielles et politiques exprimées dans les textes melvilliens, qui s’articulent autour d’un pluralisme religieux en crise et de changements épistémiques majeurs. The Confidence-Man explore la rhétorique théologique de la sphère publique états-unienne et ses enchevêtrements avec les structures du capitalisme de marché naissant. Battle-Pieces révèle la crise de l’eschatologie que représente la guerre de Sécession, et formule une critique de l’idée de religion civile. Dans Clarel, la généalogie des liens entre théologie et politique aboutit à la formulation d’une disjonction totale des deux plans, non sans mettre en œuvre une forme d’amitié politique entre les protagonistes, fruit inattendu de leur quête spirituelle
This work offers a reading of Herman Melville’s later works, in order to delineate a philosophy of secularization in the author’s texts, while questioning the accuracy of the notion and its multiple theories. The texts chosen are The Confidence-Man (1857), the poetry collection Battle-Pieces (1866) and the long epic poem Clarel (1876). The analysis relies on Rudolf Bultmann’s hermeneutical theology and his key concept of “demythologization”, which consists of a skeptical reinterpretation of the biblical texts and the context of their reception, in order to uncover their existential basis. The analysis is supplemented by Hannah Arendt’s political philosophy and dialogues with the contemporary approaches of secularization, and finally with literary theory. The idea is to discern the religious, existential and political phenomenologies to be found in Melville’s texts, which revolve around a crisis of religious pluralism and major epistemic changes. The Confidence-Man explores the theological rhetoric of the American public sphere and its links with the structures of a nascent market capitalism. Battle-Pieces reveals the eschatological crisis that the Civil War represents, and expresses a criticism of the idea of civil religion. In Clarel, the genealogy of the links between theology and politics traces a total disjunction between the two plans, while enabling the performance of a type of political friendship between the characters, which arises as the unexpected outcome of their spiritual quest
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López, Peña Laura. "Beyond the Walls-Potentiality Aborted. The Politics of Intersubjective Universalism in Herman Melville’s Clarel." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2013.

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This dissertation argues that Herman Melville’s Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land (1876) is a universalist poem which analyzes the necessity, political potentiality, and challenges of intersubjectivity to the creation of more democratic human relationships beyond the walls of individualism and of traditional communities such as those organized around the notions of nation-state, ‘race’, culture, religious affiliation, or sexual identities. My argument is that, in Clarel, Melville conceives what I have termed ‘intersubjective universalism’ as an ethicopolitical process subjected to the potentialities and limitations of those who may either develop or neutralize it: human beings conditioned by their fears, egocentric behaviors, and ultimately, by their imperfect, limited, human nature. In this respect, Clarel, I claim, gives continuity to Melville’s recurrent exploration of the dangers, beauties, and interlacing of the (im)possibilities of intersubjectivity, universalism, and democracy, always torn between the democratizing potentiality the author located in interpersonal relationships and the bleak realization that human beings might never materialize such democratic project. My dissertation is divided into two chapters, which correspond to the two principal axes of my study: the defense and articulation of the intersubjective universalism I conceive in Melville’s Clarel from a theoretical perspective, on the one hand, and my interpretation of Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land as a universalist poem, representative of Herman Melville’s political literary project, on the other. In order to justify my defense of Clarel as a universalist poem, my dissertation incorporates the points of view of contemporary theorists such as Hannah Arendt, Etienne Balibar, Zygmunt Bauman, Martin Buber, Judith Butler, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Luc Nancy, Martha Nussbaum, and Linda Zerilli, among others, whose analyses on community, intersubjectivity, interpersonal relationships, global ethics, and universalism, from the perspectives of poststructuralism, sociology, philosophy, or politics, have been enabling to my own work.
Esta tesis doctoral analiza el caso de "Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land (1876)" , un poema universalista de Herman Melville, que analiza la necesidad, el potencial politico, y los desafíos de la intersubjetividad para el desarrollo de relaciones humanas más democráticas fuera de los muros del individualismo y de comunidades tradicionales organizadas sobre nociones como estado-nación, “raza”, cultura, afiliación religiosa, o identidades sexuales. Mi argumento es que, en Clarel, Melville concibe lo que he llamado “universalismo intersubjetivo” como un proceso eticopolítico sujeto al potencial y a las limitaciones de aquellos que pueden tanto desarrollarlo como neutralizarlo: seres humanos condicionados por sus miedos, comportamientos egocéntricos y, últimamente, por su imperfecta y limitada naturaleza humana. En este sentido, mi tesis argumenta que Clarel da continuidad a la exploración recurrente de Melville de los peligros, las bellezas, y las interconexiones de las (im)posibilidades de la intersubjetividad, el universalismo, y la democracia. Estas exploraciones están divididas entre el potencial democratizador que el autor situaba en las relaciones interpersonales y en la triste conciencia de que los seres humanos quizás nunca materializarían tal proyecto democrático. Mi tesis se divide en dos capítulos, que corresponden a los dos ejes principales de mi estudio: la defensa y la articulación del universalismo intersubjetivo que concibo en el poema de Melville Clarel desde un punto de vista teórico, por un lado, y mi interpretación de Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land como poema universalista, representativo del proyecto político literario de Herman Melville, por otro lado. Con tal de justificar mi defensa de Clarel como poema universalista, esta tesis doctoral incorpora los puntos de vista de teóricos contemporáneos como Hannah Arendt, Etienne Balibar, Zygmunt Bauman, Martin Buber, Judith Butler, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Luc Nancy, Martha Nussbaum, y Linda Zerilli, entre otros, cuyos análisis sobre comunidad, intersubjectividad, relaciones interpersonales, ética global, y universalismo, desde las perspectivas del postestructuralismo, la sociología, la filosofía, y la política, fundamentan mi propio trabajo.
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Midan, Marc. "Milton & Melville : le démon de l'allusion." Paris 7, 2014.

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Milton & Melville : Le Démon de l'allusion étudie la signification de l'allusion à Milton dans Taïpi, Moby¬Dick, L'Escroc à la confiance et Billy-Budd, Marin. Un état détaillé de la recherche sur les rapports entre les deux auteurs montre la prédominance d'une conception de l'allusion comme moyen d'identifier le sens d'un texte incertain à celui d'un autre, supposé stable ; or, il s'agit, en réalité, d'une relation dynamique et réciproque. Ludique, satirique, impie, ou érotique, l'allusion melvillienne est multiforme et variable ¬ondoiement qui la dérobe à une approche trop générale, mais en lequel réside justement un sens plus global, au-delà de simples effets locaux. Loin d'être un ornement ou un supplément, elle fait partie de la trame même du texte ; oblique, déroutante, elle n'en sert pas moins la grande ambition melvillienne d'« énoncer la Vérité ». C'est, en effet, allusivement — dans une relation, en particulier, au Paradis perdu — que Melville décrit à la fois les travers de la société contemporaine, l'aliénation du moi et la terreur des « sphères invisibles ». Le poème melvillien peut se concevoir comme un lieu où la vérité est, dans le même mouvement, dégagée et exhibée, par une chimie à la fois expérimentale et picturale. Le processus mobilise ¬selon un modèle fédéral où s'affirme une originalité américaine — une allusion complexe, dont le sens ne réside pas seulement dans les éléments importés par les textes simultanément convoqués, mais aussi dans leur interaction conflictuelle. Cet agôn allusif récurrent — qui définit notamment l'écrire-blanc de Moby-Dick — participe d'une violence relationnelle dont le Satan de Milton est le plus puissant symbole
Milton & Melville: The Demon of Allusion studies the significance of allusions to Milton in Typee, Moby¬Dick, The Confidence-Man and Billy-Budd, Sailor. Examining the state of research shows that allusion tends to be seen as a way to identify the meaning of an ambiguous Melvillean text with a supposedly stable Miltonic one – when in fact the allusive relationship is dynamic and reciprocal. All at once playful, satirical, impious, and erotic, Melvillean allusion is protean and thus eludes generalization. However, its very elusiveness hints at a more global significance, going beyond merely local import. Far from being just a flourish or a supplement, it is the very stuff that the text is made of. However oblique and disconcerting, it plays a crucial part in Melville's ambition to master the "great Art of Telling the Truth". Indeed, it is through allusion—in particular to Paradise Lost—that he satirizes contemporary society, explores the alienation of the self and expresses the terror of the "invisible spheres". Melville's text can be conceived of as the locus where truth is both achieved and exhibited to the reader, through a chemistry that is experimental as well as pictorial in nature. Based on a uniquely American federal model, such a process involves a complex allusive mix, the meaning of which lies not only in what the different texts bring to their host, "'but also in the destructive interaction between them. This recurrent allusive agon – the "colorless all-color" of writing – speaks to the violence of Melvillean relationships, the most powerful symbol of which is Milton's Satan
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Dove-Rumé, Janine. "Quête, communication et connaissance étude des "gams" dans "Moby-Dick" or "The Whale" de Herman Melville." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1987.

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Ott, Sara. "Paradox and philosophical anticipation in Melville’s Moby-Dick." Thesis, Wichita State University, 2006.

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Much of the current critical literature on Moby-Dick lacks a unifying focus. This essay attempts to provide a thread of continuity for Moby-Dick by proving that paradox and Herman Melville’s anticipation of the early existential movement hold the key to a full reading of this text. By viewing the text itself, Melville’s personal correspondence, and the writings of Emerson, Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche, the paradoxical tension by which this text must be read comes into clearer focus.
Thesis (M.A.)--Wichita State University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
"May 2006."
Includes bibliographic references (leaves 32-35)
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Maufort, Marc. "Visions of the American experience: the O'Neill-Melville connection." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1986.

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Jabalpurwala, Inez. "Reading that brow : interpretive strategies and communities in Melville's Moby-dick." Thesis, McGill University, 1991. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=60042.

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This thesis considers Herman Melville's Moby-Dick as a textual strategy of possible, alternative models of reading, as well as a text in itself. I approach the text as a drama of interpretations and argue that the individual consciousnesses of different interpreters represent different interpretive strategies, and that these differences suggest distinct structures of community. This approach becomes more focussed in the discussion of Ahab and Ishmael as representatives of two contrasting interpretive possibilities, of "reading" the text as a "pasteboard mask" which conceals a stable identity and single "truth," versus "reading" the text of the "defaced" and hence indeterminate surface of changing "meanings." Each strategy implies a different way of conceiving "space" as the "place" where community is formed, and though critics frequently perceive the ending of Moby-Dick as a paradoxical conflict between these two visionary quests, I suggest that Ishmael's survival presents a possible resolution, where Moby Dick becomes the narrative of filling space with many narratives to create the text Moby-Dick.
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Imbert, Michel. "L'esprit des échanges : les signes économiques et la foi dans l'oeuvre d'Herman Melville." Paris 7, 1993.

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Rebours de l'evangile de lar richesse, melville met en lumiere l'experience de la depossession. Alors que triomphe le messianisme nationaliste, il devoile les deviations de la "destinee manifeste" et les captations illegitimes de l'heritage religieux. Il demasque la volonte de puissance qui opere sous le voile de la foi partagee. Or, paradoxalement, le monde despiritualise du marche pourrait etre malgre ces travestissements de la foi le theatre d'une revelation ambigue dans la mesure ou le destin christique du depuillement semble s'y rejouer. Mais en derniere instance, on ne saurait departager la foi de la falsification
Melville's narratives run counter to the gospel of wealth as they highlight a basic experience of dispossession. Whereas the young nation invests itself witha messianic mission, melville discloses the deviations from "manifest destiny" and the appropriation of the religious legacy by would be prophets. He unmasks posessive individualism under the guise of faith and confidence. And yet, paradoxically enough, the debased world of the market place might be the seene of an ambiguous revelation in spite of the religious masquerade in the sense that the christic experience of deprivation seems to be re-enacted by the social players against their will. But, in the last resort, it turns out to be impossible to distinguish genuine faith from counterfeiting
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Urbas, Joseph. "La contingence dans les romans de maturité de Herman Melville." Paris 7, 1993.

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Cette étude vise à affirmer la place centrale de l'idée de contingence dans les romans de maturité de Herman Melville à travers une analyse de Moby-Dick, Pierre et l'Escroc à la confiance. Une brève lecture de l'oeuvre posthume Billy fait apparaître la persistance de ce thème dans la pensée de l'auteur
The aims of this study is to assert the key role of the idea of contingency in the late novels of Herman Melville through an analysis of Moby-Dick, Pierre, and the confidence-man. A brief reading of the posthumous work Billy shows the continuing importance of this theme in Melville's thought
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Gambarotto, Bruno. "Modernidade e mistificação em Moby-Dick, de Herman Melville." Universidade de São Paulo, 2012.

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Neste estudo de análise e interpretação de Moby-Dick (1851), de Herman Melville (1819-1891), pretendemos formular e esclarecer questões relativas ao momento de definição do romance norte-americano, bem como à obra que se traduz como o esforço mais radical de um norte-americano na tentativa de, então, levar a forma romance ao estudo e reflexão sobre sua sociedade. Para tanto, recuperamos da leitura da obra os aspectos que mais fortemente tematizam tal intento: a crise ideológica de fins da década de 1840, quando os ideais revolucionários de igualdade da antiga república são finalmente confrontados com as consequências de sua integração no sistema capitalista mundializado questão central de Redburn (1849) e White-Jacket (1850), romances que preparam Moby-Dick e marcam as primeiras experiências de Melville como escritor social; o conceito de fronteira, problema de definição identitária norte-americana que abarca desde a ocupação da wilderness puritana no século XVII ao estabelecimento, à época de Melville, de uma política de Estado imperialista e, ademais, passa pela cristalização de perspectivas culturalmente particulares de propriedade e formação social de classe; e, finalmente, as noções de técnica e trabalho, diretamente implicadas na atividade baleeira e, de modo mais amplo, no avanço civilizatório norte-americano, e para quais pesam a consciência do valor social do trabalho livre e sua coexistência com a escravidão. É sob tais preocupações que contemplaremos, à luz da teoria crítica e da tradição crítica brasileira, as especificidades formais do romance, a saber, a apropriação estrutural do trágico em contraposição à épica, que define o percurso de Ahab, o capitão do Pequod, em sua caçada a Moby Dick, e a formação de um narrador reflexionante, o sobrevivente Ishmael, que retoma o passado da catástrofe para ferir o presente em que se perpetuam, no roldão do ingresso norte-americano na modernidade, as condições para sua reprodução.
Through an analytical and interpretative study of Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick I intend to formulate and clarify the historical turning point of the American novel, specifically what is deemed the most radical effort of an American writer to bring a comprehensive study on society into novelistic form. In order to accomplish that, I reconsider some of the features of Moby-Dick that strongly appealed to the times. First the ideological crisis of the 1840s, when the equalitarian revolutionary ideals of the Independence were finally confronted by the consequences of the U.S. being fully compromised to the Industrial Revolution and the capitalistic worldwide system. This is a central issue in Redburn (1849) and White-Jacket (1850), both novels where some major features of Moby-Dick are anticipated and firstly tested. Second, I scrutinize the concept of frontier -- a national identity issue that can be traced back to the Puritan 17th century errand into the wilderness that is strongly attached in the age of Melville to the ideological making of American imperialism. Besides, it also has had a major role in the crystallization of culturally specific perspectives on property and the establishment of social classes. Finally, I reconsider the notions of technique and labor, directly implied in the whaling industry and in a more general way in the marching of American civilization towards the West, which has had a strong impact on the understanding of the social significance of free labor and its coexistence with slavery. With those things under consideration, and through the surmises of the Critical Theory and the Brazilian tradition of social and literary criticism as well, it is my aim to shed light on some esthetical features of the novel, particularly on the tragic structure (as opposed to the epic) that defines the career of Pequods Captain Ahab and his obsessive chasing of Moby Dick, and the constitution of a self-reflexive narrator, the survivor Ishmael, who recalls the past of the catastrophe in order to attack the social reproduction of its conditions in the present.
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Books on the topic "Melville, Herman (1819-1891). Clarel"


Goldman, Stan. Melville's protest theism: The hidden and silent God in Clarel. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1993.

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C, Metcalf Paul, ed. Enter Isabel: The Herman Melville correspondence of Clare Spark and Paul Metcalf. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1991.

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Harold, Bloom, ed. Herman Melville. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2005.

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Meltzer, Milton. Herman Melville: A biography. Minneapolis, Minn: Twenty-First Century Books, 2006.

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Kelley, Wyn. Herman Melville: An introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2008.

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Harold, Bloom, ed. Herman Melville. Broomall, PA: Chelsea House Publishers, 1999.

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Arvin, Newton. Herman Melville. New York: Grove Press, 2002.

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J, Budd Louis, and Cady Edwin Harrison, eds. On Melville. Durham: Duke University Press, 1988.

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Zimmerman, Brett. Herman Melville: Stargazer. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1998.

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1919-, Ōhashi Kenzaburō, ed. Melville and Melville studies in Japan. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1993.

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Book chapters on the topic "Melville, Herman (1819-1891). Clarel"


Kreutzberger, Wolfgang. "Herman Melville (1819–1891)." In Frauenliebe Männerliebe, 270–74. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1997.

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Hayes, Kevin J. "The Daguerreotype Devil: Herman Melville (1819–1891)." In Celebrity Authorship and Afterlives in English and American Literature, 95–109. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.

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"Herman Melville (1819–1891)." In “… The Real War Will Never Get in the Books”, edited by Louis P. Masur, 197–212. Oxford University Press, 1995.

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Schlarb, Damien B. "8 Herman Melville (1819–1891)." In Handbook of the American Short Story, 153–70. De Gruyter, 2022.

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"10. Silence Herman Melville (1819–1891)." In Last Works, 252–91. Yale University Press, 2019.

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Milder, Robert. "Herman Melville 1819–1891 A Brief Biography." In A Historical Guide to Herman Melville, 17–53. Oxford University Press, 2005.

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