Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Médicaments – Gestion des stocks'
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Counil, Sophie. "La gestion de stock des médicaments dans un DOM : exemple de la pharmacie du CHU de Fort de France." Bordeaux 2, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998BOR2P013.
Full textColliat, Louise. "Les garanties juridiques du patient face aux ruptures d'approvisionnement de médicaments." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0393.
Full textThe Covid-19 health crisis revealed to the general public the existence of drug supply shortages in France. Yet this phenomenon is not new, and its exponential growth since the late 2000s has made it a major public health issue. To deal with this new kind of health risk, the legislator intervened as early as 2012 to build a legal framework around a triptych of “prevention, declaration, management”. The aim of this study is to analyze its effectiveness, its limits and also its prospects in the light of the Europeanization of the fight against drug supply shortages. In 2023, 37% of French people said they had experienced a drug supply shortage, yet no compensation claims have been lodged to date. Secondly, the aim is to determine whether the lack of recourse is due to the rules of liability not being adapted to the damage suffered by patients. To this end, we will analyze the various legal grounds on which patients can obtain compensation for the harm they have suffered
Levy, David. "Informatisation du livret du médicament et du matériel médico-chirurgical : expérience du centre hospitalier d'Argenteuil." Paris 5, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA05P247.
Full textLabarbe, Vincent. "Etude d'une chronique de stocks." Bordeaux 1, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985BOR1D318.
Full textLi, Jie Xie Xiaolan. "Evaluation et optimisation des performances des systèmes de production distribution." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006. ftp://ftp.scd.univ-metz.fr/pub/Theses/2006/Li.Jie.SMZ0610.pdf.
Full textBenhamou, Meziane. "Le problème du choix de politiques appropriées de gestion des stocks." Paris 9, 1985. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1985PA090007.
Full textScardigli, Corinne. "Implosion : gestion des stocks par la replanification amont." Grenoble INPG, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994INPG0057.
Full textYedes, Yesser. "Modélisation et analyse des performances de stratégies de maintenance, de contrôle de la qualité, et de gestion des stocks dans une chaîne logistique." Thesis, Metz, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010METZ041S/document.
Full textIn this work we deal with the single vendor single buyer integrated production inventory problem. In the beginning, two production strategies are compared. The first one, proposed by Ben-Daya and Hariga (2004), suggests that the buyer orders batches of size nQ every time his on hand inventory reaches the reorder point r after the reception of the ultimate lot of the last order. The vendor from his side produces continuously nQ and makes equal shipments of size Q. The second policy, which we develop, propose that to satisfy the same ordered quantity, the vendor produces separately smaller batches of size Q (lot-for-lot), n times. The total expected cost is adopted as the decision variable for the choice of the best strategy.Afterwards, the lot-for-lot strategy is generalised to the cases where the sizes of the produced lot and the shipment are different from the ordered quantity. Henceforth, the vendor manufactures separately smaller batches of size iQ and makes equal shipments of size jQ (1≤ j ≤ i ≤ n) limited or not to the transportation capacity. The optimal solution corresponds to the best combination (n, i, j, Q, r) yielding the minimal total average cost per time unit incurred by the vendor and the buyer.In the last contribution, we consider the case of an imperfect process where the production unit is assumed to randomly shift from an in-control to an out-of-control state characterized by a fixed production rate of non-conforming items. To resolve the problem, we propose and compare two different strategies integrating production, inventory and maintenance policies. The maintenance actions are performed to prevent or to reduce the losses related to imperfect items
Fouque, Thierry. "Impact de la réduction de la diversité des produits sur les stocks." Paris 10, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA100205.
Full textIn this thesis, we measure the impact of diversity reduction on inventory. In the literature related to the variety reduction, we find two kinds of approaches: operations research (optimal assortment, modular production and commonality) and operations management (bill-of-materials structuring). We start from a well-known model. However, due to its limitations, we modify it in order to make it more realistic. Especially, we introduce costs and correlation between demands. For this purpose, we hypothesise that demands for products follow a bivariate normal distribution. Due to the lack of inverse probability function for the normal distribution, we measure the impact of demands' parameters and costs through numerical simulations. The main results show that commonality must be oriented towards components whose demands are negatively and strongly correlated. In the same way, their variances should be large and exhibit small difference, and the most expensive standardised components must have the largest average demand. Finally, they must have similar costs and their relative weight in the total cost of the final products to which they belong, must be important. In the fifth chapter, we test our model with actual data provided by renault. Also, we recall the origins of the problem and we study, from a historical point of view, its evolution over the century. In conclusion, we show that the impact of variety reduction doesn't concern just the inventory and may concern many industries
Sagastizábal, Claudia A. "Quelques méthodes numériques d'optimisation : Application en gestion de stocks." Paris 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA010067.
Full textNaoui, Rihabislam. "Stratégie de gestion de stocks dans un réseau collaboratif." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27116.
Full textThe content of this paper deals with the inventory management problem in a network of many consumer products storage locations. Each location autonomously manages its stock to satisfy a deterministic demand over a given horizon. A maximum quantity of stock Si is held at each site i. When the reorder point si is reached, an order Qi is placed to the distribution center which supplies all sites. Qi is such that Qi = Si - si. The amount Qi is delivered with a known lead-time Li. If, at a given time, the Di demand at location i exceeds the on-hand inventory, the location i uses one or more other network locations for a lateral transshipment of a quantity Xji (j = 1, 2... n) from location j to location i. This lateral transhipment is made according to a number of rules that take into account transshipment cost, holding cost, replenishment cost and shortage cost. This thesis examines six key contributions published in the literature to assess the contributions of a collaborative model to performance, in terms of cost and service level, at each network location. This investigation is limited to a two-level network configuration: a central warehouse and n (n > 2) storage locations. The case of repairable spare parts, characterized by a random demand, is examined in three chapters of this memory. Another application of these strategies to collaboration between n hospitals (n> 2) is also examined in this work.
Camisullis, Carole. "Les déterminants de la capacité d’une chaîne logistique amont." Paris 9, 2008. https://basepub.dauphine.fr/handle/123456789/15423.
Full textThis thesis is interested in capacity determinants of an upstream supply chain, in which the last entity is an assembly line allowing a mass production of customized products. Capacity definition of an elementary production unit is almost easy in the case of an homogeneous production. Our research work progressively highlights the factors that determine the capacity of a more and more complex production unit, assuming that there are no work shortage and no stock-out. The capacity of a group formed by two successive entities of a supply chain is the lowest capacity of these units, under the condition that the supplier works for the industrial customer and the control rules guarantee the management independence for each entity. These rules are explored, to put in evidence good utilization interest of sure and unmoved information from the industrial customer, in addition to structural information for following periods. In addition, our works analyze supplying lot-sizing impact, which leads to have a safety stock even in deterministic universe. Different comparative studies were done to show superiority of the proposed rules, in comparison to those used by the automotive constructor, who is at the origin of this research. We finally handle more complex situations, characterized by alternate components supplying sharing between several suppliers and the case of one supplier providing several industrial customers who don’t necessarily belong to the same supply chain
Libosvar, Camille. "Hierarchical production management : the flow-control layer." Metz, 1988. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/1988/Libosvar.Camille.SMZ8822.pdf.
Full textProduction Management is concerned with a class of decisions to be made in a manufacturing firm in order to gear it towards its objective. Since this decision making problem is very large, it must be approached hierarchically. Hierarchical production management systems are characterized by several decision levels operating in a coordinated fashion. Designing such systems means defining the models to be used at each level (entities, objective, horizon), and a coordination procedure. The models studied in this work are devised for the higher levels of a hierarchy ; the production system is represented as a network of subsystems with limited capacity and the objective sought is to minimize the flow time of product families. It is proved that under certain assumptions concerning the inventory holding costs, a very simple algorithm exists to solve this deterministic optimization problem. It is then shown that it is possible to relax this assumption by using dynamic programming but the amount of computations required increases dramatically
Sutour, Marie-Cécile. "Approche multicritère de la gestion des stocks et des approvisionnements." Paris 9, 1993. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1993PA090014.
Full textFrom the insufficiencies of the classical models for inventory control, we point out the interest of a multicriteria approach in order to help a manager decide the rhythm and amount of the orders for each product according to its characteristics. For that matter, we focus on problems of comparisons, adjustments, robustness and decision-making aid to highlight the "best" policies within the frames of the two traditional types of inventory control and one or two storage levels. The work relies on the classical concept in multicriteria theory of "efficient border" in order to accord at best the conflicting criteria in the inventory control. The development of a tool reflecting our model is indispensable for our researches; they, in turn, enable it to become a genuine system for inventory control aid and a pedagogic tool
Baratou, Paul. "Gestion réactive de stocks intermédiaires d'un flux de production automobile." Lille 1, 1998. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/1998/50376-1998-379.pdf.
Full textKwai, Pun Carole. "Gestion des stocks automatisée à l'officine : un exemple : le logiciel Jonathan." Bordeaux 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991BOR2P104.
Full textLe, Cornu François. "Du comportement de stockage des agents économiques à l'analyse macroéconomique des variations de stocks." Montpellier 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991MON10021.
Full textEconomic activity is a field in which many different types of behavior may be observed concerning inventories. Firms have a multiplicity of reasons for holding inventories (transaction, precaution, speculation, production smoothing, buffer stocks). These reasons lead firms to try to maintain a stable relationship between inventories and sales. However, this classical view is partially questioned by production pull systems (production without inventories). As for households, in addition to classical reasons, they gave more spychological motives for holding inventories (accumulation, safety). Through the specification of macroeconomic models (accelerator, production smoothing), the study of individual inventory behavior leads us to determine the impact of changes in inventories on economic equilibrium
Mehrabikoushki, Ali. "Partage d'information dans la chaîne logistique : évaluation des impacts sur la performance d'une chaîne logistique des modes de collaboration mis en oeuvre entre les partenaires et des informations échangées." Lyon, INSA, 2008. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2008ISAL0066/these.pdf.
Full textIn this thesis, we are interesting to analyse the value of leadtime information sharing in the distribution centres. We proposed a resolution framework and then we developed a first simulation model which leans on this proposed framework. This simulation model allowed us to realize a first numerical analysis on a depot structure. During this research, we studied also a warehouse with several retailers. For this problem, we formulated, at first, an inventory model with stochastic leadtime. By applying successively two inventory policies, we distinguished two basic models: a first model for information sharing situation and the second for no information sharing situation. We programmed and solved both models by LINGO. The results of these two theoretical studies show: - In every studied situation, leadtime information sharing has important benefits; - Important relations exist between the value of information sharing and some of other parameters, such as: the mode of cooperation, the context of market, the behaviour of clients, the unit cost of shortage, the structure of network and the characteristics of leadtime; - The behaviour of clients goes out as being the most important factor in terms of the sensibility and also on the effect of the other parameters on the value of leadtime information sharing; At the end, to validate the results of these theoretical studies, we modelled and studied the leadtime information sharing in a downstream pharmaceutical supply chain
Bahroun, Zied. "Contribution à la planification et à la gestion dynamique des systèmes de production cyclique." Besançon, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000BESA2021.
Full textStrong quality and delay requirements have catalysed the emergence of new commercial paradigms which have strongly modified the customer-supplied relationship. Companies frequently moved from the classical order between a customer and a supplier to the notion of a "contract-order" in wich the supplier is linked with the customer through a cyclic delivery schedule with a forecasted quantity for each delivery for certain kinds of products
Nzatse, Pouna Jean-Baptiste. "Sur quelques méthodes de traitement des délais en gestion des stocks." Paris 9, 1986. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1986PA090017.
Full textSari, Lamia. "Gestion des stocks dans un réseau de distribution approvisionnement et échanges." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM4370.
Full textA problem facing many distribution networks, especially in retail, is the choice between a local product storage facility or a shared installation for all network centers. The common storage enables economies of scale. However, may cause significant transport costs. As for local storage, it is costly in terms of investment but cheap in use. To enjoy the benefits of both techniques while minimizing their drawbacks, it is envisaged the installation of local stocks can also be used by other companies. In this case, the problem that then arises is twofold. This is one for each company to determine its own order quantity, depending on the demand estimated at each point of sale. It is secondly to organize the exchange of products between companies based on actual local demands. The research presented in this thesis propose coordination mechanisms that act in a collective manner and not in an individual manner, to improve both the yield at each distribution center and customer satisfaction .. Our main challenge in this thesis is to propose an innovative analytical approach end of game theory to address inventory management problems to reduce overall inventory in the distribution networks throughout ensuring a good level of service
Nzatse, Pouna Jean-Baptiste. "Sur quelques méthodes de traitement des délais en gestion des stocks." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37600083w.
Full textOrtola, Patrice. "Réalisation d'un système d'aide à la décision pour la gestion en temps quasi-réel d'un stockage de combustible nucléaire." Aix-Marseille 3, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993AIX30044.
Full textDietrich-Adamy, Christine. "Le rayon d'homéopathie à l'officine." Strasbourg 1, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985STR10474.
Full textDesmet, Pierre. "Méthodologie d'évaluation de la demande pour l'assortiment des produits offerts par un distributeur." Paris 9, 1990. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1990PA090010.
Full textThe methodology is aimed to evaluate the demand for an assortment of products proposed by a retailer before the marketing. The methodology is made up of three elements : first a double segmentation (macro-segmentation of the customers, micro-segmentation by usage). Second, an individual model for the reconstitution of the preferences. This model has three steps : selection, evaluation, choice. Third, a demand function which take in account the effects of the price and the space of presentation. This methodology has been applied for the direct sales channel for a product category : the t-shirt for women. This first application shows the interest of the methodology and allows the study of benefits and the limits
Vercraene, Samuel. "Gestion des stocks et de la production intégrant des retours de produits." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00789181.
Full textHnaien, Faicel. "Gestion des stocks dans des chaînes logistiques face aux aléas des délais d'approvisionnements." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00784217.
Full textLabadi, Karim. "Contribution à la modélisation et à l'analyse de performances des systèmes logistiques à l'aide d'un nouveau modèle de réseaux de Petri stochastiques." Troyes, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TROY0013.
Full textThis work presented in this thesis constitutes a contribution to modelling and performances analysis of logistical systems by using a new stochastic Petri nets model. It addresses issues considerably concerned by industrial companies but having received very little attention by the Petri nets community. In this work, we develop a new Petri nets model called batch deterministic and stochastic Petri nets (BDSPNs) able to describe essential characteristics of logistical systems (batch behaviours, randomness, operational policies, synchronization of various flows) and more generally of discrete events systems. The mode is particularly adapted for the modelling of flow evolution in discrete quantities (variable batches of different sizes) and makes it possible to describe mode specific activities such as customer order processing, replenishment of stocks, production and delivery in a batch mode. With their powerful graphical and mathematical formalism, BDSPNs can capture pertinently and precisely this batch behaviour presented in various stages of these systems, which has a very important impact on their behaviour and consequently on their analysis. The work of this thesis contributes to the theory of the new model both on its analysis techniques and on its applications to logistical systems. The results obtained in this thesis make BDSPNs a powerful modelling took for both analysis and simulation. The capability of the new model to meet real needs is shown through applications detected to logistical systems
Yedes, Yesser. "Modélisation et analyse des performances de stratégies de maintenance, de contrôle de la qualité, et de gestion des stocks dans une chaîne logistique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Metz, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010METZ041S.
Full textIn this work we deal with the single vendor single buyer integrated production inventory problem. In the beginning, two production strategies are compared. The first one, proposed by Ben-Daya and Hariga (2004), suggests that the buyer orders batches of size nQ every time his on hand inventory reaches the reorder point r after the reception of the ultimate lot of the last order. The vendor from his side produces continuously nQ and makes equal shipments of size Q. The second policy, which we develop, propose that to satisfy the same ordered quantity, the vendor produces separately smaller batches of size Q (lot-for-lot), n times. The total expected cost is adopted as the decision variable for the choice of the best strategy.Afterwards, the lot-for-lot strategy is generalised to the cases where the sizes of the produced lot and the shipment are different from the ordered quantity. Henceforth, the vendor manufactures separately smaller batches of size iQ and makes equal shipments of size jQ (1≤ j ≤ i ≤ n) limited or not to the transportation capacity. The optimal solution corresponds to the best combination (n, i, j, Q, r) yielding the minimal total average cost per time unit incurred by the vendor and the buyer.In the last contribution, we consider the case of an imperfect process where the production unit is assumed to randomly shift from an in-control to an out-of-control state characterized by a fixed production rate of non-conforming items. To resolve the problem, we propose and compare two different strategies integrating production, inventory and maintenance policies. The maintenance actions are performed to prevent or to reduce the losses related to imperfect items
Kafrouni, Samir. "Modèle de gestion des stocks dans le cas de deux à trois entrepôts." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27133.
Full textPellerin, Luc. "La formalisation des activités de gestion des stocks dans les PME manufacturières québécoises." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 1997. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/4926/1/000634334.pdf.
Full textZerhouni, Mohamed Hichem. "Intégration des flux inverses dans la gestion des stocks et de la production." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009INPG0130.
Full textThe recovery of used products and materials has been encouraged for many years, not only by economic reasons but also by environmental reasons. Laws have also been implemented requiring manufacturers to recycle their products. So we are moving from an industrial society highly dissipative in materials, to a society based on Recycling. In logistical terms, this societal evolution gives rise to an increasing flow of materials from the consumer to producer: the reverse flows. We are interested in the cases where the producer is facing the returns of its own products, in varying quantities. When this return flow is added to the original production flow, it disrupts and complicates the traditional inventory and production management. The objective of this thesis is then to propose some stochastic inventory management models that include reverse flows on which we take into account different phenomena such as the consideration of a correlation between demand and returns, the option of rejecting the returned products, a advanced information on return flows, etc. We will look, on these models, for efficient strategies of supplying inventories in order to reduce overall system cost. Furthermore, Numerical studies have tested the importance or usefulness of the studied phenomena
Zerhouni, Mohamed Hichem. "Intégration des flux inverses dans la gestion des stocks et de la production." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00999267.
Full textCheaitou, Ali. "Stochastic models for production-Inventory planning : application to short life-cycle products." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008ECAP1066.
Full textIn the Supply Chain Management domain, the main source of randomness is the future demand. The influence of this demand variabilityon the performance of the Supply Chain is very important: for example, in 2007 the global inventory shortage rate in the retail industrywere around 8. 3%. On the other hand, in 2003 the global Unsaleable products cost around 1% in the grocery industry. These two types ofcosts, which are mainly caused by the uncertainty of the future demand, represent important lost for the whole Supply Chain actors. This Ph. D. Dissertation aims at developing mathematical production planning and inventory management models, which take intoconsideration the randomness of the future demand in order to reduce its economic negative impact, essentially for short life cycleproducts. We provide many planning models that consider the main issues of the planning problems, such as the production capacities,the information updating processes, the supply contracts and the advanced capacity reservation in a total costs minimization context. Weconsider in these models some aspects that are not considered in the literature, such as the “Payback” or the return options. Weemphasize also on an important issue that characterize the globalization of the industry, which may be resumed in the difference betweenthe procurement costs of the different suppliers. This issue is considered in the most chapters presenting models for short life cycleproducts and in the last chapter it is generalized to a long life cycle products setting. All the presented models are solved eitheranalytically or numerically using the dynamic stochastic programming
Omerani, Driss. "Le monopole d'une ressource non-renouvelable en situation d'incertitude." Toulouse 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991TOU10011.
Full textThe behaviour of a monopoly, carrying out the extraction of a stock of an exhaustible resource, is examined under different situations bearing uncertainties. From this exam we firstly underline the impact of the uncertainty on the way the monopoly manages its stock and practices the discrimination through prices when the resource has two distinct uses. Then, the part played by the remaining stock as a variable influencing the decision of other firms to supply a substitute. And finally, the part of learning in the strategies of the monopoly
Verdelhan, Cécile de. "Mise en place d'une informatisation dans le flux de matières premières." Bordeaux 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR2P122.
Full textFoyouzi-Youssefi, Azadeh. "Quelques aspects algorithmiques et qualitatifs des modèles de gestion de stocks de type AHM /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1993. http://library.epfl.ch/theses/?display=detail&nr=1121.
Full textBoissière, Julien. "Gestion des stocks dans une chaîne logistique de distribution en coordination avec la production." Grenoble INPG, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004INPG0129.
Full textInventory management is of major interest for competitiveness in distribution chains. Classical inventory management and lot-sizing studies are done for complex systems but with some strong assumptions. The first of these is that the first logistic stage may obtain whatever quantity immediately from its supplier: we say that this supplier is a perfect supplier. The second assumption is that holding costs are supposed to be non-decreasing as products flow along the chain. This last assumption is clearly true in production systems, but not obviously in distribution systems. This result arises in the first chapter of the thesis. Based on this, we studied serial distribution systems in which we added a supplier and with no assumption on holding costs: a supplier fills a continuous and constant demand through some logistics sites. In the second chapter, we show that in such a system with 3 stages (production-logistics-retailer) integer ratio lot-sizing is very efficient: it is guaranted to be less than 1. 51% more expensive than the optimal lot-sizing. We also propose an upgrade of this guarantee to 0. 5%. In the third chapter, we build up heuristics for getting some lot-sizing policies in a N-stages serial chain. Our results are quite good on average but show a lack of robustness. In the last chapter we investigate the importance of coordination between production and distribution in a 3-levels system. We spot major parameters and study different influence areas of actors
Royer, Juliette. "Modélisation des stocks de céphalopodes de Manche." Caen, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002CAEN2048.
Full textLouzeau-Dumortier, Odile. "Approche stock-flux du marché du travail : marchés internes et mobilité intersectorielle." Paris 10, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA100114.
Full textDudouet, Claude. "Une méthode de gestion de production en flux tirés à flexibilités paramétrables : application au cas de l'automobile." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995ECAP0425.
Full textMendy, Bilek Gisèle. "Apport de la production synchrone dans l'amélioration du pilotage de la production sur une chaine logistique." Paris 9, 2007. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2007PA090018.
Full textBenbitour, Mohammed Hichame. "Gestion de stocks et d’opérations de logistique interne dans l’industrie automobile : cas d’application chez Faurecia." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SACLC023.
Full textThis thesis addresses new research questions related to operations management in the automotive industry. More particularly, we aim at improving inventory control and internal logistics operations management in Faurecia, an auto parts maker. First, by using a discrete event simulation model, we calculate the optimal base stocks levels and optimal release lead times of finished goods in long-distance plants. The impact of using advance demand information on inventory holding and backorder penalty costs reduction is evaluated. Then, we propose an approximate analytical model to optimize components safety stock that minimizes inventory holding and rush ordering costs.The proposed model is applied in a short-distance plant and shows interesting cost reductions compared to the currently used calculation model. Before developing this new model, we determine the probability distribution of components demand and propose a general method of components demand analysis in Assemble-to-Order systems. We also study the management of internal (plant) cross-docking operations by comparing different cross-docking policies commonly used in practice. The cost related to each policy is assessed in terms of surface and man-hours. Several extensions and research perspectives are proposed at the end of the manuscript
Hadj, Youssef Khaled. "Pilotage des systèmes de production à flux mixtes : production à la commande et production par anticipation." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003ECAP0951.
Full textLi, Jie. "Évaluation et optimisation des performances des systèmes de production distribution." Metz, 2006. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/2006/Li.Jie.SMZ0610.pdf.
Full textThis thesis considers a production-distribution system made up of a set of production sites and distribution centers connected by the transport facilities. Each distribution center is managed by a given stock management policy. The aim is to find the best parameters setting of the stock management policy through the whole network in order to optimize the overall performances of the production-distribution system while taking into account the finite production capacity, the customer service requirement, the transport time, and the random customer demand. The results obtained during this PhD thesis allowed to develop a methodology of optimization for the parameter setting of inventory control policies management in the production-distribution systems. Thus, we proposed a simulation based optimization approach which computes the setting that minimizes the overall inventory cost of the production-distribution system, while taking into account fill rate constraints. The approach iss validated by a large number of numerical experiments
Liu, Xiao. "Modèles et algorithmes pour des problèmes d'approvisionnement dans l'industrie pétro-chimique." Troyes, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TROY0018.
Full textThis thesis develops and investigates approaches to solve classical and practical single item capacitated lot sizing problems in petrochemical industries. We first define and extend single item capacitated lot sizing models to the most general cases, where both backlogging and lost sales are permitted. The model with the most general cost functions is formulated. We prove a necessary and sufficient condition for there to be a feasible solution and how that this condition can be checked in polynomial time to compute actual bounds on inventory and backlogging levels. If feasible solutions exist, we develop pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming methods. Theoretical analyses in computational complexity and memory complexity are given. Then, a single item dynamic lot sizing model with bounded inventory and lost sales is examined. Polynomial time approaches are proposed both for stockout model and conservation model with computational results. Subsequently, we extend a concave cost single item economic lot sizing model with bounded inventory and lot sales. A strongly polynomial algorithm is developed based on new properties for the stockout model. Finally, by analysing the crude oil procurement planning for distributed supply chain with multi-suppliers and multi-refineries, a multi-objective procurement planning model is established. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the approach proposed is efficient and applicable, which can not only make effective procurement planning, minimize the cycle time of the supply chain, but also choose the suppliers and optimize the configuration of resources
Cirany, Muriel. "Dispensation informatisée des médicaments : essai de l'automate de dispensation Sure-Med de la société Baxter." Paris 5, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA05P066.
Full textBouzenad, Ahmed. "Gestion optimale des pièces de rechange dans un réseau logistique multi-échelon flexible." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27626.
Full textThis paper deals with the problem of planning and control of spare parts inventory for systems subject to random failures. We describe a series of decision models to manage a range of spare parts for networks made up of several equipment in operation. Each equipment is composed of one or more parts that are necessary for its proper functioning. When part breaks down, it is replaced by another, if available in stock., it will then be taken to the repair station to restore it to its working condition. The models studied in this work are adapted to an organization with a network of equipment, transport channels, stocks of spare parts and several repair stations. Inventories and stations are deployed to serve a territory, zone or region to ensure a required level of service. The proposed mathematical models, describing the failure, the repair and the transport processes, use the queuing theory. It accurately reflects the phenomenon of failure and repair caused by the capacity constraints of repair stations and transport channels. The stochastic process that generates the arrival of failure parts at repair stations is assumed to be a Poisson process. The processing and transit times of a part are not known with certainty, they are considered as random variables, which follow general distributions. The spare parts inventory management system adopts a continuous transaction policy with unit replenishment (S-1, S). In this thesis, we are interested in analyzing the evolution of the system in a permanent regime, in order to find an optimal control policy which depends essentially on the number of spare parts to be kept in stock and the processing capacity of repair stations. We also develop approximate models to deal with multi-echelon logistic configurations, as well as emergency requests in a higher echelon, and lateral transfers between stores of the same echelon level. These models are adjusted to deal with different service measures and to handle several spare parts references. Several algorithms have been proposed and implemented, giving rise to numerical results yielding efficiency curves (Cost, Service Level, Capacity) allowing managers to make informed decisions throughout the life cycle of the system. In addition, a very detailed comparative study has been conducted to demonstrate the accuracy of the results obtained by our algorithms with the best contributions published in the literature. Keywords: Spare parts inventory management, maintenance policies, inventory control policies, renewal function, queuing system, supply chains, multi-echelon networks.
Serreau, Raphaël. "Plans de gestion des risques liés aux médicaments au cours de la grossesse et de l'allaitement maternel : création d'un réseau de pharmacologues en périnatalogie." Paris 5, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA05P618.
Full textDuring pregnancy, women are exposed to numerous prescribed drugs and an increase number of over the counter drugs. For ethical reasons, pregnant women are not allowed to enter in clinical studies. Most of the reproductive data are obtained from in vitro (placental transfer) and in vivo animal studies. In the EMEA in London, European Registration Plan (named PGR in France) was applied in 2004 for the registration of the new molecules in Europa. ERP assess the post marketing surveillance, detect, inform and modify drug access for pregnant and lactating women. We choose to present and propose 3 ERP from the highest to the lowest risk for the foetus that could be applied in similar situations. Isotretinoin, sartan, and non steroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) have been studied. A national pharmacovigilance network is born to act efficiency against risks of drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Yapo, Acho Théodore. "Ruptures de stock dans le commerce de détail : coûts et opportunités." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005STR1EC06.
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