Academic literature on the topic 'Médiéval (middle ages)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Médiéval (middle ages)"
Lajoye, Patrice. "Marisuppa. Un nom antique et médiéval du marsouin sur la façade atlantique française." Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi 75, no. 1 (2017): 375–84.
Full textDe Gianni, Donato. "A Note on the Nachleben of Sedulius carm. pasch. 5.215-16." Vigiliae Christianae 71, no. 2 (March 9, 2017): 168–74.
Full textMégier, Elisabeth. "Ludo Milis, L’homme médiéval et sa vision du monde. Ruptures et survivances, traduit du néerlandais par Jacques Fermaut. Culture et société médiévales, 31. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 179 S., 28 s/w. Abb." Mediaevistik 31, no. 1 (January 1, 2018): 290.
Full textBonneuil, Noël. "Sensible Moyen Âge, une histoire des émotions dans l’Occident médiéval [Sensitive Middle Ages, a History of Emotions in the Medieval West], by Damien Bocquet and Piroska Nagy." Mathematical Population Studies 24, no. 3 (July 3, 2017): 190–95.
Full textShatzmiller, Joseph. "Shlomo Dov GOITEIN et Mordechai Akiva FRIEDMAN, India Traders of the Middle Ages. Documents from the Cairo Geniza ( India Book ) , Leyde-Boston, Brill, 2008 ; 1 vol., XXX-918 p. ( Études sur le Judaïsme médiéval , 31). ISBN : 978-90-04-15472-8. Prix : € 249,00 ; USD 336." Le Moyen Age Tome CXV, no. 3 (March 22, 2010): LXVIII.
Full textPesez, Jean-Marie. "Le bois dans les constructions de la ville médiévale : les questions." Hors-collection des Cahiers de Fontenay 9, no. 1 (1991): 195–202.
Full textSidarus, Adel. "Notes sur la littérature médiévale chrétienne d’expression arabe." Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 17 (July 20, 2020): 197–222.
Full textAbramowicz, Maciej. "L’amitié chevaleresque dans le miroir de la littérature médiévale française." Romanica Wratislaviensia 64 (October 27, 2017): 11–21.
Full textPajón Leyra, Irene, Arnaud Zucker, and Catherine Faron-Zucker. "Thezoo : un thésaurus de zoologie ancienne et médiévale pour l’annotation de sources de données hétérogènes." Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi 73, no. 1 (2015): 321–42.
Full textRivals, Cécile. "Une utilisation des sources fiscales médiévales et modernes pour étudier le tissu urbain sur le temps long." Archéologie du Midi médiéval 36, no. 1 (2018): 69–79.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Médiéval (middle ages)"
Abidi, Salah. "La mer au Maghreb médiéval : pratiques et perceptions." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.
Full textThis dissertation analyses the relationship of the Maghribis with the sea in the Middle Ages and its role in the enrichment of the economical, social and mental life of the inhabitants of the shore. The Roman Mare nostrum was considered in the first centuries of Islam as the sea of the Byzantines, in opposition to the sea of Darkness, to describe the Atlantic ocean. But during the following centuries, muslims progressively take over the Mediterranean and compete with Byzance and the Latin world to master the technics of navigation and to dominate the maritim trade. Source of wealth, conquests and assertion of power, the sea engendered by the Maghribis both objective and mythological representations. Inherited from ancient civilizations, they have been constantly reshaped and enriched by the Maghribis thanks to their daily practices, but also due to their contacts with external worlds
Valenciano, Marie. "Saint-Blaise/Ugium : de l’agglomération tardo-antique au castrum médiéval : relectures et regard nouveau." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015.
Full textThe study takes places on development project of archaeological site of Saint-Blaise (Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts, 13, France) and the purpose of our thesis is to proofreading the late antique and medieval vestiges. Thanks to recovery of the archives and the ground surveying generated since 1935, to the study of lots of ceramics, to the systematic recording of visible structures and to the opening of news excavations, we present the first synthesis of the Saint-Blaise topo-chronological evolution from Late Antiquity to Middle Ages. Considering the division in nine periods established by Gabrielle Démians d’Archimbaud as a starting point, we extend her interpretations to the whole urban area. If the plateau is frequented between 2nd century B.C. and 4th century A.C., the second half of 5th century A.C. is the beginning of settling in low part (a church and a house). From the 6th century A.C., the town is equipped with monumental finery inspired by the urban topography (two “districts”, a city-wall, a second church and an elitist house). Introducing some thoughts on the modalities of the transition between Late Antiquity and high Middle Ages, we purpose first results about Castelveyre castrum. Finally, compared with a corpus of housing environments grouped and perched by the Mediterranean, we replace the town of Saint-Blaise/Ugium in a global context
Foltran, Julien. "Les monastères et l'espace urbain et périurbain médiéval en Pays d'Aude : Lagrasse, Alet et Caunes." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2016.
Full textThrough the examples of Lagrasse, Alet-les-Bains and Caunes-Minervois, this thesis intends to determine the mechanisms and the stakeholders’ role in the development of monastic towns in the Aude department from the 8th century to the mid-16th century. The modes of settlement on these sites are examined, as well as the relations between the religious community and the inhabitants. The construction of urban space in these medium-sized medieval towns is one of the main topics addressed through the inventory of houses, the analysis of historic plans and of medieval or modern written sources. The peri-urban space is regarded as an area allowing both communities to secure a part of their supplies and, in this sense, as a space they had to share and that was essential to the relations between them
Guillemin, De-Min Cladie. "Réécriture d’un archétype médiéval : les géants dans Graal Théâtre de Florence Delay et Jacques Roubaud." Thesis, Paris 3, 2010.
Full textFlorence Delay and Jacques Roubaud have re-written the Arthurian legend with its origins, its adventures and its two endings – the earthly and the celestial - as ten plays. In order to write Graal Théâtre, the authors used the dual process adhered to by medieval clerics: accuracy and freedom. The Arthurian legend has undergone some changes. The character of the giant is a part of the Delay-Roubaud renewal. The medieval giants have undergone a complete renovation. The savage giant, almost animal, and whose only weapon was a club, has disappeared. In Graal Théâtre his place is taken by faé knights. For, according to Florence Delay and Jacques Roubaud, there is no longer a distinction between great knights and giants. But the giants in Graal Théâtre are not just any knight. They are usually from the Other World. They are part of the Arthurian supernatural: they have certain powers such as invisibility and near-immortality and they own magical castles. Besides, their great height makes us mistrust them. Sometimes friends, sometimes enemies and sometimes both, the giants are ambivalent characters. In medieval stories, the giants were used to highlight chivalry. In Graal Théâtre the giants call attention to the faults in the system of chivalry. The function of the giants is no longer to die, but to live through the centuries, like a call to revolution. The giants are no longer witnesses to the past, but real modern characters
Theophilopoulou, Calliope-Catherine. "Figures du héros antique dans le roman médiéval : didactisme et œuvre romanesque." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2009.
Full textMyths, as well as their dominant figures, heroes, have attracted people throughout time. Since their first days of existence, people turned to them whenever they were needed. Medieval people were an eloquent example. Therefore, references to those narrations which managed to survive through time, as well as to those heroes were frequent. At first, those references existed simply because nobody was able to object to or turn down these references. They were auctoritas which referred to real events. The authors of this era were not asked to create, but to pass them on to the illiterate. Furthermore, they possess a formating role. They constitute questioneless archetypal models. Medieval people also resort to those narrations so that they are able to determine their behavior or adapt an attitude appropriate to their origin, their gender and their age. In addition, reference to particular incidents intends to instruct them or prevent them by means of exposing the harmful results of an incompatible behavior with the laws of society or nature.Finally, writers refer to stories regarding ancient heroes because they realize that it is the optimal way to get through their message.The fact that they promote the model of the perfect leader, contributes to consolidation of aristocracy at a time when the class seems to be threatened by a new rising class, the bourgeoisie. Furthermore, they take the opportunity of inculcating their aspirations in an effort to form a better society. So according to them, the perfect lord should be generous, wise and educated, able to handle his fief wisely, in harmony. On the other hand, we acknowledge the authors’ contribution to the formation of society. Even if they are not members of the class of knights, they also contribute to the suitable management of society by the means of their knowledge
Rukavina, Iva. "L'urbanisme médiéval de la ville d'origine antique de Zadar en Dalmatie." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017.
Full textThis dissertation presents an analysis of the urbanism of the city of Zadar in Dalmatia, the development of the city and its urban contents from its beginnings in Antiquity until 1409. The urban analysis is based primarily upon the various surviving monuments and remnants. Relevant historical sources have also been taken into account. The different elements have been classified and presented according to four historical periods: Antiquity, Late Antiquity, Early Middle Ages, High and Late Middle Ages. Within each period, Zadar's buildings are categorised according to four typologies: Fortifications, Public Secular Structures, Private Secular Structures and Sacred Buildings. The remains of the city's infrastructure (sidewalks, drainage channels, etc.) have also been presented. The development of the city of Zadar, through its urban transformation, has been analysed through the outlined periods while keeping the usual periodization of general historic events on the eastern Adriatic coast. The protohistoric period has also been considered. Analysis has also revealed that the regular orthogonal grid of the city was defined in Antiquity, and that despite intensive construction during the medieval period when the city developed its urban physiognomy, nearly all the principle characteristics of the city established during Antiquity have been preserved
Denoël, Charlotte. "Pour une histoire globale du manuscrit médiéval : les manuscrits, leur décor et leur circulation aux premiers siècles du Moyen Âge, des temps mérovingiens à l’époque romane." Thesis, Paris, Ecole nationale des chartes, 2018.
Full textThe Ecole nationale des chartes offers a specific research-based doctoral programme for heritage curators as well as those who work in libraries since 2016. The one I am presenting consists of a dissertation and a file of reseach papers. The thesis itself is divided into two chapters. The first is devoted to the presentation of my research work on medieval manuscripts in various fields (history of libraries, iconography and illumination), with methodological explanations and their results. Through transversal methodological approaches wich borrow as much from traditional historical disciplines as from anthropology or theories on the image, my objective is to understand the manuscript both in its entirety and in its abundant diversity, thus than to consider the place that it occupies in the field of the cultural and artistic history of the Middle Ages. The second chapter takes stock of the investigations that I have been carrying out for several years on illuminated manuscripts in France in the 10th and 11th centuries, and contextualizes these in relation to historiography. In it, I sketch a panorama of studies on illuminated manuscripts of the early Middle Ages between the 18th century and the beginning of the 20th century, in the light of medievalism and the history of collections. The conclusion offers some avenues for reflection on the reception of alto-medieval art by questioning its place in the field of contemporary art through the evocation of various projects underway. A dossier, which consists of books and articles listed below and whose electronic versions have been sent to the members of the jury, completes the thesis
Piffaut, Ludovic. "L'univers médiéval et ses figures de représentations dans l'opéra italien (1690-1730)." Thesis, Tours, 2012.
Full textMedieval universe took an important place in the Italian poetic culture from the 16th to the 18th century. Emblems of this universe, Ariosto and Tasso’s epic poems, imitated of Homer’s, upgraded to most popular histories of the Italians theatres of the 17th and 18th centuries. The Middle Ages’ representation in Opera between 1690 and 1730, showed a diversity of esthetics but dramatic and poetic figures too. Thanks to the Accademia dell’Arcadia, the renovation of the libretto led to consider new prospects of its exploitation. Zeno developed the new vision of Middle Ages contrary to Metastasio. Supporting by French tragedy, this renovation unified with strength poetical and musical art. The aria symbolized the meeting point of affects and their musical representations. It contributed to the celebrity of Vinci’s and Hasse’s Artaserse (1730). These two operas hastened the decline of medieval subjects and installed a new lyric model
Lamy, Claire. "L'abbaye de Marmoutier (Touraine) et ses prieurés dans l'Anjou médiéval (milieu du XIe siècle-milieu du XIIIe siècle)." Thesis, Paris 4, 2009.
Full textFrom the 11th century to the 13th century the abbey of Marmoutier established a significant network of monastic dependencies – or priories – in Western France and especially in the area of Anjou. In this region the foundation movement flourished between the years 1040 and 1150, the monks of Anjou being well-skilled in navigating the often intricate local constraints and power relationships. Each priory managed its own complex set of lands, the acquisition, organization and legal defense of which were undertaken by the monks, with the support and supervision of the mother-abbey. A study of the monastic writings attests to these strong ties between the Abbey and its priories. Finally, major modifications of this prioral system characterized the end of the Twelfth century through the beginning of the Thirteenth : in Anjou some houses disappeared while others continued to grow, yet another sign of the Abbey's ability to adapt to difficult circumstances in order to persevere
Oury, Benjamin. "Exploitation minière et implantation castrale en Dauphiné médiéval (Xe-XVe siècles) : surveiller, organiser et prélever la production minière." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018.
Full textControl of mineral ressources is a major stake for seigniorial power which, not only gives it economical wealth, but some status as well. In the Dauphiné, mining of precious metals first began at the end of IXth century or the begenning of Xth century in L'Argentière (Hautes-Alpes, France). It's also with these mines that the Counts of Albon, futur Dauphins, start to appropriate their lands'mineral resources thanks to two similar donations from emperor Frederick I in January and July 1155. Non-precious metal such as iron, although very important in medieval society, are thus mined from an early stage in the Dauphiné mountain, particularly around Allevard (Isère), with the Counts of Albon progressively taking control of these mines.At the same time, the castles implantation, which has multiplied starting around the year One thousand, reflects the gradual takeover of locals lords and contribute to their control of the territory. The castle, beyond its military purpose, is a multifonctional building, particulary since the creation of princely states and the development of their administration. It constitues a true representative of countal authority that can keep a close watch over and protect the territoryut also to administrate it, particularly regarding mining. However, the links between castles and mining facilities are not always visible, and they often depend on the type of mineral deposit (precious or not), the degree of control over the territory or its topography. In Brandes (Oisans, Isère) or L'Argentière, both silver-bearing sites, the castles were respectively abandoned with the end of mining at the beginning of XIVth century, and divided between two vassal families close to Counts of Albon, clearly illustrating the links for the counts between mines and castles. This is however not the case in iron-bearing territories where castles have another use than protecting and supervising mining production. The establishment of a new mining policy by the Dauphins, after the great crisis in the mid XIVth century, disrupted castel fonctions : it no longer has a role in mining exploitation, whether of precious metals or not
Books on the topic "Médiéval (middle ages)"
Le médiéval sur la scène contemporaine. Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence, 2014.
Find full textChandelier, Joël. L'Occident médiéval: D'Alaric à Léonard, 400-1450. Paris: Belin, 2021.
Find full textFiona, Chandler, ed. Le monde médiéval. Saint-Lambert, Québec: Héritage jeunesse, 2009.
Find full textJean-Claude, Herbin, ed. Image et mémoire du Hainaut médiéval. Valenciennes: Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, 2004.
Find full textJean-Charles, Herbin, and Centre d'analyse du message littéraire et artistique, eds. Image et mémoire du Hainaut médiéval. Valenciennes: Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, 2004.
Find full text1981-, Lambert T. B., Rollason D. W, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies., and University of Durham. Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies., eds. Peace and protection in the Middle Ages. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2009.
Find full textLa società monastica nei secoli VI-XII: Sentieri di ricerca : Atelier jeunes chercheurs sur le monachisme médiéval : Roma, 12-13 giugno 2014. Trieste: CERM, 2016.
Find full textOlivier, Guillot, Constable Giles, and Rouche Michel, eds. Auctoritas: Mélanges offerts à Olivier Guillot. Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Médiéval (middle ages)"
Dryansky, Larisa. "Hollis Frampton, médiéval." In Reinterpreting the Middle Ages, 165–84. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2023.
Full textÁlvarez Carbajal, Francisco Javier. "The Notaries of the Count of Luna at the End of the Middle Ages." In Le scribe d’archives dans l’Occident médiéval, 279–98. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2019.
Full textCunha, Maria Cristina, and Maria João Silva. ""Publico notario, notario meo": Careers and Connections of Portuguese Scribes in the Middle Ages." In Le scribe d’archives dans l’Occident médiéval, 299–313. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2019.
Full textSturlese, Loris. "Translatio linguarum and Popularisation of Philosophy in the Middle Ages." In Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, 499–507. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2020.
Full textLuscombe, David. "The Ethics and the Politics in Britain in the Middle Ages." In Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, 337–49. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 1996.
Full textZonta, M. "The Relationship between Hebrew and Latin Philosophical Vocabularies in the Late Middle Ages." In Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, 147–56. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2000.
Full textAertsen, Jan A. "The Triad «True-Good-Beautiful». The Place of Beauty in the Middle Ages." In Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, 415–35. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2006.
Full textBethmont-Gallerand, Sylvie. "Iconographie des charniers, des ossuaires et des aîtres à travers la France médiévale." In Profane Arts of the Middle Ages, 239–62. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2009.
Full textBilliet, Frédéric. "Diabolus in musica dans les stalles médiévales: significations du désordre musical." In Profane Arts of the Middle Ages, 315–38. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2009.
Full textFresquet, Xavier. "MUSICASTALLIS: Base de données des scènes musicales dans les stalles médiévales." In Profane Arts of the Middle Ages, 155–60. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2010.
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