Academic literature on the topic 'Médiation internationale – Dans la littérature'
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Journal articles on the topic "Médiation internationale – Dans la littérature"
Jarrosson, Charles. "Arbitrage et médiation dans la littérature." Revue Droit & Littérature N° 2, no. 1 (2018): 167.
Full textLamontagne, André. "La médiation intertextuelle." Dossier 40, no. 3 (August 11, 2015): 53–67.
Full textBonnet, Francis. "Les francophones dans la littérature internationale." Le Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation 8, no. 2 (April 2004): 170.
Full textSpielvogel, Catherine. "Les francophones dans la littérature internationale." Le Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation 8, no. 3 (June 2004): 252.
Full textCouture-Matte, Robin, Catherine Daigle, and Ingrid Chabot. "La médiation dans le contexte de l’apprentissage d’une langue seconde." Revue internationale du CRIRES : innover dans la tradition de Vygotsky 5, no. 2 (January 28, 2022): 74–85.
Full textSainovic, Ardijan. "Moments mûrs pour résoudre un conflit." Études internationales 53, no. 1 (July 26, 2022): 69–96.
Full textMalanski, Priscila Duarte, Sandra Mara de Alencar Schiavi, and Benoît Dedieu. "Le travail en agriculture dans la littérature académique internationale (2010–2019)." Cahiers Agricultures 31 (2022): 23.
Full textGélard, Marie-Luce. "Les nouvelles formes de médiation du patrimoine environnemental en contexte saharien." Ethnologies 38, no. 1-2 (October 20, 2017): 171–93.
Full textNareau, Michel. "La revue Dérives et le Brésil. Modifier l’identité continentale du Québec." Globe 14, no. 2 (April 10, 2012): 165–84.
Full textPonnou, Sébastien, and Blandine Fricard. "L’autisme dans la presse spécialisée destinée aux travailleurs sociaux : évolution des discours, enjeux de pratique, de recherche et de formation." Phronesis 4, no. 3 (February 18, 2016): 22–35.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Médiation internationale – Dans la littérature"
Schwarz, Anne. "Les chroniques franco-allemandes de Kurt Tucholsky (1924-1929) : une médiation ambivalente." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021.
Full textDespite having often been reduced to the status of lucid and satirical journalist or to that of a polemicist of the Weimar Republic, Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935) yet played a far more intercultural role than it’s been said. He lived in Paris, working as a foreign correspondent from 1924 to 1929 and this period, although rarely studied, had a significant impact on his work. Indeed, at that time, he developed a new type of text which we characterise as « French-German chronicles ». Tucholsly writes about France for a German readership and constantly compares the realities of both societies, thereby pursuing his fight for peace with yet another method- that of striving to bring France and Germany closer together.Our aim is thus to demonstrate how Tucholsky stands fully in line with the long list of French-German mediators. Based on the concepts of cultural transfer and of mediator, our analysis focuses on the study of both the travel book Ein Pyrenäenbuch and of articles and poems dating from that period which have a Franco-German dimension. It eventually reveals that Tucholsky depicted France with partiality and that his writing strategy sways between provoking the reader and inciting him or her to play an active role.Added to those two major dimensions which make the chronicles unique, the last and strong axis of the thesis revolves around the ambivalence and limits that such a mediation work imply
Tenenbaum, Charles. "La médiation dans les relations internationales : évolutions et transformations depuis 1945." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2010.
Full textOn the contemporary international scene, pacification strategies are now the product of a growing cooperation between practitioners belonging to a number of specialized and competing networks. These more and more interdependent peacemakers all take part in creating the patterns of an upcoming integrative practice of international mediation. Mirroring global transformations within the structure of the international system, mediators have proliferated, while the use of mediation since 1945 has been largely extended from conflict prevention to conflict resolution and post-conflict management. Historically monopolized by the State, the practice of contemporary international mediation now involves numerous private organizations along with individuals, peace churches, Think Tanks, etc. Reshaping traditional peacemaking strategies, these transformations are closely linked to the liberalization of diplomatic actors and resources. Following a sociological approach based on interviews with a number of mediators and conflict resolution experts, the following doctoral dissertation presents a detailed analysis of a broad range of peacemakers, both public and private. Paying attention to the religious affiliations of many international mediation organizations and to the spiritual dimension of contemporary peacemaking, this study also offers an in-depth analysis of mediation by scholar-practitioners, enhancing the role of peace and conflict resolution studies in the formation of an autonomous academic discipline
Pashayev, Fuad. "La médiation dans la résolution des conflits internationaux : Martti Ahtisaari à Aceh et au Kosovo." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017.
Full textThis research analyzes mediation in the resolution of international conflicts, based on two mediation processes run by Martti Ahtisaari in the mid of 2000s. This former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, former Finnish President, Nobel Peace Prize 2008 sees himself as the center man and not the middle man. Equally, he is convinced that he is the key man of peace and remains its true co-decision-maker. This study reveals its mediation slide based on an approach borrowed from E. Goffman. This work is based on some thirty interviews, made with personalities involved in bath mediation processes. Our approach also gives voice to the famous "Finnish mediative opponents", who are underrepresented in the available literature, such as the Australian expert Damien Kingsbury. We also mobilized moving or fixed images; some of which are unpublished. The thesis examines the relationship between mediation and negotiation, throughout the role of various international actors such as NGOs, the EU, the United States and the UN
Dieckhoff, Milena. "Médiation, médiations ? : typologie d’une activité de pacification dans les conflits politiques violents de l’après-guerre froide." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2016.
Full textHow can we understand, interpret and explain international mediation? Is it possible to distinguish several types of international mediations? The growing use of international mediation since the end of the Cold War and the diversity of actors involved in this peacemaking activity explain the need for clarification. Combining theoretical considerations and case studies, we therefore propose a typology based on the distinction between a political, an expert and a societal mediation. These types are constructed through an analysis of the various ways of conceiving conflict, peace, and the rationality of mediation, the different mediation practices, and finally the diverse functions that mediations can have with regard to the conflict and the mediator. In a second part, we demonstrate that the limits of the typological exercise shed light on problems and stakes common to all mediations. We question the limits of our types in relation to the unique macro and micro contexts in which mediations are carried out. We then define “mediation complexes”, characterized by the co-existence of several types of mediations or the changing character of a mediation over time. Lastly, we reflect on hybrid mediations, which combine characteristics from different types, and emerge from the discrepancy between discourses and acts as well as between expected and obtained effects
Chamsine, Chirine. "Les contraintes culturelles dans la traduction des textes de portée internationale : le cas du droit international humanitaire." Caen, 2011.
Full textThis study explores the problem of humanitarian translation-mediation and is centered around two main axes, namely the human universalism and cultural particularism. The humanitarian message universality, which is based on the unity of the human nature, faces cultural differences which affect the translation understanding and reception. And it is precisely according to identity and cultural characteristics that people give sense to the world they perceive and with which they interact. Based on the paradigm of a text cultural interpretative theory, this work examines the correlation between languages, representations, emotions and cultures. From a corpus combining specialized and general texts in the humanitarian field, a terminological and traductological analysis highlights the interferences between the political, religious, legal, social and humanitarian domains. By following the semantic and conceptual evolution of terms and expressions within their own culture and their passage in the target culture, the analysis reveals the correlation between meaning and local anchors expressed in the language and culture of each. The object of the research is to identify approaches to conceive the universality of human rights in the diversity and plurality of logics through the dialogue of cultures in which translation serves to establish an intercultural communication between two visions of the world
Buffet, Laurent. "Les pratiques intinérantes dans la littérature et l'art contemporains." Paris 1, 2009.
Full textGuerrien, Ingela. "Le cycle romanesque Ville de Per Anders Fogelström : une médiation littéraire." Paris 4, 1994.
Full textThe aim of this investigation, is to clear up the reasons for the success of a literary work : the cycle of novels the city by the contemporary swedish author p. A. Fogelstrom. By successivly studying the author (as a writer and a man of action), by describing the work and the public, our investigation belongs to the sociology of literature ; it is simultaneously a study of the swedish mentality and of how the author's work was received by the public. The period described in the city corresponds to the rise of the welfare state, which is symbolized in sweden by "the people's house" (the people's home). Our investigation tries to show how the author, using couples of opposite notions (town-countryside, wealth-poverty, old-new, etc. ), describes a conflicting reality. Per anders fogelstrom acts as a mediator between the city and the people, explaining to the people what it's past and it's history is
Beneus-Frechard, Céline. "La médiation esthétique du texte : la modernité de la pensée du texte par l'introduction d'une problématique de la communication dans la réflexion sur l'expérience poétique, conçue comme expérience de la communication." Lyon 2, 2004.
Full textTo think about an esthetic mediation consists in thinking the dialectic between the specificity of singularity, done at once, at the time of the creation of literature and at the time of the reading and the interpretation, and the specificity of the collectiv part, done at the time of the diffusion in the public space or the politic part (symbolic) or ideological (imaginary). These research work should account of the esthetic part of the media and therefore, confronting media and literature should explain the concept of information. We have to question the statute of the fiction in the thinking about the esthetic of communication, especially to show what the fiction brings about the communication thinking and the intelligibility of the facts of communication
Camara, Mouminy. "La médiation en situation de guerre en Afrique de l'Ouest : le cas de la Côte d'Ivoire." Lyon 2, 2007.
Full textFiorentino, Alice. "Usages opérationnels de l'intercompréhension dans une Europe multilingue : pour favoriser la mobilité et l'inclusion." Thesis, Reims, 2018.
Full textThe study on which the following thesis is based focuses on discussing intercomprehensionfrom an unusual research perspective. Indeed, while its potential as a multilingual approach toforeign language teaching is now widely recognized, the value of intercomprehension as amediation strategy in contexts of linguistic diversity remains largely under-explored. In orderto meet the challenge of the 7th research project MIME - Mobility and inclusion inmultilingual Europe, the scope of intercomprehension has been broadened and tested inspontaneous multilingual environments, that were shaped by the mobility of Europeancitizens, with particular focus on mechanisms of inclusion for mobile individuals. Inparticular, the test case of this study has been the communication of international adoptivefamilies, which are examples of communities that are built on the reorganization ofgeographical, cultural and linguistic references. The methodology used in our research wasorganized according to an "inverted pyramid" structure that makes it possible to observe thephenomenon in question according to two complementary perspectives: the emic perspectiveof the semi-structured interview and the etic perspective of direct observation. According toour results, in a framework of mutually intelligible languages, intercomprehension emergesspontaneously both as an adaptive solution to overcome the challenges imposed by linguisticdiversity and, more importantly, as a communicative space oriented greatly towards theinclusion of the child and his or her original language. This research shows the value ofexpanding research into the applications of intercomprehension in the complex and evolvingexperience of mobility and of promoting its informed implementation among speakersthrough targeted training in plural contexts
Books on the topic "Médiation internationale – Dans la littérature"
Ganancia, Danielle. La médiation familiale internationale: La diplomatie du coeur dans les enlèvements d'enfants. Ramonville Saint-Agne: Erès, 2007.
Find full textRencontre québécoise internationale des écrivains. (15th 1987 Montréal, Quebec). Écrire l'amour 2: Communications de la quinzième Rencontre québécoise internationale des écrivains tenue à Montréal du 25 au 28 avril 1987. Montréal: L'Hexagone, 1988.
Find full text(Firme), Bibliothèque numérique canadienne, ed. 1953: Chronique d'une naissance annoncée : roman. 2nd ed. Sudbury [Ontario]: Éditions Prise de parole, 2015.
Find full textPleasures and pains: Opium and the Orient in nineteenth-century British culture. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1995.
Find full textBy the same word: Creation and salvation in Hellenistic Judaism and early Christianity. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2007.
Find full text1939-, Druckman Daniel, Mitchell C. R. 1934-, and American Academy of Political and Social Science, eds. Flexibility in international negotiation and mediation. Thousand Oaks [Calif.]: Sage Periodicals Press, 1995.
Find full text(Editor), Daniel Druckman, and Christopher Mitchell (Editor), eds. Flexibility in International Negotiation and Mediation (Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (Paper), Vol 542). Sage Publications, 1995.
Find full text(Editor), Daniel Druckman, and Christopher Mitchell (Editor), eds. Flexibility in International Negotiation and Mediation (Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science). Sage Publications, 1995.
Find full text(Editor), I. William Zartman, and J. Lewis Rasmussen (Editor), eds. Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods & Techniques. United States Institute of Peace Press, 1997.
Find full textCowardly Lions: Missed Opportunities To Prevent Deadly Conflict And State Collapse. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Médiation internationale – Dans la littérature"
BERTHU-COURTIVRON, Marie-Françoise. "La médiation des livres." In Echantillons représentatifs et discours didactiques, 13–24. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textSchneider, Benoît, and Virginie Tschemodanov. "7. L'adoption internationale dans la littérature de jeunesse." In Les enfants dans les livres, 117. ERES, 2013.
Full textDESOULIERES, Alain. "Histoires de traductions littéraires et d’adaptations de la littérature classique à l’audio-visuel." In Médier entre langues, cultures et identités : enjeux, outils, stratégies, 109–22. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Médiation internationale – Dans la littérature"
Marsden, Eric. Quelques bonnes questions à se poser sur son dispositif de REX. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, February 2014.
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