Academic literature on the topic 'Mélange de langues'
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Journal articles on the topic "Mélange de langues"
Rhaïb, Driss. "Le mélange de langues dans le discours d’enseignants marocains de français au Maroc, en dehors de la classe." Revue québécoise de linguistique 24, no. 2 (May 1, 2009): 151–63.
Full textMuysken, Pieter. "Linguistic Dimensions of Language Contact." Revue québécoise de linguistique 14, no. 1 (May 22, 2009): 49–76.
Full textOuellet, Pierre. "Le logoclaste. L’entrelangue de Guyotat dans Progénitures." Protée 29, no. 3 (April 12, 2005): 27–37.
Full textShevchenko, Natalya. "Comprendre le phénomène du suržyk ukrainien." Varia, no. 30 (July 1, 2022): 81–99.
Full textDagenais, Diane. "Tensions autour de l’enseignement des littératies plurielles en milieu minoritaire." Éducation et francophonie 45, no. 2 (February 27, 2018): 5–21.
Full textCastro, Maria Fausta Pereira. "The acquisition of the mother tongue in between languages." Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos 65 (November 6, 2023): e023012.
Full textTAKROUR, Hassan. "Le mélange de langues au Maroc : L’arabe marocain au contact du français, le conflit d’ordre." Revue plurilingue : Études des Langues, Littératures et Cultures 4, no. 1 (November 19, 2020): 32–50.
Full textYacine, Tassadit. "Langues et domination. Statut social et/ou mélange des genres." Études littéraires 33, no. 3 (April 12, 2005): 65–74.
Full textComtet, Roger. "Le mélange des langues selon Baudouin de Courtenay (1845-1929)." Histoire Épistémologie Langage, no. 45-1 (July 3, 2023): 163–79.
Full textNicolaï, Robert. "À propos de Schuchardt, du mélange des langues et du contact." Journal of Language Contact 7, no. 2 (May 14, 2014): 211–49.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Mélange de langues"
Najac, Sandra. "Contact de langues et identité chez des Québécois d'origine haïtienne." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Avignon, 2023.
Full textThe immigration policy and cultural policies of Quebec promote the emergence of a significant number of Haitian people in Montreal. Therefore, these people can evolve in a social environment that is different from the one they used to have in their country of origin. We have conducted a research in the Saint-Michel district of Montreal with of a group of young people of different origins, but mostly of Haitian origin. Through this research we have concluded that Haitian origin, while sometimes being endowed with a painful memory of alterity, have developed a social bond with other young people, whethernative or immigrants from different other origins. Although the most predominant language used or spoken by these young Haitian immigrants is Quebec French, the Haitian Creole has established itself as the emblem of this link developed between the different young people of the district. We have also noticed that these young people of Haitian origin have demonstrated social innovation and developed identity strategies in order to assert themselves as social actors in this Quebec society. In addition, the sociolinguistic dynamics in Saint-Michel has favoured the vitality of the Haitian Creole, which, thus, takesan unusual route
Garçon, Laurie-Amandine. "Développement de langue électronique : étude de mélanges complexes et de bactéries." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015.
Full textThe objective of this PhD thesis is to explore the potential applications of the electronic tongue, based on combinatorial cross-reactive receptors and surface plasmon resonance imaging, for analysis and discrimination of different complex mixtures and bacteria. In this work, various complex mixtures of different nature such as wine, beer, and milk (either animal-based or plant-based) are used. It has been demonstrated that the electronic tongue is capable of responding differently to theses samples with good selectivity. For each of them, it can generate characteristic continuous 2D profile and 3D image, based on which the differentiation and classification of the complex mixtures have been carried out. Furthermore, it has been illustrated that the electronic tongue is efficient for monitoring the deterioration of milk. In the second part of this thesis, the electronic tongue has been applied for detection and analysis of bacteria. At first, some fluidic parameters have been optimized due to the variable morphology of these complexes and large biological objects. Under optimized experimental conditions, the electronic tongue is effective for analysis of bacteria with the possibility for quantification. Thereafter, the electronic tongue has allowed for the discrimination of different bacteria according to their genus, species and strains based on continuous 2D profiles and 3D images
Full textEvora, Da Cruz Daniel. "Compétence langagière et parcours personnel. Le cas des Cap-Verdiens de l'archipel et de la diaspora." Thesis, Orléans, 2014.
Full textIsland state located off the Senegalese-Mauritanian coast, Cape Verde was inhabited from the late15th century by European settlers and African slaves. He inherited this story, a diglossic situationwhere Portuguese is the official language while Creole, now called « Cape Verdean language », -born of Luso-African language contacts – is the vehicle of everyday expression. The history of CapeVerdean society is also rooted in that of emigration and national and international mobility. If weatherconditions have prompted many Cape Verdean to exile, both in Africa than in Europe or the UnitedStates, structural handicaps have also favored the constant migrations of islanders worldwide.Through surveys conducted both in Cape Verde and France, are studied differences in languageproficiency between Cape Verdean who acquired their languages in each of these countries. Theanalysis is based primarily on their personal journeys and pays particular attention to the forms ofbilingualism of each other. The study, which focuses at first on Creole, Portuguese and French,include spontaneous and induced oral productions, and written productions, which are indicative oforal proficiency
Tatari, Jihad. "Description des polyominos par mots de Freeman et mélanges de mots parenthésés." Lyon 1, 1995.
Full textNelson, Martineau. "Contexte sociolinguistique haïtien, didactique de l’oral en français et objectifs pragmatiques : dynamique inter-résolectale, pratiques ordinaires et insécurité pragmalinguistique entre créole et français." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2014.
Full textTwo main languages of Haiti (creole and french) are " mixed " in the context of socio-political, intercommunal and sociodidactics interactions. The periods of presidential elections from 2000 to 2011 have highlighted in public discourse dynamics ordinary "inter-resolectal" practices and its corollary of "socio-pragma-linguistic" insecurity. This oral dynamic is part of the history of the island and plantation society that colonial powers have imposed. This generates glottopolitic problems. Based on theories of context, called from a double interactionist and variationist anchor, this thesis attempts to question, diagnose, understand and change the problematic of the oral part of Haiti's education system. The results of the analysis show an unequal of educational, professional and academic achievement, because of the inadequacy and the breakout between school and extracurricular linguistic practices. A pragmatic approach is advocated for the teaching of haitian oral , with datasheets, to try to improve school practices by transposing ordinary practices in teaching
De lang prensipal (kreyòl ak fransè) "melanje" nan kontèks entèyaksyon sosyopolitik, entèkominotè ak sosyodidaktik an Ayiti. Peryòd eleksyon prezidansyèl sòti nan lane 2000 rive 2011 yo fè parèt nan diskou piblik dinamik pratik òdinatè "entè-rezolektal" ak konsekans li ki se ensekirite " sosyo-pragma-lengwistik. " Dinamik oral sa a sòti nan listwa zile a ak sosyete plantè yo nan enpozisyon pouvwa kolonyal yo. Sa a vin bay pwoblèm glotopolitik. Sou baz teyori kontèks, apati yon doub ankraj intèyaksyonis ak varyasyionis, tèz sa ap eseye kesyonnen, fè dyagnostik, konprann ak modifye plas pwoblematik oral la nan sistèm edikatif ayisyen an. Rezilta analiz yo montre inegalite nan siksè edikatif, pwofesyonèl ak inivèsitè, akoz inadekwasyon ak blokaj ki genyen ant pratik lengwistik anndan ak andeyò lekòl yo. Yon demach pragmatik defann plas yon didaktik oral ayisyen , gras ak kèk fich teknik , pou amelyore pratik lekòl nan transpozisyon pratik òdinè yo nan ansèyman
Planton, Yann. "Sources de la variabilité interannuelle de la langue d'eau froide Atlantique." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015.
Full textThe Atlantic cold tongue is a seasonal cooling of the sea surface temperature south of the Equator between the African coasts and around 30°W during the " cold season " (from May to October). The cooling occurs every year but its intensity, duration and spatial extent vary strongly from one year to another. In spite of the very strong coupling between the Atlantic cold tongue and the West African monsoon, the origin of the Atlantic cold tongue variability is not well described. This thesis aims at filling this gap by improving our understanding of the oceanic processes controlling the variability of the Atlantic cold tongue. This study focuses on " intense " Atlantic cold tongue events, defined by abnormally strong (weak) cooling, preceded by negative (positive) zonal wind anomalies. Thus " canonical " being studied, that are the most frequent and probably similar in terms of mechanisms. This classification is applied to ten reanalyses and allows to select with good confidence, five events in each group. These events are studied through realistic simulations. The use of on-line heat budget allows to identify the physical processes that control the formation of cold and warm events. Vertical mixing at the base of the mixed-layer is the fundamental process controlling the interannual variability of the cold tongue. During cold events, it increases the cooling between March and July, while it remains weak during warm events. During boreal summer, vertical mixing anomalies are balanced by horizontal advection anomalies of opposite sign. So cold and warm events are weakened at the end of the season. This thesis highlights that it is more appropriate to focus on the wind energy flux because it is more directly related to the activation of vertical mixing, rather than on the surface wind stress. The wind energy flux is relevant since it is also shown to play a major role during intense " non-canonical " events, i.e. cold (warm) events preceded by positive (negative) zonal wind anomalies. Finally, the modulation of the vertical velocity induced by the wind tends to adjust i) the mixed-layer depth, ii) the intensity of the thermocline, and iii) the vertical shear of the zonal current. These are key parameters of vertical mixing and therefore the cooling rate. Thus, vertical velocity plays an indirect role in the establishment and interannual variability of the Atlantic cold tongue
Soulier, Laurent. "Contribution à l'étude du brunissement d'Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach." Lyon 1, 1994.
Full textNieddu, Laura. "Une nouvelle génération d'écrivains sardes. Entre langue italienne et "limba" : les formes et les raisons d'une caractérisation régionale." Thesis, Paris 10, 2012.
Full textThis thesis aims to study the literary phenomenon called «Sardinia nouvelle vague» and more particularly the forms and reasons of linguistic mixture between Sardinian and Italian, which characterize the works of Sardinian writers published between 1995 and 2010. Through a diachronic and synchronic study of Sardinian literature we want to show that we are not talking about something new. In fact, the "Sardinian literary renaissance" is the exploit of some authors who take advantage of a climate of strong national vitality, of regional languages, but, above all, a new freedom of expression, inaugurated by the works of Sergio Atzeni in the mid 90s. Despite significant differences in the forms and effects of mixture of language used in novels examined, this feature of the contemporary Sardinian literary scene marks a special attention by the authors to the language spoken on the island in different eras portrayed, whether it's Sardinian, regional Sardinian or Italian. Moreover, the choice of the mix of Sardinian and Italian emphasizes the value attributed to the forms of expression typical of Sardinia as part of a representation of the peculiarities and internal issues, related to the relationship between progress and tradition
Picard, Celia. "Représentation coinductive des graphes." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2012.
Full textBooks on the topic "Mélange de langues"
Mouguiama-Daouda, Patrick. Remplacement, extinction et mélange des langues: Situation gabonaise et perspectives théoriques. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textMouguiama-Daouda, Patrick. Remplacement, extinction et mélange de langues: Situation gabonaise et perspectives théoriques. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textBenmokhtar, Farid. Le code switching en Kabylie: Analyse du phénomène de mélange de langues. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2013.
Find full textGuy, Héraud, and Peeters, Yvo J. D., 1949-, eds. Langue(s) et identité: [mélanges offerts à Guy Héraud. Bruxelles: Académie internationale de droit linguistique, 1993.
Find full text1925-, Renard Raymond Robert, and Landercy A, eds. Mélanges de phonétique et didactique des langues: Hommage au professeur Raymond Renard. Moms: Presses universitaires de Moms, 1991.
Find full textParcours, traces autour du texte et des langues: Mélanges offerts à Marc Souchon. Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2009.
Find full textBouscaren, Janine. Langues et langage. Problèmes et raisonnement en linguistique: Mélanges offerts à Antoine Culioli. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1995.
Find full textAntoine, Culioli, Bouscaren Janine, Franckel Jean-Jacques, and Robert Stéphane, eds. Langues et langage: Problèmes et raisonnement en linguistique : mélanges offerts à Antoine Culioli. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Mélange de langues"
Bertolucci-Pizzorusso, Valeria. "“Galanteries” riquiériennes et mélange de genres." In Études de langue et de littérature médiévales offertes à Peter T. Ricketts à l’occasion de son 70ème anniversaire, 387–92. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2010.
Full textOUVRARD, Louise. "Un corpus audiovisuel de chants funéraires malgaches au service de la médiation entre cultures éloignées." In Médier entre langues, cultures et identités : enjeux, outils, stratégies, 7–16. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textFeussi, Valentin. "Quel(le)s frontières / seuils pour reconnaître le francanglais dans le paysage langagier au Cameroun?" In D'un seuil à l'autre, 161–69. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2017.
Full textLoison-Charles, Julie. "Quand les langues se mélangent et disparaissent." In Vladimir Nabokov ou l’écriture du multilinguisme, 99–132. Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2016.
Full textAbramowicz, Maciej. "Les arts, les émotions et les langues." In Territoires comparatistes. Mélanges offerts à Zbigniew Naliwajek. Warsaw University Press, 2014.
Full textBlanchet, Philippe. "Seuils, limites et frontières de langues." In D'un seuil à l'autre, 65–79. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2017.
Full textMa, Li. "Annexe I — Le Despotisme de la Chine et les Mélanges intéressants et curieux : table des correspondances." In L'art de gouverner chinois dans les périodiques de langue française de 1750 à 1789. Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2019.
Full textSzymankiewicz, Krystyna. "L’écriture réflexive en tant qu’outil de formation initiale des enseignants de langues étrangères." In Między językami, między kulturami. Prace ofiarowane Krystynie Wróblewskiej-Pawlak. Entre langues, entre cultures. Mélanges offerts à Krystyna Wróblewska-Pawlak. University of Warsaw Press, 2021.
Full textKomorowska, Hanna. "Wielojęzyczność i różnojęzyczność – przyczyny i skutki." In Między językami, między kulturami. Prace ofiarowane Krystynie Wróblewskiej-Pawlak. Entre langues, entre cultures. Mélanges offerts à Krystyna Wróblewska-Pawlak. University of Warsaw Press, 2021.
Full textMiodunka, Władysław T. "Zasługi Francuzów dla opisu języka polskiego: autorzy najstarszych gramatyk polszczyzny." In Między językami, między kulturami. Prace ofiarowane Krystynie Wróblewskiej-Pawlak. Entre langues, entre cultures. Mélanges offerts à Krystyna Wróblewska-Pawlak. University of Warsaw Press, 2021.
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