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Al-Khatib, Jamila. "Les gestes professionnels des médiateurs culturels lors d'une séquence de médiation." Thesis, Paris, HESAM, 2022.

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Dans une institution culturelle, le médiateur est un professionnel clef pour le visiteur. En effet, il contribue à faire découvrir et à appréhender l’œuvre exposée dans un contexte muséographique (Allard, 1999). Cette transmission de connaissance se fait par le discours, mais également et simultanément par un agir et une gestuelle spécifiques (McNeill, 1992).Les approches phénoménologique (Merleau-Ponty, 1945), sociologique (Goffman, 1973) et anthropologique (Mauss, 1934) tendent à montrer que le geste est un instrument de première importance dans la communication avec le monde ainsi que dans l’instauration de relations selon des codes établis par la société. Ainsi, le geste professionnel (Jorro, 2002, 2004, 2018) se caractérise par son adressage, son efficience. Pour être efficient, le geste professionnel est mobilisé à des moments adéquats en fonction des affordances perçues (Gibson, 1979). Il peut être défini selon une matrice d’agir élaborée par Jorro ( 2002, 2017) dans le cadre de ses travaux concernant l’agir enseignant ou celui d’un médiateur culturel.Dans cette recherche, des séquences de médiation ont été filmées au Louvre-Lens, à la Cité des Télécoms de Lannion, au Musée des arts et métiers (Paris). Leurs analyses complétées par celle des entretiens semi-directifs et d'auto-confrontation des médiateurs filmés a permis d’identifier trois catégories de gestes professionnels : le geste de mise en scène du savoir qui est centré sur la présentation d' un objet de connaissance ou d' un dispositif, qui explicite un concept scientifique ou culturel ; le geste de communication visant à impliquer le visiteur dans l’animation ou à instaurer une atmosphère de bienveillance ou encore à marquer une écoute attentive ; le geste d’ajustement de l’activité permettant de gérer l’espace scénique, de modifier la présentation initiale d’un objet. Comment ces gestes spécifiques au métier de médiateur culturel sont-ils transmis aux médiateurs durant la formation organisée à leur arrivée dans une institution culturelle ? Une analyse d’entretiens semi-directifs menés auprès de médiateurs-formateurs a apporté quelques éléments de réponse. Les formateurs reconnaissent l’importance de mobiliser ces gestes professionnels spécifiques durant une séquence de médiation pour transmettre des connaissances bien que la formation reste impensée sur cette dimension professionnelle
In a cultural institution, the mediator contributes to the discovery and understanding of the piece of art exhibited in a museographic context. He transmits this knowledge by creating linkages between the piece of art exhibited, the visitor and himself (Allard, 1999). This transmission is made through discourse, specific actions and gestures (McNeill, 1992).Phenomenological (Merleau-Ponty, 1945), sociological (Goffman, 1973) and anthropological (Mauss, 1934) approaches tend to show that gesture is an important instrument in communicating with the world as well as in establishing linkages according to codes established by society. Thus, the professional gesture (Jorro, 2002, 2004, 2018) is characterised by its addressability and its efficiency. In order to be efficient, the professional gesture is mobilised at appropriate moments according to the perceived affordances (Gibson, 1979). It can be defined according to "la matrice d'agir" elaborated by Jorro (2002, 2017) in the context of research concerning the action of a teacher or that of a cultural mediator.In this research, mediation sequences were filmed at the Louvre-Lens, the Cité des Télécoms in Lannion, and the Musée des arts et métiers (Paris). Their analysis, completed by the analysis of semi-directive and self-confrontation interviews of the filmed mediators, made it possible to identify three categories of professional gestures: the gesture of staging knowledge which is centred on the presentation of an object, of knowledge or a device, which explains a scientific or cultural concept; the gesture of communication to involve the visitor in the animation or establish an atmosphere of benevolence or mark an active listening; the gesture of adaptating the mediation process to manage the scenic space, modify the initial presentation of an object.How are these gestures specific to the profession of cultural mediator transmitted to mediators during the training organised on their arrival in a cultural institution? An analysis of semi-directive interviews conducted with mediator-trainers has provided some answers. The trainers recognise the importance of mobilising these specific professional gestures during a mediation sequence to transmit knowledge, although this question of professional gestures has not been addressed yet
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Nesta tese são investigadas ferramentas de suporte à coordenação de fóruns de discussão de cursos a distância. A pesquisa é fundamentada na aprendizagem colaborativa e do Modelo 3C de Colaboração e utiliza a pesquisaação como método de pesquisa. Num fórum realizado como uma atividade colaborativa, a aprendizagem ocorre principalmente através das trocas de mensagens entre os aprendizes, o que demanda coordenação. A coordenação nesta tese é entendida como um das 3 dimensões da colaboração evidenciadas no Modelo 3C: comunicação, coordenação e cooperação. Os resultados desta tese, que incluem dados, análises, procedimentos, reflexões e implementação dos serviços e funcionalidades investigados, foram obtidos após 3 anos de uma pesquisa- ação. Na pesquisa-ação, o pesquisador conduz a pesquisa realizando ações sucessivas que busquem reduzir um problema específico em um ambiente real. Nesta tese, o ambiente real é o curso Tecnologias de Informação Aplicadas à Educação da PUC-Rio e o problema identificado é a dificuldade de coordenação dos fóruns do curso. A ação é a disponibilização de ferramentas de suporte à coordenação no AulaNet, o ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem para web utilizado no curso. A característica comum das ferramentas investigadas é a de disponibilizar informações sobre o andamento do fórum sem que seja necessário fazer uso da interface web para desktop do AulaNet: para isto, grafos, gráficos, dados estatísticos e notificações são apresentados através de PDAs, celulares e janelas pop-up no desktop. A avaliação das ferramentas desenvolvidas é feita a cada semestre: avaliando-se como aprendizes e mediadores usam as ferramentas, melhorias ou novas ferramentas são propostas e investigadas no semestre seguinte, num processo cíclico.
In this thesis tools for the coordination support of discussion forums in a distance course are investigated. The research is conducted from the point of view of collaborative learning and the 3C Collaboration Model and uses action research as a method. In a forum carried out as a collaborative activity, learning takes place mainly through the exchange of messages among learners, which demands coordination. Coordination in this thesis is understood as one of the 3 dimensions of collaboration as made evident in the 3C Model: communication, coordination and cooperation. The results of this thesis, which include data, analyzes, procedures, reflections and implementation of the services and functionalities investigated, were obtained in the course of 3 years of action research. In action research the researcher performs successive actions aiming at minimizing a specific problem in a real environment. In this thesis, the real environment is the Information Technologies Applied to Education course at PUC-Rio and the problem identified is a difficulty in the coordination of the course`s forums. The action is the offering of support tools for coordination in the AulaNet, the web-based education and learning environment used in the course. The common characteristic of the tools investigated is the offering of information on the progress of the forum without the need to use the AulaNet`s desktop web interface: with this objective, graphs, statistical data and notifications are presented through PDAs, cell- phone SMSs and pop-up windows in the desktop. An assessment of the tools developed is carried out every semester: through the evaluation of the use of the tools by learners and mediators, improvements or new tools are proposed for the following semester, in a cyclical process.
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Brown, James F. "Production and action of local mediators in the rat gastric mucosa." Thesis, Aston University, 1994.

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This study concerns the production and action of the local mediators nitric oxide (NO) and protaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the rat gastric mucosa. The major objectives were: (i) to determine which mucosal cell type(s) contained NO synthase activity, (ii) to establish the functional role(s) of NO in the gastric mucosa and (iii) to investigate regulation of gastric PGE2 production. Gastric mucosal cells were isolated by pronase digestion coupled with intermittent calcium chelation and were separated by either density-gradient centrifugation or by counterflow elutriation. The distribution of Ca2+ -dependent NO synthase activity, measured via the conversion of [14C]-L-arginine to [14C]-L- citrulline, paralleled the distribution of mucous cells in elutriated fractions. Pre-treatment of rats with lipopolysaccharide caused the induction of Ca2+ -independent NO synthase in the elutriator fractions enriched with mucous cells. Incubation of isolated cells with the NO donor isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) produced a concentration-dependent increase in the guanosine 3'-5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) content which was accompanied by a concentration-dependent increase in release of immunoreactive mucin. Intragastric administration of ISDN of dibutyryl cGMP in vivo increased the thickness of the mucus layer overlying the gastric mucosa. The NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) produced a concentration-dependent inhibition (IC50 247 M) of histamine-stimulated aminopyrine accumulation, a measure of secretory activity, in cell suspensions containing > 80% parietal cells. SNAP increased the cGMP content of the suspension but did not decrease cellular viability, glucose oxidation or adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate content. The inhibitory effect of SNAP was observed in permeabilised cells stimulated with ATP and was stereospecifically blocked by preincubation with Rp-8-bromoguanosine 3'-5'-monophosphorothioate, which inhibits activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase.
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An, Ying. "Cell-Type Specific Actions of Inflammatory Mediators in the CNS." The Ohio State University, 2016.

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Patterson, Sean Ingram. "Action of neuroinflammatory mediators on a cell line model for mammalian sensory neurones." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1988.

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Pruth, Alex. "A conversão de D. José Brandão de Castro : a ação social de mediadores religiosos na Diocese de Propriá." Licentiate thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Portugisiska, 2004.

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This dissertation looked for to study the charisma of the religious mediator us " Movements of Christianity of Liberation " in the Diocese Sergipana of Propriá, during the decade from sixty to eighty. Centering our debate in the understanding of the social action, we have as main subject to understand the " poor " influence in the adoption of actions on the part of the mediators, in that public's favor, mainly in Fazenda Betume conflicts (1974) and of Santana dos Frades (1979). The hypotheses, we became pregnant that the mediators as D. José Brandão de Castro and the nun Maria Joana Hermínia exercised an important influence in the construction of the identity of the movements as CEBs, MEB and CPT in the area. Such influence was motivated by a conversion of the mediator D. Brandão, constituted starting from a relationship maintained between him and the members of the movements and proportionate for the critics and demands done by the popular ones. They resulted in actions in favor of the rural ones, what characterized the Church of Propriá as allied of the involved in the conflicts and no mere middleman. Before the collected material, we made use of the Analysis of Content using the poor " term " as analysis category, complemented by interviews done to members of the mentioned movements. Esta dissertação buscou estudar o carisma do mediador religioso nos “Movimentos de Cristianismo de Libertação” na Diocese Sergipana de Propriá, durante a década de sessenta a oitenta. Centrando nosso debate na compreensão da ação social, temos como questão principal entender a influência dos “pobres” na adoção de ações por parte do mediador, em favor desse público, principalmente nos conflitos da Fazenda Betume (1974) e de Santana dos Frades (1979). Como hipóteses, concebemos que os mediadores como D. José Brandão de Castro e a freira Maria Joana Hermínia exerceram uma importante influência na construção da identidade dos movimentos como as CEBs, o MEB e a CPT na região. Tal influência foi motivada por uma conversão do mediador D. Brandão, constituída a partir de uma relação mantida entre ele e os membros dos movimentos e proporcionada pelas críticas e demandas feita pelos populares. Elas resultaram em ações em favor dos campesinos, o que caracterizou a Igreja de Propriá como aliada dos envolvidos nos conflitos e não mera intermediária. Ante o material coletado, fizemos uso da Análise de Conteúdo utilizando o termo “pobre” como categoria de análise, complementada por entrevistas feitas à membros dos movimentos citados.
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Foster, Alison Fiona. "A study of the action of inflammatory mediators on intracellular calcium in cultured rat sensory neurones." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2005.

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Tissue damage releases many endogenous mediators including ATP, serotonin (5-HT), histamine and prostaglandins such as PGE2. Many of these substances directly excite primary nerve endings to elicit either pain (ATP) or both pain and itch (histamine and 5-HT). Prostaglandins do not directly activate the nerve endings but are known to sensitise them to histamine and 5-HT. Although histamine is known to act on sensory neurones via the Hi histamine receptor, the receptor subtypes activated by ATP and 5-HT remain unclear. In addition, the mechanism by which prostaglandins sensitise the nerve endings is unknown. These issues have been investigated in cultured rat dorsal root ganglion neurones by using the ratiometric indicator Fura-2 to monitor changes in intracellular calcium. 5-HT evoked a rise in Ca2+ j in approximately a fifth of neurones. This proportion remained unchanged when cells were stimulated in a nominally calcium free solution or with the 5-HT2 receptor agonist, a-methyl 5-HT. Thus, sensory neurones responded to 5-HT via 5-HT2 receptors. PGE2 sensitised neurones to 5-HT as shown by a leftward shift in the dose response curves. A similar leftward shift was seen for the effect of PGE2 on the response to histamine. The effects of PGE2 could be mimicked by application of forskolin and were blocked by the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, H89. This suggests that the sensitisation results from a phosphorylation reaction mediated by PKA. Three quarters of DRG neurones responded to ATP and a similar proportion responded to the P2Y agonist, 2-methyl thio ATP. However, although the response to the P2Y agonist was reduced by pretreatment with the PLC inhibitor U73122 it was not totally abolished, supporting the notion that P2X receptors were also involved. In conclusion, it appears that the calcium responses elicited by histamine and 5-HT in rat sensory neurons are primarily due to activation of G protein coupled receptors and that the sensitivity of these receptors was enhanced by PKA mediated phosphorylation.
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Agyarko, Robert Owusu. "God's unique priest (Nyamesofopreko) :christology in the Akan context." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2009.

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This study entails a constructive contribution towards a contemporary reinterpretation, within the Akan context, of the classic Christian notion of Christ&rsquo
s person and work as Mediator between God and humanity. Specifically, I endeavour to reinterpret aspects of the Christian confession of faith as formulated by the Council of Chalcedon (451) that, Jesus Christ is &ldquo
truly God&rdquo
(vere Deus) as well as &ldquo
truly human&rdquo
(vere homo). I build on the notion that the relationship between these two claims may also be understood in terms of the one &ldquo
and the two &ldquo
of Jesus Christ. The work of Christ is reinterpreted from this perspective. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part, which covers the first four chapters, entail reviews of some of the dominant African Christologies &ndash
with particular reference to divine conqueror and ancestor Christologies. In these chapters, the adequacy of the mentioned Christologies is assessed with reference to the Nicene/Chalcedonian confessional definition concerning the person of Christ. The conclusion reached is that these Christologies do not adequately express the person of Christ as truly divine as well as truly human as defined by the first four ecumenical councils. As a result, these Christologies also express the work of Christ, particularly his atonement in a less adequate way.

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Fourie, Jade Melissa. "The relationship between social support, self-esteem and exposure to community violence on adolescentʹs perceptions of well-being." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2010.

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Violence is considered to be one of the most critical and threatening global problems plaguing the world today, leaving a trail of devastating consequences to societies, economies, cultures, families and individuals (Desjarlais &
Kleinman, 1997). Adolescents who grow up in a context of violence learn distorted ways of thinking, acting, living and interacting. Aggressive tendencies and violent behaviour become internalised and adopted as acceptable ways to resolve conflict situations. Chronic, continuous exposure to violence results in physical, psychological and emotional disturbances, such as depression, anxiety, lowered self-confidence, sleep disturbances, decreased attention and concentration spans. This study addressed the form of violence known as community violence, i.e. violence that children experience within their communities (either as witnesses or as victims). This study investigated the effects of this negative environmental experience and investigated potential mediating and moderating variables that could influence the harmful effects of such experiences. The variables considered as mediating and/or moderating variables were social support and self-esteem. The theoretical framework adopted for this study was Bronfennbrenner&rsquo
s Bioecological Systems theory.

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Fourie, Jade Melissa. "The relationship between social support, self-esteem and exposure to community violence on adolescent's perceptions of well-being." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2010.

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Violence is considered to be one of the most critical and threatening global problems plaguing the world today, leaving a trail of devastating consequences to societies, economies, cultures, families and individuals (Desjarlais &
Kleinman, 1997). Adolescents who grow up in a context of violence learn distorted ways of thinking, acting, living and interacting. Aggressive tendencies and violent behaviour become internalised and adopted as acceptable ways to resolve conflict situations. Chronic, continuous exposure to violence results in physical, psychological and emotional disturbances, such as depression, anxiety, lowered self-confidence, sleep disturbances, decreased attention and concentration spans. This study addressed the form of violence known as community violence, i.e. violence that children experience within their communities (either as witnesses or as victims). This study investigated the effects of this negative environmental experience and investigated potential mediating and moderating variables that could influence the harmful effects of such experiences. The variables considered as mediating and/or moderating variables were social support and self-esteem. The theoretical framework adopted for this study was Bronfennbrenner&rsquo
s Bioecological Systems theory.

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Mohamed, Nuralli. "Electrochemical studies of monosubstituted squarate ligands and its transition metal and lanthanide complexes." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2008.

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The study introduces and puts forward Sector Policing as a model to expand community Policing and to broaden the scope of crime prevention. It also demonstrates how Sector Policing can be utilised to decentralise policing and deepen community participation.

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Johnson, Jamie Richard. "Studies on the role CREB as a mediator of neurotrophin-3 actions in oligodendrocytes." VCU Scholars Compass, 2000.

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In the central nervous system (CNS), oligodendrocytes (OLGs) are the cells responsible for producing the myelin membrane which allows for the saltatory conduction of neuronal impulses. We have previously shown that CREB (cAMP response element binding protein), a transcription factor that belongs to a large family bZip (basic leucine zipper) proteins, could be a mediator of neuronal signals that, coupled to different signal transduction pathways, may play different regulatory roles at specific stages of oligodendrocyte development. We have found before that, in committed OLGs, CREB activation by phosphorylation can be triggered by β-adrenergic stimulation and appears to play a role in the induction of OLG differentiation by cAMP. In contrast, in 01.0 precursor cells, CREB phosphorylation is stimulated by neuroligands that increase calcium levels by a process that involves a mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK)/protein kinase C (PKC) pathway. This observation suggested that, at this early developmental stage, CREB could play a role in regulating cell proliferation In support Of this hypothesis, we have now found that a rapid and dramatic stimulation of CREB phosphorylation is one ofthe earliest events that precedes the increase in cell proliferation that is observed when OLG precursors are treated with neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) Moreover, our present results also showed that down-regulation of CREB expression in the OLG precursors abolished the increase in cell proliferation that is observed when the cultures are treated with NT-3. Experiments in which CREB phosphorylation was investigated in the presence of different kinase inhibitors indicated that the activation of this transcription factor in the presence of NT-3 is mediated by the concerted action of MAPK- and PKC-dependent signal transduction pathways. Additional experiments using specific inhibitors of protein kinase A (PKA), Caz2+-calmodulin-dependent kinase (CamK) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways suggested that these kinases may not play a significant role in mediating CREB phosphorylation by NT-3. However, further studies are required for more conclusive results about these kinases. Thus, our present results support the idea that stimulation of OLG proliferation by NT-3 involves the CREB transcription factor and its activation by MAPK- and PKC-dependent signal transduction pathways.
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Schmitt, Martin [Verfasser]. "JAM-A : junctional adhesion molecule-A or Janus acting mediator in atherosclerosis / Martin Schmitt." Aachen : Hochschulbibliothek der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, 2014.

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Pedersen, Thomas. "Actants and Networks in 'Skagboys' – Thatcher, Crime and Mundane Artifacts as Mediators." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2020.

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While Skagboys portrays the descent into heroin addiction of young, working class Scots during the Thatcher era, shifting the analysis from a strictly human perspective to one focusing on the agency of objects opens up the novel to new readings wherein morality emerges through nonhuman actors. Welsh’s work has traditionally been hailed as Scottish working-class realism that portrays its characters unideologically, to the point that the novels, through the characters, appear without morality. Drawing upon Latour’s notion of Actor-Network Theory, ANT, reveals a Thatcherite materiality permeating the story, prescribing the moral behaviour which the characters of Skagboys repeatedly clash with as their heroin addiction and junk desperation grows. The impacts of the security camera, the smoke detector and the collection tin provide the basis for the analysis. This highlights two types of marginalization for the characters. Firstly, in the characters’ hopeless prospects with regards to employment due to Thatcher’s neoliberal politics, and secondly as objects of detection and control exerting agency in the world which the characters navigate. These objects presuppose and foil crime, effectively becoming extensions of Thatcherite morality, keeping the criminal and unemployed in check.
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Simos, Demetrios. "Studies on the mechanism of action of New Pressor Protein, bradykinin, pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide and adrenal catecholamines as possible mediators of its cardiovascular effects." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.

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Bez, Maria Rosangela. "SCALA : Sistema de comunicação alternativa para processos de inclusão em autismo: uma proposta integrada de desenvolvimento em contextos para aplicações móveis e web." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2014.

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As pessoas desenvolvem-se na interação social, a partir do uso de instrumentos e de signos, sendo o processo de comunicação essencial para tal desenvolvimento. No entanto, a comunicação, longe de ser um processo inato ou maturacional, é um processo sócio-histórico que se desenvolve ao longo da vida e por meio do qual o sistema de símbolos é adquirido em um longo processo ontológico de aprendizagem cultural. A comunicação é estruturada como um complexo e multidimensional processo de aquisição da linguagem. Assim, é impossível pensar em comunicação sem linguagem. A linguagem tem uma dupla função comunicativa, como meio de comunicação e como processo de compreensão e representação do pensamento. A aquisição da linguagem inclui, entre outras, as dimensões social, cultural, histórica e intersubjetiva. Percebe-se que, nos casos de déficits na comunicação, o processo de intersubjetividade fica comprometido, uma vez que ao menos um dos envolvidos é prejudicado, seja na construção ou na compreensão de sentidos e significados nas interações/mediações. Em pessoas com Transtorno do Espectro Autista há déficits de comunicação e de linguagem que se manifestam com alterações principalmente no uso, na forma ou no conteúdo da linguagem pragmática. Nesses casos, o uso de Comunicação Alternativa (CA) tem proporcionado subsídios para suplementar, complementar ou construir um processo de comunicação. Nessa perspectiva, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo desenvolver um sistema de comunicação alternativa, para web e dispositivos móveis, com vistas a apoiar a inclusão de sujeitos com autismo, de 3-5 anos, em diferentes contextos sociais. Essa investigação foi qualitativa, estruturada em uma pesquisaação. Iniciou-se com a proposta de uma metodologia para orientar o desenvolvimento do recurso, baseada em contextos de uso (DCC) e, especialmente, orientada para a comunicação alternativa. Assim como foi proposta uma metodologia de mediação (Ação Mediadora), para uso com sujeitos com autismo, em três contextos sociais com o instrumento, com a análise das duas metodologias. A primeira, do desenvolvimento do recurso, levou-se em consideração os contextos e as ações mediadoras em execução nos mesmos. A segunda, da Metodologia de Ação Mediadora, na perspectiva da inclusão, dos processos de comunicação e na interação social de três crianças com TEA, em três contextos estudados. Como resultado, foi disponibilizado o Sistema SCALA. Ele é um recurso disponível na web e para dispositivo móvel tablet Android, nas versões prancha e narrativas visuais e o protótipo de sistema de varredura web para módulo prancha e o comunicador livre, chat de conversação, uma Metodologia de Ação mediadora para uso do recurso. Como resultados desse trabalho foi apresentada uma metodologia inovadora para o desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia assitiva, o DCC. Disponibilizado um sistema de comunicação alternativa (SCALA) para web e disposivos móveis gratuito. A análise do desenvolvimento do Sistema Scala apontaram-no como um recurso simples, prático e objetivo, próprio para apoio da comunicação e da interação, facilitador do letramento, da inclusão e de trabalhos colaborativos. Os cursos de formação de professores capacitaram professores para inclusão de sujeitos com TEA. A elaboração da metodologia de Ações mediadoras, com uso da CA e de recursos tecnológicos mostrou-se eficaz para o uso em três contextos, com três crianças com TEA. O Uso das ações mediadoras utilizadas, no período desse estudo, levaram a ampliação da comunicação intencional e das formas de contrução e representação comunicacionais nas três crianças com TEA. Constatou-se ainda, o crescimento da interação social e inclusão das mesmas. nos processos de interação social, acréscimo da comunicação oral e gestual nas três crianças, com autismo, foco da pesquisa.
People thrive on social interaction, from the use of tools and signs, and this is the process of communication essential for such development. However, communication, far from being an innate or maturational process, is a socio-historical process that develops throughout life and through which the system of symbols is acquired in a long ontological process of cultural learning. Communication is structured as a complex and multidimensional process of language acquisition. Thus, it is impossible to think of communication without language. The language has a dual communicative function as a means of communication and as a process of understanding and representation of thought. The acquisition of language includes, among others, the social, cultural, historical and intersubjective dimensions. It is noticed, that in cases of deficits in communication, the process of intersubjectivity is compromised, since at least one of those involved is harmed, either in construction or in the understanding of meanings and signification in interactions / mediations. In people with Autism Spectrum Disorder are deficits in communication and language, which is manifested as changes in use mainly in the form, or content of pragmatic language in these cases, the use of Alternative Communication (CA) has provided grants to supplement, complement or build a communication process. In this perspective, this study aimed to develop an alternative communication system, to web and mobile devices, with the aim of supporting the inclusion of subjects with autism, 3-5 years, in different social contexts. This research was structured in a qualitative action research. Began is the proposal of a methodology to guide the development of the resource, based on contexts of use (DCC) and especially geared to alternative communication. As well as, a method was proposed mediation (Action Mediator) for use with individuals with autism in three contexts sociaI with the instrument. With the analysis of the two methodologies. The first, the development of the resource, taking into account the contexts and the mediating processes running on them. Second, the methodology of Mediator action from the perspective of inclusion, the processes of communication and social interaction of three children with ASD in three contexts studied. As a result the SCALA system is available. The feature, available on the web and mobile tablet android, the board and visual narratives and the prototype versions of web scanning module and board for free communicator, chat conversation system. The Methodology of Action for mediating resource usage. As a result of this work, a new method has been presented for the development of an Assistive technology, DCC. Provided a system for alternative communication (SCALA) to free web and mobile disposivos. The analysis of the development of the Scala system showed it as a simple, practical and objective, specifically to support the communication and interaction, facilitator of literacy, inclusion and feature collaborative works. Training courses for teachers trained teachers for inclusion of subjects with ASD. The development of the methodology of Shares mediators, using AC and technological resources proved to be effective for use in three contexts, with three children with ASD. The use of mediating processes used in the period of the study, led the expansion of intentional communication and forms of representation construction and communication in the three children with ASD. It was further observed, the growth of social interaction and inclusion. the processes of social interaction, increase the oral and gestural communication in three children with autism, the research focus.
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Mir, Adnan A. "The effect of eicosapentaenoic acid on brain and platelet produced bioactive lipid mediators. The effect of eicosapentaenoic acid, docosapentaenoic acid and other polyunsaturated fatty acids on the eicosanoids and endocannabinoids produced by rat brain and human platelets using electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry-based analysis." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2009.

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Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) with neuroprotective and cardioprotective properties. It is thought that some of the actions of EPA may be attributed to its elongated metabolite, the PUFA docosapentaenoic acid (DPA). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA) are bioactive PUFA ubiquitously expressed in neural tissues. EPA and AA can be converted by cyclooxygenase (COX) to prostanoids and by lipoxygenase (LOX) to hydroxy fatty acids. PUFA can also be converted to ethanolamides in the brain. These mediators are involved in physiological and pathological processes in many bodily systems. The purpose of this study was to examine the production of eicosanoids, hydroxy fatty acids and fatty acid ethanolamides in young and aged rat brain following EPA or DPA enriched diets. The effects of specific PUFA on human platelet eicosanoid production were also investigated as these mediators play a role in adhesion and aggregation. Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) assays were developed and used to measure lipid mediators in rat brain and human platelets. Ageing in rat brain was accompanied with several changes in the prostanoid and hydroxy fatty acid profiles. Supplementing the diet with EPA or DPA at a daily dose of 200 mg/kg for 8 weeks prevented these changes and decreased levels of PGE2. DPA changed the profile of hydroxy fatty acids synthesised in the brain tissue of young animals. This study has shown that levels of eicosapentaenoylethanolamide (EPA-EA) increase in the brain as a result of ageing and that this is accompanied by an increase in levels of anandamide. Feeding aged animals EPA or DPA further increased the levels of EPA-EA but prevented any change in the level of anandamide. Niacin is used to treat hypercholesterolaemia although it is associated with an unpleasant PGD2 mediated skin flush. This exploratory study has shown that human platelets treated with niacin did not show any changes in their prostanoid and hydroxy fatty acid profiles. Platelets treated with EPA showed increased production of TXB3 and 12-HEPE. Niacin augmented the effects of EPA on human platelet mediator synthesis. Overall, this study has demonstrated that EPA can change brain and platelet lipid mediator synthesis and has provided evidence that could explain some of the neuroprotective and cardioprotective actions of this PUFA.
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Mir, Adnan Ahmed. "The effect of eicosapentaenoic acid on brain and platelet produced bioactive lipid mediators : the effect of eicosapentaenoic acid, docosapentaenoic acid and other polyunsaturated fatty acids on the eicosanoids and endocannabinoids produced by rat brain and human platelets using electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry-based analysis." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2009.

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Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) with neuroprotective and cardioprotective properties. It is thought that some of the actions of EPA may be attributed to its elongated metabolite, the PUFA docosapentaenoic acid (DPA). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA) are bioactive PUFA ubiquitously expressed in neural tissues. EPA and AA can be converted by cyclooxygenase (COX) to prostanoids and by lipoxygenase (LOX) to hydroxy fatty acids. PUFA can also be converted to ethanolamides in the brain. These mediators are involved in physiological and pathological processes in many bodily systems. The purpose of this study was to examine the production of eicosanoids, hydroxy fatty acids and fatty acid ethanolamides in young and aged rat brain following EPA or DPA enriched diets. The effects of specific PUFA on human platelet eicosanoid production were also investigated as these mediators play a role in adhesion and aggregation. Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) assays were developed and used to measure lipid mediators in rat brain and human platelets. Ageing in rat brain was accompanied with several changes in the prostanoid and hydroxy fatty acid profiles. Supplementing the diet with EPA or DPA at a daily dose of 200 mg/kg for 8 weeks prevented these changes and decreased levels of PGE2. DPA changed the profile of hydroxy fatty acids synthesised in the brain tissue of young animals. This study has shown that levels of eicosapentaenoylethanolamide (EPA-EA) increase in the brain as a result of ageing and that this is accompanied by an increase in levels of anandamide. Feeding aged animals EPA or DPA further increased the levels of EPA-EA but prevented any change in the level of anandamide. Niacin is used to treat hypercholesterolaemia although it is associated with an unpleasant PGD2 mediated skin flush. This exploratory study has shown that human platelets treated with niacin did not show any changes in their prostanoid and hydroxy fatty acid profiles. Platelets treated with EPA showed increased production of TXB3 and 12-HEPE. Niacin augmented the effects of EPA on human platelet mediator synthesis. Overall, this study has demonstrated that EPA can change brain and platelet lipid mediator synthesis and has provided evidence that could explain some of the neuroprotective and cardioprotective actions of this PUFA.
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Amaral, Michelle Dawn. "TRP-ing down a TRK a new role for transient receptor potential channels as novel mediators of brain-derived neurotrophic factor actions at both sides of the excitatory synapse /." Thesis, Birmingham, Ala. : University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2008.

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Lopes, Alba de Oliveira Barbosa. "A??o p?blica na forma??o e transforma??o do destino tur?stico de Porto de Galinhas: um estudo dos referenciais no per?odo de 1970 a 2010." Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2013.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:51:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlbaOBL_TESE.pdf: 6038092 bytes, checksum: b243e97ef16edf8a96c8595cf122425b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-21
The central interest of this thesis is to comprehend how the public action impels the formation and transformation of the tourist destinies. The research was based on the premise that the public actions are the result of the mediation process of state and non-state actors considered important in a section, which interact aiming for prevailing their interests and world visions above the others. The case of Porto de Galinhas beach, in Pernambuco, locus of the investigation of this thesis, allowed the analysis of a multiplicity of actors on the formation and implementation of local actions toward the development of the tourism between the years 1970 and 2010, as well as permitted the comprehension of the construction of the referential on the interventions made. This thesis, of a qualitative nature, has as theoretical support the cognitive approach of analysis of the public policies developed in France, and it has as main exponents the authors Bruno Jobert and Pierre Muller. This choice was made by the emphasis on the cognitive and normative factors of the politics, which aspects are not very explored in the studies of public policies in Brazil. As the source of the data collection, documental, bibliographic and field researches were utilized to the (re)constitution of the formation and transformation in the site concerned. The analysis techniques applied were the content and the documental analysis. To trace the public action referential, it started by the characterization of the touristic section frontiers and the creation of images by the main international body: the World Tourism Organization, of which analysis of the minutes of the meetings underscored guidelines to the member countries, including Brazil, which compounds the global-sectorial reference of the section. As from the analysis of the evolution of the tourism in the country, was identified that public policies in Brazil passed by transformations in their organization over the years, indicating changes in the referential that guided the interventions. These guidelines and transformations were identified in the construction of the tourist destination of Porto de Galinhas, of which data was systematized and presented in four historical periods, in which were discussed the values, the standard, the algorithms, the images and the important mediators. It has been revealed that the State worked in different roles in the decades analyzed in local tourism. From the 1990s, however, new actors were inserted in the formulation and implementation of policies developed, especially for local hotelkeepers. These, through their association, establishes a leadership relation in the local touristic section, thereby, they could set their hegemony and spread their own interest. The leadership acquired by a group of actors, in the case of Porto de Galinhas, does not mean that trade within the industry were neutralized, but that there is a cognitive framework that confronts the actors involved. In spite of the advances achieved by the work of the mediators in the last decades, that resulted in an amplification and diversification of the activity in the area, as well as the consolidation at the beach, as a tourist destiny of national standout, the position of the place is instable, concerned to the competitiveness, once that there is an situation of social and environmental unsustainability
O objetivo geral desta tese foi compreender como a a??o p?blica impulsiona a forma??o e transforma??o de destinos tur?sticos. A investiga??o baseou-se na premissa de que as a??es p?blicas s?o o resultado do processo de media??o de atores estatais e n?o estatais considerados importantes em um setor, os quais interagem visando prevalecer seus interesses e suas vis?es de mundo sobre os demais. O caso da praia de Porto de Galinhas, em Pernambuco, l?cus de investiga??o desta tese, permitiu a an?lise de uma multiplicidade de atores na forma??o e implementa??o de a??es locais voltadas ao desenvolvimento do turismo nos anos de 1970 a 2010, bem como permitiu a compreens?o da constru??o do referencial das interven??es realizadas. A tese, de natureza qualitativa, teve como suporte te?rico a abordagem cognitiva de an?lise de pol?ticas p?blicas desenvolvida na Fran?a, tendo como expoentes principais os autores Bruno Jobert e Pierre Muller. Esta escolha foi feita pela ?nfase conferida aos fatores cognitivos e normativos da pol?tica, aspectos estes pouco explorados nos estudos de pol?ticas p?blicas no Brasil. Foram utilizadas a pesquisa documental, a bibliogr?fica e a de campo como fontes de coleta de dados para a re(constitui??o) da forma??o e transforma??o deste destino. As t?cnicas de an?lises empregadas foram: a an?lise de conte?do e a documental. Para tra?ar o referencial da a??o p?blica, partiu-se da caracteriza??o das fronteiras do setor de turismo e a cria??o de imagens pelo principal ?rg?o internacional: a Organiza??o Mundial do Turismo. A partir da an?lise da evolu??o do turismo no pa?s, identificou-se que as pol?ticas p?blicas no Brasil passaram por transforma??es na sua promo??o ao longo dos anos, indicando mudan?as no referencial que nortearam as interven??es. Estas diretrizes e transforma??es foram identificadas na constru??o do destino tur?stico de Porto de Galinhas, cujos dados foram sistematizados e apresentados em quatro per?odos hist?ricos, nos quais foram discutidos os valores, as normas, os algoritmos, as imagens e os mediadores relevantes. Identificou-se que o Estado atuou em diferentes papeis nas d?cadas analisadas no turismo local. A partir da d?cada de 1990, contudo, novos atores foram inseridos na formula??o e implementa??o das pol?ticas desenvolvidas, com destaque para os hoteleiros locais. Estes, por meio da sua associa??o, instauraram uma rela??o de lideran?a no setor tur?stico local, com isso, eles conseguiram firmar sua hegemonia e disseminar seus pr?prios interesses. A lideran?a adquirida por um grupo de atores, no caso de Porto de Galinhas, n?o significa que as trocas no interior do setor foram neutralizadas, mas sim que existe um quadro cognitivo que se confronta com os atores envolvidos. Apesar dos avan?os obtidos pelo trabalho dos mediadores nas ?ltimas d?cadas que resultaram na amplia??o e diversifica??o da atividade na regi?o, bem como na consolida??o da praia como um destino tur?stico de destaque em n?vel nacional, a posi??o do destino ? inst?vel em rela??o ? competitividade uma vez que existe um ambiente de fr?gil sustentabilidade social e ambiental
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Nunes, Abimael Pereira. "Estudo da macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata) como fonte de energia sustentável e obtenção de insumo para o setor farmacêutico." Universidade Federal do Tocantins, 2015.

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Acrocomia é do gênero pertencente à família Arecacea, nativa de florestas tropicais. A polpa do fruto macaúba tem usos alimentícios, como sucos, geleias, sorvetes que possuem substâncias bioativas, “ditas funcionais”, como antioxidantes, fibras e minerais imunomodularodes como o Zinco. Sabe-se que fibras e compostos antioxidantes têm ação estimulante para o tratamento de inflamações. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a atividade antibacteriana e anti-inflamatória dos extratos e das frações do óleo do mesocarpo da Acrocomia aculeataobtidas por extração a frio e as frações por cromatografia de coluna. Ascepas bacterianas foram tratadas com os extratos à uma concentração de 5mg/ml para a avaliação da atividade bacteriana e para controle positivo foi utilizado o antimicrobiano convencional Imipenen. Na avaliação da atividade antibacteriana foi observado que nenhum dos extratos testados mostraram atividade frente às bactérias Grampositivas e Gram-negativas. Quanto a avaliação da atividade de mediadores da inflamação, as células foram tratadas com os bioativos oleoso do mesocarpo da macaúba e estimuladas com LPS. Após 24 horas o sobrenadante celular foi coletado para avaliação da produção de óxido nítrico (NO•) pela reação de Griess. Analisandoos efeitos sobre a produção de mediadores inflamatórios, foi observado no primeiro ensaio que as frações hexânica (FHex) e metanólica (FMeOH)na concentração de 25 e 50 μg/ml inibiram a produção de NO•, em células macrófagos murino J774 estimulados por LPS. Em ensaios posteriores nas mesmas condições não demonstrou nenhum tipo de atividade, sugerindo a realização de estudos futuros na obtenção do extrato, ou no fracionamento em cromatografia de coluna e até mesmo adaptações nos métodos usados neste trabalho. Este estudo pode fornecer uma base para investigações futuras sobre o papel terapêutico do óleo do mesocarpo no tratamento da inflamação.
Acromonia is a gender belonging to the Arecaceae family and native from the tropical forests. Food is one of the many subjects related to the fruit pulp from macauba, for example: juices, jellies, ice-creams which possess bio actives substances, called as antioxidant, fibers and immune modulators minerals like the Zinc; it is known that fibers and antioxidant compounds have stimulating action to inflammations treatments. This study had the purpose to investigate the antibacterial activity and anti-inflammatory from the extracts and fractions of the Acrocomia aculeata mesocarp oil achieved by extraction of fractions from the spine chromatography. The bacterial vines were treated with the extracts concentration of 5mg/ml to evaluate the bacterial activity e to the positive control was used the conventional antimicrobial Imipenen. In the evaluation of the antibacterial activity was observed that none of the tested extractions showed activity upon the Gram-positives and Gram-negatives bacteria’s. As for the activity evaluation of inflammation mediators, the cells were treated with oil bio actives from macauba’s mesocarp and stimulated with LPS. After 24 hours the cellular supernatant was collected to evaluation of nitric oxide production (NO°) for reaction of Griess. Analyzing the effects under the production of inflammatory mediators, was observed that in the first test that the hexanica fractions (FHex) and metalonica (FmeOH) in concertation of 25 and 50 mg/ml inhibited the NO° production, on macrophages murine J774 cells stimulated by LPS. On further tests in the same conditions doesn’t showed any kind of activity, suggesting for future studies futures observations on obtain the extract or on fractioning on spine chromatography or even for the same adaptations on methods used in this study. This work can provide a base to future investigation about the therapeutic paper of mesocarp oil on inflammation treatment.
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Beggiato, Matthias, Nadine Rauh, and Josef Krems. "Facial Expressions as Indicator for Discomfort in Automated Driving." Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2020.

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Driving comfort is considered a key factor for broad public acceptance of automated driving. Based on continuous driver/passenger monitoring, potential discomfort could be avoided by adapting automation features such as the driving style. The EU-project MEDIATOR ( aims at developing a mediating system in automated vehicles by constantly evaluating the performance of driver and automation. As facial expressions could be an indicator of discomfort, a driving simulator study has been carried out to investigate this relationship. A total of 41 participants experienced three potentially uncomfortable automated approach situations to a truck driving ahead. The face video of four cameras was analyzed with the Visage facial feature detection and face analysis software, extracting 23 Action Units (AUs). Situation-specific effects showed that the eyes were kept open and eye blinks were reduced (AU43). Inner brows (AU1) as well as upper lids (AU5) raised, indicating surprise. Lips were pressed (AU24) and stretched (AU20) as sign for tension. Overall, facial expression analysis could contribute to detect discomfort in automated driving.
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Candido, Jônatas Lima [UNESP]. "Contribuição da Teoria Ator-Rede (T A-R) para o estudo da construção do conhecimento geográfico: uma leitura da introdução da New Geography no Brasil através da Sociologia das Associações." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016.

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Submitted by JÔNATAS LIMA CANDIDO null ( on 2016-03-28T20:26:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CANDIDO, J. L._V. Final.pdf: 3176876 bytes, checksum: 283f23f494a8bbf1020a0015599ee5e7 (MD5)
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A Teoria Ator-Rede (T A-R), também denominada Sociologia das Associações, é uma teoria social alternativa à Sociologia e foi criada na segunda metade dos anos 1980 a partir da Sociologia da Ciência. Segundo a T A-R, social é definido como efeito de redes tecidas pelas associações estabelecidas entre atores humanos e não humanos, que também são considerados atores sociais. A agência dos não humanos (objetos) e, portanto, seu reconhecimento como atores, deve-se à compreensão de que atores sociais são definidos enquanto tal na medida em que transformam, traduzem, distorcem e modificam o significado, ou os elementos que veiculam. Ou seja, quando atuam como mediadores. É a atuação dos objetos que permite às associações ampliarem-se no tempo e no espaço. A T A-R estende essa compreensão a todas as instituições, inclusive à Ciência. Assim, compreendendo o conhecimento geográfico dessa forma, a “renovação” da Geografia dos anos 1950 se apresenta como um processo de ordenamento da rede que constitui esse conhecimento, no qual as associações estabelecidas envolveram mediadores, muito além do campo disciplinar, e mesmo científico. O que permitiu a extensão das associações que resultaram na vertente quantitativa da Geografia para além do “mundo” anglo-saxão foi também a mobilização de “meios não sociais” (atores não humanos). No caso da “Nova Geografia” brasileira, tais meios foram representados pelos textos escritos e pelos computadores eletrônicos.
Actor-Network Theory (ANT), also called the Sociology of Associations, is an alternative social theory in sociology that was created in the second half of the 1980s, from the Sociology of Science. According to ANT, there is a set that affects social networks woven by the associations established between human and nonhuman actors, who are also considered stakeholders. The agency of non-human (objects) and therefore its recognition as actors, is due to the realization that social actors are defined to the extent that they transform, translate, distort and alter the meaning or the elements they provide. That is, when they act as mediators. It is the influence of these objects that allows associations to expand in time and space. ANT extends this understanding to all institutions, including the science of sociology. Thus, understanding geographical knowledge in this way, the "renewal" of the Geography 1950 presents itself as a planned network process that emcompases this knowledge, in which established associations involved mediators beyond the disciplinary field, and even the science of sociology. What enabled the extent of associations, that resulted in the quantitative aspect of geography beyond the AngloSaxon "world", was the mobilization of "non-social media" (not human actors). In the case of the Brazilian "New Geography" it was \represented by written texts and the electronic computers.
FAPESP: 2013/05373-0
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Whicker, John H. "Object-Oriented Writing Theory: Writers, Texts, Ecologies." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2014.

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Cristofol, Gisèle. "L’hébergement interpersonnel entre inclusion et exclusion : l’intervention du service social comme tiers médiateur." Thesis, Paris 10, 2016.

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La recherche porte sur l’hébergement interpersonnel, défini comme l’accueil informel, non professionnalisé et durable, par un hébergeur, au sein de son domicile, d’un parent, d’un ami ou d’un proche, démuni de logement. Elle est menée à partir d’une position de praticien-chercheur et se veut à la fois qualitative, compréhensive et inductive. Le terrain géographique d’investigation est la ville de Paris. Les données ont été recueillies dans cinq arrondissements auprès de quinze hébergés et douze hébergeurs et auprès de neuf travailleurs sociaux exerçant au sein du Conseil général de Paris en service spécialisé RSA (Revenu de Solidarité Active) ou dans le cadre de la polyvalence de secteur. L’hébergement interpersonnel est analysé en tant que fait social, avec ses caractéristiques et ses spécificités, puis en tant que pratique sociale signifiante pour ses acteurs, avec sa dynamique propre, régie par l’économie du don, productrice d’effets personnels et sociaux inclusifs, dans une dimension de « suppléance sociale », ou excluants pour les hébergés, parfois pour les hébergeurs. Les modalités d’intervention sociale sont étudiées, dans une perspective d’analyse des pratiques professionnelles, à partir du positionnement du service social en tant que tiers social, tiers symbolique et tiers médiateur, accompagnant les acteurs de l’hébergement dans la résolution de leurs problématiques (soutien aux fonctions et places tenues par les actants, étayage et médiation favorisant le maintien de l’hébergement, actions de type procédurales de recherche de solutions alternatives à l’hébergement)
The research analyses lodging people, described as an informal enduring and non professional greeting, by an host, in his house, about homeless related to him, homeless friend or homeless next of kin. It is led from practitioner - researcher's position and aims to be at the same time qualitative, comprehensive and inductive. The geographical ground of investigation is the city of Paris. Data were collected in five districts with fifteen guests and twelve hosts and with nine social workers practicing within the General Council of Paris in specialized service Active Solidarity Revenue or the framework of the versatility of sector. The interpersonal accommodation is analyzed as a social situation, with its characteristics and specificities, then as significant social practice for his actors, with his appropriate dynamics, governed by the economy of the gif, producer of including personal and social effects, in a dimension of “social substitution", or excluding for the accommodated, sometimes for the hosts. Social intervention methods are studied through an analysis of the professional practices, from the positioning of the social services department as mediation symbolic and third social, party, accompanying the actors of the hosting in the resolution of their problems (support for the functions and the places held by agents, propping up and mediation favoring the preservation of the hosting, the procedural actions of type of search for alternative solutions the hosting)
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Barbara, Jeffrey A. J. (Jeffrey Allan J. ). "The mechanism of action of tumour necrosis factor-[alpha] / Jeffrey A.J. Barbara." 1995.

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Amendments inserted inside front cover.
Bibliograpghy: leaves 111-139.
xvi, 139, [29] leaves, [10] leaves of plates : ill. ; 30 cm.
Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library.
The in vivo adminstration of Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha as an antineoplastic agent has been severely restricted by dose-limiting side effects. Human TNF mutants with selective binding to the Human TNF receptors were employed to examine the role of these receptors in the mediation of TNF's cytotoxic and proinflammatory activities.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Medicine, 1995?
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Barbara, Jeffrey A. J. (Jeffrey Allan J. ). "The mechanism of action of tumour necrosis factor-α / Jeffrey A.J. Barbara." Thesis, 1995.

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Amendments inserted inside front cover.
Bibliograpghy: leaves 111-139.
xvi, 139, [29] leaves, [10] leaves of plates : ill. ; 30 cm.
The in vivo adminstration of Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha as an antineoplastic agent has been severely restricted by dose-limiting side effects. Human TNF mutants with selective binding to the Human TNF receptors were employed to examine the role of these receptors in the mediation of TNF's cytotoxic and proinflammatory activities.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Medicine, 1995?
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Seepersad, Randy. "Mediators and Moderators in the Relative Deprivation – Crime/Counter-normative Actions Relationship." Thesis, 2009.

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Researchers have failed to specify when crime and counter-normative actions, as opposed to other responses may occur as a consequence of relative deprivation. To clarify this issue, a mediational model was developed that specified the causal processes leading from the recognition of deprivation to crime and counter-normative actions. This model hypothesizes that the recognition of deprivation (cognitive relative deprivation) leads to feelings associated with this recognition (affective relative deprivation) which in turn leads to crime and counter-normative actions. This model applies to both personal and group deprivation. In both cases, the feelings associated with deprivation include anger, resentment, dissatisfaction, and discontent. Data from a sample of 950 males between the ages of 16 to 30 supported the mediational model. Moderator variables were hypothesized to influence the causal processes in the mediational model, and were thus employed to specify the conditions under which the recognition of deprivation became more likely to lead to intense emotional reactions, and the conditions under which these emotional reactions became more likely to lead to crime and counter-normative actions. Personal deprivation was found to lead to stronger emotional responses if persons were pessimistic about their deprivation being relieved in the future, while at the group level, higher levels of optimism were related to stronger emotional responses. Both types of deprivation also lead to stronger emotional responses when persons believe that financial success and wealth are important. The emotive responses for both personal and group deprivation, in turn, were more likely to lead to crime and counter-normative actions if deprived persons had criminal peers. It was also found that the recognition of personal deprivation was more likely to lead to depression and lower self-esteem if people blamed themselves for their deprivation than if they did not. Persons who were not optimistic that their deprivation would be relieved in the future were more depressed than persons who were optimistic. Persons whose in-group was deprived were more likely to have lower self-esteem if they blamed the in-group for its deprivation than if they did not.
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Chien, Hsiao-Mei, and 簡小媚. "An Action Research To Support Primary Caregivers Of Children With Developmental Delays Using The Strategies Of Mediators." Thesis, 2015.

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This study focused on supporting primary caregivers during home visits to improve the development of children with developmental delays through the children’s daily routines using the strategy of mediators based on the Tools of the Minds curriculum. This curriculum was developed by Bodrova and Leong (translated by Tsai, yi-chun, 2009) according to Vygotsky’s theory. Two primary caregivers participated in the research. The participants and researcher observed the reactions and learning status of children with developmental delays and thereby modified the strategy through discussions and the researcher’s reflections. Findings are summarized as follows: 1. The two children with developmental delays have improved their development abilities significantly and continually. 2. To accomplish the learning goals, mediators have to be used day to day. 3. During the intervention process, families need supports in many aspects including emotional, material, and informational supports. These results showed the strategy of mediators proposed in the Tools of the Mind, has to be steadily incorporated into routines day after day in order to accomplish the learning goals and thereby help children with developmental delay improve their development abilities. Future research may adopt other two strategies proposed in the Tools of the Minds, namely, language and shared activity strategies, to acquire more research evidence and to enrich the study of the Tools of the Mind to provide suggestions for practices.
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Tsui, Fang-Yu, and 崔芳瑜. "Outsourcing Participatory Budgeting: An Analytical Perspective from a Mediator''s Everyday Action." Thesis, 2018.

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Participatory budgeting (PB) is a tool of governance that emphasizes the deepening of democracy through public-private partnerships. In the context of Taiwan, local governments are mainly implementing PB with an "outsourcing" model. Under this model, the government and the "mediators" engage in a contractual partnership to implement a PB project. This article attempts to explore the everyday actions of the "mediators" to shed light on the nuance of the social relation and contradictions resulted from such partnership and their effect on the project: What kind of democratic value do the mediators hold? Under the outsourcing model, what kind of conflicts have the mediators encounter with the public sector, citizens, and local politicians? Furthermore, how do the mediator choose to respond to the conflicts? How do the choices of the mediators affect the final implementation of PB? Lastly, how would PB’s development in Taiwan be affected by these interactions? The author is one such mediator in the Kaohsiung PB. Data was collected during the planning period of the project through participatory observation and further supplemented by interviews. Rooted in the theories of frame and triangular interaction, this article aims to develop a theoretical framework of "institutional logic-actor interaction" to capture the interaction process between mediators and actors from the public sector, civil society, and political society in order to analyze the structural dilemma mediators face. The study finds that the outsourcing model presents structural problems inherent to the public sector; it is difficult for a PB project under outsourcing model to garner the political, administrative, and temporal resources needed for PB to be successful, significantly compromising the democratic values PB originally intended. The author points out that the outsourcing model makes PB project a mere formality, not only deviating from the substantive purpose of social empowerment, but also restraining mediators from their commitment to mobilize the community. Keywords: participatory budgeting, outsourcing model, mediator, public sector, civil society
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王笠如. "An Action Research on Using Picture-mediator to Train Chinese Phonetic Symbols Typing for Low Verbal Students with Autism." Thesis, 2014.

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Low verbal students with Autism are difficult to be understood due to their limited linguistic ability; however, AAC could bypass low verbal students with autism’s low linguistic capacity and let them have ways to communicate with other people. The purpose of this research was to explore the feasibility and the effectiveness of using picture-mediator to train low verbal students with autism to type Chinese phonetic symbols on an iPad. The participants in this research are three low verbal students with autism who never learned Chinese phonetic symbols in the past. The researcher conducted action study with those participants in different phases: observation-preparation, action-implementation, and analysis-collation. In addition, “picture-mediator” was introduced by researcher to teach those students Chinese phonetic symbols typing. The research also constantly adjusted the program based on the participants’ responses. The research findings are as followings: 1.Three participants learned how to type Chinese phonetic symbols on an iPad after trained with picture fading strategy and with their own practice repeatedly. 2.Three participants are able to type targeted vocabularies on an iPad independently and then typed their favorite items' Chinese phonetic symbols on an iPad as requested by their instructors. 3.Each participant’s own teacher recognized participant’s performance on Chinese phonetic symbols typing. 4.Low verbal students with autism need to possess good listening comprehension ability, matching ability, choice ability and learning initiative before participate in learning Chinese phonetic symbols typing. 5.Low verbal students with autism will improve their spoken language with iPad’s voice output and feedback function. In conclusion, low verbal students with autism could develop Chinese phonetic symbols typing skill with picture-mediator which use low technology’s picture fading and iPad’s high technology as Chinese phonetic symbols typing tools. Those tools could serve as reference for low verbal students with autism during communication training.
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PAN, JUI-YU, and 潘瑞瑜. "A Study of the Influence of Firefighters' Health Awareness on the Willingness to Take Health Consultation: Action Benefits and Mobility Disorders as Mediators." Thesis, 2019.

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The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between the health awareness of firefighters and the willingness to engage in health consultation, and to verify the mediating effects of action benefits and mobility disorders on the health awareness, of firefighters and the willingness to take health consultation. In order to answer the above research purposes, this study is based on the firefighters of the New Taipei City Government Fire Department as the research object, using stratified random sampling to conduct a questionnaire survey, a total of 141 questionnaire images were issued, excluding data is not complete, the total effective questionnaire is 100%, descriptive analysis, reliability and validity analysis, Pearson product difference correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis by SPSS, the results are as follows: (1) The state of health awareness has a significant positive impact on action benefits and mobility disorders. (2) Health awareness has a significant positive impact on health counseling intentions. (3) Action benefits and mobility disorders have a significant positive impact on health counseling intentions. (4) Action benefits and mobility disorders play an intermediary role in the impact of health awareness on the willingness to take health consultation. Under the consideration of health awareness status, action benefits, and mobility disorders, the health awareness status has a greater influence on the influence of health consultation through action benefits and mobility disorders. This study found that the fire department and firefighters can be used as a reference to implement the fire department's emphasis on health promotion and enhance the firefighters' willingness to take health consultation.
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"Emerging Adults and Their Helicopter Parents: Communication Quality as Mediator between Affect and Stress." Doctoral diss., 2017.

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abstract: With the establishment of the emerging adult developmental period and the rise of helicopter parents, attachment theory provides foundation for conceptualizing the continued involvement of helicopter parents in their emerging adults’ emotion regulation processes. This study utilized dyadic data from 66 emerging adult children and their helicopter parents to examine the association of helicopter parent-emerging adult communication in mitigating the associations between experiences of affect and stress. Specifically, the purpose of the present study was to use dyadic data to examine how communication within the helicopter parent-emerging adult relationship associates with emerging adults’ ability to regulate experiences of negative and positive affect. Both associations within the emerging adult and helicopter parent individually (actor effects) and how helicopter parents impact construct associations for emerging adults’ (partner effects) were considered. Two multilevel mediation models using Actor-Partner Interdependence Models were conducted to assess the relations between affect, stress, and helicopter parent-emerging adult communication quality for negative and positive affect separately. The positive direct effect between negative affect and stress was statistically significant for emerging adults, but not for helicopter parents, suggesting that, for emerging adults, higher perceptions of negative affect were associated with higher levels of stress. The direct and indirect effects for the mediation model examining actor and partner effects between negative affect, communication quality, and stress were non-significant for both emerging adults and helicopter parents. The direct effect between positive affect and stress was statistically significant for helicopter parents but not for emerging adults; however, the directionality of the significant association was positive and not as hypothesized. Finally, the direct and indirect effects for the mediation model examining actor and partner effects between positive affect, communication quality, and stress were non-significant for emerging adults and helicopter parents. Considerations for future studies examining aspects of attachment within emotion regulation for the helicopter parent-emerging adult relationship and the importance of considering relationship characteristics, such the relational characteristics of social support and conflict, are discussed.
Doctoral Dissertation Counseling Psychology 2017
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Ritkampee, Pichayapohn. "Explaining normative and non-normative collective action tendencies based on the SIMCA, and perceived oppression as a mediator, in the context of the pro-democracy movement in Thailand." Master's thesis, 2021.

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The present study aimed to analyze, based on the Social Identity Model of Collective Action predictors of willingness to engage in three forms of collective action 1) normative, 2) non-violent non-normative, and 3) violent non-normative in the context of the pro-democracy movements in Thailand. It additionally analyzed the role of perceived oppression in predicting violent non-normative collective action tendency through feelings of contempt. To our knowledge, those predictors have not been analyzed in a common framework, and not in a non-democratic context. Thai participants over 17 years old N = 35 3 were asked to answer an online questionnaire. After preliminary analyses, a path analysis of the proposed model was conducted. In line with previous research, the findings indicate that 1) the pro-democracy movement identity predicted injustice appraisals and group efficacy 2) group efficacy predicted only normative action tendency, 3) injustice appraisals predicted the feelings of anger and contempt, 4) Anger predicted most strongly normative, and less strongly non-violent non-normative, 5) Contempt only predicted violent non-normative, 6) the pro-democracy movement identity predicted perceived oppression, in turn, predicted contempt and violent non-normative collective action respectively, finally 7) perceived oppression had an indirect effect on violent non-normative collective action tendency through contempt. In sum, normative and non-normative (non-violent vs. violent) collective action were driven by different psychological factors. Limitations, implications and directions in future research were discussed, such as the need for future research that addresses specific action efficacy, and how non-normative forms of collective action can be context dependent.
O presente estudo pretendeu analisar preditores de tendência para envolvimento em três formas de ação coletiva - 1) normativa, 2) não violenta não-normativa, e 3) violenta não-normativa - no contexto dos movimentos pró-democracia na Tailândia. Analisou-se também o papel da perceção de opressão na tendência para ação coletiva violenta não-normativa via sentimentos de desprezo. Esses preditores não tinham sido analisados conjuntamente, e não num contexto não democrático. Aos participantes tailandeses maiores de 17 anos (N = 353) foi pedido que respondessem a um questionário online. Corroborando investigações anteriores, os resultados de uma path analysis do modelo proposto indicaram que 1) a identidade do movimento pró-democracia predisse avaliações de injustiça e eficácia do grupo, 2) a eficácia do grupo predisse apenas ação normativa, 3) avaliações de injustiça predisseram sentimentos de raiva e desprezo, 4) a raiva predisse mais fortemente ação normativa, e menos fortemente ação não violenta não-normativa, 5) o desprezo apenas previu ação violenta não-normativa, 6) a identidade do movimento pró-democracia predisse opressão percebida que, por sua vez, predisse desprezo e ação coletiva violenta não-normativa respetivamente; finalmente 7) a opressão percebida teve um efeito indireto na tendência da ação coletiva violenta não-normativa através do desprezo. Em suma, a ação coletiva normativa e não-normativa (não violenta vs. violenta) foi impulsionada por diferentes fatores psicológicos. Foram discutidas limitações, implicações e orientações na investigação futura, tais como a necessidade de investigação que aborde a eficácia específica para ação coletiva, e como as formas não-normativas de ação coletiva podem ser dependentes do contexto.
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Cherdchim, Banyat. "Actions of lignocellulolytic enzymes on Abies grandis(grand fir) wood for application in biofuel production." Doctoral thesis, 2010.

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